Ring 2: Twilight of the Gods.
For his first thirty seasons, the abandoned
child did not have a name. An object among objects, an instrument among
instruments, he believed that the circle of trees around the forge of the Dwarf
Mime, his master, was the edge of his world and that sky and earth did not exist
beyond this wall of branches.
Watching warts grow on the face of the ugly gnome was his only source of
amusement and the glowing embers of the forge were the only colours that painted
his dreams...
Go to the bellows (hold shift to run, you see a icon left top in the screen when there is a action and press spacebar), use the bellows with the up/down cursors on the bellows (press enter by the bellows, hold the left mouse knob, move the mouse up/down and it stops automatic when its done).
Use a handle (left in front from the bellows, move the handle very quickly left to right) and a hammer get hit the iron in the oven.
Take water from the water tank reservoir (spacebar) in the wall; extinguish the fire on two places (you have to move a several times).
Go out the forge.
Four black, shiny and pointed wings to
hew the space between worlds... Four lidless eyes to examine the horizon of
time... Huginn and Muninn... Memory and Will: the crows of Wotan, lord of the
Ases, the Ancient Gods eaten up by doubt...
Faithful to godly orders, the birds carry the child slave in their talons and
raise him up into the sky to show him seas, mountains and plains that he had
never before seen or even been able to imagine...
Go right then north and two crows fly’s you to Chapter 3.
Chapter 3: THE GHOSTS
A fall into the branches... The large
canopy like a belly... The claws tear at the collar that Mime the gnome had
attached to the child to make him a deformed being, a cripple who would be
forever unable to fight against him...
The orphan, now free, must learn everything about the worlds that grow, breathe
and die again around him. Who better than a mother to teach such things to her
son? It is no matter that she is no more than a whispering shadow, a fragile
apparition among the leaves...
Walk to the left (you see in the screens some glitter in the grass, that are the items you have to take, when you at a item you see in the left top the name from the item, you can only take 1 item a time) and take the pliers in the grass.
Walk 2 x rights, cut the branches with the pliers to free the bull. Pick up a rose and give it to the bull. Move to another screen and back, you'll see the bull standing. Pick up the leather and place it on the bull. Pick up another rose, go back to where you 1st started off and go to the back. Place the rose on the ground. Go further back where you will see a dead body with a knife in a lot of branches. Go down, take a hook, go right, take a rope and it combine to hook with rope . Use the hook with rope on the branches with the body. Move to the bull, click on the rope over the stone and place the end of the rope to the bull, which the bull will pull the branches off. Go back to the dead body and take a dagger. Climb up where you saw someone walk up when you 1st started, where someone keep calling you to come and use the dagger to climb up.
Run and jump (ctrl) over the border.
Chapter 4:
To earn the right to live, you
must prove your valour and intuition to the Gods...
Thor: master of storms, always on the watch to defend against the assaults of
the Giants that wander through Asgard, the holy kingdom... Loki: spirit of
trickery and fire. Changing like a flame, mortal and dishonest like a humiliated
But before valour and glory, you must also learn the logic of subtle mechanisms
from the building Giants and the patience of gradual maturing from the
Walk to the spider web, to cross the web, walk slow, when you see that the web moves then stop walking and then walk further.
On the other side, there is a stone table with an engraved motive.
Walk further over a trunk, go to the back, remove your dagger (in the right top screen, to remove and take it press the “E” on your keyboard) and take the hammer “Mjolnir”. Place hammer Mojolnir in the stone table. Walk back to the trunk , along the way back some monsters spit fireballs to you, throw the Mjolnir to the monster before he spit the fireball. Walk left from the trunk in the tunnel from a cave.
Go through the tunnel and avoid the flames. Take from the statuette in the back the sulphur bowl. Place the bowl on the stone table and the two crows comes and gets you.
Chapter 5:
Watch, learn and fight: these
are the promises of the world of men for those who search for their fate. But
lies and illusion always stand in the warrior's way... This is why the last and
most precious of teachings is found far from the land of the living, by those
who lay mournfully in limbo, those who have lived without daring to bath their
soul in the filthy waves of passion and drunkenness...
Walk to de door.
Solve the puzzle left in the door. Move the arrows, so that the end of a arrow shows to the middle.
Solve the puzzle right in the door.
Place the arrows in the slot in the same place as in the left puzzle.
Take the key out the slot and place the key in the left puzzle.
In the sap of the rapids that
run deep through the earth, seconds are as powerful as years: the body of the
child without a name is stretched, his limbs lengthen, his skin tightens, his
muscles and tendons grow... The strength of adult age approaches at last...
Look at the plan in the middle. Take left a fire flower. Place the fire flower, above in front of a mechanism triangle and hourglass. Take a pumpkin, place it in the triangle at the wall and so do that with the other two pumpkins. Open the glass triangle door in the middle.
Go right in front of the entrance, on the shelf take a coal out the left statuette, place the coal in the middle triangle and close the door. Take a leaf out the other statuette on the shelf and place it in the left bottom pumpkin at the triangle. Look at the hourglass, slide the handle out. You grow to an adult, you must stop the hourglass and have a little time to do that. Slide the handle in the hourglass back. Look at the triangle on the wall, click 2 x on the left bottom marble, take the ice flower , place the ice flower in the top pumpkin at the triangle, click 2 x on the top marble, take a fire flower and combine it with the copper lid, place the fire flower with copper lid in the right bottom pumpkin, click 2x on the right bottom marble, take the golden gem that drop on the ground, open the glass door and place the golden gem on the coal inside the triangle.
Chapter 7:
Because he managed to cross the
worlds of gods, giants and men without failing, because he strode proudly
towards the final resting place of the dead, the child can now receive his name
and know of his parentage. He is Siegfried, son of Siegmund and Sieglinde, those
incestuous brother and sister who Wotan condemned but whose strength of love
encouraged Brunnhilde the Valkyrie to contravene a godly order by refusing to
have the lovers killed.
Broken in the fight between his father and the god of gods, the sword Nothung is
now his only inheritance, the last link between him and his ancestors, the
But the broken blade, now useless, was thrown into the deep woods by Mime when
he found it near to Sieglinde's body when he found the mewling child and became
his master.
Take the stones. Walk to the pit. Throw a stone in the pit. When the man, at the other side from the pit makes a fireball and starts to throw at you, you throw a stone in the pit, do this 6/7 times. When he is gone throw a stone in the pit.
Talk with the 4 heads in the trees. Cross left the bridge and avoids the legs from that monster.
Use the dagger on the sprite and dive in the water.
Push the stick under the boulder to the left and then pull the stick up.
Go down the pad, walk to the centre in the cave (a magnet at the end of the pad takes your dagger), take the amulet from the ground and move fast back to the pad. Pet the bear.
Knock 2x at the stone door, move to the bear, press spacebar and the bear open the door.
Open left a chest and inside are the dwarf. He don’t want to talk about the sword, walk to the bear (press space bar) and walk with the bear to the dwarf, after that conversation do the trick again with the bear and he will talk.
Running through woods and
clearings, uprooting turf and forest in search of Nothung, Siegfried risks his
life in the deepest part of the age-old forest... In its centre stands, dark and
threatening, the castle of the Giant Kuperan... This fortress is the home of
fast-moving monsters with an infinite appetite, and is protected by an evil
spell, but Siegfried knows that Nothung is here...
By avoiding the ogre's watchful eye and duping his mortal servants, he manages
to take the broken sword of the Walsungs and return triumphant to Mime's forge
to re-forge the blade...
Take the stick at the dead spider, use the stick on the spider to put acid pouch on a stick. Use the pouch on a stick on the left tree, push the tree and you crawl to the other side. Move to the right and when the spider comes walk fast back to the tree hole and crawl back. Again crawl to the other side, walk forwards, cross the bridge and you get tiny.
Hide behind the left pillar, let the spider pass that comes out the door and then go inside the building from the ogre.
Walk left on the small ledge, talk with the dwarf “Alberich” in the cage. Go left and jump on a big cabinet. Jump down at the left side from the cabinet, walk up left in a box with salt, sprinkle some salt over your body, walk out the box and move down. Walk to the outside door, move right, move to a cabinet with cutlery inside, climb on that cabinet (bounce to the left front leg and climb up), jump left on a statuette with a key, take the key. Jump from the statuette, move to the right and climb the cabinet with 6 drawers. Jump on the ledge, walk to the cage with the dwarf and give him the key. After the movie clip climb down, move to the trap, up near the trap take the garbage, use the garbage in front from the trap, take the spider’s leg, use the spider’s leg in the acid pouch from the spider and you have a acid pouch on spider’s leg. Walk to the cabinet with the 6 drawers, left from the cabinet are a trunk, use the acid pouch on spider’s leg in the lock from the trunk, slide the broken sword “nothung parts” out the truck.
Back in the forge move to the front of the furnace, pull the handle, place the nothung parts in the cart, pull the handle, use the bellows, pull again the handle from the cart, pull the handle at the card and take the mould. Use the mould in the water fountain from the statuette and you have made a sword “nothung”. Place the nothung on the anvil at the hammer. Pull the handle from the hammer (right from the furnace).
By reunifying the parts of the blade, Siegfried now knows that he can unleash himself on the world... And how else to announce himself to men but by winning a battle against the greatest of opponents, the Dragon Fafner, guardian of the Rhinegold, the Ring of the Nibelungs, sun on earth and absolute principle of all life that even the Gods of Asgard could not grasp?
Guided by Mime to the beast's lair, Siegfried plunges Nothung into the monster's heart, and its magic blood, which spills all over our hero's body, covers him in a shell to fend off all weapons... His flesh is now a perfect armour that has only one fault: a leaf which fell on his back while the dragon's blood was covering him has created a small hole in this magical protection.
Enter the cave, move up, walk over de tiles with an image from a snake mosaic and jump across the gap. Ad the end a spike wall comes out and walks fast the same way back to avoid the spiked wall. Walk again over the tiles to the other side, move to the left, go left at the stone with the sunbeam, take the shield on the bridge and place the shield in the rock with the sunbeam.
After the fight with the dragon, walk over the tail from the dragon to the other side.
Go left over the wooden bridge, walk over the other bridges and at the crossing go right. Take the ring of Nibelungen.
Holder of the Rhinegold, the eternal milk that the Guardians of Destiny - the Norns themselves - once drank from, Siegfried becomes the eternal prey of all those who covet it... But the Ring has given him many powers and because he now knows the Song of the World, the Walsung can refuse the poisoned chalice that Mime hands to him before killing his former master and heading for Hinderfiall, the magical mountain where Brunnhilde the Valkyrie, protector of his parents, now rests...
Go out the cave, talk with the crow sitting up on a stone. Don’t drink from the potion but use your sword (press the E) on the orge.
Chapter 11: THE VALKYRIE
Punished for having disobeyed godly orders and protected the incestuous lovers Siegmund and Sieglinde, Brunnhilde lies, unconscious and celestial, in the middle of a volcano guarded by the Thyrses, wild men and servants of Wotan...
Despite many battles and traps, Siegfried reaches the chapel where the Valkyrie lies, undoes the spells that put the virgin's soul in the limbo of eternal rest and, through her, experiences passionate love for the first time...
But after ten times one thousand dawns, ten times one thousand embraces, the soul of our hero darkens slowly... The Rhinegold, the accursed Ring that he carries on his finger looks for other horizons, other faces to contemplate, new battles where it can spread its power...
Go left and hide behind the boulder when you see a guard. Follow the pad, (pass the tree-trunks) and hide again at the end of the pad behind a bush for the guards.
When the guards have
passed you go left to the shack. Use your sword on the lock from the door, open
the door and enter it. Open a
chest. Turn the coloured squares, so that the objects are free to take.
First take a
fuse and place it at the bomb, take a bomb. Go back to the place from the
tree-trunks, place the bomb on the stone that’s holds the trees, use your sword
on the stone and when the fuse from the bomb lights walk fast away 2 screens.
Walk throws the gap in the fence. Move to the other side, avoid the moving
chest with the spinning spikes, avoid the laser beams, walk on the moving
plateau and jump to the other side. Walk in the chapel from the
Look at the symbols from the statuettes. Look at the tomb from Brünehilde in the centre, click on the bones: 08, 13, 21, 34, and 55.
And so Siegfried took Grane, he vessel that Brunnhilde had given to him... Seeing his torment, seeing his sorrow, the Valkyrie understood that she must agree to her lover's departure so she would one day know ten times one thousand new dawns, ten times one thousand new embraces...
For many years without number, at the whim of stellar tides, the Walsung travelled across all areas of Midgard, the world of men. And it was then nothing more than a succession of fights and feasting, because it seemed that nothing, ever, could satisfy his hungry soul...
And so it came that Siegfried reached the kingdom of the ancient and cruel dynasty of the Gibichungen... Gunther, angry and weak king, was under the power of his half-brother, the arch-gnome Hagen, who was deceptive and versed in the difficult art of sorcery... Gudrun, their sister of venerable beauty and insatiated melancholy, laughed in the face of men and had her lovers' bodies thrown into the milky waters of the great port at the foot of the castle after just one night together... She dreamed of a husband who would dare to dominate her and would be able to tame her...
Siegfried for Gunther: the hope of an ally, a champion to fight off barbarians and dominate rebel serfs...
Siegfried for Gudrun: a husband and a master...
Siegfried for Hagen: the Rhinegold's keeper... Fafner's victor and carrier of the eternal Ring, the Ring of Power...
Siegfried, the Walsung that has never been beaten, that no opponent has ever brought to his knees, is easily trapped in Hagen's magical nets as once the otter Otr was caught in the nets of Loki...
Under the power of the Gnome, in the caves that stretch beneath the Rhine or in the sterile spaces between worlds, the hero himself gathers the elements of a filter of forget that has his name written on it...
Speak with the two girls from Rhin standing in the water.
Back in the cave, you must capture the dwarf Alberich and bring him to the girls.
Go left at the crossing of the bridge, cross the other bridge and cut with your sword the bridge, walk over the other bridges back to the bridge you have cut.
Walk to the other side, first step and move over the longest board, then move left over the orange board, right over the blue board and then left over the blue board to the other side.
Talk with the 3 Nornes. Take sand , stand between the left and middle Norne, throw the sand to the spider that’s walks from the left to the right Norne and back (throw the sand when the spider starts to move from the one to the other Norne). Then kill the spider with your sword. Touch the spider to talk with the Norne and watch the end.
With no more memory, no more recollection, Siegfried is now nothing more than a toy in Gunther and Hagen's hands...
Wearing the king's helmet and cape, he returns on order to Hinderfial where, ignoring her cries and protests, he removes Brunnhilde whose incredible beauty he offers as a homage to his master.
Betrayed by the man whose return she had awaited like night waits for day, Brunnhilde's thoughts turn to revenge. Giving herself to Hagen, she reveals the secret that only she know: the leaf-shaped hole in Siegfried's armoured flesh from the time he defeated the Dragon Fafner...
During the hunt celebrating the marriage of Gunther and Brunnhilde and Siegfried and Gudrun, a white auroch comes up to the Walsung. Leading him near to a cairn in the forest, the animal announces the arrival of Erda, mother of the Norns, Eternity incarnate, enemy of the evil that men do...
Erda returns Siegfried's memory but she cannot prevent the coming battle. Hagen and his men have tracked down the Ring's holder...
For Siegfried and Brunnhilde, repentant and timid, drunk with the desire to destroy ancient laws, the time has now come for triumphant death...
And the bright flame of the hearth where their bodies will entwine forever, will unleash the spark that will consume forever the final cycle of the gods' reign...