Genre:  Adventure                

Developer & Publisher:   Infamous Quests             

Released:  January 26, 2016               

Additional screenshots




By Oldmariner



Size:405.2 MB 


OS: Vista / 7 / 8 / 10

Processor: 900 Mhz

Memory: 256 MB RAM

Graphics: Direct X Compatible Graphics Card

DirectX: Version 9.0c

Hard Drive: 1GB available space

Sound Card: Direct X Compatible Sound Card


OS: OS X 10.7.0 or later

Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2GHz+

Memory: 1 GB RAM

Hard Drive: 2.25 GB

Graphics: nVidia 8xxx Series or AMD 3xxx or 4xxx Intel HD 3xxx Series GPU

Additional Notes: Secondary Mouse Click should be enabled


OS: Ubuntu 14.04, Mint 17

Processor: 1.8 GHz Dual Core

Memory: 1 GB RAM

Graphics: Integrated GPUs after 2008

Storage: 900 MB available space

Sound Card: ALSA or PulseAudio

The Story 

   The King of the Fairy Land known as the Realm of Uir established a challenge to all heroes of the land. The queen is hiding somewhere in the realm. The king will grant to the champion who finds her, his fondest wish. You play as Finn the Bard, a fairy, like the other six challengers, and set out to find the queen. Some of your competitors, such as the two female fairies Snowy and Red, are helpful. Others not so much. You will encounter trolls, problem pixies, talking turtles, and many other strange characters.

    You no sooner descend the hill from town, when you are attacked by a pixie who steals your father’s songbook. No spoiler here because you cannot avoid this. What is a minstrel to do? How can he play songs if he does not know any? How to get the book back may be your first quest or puzzle. Then there is the troll. Obviously he’s guarding the bridge. There are other problems like the cranky gnome. Many times I tried to pick up some items that I could not. It turns out it pays to listen to other characters. They tell you things you need to know. All at once you can suddenly pick up that object.

    If you enjoyed Kings Quest 4-5-6, you will feel right at home with Finn the bard as he walks through screen after screen resembling Daventry. The stroll in the Land of Uir is far more pleasant than Daventry because you never face sudden death and have no fear of dead ends. The same format is used, showing close up boxes of the person speaking. Just as with many older adventure games, you help others, and in return they give you what you need, or tell you what to do next. All you know is that the queen is hiding while you and six others are searching for her.

    Puzzles are primarily inventory based, a very few requiring a blending of items to create a new object. There are no quick reflex or timed puzzles, and no dead ends.

    It is the story of Finn the bard, son of a famous minstrel who was known and loved throughout the land. Finn accepted the king's challenge to gain fame and learn new songs to play. Our hero must outwit a devilish pixie, get by a dangerous troll, negotiate a deadly swamp, and deal with a cranky gnome among other perils. Once you find that swamp, it’s not easy to get past the gatekeepers. There are several challenging roadblocks before you encounter the Seer. Here you are faced with another logic puzzle requiring you to blend the proper formulas. Think April Ryan and her potion-making inside Klacks's floating castle. Again there are no fatal errors other than try again.


        After viewing the intro, a popup asks “Would you like to read the tutorial?” It does help to explain some aspects of the game. Then you, as Finn, are sent upon your quest to find the queen. Finn is the only character you will play during your adventure in the Fairy Realm.

    The game controls are quite simple, and I've included a screenshot of the control panel. Upon launch, you see a screen offering Introduction, New Game, and Continue. "Continue" is your selection to reload a save. Select "Continue" and a screen pops up, revealing game controls and save options.

    During gameplay the controls are activated by use of either the ESC key, or by clicking an icon in the upper right of the screen. We will start there. In the control panel you can adjust volume for Music, Effects, and Speech.  Under Audio Options at the bottom are three buttons. A button showing Voice & Speech can be toggled to allow Voice Only, Text Only, or the use of both. Dialogue Skip can be toggled to Dialogue Wait. According to the manual, Dialogue Skip sets whether the game moves the dialogue forward after the spoken word , while Dialogue Waits will wait for the player to press a button. I left that feature on default and forgot about it. The third button, Narrator on or off, is self evident. The three middle buttons, Restart, Quit and Achievement, offer yet more adjustments. The first two are rather obvious, while the third will reveal achievements you have reached up to this point in gameplay. There are 13 achievements in all, which I ignored.

    On the top row are Save, Restore, and Delete. You type in the name you wish to give your save in the upper box, then click on the Save button. Clicking Restore will open the save point. Delete refers to the highlighted save. On the lower right is a play button, should you choose simply to return to where you are in the game.

    Please note, on the right side of your inventory you will see Finn’s Lute. Clicking on the lute produces a voice-over explaining its operation. It is part of the puzzle matrix. Music puzzles you say, “Oh no, not that!” Relax it’s not hard. There are two options, Lute Easy and Lute Hard. If you choose "Lute Easy" when Finn must play a tune as part of a puzzle, you simply choose the correct song and he will play it. The player’s participation is only to pick the right song. You can learn songs from other players and NPCs if you pay attention to conversations. The songs you've learned are shown inside a box when you click on the lute.

    If you chose "Lute Hard" when clicking on a song, Finn begins to play inside the lute screen. A  series of notes are shown. You must then click on each note in that series in order for Finn to play them in response to the puzzle. It's not really a music puzzle so much as a memory puzzle. Essentially Lute Easy is similar to a puzzle skip, though you are still required to pick the correct song to complete the puzzle.

    Primarily puzzles are the typical pick everything up and use them from inventory at the appropriate place. I hate to tell you how long it took me to find a bamboo stick I didn’t know I’d need. Then there is the nagging fear after spending my only gold coin. How do I get it back? Finn had to spend it, to solve a puzzle. The coin was given to him by the king. It is Finn’s ticket to enter the palace. Even if our bard finds the queen, the guards won’t let him in to claim the prize without the coin in his pocket. Not to mention father’s stolen music book, which we had forgotten about at this point. These questions and many others challenge the player while searching for the queen.

    This game is fully third person point-and-click, with no way to die. Sweeping the top of the screen with your mouse reveals your inventory. Left clicking will allow you to skip speech, however advancing in the quest requires you learn what do by speaking to other characters. As expected, a right mouse click allows you to examine items, and a left, to interact or pick up said items. Sweeping the mouse over the screen will identify items you can interact with.

     Saves are found at /Users/User Name/Saved Games/Order of the Thorne.

    The Adventure Game Studio Engine signals it is a pixelated world, but it appears surprisingly well rendered. Voice acting is quite good, with several people listed as speakers in the game credits. Music is well done and a separate soundtrack file is available. The game ran quite well in my Humble Bundle DRM-free version.


     I will caution gamers that I played the Humble Bundle DRM-free version. It installed and played flawlessly on my Windows 7 64bit system. With that said, this review focuses on the gameplay resulting from that installation. I found issues related to the GOG version. I suggest reading the GOG forums, as many people were having installation issues with that version of the game. GOG integrated something relating to Galaxy into their version of the Order of the Thorne executable -- something to do with Achievements. I did not download the game from GOG through Galaxy, and do not have Galaxy installed. But because of what GOG added to the game executable, when launching the game, my firewall requested permission to allow a connection to the Internet. Refusing the connection caused the game to shut down.

     GOG support informed me the game is not connecting to the internet. Here is GOG’s response: “The recommended solution here (if you are using Galaxy) would be to allow game to communicate with Galaxy in your firewall and add both game and Galaxy to firewall exceptions list. If you do not use Galaxy, simply add only the game to firewall exceptions list. The game will still launch without internet access, it just needs not to have communication blocked between.”

    As you cannot shut off Achievements, which Galaxy is used to monitor, I asked Infamous Quests to comment. Their reply stated: “Yes, that's strange - the game doesn't require an internet connection. The game is compatible with GoG Galaxy's achievements, but no connection is required at all. I don't know if it is something specific to the GOG version, but it should not be.  If you would like to try a DRM-free download from Humble Bundle, here is a code for that.”

The Humble version of the game is the one I played and the one I'm reviewing. Unlike the GOG version, the Humble version did not require me to add any sort of exception to my firewall. Perhaps this information will be of use to those who are considering which version of the game to purchase, or to those who already have the GOG version and are having issues starting it.

    There is no way to shut off achievements, nor should you have to. You earn an achievement award upon accomplishing various tasks. In the game there are thirteen in all. When earning one, an almost silent bell sounds in the background and does not interfere with the game. I barely noticed the event and was surprised to find all thirteen when checking the folder in Options.


    This game was released about a week ago, so I approached it with caution, aware there would be no walkthrough waiting to aid a perplexed adventurer. I read on a GOG forum a comment stating this is a short game. I stepped into the Fairy World expecting quick and easy. That did not happen, as I found myself in a well-rendered world with plenty of items to explore. There were more gameplay screens than I expected, and each one was worth examination. I’ll bet you can race through after a walkthrough is published, and then complain it is a short game. Take your time in this third person world while wandering and experiencing what is there.

    There are many screens to explore and logic puzzles to solve. I took my time and relived a quest from the past with odd creatures with strange names. It brought back fond memories of King Graham and his adventures. For fans of those quest of old, this game is a must. Check out the screenshots to get an idea of the various “rooms” in the game that you get to explore.

    Although XP is not listed as a supported operating system, the Humble version of the game did start and played correctly on one older computer with XP. However it was only tested briefly, and it's unknown whether there are problems that could arise later in the game.


    Order of the Thorne is perhaps the most enjoyable game I’ve played in a long time. My review grade is based on the DRM-free Humble Bundle version -- the game as designed, without Galaxy integration.

Grade A


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