Agapito's Crazy Adventure


Developer - Publisher:    AWorld Shareware

Released:   1997 - 1999

PC Requirements:   PC or compatible, 486 or better (Pentium recommended), WIN 95, Mouse, Sound card (optional).




by nickie

Agapito's Crazy Adventure

AWorld Software, 1999


Windows 95/98


CD-ROM drive

Soundblaster or compatible soundcard

    As the game began playing right from the CD on my Win98 computer, I settled in with avid curiosity to play an adventure game of which I had never heard a whisper. I had stumbled across it in a Pocketprice/Midas Interactive jewel case edition.

A brief credit rolls by, and I need to stop and replay to make sure I really did see what I thought flashed by: "Graphics by Rosalia Perez; Story, Programming and Who ruined the graphics by Jose Ponferrada." It is clear from the start that these two individuals had a good time with this little venture, never appearing to take themselves too seriously. The ending credits shows the main character shrugging at the camera, saying "Maybe next game we'll have money to hire graphic artists. Do you think I enjoy looking like this?"

The Story:   Agapito discovers a winning ticket in his box of cereal, which entitles him to an all paid vacation for two on an exotic island. Off our diminutive hero rushes to the airport, his statuesque girlfriend in tow. "Wait here" she says, "while I go talk to an old friend". In the next scene, shorts clad Agapito is peering out the window of a cargo plane, a nose picking gorilla his company, as he remarks "That really looks like my girlfriend boarding that plane with some other guy". The pilot informs him that he needs to don his parachute when the light above him turns green, and then confides that he's not quite sure where the map is to their destination. Thus marks the beginning of gameplay.

Gameplay:   This third person point and click adventure is short, and ends abruptly. Playing the game is simple, generally consisting of finding items and using them appropriately, including some combining in an inventory which is basic, with the items well described. The graphics are primitive; there is no musical score, and no grand story. Rather than saving the universe from evil, Agapito is much more interested in figuring out how to pick up a new girlfriend. Strangely enough, there are ambient sounds, but no voice acting. The original game was made in Spanish, and the translation sometimes suffers. We're talking budget here.

Despite this, there is much in this game to make you smile. For example, Agapito finds out from a local bartender that only island currency is accepted as legal tender. The obliging Bartender exchanges Agapito's thousand dollars for two sea shells. "But how do I know what these are worth?" cries Agapito. The sleepy bartender picks up a hammer, shatters the shells, and counting the pieces, informs him "Um...exactly this much. Do you want me to make smaller change?"

This is the type of game you might find for free on the Internet and happily play for a few hours. Astonishly it is offered as an online download for the price of a new game with all the bells and whistles. It is sadly destined to remain obscure, but if you do run across it cheaply, grab it for a few hours of fun. I hope Mr. Ponferrada found the backing he sought to go on and make other games, for despite the monetary constraints, his knack for the comical shines through this otherwise modest little game like a shining star.

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