Green Moon




Genre:   Puzzle adventure

Developer & Publisher:    Absolutist

Released:  December 2009







by Rushes


Welcome to Green Moon, a new full-length adventure game from Absolutist. Grab that six-pack of rehydratable space food, and let’s go!

By a stroke of good fortune (for you, at least), you have inherited a curious, rundown old property from your late Uncle Louis. Upon exploring the basement for the first time you discover a magical book, which casts you out into a series of adventures and travels across time, space and 1001 miscellaneous scattered objects. Visit medieval England, a western town, ancient Greece, the Egyptian pyramids, prehistoric times, and the moon itself. Can you complete the quest of the Children of the Moon, to create sustainable life here when so many others before you have failed?


There is the subtle but distinctive flavour of a Casual game about Green Moon, both graphically and from use of the interface. Although there are all the trappings of a conventional adventure the inventory, the explorable environment, the puzzles which link directly to the storyline you cannot escape the feeling that Green Moon is attempting to bridge the divide between Casual Gamer and Adventurer, and appeal to both groups in the process. Which is no bad thing. There is an instructive tutorial at the game’s outset, and onscreen hints and tips will occasionally pop up throughout the game to guide you. The length is that of a standard adventure game.

Gameplay is in first person, with no panning. Directional arrows are placed at all sides of the screen and light up in green to show you the accessible routes. There are a handful of characters with whom you interact during the game, but no spoken dialogue. Text appears onscreen, and the characters’ mouths move, with no sound. For the most part you are left to your own devices to explore, rummage and collect the items which will help you to accomplish the current assigned task. Green Moon is structured in that you are given a number of tasks to solve and spells to cast, but the first must be completed before you can progress on to the second, and so on. Within that task, play is fairly nonlinear; you may visit different locations and time-travel as you choose there are no restrictions.

The music suits the location and mood, and is never intrusive. Graphics are perfectly acceptable if not mind-blowing, although environments are static. Ambient sounds are realistic and pleasant.


One thousand and one miscellaneous scattered objects? Surely not! Well, it seems like it, truly it does. I began playing Green Moon by merrily picking up anything that wasn’t nailed down, pausing only to muse: “Goodness, there’s a lot of stuff lying around here!”, then to stop dead in my tracks a minute or two later to squawk: “Arrghh, there’s too much! I’m out of inventory space! What’s going ON?!” (Perhaps not quite so histrionically, but you get my general drift.) The moral of Green Moon’s story, therefore is: there are many, many objects strewn across everywhere, but only a certain number of them are pertinent to the task that you are currently working on. Choose your objects carefully, for you have a restricted inventory. It might be a good idea to make repeated trips to locations, grab handfuls of items and head back to home where you can stash your stuff for when it’s needed. Otherwise, an encyclopaedic memory would be a mighty fine asset.

There are inventory and logic puzzles aplenty, all enjoyable, all challenging. Mini-games scattered throughout will either delight or frustrate you, depending on your preference. Most notably, there are two shooter-type games (one via catapult, the other via good old-fashioned pistol), and one cooking challenge which comprises three elaborate dishes and restricted ingredients. There is one slider puzzle. Some puzzles have time restrictions. There are no mazes or sound puzzles.


Oh boy, it seems that the developers had a lot of fun devising all the different ways to present you with the Game Over/death screen in Green Moon. Get bitten by a snake and fail to react in time? Fail a particular puzzle? Do something else inexplicably silly? Game over, buddy. For the sake of your sanity, save frequently, before attempting any puzzle, and as you enter any new location. Better to be safe than sorry which is a good mantra to adhere to for any adventure game.

There are 10 overwritable save slots, and a limited number of inventory slots which may result in a certain amount of to-ing and fro-ing as you collect and drop off items, depending on your preferred method of gameplay.


Download and installation was problem-free. During play, one screen freeze required a reboot. Otherwise the game ran smoothly.

Green Moon is an original and overall satisfying game aimed specifically at the thoughtful, logical puzzle-solver.

Grade: B

Green Moon can be downloaded via the developer's website here.


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