Asking for your prayers again..

Posted By: MsMercury

Asking for your prayers again.. - 03/17/24 03:54 PM

Hi my Boomer friends, here I am asking for your prayers again. As many of you know, my hubby was diagnosed with cancer just over three years ago. After treatment with radiotherapy and chemotherapy, he went into remission. Seven weeks ago, his health deteriorated. He woke up one morning and had totally lost the power in his legs. He couldn't even stand. As this was the way his cancer journey began last time, we contacted his GP who sent a team, Hospital at Home, to assess him. He was then admitted to hospital where they carried out X-rays, CT scans and an MRI scan. We were then told his cancer had returned in his spine but this time it was sitting on the bone whereas the first time, it was wrapped around his spine. We were then told they didn't think anything could be doneOur daughter and I had to continually fight for updates on his condition as no-one thought to phone me or even converse with hubby who had been put into a dementia ward and was treated accordingly (he doesn't have dementia). I am still so angry and upset about his treatment that I can't bring myself to discuss it here. After 4 weeks of being led to believe his cancer had returned, they are now not certain. One thinks it is worse than before while another thinks it's non-existant. No treatment plan was ever agreed upon. He was in so much pain he was put on morphine which was given whether or not he asked for it, they even woke him from a sleep to administer the drug, with the result that he was doped to the eyeballs. Another fight to get them to review the dosage. There's much more but that's the best of it. He is now home with us, still in pain and still on morphine, with carers coming in four times a day. We still don't know for certain whether he has cancer again or not. He has dropped 2 stone weightwise so something's going on. Apparently he will get an appointment to attend a clinic when hopefully we will learn something about his condition.

Our grandson was diagnosed with cancer last year and had surgery followd by chemotherapy, after which he was given the all clear. He is now displaying some worrying signs and has to attend his oncologist for further tests.

One of our daughters-in-law was diagnosed with bowel cancer one day after our grandson got his diagnosis. She had to have surgery during which they managed to get it all and she is now back at work. Now our other daughter-in-law has just last week been diagnosed with high grade, aggressive breast cancer, which she has been told is a lot worse than they first thought. She will have surgery on the 15th May unless there are any cancelations before then. At this point, they are uncertain about the type of surgery and treatment she will have. It could be a lumpectomy followed by radiation or a mastectomy followed by chemo. They won't know until they begin the surgery.

As you can imagine, we are all at our wits end.

Mary hearts
Posted By: oldbroad

Re: Asking for your prayers again.. - 03/17/24 04:17 PM

Wow. That is a lot of bad stuff MsMercury! I am not a church going person but all I can say is May God be with you and help you all through this somehow. Prayers and Hugs to you. angel hug
Posted By: Marian

Re: Asking for your prayers again.. - 03/17/24 04:57 PM

Mary, it's heartbreaking that this much misfortune can happen to one family. I will be keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers. I know it must be difficult to post about all of this, but we think about you and your letting us know is appreciated. hug
Posted By: Kaki's Sister

Re: Asking for your prayers again.. - 03/17/24 05:10 PM

My Dear Mary,

My heart aches for you and your family. I am so sorry your family continues to suffer.

Please know you all are in my prayers every day.

Much Love and Hugs,

Posted By: hagatha

Re: Asking for your prayers again.. - 03/17/24 05:17 PM


I am so sorry that your family is going through this. It's so much to bear.


Posted By: BrownEyedTigre

Re: Asking for your prayers again.. - 03/17/24 06:24 PM

Oh Mary! When I think of things going on in my life that are challenging and stressful, I feel ashamed and should be much more thankful for what I do have. You have so much happening that individually would be difficult to bear but compounded is beyond comprehension. My heart goes out to you and your family. Prayers for you all!

Posted By: Lex

Re: Asking for your prayers again.. - 03/17/24 07:09 PM

Mary, what an avalanche of bad news - I will certainly be holding you and yours in my thoughts with hopeful wishes! hug
Posted By: Draclvr

Re: Asking for your prayers again.. - 03/17/24 07:11 PM

Mary, you have such a heavy burden right now. Even I feel angry about how your husband was treated and hope someone can help all of you get some answers. My heart goes out to all of you. hug
Posted By: Space Quest Fan

Re: Asking for your prayers again.. - 03/17/24 11:47 PM

You are due for some good breaks Mary. Prayers heading up. smile
Posted By: Starcom

Re: Asking for your prayers again.. - 03/18/24 05:48 AM

MsMercury, Prayers and lots of Prayers sent your way, I just for your sake that your Husband and other family members pull through and also I hope for You MsMercury that you take care of yourself and I hope you have other close family and friends that can help you out. Again, all the best to You and your husband and family.
Posted By: Winfrey

Re: Asking for your prayers again.. - 03/18/24 11:03 AM

My heart goes out to you… I can’t even imagine… I will send positive thoughts and prayers to you and yours 💕
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