The Secret Library
by Knut Mueller
Walkthrough by MaGtRo September 2007
Gameplay: RHEM 3 is a point and click game. When the game first opens, select the choice of full screen or windows screen. The main menu has 5 icons on the wall and a paper at the bottom of the screen that identifies the icons (left to right): The I (info) shows the credits. The wheel (options) has the video transition selections. The diskette is for load game, a door with down arrow for end game and door with up arrow for new game.
There are 18 saved game slots. An auto save is done when the game is exited. To save, click the green arrow at right. The saved games can be deleted to make room for new ones by the use of the red arrow on the left. To get back to the game after saving, click the return box at top left of the main menu page.
The box on bottom left is the inventory. The paper shows the plan of the library. The compass is at center and the wheel on the right access gameplay menu.
When inventory items are clicked, the cursor changes to that item and can be clicked on active spots.
Beside the inventory box is the plan of the library. This will show the books copied during gameplay in the library.
The points of the compass is highlighted to show the direction that is viewed and functions like a regular compass: top lit arrow - the player looks to North, right lit arrow - the player looks to West, bottom lit arrow - the player looks to South and left lit arrow - the player looks to East.
The gameplay menu (wheel) has save, load, return, quit, options and new game. The bottom of the menu screen has a back or return arrow.
Moving during gameplay can also be done using the arrow keys of the keyboard: left or right.
I would like to thank Dennis Lepine and Chris Sutton for their help.
Most of all, I would like to thank Knut Mueller for the wonderful world of Rhem.
Rhem: A world full of inventive, original and logical puzzles. A world of pure art.
In RHEM 1, you entered the vast world of Rhem and were left stranded with no means of escape. You explore Rhem to find the reasons you were brought here, who are here and what is this world. At a certain point in the game, you realize that someone left 4 parts of a message and when collected will be your pass to leave this world.
In RHEM 2, you were asked to do a task by Zetais: to find an artifact hidden in an underground part of Rhem. He gives one key and you have to find the other 2 keys. One of the keys to be found was kept by Kales, Zetais' brother and the one that left the 4 part message in Rhem 1. These keys will lead to the artifact. Upon getting a picture of the artifact and giving it to Zetais, you leave the underground part of Rhem.
Now, Zetais has written that he has deciphered the artifact. He gives a letter for Kales to gain entry to a still unexplored area of Rhem. He also gives the information to help you in this exploration.
Hint: Be sure to check back of doors and walls to see if there are hidden codes or entryways.
There are a lot of places to explore in this new world. Be sure to explore first and examine things out. This walkthrough will concentrate on one area at a time. We will try to open an area; study and explore that area and eventually search for the relic.
1. The entrance.
2. The north part where the rail car stopped has 3 areas:
-The building to the right that has 3 floor levels. Each level has 4 doors.
-The middle area-ravine where the elevator and drawbridge are located.
-The garden-patio area left of the elevator area.
3. The reservoir north of the ravine building.
4. The underground area.
Here's a link to map by Graham - Rhem 3 Map.
Enter the world of Rhem 3: From the underground part of Rhem 2, you travel on the rail and reaches open air.
The railcar stops at a checkpoint. Turn right and Kales asks for Zetais' message. Take the drawing from inventory box and insert it on the slot below the monitor. Turn left and press the button.
The railcar moves forward and stops again in front of metal door. Turn right and exit. See a monitor on the left. Press the green button and see Kales again. He says that based on the drawing given by Zetais, another valuable relic is in this part of Rhem. He asks your help in finding it. The message given by Zetais is part of the key to the gate ahead. Take note of the star keyhole on the left of the monitor's base.
To the right and inside the corridor is an entry to the building. It is not accessible right now. The locked door has a gray pipe that leads to another locked metal door outside close to the fence and pond. This has a box that contains an iconic key indent.
Cave room: Go back to the other side of the railcar. Enter the room dug out from the hill.
Take and study the map from the table. See that you are at the square with a red star at upper right. You can turn the map by clicking it. Take note of: 10x of a green hexagon, the 3 circles with lines and the arrows. The light green arrow shows the direction of the rail car. Blue arrows show an elevator. The red lines are gates or doors. Click out of the map by moving the cursor out of the map.
Look at the machine with a circle and red buttons below it. We do not have enough information yet. Turn around and look at the lantern on the right and the cloth on the coat rack.
Exit and go left to check. Look around and see that blue pipes leads out of the cave room. Go to the left and see a closed metal door at end. Leading out of the side is an orange pipe which goes to the door in front of the rail car.
Go back to the monitor by Kales. He says to be fast to enter the railcar. Immediately enter the rail car and the door opens. Press the button below the front window. The railcar goes forward and faces another closed metal door.
Metal Hatch: Exit to the right.
See a metal hatch above the metal steps. To the right is another door to the lower level of a 3 level building. We will explore this later.
Press the blue button to open the metal hatch. Go through the pipe. To the left are a tree and a door.
To the right are steps that go to the middle level of the building that has 3 levels and 4 doors on each level. We will explore that part later.
Leaf A - Bird: For now, go left and look close at the tree. Take a gingko leaf from the tree. Hear and note down a bird that warbles a 3 tone signal: long, short, long.
4 Doors Lamps room: Go right, enter and press the red button.
Lamps - See a room with 4 doors (including the entrance). Each door has 2 lamps on either side.
Right now let us see if we can open the north door (across the entrance).
Press the red square button and see the right lamp flicker. Press the round button underneath the flickering lamp. That action turns the lamp off. Look around and see that another lamp flickers. Press the round button underneath that flickering lamp. Ah, now we see the pattern. Look around and look for the next flickering lamp and turn it off.
So the object of the puzzle is to turn all the lamps off.
Open door in lamps room - This is a random puzzle.
Press the red square button of the door you want to open (this time the north door). Turn around, look for the next flickering light and press the round button under that lamp. Do this until all the lamps are off. The door that you pressed the square button on will now open.
Ravine Area
Go forward. Look left on the bridge and see 2 windows looking out to water. Look right on the bridge and see another bridge. The right view has blocked door at left end but a passage to the right of it is open.
Hatches: Continue to go forward to end of bridge and press the green button. Enter and see lights come on at the tunnel ahead. Do not go forward yet. But no problem if you do, you can come back here later.
Left hatch - Look left at the wall and then look up. See a metal hatch above. Open the hatch and a ladder lowers. Climb the ladder.
Unlatch door to patio area - Go forward and see a door at the end with a hook latch. Click to unhook the latch to the still closed door.
Power the hatch at other side - Go to the right and see this side of a drawbridge. Note that there is purple cable from here to the other side. Press the gold button on the right. See the light on the left turn green showing that power now goes to the other side of the purple cable.
Go back down the ladder.
Right hatch-ladder - The other wall has another hatch that goes to the other side and another ladder. We'll go back there later.
Continue forward to the now lit tunnel. See 3 windows on each side. There's a path to the right and water to the left.
Elevator: Open the door at the end by pressing the bottom button.
Leaf C and bird - Enter, go right and see the water and the path seen through the window. Turn left and pick up a holly like leaf. Hear and note down a bird warble a signal: short, long and long.
Drawbridge - Turn around, go forward and left to the elevator. Press the up button. Right now, we need the elevator to be on this upper level.
Exit and forward. Turn left and look down. Press the button to lower the drawbridge.
Go to the right and now that we powered the purple cable: look down; open the hatch and go down.
Go forward across the drawbridge. Go forward until the metal door. At right, see another door that goes to the courtyard. We will explore the courtyard later.
Press the button to the metal door to enter the lamps room again.
Turn left (north) and press the square button. Look for and press the round buttons under the flickering lamps until the north door opens.
Ravine's underground passage: Go forward through the other door and forward to the elevator. Do not press the elevator down button; we need the elevator at top level.
Entry to underground - While the elevator is at top level, open the elevator using the bottom button. Go down the ladder. Turn around, forward and then right. See an open door with a panel with squares on the right.
Go through, right, forward and the right to a red button. Press the red button to close the door we just passed through. This action also opens the door at the far end of the corridor.
Way to keep the big door open - Turn right and forward to the now closed door. See and take note of the pattern drawn on the door.
Now, let's open the door again; go back to the red button. Press the red button again. This action closed the small door at end of the corridor.
Go back to the now opened door and go through. Turn around and face the panel right of the door.
Note the similarity to the just seen pattern on the other side of the door. Copy that pattern to the panel by pressing the buttons to make them dark. These actions are done to keep this door opened which we will need later when we open the small door at the end of the corridor.
Go back to the red button and press it. The big door remained opened while the small door at the end of the hallway opens.
Way to see the back of the big elevator - Go back to the metal ladder.
Press the down button of the elevator at right. This lowers the elevator we left at top level earlier and now closed the access above the ladder.
Go back to the corridor at left. Go forward and see that the red button is now hidden (below) by the lowered elevator.
Small elevator:
Turn to the panel with 2 buttons left of the red button. Press the bottom button and see that a small elevator goes down. Press it again and see another level of that elevator; so there are 2 levels to that elevator.
Press the up button to use the lower level of that elevator.
Go forward and enter the small elevator. Press the down button and you will go down one level.
Turn around and see-note down a drawing on the stone wall. It is a clue for a later puzzle.
Turn around and press the up button. Exit the elevator and forward to the control panel of this elevator.
Press the bottom down button to get the upper level of this elevator. Go forward and enter the elevator.
Press the up button twice. Turn right, forward and down the ladder. Turn right again and go forward.
Picture - See a picture of a ladder in front of a grate in a tunnel. Click the picture and it falls revealing 3 black dotted circles. Note down the 3 black dotted circles.
Back of elevator - Click the ring to open the curtain and then click the yellow button. See the back of the elevator and another 3 black dotted circles. Note down the 3 black dotted circles.
Go back to the ladder. Climb and go back to the small elevator. Press the down button once. Exit to the left and go forward.
Leaf H and bird - Turn left and pick up a chestnut like leaf. Hear a bird warble a signal: long, long and short.
Turn around from tree and go forward until the edge of the building.
Area North of the Ravine
This area is north of the Ravine and the walls. See a manhole below the raised bridge-ladder. Press the red button to lower the right bridge-ladder on the building ahead. Climb down the ladder.
See a walled gate on the left. Behind that is a walkway from this ravine building to the wall on the left (S).
The left end of the building has open walls on 3 levels, window at top level and has the left bridge-ladder that goes down to an open manhole.
A blue cable spans the left (S) wall to the building at right.
Walled gate: Go to the walled gate ahead. See that the gate can not be opened from this side.
Reservoir Area
Manhole: There is a manhole at right.
Go to the Reservoir area - Remember this way since you will be traveling here later.
Go down the manhole. Turn right and see an inactive red button for a metal ladder (it shows the ladder being brought down). This is because we already lowered the bridge ladder earlier.
Go forward pass the blocked metal ladder until the grate at the end of the tunnel. Turn left and forward through the tunnel.
Climb the metal ladder. Open the hatch above. You are now in the reservoir area.
Manhole room: Look around and see a door with lines. Note down the lines. An orange pipe frames the door.
Patio: Climb the stairs and see a tree ahead.
Leaf D and bird - Take a sycamore like leaf and hear a bird signal short, short, short.
Lavender button stand - Turn around, forward and look at the inactive lavender button stand at left of the steps. There are blue pipes leading from the stand and on the other wall to the window with ladder behind it. Go down and climb the ladder ahead.
Table room:
See a reservoir drawing left of the entryway. We will study this later.
Look left and see a table with a chalkboard on the wall above it. Note down the lines drawn on the chalkboard.
Click the chalkboard and pick up key C that falls off.
Turn left and see a window that overlooks the patio and where the blue pipes end. The box is still closed.
Floating bridge top level: Exit to outside.
Look around and see that this reservoir is walled high.
To the left, see a cable that span from bridge to a window with a red light indicating that the cable is still not activated. We need to activate that to have power here.
Go forward to the metal frame at the center of the bridge. See an inactive red button on a stand connected by green pipe.
Go back one step, open the metal cover on the floor below the stand and look down. See blue pipes leading to this box. Open the box and see that the center gear is missing. We will study this floating bridge closer later.
Go back to the ladder. Go down the hatch, right to tunnel, forward, right again and climb the metal ladder at the far end of the tunnel.
Ravine Building right side: Go to and enter the building at left end of the lowered bridge-ladder.
Go forward twice and then turn around. See an inactive green colored button. Note the lavender colored pipe leading out of the button.
Turn right and forward to the door at end of corridor. The door is locked.
Open the door at end of corridor - Turn around and climb the ladder at left wall inside the alcove.
Go right, right and left at end of the corridor. See the indent similar to key C. Insert key C on the indent. Note the lavender colored pipe leading out of the key frame. This powers the green button at lower level.
Move the Elevator-bridge - Remember this procedure. The elevator-bridge control is on the third level.
Go back to the other hallway and see gap in the corridor on this level and higher levels.
Go to the alcove ladder and go back down.
Go right to the green button. Press the now active button and see the bridge rise to the wall of the building. A useful ladder is made. Go back to the alcove ladder and climb the ladder.
Go right to the end of the corridor. Climb the bridge-ladder one level above to the 3rd level.
Turn around and forward, left on the corridor. See buttons on a stand. Press the down button twice to bring the elevator bridge to the second level. (We will come back to this level later).
Go back to outside bridge ladder and go down to the second level.
Turn around and left to the lowered elevator bridge. Go across and see a corridor at right with 6 squares panel ahead. We will come back here later.
Turn left to continue forward. Go left (ignore the green button that lowers the bridge this time) and forward.
Climb down this bridge-ladder. Turn around and go forward. Use the top button to unlatch this door on the lower level.
Press the bottom button to open the door.
Open door with lines above tunnel - Go back up one level using the alcove ladder. Go to the side hall middle of the elevator bridge that we brought down.
See a 6 squares panel on the wall. Using the clues seen on the door with lines above the tunnel and the graphic on the chalkboard in the table room; press the buttons in order 1-6.
Door with lines
Chalkboard at Table room
Solution to panel
Turn right and look out the window to the floating bridge in the reservoir.
Press the green button and see the door at bottom right of the floating bridge open. This is the door with lines above the tunnel and left of the manhole. We also activated the floating bridge through the cable seen earlier. Let's go back there.
Go back to the alcove ladder left of the hallway ahead.
Go back to the reservoir area from the ravine building - Remember this since you will do this later.
Go down using the alcove ladder to lower level. Go right and press the button connected by lavender pipe. This lowers the bridge.
Exit; go to the right and down the manhole. Go forward to the left tunnel. Climb the ladder.
See the door to the floating bridge is now open.
Floating Bridge at Reservoir
Floating Bridge: Let us study the drawing seen left of the door at the table room. Climb the ladder left of the opened doorway.
The drawing on top shows the central portion of the floating bridge floats on water. The central portion has the vertical frame that stops passage to the other end of the bridge. There are 2 levels of stationary walkways. The bottom level is just above the waterline. This is the one we just opened the door to at the other building and is below this floor. The top level is the one at right here that has the inactive stand. The middle picture shows what happens when the water is drained from the reservoir. The central vertical portion goes down to the ground level and the top level is now clear of blockage to the other side. The bottom picture shows that the central vertical portion can be held in position even when the water is drained. |
Floating bridge with water in the reservoir (top picture):
Floating bridge-top level - We checked this level already with the water up in the reservoir. Access is outside the table room. The central vertical portion has the missing gear and the inactive button. Access to the other side is blocked.
Floating bridge-bottom level - Go down the ladder and turn right to the just opened door.
Go forward to the middle of the bridge.
Turn power to different places - Turn left and see a box. Press button to open the box. See that the switch can be turned to 3 colors: lavender, gray and green.
Green pipe - Turn the switch to the right pointing at green. Let's follow that green pipe.
Go left and go up to the top level of the ladder. Go outside to the top level of the span bridge.
Press the button on the box connected by green pipe. Take the right fragment.
Gray pipe - Go back down to lower level bridge.
At the middle of the floating bridge, turn right and see a red rectangular panel connected by a gray pipe.
Turn around to the box. Open the box and turn the switch to point to gray.
Floating bridge with no water in the reservoir (middle picture):
Drain water from reservoir at north side - Turn right on lower level of floating bridge, forward (see squares in 2 rows), left and down the ladder.
Turn around; go forward to the end of the corridors; passing windows and a big hatch to the outside. See that we are below the water level by looking out the windows and the slit left of the big hatch.
At the end (3rd corridor), see 2 power boxes on the wall. Open them and press the buttons to turn the light to green. Take note that the right power box sends power to blue pipe (patio box) and the left power box powers the orange cables.
Turn right, press the green button under the drain-add water symbol and the water drains from the reservoir.
Turn right, forward until the big metal hatch on the wall at second corridor. See that the water is gone on the slit.
Press the button to open hatch. Exit and go forward.
Note that the central vertical portion of the floating bridge has descended to the ground and this then blocked the lower level of the bridge above and access to the other building is not possible.
Gray pipe continued - See a panel connected by gray pipe from above. This is the other side of the red rectangular panel across the button stand.
Bridge gray pipe code - Press the button and see-note down the code: hexagon, 9, hexagon, hexagon, 3, 2.
Porthole code - Turn left and go forward. See and note a code in a porthole: 7, hexagon, 3, 3, hexagon, hexagon.
Restore water to reservoir north side - Exit the drained reservoir and go right-back to the panel at end of the hallway.
Press the green button on right wall and see water fill the reservoir again.
Lavender pipe - Go back to the ladder at far end of hallways. Climb, left, forward to the lower level of floating bridge and face the box again.
Open the box and turn the switch to point left at lavender.
Drain water from reservoir at south side - Turn left and forward to the box at right just before entering the room.
This box is now powered after we activated the electric boxes when we drained the reservoir earlier at the north side.
Open the box and press the button under the drain-add water drawing to turn the light green. Hear a noise. We powered something.
Other manhole - Go inside, forward and left to face the manhole.
Click the manhole cover to close the right manhole and reveal a left manhole.
Go down and see orange cables coming out of the wall. Again this was powered by the electric box on the north side and the box just outside the entryway to the lower level of the floating bridge we just activated. If you did not press that box, you'll still see the metal cover that showed the code.
Turn left and go forward to the porthole. This is the porthole seen with the code earlier.
Press the button to drain the water under the drain-add water symbol.
Go back up. Climb the ladder to go to the table room.
Turn right and exit to the top level of the floating bridge. Remember, that now the central vertical part of the bridge dropped to the ground level and we are seeing the top portion.
Bridge lavender code - Turn left and see another red panel connected by the lavender pipe.
Press the button and see-note the code: hexagon, 1, hexagon, hexagon, 5, 8.
Lavender pipe continued - Go back inside to the table room. Turn left and see a window that looks to the patio and a box at right of the window. This box was powered by the electric box when we drained the reservoir earlier in the north side.
Open the box and press the button. We now activated the lavender button 6 squares stand at the patio.
Let's go back there. Go down the ladder, turn around and climb the stairs.
Lavender patio code - Turn right and press the lavender button. See and note the code: 4, hexagon, 2, 8, hexagon, hexagon.
If you haven't checked the tree yet at end of the patio, do so. Also take note of the bird signal and take leaf D.
Restore water to reservoir south side - Go back down the stairs and down the left manhole. Press the button to add water to the reservoir. Go back up.
Floating bridge's central part held stationary (bottom picture):
Lower level 6 square panels - Let's use the codes obtained. Go to the lower level of the floating bridge.
Go to the other side and look close at the 2 rows of squares. Enter numbers by pressing the button squares and it will be seen on the top row.
Now what number do we use? Use the combination of porthole code and bridge lavender pipe code. Enter 7 1 3 3 5 8.
Enter numbers by pressing the button squares and numbers will be seen on the top row.
Turn right and press the now active button. Take the gearwheel.
Hold the central part of floating bridge stationary 1 - Go across and back to top level of the floating bridge.
Open the metal cover on the floor. Use the gearwheel on the center peg.
Press the red button to see that the bars on the side get inserted in the gold pipes to hold it in place. If you press the red button again, the bars pull out and the bridge still floats. The bars should be pushed in (see space in between) for the center part to be held stationary.
Check the ground of the reservoir 1 - Go down the ladder in the table room.
Go back down to the drain water control north side -
Go across the lower level of the floating bridge. Go down the ladder.
Go forward until the far corridor and press the button on the wall to drain the water.
Go to the metal hatch at next corridor and exit outside.
See that the center portion is still held in place at the lower level of the bridge and the floaters are above the ground.
Look close under the bridge and take the left fragment from top of the grate. See a ladder down there. We will come back to this grate later.
Upper level 6 square panel - Let's check the other codes and the box at top level of the other building.
Go back inside and allow water in the reservoir again.
Go back up the ladder, cross bridge, back to top level of bridge and press the button to unlock and 'float' the floating center portion again.
Go back down the ladder by table room and go to the left manhole. Go down the left manhole.
Press the button to drain the water reservoir.
Let's use the codes obtained. Go to the upper level of the floating bridge outside the table room.
See that the bridge is blocked by a gate. Turn right and open the panel. Insert the left and right fragment.
Turn left back to the gate and press the button. The gate opens.
Go to the other side and look close at the 2 rows of squares.
Now what number do we use? Use the combination of lavender patio code and gray pipe code. Enter 4 9 2 8 3 2.
Turn right and press the button. click knob to open the lid. Take the green crystal 4.
Hold the central part of floating bridge stationary 2 - Let's check the ladder we saw below the grill under the bridge.
Go back across the bridge. Go down the ladder and down to the left manhole. Fill the reservoir again.
Go back up to the top level of the floating bridge and press the button to hold the central portion stationary again (be sure that the bars are pushed inside the metal tubes).
Go back down to the lower level bridge and go across to the other building. Go down the ladder.
Go to the far corridor and press the button to drain the reservoir again.
Go to the metal hatch and exit to the ground of the drained reservoir.
Go forward to the grill on the ground where the left fragment was taken.
Open the grill and go down.
Cavern under the Reservoir
Woman in red: Go left, forward and see that this is a cavern.
Turn right and go forward on the suspended bridge. Note a pull ring on the left. This pull ring when seen on the other side can be pulled to close the tunnel we just came through on.
Go forward and face the window with bars. The woman in red appears and says that they will help you get a green crystal if you bring them an octagonal piece hidden in Rhem. She says to go up and take the key.
Press the button below the window to rise to the next floor.
Turn right and see a frame with octagonal shape inside. Turn right and take the blue old key. Turn right and see a closed window. Press the button to go down.
Go left and forward. Just before the entryway to the building, look right and see a drawing at top left of the wall. Note the drawing and number 1 inside one of 4 squares inside a quadrant of the circle.
Gallery: Go forward, left and forward to a closed door. (Thanks, Knut!)
Luminous clues - Press the button on the left of door to open a dark room. Go inside the dark room.
Turn around and see a panel on the right and a lamp on the left of the open door.
Press and hold the button on the right panel until all 5 squares (5 seconds) are lit.
If done correctly, a luminous drawing appears very briefly on the left of the door. Redo if it is not seen - press-hold the right button. See and take note of a bar framed by button like squares with the letters L N.
Hidden drawings - The above actions are the procedures on what to do to the paintings seen.
Exit the dark room and then turn around. Close the door. Press the right button to light the room. Then press the left button to open the door.
Click the cord at right of each 3 curtains to see paintings.
Left painting is of a gold double cone and a skull. Take note of the layout of the teeth - 7 teeth with a gap on top left.
Middle painting is a man writing with a gold ball at bottom right. The right painting is of a mandolin.
See hidden drawing - Do the steps done on the door's hidden drawing.
Open a curtain and hold for a bit (~1 -2 seconds), exit room immediately. Turn around and press the left button to close the door. Press the right button to turn off the lights inside the room. Count 5 seconds (like the 5 squares).
Press the left button to open the now dark room. Enter the room and open the same curtain. You should briefly see a luminous drawing in the painting.
Do this to the portrait of the man and see and note 2 rows of 2 white squares between 2 black squares.
The mandolin painting shows a quartered circle with #2 close to the top. The skull picture does not have this effect.
Exit and check out the other parts of the building. Go forward and see on the left, a ramp over the water and a pull cord by the entryway. Exit and see a ladder ahead.
Go left to the hall framed by a man and a woman. Check out 4 black and white ball machines on the wall. See words written above the wall at the end of the hallway. Turn back and go to the ladder.
Ladder: Climb the ladder and go forward until the top.
Unlatch the door and use the button to open it.
Exit to the ravine building. See that you are at the second level where we did the line door puzzle.
Look out the window and press the button to close the door at the lower level of the floating bridge. Let's go there.
Go to lower level of floating bridge: Turn around and enter the newly opened door.
Go down to the cave building.
Go right to the suspended bridge, the tunnel and out to the dry reservoir.
Enter through the hatch, left to ladder and up to the bridge.
Cross the bridge and see the back of the door. Take note of the triangles and colored squares drawing.
Go back down to the dry reservoir and down the grill to be at the cave tunnel.
Go back to the ladder in the cave building and up to the second level of the ravine building again.
Press the button by the window again to open the lower level door at the reservoir building.
Go to the top floor of the left side of the ravine building (library): Remember this way to go to the library.
Turn to the right, forward and see if the elevator bridge is here. If not, press the button to call it to this floor.
At the second level of the ravine building, go right, forward to the button. Press to lower this left side's bridge ladder.
Remember that this button to lower the left bridge-ladder is at the 2nd level.
Turn left, forward to the end and right to this side bridge ladder. (If the bridge is not raised, go down to first level and raise it).
Climb the right bridge ladder to next level (3rd).
Turn and forward until the button. Press the up button (twice) to raise the elevator bridge from second to 4th level.
Turn left and climb back down this bridge-ladder to the second level. Turn around and go to the alcove ladder. Climb down to the first level.
Go left, forward and open the door. Go left and forward to exit. You are now on the other side of the arched gate outside.
Gate and manholes - Cross this bridge-ladder and go left to the arched gate. Press the button to open and go to the other side.
Go down the manhole. Turn right - do not press the button to lower the bridge ladder. Go forward to the next ladder and climb up. See that you are outside the right side of the ravine building. Climb to the top and enter the building.
Library foyer:
Go forward to the other side and see a window with a button. Press the button to power-activate the blue cable.
Turn around and see an up button. This button is used to call the elevator bridge in case it is not here.
Turn left, open the door and enter the library.
Turn right and see a door on the left that has an inactive button with light blue pipe leading to it.
Across the door is another inactive button. This button is used only to open the door we came through.
Go back to the open door. Press the button peeking on the left of the frame. This will close this door.
Now see buttons on the left of the door. Press the top button to activate the bottom green one. This activates the wall cabinet at end of the hall.
Library procedure clues - Go left, forward and left again.
See a stand with a book. The door's blue pipe ends here under the stand.
This is the clue on what to do in the library. A jigsaw puzzle piece is framed on the wall. The book on the table is blank but has several pages - up to 8.
Turn around and see a tree with a bird picture on the wall. Again, this states that there are important trees in Rhem and each one has a bird that warbles a signal.
Library layout - Go right to the cabinet. Now that we activated the cabinet by pressing the button hidden by the opened door, open the cabinet. Study the layout of the library.
The red circles are closed doors. The green circles are open doors. The black squares are the rooms in the library. The arrow is where you are right now and is pointing to a red closed door which is the one at the left end of the hallway.
The object here is to enter all the rooms and copy all the books in those rooms.
Arrange a pattern of opened doors on the layout - To open a door from this panel, click a red circle to turn it green and click a green to red to close a door. Only 2 adjacent doors can be opened at a time.
Always remember to leave the door by the arrow to green. It will take several trips to enter all the rooms.
Library runs: Enter the door at the end of the hallway. Enter the next open room.
Open a book. Copy the pages by clicking the book + icon at bottom right of screen. Turn the pages and copy all the pages. Do this to all the books in that room.
Take note of the framed interlocking jigsaw piece on the wall above the books; especially those that are above books that have syllables, like NES, XOR...
The copies are entered in the paper that you have been carrying since the start of this adventure. It is the lined paper right of inventory.
Make your own drawing of that copy page and label the column with the first page seen. This will help accessing the copied books in the game.
These layouts are just one way of doing the library.
Arrange the layout like the picture at the bottom.
Close the cabinet.
Enter the room.
Go left and forward to SE room. Copy all pages of 2 books. Note the jigsaw piece on the wall if the book has syllables only.
Exit the room at other exit.
Turn right and forward to center of library.
Turn left and forward to next room.
Turn right and forward to NW room. Copy all pages of 2 books.
Exit the room at other exit.
Turn left and forward to North room.
Copy all pages of 3 books.
At the North room take note of the drawing right of the entryway.
Exit to go back outside:
Exit north room.
Go right and forward. Go left and forward.
Go left and forward. Go right and forward.
Go left and forward. Go left and forward.
Go right to foyer and forward to cabinet.
Enter the room.
Go right and forward to NE room. Copy all pages of 2 books.
Exit the room at other exit.
Turn left and forward to center of library.
Forward to next room.
Turn right and forward to SW room. Copy all pages of 2 books.
Take leaf G from one of the books. Take note of the 134 on the bird. Then copy that third page.
Exit the room at other exit.
Turn left and forward to West room.
Copy all pages of 3 books.
Exit to go back outside:
Exit West room.
Go right and forward. Go left and forward.
Go left and forward. Go forward.
Go right and forward.
Go right and forward.
Go left to foyer and forward to cabinet.
Enter the room.
Go left and forward.
Go right and forward.
Go left to South room.
Copy all pages of 3 books.
At the South room take note of the drawing left of the entryway. It is the other half of the one seen in the north room.
Exit to go back outside:
Exit South room.
Go right and forward. Go left and forward.
Go right to the foyer.
Copied Books
3. Geometric shapes
4. Black dotted circles with colored pentagons
6. Lattices
8. Squares with numbers
10. TI NES
11. Circles with numbers
12. Sound wave and letter graph
14. Hand signs
16. Top floor of building diagrams
17. XI REB
Octagonal Paper
It is time to look for the octagonal paper the woman in red wants.
Go across to the other side of the ravine - hut cavern: Open the library door by pressing the orange button left of the door.
Exit the library. Be sure that you have powered the blue cable at the window at right.
Go left and forward until the bridge-ladder on the other side of this ravine building.
Climb down until underground into the manhole. Go left to the other ladder. Turn around and press the button to lower the bridge-ladder. Climb the ladder and be outside.
Go forward and left to the ravine building now that the bridge-ladder is down. Go forward to the other side of the building. Press the button at end of hallway and go through.
Exit the ravine building and go straight to the closed door.
Press the button now that we powered it outside the library.
Circle with black dots and colored pentagon part 1 - Look around, see an elevator ahead and other huts at far right.
Go forward and enter the small hut on the right. Turn left and press the orange button to open the puzzle.
Now what do we do here? We saw circles with black dots in one of the books copied from the library and 2 clues seen using the top level of the small elevator when we first arrived here. One of the clues was behind a picture and one was behind the big elevator.
There's an elevator close here. Let's match the clues taken from behind the big elevator with the pictures in the book copied in the library #4.
Clue from back of big elevator. |
Check the copied book #4: |
Puzzle solution: |
- Second page left side. See one black dot on right side with green pentagon. Note position of the colored pentagon. |
Press the top left pentagon to show green at the center of the circle. |
- 7th page right side. See black dots at top, left and bottom with blue pentagon. Note position of the colored pentagon. |
Press the top right pentagon to show blue at the center of the circle. |
- 8th page right side. See all 4 black dots with yellow pentagon. Note position of the colored pentagon. |
Press the bottom pentagon to show yellow at the center of the circle. |
Go to the other side of huts cavern: Exit the hut. Turn left to exit; press button of door and be outside.
Go across the bridge ladder and enter the building. Go to the other side of his ravine building and press the button to raise this side's bridge ladder.
Climb to the second level using the alcove ladder. Go to the bridge ladder and climb to third floor. Lower the elevator bridge to the second level.
Go back down the bridge ladder to the second level. Go forward to the other side. Press the button to raise this side's bridge ladder.
Go back to the other side's bridge ladder. Climb to the third level. Raise the bridge ladder to this floor.
Go across, forward; climb out the window and down the ladder. Enter the manhole under this bridge ladder.
Look right and see the other ladders on the other side of the grill. Turn around and go forward to the grill.
Go left and forward to the end. Turn right and forward to the end.
Go left and see the scene of the ladder picture seen on the small elevator at other side of the ravine early in the adventure. Go forward. Climb the ladder.
Go forward and left. See the huts on this side of the cavern.
Circle with black dots and colored pentagon part 2 - Enter the hut ahead. Open the curtain and see a similar puzzle as the other hut.
Use the ladder picture circle as guide to the solution.
Ladder picture clue
Check the copied book #4:
Puzzle solution:
- 4th page right side. See black dots at top and bottom of the circle with red pentagon. Note position of the colored pentagon.
Press the top left pentagon to show red at the center of the circle.
- 6th page left side. See black dots at left and bottom with purple pentagon. Note position of the colored pentagon.
Press the top right pentagon to show purple at the center of the circle.
- 6th page right side. See black dots at top, right and bottom with green pentagon. Note position of the colored pentagon.
Press the bottom pentagon to show green at the center of the circle.
Octagonal piece - Exit the hut. Go left and forward to the hut that has a picture of the 2 puzzles just done.
Press the orange button. If the 2 puzzles are correctly done, the door opens.
Enter and turn left. Use the old blue key taken above the room with the woman in red on the slot left of the porthole.
Turn right and press the button. Take the octagonal piece.
Press the button again and see-note down a picture of triangles framed by blue lines.
Go back to the woman in red at the big cavern. Exit through the manhole, down and forward until the exit manhole. Climb to the building.
Go forward to the control panel and lower the elevator bridge one floor down.
Climb down the bridge ladder and forward to the corridor on the right.
Go forward; enter the door on the left and down to the cavern. Go to the suspended bridge and face the barred window.
Push the button to go up. Place the octagonal piece on the frame at right. Turn around and open the closed window to get green crystal 9.
Go down and the woman in red thanks you.
Back of the tunnel hatch: Turn right, forward to the pull ring. Pull the ring to close the hatch.
Turn around, forward and go right to the ladder at the other hallway.
Climb and exit to the ravine building. Go right and lower the bridge ladder.
Go to the alcove ladder and go down. Go left and exit the building.
Go left to the walled gate and go down the manhole. Go forward pass the other ladder until the third ladder and go up out of the manhole.
Go across the floating bridge and go down the ladder. Go forward and exit the hatch to be in the ground of the reservoir.
Go down the ladder at the grate under the floating bridge. Open grate and go down the ladder. Go forward to the closed hatch door and see-note down 3 green framed triangles.
Go back up the ladder, out the grate and back inside the building.
Go left and forward until the ladder. Climb up, cross the floating bridge and back down the right manhole.
Go forward until the far ladder. Turn around and lower the bridge using the button on the stand.
Climb up and go to the bridge.
Go back to the south side of Rhem:
Go right and up the ladder to go back to the ravine area. Go forward, left and use the elevator to go down to the tunnel.
Turn around; go forward until the metal ladder. Raise the elevator and climb up.
Exit elevator, lower the elevator and then enter.
Go left, cross the drawbridge and forward until the lamps door. Turn right and open this new door.
Look around. See a path that goes straight and a pavilion to the right.
Pavilion: Enter the building to the right. See 3 portholes on each side of the walls. Each porthole has a word and a panel beside it.
Interlocking (Jigsaw) puzzle - Take note that the panel is made up of a familiar pattern. They look like the jigsaw pieces on the walls in the library.
The word at top left looks familiar too; they are made up of the syllables found in several books in the library.
1. Make a chart of the syllables from one of the books and their corresponding pages from that book. See below.
2. Look at one of the panel's jigsaw puzzle piece. Then search for the puzzle piece similar to it from those seen above the books in the library. That is the book to use on that panel piece. (For example: The left puzzle piece is the one found above book 7 in the library.)
3. Then separate the words on the wall of the pavilion to its separate syllables as seen in the books. (For example: Bwentistor is Bwen ti stor.)
4. Look for one of the syllables (Bwen) in the selected puzzle book (book 7) and find the page (9) it is on.
5. Enter the page number (9) inside that left puzzle piece on the pavilion wall panel.
6. Do this to all 3 puzzle pieces on that porthole.
Then press the button and if correctly done, see a picture of a flower with a highlighted symbol. Be sure to copy down those symbols and the color of the flower.
Book# |
1 |
2 |
5 |
7 |
9 |
10 |
13 |
15 |
17 |
Jigsaw pieces |
Name on wall |
Bwen |
ti |
stor |
Xi |
xor |
nes |
Mihd |
nes |
ti |
Stor |
vohm |
bwen |
Ti |
reb |
nes |
Xor |
nes |
dov |
Book in library |
7 |
10 |
15 |
9 |
2 |
17 |
1 |
13 |
5 |
10 |
5 |
9 |
2 |
17 |
1 |
15 |
13 |
7 |
Page in book |
9 |
1 |
9 |
5 |
5 |
3 |
5 |
5 |
10 |
7 |
7 |
6 |
2 |
2 |
4 |
4 |
5 |
10 |
Bird frequency room: Go outside through the back end of the pavilion.
See a panel with a hand and a panel with up-down arrows.
Press some of the up-down arrows and see an elevator go up-down far ahead. The elevator goes up to a windowed room above the archway.
Go there. See another panel with a hand.
Click the tree and get leaf E and hear the bird signal long, long, long.
Elevator-hand puzzle - Go back to the panel at the back of the pavilion.
Press the rightmost down arrow and see the elevator go down.
Press the leftmost up arrow to bring the elevator up.
Press the second to the left down arrow to bring the elevator down.
See 00 come up on the hand panel. Click and press the second from left arrow until it reaches the maximum of 30.
Press the third to the left down arrow to start the countdown. You now have 30 seconds to go from here to the elevator in front of the tree ahead.
Once you're on the elevator, click the hand panel to go up.
Bird frequency puzzle - See a radio frequency panel. Turn right and left and see letters with colored panels underneath them.
Look in copied book 12 for the letter that matches the colors seen on the panel.
Enter those numbers on the panel. This powers the radio.
Check the last page of book 12 and see the bird has 134 written on it.
Face the radio; press the wave frequency button at top and move the line to 134. Hear and note down the 8 bird signals and the order it was heard.
Turn around and take the gold cylinder left of the window.
Back of the door to the courtyard - Go down by use of pull ring.
Go back to the back side of the pavilion. Continue down the path and up the stairs. Unlatch the door.
Exit and see that you are now at the area above the hatch that goes to the center hallway with the drawbridge on the left.
Go down and climb the other ladder to go to the other side.
Bridge switch 1 - Climb the next ladder and forward to the panel right of the window.
Open the panel and take note of the circle inside the triangle and the line inside the circle.
Turn the switch until the bridge goes up. Take note of the dot's position it points to when it raised the bridge.
Turn the switch to bring the bridge down and back to the blue dot.
Closed door at ravine area - Go down and before climbing the next ladder go right and forward to the closed door.
Turn right and see a colored panel of red, green, yellow and blue squares.
Use the clue seen on the rock wall when we rode the small elevator.
Press the appropriate color or triangle. Hear a sound when done correctly.
Turn left and open the door.
Bridge switch 2 - Enter, open the cabinet and see another bridge switch.
Take note of the circle inside the inverted triangle and the line inside the circle.
Turn the switch until the bridge goes up. Take note of the dot's position it points to when the bridge rose.
Turn the switch to bring the bridge down and back to the blue dot.
Exit and go back to the ladder. Climb the ladder until the back door of the courtyard.
Go back inside the courtyard. Go through the pavilion and to the other exit by the lamps room door.
Turn around and press the button to close this door.
Turn left and enter the lamps room. Open the north door of the lamps room.
Go forward, through door and climb at left ladder.
Go forward and back inside the courtyard. Go back to the other exit door left of the pavilion you just closed.
See and note down a triangles inside red squares.
Go back to the lamps room via the back door of the courtyard, down ladder and left to the hallway.
Open the elevator; close elevator, go up the elevator (you want to leave the elevator up this time), right and down the hatch.
Go across the drawbridge and forward to the lamps room door.
Building with rooms
Go back to building with rooms: It's time to go back to the building with rooms close to the rail car.
Enter the lamps room. Open (press the square button) the door across from you using the flickering lamps button.
Go forward and see a ladder that goes up.
Bridge switch 3 - Before climbing go left and follow the path until a stand.
Take note of the circle inside the diamond and the line inside the circle.
Turn the switch until the bridge goes up. Take note of the dot's position it points to when the bridge went up.
Turn the switch to bring the bridge down and back to the blue dot.
Turn right forward and climb the ladder on the left to enter the top level of the building.
Top level of the building: See 4 doors, one on each wall. See 3 patterns on the railing in front of a door.
Open the doors - Face one of the railings and copy the 3 set of lines.
Go to the door behind that railing and press the yellow button to open the box on the right.
See 3 squares that correspond to each of the 3 set of lines in the railing. They are based on their position on the railing: left lines for left square and so forth.
Open book 6 in the copied books. Go through each of the lattice drawings and find the one that correspond to one of the set of lines in the railing.
For example: the set of line on the railing to be worked on is a cross (a horizontal and a vertical line).
Look for the page that has the vertical (or horizontal) line on top of the page.
Then look for the horizontal (or vertical) line at bottom of the page. Work on that column now.
Then look for one of the lines on the side that is either a horizontal or a vertical line. If the set of lines has a third different line; then find that line on the side.
The intersected pattern of all those lines is the one that should be entered on the panel.
Click the buttons to find the lattice pattern on the panel that matches the selected lattice in the book. Be sure that you are selecting at the correct position: left lines to left squares.
As a hint, I copied the selected lattice on paper and then looked for it when cycling the patterns in the panel.
Do this to the other squares. If correctly done, press the button, then the square button at top and the door opens.
Now, do this to all the doors.
South door
Directional arrow points right
North door
Directional arrow points left
Now that all doors are opened on this floor, let's check them out.
Enter the north door - See a 'you are here' map of the top floor. At right, see a closed door that we will open later.
Map - You are in the room with stickman. The red dots are cell door buttons.
The rooms at the east, south and west are made up of several cells.
Take note that there are 2 buttons on cell door 5.
Go to the hatch or blue bar in map - Go to the other rooms (S, E and W) and check them out.
See that each door opens to cells on the left and/or right. Each cell door has one button except for cell door 5. When the cell door is opened, the button is hidden.
The aim of the puzzle at the top floor is to get to the hatch or blue bar in the map at southeast corner.
Study book 16 and see the floor layout. Note by the arrows which cell door affects another door: 1 affects 8, 2 affects 3, 6 affect 4, 8 affects 7, outer 5 opens the balcony door, inner 5 affects 1, 4 affects 6 and 7 affects 5.
When all cell doors are closed:
Press cell door button of door #: |
to |
cell door # |
1 |
open |
8 |
7 |
open |
5 |
4 |
open |
6 |
7 |
close |
5 |
1 |
close |
8 |
8 |
open |
7 |
1 |
open |
8 |
(Enter 8, 7 and 6) inside button of 5 |
open |
1 |
2 |
open |
3 |
(Enter 8, 7 and 6) inside button of 5 |
close |
1 |
1 |
close |
8 |
8 |
close |
7 |
1 |
open |
8 |
7 once |
open |
5 |
4 |
close |
6 |
6 |
open |
4 |
Turn around, forward and open the hatch. Take crystal 2. Exit the room. |
Top level balcony - Go to the north room. See a closed door on the right.
Go to the south room and press button of cell door 5. If the door is open, close it by pressing cell door 7's button.
Exit to the balcony, forward and see a box with 3 lined A. Below the box is a blue color pointing to the window.
Go to the east room (directional arrow points left). See a box left of the window. Open it and press the button to blue as shown by the picture outside the window.
Go back to the lined A box in the balcony. Press the A's and see that it now is activated. We do not have info for this puzzle yet. We will come back here later.
Middle level of building: Exit the top level using the ladder. Turn around, forward, go to the lamps room and exit to the left. Be outside by the ginkgo tree. Go left and climb the stairs to the middle level of the building with rooms.
Open the doors - Let's open these doors. Do it similar to the way it was done at top level.
Open book 6 in the copied books. Go through each of the lattice drawings and find the one that correspond to one of the set of lines in the railing. Find the matching lattice on the squares of the doors.
Hint: Copy the lines and then search the lattices in book 6 of the copied books paper.
Directional arrow points to bottom left. (SW)
Take the gold double cone.
Directional arrow points to bottom right. (SE)
Take the gold isocaeder.
Directional arrow points to top right. (NE).
Take key B.
Directional arrow points to top left. (NW)
Opens to balcony.
Middle balcony - Enter the door that has the directional arrow that points to top left (NW) and see a house with a tree in front, left of the balcony.
Go forward twice, turn around and look up. See and note down a pattern on the side of the top balcony. That looks familiar.
Middle level annex - Enter the annex and see 3 rooms at right side of the hallway.
First room - Enter and see a portrait of a military officer holding a gold triangle. Take note of the black and white squares on his coat.
Orange flower room - Turn right and enter the orange flower room.
Enter the pattern seen on the orange flower in the courtyard pavilion. Press the right button to show a circle pattern on the stand. Check the flower picture at Pavilion part of the walkthrough.
Turn around and see a closed door. Any closed door will open when the open door on another level is closed. So turn around and close the orange flower room.
Middle room has a closed door.
Third room - See a portrait of a soldier holding a spiral. Note the black and white squares on his coat.
Turn right and see a closed door.
Exit the annex and out the door. Exit the building. Let's go back to the top level. Go forward, right and enter the lamps room.
Open the door to the right and go forward to climb the ladder.
Top level balcony - Enter the north door. Exit to the balcony.
A puzzle - Look at the panel on the wall.
If you have not powered this panel up yet, do so. Go to the east room (directional arrow points left) and press the button on the box by the window to show blue.
The 3 A's that has lines on them are similar to the clues on the lower portion of the balcony as seen from the middle level balcony.
Press the middle, bottom, top, top, middle, top, bottom and middle A buttons. Press the yellow button.
Hear the door close. Look and note down the colored bars on the drawing on the closed door.
Press the yellow button again to open the door.
Exit the balcony and top level. Go down the ladder and enter the lamps room. Open the door on the left and be at the ginkgo tree and hatch.
Go to the hatch. Press the orange button to open the hatch. Go left, forward, left and enter the metal door.
Lower level of building: See 4 doors and a lookout balcony to the water.
Lookout balcony and windows - Go to the open entryway at the other corner at right. See a pond in the cavern.
Window shutters puzzle part 1 - Look at the windows on the annex at left. They look like something we have seen before.
Look at your notes and see that if the pieces taken from the north and south room walls are joined together; they show a pattern similar to the windows.
We need to close or open the shutters of some of those windows to look like the pattern seen below.
Top level of annex: The first left window is not in view from down here but should be closed. Left window (second from left on picture) and far right should be closed.
Bottom level of annex: Second and third from left should be closed.
We'll check the windows when we get to those rooms.
Open the doors - Let's open these doors. Do it the same way as the other levels.
Open book 6 in the copied books. Go through each of the lattice drawings and find the one that correspond to one of the set of lines in the railing. Find the matching lattice on the squares of the doors.
Hint: Copy the lines and then search the lattices in book 6 of the copied books paper.
North door.
Goes to house.
Directional arrow points right.
Take the B key.
South door
Goes to entrance of Rhem.
Directional arrow points left.
Goes to annex.
North Door and House - Go through the north door.
Go forward and take an oak leaf B. Hear the bird signal long, short, short.
Turn left and use the pull ring to open the door of the house seen from the balconies.
Bridge switch 4 - Open the cabinet ahead.
Take note of the circle inside the square and the line inside the circle.
Turn the switch until the bridge goes up. Take note of the dot's position it points to raising that bridge.
Turn the switch to bring the bridge down and back to the blue dot.
Turn right and climb the ladder. Turn around and go right.
Power the room - See an orange button on the right wall. Press the button and see the buttons in the boxes inside the room across the gap turn on. This button powered that room across the gap.
Go down again and raise the bridge using the bridge switch at the cabinet.
Go back up and cross the bridge.
Bridge switch puzzle - See 4 boxes on the wall.
Each top of the boxes has the geometric shape seen in the bridge switches.
Open the boxes and see that they have the dials similar to the bridge switches.
Use the geometric shape on top of the boxes as reference to which clue to use. For example: the geometric shape on top of box is a triangle, use the clue from the bridge switch 1 that has the circle inside a triangle.
Turn the line to show the line similar to that inside the circle of the bridge switch.
Press the outer red circle positioned similar to the dot the bridge switch outside pointed to raise the bridge.
If all are correctly done, the box at the far end can be opened.
Go to the box at the end, turn the knob and take green crystal 3.
Go back down and exit the house. Go inside the building.
East door (directional arrow to the left) - Enter the east door and be at the lower level of the annex.
First room - See a Napoleon portrait holding a ring and has black and white squares on his coat.
Hand Signals and Portraits - In some rooms, portraits of a man and a woman will be seen.
Take note of the colors of the earrings of the women.
The men have the hands in familiar gestures seen in copied book 14. These are hand signals.
Check the book to identify the hand signals. The right hand is on the left page and the left hand is on the right page.
Turn left and enter the room with green flowers.
Monk portrait - The hands of the monk show hand signals.
The right hand signal is seen in page 6 - FYQ. The left hand signal is seen in page 7 - UAF.
Catwoman portrait shows black, black, black earring.
Turn around and see a window with shutter. Do we close this for the windows shutter puzzle? Let's leave it opened.
Aqua flower room - Press the right button to show the aqua flower symbol X seen in the pavilion puzzle. Check the flower picture at Pavilion part of the walkthrough.
Turn left and see another set of portrait.
Military Officer - To identify the hand signals, check copied book 14.
The right hand signal is seen in page 3 - LUZ. The left hand signal is seen in page 1 - PUZ.
The woman wears a black, white, black earring.
Turn around and see a window with shutter. Let's pull down the shutter.
Exit the aqua room. Turn around and close the door. Go next door and exit right.
Second room - Enter and turn left.
Enter the blue flower room.
Thin Man portrait - To identify the hand signals, check copied book 14.
The right hand signal is seen in page 1 - QYP. The left hand signal is seen in page 4 - LAL.
The woman wears a black, black, white earring.
Turn around and see a window with shutter. Let's pull down the shutter.
Exit the room and turn around to close the door.
Before exiting this room, look close at the drawing on the right of the entryway. Take note of the 4 faces and the geometric shape underneath the faces.
Third room - See George Washington holding a cylinder. Take note of the dark and white squares on his coat.
Turn right and see a closed door. Turn around and enter the red flower room.
Red flower room - Enter the geometric symbol seen in the red flower at the pavilion - diamond with outward lines in each cardinal point. Check the flower picture at Pavilion part of the walkthrough.
Turn right and see a window with shutter. Let's leave it opened.
Exit the room and turn around to close the door.
Exit the room and turn right. See a still not activated door at end of hallway.
Exit the annex and go left to the balcony. Check the windows to see which one we still need to close or open.
The top level of the annex has 2 window shutters that need to be pulled down.
Middle level of building: Go back up to the middle level of the building via the exit, right to the hatch and enter the hatch. Go right and up the stairs. Go to the door across from this entryway. Go out to the balcony and into the annex.
First room - Enter the first door with the military officer portrait.
Orange flower room - Open door and enter to the right. The shutter of this room should be pulled down. Close the door upon exiting.
Yellow flower room - Go across to the other room. Enter the geometric symbol seen in the yellow flower at the pavilion - a cross with a diamond at the center. Check the flower picture at Pavilion part of the walkthrough.
Look at the portraits.
Man with wide brim hat - To identify the hand signals, check copied book 14.
The right hand signal is seen in page 8 - ALL. The left hand signal is seen in page 3 - PAC.
The woman's portrait shows black, white, white earring.
Turn around and pull the window shutters down.
Second room - Go and enter the second room.
Go right and enter the previously closed room.
Bald man - To identify the hand signals, check copied book 14.
The right hand signal is seen in page 5 - APA . The left hand signal is seen in page 5 - AGY.
The woman wears a white, white, black earring.
Turn around and see a window with shutter. Let's leave the window shutters up.
Exit the room and go to the third room.
Third room - Enter the third room with the soldier and turn right.
Enter the green flower room.
Man wearing wig - To identify the hand signals, check copied book 14.
The right hand signal is seen in page 7 - YFY. The left hand signal is seen in page 6 - ZYG.
The woman wears a white, white, white earring.
Turn around and see a window with shutter. Let's pull down the shutter.
Lavender room - Enter the geometric symbol seen in the lavender flower at the pavilion - X with a V at each inner angle. Check the flower picture at Pavilion part of the walkthrough.
Colonial man - To identify the hand signals, check copied book 14.
The right hand signal is seen in page 4 - GAF. The left hand signal is seen in page 2 - UPA.
The woman wears a white, black, black earring.
Turn around and see a window with shutter. Let's leave it opened.
Turn around and close the door.
Lower level of building: Exit the middle level annex, go out the exit door of the building and out to the hatch. Open and go through hatch. Go left and enter the lower level of the building.
Balcony - Go right to the other corner and check the windows in the balcony.
The window shutters should all be done as the pictures from the library.
Lower level - the windows should be: open, close, close, open, open.
Top level of annex - unseen window should be closed, close, open, open, close.
Annex - Enter the door left of the balcony.
Third room - Turn right and see the white flower room. This room will open only when all the others rooms have been checked and closed.
White flower room - Enter the white flower room.
Press the right button to show the white flower symbol of a circle with 2 lines pointing outward at each cardinal point as seen in the pavilion puzzle. Check the flower picture at Pavilion part of the walkthrough.
Man portrait - To identify the hand signals, check copied book 14.
The right hand signal is seen in page 2 - CAL. The left hand signal is seen in page 3 - LUZ.
The woman wears a white, black, white earring.
Leave the shutters up.
Exit the room and out to the hallway.
Secret place: Turn right to the door. Press the button to open the door and see that after doing all the flowers on the stands correctly, the door is now activated.
Green crystal - Turn left and forward to the now familiar blue circular box. Open and take green crystal 5.
Old haunt revisited - Exit the ramp and go left. Go down the steps look left and see a cabinet with the star keyhole. Hmm... Go forward and see a place we have been before in Rhem 2. Ah, the memories that brought up.
Turn around and exit the secret place.
Entrance to Rhem 3
Exit the annex and enter the south door between the balcony and the exit of the building.
Go forward and turn right to the stand. Use B key on the stand. Open the door and go through to the hallway.
Look through the window on the left.
Window shutters puzzle part 2 - Go outside and turn left. See a nice pond.
Turn left and open the box. Use A key on the indent and close the box. Open the door and enter.
Look close at the monitor. Press the red button and see the windows that we worked on at the building.
Press the green button to see if we did the window shutters correctly. It scanned the window view shot and showed a blue circle.
Pull back, turn right and open the cabinet. Open the circular blue box and take green crystal 8.
Monitor clue - Exit the room and turn right. Go forward until the rail tracks. Go right towards the gate and turn right.
Look behind the monitor box. Pull down the round lever. Go in front of the monitor.
Press the green button and see-note down a clue: squares within a circle and #3.
Cave office - Look again at the paper left on the desk. Take note of the 3 lined circles and the layout of the circles in the box above the 4 buttons. Exit the office.
Kales' apartment - Go left and forward. Look up and see a monitor below a window. Go forward and enter the elevator.
Elevator - The other side of the elevator is closed.
Press the left green button to close the left door. Open the middle flap and press the orange button to go up.
Elevator clue part 1 - Turn left and look down the window.
The box looks familiar also. We saw a picture of this in the cavern's dark room.
Press the left button to show L on the left and press the right button to show N on the right.
Look up, go right and forward to Kales apartment door. Open the door.
Home office - Go forward to the desk. Look at the picture that you gave him at the checkpoint. Look at the pictures of familiar Rhem 2 sceneries.
Pocket messenger - Take the blue messenger from the desk. Press the center button and then press the right arrow on top.
Kales' first message - Kales says that the relic is a black crystal. To find the path to the black crystal, 10 green crystals are needed. He also says that there's a gold sphere in his office that might be needed.
Look through all the entered messages and movies by pressing the right button and then the play top button. See Kales fooling around, Rhem 1, Rhem 2 and other Kales' movies. :)
Turn right and see the monitor that Kales used to check the entrance and the checkpoint to Rhem.
Bedroom - Go to the left side of the building. Look down at the bed. Move the pillow.
Notebook - Take the notebook and read all the pages. Note down the icons around the 3 circles seen on the map at the cave room. The circle with 4 horizontal lines has hexagons and triangles. The circle with 3 horizontal and 3 vertical lines has queen crowns and asterisks. The circle with 2 horizontal and 1 vertical lines has star (circle) with 8 points and diamonds. Symbol chart - Take and study the other paper under the pillow. This shows the position of the symbols seen in the notebook. Scanner - Look left and press the button of the scanner. Kales says that the crystal can be scanned here to verify if it is authentic. |
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Balcony - Turn around and go forward to the balcony. Look around and down to the rail tracks.
Look and study the map of Rhem 3. Exit the apartment and go down the elevator. Exit the elevator.
Elevator clue part 2 - Take 2 steps out of the elevator, turn around and look up to the window.
See the monitor show a clue. Remember these squares inside the circle with #4.
Cave room - Go inside the cave room and the table. The container of the gold sphere must be the rusty box above the table.
Lined circle puzzle - Study the box with 3 circled box and 4 buttons. The first 3 buttons move green lights around the circles. Study the symbol chart from the note book: We need to find the correct placements for the hexagon (circle with 4 horizontal lines), queen crown (3 horizontal and 3 vertical lines) and circle with 8 points (circle with 2 horizontal and 1 vertical line). The circle with 8 points should be placed NW. The queen crown should be placed south and the hexagons should be placed at SW. Based on the clue in the map, the circle with 3 horizontal and 3 vertical lines (queen crown) is the outermost circle. The circle with 4 horizontal lines (hexagon) is above the circle with 2 horizontal and 1 vertical lines; which is the innermost circle. Click the first button (outermost) to the south position. Click the second button (middle) to the SW position and click the third (innermost) button to the NW position. Press the rightmost button to open the rusty box on the left. Take the gold sphere-ball. |
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Ravine Building Again
Go back to the ravine building: Let's go back north across the ravine.
Exit this area by entering the building right of the rail tracks. If this door is closed, close the door close to the pond at right.
Go forward and then go out of the building.
Go to the hatch at right and go through to the other side. Go left and forward to the lamps room. Go through the lamps room and go north.
Open the elevator, go down the ladder, turn around and go forward and enter the small elevator at the end of the passage.
Go up, left and forward down the ladder to the ravine building.
Go forward, turn around and raise the bridge ladder. Climb to next level using the alcove ladder and then climb to the third level. Move the elevator bridge to fourth level. This is in preparation for later romp. Go down to first level.
Go left and forward to the other side. Cross the bridge and go forward.
Statues pavilion: Enter the underground hut cavern and go forward to the elevator.
Go up the elevator. Turn around and see a statue with hands out. It wants something.
Statue 1 at north - Place the isocaeder on his hands. The statues will only accept the correct offering.
Press his nose and to see his teeth. The teeth pattern has 4 squares above and 4 below.
Remember the isocaeder in the library book. Open book 3 and check page 3, right side. Take note of the base of the picture. The spaces are the whites and the blue are the blacks.
Press the top row: white, white, white, white and bottom row of teeth: black, black, white, black.
Exit the elevator and go right, forward, right.
Statue 2 - Place the sphere on his hands. Press his nose and to see his teeth.
Enter the pattern seen on the luminous paper beside a gold sphere of the portrait of the man in the cavern's dark room.
Top row: black, white, white, black and bottom row: black, white, white, black.
Turn left, go forward, right, forward and right.
Statue 3 - Place the cylinder on his hands. Press his nose and to see his teeth.
Enter the pattern seen on the coat of George Washington who is holding a yellow cylinder.
Top row: white, white, white, black and bottom row: black, white, black, white.
Turn left, go forward, right, forward and right.
Statue 4 - Place the double cone on his hands. Press his nose and to see his teeth.
Enter the pattern seen on the teeth of the skull in the painting at the cavern's dark room.
Top row: white, black, white, white and bottom row: white, white, white, white.
Isocaeder Portrait Washington Skull Go right, forward, left, forward to end, left, forward to end and right to outside.
Go forward, right to tree and take the fernlike leaf F. Hear the bird signal short, short, long.
Turn around and forward to the building.
Press the button and click the knob. Take green crystal 6.
Check the other exit building - Exit this building, right, forward to elevator, left and forward to end.
See that this door is still locked.
Go back to the elevator. Go inside the pavilion until the end and left to the elevator.
Take the elevator down. Go forward and exit this hut cavern.
Go back to library - Exit the cavern and right to the arched gate. Go through and left down the manhole.
Go right and climb the next ladder to the top of the building. Go to the other side and enter the library.
Go forward until the book on the left. Take note that the pipe under the stand goes to the closed door at the other hallway.
Bird signal and leaf puzzle - Face the empty book. Open the book.
The object of the puzzle is to place the leaf in the book pages in the order heard on the radio.
The leaf from the library book has the bird signal that is not heard, so it will be the unidentified one of the radio signal. L=long, S=short.
Signal from radio in the order heard LLS SLL SSL LLL LSS SLS SSS LSL Leaf placed on book H C F E B G D A Page # to place the leaf on 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Go left, forward, right to the closed door on the right. Press the button. If the bird signal and leaf puzzle is done correctly, the door will open.
Go down the ladder; go forward until the other side of the ravine crossing the bridge we saw from the arched gate to the familiar blue circular cover. Use the knob and take green crystal 1.
Turn around to door. Unlatch the door and go out to see that you are in the other building of the statue pavilion.
Back to hut cavern elevator - Turn back, across the bridge and up the ladder to the library.
Exit the library and go to the other side of the building. Climb down the bridge ladder to the tunnel.
Go left to the stand and lower the bridge ladder. Climb the ladder and enter the building.
Turn around and press the button to raise the bridge ladder.
Go to the other side and cross the bridge. Enter the door to the hut cavern and forward to the elevator.
Use the elevator to go up back to the statues pavilion. Exit the elevator. Go forward, right, forward to end and left to the other door.
Enter, forward across the bridge, climb to the library and exit to go to the other side of the building.
Climb down to the tunnel again, lower the bridge ladder and climb out of the manhole.
Enter the building, turn around and raise the ladder. Go to the other side.
Cross to go to the hut cavern door and enter.
Go forward to the elevator. Do not call the elevator that is up at the statues pavilion. Use the green button.
Enter the elevator; turn right and see-note down a clue: triangles inside yellow squares.
Go back to the cavern - Turn right, exit the hut cavern and go forward to the ravine building.
Go to the other side of the building and raise the bridge ladder.
Use the alcove ladder to go to second level. Climb the bridge ladder to third floor.
Bring the elevator bridge down to second level. Climb down to second level and go the elevator bridge.
Go right to the side hall and enter the door at the end. Go down the stairs and then the ladder.
White and black ball puzzle - Go left from the ladder and enter the hall with the white-black machines.
Look and study the words written on the wall at the end of the hallway.
See that the words can be read to something we are familiar with: GAF UPA CAL LUZ FYQ UAF APA AGY.
Remember the portraits with the hand signals and the women with the black-white earrings. These are hand signals.
Use the earring codes of the women associated with the hand signal of the men they were paired with on the wall machines. The placement on the machines is based on the order of the hand sign on the wall.
The starting machine as seen from the pipe that came through the wall is the one on the wall close to the pull ring outside at the balcony. Then the pipe goes across to the other side and ends to the one left of the back wall.
Activate the machines by pulling the pull ring on the balcony across the metal ladder.
Press the right green button for black to drop a black ball or press the left green button for white to drop a white ball.
The colors below are the reverse of what is seen on the portrait's earrings.
1. Machine at right while facing the entryway - GAF UPA (hand signal of Colonial man) - black, black, white.
2. Machine left of entryway - CAL LUZ (hand signal of Man in white flower room) - white, black, white.
3. Machine right while facing the back wall - FYQ UAF (hand signal of Monk) - black, black, black.
4. Machine left of the back wall - APA AGY (hand signal of Bald man) - black, white, white.
Turn right to the back wall and open the cabinet. Take green crystal 7.
Rail car: Go back to the rail car area now.
Go back to rail car - Climb the ladder to the ravine building. Go down the alcove ladder. Go right and lower the bridge ladder and cross the bridge.
Climb to the other side and forward to the elevator. Go down, turn, forward to ladder and climb the ladder.
Call the elevator, enter and go left. Cross the drawbridge and go forward until the lamps room door.
Enter lamps room and exit through the door on the right. Go to the hatch on the right.
Hatch clues - Do not press the orange button on the stand.
Look close at the closed hatch. Check copied book 11 that has circles with numbers.
Look for the page that shows the similar layout as that of the hatch's rivets - page 3.
Check the middle one with orange circle.
Press the rivets the same order seen on the page. Pull back and press the orange button stand.
The hatch opens with the other side closed. Look close and see-note an inverted triangle with a dot at NW.
Turn around and exit the hatch. Press the orange button stand again to open both side of the hatch.
Go through the hatch. Turn around and close the hatch using the blue button stand.
Now, look close at this side's hatch.
Check the copied book 11 and page 3 again. Check the one with blue circle.
Press the rivets the same order seen on the page. Pull back and press the blue button stand
The hatch opens with the other side closed. Look close and see-note an inverted Y with a dot at south point.
Turn around and exit the hatch.
Rail car control - Go left towards the door of the lower level of the building at right. Do not enter.
Rail car control puzzle - Look left at the bars seen on the side of the wall.
Use the clue seen when the door of the top level balcony was closed.
Press the bars and the levers following that clue.
Pull down brown lever, press yellow bar, press blue, raise brown lever, press yellow, pull down brown lever, press red, yellow, red, raise brown lever and press blue. Press green button below the bars.
See the rail car back up and leave this area.
Underground rail: Go to where the rail car was positioned before. Look down and see a hatch.
Open and climb down the ladder.
Underground rail car: Turn around from ladder and see-note down 2 black and white squares bottom left of the lamp.
Turn left, go forward and enter the rail car. Turn left and see 2 green buttons.
Press the left green button and see the puzzle above the window.
Square puzzle - See 4 squares on the left and another 4 squares on the right.
Click a square and see that it changes to black, click again and it changes to white.
Using the clue just seen on the wall under the lamp, we need to reproduce that black-white pattern on these squares.
The number of clicks to change them to the right color is important.
Check copied book 8 to find the pattern and get the number of clicks. See the pair in page 3.
Click the squares the same number as seen in the copied book.
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Check the numbers entered by pressing the middle button. Reset the left squares using the left button and reset the right squares using the right button.
Once the correct numbers are entered, press the left green button to close the puzzle. Press the green button on the right to start the rail car.
First stop-Elevator - Exit the rail car.
See a lever at bottom right of screen. Pull the lever and an elevator goes down. Pull the lever again to raise the elevator.
Go forward to the cabinet ahead. Open the cabinet and study the diagram.
The small red button affects the path of the circle at the bottom and the big red button rotates the outer wall of the top circle - the elevator.
Press the big red button so the outer ring of the elevator faces the small red button. Close cabinet.
Go back and use the lever on the floor to lower the elevator. Enter and press the button to go up.
See the small red button on the small porthole. Press the red button and hear a sound of something turning.
Look left and see a pull ring. It is not activated. The door at the back is closed.
Press the button to go down again. Exit and use the lever again to raise the elevator.
Go to the cabinet. Open and see that the bottom circle is now rotated to make a path. Press the big red button so that now the elevator faces the rotated circle at the bottom.
Bring the elevator down and go up. Turn around and see that the door is opened to the outside.
Power supply - Go forward to the outside. Go left and see a box on a stand at left. Open it and see that it needs numbers.
Check the power box on the right and note the power symbol. It has an arrow at the bottom end.
Pull ring - Go to the other side of this small area. See a box with the symbol of the pull ring.
Open the bottom box and activate the pull ring to green.
Go back to the elevator and see what happens when you use the pull ring. We turned around.
Press the red button to go down. Turn around to the cabinet.
Open the cabinet and now let's turn the outer wheel to face the other side or the small red button by pressing the big red button.
Turn around and press the red button to go up. Turn around and see a building.
Radio station: Exit and look around.
Station boxes - Find that there are 5 station boxes connected to loud speakers on top of poles close by.
The boxes have buttons on them to sound the loud speakers when activated. The meter readout shows the number of divisions from low frequency (left) to high frequency (right). Note down the number of squares on the meter.
The boxes are still not powered. 3 of the 5 boxes have a stand beside them that shows a pentagon with lines. Note down all these pentagons with lines.
Central building - Check the locked building at the center of the area. It has a box in front that shows no power (0%). See the familiar power symbol with arrow point.
Power box - Go to the end of the path form the locked building. See a locked power box on the left side of the path that needs a key. It has the familiar power symbol with arrow point.
Office - Go to the arched area at the back of the complex. Take note of the locked metal door with a star keyhole - this is the third of these mysterious keyholes. Enter the office at right.
Look around at the coffee cup, rake and saw. Press the button of the recorder on the table and hear a bird signal.
Look down to see the drawers of the table. Open the right drawers and play with the saucer and screws.
Power symbol notebook - Open the left drawer and study the notebook. It contains the power symbol on all pages; each has one line that differentiates them from others. Look for the power symbol (zigzag with arrow at end) we saw on the power boxes. See that it is equals to 72. Now, we know. |
Turn right and look at the map of the area on the wall. Study the map and note that the wiring of the 5 poles is broken off at the power box at bottom right. The pentagon of the box by the entrance is drawn.
Click the picture on the wall and take key D behind it. Exit the room.
Power the area - Go to the elevator and go down.
Open the cabinet and press the big red button to turn the elevator to face down or the small outside area.
Bring the elevator up and then use the pull ring to turn the elevator. Exit to outside.
Go left and open the box. Now that we know the number from the notebook, enter 72 which corresponds to the power symbol with an arrow at the end.
Go back to the elevator. Use the pull ring to turn the elevator. Bring the elevator down to the control panel.
Turn the outer wall to face up again using the big red button. Raise the elevator again and then exit to the radio station.
Building - Go to the locked building at the center.
Open the box at the bottom and see that now you have full power (100%). Place key D on the indent.
Meter puzzle - Face the door. Press the top button and see the panel left of the door open. It shows the meter readout of each of the five boxes. Press the black squares to select the pentagon that corresponds to the box that has this readout on the meter. Then press the bottom button right of the door and if the meter puzzle is correctly done, the door opens. |
Look around the room.
71 Cabinet - Note that a box left of the door has a power symbol that ends in a horizontal line. Check the notebook in the office and learn that this is 71.
Beside it is a bar that reads the total frequency sounded out by the loud speakers.
5 panels - Check the 5 panels around the room. Each is identified by the pentagon above the panel.
Press the button and hear the blast from one of the loud speakers associated to that pentagon.
70 Cabinet - There is another cabinet right of the door with a power symbol that has an inverted V at the end. Check the notebook in the office and see that it is 70.
Open the 71 power cabinet puzzle - The object of the puzzle is to get 71 to be read by the bar beside the box that is needed to be opened.
To do that, measure the blast made by each stand outside on low frequency and on high frequency.
Go outside and check all 5 station boxes to be sure that the knob points to the left (low frequency).
The control panels inside the building are for convenience labeled here as: A at north, B C D on left wall and E at south wall.
Go back inside the building and press each control panel button to read the measurement of the low frequency of each station boxes. Note down the readings.
Go back outside again and now click the meter to change the knob to point to the right (high frequency).
Go back inside the building and press each control panel button to read the measurement of the high frequency of each station boxes. Note down the readings.
From the read out, calculate how to get 71 and which of the station boxes should set to high or low frequency.
Station Box | Low frequency reading | High frequency reading | |
A | 9 | 5 | ||
B | 24 | 14 | ||
C | 16 | 9 | ||
D | 21 | 12 | ||
E | 25 | 15 |
Go outside and set A to high frequency 5 (right), B to high frequency 14 (right), C to low frequency 16 (left), D to low frequency 21 (left) and E to high frequency 15 (right). This adds up to 71.
Go back inside the building and press the green button on the bar to measure the total frequency.
If done correctly, the reading on the bar should be 71. Press the orange button and the 71 cabinet will open. Take the key.
Open the 70 power cabinet - This time we need to open the 70 power cabinet.
Exit the building and use the key on the power box. Press the button to move the connection to the left. As show by the map, this removes the A station (left of power box) out of the circuit.
Calculate how to get a total frequency of 70. B's low frequency of 24, C's high frequency of 9, D's high frequency of 12 and E's low frequency of 25 = 70.
Flip the 4 (B C D E) station boxes switches to the opposite of where they are set now.
Go back inside the building and press the green button of the bar again. This should then give a readout of 70.
Go to the 70 power cabinet and press the orange button. Take green crystal 10.
Exit the area and go to the elevator. Use the pull ring to turn the elevator and then go down.
Enter the rail car. Press the right button to start the rail car moving.
Second stop - Black gate: Exit the rail car and see an ornate gate.
On the left and right side are boxes.
Left box - Note the orange pipe that leads to the box. Open the box and look inside. See a circle and ring.
Use the clue seen on the orange side of the hatch leading to the rail car above ground.
Press the white area to move the circle to the NW position. Press any button to select the inverted triangle.
Right box - Note the blue pipe leading to the box. Open the box and look inside. See a circle and ring.
Use the clue seen on the blue side of the hatch in front of the rail car above ground.
Press the white area to move the circle to the south position. Press the any button to select the inverted Y.
Turn back to the rail car and see that the blue and orange pipes lead to a button on the other side of the rail car.
Press the button and if done correctly, the gate will open.
Black crystal: Turn around and see a series of gates.
On the side of each gate is a marble stand. Insert a green crystal on each of the 2 stands.
Another gate opens. Continue until the walkway to a tower.
The elevator comes down. Enter the elevator and push the button to go up.
Press the top button. Meneandas congratulates you.
Press the bottom button. Take the black crystal.
Meneandas says goodbye.
Extra puzzle part 1 (optional) - Bring the elevator back up and press the bottom button.
See a 4x4 square. Using the clue hidden around Rhem, press the squares in the order of the numbers in those clues.
Cavern |
Mandolin picture |
Entrance to Rhem monitor |
Outside Kales' elevator |
1. Press the square of the third row second column.
2. Press the square of the first row third column.
3. Press the square of the fourth row fourth column.
4. Press the square of the second row second column. Hear a ding and sliding door.
Extra puzzle part 2 - Look right and left and see that cabinets are now opened.
See red and yellow squares at left and blue and green squares at right.
Press each square and see familiar triangles. Study the clues taken around Rhem.
The object of the puzzle is to combine the clues seen around the world of Rhem and verified that you have seen the well hidden clues.
Enter the top and bottom triangles seen on the individual colored squares and use the middle triangle taken from the picture back of the lower level door of the floating bridge.
For example on the red squares panel: Press the top square to show the red squared triangle seen on the clue taken from the back of the courtyard door. Cycle the bottom square to show the bottom triangle from the same clue. Cycle the red middle triangle to show the red middle triangle taken from the back of the floating bridge. Do this to left and right panels of the elevator.
back of the lower level door of the floating bridge courtyard door statue-hut cavern elevator octagonal piece window cavern tunnel hatch If correctly done, hear a ding sound. Turn to the back and see that the covered panel above the window opened.
Press the up button. Turn around and press the top button to see Meneandas again. He congratulates you on finding all the clues in Rhem. He says there's another key.
Press the bottom button and take the vehicle key.
Turn around and press the down button. Do this again. Exit the elevator and go to the rail car.
Kales' and black crystal: Ride the rail car and climb to above ground.
Go left and enter the lower level of the building. Turn right, right to the adjacent door and go through.
Go forward until the entrance to Rhem. Turn right outside and forward until the elevator to Kale's apartment.
Ride the elevator to the top. Go forward and enter the apartment.
Scan the black crystal - Go to the bedroom and the scanner on the wall by the bed.
Press the button and Kales' explains about the yellow lamp that will light if the crystal is the real relic.
Place the black crystal on the blue square box on the right. Kales says that it is the authentic crystal. And that the back door to the elevator leads to the rail car and you can leave if you want.
Take the black crystal and see the green light.
Go back to the elevator; go down and press the right button. The right door opens to the rail car.
Ride out: Go to the rail car.
If you did the optional puzzle, turn to the back of the rail car and insert the vehicle key on the indent.
Turn around and press the button to start the rail car. Enjoy the ride.
"Knut's" office - The rail car stops before the gate. This happens only if you got and used the vehicle key and did the optional puzzles. Exit left, unlatch the door and push button to enter the compound.
Go forward and enter the office. Look around.
Examine the master plan of the world of Rhem from the genius creator.
Look left and see another door with the star keyhole. Perhaps, this is another entry to another part of Rhem.
Go to the desk and see the photo albums of Rhem 1, 2 and 3.
Check the monitor and the inactive red button.
Turn to the door and see 4 squares with glyphs.
Go back to the bulletin board and study the master plans for Rhem 3.
See and note down the glyphs seen somewhere in the plans.
Go back and enter the glyphs on the black squares.
Press the red button in front of the monitor and hear Kales say that he has found hidden passages (you did too). He would have found the key when you return and he would need your help again.
Exit and go back to the rail car. Press the button to start the rail car.
Goodbye to Rhem 3!
Until we see each other again in Rhem 4.
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Copyright © 9/2007 MaGtRo