Crystal Key II: The Far Realm Walkthrough
by Gamehound
March 2004
This walkthrough is a compilation of several individuals' solutions. I,
Gamehound, am just the one who is writing the walkthrough. I nor any of the
individuals I mention worked through the game on our own. This is a team
effort. The individuals involved in solving the puzzles, from the
Gameboomers message board, alphabetically, are jj7, John M, Kim, manxman,
Mike Da Man, Mordack and me. Thank you one and all for your contributions.
This is your standard point-and-click adventure. Everything is controlled
with the mouse with the exception of 2 keys to use. The first is the Esc
(escape) key to access the main menu to save your game, quit, etc. The
second key, which is optional, is the spacebar key. I find this to be
particularly useful to bypass cutscenes (of which there are many throughout
the game that are repetitive) and lengthy dialogues we have already listened
to. Other than that, everything is straight forward.
* Click forward twice.
* Pan down to the ground then click on Athera's diary.
* Click on the button at the top left then read through the diary using the
arrow keys.
* Click on the crystal key on the ground.
* Right click to bring up your inventory, take the crystal key, move it over
the middle of the left side of the portal (until your cursor changes color)
then click there.
* Click on the portal.
* Pan right then click on the man standing in front of the ship.
* Click on the man again to talk with him.
* Pan left to see the small transport vehicle.
Note: You will see a four-character code on the vehicle. This code will be
needed later in the game, but there will be another opportunity to retrieve
this code later in the game. I recommend writing the code down now, because
the next opportunity to do so will be much harder to see clearly. Else, you
can follow this walkthrough, and I will provide enhanced screenshots of the
codes needed for later in the game.
* Pan to the left of the transport vehicle (until your cursor changes color)
then click to move forward one screen.
* Move forward one screen.
* Pan right then move forward three times.
Note: Pan left and you will see the medbot. At the moment, you cannot do
anything with it.
* Continue down the walkway two more screens.
Note: In front of you is an opening to an elevator. If you pan left, you
will see a bunch of crates stacked on each other.
* Click on the crates then pan left to see another transport vehicle.
Note: This is the only other location to get the four-character code I spoke
about earlier. It is more difficult to see. I will provide enhanced
screenshots, later in the walkthrough, when they are needed.
* Pan left then move forward one screen.
* Pan left then go into the elevator.
* Pan left then click on the circle just before the steps (on the wall).
* Click on the up button.
Note: Use your spacebar key to bypass the cutscene if you like).
* Click on the door to move towards it.
* Click on the door again to move closer.
* Click on the right-hand door to open it then move inside.
* Go up the stairs to the bar.
* Pan right then move forward one screen.
Note: You can pan right and move between the tables, but this doesn't do us
any good for the time being. Also, you can pan left and move your cursor
over the gray box in the middle of the counter. This is a drink dispenser
that will be used later in the game.
* Move towards the double doors leading out to the terrace.
* Click on the double doors again to move closer.
* Click on the double doors again to open them, go outside, pan right then
move towards the black object.
* Click on the black object.
Note: The first image is of the desert house (which we will go to later in
the game).
* Move your cursor to the right side of the picture (until your cursor
changes color) then click once.
Note: This second image is of Nehli (a locale we will discover later in the
game as well).
* Move your cursor to the right side of the picture (until your cursor
changes color) then click once to see the thrd and final image.
* Move your cursor to the edge of the screen, until the cursor flattens,
then click to exit the view.
* Go back through the bar, down the stairs then back into the elevator.
* Go down two floors, move forward one screen then go into the boat.
* Click on the yellow bench farthest from you.
Note: You will see Spaceport, Market, Pad and Causeway. For now, we cannot
do anything useful at the Pad and Causeway locations.
* Click on the Market location.
* Pan left then click between the stone walls.
* Move forward two screens.
* Pan right then go into the supply store.
* Pan left then move towards the clerk.
* Click on the clerk to speak with him.
* Leave the supply store after speaking with the clerk.
* Pan right then move forward two screens.
* Pan right then move down the corridor.
Note: After you click on the tent, you will see a cutscene of produce being
transported through a bioport. What is important to note here is the
four-note sound that you will hear from a flute. This sound pattern will be
used later in the game when going to Nehli. The important thing to remember
is where the solution to the proper sound pattern is located (which is
* Click on the tent.
* Speak with the merchant behind the produce stand then play the board game
with his son.
Note: This board game will help us solve a puzzle later in the game. For
now, just play through it so you remember where you saw the game.
* Go back to the boat then click on the Spaceport location.
* Go into the elevator then go up two floors to the bar.
Note: Yay! Our friend is here.
* Move towards him one screen.
* Pan left then click on the drink dispenser in the middle of the bar
* Click on the menu selector (the object to the right of the gray
* Click on the side button until you go onto the picture of the red berries.
Note: The red berries, as we will find out later in the game, are
koozberries. We will also find out, later in the game, that glowbugs like
* Click on the rectangular picture to get a glass of koozberry juice.
* Click on the glass to drink the juice.
* Click on the glass to receive an empty tumbler (glass) in your inventory.
* Move your cursor to the top of the screen, until the cursor flattens, then
click to exit the view.
* Pan right then move between the tables.
* Pan left then click on the man to speak with him again.
* Go back to the elevator then go down one floor.
Note: Eeep! Someone cried out for help.
* Move forward one screen, pan right then move towards the crates.
* Pan left then click on the man on the ground.
* Pan left then click on the elevator.
* Move two screens down the walkway.
* Pan right then click on the medbot.
Note: You will see symbols on the bot's chest plate. We will need these for
later in the game. Either write them down, or I will provide enhanced
screenshots, later in this walkthrough, when the codes are needed.
* Click on the bot's head to speak with Dr. Jakar.
* Click on the bot to exit the view.
* Pan right then go back to where the man is lying on the ground.
* Right click to bring up your inventory then click on the syringe.
* Use the syringe on the man, go back into the elevator then go down one
* Move forward one screen, pan left then click on the brown cargo box beside
the circular platform in the water.
* Go back up one floor then over to the injured man again.
* Right click to open your inventory, click on the cargo box then give it to
the injured man.
Note: Place your cargo box back into your inventory.
* Go back to the elevator, down one floor then back into the boat.
* Click on the yellow bench farthest from you then click on the Market
* Go back to the supply store, give the clerk the cargo box, go back to the
boat then click on the Pad location.
* Pan right then exit the boat.
* Pan left and down then click on the box.
* Click on the panel to open the box.
* Click on the lever.
Note: If you come back later and flip this lever again, it will deactivate
the elevator. Because you have to use the elevator here several times
throughout the game, I highly recommend never using this lever again (leave
it on the entire game).
* Move the cursor, till it flattens, to the edge of the screen then click to
exit the view.
* Pan right then move forward one screen.
* Pan left then click on the box on the railing.
* Click on the box to open it.
* Click on the lever to activate the elevator.
* Move forward one screen.
Note: You will see a flashing jetpack image in the top, right-hand corner of
your screen. Whenever you see this, throughout the game, this will note
where the jetpack can be used safely.
* Right click to bring up your inventory, click on your jetpack then click
on the screen to use it.
Note: New locations to explore (Desert House, Roy's Crash site and Nehli).
Later in the game, more locations will be added to this map.
* Click on Roy's Crash location.
* Pan left then click to the left of the vehicle.
* Click on Roy twice to speak with him.
Note: That lizard we will come across again later in the game. You can pan
down and see a wrench in the sand. We will need to come back, later in the
game, and ask to borrow it.
* Pan right then go back the way you came (one screen).
* Right click, click on the jetpack then click on the Desert House location.
* Pan left then go down the white-stone path.
* Move down the white-stone path two screens.
* Go inside the front entrance of the desert house.
* Inside the house, pan left immediately then take the square key hanging
from the wall hook.
* Leave the desert house then go back down the white-stone path you came up.
* Click on the black key hanging on the side of the monolith (vertical
* Take the square key from your inventory then place it into the key hole.
* Take the round key.
* Pan right then move down the same white-stone path one screen.
* Pan over to the manhole in the sand then click on it.
* Take the round key from your inventory then use it on the keyhole.
Note: For the time being, there is nothing we can do down the manhole, nor
at the desert house.
* Click on the edge of the screen to exit the view.
* Go back to the monolith (vertical structure), use your jetpack then click
on the Nehli location.
* Pan left until you come across the first, big rock in front of you then
click on the flute.
Note: If you recall from back at the merchant's stand, at the Market
location, we heard the correct pattern to play on the flute (which was
played through the bioport). If we number the holes 1 through 6 starting
from the left, the correct pattern to use is 3-1-2-4.
* Play the correct pattern to lower the elevator then go inside of it.
* Move forward three screens, pan right then move towards the man.
* Click on the man to speak with him.
* Go back down to the main path, pan right then move forward one screen.
* Pan left then click on the bush with the glowbugs.
* Click on the red koozberries at the top of the bush.
* Click on the corner of the screen to exit the view.
* Pan right (towards the tree) then move forward two screens.
* Pan left then move forward one screen.
* Pan right then move forward one screen.
* Take your empty tumbler (glass) from your inventory then use it to scoop
up some algae.
* Move your cursor to the bottom of the screen, until the cursor flattens,
then click to exit the view.
* Place the glass of algae back into your inventory, pan right then move
forward one screen.
* Pan left, move forward one screen, click on the door then go inside.
Note: Remember to use your spacebar key to bypass long cutscenes.
* Click on the white-caged bucket on the left.
* Pan right then click on the floor inside the bucket.
* Click on the door in front of you.
* Pan left and up then click on the green plant hanging down.
* Turn around 180 degrees then move into the tunnel.
* Pan left then click on the wooden crate.
* In your inventory, combine the koozberries with the wooden crate.
* Pan right then move down to the end of the path.
* Pan left then click on the kracklenut shell on the ground.
* Go back into the tunnel then move forward one screen.
* Click on the green plant hanging down above the bucket.
* Pan right then click on the floor of the wooden bucket.
* Move forward one screen.
* Pan left then click on the white gate.
* Click on the white gate to open it.
* Move forward one screen.
* Pan left then move forward two screens.
* Pan down and look at the blue eelfish.
* Click on the boat.
* Pan right then talk to the fisherman.
* Pan right then go up to the front door of the building.
* Click on the keypad to the right of the door.
Note: We see symbols on the keys. If you recall the symbols on the transport
vehicle and medbot earlier, these will open the first two of three doors. It
is pointless, at this time, to go inside. The third code will not be shown
to use until later in the game.
* Go back into the boat, at the dock, then click on the Nehli location.
* Pan right then go into the tunnel.
* Move forward three screens.
* Pan left then move forward three screens.
* Move forward four screens.
* Pan down then click on the giant leaf in the water.
* Pan left then click on the empty spray bottle on the pier.
* Pan left them move up the path.
* Pan left then click on Kahleena to speak with her.
* Pan right then walk up to the front of the house.
* Pan right then click on the cauldron.
Note: At the moment, there is nothing we can do here. Later, we will have to
come back and heat up some kracklenuts.
* Go back down to the dock, use your jetpack then click on the Spaceport
* Move forward one screen.
* Pan left, click on the box, click again to open the lid then click on the
lever to go down the elevator.
* Move forward one screen then go back into the boat.
* Click on one of the yellow benches then click on the Spaceport location.
* Pan up then move into the elevator.
* Go up two floors then back into the bar.
* Move forward one screen, pan left then click on the drink dispenser in the
middle of the bar counter.
* Click on the menu selector then click on the side button to select
koozberry juice.
* Click on the picture of the red koozberries.
* Take the empty spray bottle from your inventory then use it on the glass
of koozberry juice.
* Exit the view, go down the elevator two floors then back into the boat.
* Click on the yellow bench farthest from you then click on the Pad
* Go back up the elevator, move forward one screen, use your jetpack then
click on the Nehli location.
* Click on the flute, on the rock, then enter in the correct code again
* Move into the elevator, move forward three screens, pan right then move up
towards the man.
* Take the kracklenut shell from your inventory then click on the man.
* Return the kracklenut shell to your inventory.
* Move back down to the main path, pan right then move forward one screen.
* Pan left then click on the bush with the glowbugs.
* Take the crate with the koozberries from your inventory then click on the
* Exit the view, place the crate back into your inventory, go back down the
elevator, use your jetpack then click on the Desert House location.
* Pan left then move down the white-stone path one screen.
* Pan right then click on the manhole.
* Go down the manhole.
* Pan down until you can see light on the ground.
* Take the crate with koozberries and glowbugs from your inventory then
place it in the light on the ground.
* Pan up till you can just see a faint circle (an opening to a tunnel).
* Take the spray bottle with koozberry juice from your inventory then spray
it down the tunnel.
Note: You will notice that your spray bottle is gone from your inventory. If
you leave out the manhole now, your game is over (unless you have a previous
save point to re-start from). If you leave, the glowbugs will return to the
crate, and you cannot go back to Kahleena's dock to get another empty spray
bottle. Unfortunately, this is the only way to get into this tunnel.
WARNING! Because of the MAJOR
glitch I just described in the note above, I highly recommend making
a save right now before leaving out the manhole, or going down into the
tunnel. If you miss an item in the tunnel, you can restart here without too
much hassle.
Note: To save your game, if you haven't already, hit your Esc (escape) key
on your keyboard, and perform a save there.
* Move down into the tunnel one screen.
* Click on the wheel to turn it and open the door.
* Move forward one screen then click on the wheel to turn it.
* Pan right then move forward one screen.
* Pan left then click on the crank device (on top of the pipe).
Note: If you would have left out the manhole without this item, like I did
my first time playing through this game, and you didn't have a previous save
point (like I didn't), you would be forced to start the game over from the
beginning. This is the major glitch in the game that I was referring to in
the warning message above.
* Pan right then click on the small, round window on the wall.
Note: You can see that the water pumps have been activated. Where the water
is flowing is called the Merari Cave. We will be there later in the game,
and you can look through the same window you are looking through now only
from the otherside.
* Go back out through the tunnel then out the manhole.
* Go back to the monolith (vertical structure) and view the narrow side
opposite to where the round key was found.
* Take the crank device from your inventory then use it on the dark circle on
the side of the monolith (vertical structure) to fill the pond.
* Pan left then click on the blue flower.
* Move forward one screen.
* Pan right then click on the red flower below the two, short purple
* Pan left then move forward one screen.
* Pan left, pan down then click on the white flower against the desert
* Pan up, pan right then move forward two screens.
* Pan right then click on the pink flower beside the tree trunk.
* Pan right then move to the front door of the house.
* Pan right then click on the faucet.
* Click on the purple flower.
* Pan left then go inside the desert house until you are facing the door
with the stone archway over it.
* Pan right then go into the room on the side.
* Move towards the window, pan right then click on the fountain on the
* Turn the dial on the side of the fountain then click on the dark red
* Leave the room then face the door with the stone archway.
Note: You will see flower imprints in the stone archway. For now, we only
have six of the seven flowers needed to open this door. The seventh will be
collected after a short visit to Roy's Crash site. For now, place the six
flowers on the archway. The flowers imprints match where they go on the
archway. The top, middle one will be left blank for now.
* Go back outside to the monolith (vertical structure), use your jetpack
then click on the Roy's Crash location.
* Click on the left side of the ship to move forward one screen.
* Pan down then click on Roy's wrench to ask if you can borrow it.
* Click on the wrench, pan right then move forward one screen.
* Use your jetpack then click on the Desert House location.
* Pan left then move down the white-stone path one screen.
* Pan right then click on the back entrance to the desert house.
* Go inside the enclosure.
* Click on the faucet on the wall (to the left of the gate).
* Take the wrench from your inventory then use it on the faucet.
* Click on the yellow flower between the blue ones.
* Go back into the front entrance of the desert house then go back to the
door with the stone archway.
* Take the yellow flower from your inventory then place it on the archway to
open the door.
* Go through the door, pan right then move towards the shelf beside the
* Click on the empty vase.
* Pan left then click on the manhole in the ground.
* Click on the manhole to open it.
Note: Off to the left is an opening. This leads to the otherside of the gate
(as shown from the outside). There is nothing to do there, so visit if you
* Go down into the manhole.
* Pan left then go down into the hallway.
* Move into the next room then towards the tunnel at the far end.
* Move down the tunnel five screens, pan left then move up onto the
* Click on the gate.
* Move towards the water then move forward one screen to see some kind of
fish vessel.
* Click on the water to the right of the fishbot.
* Click on the rusty metal plate on the fish's jaw.
* Click to leave the view of the fishbot.
Note: Eeep! There is one of those blue eelfish swimming around us.
* Go back up onto the beach to where you can use your jetpack.
* Click on the Nehli location.
* Click on the flute again and play the proper notes 3-1-2-4.
* Go into the elevator, move forward six screens, pan right then move
forward one screen.
* Click on the door to open it then go inside.
* Go into the white gate, move forward one screen then pan left a little.
Note: You will see a tunnel between the lantern (on the left) and some
machinery (on the right).
* Click on the tunnel, pan right and then up.
* Take the rusty metal plate from your inventory then use it on the large
wheel (which has a white knob sticking out of it) to turn the plate into a
shiney metal plate.
* Go back the way you came (back into the bucket, out the white gate, down
the tunnel, pan left and all the way back to the elevator).
* Go down the elevator, move forward one screen, use your jetpack then click
on the Fishbot Beach location.
* Go back into the water then pan left to face the fishbot.
* Take the shiney metal plate from your inventory then use it where the
rusty metal plate was taken from.
* Click on the red button then wait to be placed inside of the fishbot.
* Pan up to the ceiling to see the third code we need for Dr. Jakar's house.
Note: The code, however, is upside down.
* Pan to the side until the code becomes rightside up.
Note: Write the code down for later use. Again, I will post enhanced
screenshots of each of the three codes when it comes time to use them.
* Pan down and right until you are facing the controls of the fishbot.
* Click on the lever in the middle of the console.
* Talk to the Merari.
* Pan left then move forward one screen.
* Move into the stairway then go upstairs.
* Pan left then go down the hallway.
* Pan left then click on the door to open it.
* Click on the Merari to move closer to him.
* Click on the Merari to speak with him.
* Click on the Merari again.
* Pan left then click on the portal.
* Try and take the passage on the right (but you can't, nor can you at any
point in the game).
Note: I believe this is another glitch in the game, because you are supposed
to get the power of invisibilty later but you never do. I will assume coming
back here was the objective of having invisibility in the game, but it never
* Pan left then go into the next room.
* Pan right then click on the cell door.
* Click on Athera to speak with her.
* Click on the cell door again.
* Click on Athera to speak with her again.
* Go back to the portal then go through it.
* Pan right then move towards the door.
* Click on the door then go through it.
* Go back downstairs, pan right then move forward two screens.
* Pan right then click on the fishbot.
* Go back up unto the beach then use your jetpack.
* Click on the Desert House location.
* Go into the desert house then into the room where the dark red rose was
found (with the fountain).
* Close the shutters of the window by clicking on them.
* Leave the desert house then go to the back entrance and scare the lizard
* Go back into the desert house then back into the room with the closed
window shutters.
* Go back out to the back entrance of the desert house then click on the
gate to see the lizard stuck there.
* Take the empty vase from your inventory then click on the lizard's head to
fill it with venom.
* Go back to the monolith (vertical structure) by the pool then use your
* Click on the Fishbot Beach location.
* Go inside the fishbot then go back to the Merari Palace.
* Go back upstairs, down the hallway, pan left then click on the door.
* Go back to the portal then go through it again.
* Pan left then go into the next room.
* Pan right then click on Athera's cell.
* Click on the handpad.
* Take the vase of poison from your inventory then use it on the handpad.
* Click on Athera's cell again to rescue her (after the cutscene).
* Click on Athera to speak with her.
Note: Observe the 6 shields on the wall. These shields, coupled with the
game we played with the merchant's son, back at the market, will help us
solve a puzzle located here in the Merari Palace. We will come back later to
work out the significance of these shields.
* Go back down to the fishbot.
* Go up onto the beach then use your jetpack.
* Click on the Spaceport location.
* Go back down the elevator then back into the boat.
* Click on the Market location.
* Go back to the produce merchant with his son under the tent.
* Take the kracklenut shell from your inventory then move it over either end
of the produce in the stand until the cursor changes color then click.
Note: You may have to do this twice to get information about the kracklenuts
because the game likes to load the old conversation first. If the old
conversation loads up, just use your spacebar key several times until the
conversation ends then try again.
* Place the kracklenut shell back into your inventory.
* Play the game again with the merchant's son.
Note: A ha! There are those symbols again that we saw on the shields at the
Merari Palace. The merchant's son tells you that the order the items appear
on the game board is the same as how the warrior received them. When the
puzzle comes with having to know this information, knowing the order is
vital. The proper order is: 1. Gem 2. Dagger 3. Cup 4. Helmet 5. Lyre 6.
Coin. And also note that the die is coded as red = 1, green = 2 and white =
3. Knowing the values of the die is important to remember as well.
* Go back to the boat then click on the Pad location.
*Go back up the elevator, move forward one screen, use your jetpack then
click on the Fishbot Beach location.
* Go back into the fishbot.
* Go upstairs to where Athera's lying in bed.
Note: Okay, it is now time to make sense of a puzzle we are about to
attempt. The puzzle in mention is downstairs. It consists of six display
cases. Each display case has three buttons on it. You need to click the
correct order of buttons, on each display case, to reveal a map. The
corresponding maps of each display case, coupled with the order of the items
on the game board (back at the market), will show us how to solve the
puzzle. To complete the puzzle, we will need to click on the correct order
of maps around the column in the center of the room. As for the shields in
the room where Athera is lying...
* Pan around the room and notice that all six of the shields have three
parts (a left panel, a central panel and a right panel).
Note: You will see that the shields are colored differently from one
another. Recall back from the game you played with the merchant's son that
red = 1, green = 2 and white = 3. When doing the puzzle, each display case
will have three buttons. Each shield has three panels. The left panel of the
shield represents the left button of the display case. The right panel the
right button, and the left panel the left button. So... Helmet: left
1, middle 3, right 1. Gem: left 1, middle 3, right 3. Dagger:
left 1, middle 2, right 3. Cup: left 2, middle 3, right 2. Lyre:
left 2, middle 1, right 2. Coin: left 1, middle 1, right 2. These
values correspond to the display-case buttons of the puzzle, and shows how
many times, for each display case, you need to press the buttons. However,
the order of how they are to be pressed is a guessing game (but the codes
have been solved in this walkthrough).
* Go back downstairs then move one screen down the hallway.
* Pan right then click on the door.
Note: Okay, here it is. It is puzzle time. There are two display cases on
each wall where there isn't a door. There are the maps around the column in
the middle of the room. The order of the display cases can be solved anyway
you like, but the maps have to be pressed in a specific order as shown to us
back on the game board at the market - 1. Gem 2. Dagger 3. Cup 4. Helmet 5.
Lyre 6. Coin. If the maps are not pressed in this order, you will not solve
this puzzle.
* Click on the column in the middle of the room.
Note: To solve the display cases, for this walkthrough, I will begin with
the right-hand side of the room and work my way counterclockwise.
(3rd map to press)

(6th map to press)

(4th map to press)

(1st map to press)

(2nd map to press)
(5th map to press)
Note: Looking at the column, as if you had just entered into the room from
the hallway, for ease of explanation, number the maps 1 through 6. The map
directly in front of you is map 1 then count forward moving to the right (or
counterclockwise). Using this notation, the correct order to press on the
maps is 3-6-5-2-4-1.
* Click on the ladder that is revealed after solving the puzzle.
* Pan right then move forward one screen.
* Pan left then move forward one screen.
* Pan right then move forward one screen.
* Go down the stairs.
* Pan left then move down the walkway one screen.
* Pan left then click on the window.
Note: We have been in there before (the tunnel with the glowbugs led us
* Click to leave the view.
* Pan around 180 degrees then move towards the water columns.
* Click on the water columns.
* Pan left, until your cursor changes color, then move forward one screen.
* Pan right then move forward one screen.
* Go into the tummel six screens.
* Pan up then move down the tunnel two screens.
* Pan down a little (until your cursor is at the level of the black
stalagmite just beside the pool).
* Pan right a little, until your cursor changes color, then click to move
* Pan right until your cursor changes color then move forward two screens.
* Pan left, take the glass of algae from your inventory then click on the
white bacteria dripping from the stalactite.
* Pan around 180 degrees then move towards the pool.
* Pan left then move forward one screen.
* Pan left (very little) then move forward one screen.
* Pan left, click on the small, green opening then move forward eight
* Go back upstairs.
* Move forward one screen.
* Pan left then move forward one screen.
* Pan right then move forward one screen.
* Pan left then click on the ladder.
* Pan down, until your cursor changes color, then click on the ladder again.
* Pan up then move towards the door.
* Click on the door to open it.
* Go back to the fishbot.
* Go up on the beach, use your jetpack then click on the Desert House
* Use the crank device on the monolith (vertical structure) to drain the
* Move towards the front entrance of the desert house then pan to face the
* Take the algae and bacteria tumbler from your inventory then place it
inside the drained pool.
* Click on the algae and bacteria in the pool (which is now a portal).
* Pan right then move forward one screen.
* Click on the lever just to the right of the steps.
* Move up the steps, pan right then click on the area behind the open lid.
* Pan right then go down the ladder.
* Move forward one screen.
* Pan down then use the glass of algae and bacteria on the pink mass in the
enclosure to transform it into another portal.
* Place the glass back into your inventory.
* Pan right then click on the right-hand lever to move it to the down
* Pan around 180 degrees then move into the control room.
* Pan right then click on the large, rectangular screen to reveal a
* Go back outside then look at the portal to reveal a map.
* Click on the closed door then once again to open it, and go back up to the
* Go back down to the first portal then go through it.
* Go back to the monolith (verticle structure) then use your jetpack.
* Click on the Nehli location.
* Click on the flute then use the combination 3-1-2-4.
* Move forward three screens, pan right then walk up to the man.
* Click on the man to speak with him again.
Note: So we need to somehow be flown up to speak with the other Nehli man we
need to talk to regarding invisibility. The creatures that fly us up there
(giant squirrels) want kracklenuts. Well, we still don't have any. While we
are here, let's go see what we can find at Dr. Jakar's now that we have all
three codes.
* Go back down to the main path, pan right then move forward three screens.
* Pan right, move forward one screen, click on the door to open it then go
* Pan right then click on the white gate.
* Move forward one screen, pan left then move forward two screens.
* Pan right then go into the boat.
* Pan left then go up to the front door of the building.
* Click on the keypad then use the code found on the transport vehicle at
the Spaceport.
Note: For ease of use, you can number the keypad 1 through 10. 1-2-3 along
the top row, 4-5-6 along the middle row, 7-8-9 along the third row and 10
for the bottom button. The code, without matching the pictures would be

*Go inside then move forward one screen.
* Click on the panel in front of you then enter in the code that was found
on the medbot (or use 1-7-6-4 if you don't want to match the characters).

* Move forward two screens.
* Pan down then click on the silver panel.
* Enter in the code found inside of the fishbot (or use 6-9-7-10 if you
don't want to match the characters).

* Pan up, move towards the door then click on the door to open it.
* Move forward one screen, pan left then move forward one additional screen.
* Pan right then move downstairs.
* Pan left then move towards the green tanks in the corner of the room.
* Pan left then move towards Dr. Jakar.
* Pan right then click on Dr. Jakar.
* Click on Dr. Jakar for more information.
* Go back upstairs, out the house, back to the dock then back into the boat.
* Pan right then go into the cave.
* Move forward one screen, pan right them move forward one screen.
* Click on the bucket to go inside.
* Move through the white gate, pan left then move forward one screen.
* Move forward one screen.
* Pan left then move forward six screens.
* Leave the elevator, use your jetpack then click on the Desert House
* Use your crank device on the monolith (vertical structure) to refill the
* Move to the otherside of the pool then go into the portal.
* Pan left to see the water flowing through the portal.
* Pan left then move forward one screen.
* Pan left then move forward one screen (to the left of the stairs).
* Pan down then click on the vine to get a small machine.
* Go back through the portal with the water flowing through it.
* Go back to the monolith (vertical structure) then use your jetpack.
* Click on the Nehli location.
* Use the combination 3-1-2-4 on the flute then move into the elevator.
* Move forward six screens, pan right then move forward one screen.
* Click on the door to open it then move inside.
* Pan right then click on the white gate to go inside.
* Move forward one screen, pan left then move forward two screens.
* Pan right then click on the boat.
* Go back to the 1st door then re-enter the combination (or use 5-5-7-1 if
you don't want to match the characters).
* Go back to the 2nd door then re-enter the combination (or use 1-7-6-4 if
you don't want to match the characters).
Note: We don't have to re-solve the third door's combination anymore.
* Go inside the house, down the stairs then go over to Dr. Jakar.
* Take the small machine from your inventory then give it to Dr. Jakar.
* Leave the house then go back into the boat at the dock.
* Pan right, move into the cave then move forward one screen.
* Pan right, move forward one screen then click on the bucket to go inside.
* Click on the white gate, pan left then move forward one screen.
* Move forward one screen, pan left then move forward six screens.
* Move forward one screen then use your jetpack.
* Click on the Spaceport location.
* Pan left then go down the elevator.
* Move forward one screen then go back into the boat.
* Click on a yellow bench then select the market location.
* Go to the supply store where you got the jetpack from earlier.
* Take the money from your inventory then give it to the clerk.
* Pan right then take the brown crate on the top shelf.
* Go back down into the boat then click on the Pad location.
* Go back up the elevator, use your jetpack then click on Roy's Crash Site.
* Pan right then click to the left of the ship.
* Click on Roy then give him the fuel combiner.
* Take the kracklenut shell from your inventory then give it to Roy.
* Return the kracklenut shell to your inventory.
* Pan right then move forward one screen.
* Use your jetpack then click on Kahleena's location.
* Go up the path, towards the house, then click on the cauldron.
* Take the kracklenuts tin from your inventory then place it into the
* Take the roasted kracklenuts tin out of the cauldron then place it back
into your inventory.
* Go back down to the dock, use your jetpack then click on the Nehli
* Use the combination 3-1-2-4 on the flute then go into the elevator.
* Move forward six screens, pan right then move forward one screen.
* Click on the door to open it then go inside.
* Pan left then click on the white-caged bucket.
* Pan right then move inside of the bucket.
* Click on the door, pan left and up then click on the green plant hanging
* Pan around 180 degrees then move down the tunnel.
* Move down to the end of the path, take the roasted kracklenuts tin for
your inventory then place it on the black circle.
* Click on the animal (giant squirrel).
* Pan right then click on the man.
* Click on the man again for additional information.
* Pan left then click on the animal.
* Pan right then go back into the tunnel.
* Click on the green plant above the bucket.
* Pan 180 degrees then move into the bucket.
* Move into the tunnel to the right of the white gate.
* Once outside, move forward one screen, pan left then move forward six
* Move forward one screen, use your jetpack then click on the Fishbot Beach
* Go back into the fishbot then click on the lever in the middle of the
* Go back upstairs, move down the hallway, pan left then click on the door.
* Go into the portal.
* Go into the room with the fallen guard.
* Go into the next room, pan right then move forward four screens.
Note: If you like, you can click on each of the blue panels on the sides to
see what is inside of them.
* Move forward to go up the elevator.
* Pan left then click on the empty cage from the ground.
* Pan left then click on the large, blue structure to go back down the
* Move forward four screens.
* Pan left, move forward two screens then go back through the portal.
* Pan right, leave the room then go upstairs.
* Pan right then go into the room with Athera.
* Move forward one screen, pan left then move forward one more screen.
* Pan right and up to see a soulbug on the wall.
* Take the empty cage from your inventory then use it on the soulbug.
* Leave the room then go back down to the fishbot.
* Go back up onto the beach, use the jetpack then click on the Desert House
* Go to the front of the desert house then face the pond.
* Click on the portal in the pond.
* Go back down the ladder.
* Move forward one screen.
* Pan right and up then hang the caged soulbug (from your inventory) on the
lever on the left.
* Watch the closing cutscene.
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© Gamehound, 2004
Walkthroughs and Solutions