by Cardboard Box Entertainment
Walkthrough by MaGtRo March 2012
Gameplay: This is a third person point and click game.
When the game is opened, the game setting frame is seen. Here the display (display device, colors, antialiasing) and sound device can be adjusted.
The main menu has new game, save game, load game, options and exit.
The options have the music volume, voiceover volume and graphic detail level adjustments. Ingame narration can be toggled on or off.
There are icon boxes at top of the game screen: planet, materials, MOBOT, upgrade repair, solar system and main menu.
Explanation of the puzzle is obtained by clicking on the "question mark" box.
To prevent issues at the Native quiz in Salia 4, please set your font size to 100% (not over).
2430 AD, Somewhere in space: A spaceship orbiting a planet passes through a meteor storm. Meteor hits and damages the spaceship. Parts fly off.
The ship's intelligent unit is reactivated from standby mode. It starts a checklist of the ship's system function. Severe malfunction detected. Emergency crew is woken.
A cryostasis chamber is opened. Rachel Manners is greeted by the ship's computer.
Enter manual overdrive. Press OK.
This is the MizukaCX1220. They are at NGC 9725 system orbiting an unknown planet.
Rachel, an astrobiologist is the only crew. She has to repair the ship.
The computer is named J.U.L.I.A. JULIA explains about the space ship. MOBOT 24001.21 (mobile robot) is used for planetary exploration.
JULIA explains the interface.
Planet view: There are 3 activity (icons seen at bottom right) that can be done on this screen - scan, material harvest and travel to surface.
After scanning the planet's surface; material harvesting and repair is the priority.
Materials view: All the raw materials needed for the ship's repair and function are listed. The amount in storage that the ship has is on the right side. Right now they are all zero.
MOBOT: The huge robot is model 24001.21 and was developed secretly. It is used for planetary exploration.
Upgrade repair: Repair is the first priority and needs raw material. If an upgrade is for a part; a blueprint is needed first.
Solar System view: Since travel is not possible and information is not available yet; solar system view is not available.
Repair the ship:
Dark orange planet's Planet view:
Click on the planet icon at top left of screen.
See 3-D icons-boxes at bottom right: scan, harvest and planetary exploration.
Press scan box to learn about the planet and know the materials available to harvest.
The planet is Salia 6. See a pictorial list of materials that is available to harvest on the surface of Salia 6.
Read the description of the planet. Salia 6 is a rocky world.
Material harvest:
Press the harvest box to see a map of the planet. The pictured harvester will take the materials and store it in the ship.
Explanation of the puzzle is obtained by clicking on the question mark box at bottom left.
Slowly move your cursor over the map to track down the materials. Watch bottom graph closely. As soon as it matches one of the material graphs on the top of the screen; left click to harvest.
Note that the cursor turns bright green and the sound peaks when the cursor-harvester is at the correct spot.
Verify the similarity of the graph below with one of the material graphs at top of the map.
If correctly selected, the icon of the material replaces the cursor on the map.
There are only 7 materials harvested in this planet.
Automatically when correctly done, the screen goes back to the planet view.
The solution is random. The picture below is just one possible solution.
Materials view:
After harvesting is finished, click on Materials at top left and see the amount of materials available.
No arghinium was harvested or is present on Salia. Click on that icon and learn that arghinium is an unlimited power source but still not tamed.
Upgrade repair:
Now that we have materials, it is time to repair the ship. Click on the upgrade repair box at top of the screen.
See the view of the spaceship. It is model J-XNG 2145.
The pink colored parts are the damaged area of the ship: core engine, communication module, shields generator and oxygen supply.
Move the cursor to one damaged area and see the materials needed to repair that area and the amount that is available in storage.
Click-select an area to start the repair.
See the probe go through the area. The materials used to repair are seen at bottom right.
When damage is located, the screen shows a red frame and the material needed to repair it flashes at bottom right.
Click-hold-place the flashing material on the red frame. If repaired, the frame will say checked.
If a damaged area is missed in the first pass-through as shown by that area still highlighted in the schematics, go through that area again. Only the damaged area will be seen.
When all the damages are fixed, the area on the schematics is not highlighted anymore and JULIA will say the repair has been successfully completed.
Select another area to fix until all highlighted areas are repaired.
Entering Salia 6
JULIA recommends sending MOBOT down for exploration.
Go to planet view. Click on land-right box at bottom right.
See MOBOT (made by Yamabushi Robotics Inc) go down to the planet surface.
MOBOT states that there is intense radiation. It is a result of an explosion at the time of the start of the exploration 500 years ago.
A structure is seen in the map. JULIA activates MOBOT's exploration mode.
Click on the right exploration box at bottom right.
Abandoned research station:
Note: Main menu button is at bottom right of screen.
MOBOT is now in front of the research station.
Enter the station: MOBOT comments that the radiation is intense and any human will live only for 2 days in this exposure. Inside see a dead woman in the hallway.
Search the dead woman's items: She was Cynthia Petals ID 280311112. She was shot at point blank range.
Proceed inside the station: MOBOT has detected virulent organic life forms. Analysis of the DNA shows virii from the human bodies radiation mutated. See bodies of the crew on the floor.
Examine corpses: They were all shot by some firearm.
Approach the computer: The computer is not powered. Rachel says that all these stations should be solar powered. The panel should be next to the building.
Bring power back to station:
Exit to corridor. Exit to station entrance.
Examine the station surroundings: See a hovercraft, junk, tombstone and a dead body holding a small device.
Examine the tombstone: It is now illegible.
Search the dead body: The body is beyond recognition.
Examine the small device: It is a small primitive radiation detection device.
Approach hovercraft: It is beyond repair.
Examine the junk pile. Search for solar panels: MOBOT uncovers the junk beside the tombstone and exposes the solar panels. The power is back on.
Return to station entrance. Enter the station. Proceed inside the station.
Find out what happened at the station:
Approach the computer: The computer wants user ID or swipe the security card now.
Log on as Cynthia Petals - 2803112. The account password is protected.
JULIA uploads a bypass.
Select a letter by pressing a key on your computer's keyboard.
If a letter is found in the password, it will show on the Password text at top line. Play like Wheel of Fortune. :D
The password is randomly generated.
Access public space. It is empty.
Access private messages: Read all the e-mails sent to Cynthia. Andrew Lark seems to not like Cynthia. Other members of the expeditions are Li Wu and Bart Krylov.
Andrew mentioned something about a floor tile. There are no personal logs. Log out.
Pry open the leftmost floor tile: MOBOT gets a computer access card from the floor tile.
Approach the computer. Swipe the computer access card: It is the access card of the expedition leader Andrew Lark.
Access public space. Access private messages.
Access personal log: Read and learn that something happened in Salia 4. Slow illness of the team members starts with Sath. Bath found normal readings on his scan. Andrew does not like Cynthia and blames her. They lost contact with the probe. Andrew shoots the members that are ill. He finally realized that they were exposed to insane levels of lethal radiation. Barth made the Geiger counter. 18/2335 - I will end the madness tonight.
Access classified data: A blueprint of a solar system scanner is obtained. It will allow the spaceship to move away from here. Log out.
Leave computer. Exit to Corridor. Exit to station entrance. Leave the station.
Click on the left departure box at bottom right to get MOBOT back to the spaceship.
Fix the spaceship's solar system scanner.
Click on Upgrade repair at top of the screen.
See the upgrade of the Solar System Panel. The materials needed are on the left.
Click on the materials panel to start the upgrade.
See the tiles on middle left and the schematic on top left.
Left click to select a part-tile from the left frame. Right click to rotate a part-tile.
Select a tile and place it on the square of the panel at right until the flow with similar input and output as the schematics is obtained.
The goal is to connect the tiles with similar input and output as the blueprint. Double check that all the pipes are connected.
Click construct to see the progress of the placement of the puzzle or when you think the tiles are correctly placed. It seems you have completed the upgrade.
The picture below is just one possible solution.
Solar system:
Now that the solar panel is fixed, click on the solar system frame at top of the page. Let's travel.
See that Salia 6 (dark orange planet with red orbit) where we are now is the innermost planet.
Click on the next planet (light orange planet with an orange orbit) to travel there.
JULIA's memory blocks: Julia asks Rachel to help recover her memory loss.
The memories are in blocks. Restore the memory by assembling memory clusters.
See 5 memory clusters. Each cluster is made up of mixed picture squares from same or another cluster(s).
The object of the puzzle is to assemble the correct picture in each cluster.
Each square can be interchanged in a cluster by left click on one and left click on the other square you want interchanged.
To get a square (picture) from another cluster, right click the square on the worked on cluster (big one at top right) where the picture from the other cluster is situated and the square will cycle through all the pictures (situated on that 3x3) of the other clusters. Stop when you get the picture square needed.
If the location of that square in the cluster you are working on is already correct for that cluster, it is best that you move the correct square to another location in that worked-on cluster before right click cycling.
It is also best to complete one cluster first to remove that set of pictures from the cycling. The easiest and distinct picture to work on first is the green forest scene.
Compile all the green pictures from the other cluster and then rearrange them to form the complete picture.
The cluster background square turns green when correctly done. The squares cannot be moved anymore after the whole picture is assembled.
Light orange planet's Planet view:
Click on the planet icon at top left of screen. See 3-D icons-boxes at bottom right: scan, harvest and planetary exploration.
Press scan box to learn about the planet and know the materials available to harvest. There are 5.
The planet is Salia 5. See a pictorial list of materials that is available to harvest on the surface of Salia 5.
Read the description of the planet. Salia 5 is a desert world.
Material harvest:
Press the harvest box to see a map of the planet.
Explanation of the puzzle is obtained by clicking on the question mark box at bottom left.
Slowly move your cursor over the map to track down the materials. Watch bottom graph closely. As soon as it matches one of the material graphs on the top of the screen; left click to harvest.
Note that the cursor turns bright green and the sound peaks when the cursor-harvester is at the correct spot.
Verify the graph below with the material graphs at top of the map. Move the cursor slowly to get the graph as close as possible to the known graph on top of map.
Left click to select the correct spot. If correctly selected, the icon of the material replaces the cursor on the map.
There are only 5 materials harvested in this planet.
Automatically when correctly done, the screen goes back to the planet view.
The solution is random. The picture below is just one possible solution.
Entering Salia 5
Go to planet view. Click on land-right box at bottom right. See MOBOT go down to the planet surface.
JULIA and MOBOT look for the research station. Click on the right exploration box at bottom right.
Abandoned research station:
MOBOT is now in front of the research station.
Enter the station: There are dark stains on the corridor walls.
Examine the stains: They are human blood.
Rummage through the debris: There are gnawed human bones. MOBOT takes a gas mixture canister from the debris.
Examine door mechanism: See laser wires that can be pulled from the top yellow nodes and be connected to the bottom nodes. Exit the puzzle.
There are too many possibilities. Look for a hint that might help.
Exit outside. Explore the area behind the station: Remains of machines are seen.
Examine remains of machinery: MOBOT found traces of a Yamabushi pen; an indestructible pen that writes on paper or stone. The writing is found in a Yamabushi indestructible paper. The paper was torn into pieces. Find and collect the pieces of paper.
Assemble the torn papers: Left click to take a paper; right click to rotate it.
Place the paper in the frame. If correctly placed, the paper will lock in place.
Return to the station entrance. Enter the station.
Examine the door mechanism: The torn paper clue is seen on the left.
Click on a yellow node on top and a laser wire is attached to the cursor.
Click on the bottom node that you want the laser wire attached to.
Right click an attached laser wire to erase it or exit to reset the whole puzzle.
The aim of the puzzle is to attach the correct laser wires based on the torn paper clue.
Using the clue from the torn paper, connect (left to right):
1 from top to 1 (green) at bottom
1 from top to 3 (orange) at bottom (Thanks, Rushes!)
2 from top to 4 (purple) at bottom
3 from top to 1 (green) at bottom
4 from top to 4 (purple) at bottom
5 from top to 2 (blue) at bottom.
The door is opened.
Enter the laser door: MOBOT detects high concentration of nitrogen in the air which makes the place highly explosive. He is ordered to deactivate his electrical system and go to solar backup.
The room has a lab and WC doors at north wall. A notice board with a corpse below it is seen.
Examine corpse: The examination of the body showed that he suffocated. He is still holding an oxygen canister and a data pad. MOBOT takes the oxygen container.
Examine the data pad: It shows the air replenishment instructions.
The proper gas ratio is 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen and 1% other gas mixture.
Then the vent system should run on full power for 5 minutes.
Reduce the power to 6 ensuring that the atmosphere is compliant with earth conditions.
Look through the window: MOBOT sees something in the ground and takes it. It is a nitrogen container.
Learn that JULIA, unlike MOBOT has an emotional AI.
Examine the notice board: MOBOT sees traces of an air replenishment schematic.
Rachel says that air replenishment is what is needed here. The canisters are usually mounted on an outside wall.
Exit to entrance. Exit outside.
Explore the area behind the station: A metal case mounted to the wall is seen.
Examine metal case: See the gas containers.
MOBOT automatically inserts the oxygen container taken from the corpse, gas mixture container from the hallway and nitrogen container from the sand.
Using the information found in the data pad:
Adjust proper ratio: The nitrogen control is broken and automatically rises to 26%. Adjust the oxygen and mixture appropriately. You can get the game calculate the ratio for you or do it yourself.
Using the arrows, adjust oxygen to 7.0 and the mixture to 0.33.
Vent system to run for 5 minutes: Fill the station with the correct proportion of the gases by pressing the up arrow at right side to the maximum. Rachel will say she nailed the first part and it's ready to go.
Reduce the power to 6: Using the down arrow, lower the bars at right to 6 lines. That's it! I did it.
Return to station entrance. Enter the station. Enter the laser door.
Enter server room: It has a keycard lock.
Enter laboratory: Clues are needed to find the correct combination.
Enter sleeping quarters: The sleeping quarters is welded shut.
JULIA recommends tracking the expedition to look for a blowtorch.
Exit to entrance, laser door and to outside.
Leave exploration mode. Click on departure box at bottom right to go back to the ship.
Solar system:
Click on the solar system frame at top of the page. Let's travel.
See that the next planet is green with a green orbit. Click it to go there.
Green planet's Planet view:
Click on the planet icon at top left of screen.
Scan: Press scan box to learn about the planet and know the materials available to harvest.
The planet is Salia 4. See a pictorial list of the 7 materials that is available to harvest on the surface of Salia 4.
Salia 4 is a huge arboreal planet; filled with vegetation and life forms. The planet is dying.
Material harvest:
Press the harvest box to see a map of the planet.
Slowly move your cursor over the map to track down the materials. Watch bottom graph closely. As soon as it matches one of the material graphs on the top of the screen left click to harvest.
There are only 7 materials harvested in this planet.
The solution is random. The picture below is just one possible solution.
Entering Salia 4
Go to planet view. Click on land-right box at bottom right. See MOBOT go down to the planet surface.
JULIA activates the visual map.
Visual map:
Click on the right exploration box at bottom right. See the map.
JULIA relates the disaster that happened the last time she was here. The exploration team fired at the inhabitants. Andrew Lark led the team.
Explore the forest:
Click on the arrows at bottom left of the map or use the keyboard arrows to move MOBOT on the map grid. Find points of interest at certain places.
Be sure to map-visit all points of interest. Once the points of interests are visited, they will then be jump to points. Click on them and be there with no traveling.
MOBOT: MOBOT is the rotating red circle.
Point of entry is the red and white structure at middle bottom of screen.
4 Mystical places: There are 4 mystical spaces as shown by brown structures on the map above. Visit all of them at: bottom middle, bottom right, middle left and top right areas.
Purple lake: Check the purple lake at middle of the map. The lake is filled with highly corrosive substance.
Laser gun altar: At middle left of the map beside a mystical place, visit the altar raised by the inhabitants. The altar has a laser gun. It is etched R_n _lmo_d which stands for Ron Almond, a member of the exploration team. (Location can be interchanged with the machete altar).
Machete altar: At bottom right of the map behind a mystical place, visit the altar that has a machete used by the team to clear the jungle. (Location can be interchanged with the laser gun altar).
Inhabitant: At top right of the map. MOBOT meets a native.
The inhabitant writes on the ground showing that it is sentient and has a written language.
Learning the language: See the learning core at the center.
On the left of the learning core is a native language symbol. On the right are possible translations of the symbols.
Select-click the translation that has exactly the same number and formation of lines connected to the central core. For example: if the symbol on the left has one line connected to the core; immediately click on the translation-word(s) on the right that has one line coming out of the module.
Note one symbol can have 2 or more meanings-words at right. So click on all words at right also.
The symbols flash fast, so immediately click the possible translation-word(s).
If correct choice, the core at the center will flash green from top to bottom.
The aim is to get the comprehension meter-bar at top right to go to the right end for complete comprehension of the language.
The example below shows that the symbol on the left has 3 connections-lines to the core; 2 symbols and branched similarly to the marked words at right. Click immediately on the 2 marked words and see the core flash green and the bar at top right increases.
Do the selection until the bar at top right reaches the end. Then full comprehension is reached by MOBOT.
MOBOT talks to the native. He tells the native that they want to learn the way of the ancients.
The native says if so, MOBOT has to completely explore the forest and then meet him in his home at the edge of the forest. The home is at top middle of the map grid.
Talk to the native:
Inhabitant's home: If you have seen all 4 mystical places, the 2 altars (laser gun and machete) and the purple lake; proceed to top of the map. Talk to the native again.
3 important places for the natives: The native questions MOBOT. Select the correct answers from the dialogue list.
Stone formation with machete. The native believes it is here to test their faith.
Lake filled with corrosive liquid. The lake is the symbol of the native's doom. It was formerly filled with holy essence of life. The masters punished them and filled it with the purple substance that drains the life out of them.
Laser gun left here by the crew. The native believes that the laser gun was left by the masters to remind them of their inferiority. The gun returned a lot of the natives to ancient Xir.
The native will now answer the questions.
The beings from the stars: They made 2 special places (altars) to keep what the masters left. The leader of the tribe saw the space people descend from the sky but did not meet them like the other natives. The native greeters were killed-punished by the masters (exploration team). The leader survived the massacre because he hid. That is how they learned of what happened.
The native asks if this time, the masters will teach them and make his branch-family proud. He is the watcher of the skies.
The punishments: There were 3 punishments done to the natives.
The artifacts were part of the last and third punishment (exploration team).
Previously, another set of masters that are different from the last told them to repent their ways or die. They changed the essence of life to the purple liquid which kills.
The first punishment was when the ancient lords came. They were proud then and thought to rule the universe. The lords destroyed cities and everything they invented. They were then trapped on this planet. Rachel surmised that they were more advanced then. Ith the great prophet traveled to the place in the mist.
High above the third place of existence lives one of the ancient gods.
The essence: The natives depended on the essence which the masters made to kill. The prophecy states that a wanderer from the sky will restore the essence. The team copies the symbol of essence.
Ith: Ith was the last of the ancients. He was taken by the Ancient Lords. He battled Xir, the Lord of the Sand. He succeeded. Ith was given a flying bird and traveled to the place in the mist. He came back and was killed in treachery at Gaethir. Ith spent a lot of time alone erecting structures; which they now know as preparing them for the pilgrimage of enlightenment.
Pilgrimage of Enlightenment: There are 4 empty parchments left by Ith. Ith told the leaders that the pilgrimage is ready. Since the parchments are common to them, they ignored it and subsequently forgotten. After the last punishment, they resurrected the story of Ith.
The natives did the journey of Ith as a rite of passage. They are handed the parchments and left alone. They traveled to sites that Ith visited and meditated on it. Whoever understands it will be the leader. Many tried yet none succeeded.
The team will try. The native is pleased and gave them the 4 parchments hoping that they will come back with answers.
Prophecy: When Ith returned from the sky, he brought the prophecy. It is foretold that new masters will descend from the sky in their shiny bird and bring the essence of life. They will bring back happiness, joy and wipe the tears. The masters came and they were punished. Then they (the team) came. They will worship them and the circle is complete.
Lake: The essence once lived in the lake.
Artifact: Take leave of the native. He tells them something that is important. In each of the 3 places of worship there is a hidden place where they can find something of importance. Go and bring back joy to us.
Pilgrimage of Enlightenment:
It is time to travel to the sites visited and structures erected by Ith. MOBOT has the 4 blank parchments.
Go to one of the mystical places. Click on a brown structure in the map and jump to there.
Mystical place and parchment: Use the map scroll here.
Julia tells MOBOT to use the blank parchment on the ray of light. A part of a map appears in the scroll.
Jump to the rest of the mystical places and do the same until 4 parts of map are obtained.
Superimpose the maps: See the 4 maps on the left.
Click on a map and it will appear at the big parchment at right.
Click-select in correct order-layer so that all parts of the map are seen. Get a map of the place in the mist.
Travel to the 3 places of worship: laser gun altar, machete altar and purple lake.
In each place of worship, MOBOT does a scan and takes a piece of an omega disc.
Go back to the spaceship:
Jump to the point of arrival at the red and white icon at bottom middle of the map.
Click on exploration box and then departure box.
Construct the omega discs:
JULIA states to reconstruct the parts of the omega discs. See a blueprint that has scrambled squares.
Click one and then click on another to swap their positions.
Get the blueprint of a blowtorch upgrade for MOBOT.
Blowtorch upgrade for MOBOT:
Click on Upgrade repair at top of the screen. See the blowtorch upgrade for MOBOT. The materials needed are on the left.
Click on materials panel to start the upgrade.
See the parts-tiles on the left and the schematic on top left.
Select a part-tile and place it on the square of the panel at right until the flow with similar input and output as the schematics is obtained.
Left click takes the tile and right click turns it.
Click construct when you think the tiles are correctly placed. If there is an error JULIA will say so. Double check that all the pipes are connected.
If correct, JULIA will say - It seems you have completed the upgrade.
The picture below is just one possible solution.
Entering Salia 5
Now that MOBOT has a blowtorch, let us go back to Salia 5. Go to solar system view and click on Salia 5 planet.
Go to planet view. Click on land-right box at bottom right. See MOBOT go down to the planet surface.
Click on the right exploration box at bottom right.
Research station:
Enter the station. Enter the laser door.
Enter the sleeping quarters: MOBOT uses his blowtorch upgrade.
Examine corpse: The corpse was doing an entry on his data pad when he run out of oxygen.
Read data pad: Sergey Antolnikov wrote on his data pad that after Salia 4, only the stable scientists are sent to this planet. He heard strange sounds and asked the probe about them. The probe states that there are no signs of life.
James went berserk after screaming that something tried to eat him alive out in the desert. James tried to burn the data discs. Sergey changed the computer room code to 8123.
The probe still said that nothing is seen even after he heard the sound again. The next day, Sergey saw it. They lost contact with the probe.
Lin was bit into two. They cannot change the oxygen canister outside because it is waiting. Eventually the remaining 3 died. Sergey locked Garth in the laboratory. Garth has his administrative keycard.
Enter laboratory: Using the computer room code from the data pad, press 8123.
Examine corpse: MOBOT takes the access card next to the body.
Exit to central room. Enter server room: MOBOT uses the access keycard. See that the computers are burned as stated by Sergey in his datapad.
Exit to central room. MOBOT accesses the omega disc before leaving the server room. He gets an underwater upgrade-blueprint.
Exit to the entrance. Exit outside. Leave exploration mode.
Go back to the spaceship by clicking on the departure box at bottom right.
Underwater upgrade:
Click on Upgrade repair at top of screen. See MOBOT's underwater upgrade.
Click on materials. JULIA says there are not enough materials.
Solar system:
Let's go to the next planet. Click on solar system box.
Click on the blue planet with blue orbit.
Blue planet's Planet view:
Click on the planet icon at top left of screen.
Scan: Press scan box to learn about the planet and know the materials available to harvest.
JULIA hears a distress signal coming from the depths of the ocean. They need a means to go underwater.
The planet is Salia 3. Salia 3 is an oceanic world. Only a small part of the planet has visible land.
Material harvest:
Press the harvest box to see a map of the planet.
Slowly move your cursor over the map to track down the materials. Watch bottom graph closely. As soon as it matches one of the material graphs on the top of the screen left click to harvest.
There are only 5 materials harvested in this planet.
The solution is random. The pictures below are just 2 possible solutions.
Underwater upgrade:
Click on Upgrade repair again at top of screen to see if we have enough materials.
Click on the materials. JULIA still says we do not have enough materials.
Solar system:
Let's go to the next planet. Click on solar system box.
Click on the white planet with gold orbit.
White planet's Planet view:
Click on the planet icon at top left of screen.
Scan: Press scan box to learn about the planet and know the materials available to harvest.
The planet is Salia 2. Salia 2 is a mist world.
Material harvest:
Press the harvest box to see a map of the planet.
Slowly move your cursor over the map to track down the materials. Watch bottom graph closely. As soon as it matches one of the material graphs on the top of the screen left click to harvest.
There are only 5 materials harvested in this planet.
The solution is random. The pictures below are just 2 possible solutions.
Entering Salia 2
Go to planet view. Click on land-right box at bottom right. See MOBOT go down to the planet surface.
The planet is filled with stone pillars. The atmosphere has the same composition as Salia 4.
Ith was transported here - the planet of the mist. They might find the temple of eternal flow.
Manual comparison of the map and the planet surface:
Rachel will do a manual comparison of Ith's map with the planet surface. JULIA combines a large map with Ith's map.
JULIA says to find the large rock with 5 small rocks on the left that are seen on Ith's map on the view of the planet's surface. The planet surface view is large so scroll right-left/top-down to see all of it.
Click on those rocks and JULIA will isolate it.
Click on the right exploration box at bottom right.
The top view of the stone pillars is seen. The view initially seen is at top left of the overhead view.
Use the arrows at top left inset to move. Click on Ith's map inside the inset to see it large at top right.
Look for the rocks JULIA wants. Click on the rocks to select it. You can click 6 times before the select circles are reset.
Scroll by clicking on the arrows itself. If not directly on the arrows, you might select a place in the map under the inset.
Scroll to the right edge and then down.
Once the map is at the bottom right corner of the large area, see the large rock and 5 small rocks to the left.
Click on the large rock and the 5 small rocks.
Ancient master:
See MOBOT land on the rock. MOBOT meets one of the ancient masters. There is a small structure-shack on the rock.
The ancient master takes over MOBOT. He speaks through MOBOT and converses with the team.
JULIA remarks that the ancient masters are observers with no ambitions. Rachel remembers that Ith came here to seek advice about the alien lords.
The ancient tells them to ask their questions.
Ask about himself: They are Guardians; hidden, watching and learning. They do not influence other beings. They have been on endless solar systems even Earth.
JULIA deduced that they are from another universe.
They left messages long ago waiting to be discovered. Those that have evolved enough will understand the message. Evolution cannot be forced. The advanced beings have discovered and seek them for advice.
Ask about other visitors: The visitors that want to be their emissaries have failed. After accessing MOBOT's memory, the ancient replies - yes. The other wants to manipulate and dominate; it is stronger than their agreement with the ancients. They influenced developing civilization. They failed and the ancients made them leave this system.
Ask about fate of the expedition: Rachel explains that she wants to help because of what the expedition did. The ancient became silent when questioned about whether he-they influenced what happened to the expedition. It would not explain what happened to the expedition but stated that they did not have anything to do with it.
Ask about the essence: The failed race gave the inhabitants (of Salia 4) a trial that is unfair. One of them defeated this trial.
Upon learning that the team wants to help the people of Salia 4, he states that he will help. The ancient tells the team to do the ritual undergone by Ith. They have to slay Xir in the land of endless sand (Salia 5). They can call Xir by emitting low frequency sounds. They can get help from the depths. Then come back to him and he will explain.
Ask about Ith: Ith was brought there by the failed race to impress Ith. Then the failed lords told Ith to undergo the ritual and that it was ordered by the ancients. This was a lie. Ith killed the lords and returned to the ancient. They tried to warn him but he didn't listen. He went back to his world and was slain.
The ancients do not get involve in internal conflicts.
Leave exploration mode. Go back to the spaceship by clicking on the departure box at bottom right.
Solar system:
Let's go to the next planet. Click on solar system box.
Click on the last small gray planet with light blue orbit.
Gray planet's Planet view:
Click on the planet icon at top left of screen.
Scan: Press scan box to learn about the planet and know the materials available to harvest.
The planet is Salia 1. Salia 1 is an icy frozen world.
Material harvest: Press the harvest box to see a map of the planet.
Slowly move your cursor over the map to track down the materials. Watch bottom graph closely. As soon as it matches one of the material graphs on the top of the screen left click to harvest.
There are only 5 materials harvested in this planet.
The solution is random. The picture below is just one possible solution.
Underwater upgrade:
Click on Upgrade repair again at top of screen to see if we have enough materials after harvesting at Salia 3, 2 and 1.
Click on the materials. See the parts-tiles on the left and the schematic on top left.
Select a part-tile and place it on the square of the panel at right until the flow with similar input and output as the schematics is obtained.
Left click takes the tile and right click turns it.
Click construct when you think the tiles are correctly placed. If there is an error JULIA will say so. Double check that all the pipes are connected.
If correct, JULIA will say - It seems you have completed the upgrade.
The picture below is just one possible solution.
Entering Salia 1
Go to planet view. Click on land-right box at bottom right. See MOBOT go down to the planet surface.
It is snowing. Rachel ponders on her being alone.
The snow's form is consistent to a higher temperature. MOBOT thinks there's a source of heat.
JULIA locates the research station. Click on the right exploration box at bottom right.
Research station:
Try entering the station: MOBOT tries to open the door with his blowtorch. It is not possible.
Leave the station.
Leave exploration mode. Go back to the spaceship by clicking on the departure box at bottom right.
Entering Salia 3
Now that MOBOT has an underwater upgrade, let us go back to Salia 3. Go to solar system view and click on Salia 3 planet.
Go to planet view. Click on land-right box at bottom right. See MOBOT go down to the planet surface. See that the planet is completely covered with water.
MOBOT activates his underwater extension. They will search for the source of the distress signal coming from the depths of the ocean.
Distress signal:
Click on the right exploration box at bottom right. Descend.
The ocean is salt water. It might damage MOBOT circuits after prolong exposure.
JULIA says the distress signal is coming from a crater. MOBOT goes to the crater and turns his light source on.
Underwater sonar search: JULIA activates MOBOT's underwater sonar.
The faster the sonar flash (seen at top left of screen), the closer MOBOT is to the distress signal.
Each screen is labeled with a Greek letter. Do a systematic search by checking each screen and watching the flashing sonar at top left.
From sector alpha - go right to sector beta - go right to sector theta - go down to sector kappa (the flashes are much faster now).
Move the light source-cursor a little to the left and down from the middle and see a submarine on the ocean floor. Click on submarine.
Rachel questions JULIA. It is the exploration team's submarine and JULIA should know about it. JULIA replies about her memory loss.
The narrator states that the submarine was destroyed by high speed impact on the crater wall. But why were they traveling at such speed and who sent the signal?
Enter submarine: A hole allows entry to the command center.
Examine room: Rachel asks about the stand alone terminals. It is a network terminal that stores classified information. It is shielded and thus prevents being hacked.
Attempt to recover data from terminal: See sets of numbers.
Garbled message deciphering: Rachel remarks about the punctuation marks. Julia states that each letter is replaced by 2 numbers.
To substitute a letter for a number, click on that letter and then the number. The message will show the letter substitution.
If a mistake is done, replace it with another letter or click on that letter in the upper row.
Look for a 1-letter word shown by 2 numbers alone. It should be either I or A.
Then work on 3 letter words like 'the' shown by 6 numbers.
Rachel gets very angry.
MOBOT finds a blueprint of the weapon that was to be used. MOBOT will collect the weapons parts.
Proceed deeper into the submarine. It is unsafe. Exit submarine.
Extract weapon parts: See the outside hull of the submarine.
Collect the parts of the weapon. Click on parts and/or places where the parts might have fallen on or stored in.
Remove the metal in front of the submarine to get 2 ring parts.
Click inside the large hole on the wall. MOBOT lights that area.
Click on parts stored at bottom left. Click above that area to get 3 wide roller-tubes.
Click on bottom right to collect 4 slim rollers-tubes.
Click on the side of the chimney-like structure on top of the sub to open a door. Click inside to get a part with wires.
Click on top of the chimney-like structure on top of the sub to remove it and take tubes.
Click on the crab to get it to swim away. Click inside the hole underneath to get 4 rods.
JULIA will say if all parts are taken based on the blueprint.
Leave exploration mode. Go back to the spaceship by clicking on the departure box at bottom right.
Rachel remembers what the ancient stated - they will get help from the depths. The weapon must be it.
It is strong enough to fight Xir at Salia 2.
Build the weapon:
See parts on the left frame Scroll-click the arrows to scroll through the different parts collected.
Select or feature a part. Click on the spinning arrow to turn a part.
Click the attach button to place the parts in specific order on the outline of the weapon at right.
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1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | |||||||
Attach 3 parts | Turn and attach | Turn and attach | Attach 4 parts | Turn and attach | Turn and attach | Turn and attach 4 rods | Attach |
That's it! I did it.
Solar system:
Let's get Xir. Click on solar system box. Click on Salia 5.
Click on Land for MOBOT to go down to the surface.
Fight Xir:
See an overhead view. Xir will show up on the left and MOBOT is on the right of the screen.
At top of the screen is a target with sliders on the left and on the right. Use the sliders to maintain the target at the center.
JULIA will concentrate the energy of the weapon as shown by the bar at bottom left.
At bottom right are 4 frames that have defense actions when Xir attacks in a certain way (shown by the picture). To neutralize that attack, click on the defense frame that has a circling arrow.
Maintain the target at the center and press the defense frame - okay, got it.
If anything goes wrong I'll run away... Oh no, I'm stuck in the sand... Help me.
The game can be saved during the fight.
After getting MOBOT's head torn off 3 times; a puzzle skip is offered by the kind and understanding developers.
MOBOT is asked to analyze the dead Xir. MOBOT does not respond. JULIA and Rachel wait. Oh No!!!!
JULIA asks that her VPR modules be unplugged. MOBOT is part of her and that part of her is gone. Those are her feeling modules; her probe modules will still be operational. She doesn't want to feel anymore.
They wait some more.
MOBOT wakes up. JULIA did a maintenance check and MOBOT is fully operational again. The blast disabled his electronics.
Xir is an artificial construction. MOBOT takes the control unit of the machine.
Solar system:
Go back to the spaceship. Let's go to the hermit.
Click on solar system box. Click on Salia 2, the white planet.
Ancient master:
Go down to the planet. Explore to go to the Temple of Eternal Flow.
Rachel asks questions of the ancient master.
Xir is a weapon. It is a show of power to be able to control such a monster. Xir's brain will be used later if that is the choice.
The ancient master states that this is the last time they will see him. He will now create a Temple of Eternal Flow. This will make them understand the secret of the essence.
The team has to pass 2 tests to demonstrate their knowledge first.
The shack transforms to an ornate grand building.
Glyph Gate: Reconstruct the full message by clicking on the correct glyphs. The glyph has to be selected in exact order in the message.
Click on a glyph to find out the meaning and help form the message.
Then click the glyphs in order to form the message.
To Enter The Sacred Place Of Eternal Flow You Have To Meet The Following Requirements Be Humble Patient Knowledgeable Only Then The Entrance Will Be Allowed to Those who Seek The Eternal Flow
Check if the clicked glyphs that get lit up are in sequence. The door opens.
Note: As soon as you make a mistake, the puzzle starts over meaning that you can anytime do the correct sequence regardless of what you did before. So you can click random glyph and then do the full text anytime and the game will recognize it. (Thanks, Jan.)
Order of the Planets: See the planets on the left side of the frame. The pictures on the right are prominent features of those planets.
The aim is to arrange the planets in order from the sun.
Under those planets, the prominent feature or snapshot view of those planets are to be placed. The door opens.
MOBOT enters the large chamber. His extension closely examines the chamber.
JULIA detects a space anomaly. The liquid flowing from the chamber is ordinary water.
The team decides to find pure water. Go back to the spaceship.
Solar system:
Go back to the spaceship. Let's go look for water.
Click on solar system box. Click on Salia 1, the last gray planet.
Land to the surface.
MOBOT analyses the surface. It is frozen water. JULIA states to cut the ice and then transport it using the cryocoffins.
It is unstable ground. When MOBOT uses his blowtorch, the ice floor cracks and he falls through ice floor.
Find the exit:
See MOBOT at top right of the screen. The exit is at bottom left: two screens down and two screens left.
Solid ice blocks with black specks cannot be drilled.
MOBOT should not fall more than one level or be under a single clear drillable block of ice. He will be killed.
The reset button is at top right of the screen.
Exit to the left.
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MOBOT enters an underground lake. There is an opening on the ceiling that lets light inside the grotto.
MOBOT analyses the cave and finds out that the temperature is -94 degrees F. The lake is pure water and is 50 degrees. The stones around and in the lake might be responsible for the temperature of the water.
MOBOT sees a corpse.
Examine the dead body: The corpse is a human male. MOBOT extracts 2% of the info in the datapad.
Examine the datapad: Learn that this is the first planet that was explored. The man questioned the strange condition of the snow. Learn about his seeing the man who ordered that Rachel be cryojailed and her innocence.
Examine the lake: The lake is the water source they are looking for.
Transport the water into the probe. Salia 4 is waiting.
Solar system:
Go back to the spaceship. Click on solar system box. Click on Salia 4, the green planet.
Land to the surface. Explore to get the map grid.
Jump to the native's place at top of the map.
Deliver the water. You have brought us essence. You are the ones spoken in the prophecy.
He gives the artifact they were guarding. It is a holographic star map. You can't bring it back. It has to move on; same manner as the essence.
I'll return later. Jump to point of entry at bottom middle of the map. Explore and then depart.
Go back to the spaceship.
The holographic star map shows 4 rotating constellations.
The stars are all crowded together so JULIA adjusted the star map to show 3 layers of stars. The up-down arrow will change the levels.
The right-left arrows scroll the map.
Passing the cursor over the star map highlights a constellation. Click the chosen constellation and hear a sound. Then look for the rest.
If a wrong choice is done, click the constellation again to unhighlight that constellation. If an error is made after clicking on 4 constellations, the puzzle resets.
Click on the star map icon at the center to see the 4 revolving constellations. Use it as reference.
Locate the 4 constellations.
The star map shows the 4 constellations project beams of light that intersect. The intersect point shows an uncharted planet.
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Select the top level or down arrow. The constellation is at top left corner of the left frame. | Select the middle level. The constellation is at top middle of the left frame. | ||
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Select the middle level. The constellation is at bottom right corner of the right frame. | Select the bottom level or up arrow. The constellation is at bottom right corner of the right frame. |
The team travels to the uncharted planet in the solar system.
MOBOT lands in the planet. It is an artificial planet with no inhabitants.
Go east: At the center of the plaza is a middle sized obelisk.
Examine the obelisk: The structure's material is too complex to analyze. Rachel thinks that it is not just a piece of art since it is strategically placed.
Examine surroundings: The inhabitants left in a hurry. The structures are decomposing.
Explore the area to the north: See a gigantic pillar with a weak purple light.
Examine the pillar: The pillar has a switch.
Operate the switch: Push and pull do not work.
Proceed to huge building: There is a gigantic building at northeast. It looks like the rest of the structures support this building. There is a pile of biomechanical devises at southwest. Examine the door: It is sealed shut.
Explore the broken biomechanical devices. Examine the devices.
One of the devices is still operational: There's a little light flashing on it. Examine the active device: MOBOT extracts the energy cell powering the device.
Return to the main building. Get back to the tower. Return to the central plaza.
Explore the area to the east: See a moving platform. Examine the platform: MOBOT sees a square indent on the platform. The energy cell is inserted and MOBOT moves to another pillar.
Examine the pillar: There's a switch with a different orientation. Rotate the switch: The pillar lights up and is turned on. A humming sound is heard.
Go back down. Return to the central plaza. Explore the area to the north.
Rotate the switch: The pillar is activated.
Return to the central plaza. Closely examine the lighted obelisk.
Switch off the security device: See 5 cells. Click to open a cell.
Inside each cell is a set of connected balls. Some of the balls are lit.
When a ball is clicked, the adjacent balls are toggled off or on.
The aim of the puzzle is to turn off the lights of the balls to deactivate the mechanism.
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Click the balls in numerical order as shown by the pictures. | ||||
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The process was too easy for the team. It seems that it is not a protection device.
Explore the area to the north. Proceed to the huge building. See that the building's door is now open.
Enter the building: Rachel screams. Inside are a lot of deactivated Xir.
Deeper in the headquarters is a sealed door with an inactive Xir.
Examine sealed door: It cannot be opened.
Examine Xir: Rachel remembers what the ancient master said - The brain is the key.
MOBOT is hesitant to place the brain in the inactive Xir. MOBOT is told to run as fast as you can.
Control room:
Examine the laboratory: The device looks like an organic computer with translucent containers attached to it.
The left container is filled with the purple liquid similar to the lake in Salia 4. The right container looks like a neutralizer.
The middle container is a mixture of the left and right containers.
The aim is to have both left and right bars-gauges fill at midpoint.
Check each color and see that they fill or empty the bars-gauges.
From right to left:
White adds 9 to the left bar.
Blue adds 1 to the right bar.
Yellow adds 1 to the left bar.
Red adds 0.5 to the right bar.
Pink adds 0.5 to the left bar.
Orange (top left) adds 4 to the left bar.
Click on (top left) orange once, yellow (middle) once and pink (leftmost) once.
Look closer at the holovision: Watch events in the past.
See the reason the submarine at Salia 3 crashed. Learn the report that there is no life in Salia 5. Andrew Lark was told that Salia 6's living condition is ideal.
Rachel confronts JULIA.
MOBOT finds out that this machine has recorded their entry into system from the beginning. He can scan and calculate the route to return to earth.
Return to probe. Save game here!
Salia 4
JULIA learns that the chemical formula from the artificial plant's lab is a reversal process for the water pollution in Salia 4.
Rachel has to decide.
Julia found a stash of arghinium at the artificial planet. It is enough to either manufacture the chemical that will neutralize the lake or travel back home.
Save entire planet or go back home.
Rachel discusses the pro and cons of the decision. The possibilities...
Choose wisely!
Left is Earth and right is Salia 4.
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