By adventure soft
Walkthrough by MaGtRo
April, 2002
Game Play:
Read the manual, please do! It's funny. The game
is mouse driven. To skip cut scenes (after you've
seen it before for clues or for fun) click the
right mouse button. The game manipulation is by
clicking a combination of a verb selection and an
item in the display area. The item is identified
on the ID bar above the verb bank when the cursor
is over the item. To perform an action; first
select the verb, then the object you want to use
the verb on and then click the left mouse button.
The default verb is "Walk to" when the
cursor is over the screen and "Look at"
when the cursor is over an inventory. Double
clicking on the screen with no items identified
will return to the default verb. When talking, a
selection is given. Exhaust all possible
selection for conversation and it is best to
choose a polite conversation selection since it
will lead to a more direct response. The sound
effects and music can be toggled on and off by
pressing S and M, respectively .Using the map
will bring Simon automatically to different places and
additional locations will be added once the place
is brought up/seen during game play. Clicking on
the center of the map will exit back to the game.
Using the postcard will bring up the main menu of
save, load, quit and continue. To save, type in
the name you want to describe the saved game and
press enter. Move the cursor all over the screen
to find the active items to examine or pick up.
The inventories that can be picked up are
colored yellow in the walkthrough. I played the
game with lowered graphics and sound acceleration
to stop the lines on the screen and the
stuttering of the dialogue.
During Simon's 12th
birthday, a scruffy dog with a book in his mouth
entered his life. He named the dog, Chippy. In
the opening sequence, the dog is in the attic in
search of the book he came with. He found it in
the chest. Simon in one of his "boyish
sadism" mood decided to look for Chippy to
torture him. In the attic, he threw the book
"The Olde Spell Booke", an action that
opened a portal into another time and place.
Chippy walked through the portal and Simon
followed. Simon is now wearing a wizard robe and
has landed in the midst of goblins and trolls
invoking a magic spell for food. He dropped the
spell book. Simon became the main ingredient in
their lunch. Chippy arrives to save him and in
the next cut scene shows them entering Calypso's
cottage. Simon reads Calypso's note. So, the
adventure is to save Calypso, the grand wizard
from Sordid, the evil sorcerer. Simon can use
Calypso's spell book but before he can use it,
Simon must first become a wizard. There are
wizards in the tavern in the village of Fleur de
lis that can teach him. Thus the village appears
in the map.
In search of the Wizards
Calypso's cottage:
Open drawer on the desk and pick up the scissors.
Walk to stuck shut fridge and pick up the magnet.
Go outside and behind the cottage by clicking on
right side of the cottage and see a pile of
compost. Move to the extreme right of the screen
and find the blacksmith.

Blacksmith Shoppe:
Pick up the rope on the left side of the
building close to the barrel. Pick up the clapper
on the table. The blacksmith is too busy to talk.
Exit to the top left of the screen and see the
Drunken Druid Tavern. Open door and enter.
Drunken Druid Tavern:
Pick up the safety matches from the top of
the fruit machine on the left of the screen. Use
the scissors on sleeping dwarf and get beard.
Talk to the barman about Calypso and Sordid. He
tells you that Sordid lives at the Craggy Peaks.
Say hello twice to the Nubile Valkyrie to get
them to talk to you. Then, say that you are
taking a survey and ask about Sordid. Find out
that Sordid lives in a tower. Enter the
room on the right of the screen.
Listen to 4 wizard playing
mahjongg. They talk about the mahjongg game their
playing, getting the game from the man with
strange eyes that has a wok and talks about
"confusion". They also talk about
Calypso collecting ingredients, searching for 3
months for the staff, breaking a detecting
thingie and about Sordid, the renegade. When they
start repeating themselves, talk to the wizards.
Tell them "I want to be a wizard",
"pointer on wizard" and finally
convince them by selecting "I'll do anything
to be a wizard". You will be given the task
of finding a staff that is 6 ft tall with a
crystal sphere in one end and is star-shaped. The
wizards will invest you on the spot once the
staff is retrieved. The last person to have it is
the dead Naffin the necromancer. After
agreeing to the task, leave the room and the
Start search for the
the tavern, go to right of screen, pass the
blacksmith, to the right of the screen again,
ignoring the dodgy geezer or talk to him, go to
the left of the screen. Pick up the ladder.
Enter the Apothecary and pick up the cold
remedy that is on the table. Climb the steps
and pick up the empty specimen jar.
Exit the apothecary. Go to the right of the
screen, pass the dodgy geezer, to the right of
the screen again and then left of the screen by
the Shoppe and to the forest.
Looking around in the

the village, go right, walk to the right upper
path, then the path to the top of the screen and
forward until the owl tree.
Wise owl:
to the wise owl and pick up the feather
that dropped from him. Talk to him again to pick
up hints. You can come back to him anytime and he
will give hints to move on the game. Exit back to
the left of the screen and down to the path going
to the bottom of the screen.
a crying Barbarian with a thorn on his foot. Talk
to him and when you pull the thorn out, he will
give you a whistle, which you can use to
call him when in need.
Exit to the right of the
screen and come to an intersection. Take the path
to the upper right.
Paleontologist dig:
at sign. Talk to hole. Find out that the famous
doctor is looking for the missing link between
man and vegetable. Agree to watch out for the
fossils he is looking for - first promise to help.
Take the right path and enter the center of
the forest.
Center of the forest:
stone steps on the left of the screen bring you
to the goblin fortress. The cave at the center of
the screen is the dwarf mine. The stone steps on
the right of the screen go to the cave entrance
to the swamp and mountains and the path to the
right goes to the woodcutter.
Goblin fortress:
up the paper under a rock that is found on
the ground close to the right side of the landing
of the door. It is a shopping list addressed to
the shopkeeper in town. Use the map to go to the village. Go to the
Shoppe. Village
Shoppe: Give the
shopping list found by the goblin fortress to the
shopkeeper. Using the map, go back to the center of
the forest.
Dwarf mine:
up the rock in front of the dwarf mine
entrance. Look at it and note the writing on it -
"Beer". Exit to the right of the
to the woodcutter until he gives you the metal
detector to detect milrith, a hard substance
for his axe head - second promise to help. Go to
the right and see the waterfall.
Go back to the path that
goes back to the village. Take the lower right
path, pass a dead tree on its side, to the right
of the screen and pass the tree stump.
Tree Stump:
to the voices coming from the stump and realize
that they are woodworms. Talk to them until you
agree to get them "real quality wood"
and they decide on "mahogany" - third
promise to help.
Take the path at the bottom
of the screen, pass the wolf that came and left
and continue to the left of the screen to the witch's
Witch's place:
handle of the well and pick up bucket of water.
Open door twice and enter. You can examine things
in the house before touching the broom. Try to
pick up the broom and the witch appears. Leave
the house. Go back to the woodworm stump. Turn
right until the troll bridge.
Troll Bridge:
to the troll going on strike on his goat
employers and won't let anybody pass the bridge
until he gets satisfaction (a goat to eat). Talk
to the troll and he will notice the whistle you
got from the barbarian around your neck. Tell him
"to have a go and find out". Your
friend the barbarian arrives and takes care of
the troll for you. Pick up the placard (did
not find any use for this in the game) and cross
the bridge. Walk to the upper fork of the path.
to the oaf and counsel him to water the beans (that
is why he is called oaf). Automatically water the
beans and also automatically leave that scene and
be at the crossroad. Go back
and pick up beans from the puddle. Use map
to go to village. Go to
Calypso's cottage. Go behind cottage and use
beans in compost to get watermelon. Use
map to go to owl tree. Walk to
the right of screen, to the intersection and take
the right path.
to the musician. Automatically leave because the
noise is intolerable. Go back and immediately use
the watermelon on sousaphone. He will give you
the sousaphone after convincing him that
you can repair it.
Looking around the swamp
and mountains

Use map to go to center of
forest and up the
stone steps to the cave entrance. Enter the cave
and walk the cave pass to the swamp. Go up to the
swampling house on the top of screen and open
to the swampling and find out it is his birthday
and no one came to his party. Eat the stew (secret
ingredient - swamp mud), use specimen jar
on stew. You can either sneak out the door while
his back is turned or eat as much stew as you can
(Yuck!) and wait for him to leave to get more mud
to fix more stew (since you ate it all). Once
outside, go to the right of screen.
Mountains: Move
forward until a small statue of a wizard is seen.
Use the metal detector. You got lucky and leave
the detector to mark the spot of the milrith.
Exit right to the sleeping giant.
cannot go forward any further but maybe that tree
can make a walkway. Use sousaphone to try to wake
the giant. He moves his arm and breaks the tree.
Cross the tree. Move forward until the dragon's
cave. Note the boulder on top of the cave.
Dragon's cave:
at sign. Enter the cave. The dragon has a bad
cold and warns you about his lack of control on
his breathing. Simon gets toasted. Click on him
and go back in the cave. Give the cold remedy to
the dragon. In the cut scene, Simon will walk out
and throw cold remedy in the cave. Enter and pick
up the fire extinguisher. Exit the cave.
Go up the path behind the
dragon's cave. Pick up the rock with
fossil from the snow. Go right of screen and see
climbing pins on the side of the mountain but one
is missing. Click on right of screen to cross the
chasm to the other side. Go forward until the
the pink splodge. Look at and talk to tree. To
get the magic words he knows, you promise (another
one) to get white spirit from the village Shoppe
to remove the pink splodge. The pink paint is the
mark that tells the woodcutter that the tree is
to be cut down.
Fulfill some promises
Use map to go to the village. Go to the
blacksmith. Give rock with fossil to blacksmith.
He breaks it and you pickup the fossil.
Use map to go to the centre of
forest. Go left to the
paleontologist dig/hole.
fossil to hole. The famous paleontologist asks
where you found the fossil. Tell him that it is
in Craggy Peaks marked by the metal detector.
Free labor! Use map to sleeping
giant and go left.
Look at and then pick up the milrith ore found on the
middle pile of dirt in the foreground of the hole
dug by the paleontologists.
Use map back to the village. Go to the
blacksmith again. Give him the milrith ore and he
will make an axe head.
to the woodcutter via the map to center of
the forest. Go to right of screen and
forward to the wood cutter. Give the axe head to
the woodcutter. Another promise fulfilled. He
leaves. Enter the woodcutter's home. Pick up the climbing
pin on the table by the window. Hmm,
woodcutter must have some interesting wood. Let
us look! Use fire extinguisher on fireplace. Move
the hook of the fireplace stand and find yourself
down the hidden cache of the woodcutter. Pick up
the mahogany from the left side, second
from the bottom shelf. Now, go to woodworm at the
stump via the map to the witch's
house and then take the path to
the stump.
Woodworms at the tree stump:
to the tree stump and automatically the woodworm
will have a mahogany feast. The woodworms
jump into the mahogany in the inventory. Use the
map and go to the crossroad. Take the
path to the bottom right.
More walkabout
Use clapper on silent bell. Move bell and
Rapunzel drops her hair. Pick up hair to climb up.
"Piglet"???? After the kiss, Rapunzel,
I mean Repulser is now in inventory. Use
the woodworm on the floorboard. After dropping
down to the first floor, use ladder on hole. Use
ladder to climb down. Open the tomb and find a
mummy. Scared, you run out of the tower, opening
the stuck shut door. Go back in, down the ladder
and open the tomb again. Pick up the loose
bandage hanging at the back of the mummy and he
will unravel and turn to dust. Pick up the staff.
Go back to the crossroad and take
the path at the top of the screen.
at gorge and see someone fishing. Click on the
vines found at the bottom left of the screen to
go down the gorge. Talk to the fishing Golum. Ask
about the fishing rod. Give the swamp stew to the
Golum for the other members of the Tolkienish
society (since he did not have any nibble while
fishing and have nothing to feed them).
Automatically fish and find the invisibility ring.
Use the map to go to village. Ignore the
box of grocery outside the Shoppe for now. Go to
arched path to the north, pass the dodgy geezer
and exit left of screen. Again, exit to the left
of the screen of the Apothecary to the house with
the beehive.
House with beehive: Use
Repulser, the pig on the locked chocolate truffle
door. Enter the house and look around. Pick up smoke
box off the hutch on the right. Pick up the
netted hat leaning by the hutch. Exit the
house. Use the smoke box on beehive and
automatically use the hat. Pick up the wax from
the upper part of the beehive. Go to the Drunken
Druid Tavern.
Drunken Druid Tavern:
to the barman and ask for a drink. Immediately,
use the wax on the beer barrel while the barman
is looking for ingredients for the cocktail. If
late, just order another drink. Simon plugs the
nozzle of the beer barrel with wax. The barman
thinks the barrel is empty and took the barrel
outside. He gives you a Happy Hour leaflet and a beer
voucher. Go outside and pick up the beer
barrel. Use map to go to the center of
the forest.
Dwarf mine:
beard taken from drunken dwarf in the tavern.
Enter the mine. The password is "Beer"
- the word on the rock. Try to go down the left
stairs and the assayer will wake the sleeping
guard up. Talk to the guard about "bribes".
Give the guard the beer barrel. You will
automatically take it down to the beer barrel
room. Find a drunken dwarf and snoring dwarf
lying on the ground in the beer barrel room. Use
feather on snoring dwarf. Pick up key.
Go back up and then go down
the left stairs now that the guard is having a
drinking contest in the beer barrel room. Talk to
the sitting dwarf supervisor and he can tell you
that about the door to the treasury and that the
key is held by the dwarf that is in the beer
barrel room (you already have it, anyway). Pick
up hook hanging in front of the treasury
door. Open the door to the treasury on the left
of the walkway and automatically use the key.
Enter and meet the dwarf inside. Talk to him
about "an offer" and "something in
the inventory". Give him the beer voucher
from the Drunken Druid tavern. He gives you a gem.
Leave the dwarf cave. Use the map to go to the village. Go to the
dodgy geezer.
Dodgy Geezer:
the gem to the dodgy geezer. The bargaining will
start and keep on until you get 20 gold coins
for the gem. Go to the village Shoppe.
and buy/pick up white spirit (on the shelf
behind the left head). Buy/pick up the hammer
(below the white spirit) and it comes with a free
nail. Go outside and use box of grocery
for the goblins that is outside the Shoppe.
Goblin fortress:
box is now in the storage room of the fortress.
Simon wears the invisibility ring automatically.
Move/open the box to show invisible Simon. Look
at the empty boxes and get the spell book
that Simon dropped when he first came to this
time/place. Look at spell book in inventory and
get a loose paper in it. Pick up the rat bone
on the ground. Look at door and note that the key
is left in the lock. Use paper on door and Simon
will slip the paper under the door. Use rat bone
on lock. Pick up paper from under the door
and the small key that dropped on it. Use small
key on lock and open door. Pick up the metal
bucket with a hole at the side of it found in
front of the cage.
Since the other path is
blocked by the guard, go down the steps and look
for another way out. Find a druid manacled on the
rack. Open the iron maiden. Pick up the flaming
brand at the center of the room. Pick up the mints
by the door. Talk to the druid and then remove
the ring. Try to convince the druid that you are
not evil. Ask him about ideas for escape and
eventually, he will say that he can change to a
frog when he sees a full moon. Use metal bucket
on druid. Use flaming brand on druid. The druid
changes to a frog. The frog hops to freedom
between the bars. Sounds from the guard room are
heard. Go inside the open iron maiden. After
several days, the frog/druid returns. Open the
iron maiden and pick up the hacksaw from
the frog's mouth. Use hacksaw on bars. Go outside.
Use map and go to the dragon's
Dragon's cave:
hook on boulder on top of the cave. Walk to
boulder (climb) and find yourself on top of the
cave. Look in hole to see the dragon's treasures.
Combine rope and magnet to get rope and magnet.
Use rope and magnet on hole until it comes up
empty of gold coins. Go down. Walk up the
mountain to the tree.
white spirit on pink splodge - last promise done.
Talk to tree. He says that the magic words are
alakazam, hocus focus, abracadabra and sausages.
Go to the village via the map
and then walk to the tavern.
Drunken Druid Tavern:
to the wizards and give them the staff. Answer
the question and pay the subscription fee of 30
gold pieces. Simon is invested as wizard and get
a young wizard starter pack kept in the Wiz
Kid wallet. Ask about Sordid and leave
the tavern. Go to the Apothecary at the left of
the dodgy geezer's place.
In search of Calypso and
to the druid. He will give you a special potion
that he got from a friend from another dimension.
His retired friend talks about rabbits and tea
parties. He needs an herb to control his frog
change. It is frogs bane found only in Skull
Island. Now, where will we find that herb? Let us
Witch's cottage:
witch will challenge you to a duel. Accept. The
rules say to change to another animal (no fruit,
vegetable or dragon). The stronger one wins.
Using the magic words given by the tree, you can
change to different animals. If you lose, just
keep on coming back until you win. Select "sausages"
frequently until you win. You pick up the broom
but the witch will not let you leave. She changes
into a dragon (foul!) and blocks the door. Select
"abracadabra" to change to a mouse and
then click on the mouse hole close to the cat and
rocking chair. The mouse/Simon zooms out of the
house. I guess the frog's bane is not there. One
other place to check, go to the swampling house
via the map to the center of
the forest.
Swampling/Skull Island:
the door and enter. If the swampling is still
there, consume more stew until it runs out and
the swampling leaves to get more mud. Once he's
gone, move the chest, open the trap door and
climb down. Walk the pier and find out that a
plank is loose. Use hammer on plank. Walk to the
end and see a giant skull with frogs bane on top.
Pick up the frogs bane. Use map to go back to the village and the
druid at the apothecary.
give the frogs bane to the druid and get the
potion. Look close on potion and find out that it
has the words "drink me" on the bottle
(Alice in Wonderland?). Let's go back to the
mountain and search for Sordid's tower at Craggy
Peak. Use map to go to dragon's
from dragon's cave to the climbing pins on the
side of the mountain. Use climbing pin on the
hole on the side of the mountain missing a pin.
a nasty snowman, who will not let you pass.
Consume some mints. That stuff is hot and fire
comes out your mouth to melt the snowman. Climb
the path.
Tower of Doom
Sordid's Tower gate:
towards the gate of the tower. The stone walkway
fell to the fiery pool! Look at door and see a
small crack at bottom left panel of the door. Use
the witch's broom to fly across the chasm.
Consume the potion and becomes small. The entire
inventory gets discarded by the door except for
the postcard. Enter the crack and see Chippy,
your dog waiting for you inside. He picks you up
and takes you to the next room. You automatically
pick a hair off Chippy while he is
carrying you.
up the leaf by the entrance. Look in
bucket and automatically pick up a match stick.
Pick up the stone on the path. Exit left.
up the lily leaf and fall in the water in
the process. Use hair on tap and find out that
the tap is rusted when you try to pick up hair.
Use matchstick on lily leaf. Use leaf on
matchstick stuck on the lily leaf - Voila!! A
sailing boat! Sail to the seeds hanging at upper
left of screen by clicking on the seeds while on
the boat. Pick up seeds. Use stone on seed to get
oil. Use oil on tap. Got a dunking! Pick up hair
attached to tap and water is added to puddle. Get
on boat and sail to the left (puddle center) by
clicking on left screen. If you did not add
water, you will run aground here.
to the frog and dwarf statuary. If you get close
to the frog, the frog will catch you but will
spit you out naked! Look in water and see a
tadpole. Pick up tadpole. Talk to the frog
and tell him to "let you pass or the tadpole
gets it". Simon returns the tadpole in the
water after the frog hops away. Look at and pick
up the golden mushroom and find out it is
a magical mushroom with "eat me"
written on it. Eat the mushroom then. Now, you
are back to normal size.
Tower first floor:
door and enter. A box with limbs stops you and
you run back out. Pick up the branch hanging on
the dead tree. Go back in and use branch on chest.
Pick up shield and spear. Climb
down the steps.
Torture chamber:
across the chasm and pick up the chest. Go
back to the other side. Move lever. Use chest on
block and then move lever twice more. Pick up candles.
Use spear on skull hanging on the ceiling at the
left side. Pick up skull. Climb up to 2
floors above.
up the magic wand off the dresser. Look
and talk to the mirror.He brags that he can spy
on anybody via any polished surface. Pick up book
about wands from the pink cushion. The books said
that the only way to destroy a magic wand is to
throw it to the fiery pits of Rondor. Pick up
green sock off the floor. Pick up the
smelly pouch from the bed. See a mouse
hole at the base of the stairs. Use sock on pouch.
Use pouch on hole and catch a mouse. Climb
up to the next level.
to the demons twice about being dissatisfied,
sordid turning people to stone and teleporter.
They need a wizard to send them back to the pit
and in return they will tell you how to use the
teleporter. Pick up Sordid's red spell book
from the bookcase. Open the red spell book and
find a spell to send demons to Hell. The spell
needs a double square with 8 candles, mouse,
human skull and the demons true names.
Talk to the demons again and
they will not tell you their true name. They will
lend you their chalk when you say you need to
draw squares on the floor. You will automatically
draw the squares, place the candles on its points
and place the mouse and skull on it. At center
table; note hook and pick up the chemical,
a magic metal polish. Use chemical on shield. Use
polished shield on hook at center table. Go back
down and talk to the mirror. Spy on the 2 demons
and find out their true names - Belchgrabber and
Snaffbundigle, I think. Go back up to the demons
and talk to them - we're ready - Let's ROCK! They
tell you how to use the teleporter but do not
know the password to bring you back.
Go to the teleporter and
automatically press the red button marked self
destruct. Your destination is the Fiery pits of
Fiery Pits of Rondor
Outside the pits:
soon as you arrive, pick up the pebble on
your left and the sapling on your right.
Talk to the attendant and he will give you a brochure.
There were only 2 visitors in the past years,
Sordid and a little green fellow. Look at
brochure in inventory and get an elastic band.
The attendant would not let you in until you pay
but you do not have any money. Use sapling with
elastic band to get a slingshot/catapult.
Use slingshot/catapult on bell. The attendant
runs and hides. Pick up souvenir matches
from the right side of the desk. Enter the pit.
Pick up floor wax in front of the right
Fiery pit:
the fiery pit and see Sordid. The sprinkler
doused the fiery pit when the fire alarm bell
sounded and Sordid is mad about it. Use the
Sordid's magic wand on Sordid. Sordid turns into
stone. Use souvenir matches on doused fiery pit.
The pit turns back into lava. Use magic wand on
lava to return all the stone people back to human
form. Wait! Uh Oh! Sordid turns back also. Now,
he is really mad!! While Sordid is about to
pounce on you the phone rings. It is for you.
Calypso wants you to delay Sordid so that he can
come to the rescue. You run out but the bridge is
gone. Guess we have to go back in and face Sordid.
Use the floor wax on Sordid. He slips on the wax
on the ground and while down; Simon gives him a
nudge and falls into the lava. Sordid explodes.
Watch the ending sequence
with the music on!
The End for Simon the
Sorcerer 1 - wait for the sequel!
PS: I did not find any use
for the wedge in the game nor know where it came
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For Questions or Comments
on this Walkthrough,
Please write to: MaGtRo
Copyright © 4/2002