Vladanna gives you a sketch of the killer and tells you she was at Mark's studio on the night of her attack.
Talk to Roman (outside the tramway) and Peter (at the entrance) before going to Mark's Place.


Mark Ackerman, a local artist, tells you that Inspector Skalnic accused him of being the killer. He also tells you that his father is an ambassador. Does his name sound familiar? Where else have you heard it mentioned?


Talk to Officer Stasek and he lets you in to see Inspector Skalnic.
The Inspector is not very obliging and won't allow you to look at the files on the previous murders. After chasing you out his office there's a cut scene of him driving off in his car.
Ask Stasek to let you into the Inspector's office. He won't be prepared to do it, but tells you that the workers on the side of the building may be able to help.
The scaffolding around the side of the building (where Skalnic's car was) is conveniently placed under Skalnic's window. Unfortunately the rope on the scaffolding is not securely tied and comes loose when you try climb up. Examine the ground near the fence to find a piece of wood. Tie the rope to the piece of wood (combine them in your inventory) and then use the grappling hook to climb up the scaffolding and enter Skalnic's office.
Take Skalnic's keys that he left on his desk and open the metal filing cabinet. Remove the two photographs of the crime scenes at the bridge and burned neighbourhood, as well as another metal ring with spikes. Note that there's a 'bug' in the game in that if you examine the metal ring in your inventory it's described as the ring found in the sewers - which you don't have and only get later in the game.


Turn right when you enter the neighbourhood to get to the area with the water trough, i.e. the area shown in the photograph. Again, as you did in the park, open your inventory and 'use' the photograph. Click the icons at the bottom right to toggle between the photograph and the actual view.

Although not easy to see, the trough in the photograph is empty but in the actual view it's full of water. Click on the trough (while viewing the photograph) to switch to a close up view of it. You drain the water out and find the message left by the killer. Also note that Melina is in the photograph - talking to Inspector Skalnic.


Go to the park and ask Melina if she remembers anything unusual that happened at the crime scene. She tells you that she saw Inspector Skalnic drop something shiny into the sewers.


After Melina has told you about Skalnic dropping something shiny into the sewers you can enter the sewers via the cover in the road. You find another metal ring on the ground (the error in your inventory will now be rectified) and also note that the lock on the gate is brand new.


Go down the stairs to the area below the bridge. Ida arrives to tell you she's pregnant. While talking to her take note of the bench she's sitting on.
As with the other photos, open your inventory and 'use' the photograph taken near the bridge. Click the icons at the bottom right to toggle between the photograph and the actual view. Can you spot what's different? The three benches in the photograph are different to the ones there now. Click any one of the benches (while viewing the photograph) and Gus will notice that the benches have been changed. Where do you suppose the old benches have been taken?


Ask Peter whether any benches have recently been dumped in the junkyard. Examine the benches after Peter shows them to you to find another metal ring. You should now have four metal rings.
When you leave the junkyard, Melina approaches and expresses concern about Apolina. You volunteer to go to Mark's Place and check if she's still there.


There's no answer when you knock on Mark's door, so you decide to let yourself in. The lock picking kit Kubina gave you will now come in handy.
Picking the lock is arguably the most difficult puzzle in the game. Firstly, it's essential to fully understand how the lock works and how the various tumblers react when picked. The instructions that are displayed the first time you use the lock picking kit are also included in the documents section of your inventory.


Have a look at Mark's paintings on the wall and also note the recent bloodstain on the couch. Take the book on occultism from the table (you can read it in your inventory) and the telegram on the small ladder.
From the telegram (sent by somebody named Bell at the U.S. Embassy) you learn the killer's identity and that someone is being bribed ('your indiscretions are becoming too expensive') to keep it quiet.
It's time to take this information to Inspector Skalnic.


Outside Inspector Skalnic's office you eavesdrop on a rather disturbing conversation...

At this point the game switches back to Victoria - Chapter 5