
Quick Walkthru 
ver. 1.4
by Viet Nguyen aka Vism



As this is a quick walkthru for those that get stuck at a certain point, 

I highly suggest you explore everywhere you can and familiarize yourself 

with the area, and talk to everyone about everything, even repeating 

questions sometimes.  I will usually not tell you where a location is or 

what exactly to say to open an option.  IF YOU CAN'T SEEM TO DO WHAT IS 





After the intro, you find yourself tied to the ship watching pirates 

fight.  To the left of you is a brazier of hot coals, kick it down.  Now 

pick up the hot coals on the floor (yes your hands are tied, just do 

it).  Then kick the hot coal to the loaded cannon on the far right.  



ACT I: Things to do on Melee Island When you're Dead


After you return to Melee Island, you find out that Elaine has been 

declared dead and your mansion is being bombarded by a stone wielding 

catapult.  Your two objectives now are to stop the catapult and get a 

ship and crew to go to Lucre Island.  Don't forget to talk to the voodoo 

lady for some more info that may help.

Head to the Scumm bar, get the dart players to hit the balloon, take the 


While you're there, talk to I. Cheese (crusty pirate) and convince him 

to join your crew if you beat him at insult-arm wrestling.  Beat him 

with insults, like you do in every Monkey Island game.

Talk to Otis and Carla and convince them to join your crew for cushy 

gov't jobs.

Now head to the harbor, and pick up that popped innertube.  Talk to 

Harbor Mistress to try to get a ship, but find out you lack authority. 

Back to mansion, use popped innertube on funny looking cactus by the 

mansion.  Give pretzels to catapult guy, after he leaves, tinker with 

catapult.  The catapult should be gone shortly after.

Now you can enter the mansion.  In the back on the desk is a document.  

Take it, look at it.  There are two documents, the one on the table near 

Elaine isn't the one you need.  The cushy edition is right of the stairs 

where the fine china is.  Give it to Elaine to sign.  Talk to her about 

the ship and she gives you a gubernatorial symbol of authority.  

Talk to Otis and  Carla .  Give them the signed cushy job document. 

Head back to the harbor and show the harbor mistress the gubernatorial 

symbol of authority.  You should be able to go to Lucre Island now.


Lucre Island


Go to the law office, read the letter you receive.  Go to bank, ask for 

safe deposit box.  Watch your loot get stolen and you get locked in.

Pick up the hanky, sword, and three sponges.  Take the music box and 

grog out of the deposit box.  Use sword on bottom hinge on the door.  It 

breaks.  There's now a crack.  Use broken sword on crack.  Use small 

sponge in crack.  Apply grog.  Use medium sponge in crack.  Apply grog.  

Use large sponge in crack.  Apply grog.  You should be free to be 


In jail, pick up the chicken grease.  You need to prove your innocence 


At Sense and Sensibilites, pick up an empty spritzer bottle and the 

cologne on the stand.  

At the House of Sticks pick up wood shavings.  

Go to the Bait Shoppe and pick up a free bait.  Talk to the shop owner.  

Also take the duck outside the shop.

Go to Palace of Prostheses and talk to Dave.  Show him the hanky, but he 

has a cold and can't smell so you need a stronger version of the stench.  

Take your empty spritzer bottle to the water fountain and fill it.  Add 

the wood shavings to it.  Head back to the Bait Shoppe and fill it with 

some bait water.  Head out of Lucre town and to the mansion.  Pick up 

the flower in front of the fountain and add it to your perfume.  Go to 

the Mystes 'O Tyme Marshe and use your perfume bottle on the puddle.  

The smell should be identical of that to the hanky.  

Head back to Dave at the Palace of Prosthese and spray him with your new 

perfume.  He'll tell you the name of the person the smell belongs to.  

Now here it is a random name, every game is a different name.  He'll 

give you a first name, middle initial, last name.  Now you need to 

twiddle with the filing contraption to find the name.  The three 

pictures represent the 3 names left to right, first to last.  The system 

works as follows:

Bunny = A - D;  Tree = E - H;  Pumpkin = I - M;  

Monkey = N - S;  Banana = T - Z

(I might be off a couple letters, email me if there's a mistake)

Just match up the pictures with the corresponding letters.  For example, 

Edgar E. Dangerous would be Tree, Tree, Bunny.  You should have the 

directions to Pegnose Pete now.  Before you go, ask Dave about a 

prosthetic hand, play the music box for him, so he can't hear what's 

going on and steal the hand.  

Now go to the chess players.  Distract the portly player until he gets 

mad.  Find out about the skinny player's crush on Britney.  Distract the 

skinny player with the Britney technique.  Watch them really go at it.  

Take the clock.

Go to the Mystes 'O Tyme Marshe.  Use the clock on the raft.  Now you 

will see the time, and according to the time use the directions to find 

which way you go.  Something like this:

12:05 N                                2:15 S

12:35 S                                2:20 N

12:55 W                                3:15 W

1:30  W                                4:00 W

If it's 2:20 on the clock you go North or up.

Can't give exact directions as they are different everytime.  The times 

and navigation are probably different as well.  After following the 

directions around, you should encounter yourself from the future.  Pay 

attention to what the future you says and gives you as you'll have to do 

it back exactly the same way.  You will need to talk to him first and 

remember what he says.  Open the gate, and mimic what he did when you 

encounter him again.  

When you reach Pegnose Pete's shack, use the chicken grease on the 

welcome mat, and the duck in the window.  

Now go next to the bank and use your broken sword on the manhole.  Take 

the manhole.  After looking at the manhole, go to Dave at the prosthetic 

place again and ask him for a free item.  He'll being to tell a story 

and if you mention the 3 names from the manhole you'll get some fake 

skin.  You can also do other combination of names to receive a 

prosthetic head, stomach, heart, foot, guts, and liver, but I do not 

think these are important.  Take your fake skin back to the manhole and 

use it there.  Now you can bounce off it into the bank.

In the bank there is a chain you can pull to turn on the lights.  Look 

at the weird shadow on the top.  Take the Scupperware, put your bait in 

it and leave.

Now go to the bait shoppe and use the prosthetic hand on the termites.  

Go to Mandrill's mansion and use the Lechuck cologne on one of his stuff 

animals.  He will get ticked and break his stick.  Go back to the 

walking stick place and you'll see his repaired stick there.  Use the 

termites on it and watch him get it and leave a trail of sawdust.  Go 

back to the mansion and tell him you know about the loot and you were 

framed.  He'll go to check on it and leave a trail.  Follow him.

You should be at an island looking thing.  Go to the back side of it and 

you'll find a passageway.  Go down and push the button.  Go back up.  

Dive into the deep water.  Open your scupperware with bait and you will 

catch a glowing fish.  Now you can see the secret door.  Enter and take 

all the loot.  Also pick up the screw.  

Head back to the jail.  Show the inspector the loot and the screw.  That 

should be all.  End of Act I.


ACT II:  Enter the Manatee


Back on Melee Island

Go to the voodoo lady and talk about heirlooms, you will get earrings, a 

necklace and a pen.

Go to Meathook's and get the paintbrush.

Go to the harbor and get a can of grog

Go to the Lua Bar, sit on the stool and order a flaming scuttlefish.  

Time it so it sits below the painting, and jam the sushi boat propulsion 

mechanism with the paintbrush.  When the chef runs out, go to the 

kitchen and pour the grog into the steam generator.  That should get you 

the painting.

Back to the harbor go to your boat.  Place the earrings on the 

headpiece.  Then give it the necklace, pen and painting.  


Jamalaya Island


At Starbuccaneer's Coffee, look at the coffee cup from the outside.  Go 

inside next to the window to take it.  Get a free refill.  Try a free 

sample bagle and keep the leftovers.  Steal the mug from the lady.

Go to Stan's.  Take the free pamphlet.  Take the glue.  Drink coffee and 

listen to his sales pitch.  You should now have a monkey meal coupon.  

Go to the micro-groggery.  Get a free grog.  If you didn't get a coupon 

yet, you can apply glue on the manatee and ride it for another coupon.

Go to Planet Threepwood and order something.  When the drawing guy comes 

buy ask him to draw you with the mug.  Use the glue on the caricature 

and then use that on the complimentary mug you got from Starbuccaneers.  

Swap mugs.

Now go back to the docks and hop on the rowboat.  Go to Knottin Atoll.  

Talk to the puppets until you get the puppeteer out.  Show him your 

painting of the Ultimate Insult.  Take the puppets.  Go to the school 

and get educated.  Be a bad student by giving the worst answer.  You get 

a dunce cap.  Now when you are outside, pull the fire alarm.  Go in and 

take the whistle from the box.  You can repeat this to take the boat, 

magazine, and gaming card.  Head to the beach and talk to the pirate.  

Go right to the rocky beach.  Blow the whistle and the parrots come.  

Give one of them some grog.  Now you can extinguish one from the other.  

Ask one a simple question to find out which one is the truth telling 

one.  Keep asking that parrot where the bronze hat is until you find it.  

Use the puppets on the boulder.  (Many people email me why they can't 

ask the parrots where the hat is, make sure you speak to everyone about 

it, mainly the guy at the statue and the pirate)

Head to the diving platform.  Use the bagel chunk on the lotion.  Talk 

to all the judges.  Look at the pamphlet you got from Stan's.  Show the 

fat judge the pamphlet.  Go dive.  The hippie judge should have told you 

the direction that corresponds to the move.  For me it was:

Keelhaul = UP; RumBar = DOWN; Spinning Sword = RIGHT; Alpha Monkey = 


It can be different so just write down the info the judge says.

Before you dive, put on the dunce cap.  And copy the same exact moves as 

Marco de Pollo.  You should get the trophy shortly.

That should be it and you should be on your way back to Melee Island.


ACT III: Escape from Monkey Island


On Monkey Island 

You wash up on shore.  Read note.

Go to the clearing and meet Herman Toothrot.  Pick up coconut.  Hit 

Herman with it.  Talk to him again.  

Go to canyon and pick up the banana picker on the right side.  

Go back to the beach and use the banana picker to pick all the bananas.  

Give a banana to Timmy the monkey.  Get him to follow you to the canyon.  

Give him another banana to get him inside the mine.  Repeat until you 

get him all the way to the steel door.  Open the vent.  Throw a banana 

in the vent.  Close it.  Use another banana in the portal.  That should 

open the door.  Enter.  Use banana picker to get the weed whipper.  


Go to the vista point.  There are three canals.  Pick up a rock and 

throw it to the right one.  Pick up another rock and wait until the 

first one hits the branch.  When the branch moves throw the 2nd rock to 

the middle.  Pick up another rock and wait until the 2nd rock hits the 

branch and throw the 3rd one to the left canal.  Pick up another rock 

and wait until the next branch moves and throw it to the left canal.  

Go to the LeChuck church.  Use banana picker to get the two shields 

above the door.  Talk to the priest.  Ask him to ride the lava boat 

ride.  Steer it towards where the boulder is into the opening you made.  

Use the weed whipper on the weeds.  Kick the tree over.  Go over the 

tree and back into the church.  Ride the boat again this time steer 

towards the bottle and use the banana picker to get it.  May take a few 


Go back to the beach and hit Herman with the bottle.  Talk.

Go to the village.  Talk to Jojo Jr. about monkey kombat.  Look at the 

musical monkey.  Look at the shields you have.  Give the cymbals to the 

monkey.  Take accordian.

Go all the way back to Herman and hit him with the accordian.  Talk to 

him.  You should get another gubernatorial symbol.

You should know the basics of monkey kombat from Jojo.  You need to 

battle the monkeys in the jungle before the village to learn what beats 

what and the transition commands from one stance to another.  I would 

make a chart and write them all down.  This involves losing a few times 

by doing 'monkey see monkey do'.  If you found a list somewhere it would 

be useless as it differs everytime.  So just write them down something 

like this:

drunken monkey {-} anxious ape = ack eek chee

drunken monkey {-} charging chimp = chee oop eek


and what beats what:

drunken monkey beats anxious ape and charging chimp

anxious ape beats charging chimp and bobbing baboon


When you have most of them down, start beating those monkeys.  You earn 

more hit points with every win.  You should move from the Timid monkey 

to the smelly, then strapping, and then brawny.  If you can beat the 

brawny monkey you are ready for Jojo Jr.  Challenge and beat Jojo, and 

get his hat.

Go to the giant monkey head.  Use the bronze hat on the head.  Use the 

banana picker on the nose.  Enter.  Find a slot and use the 

gubernatorial symbol on it.


ACT III+: Guybrush Kicks Unusually Large Butt


You're in the giant robot monkey.  Go to the right side and pick up 

large plank.  Use it on the small tower.  Climb it and jump on the 

plank.  Flip the switch.

Now you should be on melee island in the giant monkey kombat battle.  

There is no way to beat him.  To win you do the same move as him to 

draw, three times.  

The End.

I hope you enjoyed Escape from Monkey Island, as I have.


Special Thanks


Thanks to everyone I got help from on #monkeyisland: dopehat, Drillan, 

guard|, uNK, and Quintak Lee.

Did I miss something?  Email me at vism@vism.net and I will update it.

This documentation is freely distributable as long credit is given.  

Copyright 2000, Vism

GameBoomers Walkthroughs and Solutions