The door to Vernon's apartment is locked. Take the pencil from the message board on the wall. Note that if you didn't take the pencil you can get it later in the game.
Go through the glass door to get out onto the balcony. Pull the bird bath once to the left, climb over it and then push it to the extreme left of the balcony. Stand on the bird bath and grab the gutter above. While clinging onto the gutter make your way across to the balcony on the left. To get to the end balcony climb over the railing and across. The window at the end balcony leads into Vernon's bedroom. Try opening the window and note that it's locked with a latch, but you notice a small gap. Use your press card to release the latch on the window.


The door in Vernon's bedroom leads to the living room. Although you find Vernon's business card by searching the body, it serves no purpose other than providing his phone number (one of the 'incorrect' combinations to his safe) and an additional dialog topic with certain characters. Pick up the shell casing lying on the floor.
Take a close look at the paintings in the apartment. The one in the bedroom is the box cover of Broken Sword I and the one in the living room is of an apple. If you examine the apple painting you learn that the artist is Steve Jobs, who happens to be the co-founder of Apple Computing.
Enter the kitchen and the murderer (you later learn her name is Petra) confronts you. To prevent being killed by her you need to act quickly. Watch the frying pan very closely - the moment the hotspot appears on the handle press the 'S' key. After fielding Petra's shot with the frying pan, similarly watch the fridge door and again press the 'S' key as soon as the hotspot appears. You may find it easier to keep the 'S' key pressed down before the hotspot actually appears.
Before following Petra down the ladders on the kitchen balcony, go back inside and listen to the messages on the answering machine. Take note of the third message from Beatrice - she's waiting for Vernon in the gardens. There's a bank statement in the trash can (in the kitchen) but again, it's only purpose is providing an 'incorrect' combination to the safe.


Climb down both ladders on the kitchen balcony to get to the street below. Pick up the newspaper lying on the ground next to the trash can. Climb over the wall (opposite Vernon's apartment building) and pick up a dark wig discarded by Petra. Examine the dark wig (in your inventory) to learn Petra is actually a blonde. This activates the 'blonde woman' dialog topic with the characters in the neighbourhood.
Climb back over the wall and head toward the main street. Turn to Nico's left and walk along the street until you see the woman cleaning up outside the cafe. Discuss the blonde woman topic to learn that Petra drove off in a red sports car.
You must speak to the guy with the skateboard next. He walks up and down the street so you won't find him in any particular spot. Ask him about the red sports car to learn it's an E-Type Jag.
The traffic warden is standing at the entrance to the gardens. Before talking to her enter the gardens where you find Beatrice sitting on a bench. Although it's not necessary to talk to her you should do so in order to follow the storyline. If you listened to the answering machine you know her name and can tell her about Vernon.
Return to the traffic warden and select the shell casing dialog topic. Until you talk to her about the shell casing she won't be cooperative. Ask her about the red E-Type Jag (you must first have spoken to the skateboard guy about it) and she gives you the vehicle registration number and talks about the theatre mask on the passenger seat. The police arrive and take you into custody...
When questioned by the police in Vernon's apartment select all the dialog topics.

At this point the game switches back to George inside the cave in the Congo


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Initially there's nothing to do here, but take some time to examine the memorabilia she collected in the first two games - from George's red clown's nose to the little Tezcatlipoca statue.
Leave through the door and go back to Vernon's Apartment.


Go to the alley next to the apartment building and climb the metal ladders to the kitchen balcony. Examine the door to see that the key is in the lock. Now for the oldest trick in the book! Slide the newspaper under the door, insert the pencil into the lock (pushing the key onto the newspaper) and then retrieve the key. Unlock the door and enter the apartment. Note that if you didn't take the key and/or newspaper previously, you must do so now. The newspaper is found lying on the ground next to the trash can in the alley. To find the pencil enter Vernon's apartment building (across the road from the women outside the bistro) and look on the message board.


Take a tissue from the tissue box on the kitchen sink. Lift the rug on the floor in the open doorway and remove the loose floorboard to reveal a safe.
You hear sobbing coming from inside the bedroom. Enter the bedroom to find Beatrice sitting on the bed. She won't want to talk to you unless you give her the tissue. Ask Beatrice about Vernon's safe to figure out that her birthday is the combination.
You can now open the safe by selecting the Beatrice option. Note that if you previously took Vernon's business card and found the bank statement in the trash can in the kitchen, two additional possible 'combinations' to the safe will appear - both of which are incorrect. Remove Vernon's diagram and DVD from the safe.
Leave the apartment via the metal ladders and head towards the main street. Petra will attempt to run you over in her red sports car, so evasive action is required. To jump out the way you must tap the 'S' key repeatedly in quick succession when the hotspot appears. I struggled quite a bit with this one and found that I had to literally start tapping the 'S' key before the hotspot appeared. Try this if you similarly struggle with it.
Walk to the end of the street and return to Nico's apartment.


Insert Vernon's DVD into the TV/DVD Player on the table and watch Vernon's message.
You can listen to the messages on the answering machine, but they're not important. Use the telephone to call André Lobineau and tell him about Vernon.
After watching the DVD with André talk to him and he suggests that you do some research. Use the telephone to call the newspaper. Select the theatrical mask topic to activate L'Heiroglyphe Theatre as a destination when you leave the apartment.

At this point in the game Nico goes to the Theatre


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