The Mystery Of The Nautilus - Walkthrough by Allia - v1.3 

Table of Contents 

  I. Introduction 
    A. Controls 
    B. General Tips 
 II. Revision History 
III. Walkthrough 
    A. "First Stage" 
      A1. Decompression Chamber 
      A2. Diving Gear Chamber 
      A3. Corridor 
      A4. Library 
      A5. Dining Room 
      A6. Kitchen 
    B. "Second Stage" 
      B1. Lounge 
      B2. Cartography Room 
      B3. Gears Room 
      B4. Engine Room 
      B5. Dormitory 
      B6. Electrified Corridor 
      B7. Museum 
    C. "Third Stage" 
      C1. Nemo's Bedroom 
      C2. Grand Corridor 
      C3. Guest Room 
      C4. Officers' Mess 
      C5. Laboratory 
      C6. Technical Room 
      C7. Pump Room 
    D. "Fourth Stage" 
      D1. Damaged Museum 
      D2. Damaged Corridor 
      D3. Submerged Dormitory 
      D4. Submerged Engine Room 
      D5. Submerged Gears Room 
      D6. Damaged Lounge 
      D7. Damaged Cartography Room 
    E. "Fifth Stage" 
      E1. Library 
      E2. Diving Gear Chamber 
      E3. Dining Room 
      E4. Kitchen 
      E5. Corridor 
      E6. Technical Room 
      E7. Diving Bell Room 
 IV. Misc. 

I. Introduction 

Important items will be highlighted throughout the walkthrough with asterisks, 
i.e. Pick up the *polka-dotted cow*. 

A. Controls 

Just a few notes about the controls to make your life easier: 

1. Items can be quickly placed into your backpack/inventory by dropping them 
onto the backpack icon. This is better than scrolling through your inventory to 
try and find an empty slot. You can open and close your backpack/inventory 
quickly by right-clicking anywhere in the screen. Also, the PDA can be closed 
this way, but not opened. You still have to click on the PDA icon to open it. 

2. Conversation windows can be advanced by right-clicking anywhere. Sure beats 
clicking the small button in the top-left corner. 

3. On some doors you must first click the handle to partially open the door 
before you can move through it. Conversely, you can close the door the same 
way. This will be important in one of the puzzles. 

B. General Tips 

1. When searching for small objects, the default round cursor will not detect 
the small object and change to a hand cursor unless the top-left corner of the 
round cursor passes over it. Kind of like the top-left point of the standard 
pointer cursor in Windows. 

2. Turning up the brightness on you monitor can help. Most objects don't stand 
out against the backgrounds. They are of the same brightness and contrast. This 
may have you squinting and wondering, "Can I pick this up?" Moving your mouse 
back and forth in a search pattern helps a lot. When the cursor changes to a 
hand, you're in business. 

3. Unlike Myst, you can actually die in this game. When you touch something 
that can harm you or you are in a dangerous room, a health meter appears on the 
right side of your screen. If you die you will have to reload from your last 
save. This brings up my next tip... 

4. Save often. You never know when you'll enter a room or trigger something 
that can be hazardous to your health. 

6. Each room has a specific name, which I refer to throughout this walkthrough. 
When you save your game, it includes the name of the room you are currently in. 
There is also a listing of each room you have visited in the Sketches section 
of your PDA. Each room includes a bird's-eye view screenshot. This list is 
cleared when you enter a new "stage". 

5. Check EVERYTHING. From the smallest fragment of wire to a huge statue. You 
may be surprised at what you are able to pick up. 

II. Revision History 

v1.0 - 03.11.02 - Complete through killing the robot in the "Third Stage". 

v1.1 - 03.13.02 - Completed Third, Fourth, and partial Fifth Stages. Acquired 
                  a nice new bald spot by pulling my hair out because of where 
                  I'm stuck now. :/ 

v1.2 - 03.13.02 - Yes, another update on the same day. The good news is this is 
                  the FINAL update. The walkthrough is now complete to the end. 
                  A HUGE thanks goes out to freak1 for pointing out the one 
                  thing that was keeping me from advancing in the game. Also, 
                  thanks to thomas for suggesting some clarifications. 

v1.3 - 03.14.02 - It ain't over till the fat lady sings. More clarifications 
                 and missing parts submitted by thomas. What would I do without 
                 you guys?  LOL 

III. Walkthrough 

A. "First Stage" 

      A1. Decompression Chamber: Note the "N" symbol on the hatch on the floor. 
Its design will be referenced in a later puzzle. Click the chain in the left 
corner of the room. This will equalize the pressure in the room and allow you 
to open the door in front of you. 

Move forward and click on the glass portal in the top of the door 3 times to 
wipe off the moisture. You will see an apparition. Now you can click the wheel 
in the center of the door and move forward to the next room. 

      A2. Diving Gear Chamber: Click on the piece of paper on the floor 
sticking out from underneath the chest of drawers. 
After you're done reading about Captain Nemo's "protection system", click the 
bottom right corner of the paper to return to the main screen. 

Click on the partially opened top drawer and pick up the *leather gloves* 
inside. Open your inventory and place the gloves on top of your head icon. This 
allows you to wear them. Is it the fashionable thing to wear gloves on top of 
your head nowadays? Hmm. 

On the shelf just above the drawer you just opened is a *rusted screwdriver*. 
You can pick it up if you want, but it is a useless item. Behind you on the 
other set of shelves, pick up the silver *metal ball* on the bottom shelf to 
the right of the boots. It's tiny, so look carefully. 

Continue forward through the room and pick up the *wooden box* on the bottom 
shelf on the right. 

Move towards the sparking box on the wall and insert your metal ball to 
complete the circuit. Move back away from the circuit box and open the door. Go 
through to the Corridor. 

      A3. Corridor: The door with the mermaid in front of you leads to the 
Dining Room. Down the hall to your left is a door leading to the Kitchen. Down 
the hall to your right are a locked door and a door leading to the Library. The 
locked door is protected by a 3-digit code that must be entered into the keypad 
to the right of the door. Do not attempt to guess the code because after 3 
incorrect attempts you can no longer push the buttons. 

Go into the Library. 

      A4. Library: Click on the open book on your left to read a letter from 
Auguste Champenois. On your right, you can click on a book that is leaning on 
the second shelf from the bottom. You'll see its title, "Complex Mechanics And 
Imitating The Human Mind". Nemo's reading selection shows he isn't your average 

Move forward into the room, then left towards the lone book sitting on a shelf. 
Click once on the book to open it, then click again to read about tips to 
making a proper smoking room. Looks like the hole in the book is where someone 
once hid their stogies. 

Pick up the *matches* hidden inside the hanging lamp to your left. Move back 
out into the Corridor and enter the Dining Room. 

      A5. Dining Room: Move to the right to the end of the table. Pick up the 
*candle holder* on the table. Continue around the table and click on the 
curtains to open them. Click both levers below the iris portal to open it. The 
USS Shark is prowling around outside. 

Move to the other end of the room and open the door to enter the Kitchen. 

      A6. Kitchen: Before exploring the Kitchen, close the door behind you by 
clicking on the handle. This is very important for the next puzzle. Move to the 
right of the stove, then pick up the *pressure cooker* on your left. Open the 
drawer on your right to collect a pile of *notes*. Move forward to the sink 

The cabinet above the small stove is locked. Put the pressure cooker in the 
sink and click on the faucet to fill it with water. Pick up the *full pressure 
cooker* and place it on top of the small stove. Put your notes and wooden box 
inside the bottom part of the stove. Now use your matches to start a fire in 

Click on the steam coming out of the top of the pressure cooker to close the 
valve. The cooker will explode and blow open the cabinet above it. It will also 
damage a pipe and toxic gas will fill the room. You must quickly grab the 
*oyster knife* from the cabinet and drop it into your backpack, exit into the 
Corridor, and close the door behind you by once again clicking on the handle. 
You are now safe from the toxic gas. 

Go down the Corridor and enter the Library. Go to the metal grate at the back 
of the room. Use the oyster knife to remove the 4 screws at the corners of the 
grate. If you try to use the rusted screwdriver it will break after removing 
only 2 screws, so just use the oyster knife. 

Jam your candle holder into the fan to stop it from spinning. You can now 
safely crawl through into the Lounge. 

B. "Second Stage" 

      B1. Lounge: When you enter this new "stage", you may notice that your 
inventory has been wiped empty. Don't worry. You won't need any of those items 

Let's take a look at the layout of this huge room. There are 3 levels. The 1st 
and 2nd levels are the Lounge. The 3rd level is the Cartography Room.  You are 
currently on the 2nd level. This level has a set of chains hanging on the left 
and right side of the room. There is also a fuse box and 2 doors to your right. 
Entering the door next to the fuse box right now would be hazardous to your 
health. We need to collect some protective clothing first. 

Move towards the chains on the left. These chains control the protective 
shutters on the ship. You will not be able to move the orbs on the chains until 
you fix the ship's gears and restore power. Pick up a *bolt* sitting on the 
floor behind the chains. 

Continue forward down the steps. Turn slightly right and move forward in front 
of the steering wheel. Click on the steering wheel for another puzzle. You must 
place the round pieces from the left into the holes on the right to create the 
"N" symbol. This puzzle is made easy by the fact that you cannot place a piece 
in the wrong place. Each piece will only drop into the 1 hole it's meant to go 
in. After you insert a piece you can rotate it by clicking on it. Rotate the 
piece if necessary to correctly form the "N" symbol. 

After completing the steering wheel puzzle, turn right and move forward. Go 
between the steps and the statue. Pick up the *bolt* lying next to the pillar 
at the bottom of the spiral stairs. 

Go up the stairs to the Cartography Room. 

      B2. Cartography Room: Go towards the device on the right side of the 
room. This is the ship's periscope. Click the white button on it to open the 
screen. Click the button again to close the screen. 

Turn left and move towards the projector. Turn left and you will see a *rod* 
hanging from a chain. Put it in your inventory. 

Go back downstairs to the steering wheel. Use the rod on the hatch to the left 
of the steering wheel to open it. Enter the hatch. 

      B3. Gears Room: Note that you cannot go back up into the Lounge through 
the hatch. Don't worry because there are other ways of getting back to the 

Go to the bottom of the ladder. Pick up the *belt*. Turn right and move 
forward. Pick up the *gear* on your left. 

Go back up the ladder one floor and move forward onto the walkway. Turn left 
and put a bolt on each of the gears there. The gears will spin for a second to 
show you they are fixed. 

Go up the ladder to the next floor and move forward onto the walkway. Turn left 
and put the belt on the wheels. Continue forward along the walkway, turn left 
and install the missing gear. The gear system is now completely fixed. We still 
need to restore power though. 

Go back to the bottom of the ladder and go up the small flight of stairs to the 
door. Go through into the Engine Room. 

      B4. Engine Room: Be careful not to move forward or the steam will hurt 
you. Turn right and lower the 1st lever on the left. Turn around to the other 
set of levers and lower the 2nd and 3rd lever so the 1st lever on the left is 
the only one raised. The steam is now shut off. 

Move forward twice and click on the wooden box to open it. Grab a set of 
*fuses*. They will show up as 3 separate fuses in your inventory. Blue, white, 
and green. 

Continue forward and you will see the battery on your left is missing some 
wire. Move to the end of this room and pick up the red *claw* on your right. Go 
through the door into the Dormitory. The door may be hard to find. It is the 
small orange rectangle. 

      B5. Dormitory: Turn around and press the button to the right of the door 
to turn on the lights. Turn left and lower the lever on the wall to open the 
iris portal at the top of the spiral stairs. 

Move forward twice between the beds. Turn left and click on the lower bed to 
lift the mattress. Pick up the *bottle*. Continue to the end of the room. Turn 
right and open the far-left locker. Pick up the *boots* in the bottom of the 
locker. Equip them by dropping them on your face in your inventory. Boot to da 
head! Go up the spiral stairs. 

      B6. Electrified Corridor: The boots protect you from the electric current 
running along the floor. Turn left and lower the lever on the wall to close the 
stair portal. Turn left again and go to the other end of the corridor. We'll 
come back later for the *cable* lying on the floor here once we have the right 
tools. Go through the door into the Museum. 

      B7. Museum: Turn around and move towards the couch. Take the *lightbulb* 
from the projector sitting on the table. 

Go back through the Electrified Corridor and exit the door at the other end 
into the Lounge. Turn around and insert the fuses into the fuse box so the 
final order is: yellow, red, blue, white, green. 

Turn right and continue around down the steps by the hatch. Move forward 
between the right side of the couch and the wooden cabinet. Open the right side 
of the cabinet and put the bottle on the middle shelf. This will open the left 
side. Take the *icepick* out of the bucket. 

Now go back to the Electrified Corridor and use the icepick on the metal grate 
where the cable is. Pick up the *cable*. Raise the lever on the wall to open up 
access to the stairs. Go back to the battery in the Engine Room. 

Use the cable on the battery to repair it. Power is now restored. Go back to 
the Gears Room and pull the lever on the floor there to start the engines. 

Go back to the Lounge. Time to open the protective shutters. Click on each orb 
on the chains to arrange them in the following order (as you're facing the 
steering wheel): 

Left side    Right side 
of room:     of room: 
|  O  |            |  O  | 
|   |   |            |   |   | 
|   |  O          O  |   | 
|   |   |            |   |   | 
O |   |            |   |  O 

Go back up to the Cartography Room. Click on the projector to open its side 
panel. Insert the lightbulb and close the panel. Turn left and you will see the 
ship's position highlighted on one of the maps. Go to the periscope device and 
click the button to reveal the screen. You will see the USS Shark dropping 
depth charges. Are they that mad that we went AWOL? 

Now it is a race against time. A timer will appear in the bottom-right corner 
of your screen. Each marker is 30 seconds, so we have a total of 5 minutes to 
navigate through the canyon we're in. Sounds like plenty of time, right? Not 
when you have to run between checking your current position on the map in the 
Cartography Room and inputting new headings on the controls next to the 
steering wheel down in the Lounge a few times. 

But since this is a walkthrough, we're going to cheat a little. You can enter 
each of the 3 sets of headings without having to run back to the Cartography 
Room if you know them already. 

Back at the steering wheel, click on the controls to the left of it to get 
closer. The left dial controls the ship's azimuth heading and the right dial 
controls the ship's pitch (or "list", as it is referred to in the PDA's 

Click the left dial until it is set at 120. Set the right dial to 0. Press the 
dome-shaped button sitting on top of the console. You will see the ship steer 
clear of the edge of the canyon. Now enter the next set of headings: 60, 180. 
Press the button again. Another close miss. Enter the last set of headings: 0, 
240. Press the button. We are now clear of the canyon. You will see your 
mini-sub fall away from the ship. I knew I should have set the parking brake! 

Head back to the Museum. Move forward twice to go behind the couch. Here you 
will find an organ. Moving your cursor over the keyboard, you will see there 
are 7 distinct sets of keys that highlight. We'll number these sets 1 through 
7, from left to right. 

Click on any set of keys once. The organ will play 3 notes. You must repeat the 
pattern. Press 1, then 4, then 3. After you successfully repeat the pattern the 
organ will play the notes again and add an additional note to the end of the 
sequence. Just repeat the pattern each time. Here is the total pattern: 1, 4, 
3, 7, 6, 5, 2. 

After the last note in the pattern, the door on the other side of the room will 
unlock. FYI, the song played by the organ is Johann Sebastian Bach's "Toccata 
and Fugue in D minor". 

Go through the unlocked door into Nemo's Bedroom. 

C. "Third Stage" 

      C1. Nemo's Bedroom: Upon entering the room, the ship's automated system 
will announce that intruder countermeasures have been activated. Oxygen will 
start pumping out of the ship. A new gauge will appear in the bottom-right 
corner of your screen showing the remaining oxygen. It takes a long time for 
this gauge to go down, so don't start worrying yet. 

Turn around and click on the glass portal on the door to obtain a *holographic 
lens*. Turn right and move in front of the star chart on the wall. That part of 
the floor in this room has a pressure plate. The plate must stay pressed down 
to unlock the door on the right side of the room. Pick up the giant *shell* and 
*map of the world* sitting on the floor in front of the star chart. Put both of 
them on the floor where the pressure plate is underneath you. 

Go to the weight scale and click on the mirror above the sink to turn it. Go to 
the right side of the bed and click on the pillow. Pick up the *pendant* 
underneath the pillow. Go back to the star chart and click twice on it to zoom 
in on the Cassiopeia constellation. Write down the seven symbols for Cassiopeia 
in the order they are shown. 

Click on the picture hanging next to the bed to reveal a safe. Put the pendant 
into the slot. Click on the safe to zoom in on the symbol dials. Change each 
dial to the correct symbol as shown on the star chart. The safe will open when 
all are correct. Pick up the *key* on the bottom shelf of the safe. 

Move in front of the door we unlocked with the pressure plate. Click on its 
glass portal to break it. Now put the holographic lens in its place. Go through 
the door into the Grand Corridor. 

      C2. Grand Corridor: The door in front of you leads to the Guest Room. 
Down the hall to your left is a door leading to the Officers' Mess room and 
stairs leading down to doors for the Technical Room and Pump Room. Go forward 
into the Guest Room. 

      C3. Guest Room: Pick up the *statue* on your left. Move towards the desk 
on the right side of the room. Pick up the *rope* on the floor. Move to the 
sink and pick up the *polish* and *mirror* sitting on the edge of the sink. 

Go back out into the Grand Corridor and place the statue on the floor to the 
left of the Guest Room door. Continue down the hall and place the mirror on the 
metal grate to the left of the Officers' Mess room door. Enter the Officers' 
Mess room. 

      C4. Officers' Mess: Pick up the *coat* hanging on the bar to your left 
and "equip" it. Move around the table until you are standing in front of the 
dartboard. Pick up the *plate* from the table, the *mechanical arm* sitting on 
the floor next to the overturned chair, the *pile of darts* from the wall under 
the dartboard, and the *holographic lens* to the left of the darts. 

Step back from the dartboard and practice throwing 3 darts at the bulls-eye. If 
you're hoping to score a bulls-eye on a second practice run, forget it. The 
darts always land in the same 3 spots. 

Go back to Nemo's Bedroom and use the key on the door to the right of the star 
chart. Go through into the Laboratory. 

      C5. Laboratory: The coat you are wearing protects you from the laser. 
Move forward and open the top drawer on the counter to your right. Take the 
*duster* rag from inside. Go to the end of the room and use the rope on the 
periodic table chart on the wall. The rope connects itself to the laser device 
and a vent on the right side of the room. Click on the laser device to turn it 
off. Move one step back towards the door and pick up the bottle of *acid* 
sitting on the counter to your right. Continue to the door and use the acid on 
its glass portal. Then put the holographic lens in its place. 

Go back to the statue you placed in the Grand Corridor. Put the plate in the 
statue's hands. Now use the polish on the plate. Finally, buff the plate with 
the duster rag. 

Continue down the hall to the stairs leading down. On the wall to the left of 
the stairway is a red and green button. They control a lift that moves up and 
down the stairway. Also notice the rope is now coming out of the vent above 
these buttons. 

Go down the stairway and face the door on the left, which leads to the 
Technical Room. Get ready to meet Mr. Roboto! Immediately upon entering the 
room, a robot is activated. Turn around and exit the room. Go back to the lift 
at the stairs and press the red button to escape back up to the Grand Corridor. 

Press the green button to send the lift back down to the waiting robot. Press 
the red button to bring the robot up to your level, then immediately click on 
the rope to activate the laser and destroy the robot. 

After Mr. Roboto is destroyed, the ship's automated system will lock all the 
doors on the upper level. Go back downstairs into the Technical Room. 

      C6. Technical Room: Move forward and grab the bare *wire* and box of 
*matches* on the desk. There is also a pair of *pliers* hiding up on the wall 
to the left in this desk area. 

Turn left and move towards the clocks on the far wall. On the left wall are 
shelves with a bunch of tools. Pick up the *cold chisel* in the middle of the 
second shelf from the bottom and the *iron bar* on the far left on the shelf 
above the cold chisel. 

Turn around and you will see a battery with 6 holes sitting on the floor. Use 
the acid to fill the battery. Then use the iron bar and wire on the battery to 
make an *electromagnet*. Put it in your inventory. 

Open the cabinet next to the desk area and use the cold chisel to break the 
barrier between the wiring and the frozen gauges. Use the pliers to cut the 
following wires: 

top-left box: left       top-middle box: center     top-right box: right 

bottom-left box: none    bottom-middle box: left    bottom-right box: left 

Go through the shimmering doorway into the back of the Technical Room. Turn 
left and grab the *dynamite* on top of the shelves. Go back to the Guest Room 
and use the electromagnet to grab the *key* inside the vent on the left side of 
the room. Now head back down to the Pump Room door. 

      C7. Pump Room: The door is locked, so we have to open it the 
old-fashioned way. Use the dynamite on the door to place it on the floor. Then 
use the matches on the door to light the dynamite. The door is now unlocked, 

Enter the Pump Room. Grab your darts and aim for the end of the room. You'll 
hit the machine and destroy it. On your right is a machine with 2 levers. Use 
the mechanical arm on the left lever. Now use the key to wind up the mechanical 
arm. Click on the mechanical arm to make it move the left lever. Use the right 
lever 3 times to start the oxygen pumps. 

Go back to Nemo's Bedroom and you are now able to go through the door back into 
the Museum. 

D. "Fourth Stage" 

      D1. Damaged Museum: That giant squid sure knows how to make a mess. Move 
towards the couch and lift the box on the left to find an *ice axe*. Go around 
the couch to the organ. On the floor to the left is an *organ piece* (looks 
like a big pipe) and a *diving suit*. Back by the door to Nemo's Bedroom, use 
the ice axe on the *harpoon* in the display case to get it. The force of your 
efforts breaks the ice axe. Now enter the Damaged Corridor. 

      D2. Damaged Corridor: The door to the Lounge has been jammed shut by the 
squid's attack. Use the lever on the wall to raise the stairs. The diving suit 
only has 45 seconds of air in it as it is, so we need to be quick in the next 

Equip the diving suit and go down the stairs into the Submerged Dormitory. 

      D3. Submerged Dormitory: Use the harpoon on the tentacle to make it 
retreat into a hole. Go forward twice and pick up the following items from the 
locker on the right: *iron bar*, *digicode* panel, and *oxygen bottle*. With 
the new oxygen bottle we can breathe a little easier. It holds about 8 minutes 
of air. 

Turn around and push the red button to close an outer bulkhead and make the 
squid leave. Enter the Submerged Engine Room at the other end of this room. 

      D4. Submerged Engine Room: Get the *chain* on your right. Turn around and 
pick up 2 *hooks* and 5 *pieces of rubber*. Go forward twice through the room. 
You must find the correctly shaped piece of rubber in your inventory that will 
fit on the pipe to your left to stop air bubbles from escaping. Move forward 
twice again. Find another piece of rubber to fit the pipe on floor. On the left 
and right sides of the room near the ceiling are two more broken pipes. Again, 
fix them with a piece of rubber. Continue to the end of the room. Look above 
the top-left corner of the door to see another damaged pipe. First, use another 
piece of rubber, then the organ piece to fix this one. Enter the Submerged 
Gears Room. 

      D5. Submerged Gears Room: Go forward and climb to the top of the ladder 
where there is no water. Take off the diving suit to preserve the remaining 
air. Hop onto the walkway, then go up onto the horizontal structural beam 
ahead. Get the *key* on the floor. Use your chain on the beam next to where the 
key was. 

Re-equip your diving gear. Go back down to the bottom of the ladder and move 
into the middle of the room. Use a hook on the chain to connect it to the gear 
on the floor. Go back up the ladder one level and get off onto the walkway. Use 
the other hook on this end of the chain. Now use the iron bar to leverage the 
heavy metal piece on the floor over the edge. Click on the gear that just came 
up to install it. Now you can escape through the hatch at the top of the 

      D6. Damaged Lounge: Move towards the red couch. Click on the couch on the 
right to stack it on top of the other one. Climb up on the couches and continue 
up the metal pillar. 

      D7. Damaged Cartography Room: Move forward and get the *cable* on the 
floor. Turn around and go to the periscope device. Use the cable on the open 
panel to the right of the periscope. Then use the key in the same spot. The 
ship's external defenses are activated and the squid runs away.

Go back down to the steering wheel in the Lounge. Just to the right of the 
steering wheel, move towards the metal poles. Pull the lever at the top of the 
pole to pump the water out of the lower levels. Go around the room to the grate 
through which you originally entered the Lounge. Open the Programmer in your 
PDA and click "Yes" to re-initialize the digicode you have. Then put the 
digicode on the wall next to the door. Enter the door. 

(Note: The electric wires and rusted screwdriver you can find in the Lounge 
seem to be useless. They were not used in any puzzles and they are 
automatically removed from your inventory when you go to the next stage.) 

E. "Fifth Stage" 

      E1. Library: Turn right and enter the Library. Move forward and check out 
the diagram of an escape bell on the floor. Move left to the desk and get the 
*ring* sitting on an open book on the floor. Go back out to the Corridor and 
continue right down the hall to the Diving Gear Chamber. 

      E2. Diving Gear Chamber: Grab the *rope* sitting among the boots on the 
floor to the left. Take the green *pipe* on the right wall below the hatch. 
Pull the left lever below the hatch next to the grate. Two of the bars locking 
the door at the end of the Corridor will retract. Try to pull the right lever 
and you will be denied by the ship's automated system. 

Go towards the steam. Get a pair of *pliers* from the drawer on the floor. Go 
back out and across the Corridor into the Dining Room. 

      E3. Dining Room: Go around to the other side of the table and get the 
*pole* that the curtains are hanging on by the window. Use the ring to cut the 
glass on the cupboard. Pick up the *alcohol bottle* and *fabric* inside. Enter 
the Kitchen through the side door. 

      E4. Kitchen: Go back by the sink and get a *metal box* from the top shelf 
on the left. Exit out to the Corridor. 

      E5. Corridor: Lift the patch of carpet between the Dining Room door and 
the Library door to reveal a hatch. Use the pliers to open it. Attach the rope 
to the hatch. Climb down into the Technical Room. 

      E6. Technical Room: Turn left and use the pole on the small, white 
squares to the right of the door to get rid of those pesky lasers. (Thanks 
again, freak1!) Move towards the shelves on the left side of the room. Get the 
bell-shaped *adapter* sitting on the floor. Turn around a step towards the open 
doorway leading to the back part of the room. Get the *dynamite* in the open 
drawer, second from the bottom right. Head back up into the Kitchen. 

Turn right and look up towards the ceiling. Attach the adapter to the pipe with 
steam escaping. Next, hook your pipe onto the adapter. Move forward, turn 
around, and use the pliers on the hatch on the bottom of the left wall. Now 
click on the dangling pipe hose to stick it to that pesky automated system once 
and for all! 

Go back to the Diving Gear Room and you can now lower the other lever on the 
right wall to completely unlock the door at the end of the Corridor. 

Head back into the Kitchen. Stand in front of the door to the Dining Room and 
face the stove. Time to do some cooking, Emeril style. BAM! Flip the far-left 
switch on the stove to turn on the front-left burner. Put the metal box on the 
rear-left burner. Next, put the dynamite inside the metal box. Then use the 
fabric on the dynamite to make a fuse. Finally, pour the alcohol bottle into 
the metal box. Voila! You just made a *home-made bomb*. 

As soon as you pick it up, you have 2 minutes before it gives you a new 
facelift. Go back out into the Corridor, turn right and open the door to the 
Diving Bell Room. Enter. 

      E7. Diving Bell Room: Turn right and follow the walkway around the escape 
bell by heading towards the pipes in the corner. Turn left and walk past the 
escape bell. Drop the home-made bomb down the shaft to open the door below. 

Go back around and hop inside the escape bell. Turn around and lower the lever 
on the right side of the door. Turn right and lower the left and right levers 
there. You are shot out of the ship and ride a jet of lava up to safety. Thanks 
for playing. 

IV. Misc. 

If you find any corrections that need to be made in this FAQ, please email me 
at I will gladly credit you in the FAQ. 

FAQ's written by me: 

Myst III: Exile 
Mystery Of The Nautilus, The 

================= This document Copyright 2001 Allia ================= 
If you're gonna share this on any other sites, just give credit where credit is 
due by leaving this statement in. 

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GameFAQs -  
Gameguru - 
DLH.Net - http://DLH.Net 
Cheat Code Central - 
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GameBoomers Walkthroughs and Solutions