Rice Pudding - Update

Posted By: StarLite Moon

Rice Pudding - Update - 03/01/16 05:33 PM

G'day boomies,

Well hubby decided he wanted me to make him some rice pudding. I love rice with a passion, but of course it's the one thing I'm bad at making, unless it's from a box. I found this recipe that looks pretty good, simple enough and done on top of the stove, but the one thing about the recipe I found lacking was the spice. There's no cinnamon, nutmeg or 5 spice, so I'll just add my own. My rice pudding done in the oven isn't too bad but I like a creamy rice pudding, mine tends to dry out and it's like eating putty. I'll give this one a try sometime this week and let you know how it turns out. Keep your fingers crossed for me smile
Posted By: BrownEyedTigre

Re: Rice Pudding - 03/01/16 05:57 PM

Hope it turns out good!
Posted By: looney4labs

Re: Rice Pudding - 03/01/16 08:58 PM

Do let us know. Hubby loves rice pudding and I never make it either luck
Posted By: 3dobermans

Re: Rice Pudding - 03/01/16 11:11 PM

I'll do a taste test for you...
Posted By: StarLite Moon

Re: Rice Pudding - 03/02/16 04:30 PM

G'day all, thank you for the encouragement. I'm going to give that rice pudding a try today. Last rice I made I didn't clean it and it was awful, we couldn't eat it. I hate throwing away food, especially since food is so expensive now. I'm adding my own spice though, without spice it's just rice and milk.

Hubby is getting into learning how to cook. He found this recipe for doing a pot roast that's to die for. Well I'm off for that coffee, if the rice turns out good I'll post the link if anyone wants it. Take care all smile
Posted By: looney4labs

Re: Rice Pudding - 03/02/16 05:19 PM

Posted By: StarLite Moon

Re: Rice Pudding - Update - 03/03/16 03:41 PM

Well I promised an update on the rice pudding and here it is O-M-G. It was the best rice pudding I've ever had and so simple to make. It only took about 40 minutes all together. Now I have a happy hubby. It was so creamy and tasty, I couldn't believe it, even served cold it was still creamy.

I made a few changes to the recipe though. I put the butter in when the rice was cooked so it would melt. I added 1/4 teaspoon of Nutmeg and a 1/4 teaspoon of Chinese 5 Spice but you can use Cinnamon. I substituted light brown sugar for white, added the vanilla, milk and spices to the egg mixture. I also put a spoonful of the hot rice mixture into the egg mixture so the egg wouldn't cook right away.

Yes I can safely say, "rice pudding is back baby". Here's a link to the recipe if anyone else wants to give it a go. Would like to know what you think smile
Posted By: Marian

Re: Rice Pudding - Update - 03/03/16 06:33 PM

Glad that the rice pudding was such a success - thanks for the link. wave
Posted By: looney4labs

Re: Rice Pudding - Update - 03/03/16 07:08 PM

Thanks, StarLite, will have to give it a try. wave
Posted By: family

Re: Rice Pudding - Update - 03/05/16 12:04 AM

how do you print it.
Posted By: StarLite Moon

Re: Rice Pudding - Update - 03/05/16 02:54 PM

Good morning all, well hubby is bugging me for more rice pudding, he says we have to have it at least once a month. It's stupid that they don't let you print the recipe out, I guess they get paid for every time you enter the site. I typed it out myself, here it is. I mixed the sugar with the milk rather than just throw it in the rice. If you try it let me know what you think good or bad, and ways you've improved the recipe smile


3/4 cup uncooked white rice
1/3 cup white sugar
2 cups milk, divided
1/4 teaspoon salt
2/3 cup golden raisins (optional)
1 egg, beaten
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
1 tablespoon butter
1/4 teaspoon Nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon Chinese 5 Spice or Cinnamon

1. Bring 1 ½ cups water to a boil in a saucepan; stir rice into boiling water. Reduce heat to low, cover, and simmer for twenty mins.

2. In a clean saucepan, combine 1 ½ cups milk, 1 ½ cups cooked rice, sugar and salt. Cook for 15 to 20 minutes over medium heat until thick and creamy.

3. Stir in remaining beaten egg, ½ cup milk and raisins; cook two mins more stirring constantly.

4. Finally, remove from heat and stir in butter and vanilla
Posted By: family

Re: Rice Pudding - Update - 03/05/16 03:09 PM

thank you very much.
Posted By: BrownEyedTigre

Re: Rice Pudding - Update - 03/05/16 04:45 PM

You can print it out by right clicking on the website and selecting print. It's only fair to visit their website and letting them get the clicks as it's important to bloggers that want to get a high rating.
Posted By: family

Re: Rice Pudding - Update - 03/05/16 09:45 PM

thank very much i couldn't do it before.
Posted By: mbday630

Re: Rice Pudding - Update - 03/06/16 12:35 AM

Thank you for that. My hubby loves rice pudding too and I will make this. It sounds delicious and knowing that it is "kitchen tested" makes it more appealing to me. I will make it soon.
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