SH Awakened Warehouse12

Posted By: Bevlee

SH Awakened Warehouse12 - 01/17/08 01:07 AM

WOW--I am enjoying this game,but, find myself stuck in the warehouse 12. I am having trouble with the cauldron and getting it to be positioned under the faucet. I am following the walk-through. Is there a special way of moving that cauldron so it works right? I don't want a saved game, I really want to work on it and get it right, but I am getting frustrated. Show me the way, please.
Posted By: MaG

Re: SH Awakened Warehouse12 - 01/17/08 02:08 AM


At floor level, look at where that cauldron is located in relation to the fauset.
Then go to the left side and climb that ramp where the cauldron is located.
Then move forward. You don't push or anythhing like that. The cauldron will move forward as you move forward.
Then go down again at floor level and see if you moved it enough.
Do that and you can position it correctly. luck
Posted By: Bevlee

Re: SH Awakened Warehouse12 - 01/17/08 08:12 PM

Thanks once again MaG------ I did finally move the caldron under the faucet, but I found out after several attempts that I was climbing the planks the wrong side, so when I tried to move forward, nothing was happening. Finally figured it out,dum de dum dum!! The caldron has fallen, and am now going to the Temple, but not until after I go to dinner, the temple looks like a long night ahead! LOVE this game!! Thanks again. Beverly
Posted By: MaG

Re: SH Awakened Warehouse12 - 01/17/08 08:47 PM

Hahahaha. No dum de dum dum here. It's an adventure game. laugh
Glad that you're moving on now.
If you're in the temple: search this place meticulously.
Take your time, click on ALL active spot, examine closely what items you have taken and read the journal.
Be patient. Then you will have no problem.
Posted By: Bevlee

Re: SH Awakened Warehouse12 - 01/24/08 12:52 AM

Hi MaG---I am stuck again!! I am down in the second basement, put on the disguise and talked to Wolf, and got the clue. But when I go to the unlit torches I can click on the one outside of Dr's office, but when I go to the one outside of Wolf's cell, I am unable to click, hmmmmmmm----what gives???
Posted By: texaslady

Re: SH Awakened Warehouse12 - 01/24/08 01:01 AM

Bevlee make sure you are clicking on the correct torches please.

Posted By: Bevlee

Re: SH Awakened Warehouse12 - 01/24/08 03:13 PM

Of course!!----------What was I thinking???----after reading the walkthrough again with my reading glasses on---LOL---it does say the wall, not the one next to the cell. Geeeezzzz--- Thanks for the hint, I am now facing the "hermit", and able to continue with this great game. Thanks again, Beverly
Posted By: texaslady

Re: SH Awakened Warehouse12 - 01/24/08 03:17 PM

Have fun Bevlee! I do remember walking around looking for the correct torches too though.

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