Scooby Doo (Phantom of the Knight & Showdown in Ghost Town)



Developer - Publisher:   The Learning Company

Released:   1999/2002

PC Requirements:   Windows 95/98: 166 MMX Pentium or higher, 32 MB RAM, 40 MB free hard disk space, 8x CD-ROM drive, 16 bit color display, set to 640 x 480 resolution, 16 bit sound card, speakers, mouse.



by gatorlaw

I'm sure this looks strange - one moment I'm advocating In Cold Blood now Scooby Doo mystery games.

I know - some of you guys are saying - gee that Laura is such a BAAGer she'll play anything. That may be true LOL But sometimes I like a game that drives me nuts, is hard to solve and I feel victorious after days of figuring out the solve on some puzzle - like the Riven Fire marble puzzle.

Then again sometimes I like a game that is just fun with a minimum of stress. So here you have the Scooby Doo games. PS I also had fun with the Spy Fox games heh-heh

I grew up on the cartoon show and love these silly guys. I also loved the mystery side of the plots. These games are a direct derivation of the popular TV series (the older ones not the Scrappy Doo stuff)

There are two games out now.

Scooby Doo: Phantom of the Knight
Scooby Doo: Showdown in Ghost Town

Of the two Phantom has the edge - but both are fun. They were a bit pricy at first - but I picked mine up at Comp USA for about 20.00 with tax.

The specs on this game have very low system requirements, Pentium 166, 32 RAM, 40 Mb free space, 8x CD Rom and 16 bit color.
They install flawlessly. So any one can load this up on their machines brand new or hanging in there. Finally these are mouse controlled, third person and are good for any age group. These are great games to play with or without your kids or for the kids/ grandkids to play solo as well.

Now just because these are highly regarded "family" games doesn't mean these are no-brainers. In the Phantom game in particular some of the puzzles are somewhat a challenge. I actually spent a little stuck time in one for a half a day. The game length is not great - but you get an average amount of play time here. I spent probably 15 hours or more on each.

The graphics are 2D pre-rendered high quality cartoons. Just like the TV show. The plots have the proverbial secret bad guy to unmask and assorted suspects/ allies along the way. There are the occasional traps and pitfalls. You also control different characters in different environments. Just as in the show - the characters would split up to go exploring - you get to handle the various groups. It has an inventory based interactive mode and also some puzzles that are direct manipulations.

In the end - I would advise you to re-visit your youth, get these cute games and sit back for a non-stressful and fun romp through Scooby Doo and friends.


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