from DreamCatcherEurope FAQs (with permission)

Anywhere in the game you can access the map by pressing the spacebar key. Click on the map to zoom in and drag the cursor over the most important sites to see the image of that ambience. To exit the map, simply click the spacebar again.

Use the encyclopedia as you would a HTML file. While in game, the encyclopedia (click on the amulet to access it) is context and ambience sensitive.

PC users : press the right mouse button to display the inventory bar.
Mac users : press the Apple key to display the inventory bar.

Day 1

· Click on bag on the ground, inventory gets key
· Use key on chest
· Take tablet letter, amulet and piece of rope
· Movie: Maianus and Hermes arrive
· Click on both of them
· Click on Popidius
· On the street turn right to the crossroad
· On the crossroad click on the the worker (the one on the right)
· Click on the stick of pigmnent merchant (the one on the left)
· Click on the salad in the carriage
· Use stick on donkey's head
· Use rope on the end of the stick
· Use salad on the end of the rope
· Movie: donkey leaves
· Inventory gets dates
· Go to the entrance on the forum and to then the duumviri's office
· Click on Harpocrates, then he leaves
· Click on the door of the office and talk to the secretary, wait for doors to close
· Do it once again
· Go to the entrance of the forum
· Click on Popidius
· Movie: Popidius leaves
· Click on his friend
· Movie: friend leaves
· Go to the Eumachia building
· Click on Lavinia
· Click on Sophia
· Go on the other side of Eumachia building
· Click on Harpocrates
· Use contract on Harpocrates
· Movie: Harpocrates leaves
· Inventory gets knife
· Go back on the fuller scene
· Click on Lavinia
· Use knife on table
· Movie: knife on the fabric
· Clicks on Eumachia
· Movie: everybody leaves
· Go out of Eumachia building, once on the forum turn right the entrance of the baths
· Click on Caius
· Go back on the main street and go toward the tavern
· Entrance on the tavern is on hotspot left-above the "fountain"
· Click on Dyonisos
· After the last dialogue you are in puzzle view
· Take wheel from toy cart
· Put the wheel on the wall (top of the screen, a little bit to the right)
· Use rope on wheel
· Use bucket on both ends of the rope
· Go to the back room
· Click on Palmyre
· Click on Harpocrates
· Go back to the Dyonisos
· Take scales
· Take dices
· Go to the back room
· Use scales on the table
· Use normal dices on the left side of the scales
· Take loaded dices from the right side of the table
· Use loaded dices on the right side of the scales
· Board game not implemented
· Dyonisos leaves, inventory gets necklace
· Click on painter
· Exit the tavern go to the baths (via forum)
· Enter baths and click on Popidius
· Click on Harpocrates
· Movie: baths
· End of day one

Day 2

· Click on Popidi
· Go to the first room with the chest, go out on the main street
· Movie: Fructus
· Go to one node before the front of Isis temple
· Movie: slave
· Go to the front of Isis temple
· Pick the bracelet from the ground
· Movie: Locusta arrives
· Movie: Locusta leaves
· Go to the front entrance of the house 2 (via main street)
· Click on Statius
· Go to the back entrance to the garden of house 2
· Click on Gardner
· Gardner leaves
· Go into the garden
· Click on stones
· Go to the tavern or house 1
- Tavern option :
· Click on Dyonisos
· Take the wine bottle
· Click on the box and take the stick
· Take the lamp
· Go out of the tavern and go in front of the Apollo temple (on the forum)
- House 1 option :
· Click on Licinius
· Take the wine bottle
· Click on the box and take the stick
· Take the lamp
· Go out of the tavern and go in front of the Apollo temple (on the forum)
· Continuing…
· Click on the man (hotspot on his knees)
· Go inside Apollo temple and go to the left and turn around
· Click on priest
· Turn left and go to the altar
· Click on top of the altar
· Puzzle, use vial (glass tube) on the water inventory gets Apollo's tears
· Once out of puzzle, click on the ground and use second vial (glass tube) on the blood
· Inventory gets drop of blood
· Go on the main street
· When you see donkey, click on Ascula in perfumer's shop
· Click on donkey
· Click on worker on the other side
· Click on pigment merchant (zoom in out)
· Click on the basket
· Click on the second basket
· Click on the shop
· Click on Ascula
· Click on Worker
· Click on pigment merchant
· Inventory gets commercial add
· Use commercial add on donkey (layer error)
· Use both baskets on donkey
· Movie: Fructus-donkey
· Inventory gets flask
· Use flask on perfumer's shop shelves
· Inventory gets perfumed oil
· Go to one node before bakery (from forum) and click on top of the roses bush
· Movie: dove
· Inventory gets rose
· Pick feather from the ground
· Inventory get dove's feather
· Go to the Isis temple
· Turn right and talk to the priest
· Use holly water on priest
· Movie, priest leaves
· Go to the room inside
· Pick ibis' feather (bottom right from vase)
· Go to the bakery
· Click on Sotericus
· Go to the back room
· Pick tooth on the floor
· Inventory gets donkey's tooth
· Go to the other rotation in the back room
· Use donkey's tooth on the top of the mill
· Click on the handle of the mill
· Take cloth from the bottom part of the mill
· Inventory gets donkey's tooth powder
· Go in the front of the Duumviri's office
· Clik on the door, click on secretary
· Go in front of the tavern
· Click on Locusta
· Movie: Locusta leaves
· Go to inside the tavern
· Click on Dyonisos
· Go to the back room
· Click on Marcus
· Go to the main door of house 2
· Click on Statius
· Go inside the house 2
· Click on Sophia
· Use dates on Sophia
· Use perfumed oil
· Movie: Lavinia arrives
· Use bracelet on Lavinia
· End of day two

Day 3

· Go to the back room of house 1
· Get out on the main street
· Movie: donkey
· Go to the crossroad at house 1
· Click forward to avoid the falling tile (timer=15s)
· Movie: broken tile
· Click on Helvius
· Click on worker
· Click on pigment merchant
· Click on Ascula
· Movie: Marcus & donkey
· Movie: main street
· You are in palestra, go to the right of the pool
· Use flowers on javelin
· Take javelin
· Throw the javelin over the wall (opposite the pool) towards the house 2
· Movie: javelin to garden
· Go out, turn left and go forward (wall on the left side)
· Turn right and click on the left side of amphitheatre
· Click on the wall on the bottom of the stairs
· Go the other side of Amphiteatre (by the tunnel)
· Click on slave
· Go back to the Locusta's node
· Click on Palmyre
· Movie: Palmyre leaves
· Click on Pyrame
· Go on the stairs and into the amphitheatre
· Go to the gladiator's passage
· Click on bars and with object to Pyrame
· Movie: Pyrame destroys bars
· Go inside, turn left
· Click on Fructus
· Movie: Fructus...
· Use knife on Fructus
· Go out and go into the tavern
· Click on Dyonisos
· Go to the back room
· Click on Pyrame
· Play tali
· Go to the house 2
· In the first room click on the right side corner
· Go to the garden of House 2
· Click on Sophia
· Use tali on spot on the ground under sophia, sound
· Movie: Sophia smiling
· Use philter 1 on the pool
· Movie: Adrian, Sophia, water etc…
· Movie: Man running away
· End of day three

Day 4

· Click on Popidius
· Go to the crossroad at house 1
· Click on worker
· Go to the perfumer's shop
· Click on Ascula
· Go to the Tavern
· Click on Dyonisos
· Go to the back room
· Click on Pyrame
· Play tali
· Go to the trianguar forum
· Click on Locusta
· Click on the stone on the left side of the stairs
· Use stone on the tree
· Pick branch from the ground (hot spot on the corner of lighted area)
· Click on stone (right of Locusta)
· Use branch on stone
· Movie: snake
· Click anywhere to throw the branch away
· Movie: throwing the branch
· Use branch on Locusta
· Go in front of the theatre
· Click on Helvius
· Go inside the theatre
· Take mask and coat (small white spots)
· Take paper roll (a big one)
· Click on Pylade
· Go to the bakery
· Click on the Sotericus
· Go to the back room, turn around
· Click on Fructus
· Take fabric with flour (by Fructus' feet)
· Use fabric and flour on Fructus
· Click on Fructus
· Movie: Fructus with basket
· Go to the entrance to theatre
· Click on Fructus
· Go to inside the theatre
· Click on Pylade
· Movie: Fructus
· Click on Pylade
· Go to the Isis temple
· Click on the priest
· Use papyrus on priest
· Click on the priest
· Movie: priest leaving
· Go to the back room
· Click on the right palm
· Take sylphium from the back of the palm
· Go to the house 1
· Go to the pool
· Use sylphium (the RIGHT one from the bag!) on Popidius
· fade out, you are in the node before cook (house 1)
· Click on cook
· Solve the 3 puzzles with food, fade out, back in Popidius node
· Click on fish in the pool
· Movie: Popidius
· You are on the street
· Go to the crossroad
· Movie: Adrian hits...
· Click on Statius
· Use philter 2 on Statius
· Go to the triangular forum
· Use knife on Sophia
· Movie: free Sophia
· You are back in front of house 1
· Use coat and mask on Sophia
· Go to the exit of the town
· Click on exit
· Click on guard
· Use philter 2 on guard
· Movie: guard falling
· Click on exit


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