The Lost Crown
by Jonathan Boakes and Darkling Room
Walkthrough by MaGtRo March 2008
Gameplay: This is a third person point and click game. Before the game starts; see a display and sound selection frame. The display frame has device, colors and antialiasing choices. The sound has a choice of the sound device.
The main page shows a Tarot card and a coin. Click on the Tarot card to show the main menu: Begin Your Quest starts a new game, Relive Your Past brings saved games up and The Options. The coin has Go Back or Quit depending on when it is clicked. The Options has a selection for subtitles.
In game screen, move the cursor to the top to see a Tarot card. Make Your Choice brings the Game Menu. The Game Menu has Continue, Relive your Past, Save your Future and The Options. To exit the game menu, click on Go Back coin and it changes to Quit.
Bring the cursor to the bottom of screen to show the inventory. Right click of an item shows a close up of the item or hear a description of the item by Nigel.
Double click the destination cursor speeds up the transition to the next screen.
An updater can be found here:
I would like to thank Jonathan for the guidance he has given. Another masterpiece, Jonathan! Bravo!
Mr. Hare. Mr. Crow. Report! Danvers heard and seen too much.
Where, sir? Where is he going? He's going nowhere.
Friday, April 28
Day One: On the run...
SedgeMarsh Train Depot:
Nigel Danvers approaches the stationmaster. Remember Nigel in Dark Fall 1? Talk to the stationmaster completely. Learn about the Sleepwalker, the train. There's a young lady that might have gone to the Fens. Spring tides flood the marsh. No return passenger for this train.
Go to the other end of the train at top of screen. Look around. Check the 2 posters in the waiting area: The Broads and Saxton. Check the beer barrels destined for The Bear. Click on the depot signs.
Go back to the front of train and take the left path away from the train. Try to go left but he does not know where to go. Go back to the depot and talk to the stationmaster at back of train. Learn about the path that leads to Saxton through the Fens. Treasures are mentioned. The stationmaster gives the young lady's wallet found in the train.
Inventory: Right click to look close or hear a description of the inventory items at bottom of screen. Read the report by Mr. Hare that talks about the rip in a chasm. Printout 1 is the attempt by Nigel to hack the Paranormal Division computer. Printout 2 shows Nigel getting 2 images before access denied. See 2 Hadden images of the chasm reported. One shows the chasm and the other, the entities reported in the chasm rip. Check Danvers ID Hadden Industries. The back has a work phone number: 0207 555 5714.
Read Day one of Danver's diary. It has a list of things to do.
Fens - SedgeMarsh Nature Reserve: Go to front part of train and left to the path going to the Fens. Hear the train leave.
Check the wallet of Lucy Reubans, student at UCEA (United College East Anglia) in inventory. Take note of the 2 part return ticket on the train.
Fens: Look close at the poster of the SedgeMarsh Nature Reserve. Take note of the Flora and Fauna described. Study the map.
Go left on the walkway. See Lucy walk the marsh partly hidden by the reeds. Look at the water. Go to top and around to the next junction. Note the predominance of the Azurian Fritillary that cause lethargy, dizziness and promote cancerous growths. Click-look at the carving on the stone. Go forward to the next split in the path. Try to talk to the man using the binoculars behind the blind. Look through the blind at what he is looking at - a heron.
Go to top right and be at the edge of the North Sea. Pick up the piece of a sign right of the walkway on the sand.
Martello Tower: Go back and take the top path again. Take the left path at the junction. Continue left to Martello Tower. Pick up a second piece of a sign on the ground. Go right and see the sign with a piece still attached in front of a cave. Pull back and go right. Take the 4th piece of the sign from the ground. Nigel refuses to go right. Go back to the broken sign by the cave.
Broken Warning Sign: The object of the puzzle is to put together the sign with the found pieces.
Arrange the attached piece to fit the indentation. Right click turns it counterclockwise and left click turns it clockwise. Click-hold moves it faster.
Place the next piece to match the indentation and the break.
Do this for all the pieces. When done correctly, the pieces hold together and a ding is heard. Nigel reads the warning.
Fenland Eye: Enter the cave to the next side.
Read the newspaper seen on the sand floor. Learn about the treasure hunters that would be in Saxton. Professor Hardacre is Saxton's expert. Look close at the monster depicted on the wall.
Gate: Go left of the sea monster on the wall and read the newspaper about the Spring tide's effect on the cemetery and the corpses. They are floating into the sea. Look through the gate by clicking on the top of the bars to get a close up. Hear sounds and shadows walking inside. Exit the cave.
Saxton Shores:
Look at the abandoned, desolate building above the cliffs.
See a young boy trying to get a teddy bear in the water. His tricycle is nearby. You cannot go to the boy.
Go left to Saxton Shores edge. See and talk completely to a lady with her dog George. It sounds that Nigel is expected in Saxton. See something in the water.
Go back and see that the boy is gone. Maybe the one floating in the water?
The Beach: Go diagonal right at side of cliff and be at the Beach.
Saxton Caverns: Go right and see a cave. Enter and forward. Nigel does not want to go any farther. It's too dark to see. Exit back to the Beach.
Go right pass the steps and another right to see the lobsters and bottles on the fishing boats by the harbour wall.
Go back and climb the steps to town.
Harbour wall: Go left and walk the top of the harbor wall until the end.
Read the plaque on the wall about the contribution of Frederick Ager of Northfield. Look at the abandoned building (Old Net Store) we saw earlier. Pan right to see the pine trees above the cliffs.
Go back to the right. Look at the no swimming sign. Look at the Missing Cat Watch poster. Nigel notes the phone number.
The Bear: Go right and check the swinging sign.
Look close at the menu left of the door. Read the history, menu and lodging detailed on the poster. That made me hungry. The Harbour Cottage is closed indefinitely. Enter the Inn.
Talk to Morgan Mankle, the landlady completely. Get a bottle of water. Nigel rents the Harbour Cottage and gets a key to the Cottage. She also gives a map of the town. Study the map.
Check the fireplace left of the room and see a cat warming in front of a roaring fire.
Check all the pictures: Church, The Bear and Harbor wall. Check The Ballad of Tom Oliver reminiscent of Dark Fall 1.
Go through the open doorway and check the painting and the bathroom doors.
Go right to the dining room area. Check the clock that stopped at 9 o'clock. Go right and check the live lobster selection. Look and get a Rhys Branwen Saxton Snappers leaflet. Read both sides of the leaflet in inventory. See pictures of post office box, Celtic cross, wild garlic and pine trees. The Picture contest will be shown at the Bear and the winners announce on May Day night.
Exit the Inn.
Quayside: Go to the top of the screen to Quayside.
On the way to the Cottage, talk to the man in white shirt. He is a reporter. He's holding a PDA.
Seat: Go left. Professor Hardacre calls and talks to Nigel. Well...
Harbor Cottage: Go to the white house at right and look close at the sign. Use the cottage key on the door.
Living Room: Oh My! Check the telephone and see that it is disconnected. The drawers are empty. Check the switch left of the hutch and see that no electricity.
Hallway: Go to the hallway.
Check the lintel decoration of the doorways. There's a windmill carved into the wood. Check the 3 desolate pictures on the wall.
At the end of the hallway, check the wall. There's something not quite right about the wall.
Kitchen: See blue plates and a book on the hutch.
Check the drawer of the table. Read the Auction information about Harbour Cottage. Read the history of the cottage on the other page. Edward Molina, a Spanish immigrant originally owned the cottage.
The door at top left is inaccessible. Exit the kitchen.
Bathroom: Enter next door and check the tub. Check the things on the cabinet and the mirror. Exit the bathroom.
Go towards the living room and hear something break. Go to the kitchen and check.
Kitchen: See that a plate fell off the hutch to reveal a Guest Book. Look at the book and read not a Guest Book but a journal.
It is Eduardo de Molina's diary on March 14-28, 1952. Christina is his wife. She arrived and got sick within 2 weeks. The other pages before and after appears to be blank.
Go back to the living room.
Stairwell: Check the newel post of the staircase. It also has the windmill design.
Balcony: Climb the stairs. Check the pictures and the window. Hear a thumping sound.
Chest: Look at the chest at the foot of the bed. A cat is in there. It might be the missing cat in the poster!
We need a key. Look around. Look close at the stag's head on the wall. There's something in its eye. Click and get a key.
Use the key on the chest at the foot of the bed. Uh oh! It's empty but the noise stopped.
Table: Check the table and see some money, The Bear paid bill and empty photo album.
Wardrobe: Open the wardrobe. Nigel tacks the Hadden documents inside the wardrobe. Check the empty drawers at the bottom of the wardrobe.
Check the window and the light switch. Look close again at the deer head and see that it was donated by Frederick Ager.
Bed: Check the bed and Nigel's sleeps.
Night One: First Impressions
Nigel wakes up and hears the Saxton Bell. See a list of things to do in Nigel's journal. There's a lit candle on the table! Click the wick of the candle on the table. Has someone been here?
Go down the stairs. Hear a knocking sound.
Living Room: Someone has been here. The place is a bit clean. Automatically read Morgan Mankle's letter.
The knocking on the door continues. Exit the house.
Harbour wall:
See flashing light coming from the kitchen window. It is flashing a Morse code: 3 short, 3 long, 3 short - SOS.
See a man walking away. Follow the man. The man is Prof. Hardacre. Listen to what he says. He warns Nigel about the Fens. He says to walk tomorrow through the Fen Land Eye.
Go back to Quayside.
The Bear:
PDA: Nigel sees Alex Spitmoor's PDA on top of the barrel. Pick it up and check the one new message. It mentions about the culprit and charade. Go back to Main Menu. Click on any icon and see a log. It talks about Nigel.
Inn: Enter the Bear. Talk to Morgan Mankle completely and learn about May Day Fayre. Check the cat by the fireplace.
Go through the open doorway. Hear laughter and festivities. Go to the other room. The room is empty. Check the clock. Exit the pub.
Quayside: Go towards the cottage. Talk to the man up the ladder putting up bunting. Go right from the man. Go forward to the bridge ahead and go right across the bridge.
Coast Path: Take the Coast Path to the right.
Talk to Lucy Reubans completely. Automatically give her the wallet.
Look inside the window right of the phone booth when the light comes on. See a typewriter and wine.
Phone Booth: Enter the phone booth.
Automatically take the press pass of Alex Spitmoor. His phone number is on the back of the card. Use Alex Spitmoor's card on the phone. He's out right now.
Use Nigel's Hadden ID on the phone and automatically use the phone. Talk to Hadden completely. Nigel ended up agreeing to do paranormal research. Hadden advises to scry and follow the old ghosthunters way. He will send a gift to Nigel tomorrow.
Night One: A pawn in Hadden's game
There's a new list of to dos in the journal.
Go back to the left and then to the Harbour. Go down back towards the cottage.
Harbour Cottage: Enter the cottage using the key.
Bathroom: Go to the bathroom. See a shadowy figure at the corner. Turn on the lights and check the dress form at the corner.
Look close at the bathtub.
Scry - Look close at the mirror. Use the water bottle on the mirror. Watch and see a woman with long hair appears.
Kitchen: Enter and check the flashing of the lamp. No, it doesn't form a Morse code.
Hallway: Go to the end of the hallway and see a picture frame shape on the wall. The air smells like rotten flesh. Hear weird sounds.
Living Room: Go back to the living room.
Séance: Click on the cup. The cup moves in place for yes and farther away for no.
Nigel is not alone here. The spirit definitely wants help but is not trapped here.
Check the phone. Hear static and tapping. Hear also someone reciting (The Traveler) Is there anybody there... ?
Bathroom: Check the bathroom and tub again. You might or might not see hair in the tub.
Bedroom: Go to bed.
Saturday, April 29
Day 2: A new face in an old town
Room of Nightmare: Nigel has a nightmare of being in a room with a bloody sickle. On the wall is a picture of 4 men in black with blood red evil eyes and are wearing hats.
Living Room: Go downstairs.
See the Saxton Times newspaper and poison pen letter 1 dropped through the mail slot. Read the newspaper about the missing cats and the letter.
Let's check the town. Exit the Cottage.
Station Lane: Go right behind the crates and the seagull. Go towards and cross the bridge to go right. Take the path at top.
Lighthouse Cafe: Look close at the Lighthouse sign. This is the place that will give the free meals mentioned in Morgan's letter.
Go forward, look on the window and see yummies. Enter the cafe and come out with food in inventory.
The Ark: Continue to the right. Check the place across the window that has a circle and cross.
See the lady met at the shore doing her gardening. Talk completely to Nanny Noah with her dog, George.
The wall across the house is the museum wall. Learn that she avoids the antique store and that Bob has a workshop.
Nanny Noah invites Nigel for tea this afternoon. Show her any item to get some comments. Click on her again to change dialogues.
Museum: Go forward to the end of the road.
Check the Museum. Click on the Saxton Bell at top of the building and was built in 1890. Enter the walls and see that the building is closed. Check and click on the carving on the stone of a winged stag with a crown above and on the neck.
Saxton Food Stores: Note that the sign of the Food Store has 3 Crowns.
Go back to the intersection.
Coast Path: Go forward to Coast Path.
Alex Spitmoor the journalist: Talk to the journalist standing by the phone booth. He has his handy PDA and is watchful.
Bob Tawny, the smith: Go forward the path.
Cairan the pig: Enter the first entryway at left and meet Cairan the pig. Give her the food in inventory by placing it on the shelf.
Bob the smith: Enter the next entryway and meet Bob Tawny. Talk to Bob completely.
He will meet Nigel at the pub. He fixes things.
He sounds like he's enamoured with Nanny Noah. Nanny Noah lost her son a long time ago in the sea. Ah... Maybe the boy had a tricycle.
Look at the picture on the wall of Rose and Cole. Read the poem tucked left of the frame of Cole's picture.
Quayside: Go back to the cottage. Go left and take the Harbour road at intersection and be at the quayside.
Seat: Go to the door of Harbour Cottage and see a letter tucked behind the pipe. Take and read the letter from Lucy.
Go left and talk to Lucy Reubans. She mentions the caverns and Hardacre. Learn about other townspeople.
Saxton Caverns: Go pass the Bear Pub and down to the beach. Go left by the steps and enter the cave.
See a lantern. Continue forward and talk to Professor Hardacre completely. He says he did not meet with Nigel last night. He repeated what he said last night. Hmmm...
Go right and forward deeper in the caverns. It gets too dark to go on.
Exit the area and Hardacre mentions that the Stationmaster has a package for Nigel.
Exit the caverns. Go back to the Quayside.
Quayside: Go right towards the bridge. Go forward to the road.
Saxton Train Depot: Go to the alley pass Gruel's Antiques. We'll check that shop later.
Look at the poster on the wall. Enter the depot and talk to the Stationmaster completely.
He warns about the rail tracks at night. Learn about his father, the falling pictures and the story of the disaster of the Great Crash of the Apple Train owned by Gurney.
Pickup the Hadden package on the chairs at left.
Harbour Cottage: Go back to the cottage.
Hadden's gift: Open the box. Read Hadden's letter. Take the equipments inside the box.
Day 2: We have technology
New set of things to do is seen in Nigel's notes.
Paranormal equipments: Read the Gadgets leaflet to know more about the equipments.
The EMF meter is used to detect and measure the electromagnetic field.
The Night vision Camcorder detects and reads infrared light.
The Digicam or camera takes pictures and also develops it.
The voice recorder is an EVP (electronic voice phenomena) recorder of unexplainable sounds heard during playback.
Let's play with the new toys.
Bathroom: Hear a voice that says 'here'. You will hear that on locations of interest.
Use the digicam on the tub and see a streak of light. Use the digicam on the mirror and get a picture of a beautiful face.
Hallway: Use the camcorder and the digicam on the wall at the end of hallway. See a frame of a doorway.
Living Room: Use the digicam on the cushioned chair. See a picture of a sad man.
Balcony: Climb the stairs and while at the balcony, click on the ceiling. Use the digicam on the rafters/beams. Is that a face on the wall?
Bedroom: Go to the table and Nigel places the pictures in the album and the cassettes on the box. Click on the album and box to review what you have collected.
Exit the house.
Saxton Caverns: Go pass the Bear Pub and down to the beach. Go left by the steps and enter the cave.
Enter the cavern and see Hardacre still at work. Go right and forward until the dark area.
Cave passage: Use the Night vision camcorder and go forward. At each step forward, look right and left to see ancient carvings on the wall. There is a crown on one of the left walls 3 clicks from the start of the night vision passage.
In a wider area of the cavern 4 clicks from start of night vision passage, see planks on the left side. Take a plank.
Go forward once and see a sea monster etched on the wall. To the left is an opening and another one at right. Enter the right one behind some lobster traps.
Chasm: See a chasm (abyss). Click on the left and see an etched hand pointing to the right on the wall. Click back to the right and see a narrow passage left of the chasm. Go forward once and see a crown carving on the left wall.
Boulders: Look right and see a pile of boulders across the chasm. Look down and place the plank on the abyss.
Cross the chasm. Take the plank laid down the chasm and use it on the boulders. The boulders are removed but the plank disintegrated. Stranded. Enter into a smugglers hideout.
Smugglers hideout (Grindle's Maw): See a cavern with loot, fire pit and a locked chest.
Fire pit: Hear a 'here'. Use the dictaphone on the fire pit and get a reading. Listen to the Smuggler's recording in inventory and hear the smugglers sing around the camp fire.
Use the EMF reader on the fire pit. Note the numbers read on the dial below the meter.
Locked chest - Go and look close at the locked chest.
The locked chest has Roman numbered buttons. Enter the numbers read on the EMF reading of the fire pit - 2513.
Take and read the journal of what happened to Captain Walter Spivey, the treachery of Gruel and subsequent escape. There are old wines in the chest.
Hear a sound. An oar dropped down from nowhere. Take the oar. Exit the hideout.
Chasm: At the chasm, look up and see a hook at the ceiling of the cave. Use the oar on the hook. Swing across to the other side.
Turn left and forward to exit the chasm area and be back at the main passage of the cavern.
Tidal cavern: Go forward, right and see light coming down from a hole on the ceiling.
Siren: Go forward to the light. Automatically, Nigel talks to the light. Talk completely to the spirit woman.
Take a picture and recording of the spirit woman.
Listen to the recording of the Tidal Chamber - Bring me a Pasque flower.
Turn around and forward. Turn right when you see the lobster trap. Go forward to exit the cavern.
Beach: Go left from the cave. See a painter.
Go to Dr. Black painting a scene. Try to talk to him.
Look close at the painting and see that he painted someone left of the desolate building and top of cliff.
Fenland Eye: Go to top of screen on the narrow path. Enter the cave on the right.
Grilled gate at Saxton Caverns: Go left of the sea monster wall.
Here! While (not in a close look) one step away from gate, use the camcorder, recorder and then take a picture in between the bars. Use the camcorder.
Listen to the Saxton cavern gate cassette (help us) and check the Saxton cavern gate picture (2 figures).
Exit and go back to town.
Day 2: A link to the legend
Go back to town and to Quayside.
Quayside: Go right towards the bridge. Go forward to the road at diagonal left.
Gruel's Antiques: See 3 crowns, a link to the legend on the store window. Enter the store.
Look around. At the far aisle, go the back of the store and meet Mr. Gruel and Jemima. Weird man!
Try to get a coherent conversation. See a book in front of Jemima that has 3 crowns on the cover. We need to get that.
While Mr. Gruel covers his face with Jemima and Jemima sings, take the locked journal.
Exit the store. Check the locked journal in inventory (right click) and see that it cannot be opened.
Bob Tawny, the smith: Go to end of Coast path. Enter the first opening and give Cairan whatever food you have. Enter the workshop next door. Ask Bob to open the book. Exit the store.
Celtic Corner: Follow the cat that crosses Nigel's path outside the workshop.
Talk to Rhys Branwen completely. Meet Mr. Tibbs, the cat.
Check the bookcase on the right.
Read the 3 volumes of about Unknown Anglia. Learn about 3 local ghost stories: Mysterious Maiden at Ulcombe Lane, Gyb farm incident and Spivey and the Failed Invasion.
The middle books show one page of Anglo Saxon symbols. Take note that something can be clicked on the page to identify it.
The right 2 books are about the Festivals; take note of Beltane since it is this Monday.
Check the unique snake candle holder on the counter and the entry box for the photo contest at end of the counter. If you have taken any pictures that you want to enter, insert them in the slot.
Check the crystal ball on your way out. See a future event, like Nigel with Hardacre by a cliff or some other future scene.
Exit the store and check the grab boxes at front of store. Read about yews, its meanings and usages. Read the King Time magazine and the games that will scare you silly. Ahem!
Check the notice board on the left of the path.
Meadow: Go left and be outside of town.
At the bridge, look at the town from here and identify the buildings.
Go left and check the lighthouse. The Saxton bell rings 1 PM.
Go back up and left to see the meadow. Go back over the bridge.
Bob Tawny, the handyman/smith: Enter and ask Bob for the William Ager journal. Exit and automatically be at the cottage.
Harbour Cottage:
William Ager's Journal: Read William Ager's journal. The Agers lived in Raven Lane, Northfield. Click on all the pictures and cover title before opening the next page to read the entries.
It mentions the tracks, fens and death of Emily in a cave at Saxton Shores. She wanted a Pasque flower. Emily is the ghost lady in the tidal chamber and William killed her.
It is time to go to the rail tracks and SedgeMarsh station to investigate the Agers' House.
Fens - SedgeMarsh Nature Reserve: Exit the town.
Go to the beach, Saxton Shores and enter the cave. Go right and left out to Martello tower. Go right to the fens.
Pictures: On the way, you might want to stop at the blind where the man is located. Take a picture of the frog on the edge of the walkway behind the blind. Also click to look at where the man is looking at. Try to take a picture of the heron. If it is blurred, try again when the heron moves closer to the left. You can submit them for the contest later by placing them in Rhys' entry box at the Celtic Corner.
SedgeMarsh Train Depot/rail tracks: Go to the Station and forward to the other end of the building.
Now that we have a clue for this place mentioned in William's journal, we can go further on the tracks.
On the way, see that the signal light for the train tracks is covered by the wood. Remember the stationmaster's story about what happened to the apple train crash.
Take a photo of the signal post. Look at the photo in inventory.
Raven Lane: Go forward and see apples and boxes by the rail tracks. Ah yes, the stationmaster's story...
Take the bridge beside the tracks and go left.
See that the main path has a side road at right. The side road leads to an unknown place and the one through the woods is the entry to Carrion Woods. Take the main path at left.
At the end, see a letter on top of a post at right. Read the letter. The farmer BG wants the wife to leave her husband Robert and come to Brock Farm. The path to the left goes to Carrion wood.
Ager (Karswell) House: Continue on the main path. See a house with a woman gardening in front. Beautiful garden.
Gardens: Go left and up to enter the path to the house. Talk to Katherine Karswell.
Robert is upset and is in his workshop. Join them for lunch of 7 pigeon and nut broth.
Look at Jasper the parrot hanging by the door. Look at the disk with symbol by the door - spring.
Workshop: Go right and enter the workshop. Try to talk to Robert. He's still upset.
Kitchen: Enter the house through the door by the parrot.
Cookbook: Go to the table left of the fireplace. Read the cookbook and see the recipe for the 7 Bird and Nut Broth.
Check the paper wedged in the pages of the cookbook. It states that winter is not the end of the year; it is the beginning of the year.
Katherine has taken care of the pigeons, bacon and she is now picking bay leaves.
Collect ingredients: Nigel needs to get garlic root, chives, wood mushrooms and cobnuts. Study the picture on the right to see what they look like.
Exit the house and go left to get to fence by the horse.
Go left and see a horse in the pasture. Take purple flowered chives left of the pasture gate.
Go right pass the Raven Lane sign.
On the side road by the tracks and the bridge, take cobnuts from the small tree at side of the road.
Go to the rail tracks and pick the white flowered garlic plant from the side of the bridge.
Go back to Raven Lane and enter the Carrion Woods' path uphill. Take wood mushroom around a broken millstone. There's an intact millstone at left.
Exit the woods by going left. See 2 more millstones. We'll come back here later.
Go back to the kitchen of the house.
At the kitchen, go to the chop board on the table at center. You can ask Katherine for help in identifying the plants or where they can be found.
Cut the chives, mushroom and garlic by placing them on the board one at a time. Place the cobnuts on the mortar and pestle.
Place all the prepared ingredients in the boiling cauldron.
Take note of the round symbol right of the stove - winter.
Katherine wants some Hedgerow balm to add to the broth. She said there's a picture in the bedroom.
Bedroom: Climb the stairs and look inside the bedroom.
Look close at the picture frame left of the window. The hedgerow balm is in the hedge.
Look at summer symbol plate below the picture. Look at the other items on the window sill and the Karswell pictures on the wall.
Go down and exit the house. Go to the front of the hedge where the flowers are located. Pick the hedgerow balm left of the white daisies at center of the hedge. You can pick flowers from the garden if you want.
Kitchen: Go back to the kitchen and place the herb in the cauldron. Rest while the broth is stewing. They have eaten.
Workshop: Exit the kitchen. Go to top right and enter the workshop.
Talk to Robert completely. What church? At the woods... The disks with symbols might be giving directions...
Check the table and look at through the microscope. The piece of the broken millstone has autumnal berry stains. Check the broken stone in the box left of the microscope - autumn.
Check all the scrolls. See a drawing of the autumn stone and get a map of the Carrion Woods. Read the flower drawing and the millstones. Take the sturdy oak sticks behind Nigel.
Exit the room, house and go to the Carrion Woods.
Carrion Woods: Go down Raven Lane and enter the path at left in front of the post with the letter.
Study the map of Carrion Woods. See where the millstones are placed.
Based on volume 1 of the Countryside Festivals of Antiquity book at Celtic Corner and paper inside Katherine's cookbook, winter is considered the start of the year.
Millstone 1: Go close to the first millstone as stated in the map and the dots on top of the symbol.
Use the oak sticks on the millstone. Turn the millstone with the winter symbol in front. Look at the hole on top and see the next millstone.
Millstone 2: Go to the next millstone. Turn the millstone with the spring symbol in front. Look through the hole on top and see tree trunks.
Millstone 3: Go right to the next millstone which is beside the broken 4th one. Turn the millstone with summer symbol in front. Look through the hole on top and see dense woods.
Go back to the first millstone and look through the hole. See the tower of Northfield Church. It is added to the Carrion Woods map.
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Winter | Spring | Summer | Autumn (broken) | Northfield Church |
Day Two: The last of Northfield
Northfield Church: Go down to Raven Lane. By the sign, take the path going up and side of the Woods.
Go forward until the cemetery. See a new set of things to do.
Cemetery: Look around and remember some key places in the cemetery and outside the church. You will need to remember it later at night. Look around.
North Yard: Go around and to the right side of the church. See crows all around. Go right by the sign.
See a man down a grave hole. Talk to Mr. Russet. Give Mr. Russet some help so that he can talk to you.
The birds took Tom's name and the name needs to be placed on his stone. Then Mr. Russet might be able to talk to Nigel.
Search for Tom's name: Exit the North Yard.
M - Go left and see a crow by the corner. Look at the ground and pick up M, a rusty metal letter.
T - Continue to the left by the gate and then up to the side (right) of the church. Go right and forward to the closed door.
Take T, a rusty metal letter under the drain pipe and beside a tombstone.
O - Go back to the back of the church. Around the church (left side), see a pile of rubble at the corner of the church.
Continue to the left and at the extended side door of the church.
Look at the base of the door and get Thomas Ager's Journal and letter O, a rusty metal letter.
N - Go right at foreground path until the yew tree at start of cemetery. Take N on the cross of a grave.
E - Go left, left of the closed door and see the church entrance. Pick up E right of the door.
H - Go left to the path beside the church and go back to Mr. Russet at North Yard. Look at the bucket beside him. Take H from under the jawbone.
Tom's stone - Exit North Yard and go left until right of the gate.
See a tombstone missing letters. Place the letters back in place to make Tom Henry Oliver.
Thomas Ager's journal: Read Thomas Ager's Journal. Thomas Ager killed Gurney. He took his hands and buried them under stone.
Go back to Mr. Russet. Talk to Mr. Russet completely. Learn about Thomas Ager being a rector of the church and about poor old Nick Gurney. William Ager is the last of the Ager's. The Black Plague emptied Northfield. Nick walks the churchyard at night looking for something. Mr. Russet will light candles when Nigel comes back tonight.
Church: Go to the entrance to the church. Enter the ornate grilled door.
Poster board: Look at the poster board. See that Evelyn will have a memorial service on Thursday, May 4th. Check the history of the church. The tomb of Nicholas Gurney is at the back of the church.
Enter the church and look around.
Check for paranormal phenomena:
Leave the camera on the table by the door. Go left twice.
Aisles - After the lectern, use the camcorder and see the ghost of Thomas Ager walk the aisles.
Use the recorder on the pews and hear chopping sounds on the pews cassette.
Gurney's tomb - Go right and see a coat of arms on the end of a pew in front of Nicholas Gurney's tomb.
See that the 3 decorative panels below the statue are gone.
Look at Gurney's effigy and see that it is missing hands.
Use camcorder and recorder above Gurney's statue and see orbs.
Hear the camera left at the table by the entrance take a picture.
Stone slab on the wall - Check the stone slab hanging by the window. See 2 women and a coat of arms.
Rector-Rood screen: Exit the sanctuary on the left.
Use the camcorder and the recorder on the Rector-Rood board and see a list of rectors.
Thomas Ager's name is highlighted. Use the recorder on the rood screen.
Look up and see a coat of arms.
Camera on table - Go back to the entrance. Pick up camera and the picture taken. Look at church ghost picture.
Vicar: Go left again and then go left to enter the Vestry/office.
Check the painting in the back and the tapestry with 3 crowns.
Use the camcorder on Thomas Ager's portrait. Click to look close of the eyes of pure hatred.
Talk to the Vicar. He lost something important. He lost it between Wednesday and Friday.
Exit the Vestry and go back to the entrance of the church. Exit through the door.
Look at the notice board. Take the Thursday, May 4th Memorial of Evelyn Ackland. It's the Thursday that was lost by the Vicar.
Go back to the Vestry. Talk to the Vicar again. Automatically give the Memorial paper. He asks to give the Memorial paper to Nanny Noah.
Talk again to the Vicar completely. Thomas Ager got large sum of money in his later years. (Gurney was a very rich man.) The painting at the back is an ancestor of the Vicar. Hmm...
Exit the church and go forward. Take a close look at William Ager's tombstone at foreground of the path. Click on the name and 3 crowns.
Exit the cemetery and walk to the end of Ravens Lane.
Day Two: Research is the key
Go back to town and the museum.
Saxton Museum: Enter the Museum.
Booth area: Take a map of the museum from the leaflets in front of the window. No cameras allowed.
Talk to Prof. Oogle completely. Almost everyone states that something that has been hidden should be kept secret. Security cameras are everywhere. Nigel can not come back tonight.
Let's follow the map of the museum:
A: Check and read about the rotating statue of 3 Anglo Saxon Kings holding crowns (Aldwulf and his 2 sons, Ganwulf and Pendraed)
2. Check the Northfield skeleton in a case. Use the recorder on the skeleton. Listen to the skeleton recording. Read about the Northfield skeleton found in 1924 and get the phone number of the Crime Line. Look at the hat, the sickle and then read the book.
C. Go left and then click on the map of Saxton beside Nigel. See that there's a hole in the map. Since Nigel is hidden here from the camera, take a picture of the Saxton map. Read about the lost treasure in lands around Saxton.
3. Go around the corner. Read about Saxton Caverns.
Read about Emily Travers below the cavern poster. In 1940, she disappeared and is thought to be the Siren in the caverns. Remember the Emily in William Ager's journal. Look at Emily's glasses on display.
Read about the Saxton buildings on the right. Read about Eduardo Molina and the Harbour Cottage. Look at the plan of Harbour cottage and the drawing. There's an archway at river level where the boats enter.
5. Look close at the lady on the painting and see haunting eyes that follow you around.
4. Library: Look close at the books.
Read about the Olden Families of Anglia: Mr. Russet's family is quite old.
The Agers family seems to be long-lived ones. Hmm... Nathaniel built the organ In Ulcombe church. William died in the 1940's but brother Thomas was the rector in Northfield church in 1799.
Nicholas Gurney is a collector of art.
The green book on the bookcase shows the Celtic symbols like the one in Celtic Corner.
Check the trilobite left of the library.
6. Spivey's telescope: Go left and see a telescope right of a locked door. See that it is supposed to bring good luck to one who uses it.
D. Saxton Warrior: Check the helmet left of the telescope. It is supposed to be Ganwulf's.
Left of the helmet, click on the hand and watch the video of Northfield church. Go left.
Video room: Enter the video room and watch the movie about Saxton town.
Exit and look at the camera on the wall spying on the room.
7. Suicide Noose of Edward Molina: Press the button to identify the noose. Use the recorder on the noose. Listen to the noose recording. Look around at other displays.
Go to the back of the room and enter the elevator. Go to the second level.
8. Go right and look at the coat of arms on top of the entryway at the corner.
Go to the end of the hallway and look close at the Tree of Crows. Use the recorder of the painting. Listen to the Tree of Crows recording and hear crows.
Go to the elevator and press 0 to get to the basement. Uh, get back to the elevator and go the #1 level.
You might hear that the museum is closing. Leave the museum.
The Ark: Go down the road and knock on Nanny Noah's door across the window of the museum. Hear George bark.
Say hello to George. Look around at the painting and the picture of the little boy above the fireplace.
Talk to Nanny Noah. Pass the time while having tea. Talk to Nanny Noah again.
She gives a charm when she learns that Nigel is going by the tracks. Show her interesting items in inventory and she can give some info.
Give Nanny Noah the Thursday Memorial for Evelyn Ackland from Northfield Church.
Nanny Noah reads Nigel's palm.
Moon rises over Saxton. Beautiful!
Harbour cottage: Nigel climbs upstairs to the bedroom.
Bedroom: Leave the evidences on the table. Review the pictures and recording if you want.
Click on the bed and see a scissor under the covers.
Night Two: A return to the Carrion Woods
Wake up at 3 AM. New things to do are added. Go downstairs and hear a rattling sound.
Bathroom: The rattling sound comes from the bathroom door. Someone is shaking the door.
Look close at the door's handle. Look through the keyhole. A shadow passes through.
Open the door and enter. See a shadow at the corner. Turn on the lights and see it is the shadow of the dress form.
Something is on the sink. It looks like hairs. Hear grunting sound and the hair on the sink is gone.
Use the camera on the mirror.
Living room: Use the camera on the armchair and see a woman. Use the recorder on the armchair. Listen to the armchair cassette.
Exit the cottage. See a letter left by the drainpipe of the cottage. Read the invite letter of the stationmaster about poltergeist activity in the Saxton's station.
Saxton train station: Go right to the path after the crates on Quayside. Go forward and right to the alley.
Enter the station. Use the camcorder on the pictures ahead right of door. Click twice and look close at the picture of the train by the Saxton station. See men waiting to climb aboard.
Pull back and now use the camera on the pictures. See 3 additional men in the Station Staff picture posing at the station.
Use the recorder on the pictures. Listen to the tape of the train coming.
Exit the station.
The Bear: Talk to Bob Tawny tending the bar. Bob gives a book about The Legend of Grindle and Ganwulf. Open the book and see that it is dedicated to darling by Rose (Nanny Noah).
Railroad tracks: Go to Northfield Church. Exit the town; pass through the Fens and to the railway tracks.
Hear all the warnings about the tracks during the night.
Phantoms: Walk the tracks pass the station depot.
Watch what occurs on the signal post. A black mist appears.
See phantoms come out of the black mist. Use the charm given by Nanny Noah on the phantoms before they reach you.
Northfield Church: Go forward and cross the bridge to get to Raven Lane. Just before entering the cemetery, use the camcorder when it becomes too dark .
Get to the church: The starting place is the tombstone with the flowers in front.
Go right and see the church ahead. Go forward. Turn left and go forward. Go around the side of the church. Enter the church.
Church: Look at the items on the table. Read the letter left by Mr. Russet. Read the book Hedge Witch book.
Go down the aisle and see the black mist blocking the way. Go back and review the book on the table.
Collect the plants necessary to trap the black mist.
Exit the church and look for plants.
The starting point is the side path from the entrance to the closed door of the church.
Turn right and take the #3 - Creeping Ivy climbing on the tombstone.
Turn back to the left. Go around the church walls to the other side.
At the right corner, beside the closed door pick up the #1 Binding Nightshade plant.
Forward and dogleg to the back side of the church. Be just off the church wall.
Turn right and take the #2 Preachers Fear plant.
Turn back to the left. Go forward once, left and pick up the #5 Ash Thorn plant.
Turn back to the right and go forward. Turn right and go forward once.
Turn left and pick up the #4 Witch's Bane.
Bind the Black Mist (Thomas Ager).
Go back to the church. Turn left and forward to go back to the church.
Go forward See a pile of rubble Turn left Go forward Turn right Go forward and see this cross Turn right and see the entrance to the church. Turn right and see the door with the black mist. Go and face the closed door at outside side of the church.
Remember the position of the plants as shown in the book. They do not need to be placed in order.
Go close to the locked door of the church. The black mist appears.
At top point of the arch of the door, place the Binding Nightmare.
At right at northeast position, place the Preachers Fear.
At the east position, place the Creeping Ivy.
At west position, place the Witch's Bane.
At northwest position, place the Ash Thorn.
Go back around the church wall at left and enter the church. Now, the church is black mist free.
Nicholas Gurney's tomb: Go to the sanctuary and the tomb.
Use the recoorder above the tomb. Listen to the Gurney cassette - he took my hands.
Use the camcorder above the tomb. He took my hands... They took my arms...
Hands: Review Thomas Ager's journal and he mentions that 'burrowing hands of his and bury them deep under tombs of stones'.
Go outside and go to the church wall at other side of the closed door.
Go to the corner. Look close at the pile of rubble. Take a pair of stony hands. If you try to check this rubble earlier, black mist comes out of it.
Go back to the tomb inside the church.
Look close at the effigy's chest. Place the hands on the stony stumps.
Arms: Now let's look for arms.
Turn around and take a picture of the coat of arms at the end of the pew.
Go to the rood screen just outside the sanctuary. Look up and take a picture of the coat of arms.
Look close at the stone slab above the effigy and right of the window. Take a picture of the coat of arms above the 2 women.
Go back to the tomb of Nicholas Gurney.
Look close at the base of the tomb. Place the picture of the rood screen coat of arms on the left, the one from the 2 women at the middle and the pew coat of arms on the right.
Use the camcorder on the effigy. See the spirit of Gurney rise and say: With oil and hair, I captured the crows. Seek the tree.
Automatically be on the beach in town.
Night Two: Seek the tree
Museum: Go to Museum road.
The door to the museum is closed and no entry is found at front of the building.
Go to the front of The Ark, Nanny Noah's house. Take the spade by the door.
Look close at the window of the Museum building across The Ark. Use the spade on the window.
Automatically, enter the basement through the window.
Maintenance room: Look at the shelves on the right. Take a 40A fuse. Exit the last entryway.
Bathroom: Enter the entryway to the bathroom.
Trash can - Check the trash can and read the newspaper. Another time warp is noted. Katherine and Robert died in their house fire 20 years ago. The Ager house goes on auction.
Mirror - Go to the mirror at bottom of the room.
Use the EMF meter on the mirror.
Use the camera on the mirror and see a little girl beside Nigel in the ghost girl picture.
Use the camcorder on the mirror. Nigel talks to the spirit. The spirit answers yes or no.
Use the recorder on the mirror or bathroom door. Listen to the basement bathroom cassette.
Exit the bathroom.
Elevator: Go to the top corridor and to the elevator. See the ghost girl inside the elevator. Use the elevator button and see that it doesn't work.
Surveillance room: Go back and to bottom screen and then left.
Copier: See the copier print out paper.
Enter the room on the right.
Monitors: Look at the different monitors on the wall and check if there's any paranormal activity seen.
Look at the monitor on the desk. Push the buttons to check the different areas of the museum.
At the 4th down left side row of buttons, it focuses on the ticket window of the museum.
Click on the clipboard and see the numbers 4581.
Power box: Look at the power box on the right wall by the pipes. It has a number lock.
Look close and press 4581. See a burnt fuse. Replace the burnt fuse with the one taken from the maintenance room.
See that the elevator works now. Go back to the elevator.
Elevator: Press the button by the elevator. Enter and go to first floor.
First level: Now we can take pictures.
Noose display: Use the camera on the noose of Molina.
Helmet: Use the camera on the helmet in the butterfly room.
Trilobite: Use the camera on the trilobite.
Northfield Skeleton: Use the camcorder and camera on the skeleton in the display case. See it wearing a costume and the picture showed a face.
3 Kings: Take a picture of the rotating 3 Kings.
Lucy: Go to the grilled window on the wall right of the 3 Kings. Click twice to look close inside the room behind the fan. Talk to Lucy.
Meet Lucy at the butterfly display. She came out of the locked door beside the telescope. Talk to Lucy completely. Nigel gives the EMF meter to Lucy to use.
Storage room: Enter the room left of the telescope. Look around.
Net Store Plan: Look at the painting on the floor. See the back picture is the plan for the Net Hut that is the desolate building above the Saxton Shores. It was made by Frederick Ager.
Service passage: Move the file drawer left of the paintings on the floor and see the service passage for the museum.
Enter and hear the crying of a child. Go left and see holes in the wall. Look through the holes and see that they are spy holes to the museum. One is behind Emily's glasses and another through the Saxton map.
Look inside the box on the floor. Look at the picture of a policeman and newspaper clipping of the finding of Verity Church's body. So the child in the basement bathroom is Verity. She's crying! Eek!
Go to right side and look at the holes here. The holes on the right are the eyes of the painting of the woman. Look up and the pipes may lead somewhere.
Nigel hears an alarm or phone. Look through the double holes of the woman's painting at right room and see Lucy talk to someone on the phone.
Exit the storage room and talk to Lucy at the butterfly room.
Elevator: Go to the elevator by going left from the butterfly room and forward to the end of the hallway by the armors.
Use the elevator and press the 2 button. Argh! Verity is still being playful. Verity needs some talking to.
Bathroom: Enter the elevator and go to 0, the basement. Go to the bathroom.
Use the camcorder on the mirror. Talk to Verity. Find out about the ugly man, William.
Someone is knocking on the door. Exit the bathroom.
Elevator: Go to elevator and go up to second floor now that Nigel talked to Verity.
The Tree of Crows: Go to the end of the hallway.
Use the camcorder on Nicholas Gurney's painting of the Tree of Crows. Lucy joins Nigel.
Take a picture of the painting symbol.
Harbour cottage: Automatically be at the Cottage.
Hear a sound.
Kitchen: Go to the kitchen and read Molina's journal. It has changed.
There's a picture of crows. The entry is April 3, 11 and 18th. Dr. Black checked Christina in 1952.
Exit the kitchen. Hear a knocking on the door. Open the door and talk to Lucy.
Living room: Talk to Lucy.
Click on the Environmeter on the table and Nigel talks Lucy in helping.
Click on the monitor of the Environmeter to enter Nigel's password.
Adjust the transmitter - Click on each monitor and direct Lucy in adjusting the transmitter.
Look at the squares at top left and tell Lucy the direction to move by clicking on the sentence at bottom left of the screen.
Watch for the numbers to pop up at bottom left and work from there. Nigel will say when it is done.
Do all the monitors.
Use the Environmeter - There are 4 monitors for the transmitters set up in the bathroom, kitchen - hallway and balcony.
Watch the left yellow bars on the left of each monitor. It measures and shows the activity on that room.
Once the yellow bar fluctuates to the top and sounds, activity is seen. Click on that monitor to get a close up of that room. Watch what happens.
Click on the X at top right to get out of close view.
Bathroom - Activity that might be seen are floating orbs.
Kitchen - hallway:
Activities that might be seen are: Wheelchair that gets overturned. Orbs shooting from wall to kitchen. Dress form in the hallway.
Orb activity: Nigel says there is activity here but how can one determine between dust and orb.
Wait for large circles that float left to right and then click on it to frame it.
I found 5 orbs floating. See a sad Eduardo Molina facing the wall.
Bedroom: There is a difference in the room.
Differences seen:
A small before picture is seen at top right inset. Click on the inset to see closer.
Click on the differences to enclose it in a frame: The stag antler's shadow, the plaque on the stag's head, the frame on the wall, the bald head of Christina, open drawer and the coin on the table.
See Christina crying.
Balcony: After doing the differences in the bedroom and the orb activity in the hallway, Lucy sees activity in the beams of the balcony.
See Lucy checking it with the EMF meter. When it gets stronger, Nigel asks questions. Repeat the questions until another activity happens or the ghost leaves.
Lucy leaves and Nigel climbs to the bedroom.
Bedroom: Place the collected evidences on the table. Place the equipments on the window sill.
Go to bed. Nigel experiences the same nightmare room with the sickle and picture of the Agers.
April 30, Sunday
Day Three: Deception
Collect the equipment from the window sill. Some are missing.
See a picture taken during the night. One of the Agers came out of the cabinet.
Go downstairs and automatically get the newspaper and the second poison pen letter. Read the newspaper and the letter. Someone was at the museum last night. I wonder who the culprit is.
Go to the bathroom and pick up the EMF meter from the bathtub. Go to the kitchen and take the recorder from the left drawer.
Quayside: Exit the cottage. Talk to Nanny Noah at the seat beside the cottage. She mentions that she saw Lucy going to the coastal path.
Martello Towers: Go to the beach and Fenland Eye to get to Martello Tower. See Lucy at top of the tower. Go to the other side of the tower. Click on tower to eavesdrop.
Harbour Wall: Go back to Harbour wall. See Nanny Noah feeding the ducks. Talk to her completely.
If hungry, have breakfast at Lighthouse tower.
Celtic Corner: Time to check what that symbol seen in the Tree of Crows painting mean. Go to Celtic Corner.
Mr. Tibbs is gone.
Enter any picture that can be inserted on the contest box at end of counter.
Go to the bookcase at right. Look at a book of symbols from the center of the shelf.
Click the picture of the symbol from the Tree of Crows on the book. Nigel identifies the Tree of Crows symbol as Town or Village.
Exit the store.
Coast Path: Go to top path until the end and see beautiful flowers. Take a flower picture.
Harbour Wall: Go back to Harbour wall. See Nanny Noah feeding the ducks. Talk to her completely.
Show her the picture of the flower taken at the meadows.
She wants Nigel to test the Treasure Hunt for tomorrow's May Day celebration.
She identifies the bloom as Pasque flower. She gives clue 1.
Treasure Hunt:
Read Clue 1: Sounds like a train and the picture of the Station Staff.
Go to Train Station and take the Saxton Local Map from the chair. Talk to stationmaster. I wonder who stole Mr. Gruel's book.
Go to the picture of the Staff right of the door. Take clue 2.
Clue 2: Sounds like the butterfly collection in the old town hall which is now the museum.
Go to the museum. Talk to Prof. Oogle. Mines under the Carrion Woods?
Go to the butterfly display. Click on the left side of the butterfly display and get clue 3 and wire.
Telescope - Hear EMF reading. Nigel gets a strong reading close at the telescope and Nigel wants to do another pilfering.
Look at the camera on left wall. Hmm... Take a picture of the telescope stand while standing under the camera so that Nigel is not under surveillance.
Use the wire on the camera. Use the room photo on the wire. Hehehehe!
Take the telescope. Look at telescope in inventory. It is jammed.
Bob Tawny: Go to Bob at Coast path.
Talk to Bob about fixing the telescope and other topics. If you have any food, give it to Cairan. Fattening the pig, eh.
Clue 3: Read clue 3. It describes the old Saxon lighthouse.
Go to the Coast path and lighthouse.
Now, we see Lucy as mentioned by Nanny Noah. Talk to Lucy. She gives a walkie talkie.
Take clue 4 on top of the barrel.
Clue 4: Sounds like a snake.
Go to Celtic Corner and look at the snake candle holder on the counter. Take clue 5.
Clue 5: Ah, it sounds like the siren at the tidal chamber of Saxton Caverns.
Go to the Saxton caverns left of the steps of Harbour wall. Enter cave and see clue 6 flying by.
Use the camcorder at dark area, go forward for a while, left at sea monster, right and forward until the Tidal Chamber.
Talk to Emily, the siren. Show me you are here. At can I help you in some way, see an active spot at bottom left. Place the picture of the Pasque flower on rock. Emily is released.
Take a picture of Emily's symbol seen.
Now Emily and Gurney are released. They are the ones mentioned on the poisoned letter.
Exit the cavern. Take clue 6 from the rock. Nanny Noah wants Nigel to visit this afternoon.
The Pinnacles: See Prof. Hardacre going left.
Follow him by going to Saxton Shores, the cave and through Fenland Eye. At the rocky area, go to bottom screen.
Talk to Hardacre completely. Hardacre is looking through a theodolite. There's a life bell here and it needs a crank handle.
Look around the Pinnacles:
Go right and then go to bottom right by lamps. Look in crab box and see rotten fish. Find a picture of Nigel at right corner of the box.
Go right, forward and see an anchor at top right. Check the corner there and expose the crank handle. Click on the rod midway down the item. Click again between the middle and the handle twice. You cannot exit the puzzle until you get the crank and have clicked on all the active spots on it. Get a crank handle.
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Go back and then take the top path. Continue the path and see the life bell. Look close at the metal close to the base. Insert the crank handle and automatically turn it. Listen to the bell. Hear echoes that reverberate on the boulders.
Go top left and then top right. The sound affected Nigel and he gets a vision of an Anglo Saxon, maybe Ganwulf. You might need to repeat the ringing of the bell and going to this area to get this scene.
Go left and talk to Hardacre.
Go left twice and down to Hardacre's equipments.
Theodolite: Look through the theodolite.
Click on a number at the bottom to move the theodolite.
See a memorial at -135 and the entrance to Saxton Caverns is at -180.
+135 shows a figure at the Old Net Store. Lucy is looking for something on the ground at the door of the Net Store. Hahahahahahah! Go right from Hardacre.
Nigel gets a call from Lucy on the walkie talkie. Right click the walkie talkie in inventory to talk to Lucy.
Old Net Store: Automatically be at the Old Net Store.
Talk to Lucy by the door.
Go back to the path and look at the rock by the cliff side across the steps going down.
Lower floor of the building: Look around. Check the junk and the window.
Go back and talk to Lucy completely. She borrows the camcorder.
Go back to the lower level of the building.
Black Mist: Lucy enters the building with the help of a rock.
The window closes and Nigel is in the dark. Lucy guides Nigel through the junk.
Go L F R F. Hear a noise. Black mist comes out of the floor.
Go L L F to get to door. Black mist comes out by the door and escape is not possible.
Go R R F R F. Don't move.
Lucy says Something's coming. Tell Lucy to run to other side of balcony.
Nigel turns around. Go R R F L F L F F. Click on chain at left. Then click on handle to open window to get light in.
Ramp: Look at the barrel with oil cans at right. Pick up Mr. Tibbs collar.
Go down the ramp. See the door rattle and hear a cat crying.
Slide the lever of the door. Enter the room. The door closes shut.
Nightmare room: See the tortured cats.
Look at the pictures on the wall. They are pictures of Lucy and Nigel in different places and time.
Take the key from behind the top left photo.
Go left and look at the books in the bookcase.
Look close at the Ager Brothers painting on the wall. The one on the right, William is breaking up.
Look close at desk drawers. Use the key from the photo on the keyhole.
The door's lever is slid to close the door. Trapped. Swarm of flies attacks Nigel.
Go to the door and try to get out. Use the walkie talkie. Lucy comes.
Lucy takes pictures of the photos for evidence.
Check the 2 journals in the drawer. A secret to hide.
Take Frederick Ager's journal from the bookcase. Read the journal. It talks about a place in Grindle's embrace that hides the crown.
Look at the painting again and see that Thomas is breaking up. Two more to go.
Talk to Lucy. Lucy comes clean about Alex Spitmoor.
The Ark: Automatically be at Nanny Noah's. Talk to Nanny Noah and have a rest and tea.
Nanny Noah gives a May Day raffle 142 ticket.
Nanny reads the tea leaves of Nigel's.
Harbour Cottage:
On the way to the cottage, talk to Bob Tawny up the ladder. Molina was a smuggler.
Enter the cottage. At the bedroom, leave evidences and the Saxton map on the table.
Go to bed and again see the scissors.
Wake up at 3 AM by the phone ringing.
Night Three: Nocturnal Surveillance
Go down and answer the phone. The environmeter detects activity. Click the monitor to enter the password.
Bedroom: See Molina come out of the cabinet.
Balcony: See bats or hear words said on the beams.
Words at the beams:
See a cross hair on the screen.
Move the cursor-square and click in places to pick up words.
The places are: top center, top right, middle right, center, middle left and bottom center.
Once they are located. Click on each word to form a sentence.
If correct, Nigel repeats the sentence. Evil which lives within the walls.
Hallway: See Molina go through the ghost door at end of the hallway or a wheelchair.
Bathroom: Click on the orbs seen floating. There are 5 of them. Then see Christina with no hair by the sink.
Exit the environmeter by clicking on 'quit' on any monitor.
Go towards the hallway to check where Molina went. Get a walkie talkie call from Lucy. Talk to Lucy.
Lucy mans the environmeter.
Bathroom: See and hear a crying of Christina.
Kitchen: Read Molina's journal. He mentions what Christina believes and stated. He repeated those words on the beam's paranormal phenomena: Evil which lives within the walls.
Hallway: Hear a growling sounds. See the black mist in the kitchen and the Agers at the hallway.
Bedroom: See the cabinet open and orb activity. The cabinet rattles.
Balcony: Lucy calls Nigel to go down and look at the balcony monitor.
A shadow of a man hanging on the beams is seen. Nigel climbs up to the balcony.
Use the camcorder on the balcony and see the rope. Take a picture and see the rope shadow on the beam.
Use the recorder on the balcony. Nigel listens to the cassette of the balcony. Molina says 3418.
Bedroom: Leave the equipment on the window sill and the evidences on the table.
Go to bed.
See the nightmare room again and the door at the end of the hallway. Nigel is now added to the Ager brothers painting.
Nigel experiences an out of body. Go down to the hallway. Click on the wall and see Nigel gets overwhelmed by the black mist and sound.
May 1, Monday
Day 4: May Day
Wake up. Pick up the equipments from the window sill. Take a look at the photo taken that night. The Agers were there. Some of the equipments are missing.
Go downstairs and automatically pick up the newspaper and poisoned letter 3. Read the letter and the newspaper.
Bathroom: Take the recorder from the top shelf.
Hallway: See that the wall is destroyed. Enter through the opening.
Look at the water.
Power box: Go to the power box and click to get light.
Safe: Go to the safe at right.
Enter the numbers said by Molina - 3418. Press the center square with a windmill.
Take a picture of Christina. Use the videocam on the picture and then take a picture. See a symbol on Christina's picture.
Take the EMF meter. Read Molina's journal. It was Molina's last entry before he committed suicide. The stagnant water caused Christina's illness.
Look under the stairs and click on the sealed archway.
Exit the cottage.
Beach: Go to the beach below the Harbour wall. See the May Day Fayre.
Bob Tawny's Hog Roast: Oh No! Cairan! Talk to Bob completely.
Punch and Judy Show: Go left from the Hog Roast. Check the show.
Ghost Train: Talk to Lucy. Have a ride on the ghost train. Talk to her after the ride again.
Lucky Dip: Go left and see a barrel behind the caravan. Click on the barrel until you get a silver spoon.
Mystic Morgan: Enter the caravan. Give the silver spoon to the Mystic. Learn Nigel's fortune. Watch the crystal ball.
Exit the caravan. Hear that the winning ticket is 142.
Raffle: Go left to Prof. Oogle. Nigel won the raffle.
Talk to Oogle after getting the prize. As long as the telescope makes its way back to the museum...
Check the lighthouse painting won on the raffle. The lighthouse sees from Northfield to Ulcombe Town.
Nanny Noah: Talk to Nanny Noah.
Go back to Bob Tawny and ask about the telescope.
Celtic Corner: Go to Coast Path and enter Celtic Corner.
Talk to Rhys. Go to the bookcase and check the symbol books in the middle of the shelf.
Use the picture of the Siren symbol on the page. It is a symbol of an eye.
Use the picture of Christina symbol on the page. It is the great Fen. Exit the store.
Lighthouse: Go behind the store and forward to the lighthouse.
Use the telescope at bottom right of the water and see the town.
Use the telescope at bottom left of the water and see Ulcombe church.
Ulcombe: Exit the lighthouse area and go left across the meadows.
Memorial: Check the memorial with a eulogy.
Tower: Go left to get to the church.
Click on the clock of the tower. Go to the tower and see that it is locked.
Go left and forward between the tower and building. Go through the archway.
Church: See birds on top of the archway of the church entrance.
Enter the church and go down the first aisle.
Nancy and Timmy:
Nancy Brewer: Talk to the girl listening to a gramophone.
Timmy, the brother found a key to the tower and hid it. She and Timmy are waiting for Dad to come home from the war.
Timmy: Exit the church and then go right until the shed. Find and talk to Timmy in the shed.
Mr. Russet: Go left and talk to Mr. Russet.
Riddle: Go forward, pass the church door and be at the archway and drainpipe.
Look at the Celtic symbol on the retaining wall. See that it is old language. Read the first line.
Go back and ask Mr. Russet's help about the stone riddle. He wants to be read the riddle.
Go back to the riddle. Look close and then use the notepad to copy the riddle.
Go back to Mr. Russet. Read him the lines and listen to the translation.
He will not give the answer. The riddle translation is in inventory.
Timmy: Go back to Timmy. Timmy and Nigel try to solve the riddle together.
When it is Nigel's turn, take the translation paper in inventory and give it to Timmy.
Select Swallow. Timmy gives the tower key.
Nancy: Go back to Nancy inside the church.
Talk to her completely. She asks help to go home and be with Dad. Learn what happened to them was caused by a man in black when the cliffs gave away.
Tower: Go to tower. Use the tower key on the door.
Climb the ladder to be at top of tower. Use the telescope on the sky and see a man at the Memorial.
Memorial: Exit the tower. Go to the Memorial and look at the eulogy.
The ghost man was Nancy and Timmy's father. Use the notebook on the eulogy to copy what the father wrote.
Nancy and Timmy: Go back to the shed at the back of the church.
Click the eulogy copy on Nancy. Nancy reads the eulogy to Timmy. Rest now.
Tower: Go back to the tower.
Read the books on the floor. Check the machine on the table.
Go down the stairs and see a door with a button lock. Take the wheel by the barrel.
Go back to Mr. Russet at the side of the church and ask for help about the machine. It is a steam machine that he made for the organ. The organ has a curse. Ask about the metal door. It is the crypt.
Go to the shed. Enter the shed.
Take Nathaniel Ager's journal. Read the journal and learn about the organ. Nathaniel's organ playing shakes the earth. Take the oil can.
Go back to the tower.
Steam machine: Look close at the steam machine on the table.
Look close at the tank on the left. Use oil can on the tank.
Press the button on the machine. See fire, steam and the pump start up.
Cellar: Go down the stairs. See that the crypt door is now powered by the steam machine upstairs.
Crypt door: Look at the door. It has a 5-button lock.
Press buttons and listen to the sound.
If the button is pressed at the correct order, it makes a higher click sound.
If the button is pressed when in the wrong order, it makes a lower thud like sound.
The top right has a click sound. Now find the next button that produces the second click sound.
Then start from top right, the second and look for the third. Always start the sequence from the first correct ones to find the next one.
Click on top right, bottom left, middle, bottom right and top left.
Ulcombe crypts: Enter the crypt.
See that the passage close to the entrance has candelabras. Use that as marker in the dark. There are no matches to use. Use the camcorder to see the passageway.
Go forward and eek! Look at the walls on each side on every step. Occasionally get hit by stone.
Check the cells on the left. Turn the corner and look inside the next cell. Take the piece of broken candle stand from the floor.
Go forward to the other corner. Open the coffin ahead using the broken candle stand.
Read the book. The Dance of Death tells about the waning crescent moon, the moon like sharpened scythe and the darkling moon.
Continue forward on the passageway on the right.
Triptych - See an ornate door on the right and a triptych across the door.
The panels of the triptych depict pictures with moon on top.
Each panel can be rotated. Turn the panels to show the moons described in the book Dance of Death.
Left is the waning crescent moon, the middle is like a scythe and the right is the darkling moon.
Ager Tomb: The ornate door opens.
Enter and see the way to the skeleton on the slab is blocked by the black mist.
We can not pass through. We contained Thomas at the Northfield church. We can do this to Nathaniel. Go back out.
Exit the crypt. Go right and forward.
Check the paintings on the wall. Turn the corner, forward and left. Forward until the door.
Church: Go back inside the church. See that steam now flows through the pipes.
Play Nathaniel's music in the organ:
Power the organ:
Go to side passage of the organ. Go forward to the end.
Look close and then place the wheel found at the tower cellar on the knob of the pipe.
Turn the wheel to steam power the organ. The organ now works. Go back out to the organ.
Gramophone: Go down the first aisle to the gramophone.
Turn the handle. Look close at the gramophone and read the record.
Use the recorder on the gramophone. It was conducted by Nathaniel. Listen to the music recorded and hear a different music.
Turn the handle and take a picture of the gramophone.
Nathaniel's music: Go further down the aisle.
Read the book on the table. Learn that Nathaniel's best known work starts with F#. Also note the organ keys guide.
Look at Nathaniel's journal. See that the snake has notes. There are notations from top to bottom. F# A ? B A# ? D.
Listen to the recording of the music and hear 7 notes. The journal shows 5 notes plus 2 erased. Play the cassette and determine the 2 missing notes.
Go to the organ and play the notes.
Play F# - A - G - B - A# - C - D.
The music reverberates through the church, outside and the crypt. The place is free. Free of its dead. Nathaniel is exorcised.
Crypt: Go back to the tower and the crypt.
Use the camcorder in the dark part of the crypt.
Go right at first intersection. Go left and enter the Agers tomb at left.
Go forward and see Nathaniel's skeleton.
Take a picture of the crypt symbol on the wall.
Exit the tomb, crypt and tower.
Mr. Tibbs: Go forward and see Mr. Tibbs. We need him to follow Nigel.
Go back inside the church. Go to the middle aisle and look close on the floor between the pews.
See a rat trap. Use the broken candle stand on the trap. Take the Stilton cheese. Rats with very sophisticated taste.
Go back to Mr. Tibbs. Click the cheese on Mr. Tibbs. Go towards the town at right.
When Mr. Tibbs stops, click the cheese on him again to get him going.
Celtic Corner: Automatically enter the store and talk to Rhys.
Book of symbols: Look at the middle book at top shelf of the bookcase.
Use the picture of the tomb symbol on the page. It is a symbol of mountains.
Read the description at bottom right of page. It states that the symbols when turned can have different meanings. Also they can form a sentence when the symbols are combined and can give directions.
Harbour Cottage: Go back to Harbour cottage.
Bedroom: Place evidences collected on the table.
Symbols: After getting 4 symbols and have identified them using the Book of Symbols, it is time to see if it can direct to the next destination.
Open the Saxton local map found on the table. Use the 4 pictures with symbols on the local map.
Place: The town or village symbol at top left. The eye at top right. The great fen at bottom right. The hill at bottom left.
Turn each symbol and note the directions stated. With all the evidences and clues gathered through conversations and books, use the symbol to describe the direction to the place where the crown is located.
Turn the symbols: Beneath the town, through the Eye, through the Fens, beneath the hill.
The treasure is beneath the Carrion Woods. Prof. Oogle mentioned that there are mines there and that the mystery skeleton was found there too.
Day Four: The treasure revealed
Carrion Woods: Exit the cottage and the town proper.
Go through the beach, the Saxton caverns, Fenland Eye and the fens. Pass through the station and go to Raven Lane. Enter the Carrion Woods.
Go left until the middle crossroad (2 clicks upon entering the wood). See and take a pinecone at the base of a tree. Check the Carrion Woods map for directions.
Go left and see millstone #2. Take the path going to the bottom of the screen.
Mine: Enter the mine.
Look close at the barrel at left. Take the plunger from between the barrels.
Go right and see a box connected to a cable. Take sweaty gelignite from the box below the makeshift table.
Read the scroll written by T.G. concerning knockers right of the table.
Go back and enter the mine. Go to the end and see that it is blocked by boulders. A cable is already laid out between the boulders.
Place the sweaty gelignite on the boulder. Go back to the box on the makeshift table outside the main mine passage.
Look close at box and use the plunger on the box. Automatically the plunger goes down and explodes the gelignite.
Go back to the mine. Go forward and read the book on top of a boulder. It was the last words written by Alistair Farleigh after hiding in the mine from a man wearing a hat and black cape on April 1924. Now we know the identity of the Northfield skeleton. Click on his name.
Outside the Secret Kingdom:
Decorative stone at hanging bridge: Go forward until the decorative stone on the wall. Look at the decorative stone. Use the recorder on the stone tablet. Listen to cassette and hear 3 tones. Take note of the fiery brazier with a dragon.
Open the stone wall: Go forward until another hanging bridge.
Go right after the arch and see a wall blocking passage. There's a tile on the wall.
Turn back and go left after the arch. Look close and see the wood pipe broken in one part allowing water to fall and not reach the waterwheel at right. Use the pinecone on the broken part. See the waterwheel turn.
Go back to the right after the arched entryway. Press the tile on the wall now that it is activated by the waterwheel. The stone wall goes down.
Secret Kingdom:
4 Seasons room: Go forward through the hallway. See another tile on the wall. Oops, the wall goes up. Press it again to lower the stone wall.
Go forward and be at the bottom of the waterwheel activated earlier.
Waterwheel - Go forward to the waterwheel. Look close at the waterwheel. In between the spokes, see a picture of a fish and spring.
Seasons door - Go back to the right on the walkway; look at the closed door in front of the wheel. It has the old symbol of All Seasons.
Go back outside at right again and press that tile on the wall that raises the stone wall. Go back to the seasons door and see that it is lowered and opened.
Seasons wheel - Enter and go forward.
See a 4 seasons wheel with season disks on each side and 2 rings. The disks are winter on top, spring at right, summer at left and fall at the bottom.
The outer ring has the dragon, fish, hare and bird.
The inner ring has the elements: fire, water, earth and wind.
Turn the rings to show the clue seen behind the waterwheel: Spring, fish and water.
Turn the inner ring first to position water with spring at right.
Then turn the outer ring to position fish with spring and water as shown by the waterwheel or dragon above the fire as noted on the brazier by the decorative stone at the hanging bridge.
Take disk #1 from the center that opened.
Exit the room and back to the walkway.
Clockwork passage: Continue through the arch left of the waterwheel.
Look at the skeleton under the fallen column. Take disk #2.
Waterwheel Passage: Go left at the hallway on top.
Look close at the white area between broken column base. Take disk #3.
Wind stone wheel: Go forward through the archway. See that this is the feasting room.
Look around. See a 3 crowns tapestry at the end.
Wind sound puzzle: Look close at the 3 stacked round cylinders with holes on the left.
Hear the wind pass through the holes to make sounds.
Listen to the recording of the decorative stone taken by the first hanging bridge.
Turn the wheels to reproduce the sounds from the recording.
Turn to get 2 on top, 4 in a square in the middle and 3 at the bottom. Take disk #4.
Exit the room to the end.
Seer Pools room: Go right at the hallway.
See a room with 9 stands. Each stands shows an event in Nigel's adventure in Saxton.
Black mist emanates from the center of the floor.
Stand 1 below the entrance and stand 9 at the other side of the entrance are unchangeable.
Stand 1 shows Nigel's arrival at the SedgeMarsh depot. Stand 9 shows Nigel entering the Secret Kingdom.
The object of the puzzle is to show the next event in Nigel's life at Saxton.
Going clockwise from bottom of entrance:
Stand 1 (unchangeable) - SedgeMarsh depot.
Stand 2 - Nigel talking to Nanny Noah at Saxton Shores.
Stand 3 - The opened chest at Smugglers cave.
Stand 4 - Ager's (Karswell's) house at Raven Lane.
Stand 5 - Northfield church.
Stand 6 - Saxton museum surveillance room at night.
Stand 7 - With Prof. Hardacre at the Pinnacle.
Stand 8 - The Gypsy caravan at the May Day Fayre.
Stand 9 (unchangeable) - Nigel at start of Secret Kingdom.
Disk pattern: The mist at center of room disappears. Go to the center of the floor.
Use the 4 disks located from all around the secret kingdom on the round indentations. They will be inserted automatically at the correct place.
The object of the puzzle is to arrange the pattern of the 4 outside disks to match the adjacent pattern seen on the center disk. Click the center disk to reset the puzzle.
Click on all 4 outside disk once and then click the bottom left disk again (5th click). The floor opens and a pedestal comes up.
Tomb hall: Go to the center of the floor and the pedestal lowers to the columned tomb hall.
Go forward and see the tomb with swirling light above it.
Click on the tomb. Open the tomb. Look close inside.
When the light shines to see Ganwulf's skull, take the crown. Ganwulf speaks.
Automatically be at the entrance to the secret kingdom. Exit the mine.
Night Four: To share a secret.
Carrion Woods:
Exit the woods by avoiding the black mists emanating from the stone cairns.
Go left from millstone 2, above millstone 1, right at lower path, bottom right at intersection (pinecones) and right to exit the woods.
Go back to Saxton town and then to Harbour cottage.
Harbour Cottage:
Bedroom: Go to the bedroom. Place new evidences on the table.
Use the rusty key on the chest at the foot of the bed. Place the crown inside.
Exit the bedroom and see the cabinet door open. Exit the cottage.
The Bear: Enter the Bear and go to the back room.
Hear who won the Saxton Snappers Competition. Talk to Rhys.
Talk to Lucy completely. Lucy shows that she got the crystal ball.
Harbour Cottage: Automatically be in the cottage.
Bedroom: See that the room has been ransacked, the chest opened and the crown gone. Someone has stolen it.
Living room: Watch the crystal ball and ask questions.
See the culprit running, being chased at the Pinnacle and getting attacked with a sickle.
The next morning, Nigel is alone, disoriented in the cottage.
Take the newspaper and letter.
Day Five: A shadow across the land
A new set of things to do is seen on the notepad.
Read the newspaper and the poisoned letter. EG, who is EG? Ah, yes... Read about the newspaper to learn about bad things that has happened overnight in Saxton. The animals and birds are gone.
The Pinnacle: Exit the cottage. Go right and hear barking.
Go to the Pinnacle. Go to beach, Saxton cave and right to the Pinnacle.
Go to the right and see police tapes. Go right and talk to Nanny Noah. She refuses to know Nigel.
Talk to the policeman. Talk to Alex, the detective.
Hat, glasses and plaid coat... See what happened to Prof. Hardacre.
Saxton Town:
Talk to stationmaster at the depot, Prof. Oogle at the museum and Bob Tawny at the smithy. See a replacement for Cairan is here. Nigel is ignored by the townspeople.
Northfield Skeleton: Use the phone booth and use Crime Line phone number on the phone.
Report that the Northfield skeleton is Alistair Farleigh. Alistair's soul is free.
Seat by Harbour cottage: Go left of Harbour cottage and talk to Lucy. Leave Lucy.
The Bear: Go right and see what happened to EG - Gruel. Jemima...
The Pinnacle: Automatically be at the Pinnacle.
Boots and footprints: Go right until the crime scene. Look close at evidence A - the boots. Use the camera on the close up of the sole of the boots.
Go left and then bottom right. Go to life bell and look on the sand. See footprints. Use the picture of the boot sole on the footprint.
Go left by the lobster trap and look close on the prints in the sand. Use the picture of the boot sole on the prints on the sand. A match, a perfect match.
See Hardacre's ghost pointing to something. Look close at the small cave left of where the ghost was standing. Take the crown.
Seat by Harbour cottage: Automatically be facing Lucy. Talk to Lucy again completely. She agrees to help tonight.
Harbour Cottage: Automatically enter the cottage.
Cellar: Go down the hallway and enter the stagnant water area at the cellar.
Safe: Go to the safe.
Open the safe by pressing 3418 and then the windmill. Look close inside and place the crown inside.
Help Christina: The light bulb goes out and see a light by the stairs. Take the paper on the water under the stairs. Read Christina's letter to her mother. She believes that Edward is trying to kill her. She has a hidden diary. Take note of the places where Edward's mechanism is heard.
Secret hiding place: Go upstairs and see that the place has changed.
Find Christina's hiding place by clicking on windmills (Molina) seen around the house in the order stated in Christina's letter.
1. Look close and click the windmill on the newel at top of stairs at the balcony.
2. Look close and click the windmill at top left of the door frame of the living room to hallway entryway.
3. Look close and click the windmill on the newel at bottom of stairs at the living room.
4. Look close and click the windmill at top left of the door frame of the bathroom entryway.
Hear a swinging door.
Go to the kitchen and see that the closet at top left is opened. Look inside and read 4 pages of Christina's diary.
Nigel talks to Christina. Christina and Edward are now free.
Living Room: Hear a knocking. Let Lucy inside the house.
Phone: The phone rings. Answer the phone. Hadden wants to talk to Lucy.
Lucy talks to Hadden. He said - to pull you back when the time is ready.
Séance: Go to the place where Hardacre came through the cottage.
Go to bedroom. The cabinet is active. See Hardacre all over the room.
See Hardacre go to the safe at the cellar. Nigel follows.
Light comes out of the safe. The crown floats. It is me that you want. Nigel is pulled in the light.
Ganwulf talks again. Nigel is in the Tomb hall.
See all the Saxton population here. Click on each of them.
Go to tomb. Place the crown back on Ganwulf's head.
It felt... eternal. Forever.
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