Arthur's Knights 2 The Secret of Merlin By Cryo Interactive Walkthrough by MaGtRo June, 2002 Game Play: The movement in the game uses the arrow keys of the keyboard. The menu uses the mouse pointer. Pressing the space bar is the main Action key - speak to someone, open a door or pick up an inventory. For the space bar action key to work, Bradwen must face with his body slightly at an angle, the person to talk to directly or face the center of the object to interact with. Using shift and arrow keys makes Bradwen run or the horse gallop and climb stairs. Clicking the right mouse button displays or hides the interface bar at the bottom of the screen. The circle on the left of the interface bar shows the activity at the moment such as location of the game play, the person to talk to or if combat is possible. It also shows the map, when destination is selected in the inventory area. Next is the inventory area that has the choice of items, represented by the hand icon that are picked up when Bradwen is on foot; the subjects, represented by the mouth icon that can be discussed when speaking to someone and the destinations, represented by the horse icon while on horseback. When a new item, subject or destination is obtained an automated transfer is seen on the top left of the screen indicating that it is placed in the inventory. When talking to a character, always exhaust all dialogues by pressing the action key/space bar and then open the subjects in inventory and talk about all the lit icons. To the right of the inventory area, represented by a book is the storyline that summarizes the progress of the game story. Hints can be picked up from the storyline. The far right of the interface bar shows the green Menu globe that accesses the Save, Database and Quit choices. There are 10 save game slots and can be written over. There are 2 separate games, one Bradwen as a Paladin and the other, Bradwen as a Celt. To play the other game during or after finishing the first choice - select a new character and start a new game. Items to be picked up. Subjects to talk about. Destinations to go to. A young page asks Master Foulque if the tales about Bradwen are finished. Facing Master Foulque, click on the picture on left bottom of the screen or press the Action key/space bar. Click on the picture of Master Foulque to hear his answer. There are 2 stories about Bradwen: as a Celt during the time of Arthur when fairies, dragons and ogres are present and follows the old life that believe in the great goddesses or as a Paladin, the pious knight and defender of the cross. To choose which one, turn around and walk towards the door. There are 2 books on either side of the door, a red book for the Celtic story and the white book for the Christian story. Walk towards the selected story, face the book directly, click space bar/action key and see automated action of book going to inventory item. Walk back to Master Foulque, face him directly, right click to bring up the interface bar, click on book of spells, click on picture of Foulque to start the story. Read the summary of the previous tales of Bradwen in the book at the right side of the inventory area. This is the continuation of the legend of Bradwen, Knight of the Round Table and King of the Atrebates. Bradwen the Celt (Red Book) Quest 6 - The Crown of the Atrebates Chapter
Kingdom of the Atrebates:
- Bradwen rides back to his kingdom of the Atrebates
to Arden: Kings' Mounds - The only road open from Merlin's Tree is the one to the right guarded by a black bird. Enter and ride to Kings' Mound. See and talk to the boar. He was Golistan, Chief warrior of Morganor. Ask the boar about the phantoms. They stole the treasures of the mound and the spirits attacked. Now, the clan warriors' souls are in cocoons and he is a boar in the forest whose mission is to guard the stolen treasures. Bradwen states that only his 3-flamed sword containing the 3 fairies can break the spell. Fhola burns iron, Ferdia burns stone and Fiachra, the eldest can burn magic. Use Fiachra on Golistan. Pick up the tusk he left behind when he disappeared. To the right, a brown cocoon is on the ground. Use the tusk on the cocoon to free the souls. Pick up the royal treasures. Go to the mounds and see an ancestral ghost standing in front of the central mound. Give him the treasure and then speak to him. The dead King gives a unicorn horn, which is the mark of his shame and possibly Bradwen's salvation. Go now and be King. Ride the horse and choose Kingdom of the Atrebates as destination. Kingdom of the Atrebates: Castle - Enter the Great house and happily greet Fydia, fairy wife of Bradwen. As Queen, Fydia will renew the pacts with the other fairies for the good of the land. Thank Elad for taking care of the kingdom. Tell him about the phantom King wanting Bradwen to wear the crown. Elad says the crown has disappeared for the coronation ceremony. It is the Crown of the King of the Atrebates, which Cadfanan nor Morganor wore. Talk to Fydia about the crown. She says that the crown was made by the fairy of Lake Arden for the Atrebates when the pact was concluded. And men made a coffer for the crown. Ask about the coffer. The green and blue metal coffer is decorated with dolphins. Bradwen remembered delivering it to the fairies for Cadfanan. Tell Elad that the kingdom's hardship will cease since the spirits are appeased and have gone back to the other world. Go to Arden. Chapter 2:
Merlin's Tree - Talk to a waiting Merlin standing by
his tree. Merlin states that
Chapter 3: Arden: King's Mound - Go to the road that has the black bird. Talk to the Ghost of King Cadfanan about the King. Place the crown on Bradwen's head. Black Rock - After the extreme pain in placing the crown on his head, Bradwen's hair turns white. Bradwen realizes he is facing a giant at Black Rock. He states that he is a friend and that the pain is Gods' punishment for now he is cursed. Ask about the curse. Only he can help but first Bradwen must prove his commitment to the way of the beast. He wants Gawain's head and he gives you a sword. The exit is by 2 posts and where a white wolf stands. Merlin's tree - Talk to Gawain standing by Merlin's Tree about the giant who tricked Gawain to be there at Arden. Gawain states that Bradwen's ancestors are giant slayers. King's Mound - Ask Bradwen's father's ghost about the giant. The Giant of Bestiality can only be slain by the 3-Flamed sword. Rhiannon gave it to the first King of the Atrebates. Rhiannon's Altar - Go to the top of the hill to the altar and talk to Fiacra. Rhiannon is angry and her curse was passed to Bradwen when he became king. She will give the Sword of Flames if the answer to the riddle is brought to her - If I am free I can destroy, if tamed, I can comfort. The wind helps to kindle me, but can also kill me. One can die within me, but also die without me. By the three standing stones of the fairies are 3 stones - Air, Water and the red stone of Fire. Take the red stone of Fire and give it to Fiacra. Take the 3-Flamed Sword. Black Rock - Talk to the giant and then fight him using the 3-flamed sword. Choose the Kingdom of the Atrebates destination. Chapter 4: Kingdom of the Atrebates: Castle - Bradwen is sick. Enter the castle and go to the Great house. Talk to Fydia about the curse. Benevolent Rhiannon gave a sacred vessel to the Atrebates - the cup decorated with unicorns. It is said that this vessel could heal all ailments and that the engravings tell of the goddess' magic. Talk to Elad about cup decorated with unicorns. He said that Lucius' inherited it when he was building his villa. Lucius' Villa - Enter the villa and go to one of the pillars by the Roman mosaic floor in front of the main door of the house. Look at Rhiannon's cup and see unicorns depicted on the cup. Castle - Talk to Fydia about the unicorn. Bradwen describes the cup with a unicorn touching an injured king with its horn and the king is healed. Fydia reminds Bradwen of the unicorn horn given to him by King Cadfanan's ghost. Talk to Elad, who worries how Bradwen's hair changed like his father. Show him the unicorn's horn and he remembers a statue of a man holding a horn. Enter the Great House and see a statue on the floor by the blue icon of St. George. Approach the statue on its right and then pick it up. It is missing one arm and a lower part of the unicorn's horn is broken. Now to search for the missing part. Go to Bradwen's house with the red dragon on the door. Pick the statue from the floor. It shows a child holding the man's left hand and the base of the unicorn's horn. The statue is combined in the inventory as statue of king and child. Talk to Fydia and then ask her about the statue and ritual. Fydia states that it is an ancient ritual wherein when man and child, who replaces the sacred unicorn grasp the magical horn together, the healing can begin. St. George's Hill - Talk to the shepherd, Gwendal. He likes the sword. Talk to him about the unicorn horn. Watch the dance! Castle - As soon as Bradwen enters the castle ground, Merlin appears. Bradwen's pain is now bearable. Merlin tells him that he has resisted the giant's trick as his father, Cadfanan and his uncle, Novelius have done. Bradwen must follow Morgan's stag and it will lead to the Mother - Goddess and all his questions will be answered. The white stag is in front of the Great House. Master Foulque tells that Bradwen followed the white stag to Arden but lost its tracks. Quest 7 - The Fairy Queen Chapter 1: Arden: Merlin's Tree - Fate appears in the subject panel. Corwin, the squire notices a stick on top of the dolmen in front of Merlin's tree. Pick up the branch of wild rose. Talk to Gawain behind the tree and then ask about Fate. He has seen the white stag by Rhiannon's Altar but it disappeared when Gawain was challenged by the Pied Knight, who seeks Bradwen's death. Take the road with a horse by it. Check the map and go to Rhiannon's Altar. Rhiannon's Altar - Look at the black horse at the ground and Bradwen says that forces of darkness have ravaged the earth here. Go to the altar at the top of the hill and press action and Bradwen will call Rhiannon. Look close at the white horse on the ground. Bradwen says that Rhiannon, pure as the unicorn and as fresh as the rose has disappeared together with the unicorns. Look at either horse's head statue at the right or left of the altar. Place the unicorn horn on the horse's head and see that it fit the forehead. He realizes that it is a unicorn statue now. Merlin's Tree - Talk to Gawain about the unicorn and he says only the pure can approach a unicorn. Lake of Offerings - As soon as Bradwen walk towards the center altar, a voice says "Bradwen don't forget me". Look at the pillar with flowers on it at the center island. It is the fairy of the waters that was a fish once that loved Gawain in Avalon. Bradwen helped transform her back in the adventure in Arthur's Knights 1. She was transformed because she defended Bradwen at the Fairy Council. To help her - Only love can conquer the magic of Morgan. Corwyn remembers being turned into a mushroom by this fairy and did not want Bradwen to help her. Merlin's Tree - Ask Gawain about the fairy. Gawain remembers being given a branch of wild roses by her as a show of love. Go to the flowers in front of Merlin's Tree and pick up a rose fit for a queen. Lake of the Offerings - Use the branch of wild rose on the flowered stone and she transforms back to a fairy of the waters. Talk to the fairy and find out that Morgan despise Bradwen because of her love for her sister Rhiannon. Talk to the fairy and she asks for one of Merlin's eternal roses. Give her the rose. Ask her about the unicorn - There were 3 unicorn horns - the first was carried to his grave by the first cursed king, the second was tossed in the lake of Offerings and the last was lost in the Land of Shadows. If Bradwen finds the second horn, he can accomplish his destiny. Ask about the horse statues - they once guarded the gates of Avalon when they were still open. It was Rhiannon who opened the door but since the curse, it was closed. Ask about the Pied Knight, who is Morgan's champion and has orders to kill Bradwen. Ask about the white stag that has fled to Avalon. Ask her about Fate. Look at the center island's altar where the ancient kings made offerings to Rhiannon. Merlin's Tree - Get another rose from Merlin's flower garden. Lake of the Offerings - Place the rose on the center island's altar and Bradwen returns to the tradition of offering here. Pick up the second unicorn horn. Rhiannon's Altar - Place the other horn on the other unicorn's head by the Altar with fire and the fire disappears. Walk under the dolmen of the altar. Corwyn, his squire refuses to follow him to Avalon. Bradwen disappears from Arden and appears in Avalon. Chapter
Entrance Island - Go forward to the clump of
white flowers and pick some of the
Chapter 3: Arden: The black unicorn shaped ground that marked the death of the Rhiannon's 3 unicorns can be found at the King's Mound, Lake of the Offerings and Rhiannon's Altar. Rhiannon's Altar - Look at the black unicorn shape on the ground. Climb up the hill and see the 3 white unicorn shapes on the ground around the altar. Standing close to the head of the leftmost white unicorn shape, place the green eye stone on the head. Pick the green eye stone again. Use the black eye stone on the middle unicorn shape, pick the black eye stone again and place the blue eye stone at the one on the right. Pick the blue eye stone also. Go back down to the black unicorn shape on the ground and see that it is now white. Pick up the blue disk from the head. Lake of the Offerings - Pick up the green disk from the now white unicorn shape on the ground. King's Mound - Pick up the black disk from the now white unicorn shape on the ground. Rhiannon's Altar - With the 3 disks and the 3 magical eyes, walk under the dolmen of Rhiannon's Altar. Chapter 4: Avalon: Tower of Source - Talk to the fairy about the stone discus. She says that the pact was written on similar disks. Place the black disc on the broken stone pillar. Hear Rhiannon say "Since the dawn of time, I Rhiannon reigned on this earth". Place the blue disc on the pillar - Rhiannon said that a pact is made with the Atrebates, the fairies will not harm the children and that man will not lay hand on the 3 sacred unicorns. Place the green disc on the stone. After the stone pillar is complete and the last disc in place, Bradwen is transported to the central island in front of Morgan, mother-goddess. Center Island - Talk to Morgan and hear her anger because Bradwen has freed Gawain, rejected her, vanquished her champions, provoked rebellion among her fairies, and is Arthur's Knight and Merlin's friend. Fydia, his wife extracted a promise from Morgan not to harm him. Flame of life goes into the hand inventory. Ask Morgan about Rhiannon. She has disappeared. Ask who killed the unicorns and find out that it is the king that gave Bradwen the unicorn horn. Tell her about the curse and how Bradwen will stop it. Only Rhiannon, the one who laid the curse can remove the curse. Around Morgan are the idols of Air, Fire, Earth and Water, idols that he cannot reach. Place the Flame of life on the idol of fire and hear her say the she brought on the destiny of mankind. Place the black-eyed stone on the idol of the earth and hear her say that she takes care of the dead and the living also derived strength from her. Place the blue-eyed stone on the idol of air and hear her say that she is the guarantor of the here and now. Place the green-eyed stone on the idol of water and hear her say that her waters give birth to the future. Rhiannon disappears after the last stone is placed. Stand at the center of the circle where Morgan stood and get transported to the Matrix of Time. Chapter
Matrix of Time - Go forward, right and talk to the
Guardian. He is the Guardian of all that has
CD 2 Quest 8 - The Cauldron of Celidoin Chapter 1: Arden: Lake of the Offerings - Talk with faithful Corwyn, Bradwen's squire. It has been 20 yrs since Bradwen left and is still unchanged. Fydia, Bradwen's Queen has disappeared and Lancelot made off with Guinevere. King Arthur wants revenged. Cedric, King of the Saxons allied with Mordred, a knight and has been pillaging cities. Merlin has also disappeared. Merlin's Tree - The white stag stood on the other side of the tree. Follow the stag and after many months, lost his trail in the Cornish Forest. Chapter
Road - Ride forward and hear fighting. See
Cymerill beset by 2 men. Talk to the
Chapter 3: Village - Enter the church and give the relic to Cornelius. Cornelius prays but King Mark's soul is too black to be healed. Look at the shield on the altar and then ask Cornelius about the prince. The shield belongs to Mark's son and Mark ordered the shield placed on the altar so that God will watch over the young prince. The prince has left Cornwall and no one knows what happened to him. Go to the old woman in her yard beside the church and ask her about the prince. The prince is good and merciful like his mother Queen Isolde and since he left the King has become twice as cruel. Castle - Ask the guard about the prince. The prince seemed depressed and just left one morning. Enter the castle tower and talk to King Mark. He gets angry about his not being cured by the relic. He is cold. Go to the fireplace and place the log in it. Ask about the prince. King Mark thinks that the prince is softhearted and left because he wants to have adventures like Tristan. Go out and talk to the guard about the prince again and he says that the prince was not wearing his talisman. Go back to the king and ask about the talisman. The king finally gives a key to the prince's tower room. Go out the courtyard and climb the step on the right side. Use the key on the room close to the stairs. Enter and Corwyn exclaimed how sad the room is. Look and pick up a slate cylinder at the alcove on the corner of the room. At the opposite corner, look and then pick up the foam cylinder. Place the cylinders on the eyes of the drawing on the floor. Pick up the talisman from the third indentation. Show the talisman to the guard outside and he notes that there is a piece missing. Show it to King Mark and he said that it was from Merlin and that he came to the castle. Ask about Merlin. Merlin was there several days ago looking for a cup. Go to the left stairway in the courtyard and ask the man destroying Rhiannon's altar about Merlin. Merlin threatened to shut him up in the Green Mounds for what he is doing. ask him about the Green Mounds and he says it is a magical hill, the grass is always green even in winter and the witches hold their Sabbath there. Ask the guard outside about the Green Mounds and he says to follow the coast north. Ride the horse and choose Green Mound as destination. Chapter
Green Mound - Ride and the walk forward to the Green
Mound. Use shift forward to climb the
Chapter 5: Castle - Tell the guard that the black knight has been undone and will not come anymore. Tell the king that he will soon be cured but as usual he is as arrogant as ever. Go up to the Rhiannon's table that is being demolished up the castle wall. Place the Cup of Knowledge on the table. Go back to the king and tell him he is cured but the King wants revenge on all and even with Bradwen's warning, threatens to join with the Saxons against the rest of the kingdom. Go back up and drink from the cup at Rhiannon's altar. Rhiannon's prison - Go down and talk to Rhiannon. She would not remove the curse from the King of the Atrebates to the last descendant. After informing her of Bradwen's destiny, she then said that it is necessary to confront the red dragon, her brother and enemy and also the Atrebates' emblem and worst enemy. He is also known as the Hidden King of Britain. The red dragon's imprint is the one by the Atrebates' castle at the hill. Rhiannon slew him before Time began because he would have devoured the whole world. Bradwen's forbearer was deceived by the dragon and was used for the dragon's vengeance. They are now in his belly at the world of shadows. Ask about the curse. The curse will cease when Rhiannon is freed after the red dragon is slain for the second time. Locate the entrance to the Land of Shadows and slay him. Look for the entrance at the red dragon hill in the Kingdom of the Atrebates. CD 3 Quest 9 - The Hidden King of Britain Chapter 1: Kingdom of the Atrebates: Castle - There is no inhabitants left in his Kingdom when Bradwen returns. Enter the castle and go to the Great House. Talk to Elad and find out that they, lead by Gawain went into battle against the Saxons but lost. Ask about Gawain and find out that he has been captured by the Saxons camping at Red Dragon Hill. The ransom was refused. The Britons plan to go to the coast and travel to little Britain where it is still at peace. Look at the throne and pray at one of the statue at the right of the room. Ride out to red dragon field. Red Dragon field - Cerdric, King of the Saxons stood on the hill. The Hidden King told him Bradwen is coming and wants him alive. Cedric says he is invincible now and has killed a lot of knights. Ask about Gawain. Gawain is crucified by Merlin's Tree in Arden. Arden: Merlin's Tree - Find Gawain crucified and he asks Bradwen to find the last treasure of Britain that Merlin has requested. Cerdric has the treasure and it must be offered to the mother-goddess. Gawain dies and Bradwen is now alone. Black Rock - See the ghost of Cadfanan, Bradwen's father but in reality is the Dragon, hidden King of Britain. He can only be harmed by Madog, Bradwen's son and the red dragon thinks he is dead. The dragon was told by the shadows that it is Madog's destiny to kill him and so he took over Morganor's body and killed Madog. Bradwen tells the dragon that it is Bradwen's destiny to kill him. The dragon says Rhiannon lost her lance therefore he is invulnerable and tries to entice Bradwen to join him. Tell him Bradwen will find Rhiannon's lance. The dragon says that the lance was broken in 3 pieces, each of which was modeled from a unicorn. Talk about the unicorn and how the dragon tricked the first king into killing them. The dragon dares Bradwen to enter the Land of the Shadows to slay him. To enter the Land of Shadows, one must be invited. Rhiannon's Altar - Pick up the 2 unicorn horns that Bradwen left on the unicorn's head 20 years ago. Kingdom of the Atrebates: Red Dragon Hill - Fight Cerdric with a unicorn horn. Search his body and get the last treasure of Britain. Time to fulfill the last task for Gawain. Go to Arden. Arden: Merlin's Tree - Place the last treasures of Britain in the middle of the 3 Standing Stones behind the dolmen. Morgan appears. Talk to her about what Bradwen found about Rhiannon and the dragon. She agrees to help in killing the dragon if Bradwen be the last mortal to enter Avalon. She will close Avalon and leave Britain on its own. The age of the fairies is done. Fydia and Madog are in Avalon. The dragon will die and Rhiannon will be free before the rising of the new moon but the bad moon is nearing and it is favorable to the dragon. Tell her about the Land of Shadows which is in fact here at Arden. He who is able to pass between the fangs of the beast will be able to enter his mouth and will thus discover the land of the Shadows. Ask her about Rhiannon's lance. Rhiannon's lance was the axis of the globe. Find the median of the kingdom of Atrebates and in this spot reforge what has been rent asunder. Ask how to find the unicorn horns. The third horn returned where the tip of the lance struck the beast. The 3 unicorns were but one, the call of the 2 will attract the third. Go back to Bradwen's kingdom. Kingdom of the Atrebates: Red Dragon Hill - Look around and note that there are 6 black spots on the ground and one brown one, located where the eye of the dragon is. Look at the brown spot and Bradwen says it is where Rhiannon wounded the dragon. Place the 2 unicorn horns on the brown spot. Pick up the third unicorn horn that appears. Now to find the median of the kingdom. Castle - Enter the Great house and look at the throne. Place the 3 unicorn horns on the 3 unicorn of the throne's back. Pick up Rhiannon's lance. Chapter 2: Arden: Black Rock - Talk to the Dragon appearing as Cadfanan. He says that Arthur is hurt and that Bradwen is the last of the Knights of the Round Table. Fight the dragon using Rhiannon's lance and win. Look at his body and find a sharp crystal. The dragon's body disappears. Now to find the fangs of the beast and enter the mouth as Morgan said. Go to the bottom of the screen and pick up another sharp crystal hidden in the standing rock by the lava pool. Further down, pick another sharp crystal within the standing rock. Pick the other 3 sharp crystals close to the entrance hidden in 3 standing rocks. There are 6 sharp crystals like 6 black spots on the red dragon hill. Kingdom of the Atrebates: Red Dragon Hill - Cerdric's body is gone as well as the other Saxons. Place each of the sharp crystal on each of the black spots on the dragon's mouth. Corwyn cries warning about being engulfed in the dragon's maw. Bradwen is transported to the Dragon's realm. Chapter 3: Land of Shadows: The dragon's realm is filled with shadows that conceals the dragon. There are 3 boned bridges and one of them is blocked by fire and the one at the other end is blocked by wandering spirits. Corwyn cries warning of the spirits. Middle bone bridge - Enter the middle bone bridge. Walk around the outside paths of the island and look inside the cages hanging around the rim of the island. Talk to Cerdric, king of the Saxon caged in one of them. The other cage is empty. Another cage has the Fairy of the waters. She said that she was captured in Arden by the Dragon since she cannot return to Avalon. She will be freed if the dragon is slain. Ask her about the dragon. Fire will awaken the dragon. Ask about the witches. Use the middle path across from the bridge, climb to the top of the island. See 3 witches around a bubbling cauldron. Talk to one of the witches. They are the guardians of the dragons and watches over him during his long sleep. Ask about the red dragon. They say that he cannot be found and Bradwen will wander aimlessly until he dies. Ask about the wandering spirits by the other bridge. They were 2 knights and she asks if you know them. Tell the witch about Fate and the path to the dragons. The witch gives a riddle - Under his yoke, men are blind. In his domain, all perish. In his realm, everything withers away and in his land, there is no law. Talk to the fairy again and ask about the witches. Go around the perimeter of the island again and pick up skulls of oblivion, death, night and evil. The witch does not take any of the skulls. Exit this island and walk to the other boned bridge blocked by wandering spirits. Right bone bridge - Use the skull of evil on the wandering spirits and they disappear. Cross the bridge. This must be where the dragon is since his sigil is on the ground. Use the 3-flamed sword on the red dragon sign on the ground. The island is the dragon. The dragon awakens and magically makes Bradwen's wound caused by the curse to open. The dragon waits for him to loose all his blood so that his daughters, the witches can feast on him. Corwyn stands alone and powerless to help Bradwen, who has fallen down. Corwyn - Playing as Corwyn, go and look at Bradwen. Go to the opposite side of the dragon's body and cross another bridge. At the center of this island are 4 silver lanterns on 4 stands. Pick up the 4 lanterns. Go the fairy in the cage at the middle island. Talk to her and ask about the lanterns. One of them is Rhiannon's lamp that she used to guide the dead and can cure Bradwen but the other 3 made by the dragon can definitely kill him. Aha! Go to Cerdric's cage and use one of the lanterns on him. Go back across the bridge and see 2 wandering souls. Use 2 lanterns on them and see if they are the correct one. Corwyn is now left with one. Go back to Bradwen. Use the last lantern on him. He rises and fights the dragon. The dragon dies. Master Foulque explains that Bradwen is cured, Rhiannon is freed and the curse is lifted. The dragon falls into the abyss. Rhiannon took Bradwen to the other world. Bradwen, Fydia and Madog are reunited and lived happily. Brave men find the path to the old world to learn chivalry. The Path to Chivalry is within you and not around us. The Age of the Fairies are done. Bradwen the Paladin (White Book) Quest 6 - The Return of the King Chapter
Kingdom of the Atrebates:
Castle - Bradwen returns to his kingdom with the Sword
of Truth
Chapter 2: Castle - Ask Olwen if she asked Elad about the murderer. Give her the hatchet. Enter the castle grounds. Take the left path and talk to the blacksmith about Elad. Elad ordered that all mirrors in the kingdom be destroyed after his coronation. Corwyn, the squire does not want Bradwen to enter his old home with the red dragon on the door. Talk to the guard by the Great House. Enter the great house and talk to Elad. He insists that whoever wore the crown without becoming weak is the king. He asks that Bradwen go to the monks of Magovenium to be sure of the tradition started by St. Joseph of Arimathea. On the way out, look at the statue on the wall and note that the ancient gods was not able to protect his family. Chapter
Magovenium: Ride to the Amphitheater (check the map).
Talk to the guard. Enter through the
Chapter 4: Kingdom of the Atrebates: Castle - A guard stands inside the great House. Talk to Elad and he still would not give up the throne. Show Elad Solomon's Mirror. The crown disappears and Elad admitted making a deal with the devil and deceived the people. Bradwen pardons Elad. Ask Elad about the crown and find out that the monk responsible for the true crown sold it for a jug of wine to the devil. Hmmm! Talk to the guard outside the Great House and the blacksmith. They want Bradwen as King when he finds the crown. Magovenium: Monastery - Talk to drunken Armenius about the crown. Novelius entrusted him with the coffer but he sold the coffer to the blacksmith of Magovenium for a jug of wine. The blacksmith hanged himself after getting the crown. The blacksmith's widow might know but she left. Go outside the theater and ask the guard about the blacksmith of Magovenium. He made a pewter pot for the guard. Kingdom of the Atrebates: Castle - Ask the Atrebates blacksmith about the blacksmith of Magovenium. He told Bradwen that the blacksmith's widow moved to the new village at Lucius' villa. Lucius' Villa - Talk to Claudius outside the gate. Enter and talk to the woman by the left side of the main house. Ask her about the blacksmith. The blacksmith buried the crown and hanged himself because the devil tormented him. Open the door behind her and enter. Look at the pewter sword and ask the widow about it. She gives Bradwen 3 pewter swords that were the last work of the blacksmith. Go back inside and pick up the fourth sword of pewter. Magovenium: Blacksmith shop - Place the 4 swords one at time on the smithy's forge and pick up each steel plates hidden underneath the pewter. Read each steel plate in inventory. The East is in the dragon's eye. The blossoming tree in the midst of the ruins shows the South. The North Star will guide you. The West bows down before the cross of the dragon killer. Now, a-hunting we will go! Ruins - ride down to the crossroad, turn to the left of screen and then left to the side street. Enter the ruin's arched way and to St' Joseph's Tree. Pick up a piece of the Atrebates crown from the ground under the tree. Kingdom of the Atrebates: Red Dragon Hill - Go to the brown circle of the Dragon's head and pick up piece of the Atrebates crown. St. George's Hill - Walk to the clearing on the left and go to the altar and pick up piece of the Atrebates crown. Lucius' Villa - Go to the mosaic floor depicting stars and pick up piece of the Atrebates crown. Corwyn cries that you have all the pieces of the crown and go to the castle for the Coronation. Castle - In the Great House, face the throne and wear the crown. A fearsome wound appears on his left side and struck him down. His hair changed to white. Lady Lutisse, Bradwen's wife arrives, prays to St. Epona and to care for him. Chapter 5: Kingdom of the Atrebates: Castle - Talk to Lady Lutisse about the care of his wounds she has given. Bradwen wants to convene a meeting of the noblemen but Lady Lutisse wants that work to be given to Novelius. Sir Lancelot visited while Bradwen was sick and is off on an adventure. Talk to her about Novelius, Wounds, St. Epona and the crown. Bradwen looks like his uncle Novelius now with his white hair. St. Epona, patron saint of the Atrebates will heed her prayers because the wounds are resistant to her healing. As long as Bradwen holds the sword of truth, the God thinks he is worthy of it. Bradwen wants to relinquish the crown because he is wounded when he wore it. Go outside and talk to the guard, he wants you to renounce the crown since you are not worthy. Talk to Armenius sent by Dionicus. Ask him about Novelius. He has a letter from Novelius. Go away from Armenius (Armenius is not shown on the circle on the bottom left) and read the letter. Novelius is at Forest of Arden and warns that Bradwen not wear the crown until he gets back. Bradwen can still refuse the crown and live peacefully. Arden:
Kings' Mound - Take the road guarded by a black bird.
Find Novelius fighting with phantoms. Corwyn
Chapter 6: Black Rock - Go to the left side of the tower and enter the central portion of the Black Rock by the bridge. Go inside and see a sword made from the black rock itself and the devil. Bradwen is trapped inside. Talk to the devil. The devil taunts Bradwen on his hair and wound. He also taunts about Arthur's possible rejection of him and Lancelot's unfaithfulness by meeting Guinevere at Arden. The devil wants Bradwen to kill Lancelot and he will make him King of Britain. Pick up the devils' sword and the blockage was removed and the devil disappears. Leave and ride. Lake of the Offerings - Enter the adjacent open road by Merlin's Tree and ride to the Lake. Talk to Lancelot, who is glad to see Bradwen well. Ask him about Guinevere. Do not fight him but persist on asking about Guinevere. Lancelot finally admitted that he asked a final meeting with the Queen and since he is in love with the Queen, he will leave Britain forever. Bradwen apologizes about his mistrust because of the devil's trickery. Lancelot says that Novelius is waiting for Bradwen at Magovenium. Chapter 7: Magovenium: Monastery - Go to the room by the hallway close to the door by the stairs. Enter and talk to Novelius. Tell him about the devil's trickery. Hallelujah! Bradwen passed the test. All the cursed ones are tested by the Devil. Morganor accepted the pact with the devil. Talk about the curse and the sword of truth. Bradwen does not want to passively accept the curse, he is a knight and a fighter. God took the sword of truth back and it could have been used to find out about the curse. Go out and enter the chapel door at the main hallway. Pray at the altar to have the sword of truth back. Amphitheatre platform - Go to the large opening on the floor where steam and fire are seen. Drop the devil's sword back to the devil's pit. The door to the catacombs opens. Catacombs - Walk down until the devil's pit. Enter the opening across St. Epona. Walk to the other side and pick up the Sword of Truth in front of the entrance to hell. Go back to St. Epona's statue. Look at the statue and see that it is bleeding on the left side as Bradwen's wounds are. Use the Sword of Truth on St. Epona and hear her say that she was the one who cursed the kings of the Atrebates to suffer body and soul. Bradwen is then transported to the chapel at the Monastery. Monastery - Tell Novelius about St. Epona. Novelius still wants Bradwen to just passively accept the curse. Since God heard the first prayer, go to the chapel altar and pray again. Bradwen asks for a sign since he already rejected the devil twice. Exit the monastery. Amphitheatre platform - A big white stag with a cross on its antler has entered the city. Look at this sign that Bradwen asked for - the white stag of Arden. Monastery - Tell Novelius about the white stag. God sends Bradwen a guide. Novelius finally accedes that Bradwen is right in not conceding to the curse. Follow the stag for it is the messenger God sends to knights in distress. Go back and talk to the stag. Follow the stag and it will bring Bradwen to the Forest of Arden. CD 2 Quest 7 - Morgan's Wrath Chapter
Merlin's Tree - Greet Merlin and he says that Bradwen
is not welcome in Avalon but
Chapter 2: Avalon: First island - Talk to the Pied Knight. He would not listen, so fight him. No one is the winner. Talk to the Pied Knight again about the Pied Knight. Bradwen will know him if he pierces the knight's armor. Bradwen's conscience makes him choose from the white or the red stone, i.e. to kill the knight or not. Choose the white stone and tell the knight that Bradwen is not a murderer. The way is still blocked by the fire. Go back to the first bridge. Talk to Morgan, who is surprised that Bradwen did not recognize her. Ask her about the curse and the Pied Knight. After the talk with Morgan, Bradwen is transported to the Tower of the Wind. Chapter
3: Tower
of the Wind - Climb the tower and talk to Dwella,
Queen of the Fairies of the Heavens. Tell
Chapter 4: Prison tree - Talk to the winged fairy and Bradwen makes a comment about not seeing any mark of God here. Walk to the base of the Prison Tree and look at the stone slab inscribed with the mark of St. Joseph. Ask the fairy about the stone slab. She refers Bradwen to Kael at the Tower of the Spring. Tower of Source - Talk to Kael, Queen of the fairies of the waters and ask about the stone slab. She will give you a cup with magical water to see what the slab conceals. The slab is held by the roots of Yrsghul, the Prison tree. To give Bradwen the cup, he must bring 6 of her complementary sisters found on the outer small islands together. Talk to the sisters, starting from the sister on the outer island at the left side going counter clockwise. The first says I am she who moulds inanimate things. I mould, I sculpt, sometimes I destroy. The second sister says I am she who waters whatever bears hairs, feathers or scales. The third says I am she who nourishes that which grows and needs the sun. The fourth says I am bound to the animals. Find my twin and giver her this - a sign of the animal. The fifth says I am bound to the stones and the rocks. Find my twin and give her this - a sign of a vegetable. The sixth says I am bound to the plants. Find my twin and give her this - sign of mineral. Give the sign of mineral to the first sister who moulds, the sign of the animal to the second sister who waters whatever bears hair and give the sign of the vegetable to the third sister who nourishes that which grows in the sun. Talk to Kael and she will give the cup of spring that will make the tree grow. The fairies disappears. Chapter 5: Prison Tree - Use the Cup of Spring on the stone slab. Walk to the opening made by the disappearance of the stone slab. Bradwen finds St. Joseph who seems asleep or under a spell. Use a magic bean on St. Joseph. It has been a long time since Morgan has imprisoned him under the tree. Talk to him about the curse. St. Joseph explains that St. Epona cursed Bradwen ancestors, who were misled by the devil because they killed the sacred unicorns. He falls back asleep. Use the second magic bean on him again. Ask him about how to remove the curse. With little information said, St. Joseph falls back to sleep. Talk to Madog waiting outside and he transport Bradwen to meet with Morgan. Central Island - Ask Morgan about talking more with St. Joseph. St Joseph came to Avalon to convert Morgan, so was punished. To allow more time to talk to him, Morgan ask that Bradwen put things in place in the labyrinth. Walk to the central brown circle and enter the labyrinth. Labyrinth - See a standing stone at the last ring of the maze. Go forward, left, up on the second opening, right, down and right and pick up a red stone. Go back to the standing stone at the last ring in the maze. Place the red stone on the standing stone. Get transported close to another standing stone at third outer ring. Go down, left, up, right, down, left, up, right and pick up a yellow stone. Go back to the standing stone and place the yellow stone on it. Bradwen is now transported on the fifth outer ring close to another standing stone. Go down left, up, left and pick up the gray stone. Place the gray stone on the standing stone and get transported to the center ring. Pick up one of Morgan's grains. Bradwen is transported to the Prison Tree island. Prison Tree - Go to St. Joseph and use the grain on him. Ask about the curse and be told that only St. Epona can lift her own curse. Find her and beg her forgiveness. Follow the white stag and it will lead to the Ciborium of Divine Grace. Ask about the Ciborium. Lift the Ciborium to the lips and know where St. Epona is. Do not lose hope. Go outside and talk to Madog again. He would not go with Bradwen and will send him back to the world of men. Bradwen will now look for the White Stag and the Ciborium. Quest 8 - Ciborium of Divine Grace Chapter
Cornwall: Edge of the Woods
- Talk to a happy but aged Corwyn, the squire. Corwyn is
happy to
Chapter 2: Village - Find the white stag in front of the church gate. Talk to blind Cornelius. His healing attempts have not cured King Mark. Enter the church and talk with Dionicus. Novelius died 5 yrs ago. Bradwen's presence gives him hope that they can care for King Mark and drive the Horned Snake out. Ask about the Horned Snake, King Mark, relic and the Ciborium. The Horned Snake, who serves the devil came from the marshes and is very old. King Mark's sins caused God to free the snake and the snake bit the king and no one can cure him of the venom. Tell Dionicus of the stolen relic, St. Joseph's hand and Dionicus believes that it would have been ineffective anyhow for curing King Mark. The Horned Snake stole the Ciborium, an antique treasure of the fairies and without the ciborium cannot rule over Cornwall. Before the arrival of St. Joseph, the Snake ruled and the blood of its victim was poured into the cup and all its disciple drink from it. St. Joseph had transformed the cup that whoever drinks from it will have his sins pardoned. Look at the statue of St. Joseph of Arimathea on the left side of the church and read that The sins of a bad king will reawaken the beast, but a fisher king will come and bring down the creature of the devil. Look at the tomb on the floor at the center of the floor - Here lies Meriadoc, first Christian King of Cornwall.. Ask Dionicus about St. Joseph, tomb and King Mark. Dionicus repeats the prophecy and thinks that King Mark can benefit from drinking from the ciborium. After St. Joseph vanquished the Snake, he gave the crown to a child who became the first Christian king of Cornwall, he and his descendant were the guardians of of the Ciborium. Chapter 3: Village Church (continued) - Go to the retable on the right side of the chapel and read Only the valiant will break the chains of falsehood. Ask Dionicus about the retable, the gifts of the angels. St. Joseph had a vision and Dionicus repeats the inscription on St. Joseph's statue about the bad king, awakening the snake and the fisher king. The retable was to guide the king in his combat but no one can open it. The bar locking it is indestructible. Go back to the retable and use the sword of truth on it. The retable opens and read Surrounded by the 2 thieves, you will pray to the son of God. We did that already! Use the head of the horned snake on the retable. The Horned snake had drawn the inhabitants of Cornwall into devil worship. The blood of sacrificial victims was poured into a large cauldron. Turn to the left door of the retable and read the parchment. You shall cut the tongue of the devil. Ask Dionicus how to cut Devil's tongue. He does not know. Go outside and ask Cornelius about Devil's tongue. The plant, devil's tongue is venomous and to never touch it with bare hands. It grows in the marshes of Cornwall. Ask the way to the Black Marshes of Cornwall. Cornelius does not know since he is not from here. Go around to the back of the church and enter the opening by the chickens to the Blacksmith shop. Go to the barrels by the wall on the left side of the opening and pick up the blacksmith's tongs. Talk to the man standing outside by the fence about the Black Marshes. He warns not to go there since the horned snake was born there. Go the opening behind Cornelius and talk to one of King Mark's guard. Ask him the way to the Black Marshes. The guard gives a map to the marshes. Go to the stone hut on the left and see King Mark lying on a pallet. Exit and look at the map. Go to the Black Marshes. Black
Marsh - Corwyn noted the flag above the black tent.
Go around and turn to the right. Look at the Celtic cross
Chapter 4: Black Marsh - Go back to the Celtic cross of St. Joseph and use St. Joseph's staff on it. Your faith will be your guide. A path appears to the island of the Black Tent. Cross and talk to the Black Knight, who is a follower of Melatus. Bradwen asks for the relic, St. Joseph's hand. Ask him about the Horned Snake. He was deceived by the devil. Bradwen asks him to serve Arthur and to do chivalrous deeds. The Black Knight gives the relic and serves Arthur. Cross the bridge and see a young boy at the small hut but he runs away. Village - Use the relic on the right door of the retable. A new painting appears on the door, which reads - St. Joseph discovered a child who was a captive of the Horned Snake. The child has been pulled from the belly of his mother. Armed with a wooden sword, the child killed the snake, which withered away. St. Joseph made the child the first Christian king of Cornwall. Pray at the tomb of the Meriadoc and pick up Meriadoc's sword that is the answer to the prayer for help. Black Marsh - Go back to the boy's hut. Place Meriadoc's sword on the table by the wooden horse. Bradwen calls the wild boy. Talk to the boy. He said that he had a dream where Bradwen gave him a sword and a crown. He will follow Bradwen. The boy is the son of King Mark. Castle - The prince follows Bradwen to the castle. The boy kills the Horned Snake and before the snake dies, it cried warning about the Hidden King. Pick up the ciborium. Talk to the boy and he wants to stay and not follow Bradwen. Chapter 5: Village - Tell Cornelius that Cornwall is free of the Horned Snake and he can return to Magovenium. Talk to Dionicus in the church about the Horned snake and send a message to Lady Lutisse. Ask Dionicus about the Hidden King. One of the disciples of the evil one was promised Britain by the devil and it is this one that called himself the Hidden King. Ask how to use the Ciborium. Turn towards He who blessed it and drink. Talk to King Mark's guard in the area behind Cornelius about getting rid of the servants of the horned Snake. Enter the stone hut on the left and use the Ciborium on King Mark. Talk to him about God forgiving him, his son that he had condemned defeated the snake and that his kingdom is free. King Mark gives the royal seal of Cornwall for his son and relinquishes the crown making his son king. Mark will join the monks. Castle - Give the royal seal to the young Prince. He asks Bradwen to stay as his guide but Bradwen refuses because of his quest. Go by the place close to the wall where the Bradwen picked up the Ciborium and then use it. Chapter 6: St. Epona's prison - Use the sword of truth on the flames that blocks the path. Go down and Master Foulque explains that this is St. Epona's prison. Find the white stag at the floor of the prison. Pray to the stag, who transforms to St. Epona. Implore pardon from St. Epona and she grants it removing the curse. She tells Bradwen to drink from the cup and he will get out of the prison but only the death of the Hidden King can free her. Bradwen's ancestor was tricked into believing that he will be immortal if he kills the sacred unicorns. Bradwen gives his oath to fight until he or the Hidden King dies. Ask about the Hidden king. It was born of the shadows, wants sole rule of Britain, was vanquished by her and then St. George sent it back to the shadows after St. Epona's death. It has the appearance of a dragon. Ask about the dragon. She asks Bradwen to go back to his kingdom, drink from the cup and beware of the falsehood used by the devil. Move away and drink from the cup. CD 3 Quest 9 - The Prophecy of the Shadows Chapter 1: Kingdom of the Atrebates: Castle - Bradwen returns to his kingdom. Talk to the guard. Enter the Great House and talk to Elad. Elad says that Lady Lutisse is in the monastery in Magovenium since Novelius' death. Arthur's kingdom is falling apart and Lancelot has taken arms against the king. Mordred is laying siege to Magovenium. Bradwen asks Elad to stay until he has finished his task. Ask about Mordred and the dragon. Nai the hermit is the only one who knows how to enter the amphitheatre. The priest in Lucius' village might know where Nai is. Bradwen tells Elad that he must kill the dragon and the first sign of the dragon's reign is here. Lucius' village - Ask the priest standing by the tree about Nai. Nai is in Dragon's hill and has taken a vow of silence until Novelius' vision has been fulfilled. Novelius' vision is painted in a fresco in the castle. Castle - Enter the Great House and look at the blue starred fresco by the wall. Apocalypse, St. John talks about a white haired man wearing a robe to his ankles, armed with a sword, wearing 7 stars and a golden belt. Look at the fresco again and Corwyn says, it could be you My Lord, same hair, the sword.... St. George's Hill - Nai ignores attempts to talk to him. Lucius' village - Talk to the priest about the Apocalypse. The priest agrees about the hair and the sword except for the gold belt but he recalls the 7 stars of the mosaic here at the villa. Go to the Roman mosaic floor in front of the main door of the house. Pick up the 7 stars from the lower portion of the mosaic. Castle - Talk to the blacksmith on the left side of the Great House about the golden belt. The blacksmith has a golden belt passed down through his family and gave it to Bradwen. St. George's Hill - Nai now would talk and exclaims that the vision is true, God's messenger is here and the Angel of truth is with him. Bradwen gives Nai the golden belt and to tell Elad to gather an army to lift the siege of Magovenium. Ask Nai about Novelius' vision. Nai gives a stick, which is a part of Novelius' bishop's staff. Ask about entering the amphitheatre. Nai gives a map of the city to Bradwen. Move away from Nai and then look at the map. Chapter 2: Magovenium: Monastery - Bradwen is inside the monastery. Go to Novelius' cell and find Lady Lutisse. After a warm welcome, tell her about the curse done by the red dragon. Lady Lutisse reminded Bradwen that St. George killed the dragon in Uffington, the castle area and used a lance as weapon. The lance is from wood of Christ's cross and the iron's point was from one of the nails from the cross. Dionicus knows more about the lance but is a prisoner of Mordred in the city. Lutisse gives a cross, which is a part of Novelius' staff given by Novelius for Bradwen. To get out to the city, Lutisse gives the key to the postern gate. Go down the stairs and use the key on the postern door opposite the main monastery door. Open and exit to the city. Ruins - Look in the map to get to the ruins. A guard is standing by the ruins. Talk to the bragging guard and Bradwen kills him. Enter the hut at the bottom of the screen and talk to Dionicus in the back room. Talk to Dionicus about the dragon and St. George's lance. Dionicus gives another part of Novelius' staff making Novelius' staff whole. The lance was entrusted to the kingdom's first priest and the prophecy about it says At the heart of the saint, the instrument of faith takes hold. God projects his strength and the Saints weapon is revealed. Go to the Kingdom of the Atrebates. Kingdom of the Atrebates: St. George's Hill - Look at the inscription in front of the cross. Here is where St. George struck down the dragon. The O in St. George is a heart. Use Novelius' staff on the inscription. Pick up St. George's lance. A voice is heard saying - The fifth bowl will open the door of the kingdom of the beast for you. Chapter 3: Magovenium: Monastery - Enter the monastery by the postern gate since the main gate is locked. Talk to Dionicus in his cell about the fifth bowl. Dionicus says it means the 7 bowls of the plague and he gives a manuscript - Dionicus' letter to explain it. Move away from Dionicus and then read the letter. The bowls will be returned to man when the 7 frescoes are united. The first is hidden in abundance. The second fresco is hidden at the feet of Christ. The third fresco hides where the weapons were. The fourth fresco is hidden near the blessed fruits. The fifth fresco is hidden where the devil was defeated. The sixth fresco is hidden under the king. The seventh fresco is hidden under the Emperor's face. Now, we look for them. Go to the chapel and pick up the second fresco on the altar by the cross. Place the second fresco on the second alcove wooden wall. Go down the stairs and pick up the first fresco from the barrels (abundance) by the stairs. Go outside through the postern door, enter the main door to the amphitheatre and go to the catacombs. Catacombs - There are several guards around but Bradwen is ignored. Enter the catacombs, down the stairs, left and pick up the third fresco. There are weapons by the wall. Go down to the devil's pit via the archway on the right of the screen, down and then through the archway to the right. Enter the opening across St. Epona and go to the opposite side. Pick up the fifth fresco in front of the entrance to hell. Bradwen can go out from here through the archways now. Ruins - Pick up the fourth fresco from the foot of St. Joseph's tree. Now go to the Kingdom of the Atrebates. Kingdom of the Atrebates: Castle - Talk to the guard. Enter the Great house and pick up the sixth fresco by the throne. Lucius' village - Pick up the seventh fresco by the Roman mosaic on the floor. Time to place them back at the monastery. Magovenium: Monastery - Enter through the postern door. Place the frescoes in their proper places on the side alcoves of the monastery. After placing the seventh fresco, an earthenware bowl appears in all the alcoves. Do not pick that up. Go to the fifth alcove and pick up the light colored fifth bowl. Exit the monastery and it is time to enter the kingdom of the beast. Kingdom of the Atrebates: Red Dragon - Pour the contents of the fifth bowl on the eye of the red dragon. Before Bradwen goes to the kingdom of the beast, Nai arrives with news from God. Lady Lutisse is with God and the angels now. Bradwen sends his love to her in heaven. Chapter
Kingdom of the Beast: Look around and see 3
boned bridges and 3 shades. Talk to the shade of
Cadfanan, Bradwen's father, close to a lava pool entryway.
His soul is the prisoner of the dragon. Ask about the dragon and Cadfanan knows
only that an island contains his real name and an ogre
stands guard by the bridge. Talk to the shade of Tudglyd,
the sorcerer ogre blocking the right bridge. Tudglyd
cannot touch Bradwen but he can block his way. Ask him
about the dragon. The dragon has been asleep for
centuries and will wake when his name is called from the
Dragon stone. Talk to the shade of Cymerill by another
opening to the lava pool. The dragon has devoured his soul.
Ask about Tudglyd and he talks about the promise
- Tudglyd
promised to serve the Christian God and cannot hinder the
quest. Middle bone
bridge - Walk around the rim of the island and see 2
empty cages and a cage with Novelius' shade. Ask him
about the dragon. Novelius says there are some
stones placed on an island. Some are the teeth of the
dragon. If observed in the correct order, the name will
be revealed. The teeth are different from the other
stones. The first, second and third can be found in the
outer circle. The fourth is near the third tooth on the
middle circle. The fifth and sixth follow on the middle
circle. The last is aligned with the first but is on the
inner circle.
Left boned bridge - The island is full of inscribed
standing stones. Go to the stones in the outer circle
Chapter 5: When the dragon was defeated, Gwen, Bradwen's first wife appears and accuses Bradwen of abandoning her in search of power and allowing her to be killed by the witch. Gwen was told this by Madog, their son who appears too and was responsible for bringing her there. Bradwen gives her the sword of truth so that she will know that what she accuses him of is not the truth. Gwen strikes Bradwen a heavy wound. Madog changes into the devil and laughed at him for he has tricked Gwen in believing her son, she loves so much. Bradwen calls Corwyn and asks him to pick up the sword. Playing as Corwyn, pick up the sword by standing close to Gwen, who is crying now. Give the sword of truth to Bradwen. Bradwen knights Corwyn, so he kneels before no man. Bradwen gives the sword to Corwyn and asks Corwyn to get him the lamp of St. Epona, the only thing that can cure him. Walk to the other bridge at the other end of the island. On the way pick up an ice crystal. The bridge is blocked by Melatus, the Black Knight. Do not fight him. Use the sword of truth on Melatus to find out his weakness. Melatus says that his weakness is water but in the sea of lava, there is no water. Talk to Melatus again and fight him using the ice crystal-dragon's tear as weapon. Walk across the bridge and find a shield, a cup , a crown and Rhiannon-St. Epona's lamp. Get the lamp and use it on Bradwen. Master, you cannot be dead. Bradwen is healed. Master Foulque explains that with the death of the dragon, St. Epona was freed. The world of shadows fell with the dragon in the abyss of the void. Only Arthur and Merlin can reunite the kingdom and they are both dead. Bradwen survived but the Saxons overtook Britain and were victorious. Bradwen took the remaining knights and became the King of Little Britain. He taught Arthur's principles of Chivalry to his companions and that is how it was handed down to the present. Lancelot and the other knights are real since they exist in you heart. Here ends the Tale of Bradwen, Knight of the Round table and King of the Atrebates. This document may not be distributed without express written permission of the author and the content may not be altered in any way. For
Questions or Comments on this Walkthrough, Copyright © 6/2002 MaGtRo |