Still Life 2
1.02 (May 2009)
A Walkthrough by Crash
Prologue - Los Angeles (2005)
Play as Victoria Mc Pherson
Victoria Mc Pherson got a call from Claire, the coroner, about the East Coast Serial Killer case. The latest victim, Mia, has survived. This is a copycat murder from the one on 1956 by Mark Ackerman. Claire promise to text the FBI database password.
What can Victoria do to mark the Mask Killer Identity?
· Browse through all records on the bed (there are 4 of them) by using your smart phone
o Newspaper Article dated March 19, 1956 about the arrest of Harold Perrin
o Press clipping dated March 22, 1956 about the fire at the asylum that killed Mark Ackerman. There is a note of a strange nurse that survived
o Brochure on Ackerman Exhibit that shows a picture of a nurse called Beatrice
o L.A. murder file on the 1956 murder that stated Harold Perrin was influenced by the eccentric painter called Mark Ackerman who died in a fire 3 days later. It mentions about the confession by Herbert Ackerman that was given to a journalist called Emile Zarkovic in 2003
How can Victoria connect to the FBI database?
· Claire will text you the password as soon as Vic has browsed through all 4 files on the bed
· Get the transformer with cord on the desk to the left of the bed
· Plug it in the wall outlet next to the desk where the laptop is
· Use the laptop and enter the password if you want to use the database
How to find out the details about the strange nurse?
· Do internet search on
o Labyrinth Foundation: Find out that Beatrice Allen, a nurse, found it. She got donation from Herbert Ackerman who is the father of Mark Ackerman
o Herbert Ackerman: The father of Mark Ackerman. Very influential person on the era
o Emile Zarkovic: Dead already. So there is no possible way that the journalist with that name still alive on 2003
o Mark Ackerman
o Beatrice Allen: Learn about her son
· Do FBI database search on
o Enter the password that Claire gave you. It is 96Ha)7Mn
o Beatrice Allen (No Record)
o Harold Perrin
o Mark Ackerman (Deleted – strange..)
o Henry Allen: Son of Beatrice Allen. Got married to Maria Valdez has a son called Richard (Vic’s Boyfriend)
In the Killer’s Den
Play as Paloma Hernandez
Jackman (Maine)
Ellen Dunnigan’s autopsy marks the same signature of the East Coast Masked Serial Killer. Paloma Hernandez, the reporter, asks Victoria for a meeting in Bishop Motel. She knows about the identity of the serial killer. But unfortunately she got trapped by the killer.
How to disable the electronic collar so I can reach the exit door without getting fried?
· You need to fry that censor pole
· Get the rusty antenna on tv
· Use the tv antenna to switch on the power by clicking the wall switch to the left of the door
· Get the nail file from the drawer on the right side of the bed
· Look at the bottom panel on the pole at the corner and analyze the screws (4 of them)
· Use the nail file to unscrew the 4 screws to open the panel
· Unplug the TV cable
· Hook up the cable on the opened panel to fry the censor
How can I get out from the room? The door is locked.
· Through the window
· Get the poker from the side of the stove
· Use it to pry open the bar
The window is too high. How can I jump down?
· Pick up the mattress. If your inventory is full, store some items in the wardrobe
· Throw out the mattress from the bed through the window
· Jump to the mattress through the window
How can I get out from the compound? All exits are wired by electric currents
· Get your cell phone from inside the truck
· Use it to call for help
How can I get the cell phone?
· Try to open car door. It is locked
· Break the front window of the car using the poker
How can I get back to the room above again to get the poker? It is too high
· Get the folding ladder from the side of the house
· Use it to reach the top window
Paloma’s cell phone is dead. How can I charge it?
· Pick up the Dictaphone with charger inside the box at the back of the truck
· Separate the Dictaphone from the charger
· Combine the charger with the cell phone
· Go back to the room above the house through the folding ladder
· Use the charger on the outlet near the door to charge Paloma’s cell phone
How can I unlock the box at the back of the truck?
· Get the key from under the front seat of the truck
· Use it to unlock the box
How can I tell the detail location of the area to Victoria Mc Pherson?
· You have 4 options but these are the 3 correct ones:
o Look at the Saint Georges, Quebec, gas station receipt inside the box at the back of the truck
o Look at the Houlton Hardware Store flyer inside the stove
o Read the word B.A.R from the railroad tie on the ground where you find the ladder
· The options are: gas station receipt, hardware store and railroad tie B.A.R
Investigation at the Motel
Play as Victoria Mc Pherson
Victoria Mc Pherson came too late. Paloma Hernandez has been captured by the killer. Now she needs to act quickly to gather all possible clues to lead to the killer’s den.
How can I gather clues?
· First thing first. You need to get the tools to do it
· Ask special agent Garris for the CSIA kit
What are the clues to Hernandez’s where about?
· The camcorder beside the TV. Use the DVD from the locked suitcase on it. It reveals the interview of James Hawker
· Shoe print on the floor at the right side of the bed. Use 3D scanner to get it
· Finger print on the tv remote on the floor to the left side of the bed. Use fingerprint powder to reveal the fingerprints. Use 3D scanner to get it
· Answering machine. Use the Dictaphone to record the voice
· The locked suitcase inside the closet. Ask agent Garris for a lock pick. He will give you a nice pick gun with tension wrench. Use it to unlock the suitcase. Get the dvd inside it
· Stain in the shower. Use revealer spray to reveal the blood stain. Use swab to get it
· Strange smell on the ventilation system in the bathroom. Use electronic nose to get the smell
· Look at the bullet holes on the door and on the back wall of the bathroom
· The clothing fiber at the closet door. Use tweezer to get it
· Ask about James Hawker to agent Garris
· The broken laptop on the floor in front of TV. Use computer key to retrieve data from it
How can I analyze all the clues?
· Open the CSIA kit
· Shoe print: Click on database analysis. Size 10 – The Killer’s
· Fingerprint: Database analysis. Paloma’s
· Recorded voice: Computer analysis. Altered male voice – The Killer’s
· Blood traces: Chemical analysis. Type O. Database analysis. Paloma’s
· Substance trace: Chemical analysis. Narcotic gas. That’s how the killer captured Paloma
· Black fiber: Chemical analysis. Chlorine
· Computer file: Computer analysis. Paloma’s data. Read it
Deadly Test
Play as Paloma Hernandez
Paloma wakes up in a strange cell with collar on her neck. She needs to find a way out soon or she will be history.
What should I do first?
· Her cell phone rings
· Go near the shard on the floor. Bend down and pick up the cell phone
· The killer calls Paloma and tells her that she was injected with poison already
Where is the antidote?
· Inside the medicine box on the wall
· Push the bed until it is underneath the box. Climb the bed. Open the medicine box
· Get the green bottle and the test tubes
· Separate the test tubes
· Mix the green bottle with the yellow marked tube to get black solution
· Drink it by placing the tube to Paloma’s ID card
How can I escape the room? The glass shards prevent me from reaching the door
· Place your items inside the small cabinet on the wall if you need more rooms
· Pick up the mattress
· Use it on the top of the glass shards near the door
· Climb on it to reach the door
· Darn the door is locked
How can I unlock the door?
· Get the hexagonal key inside the box on the shelf beside the door
· There are 2 ways to unlock the door:
Use the dry fire extinguisher to break the door and enter the
torture chamber
Using the hidden key (Thanks Marita!). Pull back the bed. Get the
metallic tube. Push back the bed toward the medicine cabinet. Use the tub to
pry open the grate. There is a severed hand holding a key. Use the extinguisher
to get rid of the rats. Get the key and use it to unlock the door
How can I remove the collar?
· Read the clue on the panel near the bed. It read 2324. That’s the number to unlock the collar
· Get the iron thread inside the wall panel in the torture chamber
· Look at the mirror above the sink in the cell
· Use the iron thread at the buttons bellow the digits on the collar to lit 2324
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How can I open the wall panel beside the door? It has electric protection
· Go back to the cell
· Look at the circuit panel on the wall above the glass shard floor
· Use the dry fire extinguisher to short circuit it
· Go back to the torture chamber and open the wall panel safely
I can’t see anything inside the wall panel. It’s too dark
· Close the door of the torture chamber
· Push the green button on the wall
· This will light up the wall panel
How can I escape the torture chamber?
· You need to use the electric chair
· Turn it on using the lever inside the wall panel
· Sit on the chair and pull the lever until you face the door that say Paloma 129
· Open the arm panel
· Use this picture below to guide you entering the number 129. Basically (from bottom to top right to left): 20 (turn right once), 50+50 (turn right twice), 5+5 (turn right twice) and then -1 (move up once). The total is 20+50+50+5+5-1 = 129
· Enter the open door
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How can I unlock the door at the back wall of the morgue?
· The clue is on the left wall. You need to solve the word puzzle to unlock the door
· There are 2 letters on the wall: P and E. That is the main clue, but you need to reveal the other hidden words as well to solve this riddle
· Get the revealer powder and scalpel (surgical instrument) on the operation table
· Get out the room
· Open the small cabinet at the intersection of the staircase
· Get the empty sprayer
· Fill it up with water at the sink inside your cell
· Mix the powder inside it
· Pick up the memory card inside the box beside the door. You should be able to listen to the recorded message in your voice recorder by clicking the document button (in the German version there is a bug that prevent you to read the document in your voice recorder)
· Use the sprayer to spray the wall that has P and E word. It will show the other letters that form the enigma word that said ‘PRESS HERE’
· Go to the number key pad near the door close to the body tray cabinet
· Pay attention of the date of the recorded message or interview
o Interview 01/13 : The discovery of a new victim
o Interview 02/29 : The interview with James Hawker
o Interview 12/22 : The interview with Victoria McPherson
· Use the dates on the number key pad. This will open the body tray. Each tray will mention a specific letter:
o P (McPherson name is written on the name tag with letter ‘P’ is being underlined)
o E (Hernandez name is written on the name tag with the first letter ‘E’ is being underlined)
o H (Hawker name is written on the name tag with letter ‘H’ is being underlined)
· Push this letter (P, E and H in any order) on the wall. That action will unlock the door at the back wall
· Darn there is a brick wall behind the door. Paloma is trapped in this cursed morgue
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How can I find the exit? There is a brick wall blocking the only way out of this morgue
· Look the pig picture
· Use the dry fire extinguisher to open it. Step inside. It is too dark
· Get the small bulb from the wall panel in the torture chamber room
· Use the bulb on the empty socket inside the food elevator
· Use the scalpel (surgical instrument) to open the panel
· Use the iron thread on the bottom fuse then use the scalpel (surgical instrument) to short circuit it
· Paloma will appear in the food elevator near the kitchen
· Step outside through the back door. That is the only way out from this house
Kabooooom. Paloma steps over a stun grenade wired device
An Empty House
Play as Victoria Mc Pherson
Victoria Mc Pherson arrives with Sherriff Halloway and Special Agent Garris at the killer’s house based on the clues from Paloma’s call. Too bad the house is empty or at least appeared to be empty. Where are Paloma and the killer?
Where can we start the investigations?
· There are 2 sections that you can access at this time:
o Yards: front and back
o The house: cellar, first floor, second floor and roof
· The bolted door on the second floor leads to the roof
· The room with a broken key panel beside its door leads to a burnt room
· The dark passage behind the door under the stair leads to the cellar and hidden basement
How can I unlock the bolted door to the roof on the second floor of the house?
· Go through the door under the staircase. Turn left to the cellar
· Get the demolition mass (mallet) at the working bench
· Use it to crush the bolt
· Enter the roof
What are the clues for Paloma’s where about?
· Yard: The B.A.R railroad tie that Paloma has mentioned on the side of the house
· Backyard: There is blood stain on a rubber on the ground near the back stair case. Use the swab to collect it. Analyze it in the CSIA kit. Use chemical and database analysis. It’s Paloma’s
· There is a burnt mark on the ground next to the blood stain. It’s from stunned grenade explosion. What happened to Paloma? Is she dead?
· Front yard: there are glass shards near the front gate
· Front yard: There is a bare foot print near the shards. Use 3D scanner to collect it. Use database analysis to it. It’s Paloma’s
· Living room first floor: Look closely at the book on the table. There is a patch of hairs in the middle of the book. Use tweezer to collect it. Open CSIA kit. Use chemical and database analysis. It’s Paloma’s
· Living room first floor: Look closely at the small nook at the right side of the living room. Use revealer spray on the wooden hook to reveal a fingerprint. Use 3D scanner to collect it. Use database. It’s Halloway. She has moved something from it
· Kitchen first floor: Use fingerprint powder on the pan in the sink. Use 3D scanner to collect the fingerprint. It’s Paloma’s
· Kitchen first floor: Pay attention to the newspaper on the table. It has a word: ‘Who’s Next’ written on it
· Bedroom second floor: Use swab on the blood stain on the bandage on the floor near the bed. Open CSIA kit. Do chemical and database analysis to it. It’s Paloma’s
· Bedroom second floor: Search the desk. Use revealer spray on the broken glass on the table. There is a word hidden on it: ‘Held Underground’ and a fingerprint. Use 3D scanner to collect it. Do database analysis to it. It’s Paloma’s. Message from Paloma?
· Bedroom second floor: Look closely at the bed. Use digital microscope on it. Use the tweezer to collect the hair. Perform chemical and database analysis. It’s Paloma’s
· Bathroom second floor: Use swab on the blood stain on the floor near the bathtub. Analyze it in the CSIA kit. Do chemical and database analysis to it. It’s Paloma’s
· Bathroom second floor: Use tweezer on the stain on the bathtub. Analyze it in the CSIA kit. Do a chemical analysis. It’s from the police kit. Someone already swipe the evidence. Maybe the police woman, Halloway?
· The roof: Look closely at the device on the railing. Use the computer key on the software box. Perform a computer analysis on it. It’s a jamming device. No wonder that Paloma couldn’t call you. Ask Agent Garris about it
· The Secret Control Room in the basement: Look closely at the table with speakers on it. Examine the Paloma’s lipstick and the purse. The lipstick has been used to write something. Look at the paper about the victims of the East Coast Killer inside a folder on the table. The Killers has taken this paper from the motel where Paloma’s being kidnapped.
· The Secret Control Room in the basement: Look at the autopsy table. Collect the blood sample with the swab. Do chemical and database analysis to it. It’s Paloma’s. That is not a good sign
· So Paloma’s blood everywhere and there is a hidden word in the bedroom that said ‘Held Underground’. Paloma should be somewhere underground
Sherriff Halloway acts very suspiciously. How can I find out what she has learned?
· We should check inside the house
· Go to the living room
· Look closely at the small nook at the right side of the living room. Use revealer spray on the wooden hook to reveal a fingerprint. Use 3D scanner to collect it. Use database. It’s Halloway. She has moved something from it
· Go to the second floor
· Talk to Halloway. She mentions about a local hunter case gone missing (Anderson). Maybe some connection?
· Enter the bathroom
· Use tweezer on the stain on the bathtub. Analyze it in the CSIA kit. Use chemical. It’s from the police kit. Someone already swipe the evidence. Maybe Sherriff Halloway?
· Call Claire and ask about Sherriff Halloway. Learn that Halloway has requested a special lab analysis on a very important evidenced related to the East Coast Killer
· Ask Garris about Halloway. Learn that Halloway is preparing for a promotion.
· It is time to confront Halloway
· Go to the front yard
· Confront her about the two evidences that have been removed
· Halloway will give you the two evidences she has collected: a substance mixed with blood and a strange fibers and a red electronic key. She promises not to interrupt your investigation again
The passage behind the door under stair is too dark. Where can I get light?
· Look at the lamp at the back wall. No oil
· Try to ask Halloway on the second floor (if you have not met her before) or at the front yard. She only has one. Too bad
· Try to ask Garris at the yard on the side of the house. Too bad he does not have one either. Got to make a light yourself
· Get the oil can near the trash at the back yard
· Get the matches on the fireplace mantle in the living room
· Put the oil inside the lamp
· Light it with the match
· You will see a locked door on the right
How can I unlock the door in the basement stair?
· Move the board beside the door. It will reveal an electronic lock
· Use the electronic key from Sherriff Halloway to unlock the door
· Use the gun before entering the room
· This is the secret control room of the house
Where is the hidden ‘Underground’ area that Paloma has mentioned in one of her clues earlier (the broken mirror in the bedroom on the second floor)?
· There are 2 ways to reach the underground compound:
o Go to the cellar. Move the blackboard on the left wall near the stair. Use the demolition mass from the working bench to break open the plaster. Enter the opening
o Go to the backyard. Use the demolition mass to break the lock on the trailer car. Get the rope inside. Enter the door at the porch to kitchen. Move the shelf. Unlock the food elevator door. Use the rope with it. Enter the opening and climb down
· Exit through the door near the body drawers. Climb the staircase. Enter the door above. Open the door without any name at the other side. Enter the room
· This is the cell where Paloma’s being kept
Is there any proof Paloma has been kept in this cell?
· The Cell: Look closely at the glass shard underneath the mattress. Use swab to collect the blood. Do a chemical and database analyze to it. It’s Paloma’s
· The Cell: Pay attention to the panel with message on it near the bed. Take a picture of it. Call Claire to do an investigation on it. Look at the wall with a word ‘Too Late’ written by a lipstick. A message from the killer written with Paloma’s lipstick
· The Cell: Look closely at the electronic collar on the floor under the sink. Pick it up. Ask Agent Garris about it. He said it’s a very sophisticated device
· The Torture Chamber: Push the green button to turn on the bulb inside the panel box on the wall. Look closely at the lever. Use fingerprint powder to reveal a print. Use 3D scanner to collect fingerprint. Perform a database analysis to it. It’s Paloma’s
· Look at the name ‘Paloma’ on the door in the room with electric chair. There is a message ‘One chance only’ on it
· So definitely Palama is being kept here
How can I reach the medicine box on the wall in the cell?
· Push the bed
· Climb the bed and open the medicine cabinet
Where can I get the antidote for the snake bite?
· Go to the bathroom on the second floor through the food elevator
· Use the pick gun to unlock the medical cabinet. Get the antidote. Use it on Victoria’s ID card
Any other clues from the other victims?
· The closet second floor: Use microscope device on the towel. Use tweezer to get hair. Perform chemical analysis on it. It’s a hair from the other victim: Susan Giarelly
· The cellar: Go near the furnace. Look closely on Dorothy Lee’s credit card fragment on the ground. Use digital microscope on it. Use tweezer to collect the hair sample. Perform chemical analysis on it. It’s from a wig
· The Morgue in the basement: Look closely at the operation table. Use the swab to collect the blood sample. Use chemical and database analyze on it. It belongs to Olivia Wong, the eight victims
· The Morgue in the basement: Look closely at the blood on the pipe near the lab coat. Use the swab to collect it. Do a chemical and database analysis on it. It belongs to Joey Dickinson, one of the victims
· The Morgue in the basement: Open the door at the far end of the room. Look closely at the brick wall. Use revealer spray on it. Use the swab to collect the colored trace. Perform chemical analyze on it. It’s from a nail polish
· The Torture Chamber in the basement: Look closely on the broken glasses on the floor near the place of the electric chair. Use digital microscope on it. Use tweezer to get the glass. Perform chemical and database analysis on it. It’s from an eyeglasses of one of the victim
· The Basement near the stair and the door to the Torture Chamber: Look closely at the floor near the door to the Torture Chamber. Use revealer spray on the spot. There is a trace of blood there. Collect the blood sample with the swab. Perform chemical and database analysis on it. It’s an A positive. It belongs to Janet Conelly, one of the victims
· The Secret Control Room in the basement: Unlock the cabinet with the pick gun. Use the revealing spray on the box. Collect the blood sample with the swab. Perform chemical and database analysis on it. It’s an A negative. It belongs to Ellen Dunnigan, one of the victims
· The Secret Control Room in the basement: Open the body cabinet on the wall. Use the swab to collect the body tissue. Do a chemical analysis on it. Oh my God, this dead body has been kept here since 1993!
How can I unlock the safe at the living room?
· Ask Agent Garris about the safe. He’ll explain about the basic combination of it. It is ‘xxAxx’
· The safe: Use the fingerprint brush to reveal fingerprint on it. It’s on some number pad that is always being pushed. That’s probably the numbers required to unlock the safe
· Pay attention to the Blue Dahlia movie on the sofa. It’s from 1946. That’s one of the killer’s favorite movie
· The number to open the safe is: 19A46 (taken from the year the Blue Dahlia movie released)
· You will find a document and a strange box
How can I open the box?
· Use the pick gun to unlock it
· Inside you will find hairs collection. The killers collect victim hairs. What a freak!
What can I get from the document?
· Use the fingerprint brush to reveal fingerprint on it. Use 3D scanner to collect it.
· Call Claire to get information on the unknown fingerprint
How can I open the locked door in the Secret Control Room?
· Use the electronic key
· This door is a connecting door between the basement and the control room
What are the clues to the killer?
· Front yard: There is a tire print near the broken glass on the front yard. Use 3D scanner to collect it. Use database analysis to analyze it. It’s the killer’s car.
· Front yard: There is a shoe print near front staircase. Use 3D scanner to collect it. Do a database analysis. It has size 10. It’s the killer’s
· Front yard: There is a tire print near it. Use 3D scanner to collect it. Do a database analysis. It’s the killer’s motor bike
· Backyard: There is a foot print on the ground in front of the staircase. Use 3D scanner to collect it. Use database analysis to analyze it. It’s size 10. It’s the killer’s
· Backyard: There is a broken locked trailer car near the staircase. It has a dirty name plate. Get the sponge from the bathroom on the second floor of the house. Wet it in the sink in the kitchen (the bathroom sink does not work). Use it to clean the plate number on the trailer car. It says R22 354 New Hampshire. Call Claire to look for the owner. A moment later Claire will text you the ID of the killer. His last name is Karson.
· Backyard: The military insignia on the post near the chopped woods. It said: SSP 8541. Looks like a military badge. Call Claire, the coroner, and ask about it. Few minutes later she will call back and tell you that it is definitely a military badge. The killer is a military man
· Bathroom on the second floor: Open the medicine cabinet. Inside you will find a medicine receipt to Dan Wilkinson given by the local pharmacist. Maybe Sherrif Halloway knows something about him. Go to Halloway at the front yard. Ask her to call the local Pharmacist. The suspect is 40 years and has black hair. Call Claire to inform this
· The roof: Look closely at the device on the railing. Get the chewing gum. Perform a chemical analysis on it. Call Claire to trace the DNA on the gum. A moment later, Claire texts you an information about the gum. No DNA match in the FBI database
· The Morgue in the basement: Use the revealer spray on the lab coat. Use the swab to collect sample. Perform chemical and database analyze to it. It’s an unknown blood sample. Call Claire and ask for her help. Few minutes later she will call back and tell you that the blood belong to a guy called David Karson
· The Basement near the stair and the door to the Torture Chamber: Look closely at the floor near far end wall. There is a strange mark on the floor. Something heavy has been moved on it. Maybe a secret door on this wall?
· Living room first floor: Collect the fingerprint on the movie script inside. Use fingerprint powder to reveal it. Use 3D scanner to collect it. Perform a database analysis on it. An unknown fingerprint. Call Claire to track down the print. After you discover all the clues in this area, Claire will call you back and identify the killer: David Karson
· The Secret Control Room in the basement: Look closely at the desk with speakers and radio on it. Open the drawer. Look closely at the USC student thesis on cinema. Call Claire about it. Few minutes later she will call back and tell you that a David Karson has been studied in USC
· The Secret Control Room in the basement: Look closely at the computer. It required a password. Ask Garris about it. Hmmm ... he does not know the password.
How can I open the door with the broken electronic lock?
· Ask Garris to check it out
· After you have discovered the real identity of the killer, Garris will automatically succeed to unlock the door
Waking Dream (2005)
Play as Victoria Mc Pherson
Victoria Mc Pherson’s memory came back haunting her again
How can I unlock the cabinet?
· Get the sharp modeling tool from the table
· Get the flexible modeling tool from the table near the sink
· Combine the sharp and flexible modeling tool to become an improvised pick lock
· Use it to unlock the cabinet
· Examine closely at the content. There is an old rag there. Look closely at it. Why Richard kept the killer’s cape?
· Pick it up
How can I unlock the filing cabinet?
· Get the sharp modeling tool from the table
· Get the flexible modeling tool from the table near the sink
· Combine the sharp and flexible modeling tool to become an improvised pick lock
· Use it to unlock filing cabinet
· There are 2 letters from Beatrice to Mark Ackerman inside and a copy of the confession of Herbert Ackerman that is given to Emile Zarkovic (in the second drawer)
· Scan them with the smart phone
What objects that related Richard with the Mark Ackerman?
· Use your smart phone to record the picture of Vladana outfit on the table
· The painting of Mark Ackerman in the opened safe
· The sculpture that Richard has made on the corner
· The letters from Beatrice to Mark inside the filing cabinet. Richard’s father, Henry Allen, is the son of Beatrice and Mark Ackerman. Richard is the grandson of Mark Ackerman!
· The copy of confession of Mark Ackerman that is given to Emile Zarkovic the journalist inside the filing cabinet
· The Killer’s cape inside the locked cabinet. It has blood in the spot where Victoria stabbed the killer. Richard is the killer!
Play as Victoria Mc Pherson
James Hawker, Victoria former partner, has arrived in the scene. He could help Victoria in her investigation since he is the expert in the computer related department.
How can I fix the surveillance control (type Fish Eye 460-F01) in the charred room?
· Check out the broken tools beside the surveillance control
· Go to front yard. Ask Agent Garris to fix it. James Hawker arrives as well. After a brief conversation with him Hawker move away to investigate the house.
· Go back to charred room and talk with Agent Garris. Ask all subjects. He needs the manual to fix the surveillance control.
Where can I get the manual?
· The internet is the best answer at this moment
· The only computer in this compound (in the Secret Control Room - Basement) that can be used to access the internet is blocked by a password
· You need Hawker to help you. He is the only person that has the skill to crack the password for the computer in the Secret Control Room
Where is Hawker? How can I get him to help me?
· Call Claire and ask about Hawker. Very suspiciously Hawker has asked around for East Coast murder investigation progress. He is up on something
· He is in the living room
· Choose these options first to make him help you: ‘Toughen the sentence’ and ‘Become irritated’. Talk with him again and then choose ‘Make Peace’
· He will agree to help you and walk to the Secret Control Room
What is the password for the computer in the Secret Control Room?
· Hawker told Victoria that the killer has been obsessed by a movie star by the name of Veronica Lake. Her real name is Ockelman. That’s the password for the computer
What information can I get from the computer?
· You can find information from the internet about the killer’s favorite actress: Veronica Lake. She has played in several movies in the past, including the famous The Blue Dahlia in 1946
· It has a collection of the victims photos, a video file for a cell somewhere in the compound and surveillance camera 6 that shots an interesting area that Victoria has not found yet (it is like an underground corridor)
· You can print out the Fisheye Manual for Garris
· There is an encrypted note inside the code section
· It has code for all access control in the compound. The access control to East Hatch is blocked by a password
How can I operate the Surveillance Control?
· Use the internet at the computer in the Secret Control Room. Look for the Fisheye 460-F01 type 42 manual
· Get the print out from the printer
· Bring it back to Agent Garris
· Now the control need cable and speaker to make it usable for you since the monitor is broken
· Pick up the transformer without cable from under the desk
· Go to the Secret Control Room. Get the cable on the top of the filling cabinet near the desk with speakers on it
· Combine the transformer with the cable
· Get the speaker as well
· Go back to charred room. Look closely to the Surveillance Control. Hook up the transformer and the speaker to the keyboard
· Click on the keyboard 3 times until it produces a sound. It’s Paloma Hernandez. My God, she is still alive!
Where can I get information about this underground compound that I see through the surveillance camera No 6?
· Sherriff Halloway should be able to help you since she is a local
· Find him at the kitchen
· Talk with her and agree to exchange information between your case and her Anderson case
· You need to give her information first before she could give you her information
What has happened with the hunter, Gary Anderson, that Sherriff Halloway been investigated?
· The patio outside the charred room with a broken lock: Unlock the door to the patio with the pick gun. Use revealer spray on the railing. Use the swab to collect the blood sample. Do a chemical and database analysis on it. It’s from Gary Anderson, the missing local hunter
· Gary Anderson might have been killed here
· Tell Sherriff Halloway about this information and she will ask her friends in the department about the house blue print
· A minute later, she received information that this compound has 2 nuclear shelters that were being built underground in the 1940’s. That must be the compound that you see through surveillance camera no 6
How can I discover the entrance to this nuclear bunker?
· You need a metal detector to find the entrance
· Ask Sherriff Halloway whether you can borrow her metal detector
· She will give you a key to her car’s trunk
· Go to her car at the front yard and unlock the trunk
· Pick up the metal detector and read its manual
· Set the metal detector to 3. That will detect large ferrous object
· Go to backyard. Use the metal detector to the aluminum trash can
· Victoria will automatically kick the trash can and discover planks
How can I open the planks?
· Get the poker near the stove in the charred room on the second floor
· Use the poker to open the planks
· Victoria will see a hatch but it is locked
How can I open the hatch?
· Check out the hatch number. It is H103123
· Go to the Secret Control Room and use the computer
· There is an encrypted note inside the codes section
· Use the computer key from your CSIA kit to decrypt the text file
· That is the note to open several doors and hatches in the compound. For east hatch is the reference + D55
· Use the computer and go to access control section
· Choose to open the east hatch
· Enter the password H103123D55
· It will open the east hatch. Go outside and Halloway will meet you
The chapter is closed with the killing spree sequence. Everybody is killed by the killer. It is one of the most spectacular and dramatic scenes in years for adventure games. Victoria is shot by a drugged arrow.
Play as Victoria Mc Pherson
Victoria went back to her past to confront Richard. What happened with him?
Why Richard did all these killings?
· Ask him all questions. Learn that Richard wants to become what his grandfather, Mark Ackerman, was. The artist has dedicated his life for an art of murder
· Richard is insane. In the end he put Victoria inside the ring of fire
Play as Paloma Hernandez and Victoria Mc Pherson
Paloma wakes up in a strange cell. She saw the killer bring Victoria to the next cell. After a brief conversation with the killer, Paloma realized that she needs to find a way out soon or she will be history.
Play as Paloma Hernandez
What should I do first?
· Look at the opening at the door
· Talk to ‘Gary Anderson’. After a brief introduction he will throw his fork. But it falls short to the door
How can I get the fork?
· Pull the wooden crate out
· Pick up the metallic pipe
· Move the bed
· Look at the cabinet. It is locked
· Use the pipe to force open the cabinet
· Get the plastic can inside. A magnet falls down. Pick it up
· Pick up the string from the shelf
· Attach the magnet to the string
· Go back to the door. Look at the opening. Use the improvised magnet to get the fork
How can I escape from the cell?
· Put the plastic can under the ventilation shaft
· Climb it and look at the ventilation shaft
· Use the fork to unscrew the 2 bolts on the top
· Climb out
Where is Victoria?
· She is kept in the cell to the right of Paloma’s cell
· Her cell is locked by a digital lock
· Look through the opening at the bottom of the door. Victoria is still dizzy by the drug
What is the code to open Victoria cell?
· Ask Victoria about the digital lock. She will give you a clue: the key to Paloma’s cell is ‘Paloma Martin’ and the key to Victoria’s cell is Victoria Stanton
· Ask ‘Gary Anderson’ about the digital lock. He will tell Paloma that her cell code begin with 4 and end with 5. It always contains 5 or 6 digit number
· This is the solution to Victoria cell puzzle:
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
H |
I |
J |
K |
L |
M |
N |
O |
P |
Q |
R |
S |
T |
U |
V |
W |
X |
Y |
Z |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
· So if for Paloma’s cell the key is ‘Martin = 419295’ then for Victoria is ‘Stanton = 1215265’
How can I wake up Victoria?
· She needs something to cure her dizziness
· Check out the medicine box outside near the ladder. It has medicine kit, a colored disinfectant spray and a box of amphetamine. Look at the box. It is empty
· Ask ‘Gary Anderson’ for Amphetamine
· He will give you his amphetamine if you can find him his engagement ring with Susan that is being lost in Paloma’s cell
· Give the amphetamine once you got it to Victoria. She will wake up
Where can I find Gary Anderson’s ring?
· It was lost in Paloma’s cell
· Unlock the door to Paloma’s cell using the code: 419295
· Look at the cracked wall in between the shelves
· Use the fork to pick up the ring
· Give ‘Gary Anderson’ the ring and he will give you the amphetamine
· Ask him about the name on the ring. Why is ‘John and Susan’ not ‘Gary and Susan’? I think he has some secrets inside
The hatch is locked. How can I unlock it? (Optional for Paloma)
· Push the green button on the side of the ladder
· This will unlock the hatch
I got shot when I try to climb out from this shelter. How can I cure myself? (Optional for Paloma)
· Use the medicine kit to heal you
What should I do with these 3 surveillance cameras? (This is optional only)
· You need to limit the killer vision to you so that he could not see your moves
· Use the colored disinfectant spray on the 3 cameras in the shelter
· That should prevent the killer see your moves
Play as Victoria Mc Pherson
What should I do first?
· Collect information from Paloma about the situation at hand
· Collect information from ‘Gary Anderson’
Gary Anderson is hungry. He does not want to talk until I fed him. What can I give to him?
· Go back to Victoria cell and get the stale bread on the table
· Give the bread to ‘Gary Anderson’. Now he is ready to talk
· He will tell you about the detail of the situation
· Note: If you have given him the bread when you play as Paloma Hernandez then Gary Anderson will talk automatically to Victoria Mc Pherson about the situation
The hatch is locked. How can I unlock it?
· If Paloma has tried to escape before then it is unlocked already. If not, follow these steps below
· Push the green button beside the ladder to unlock the hatch
· Climb up and exit the shelter
Play as Victoria Mc Pherson
Victoria manages to climb out of the shelter. Now she needs to find a way to the computer in the Secret Control Room. That is the only access to outside world.
When Victoria tries to enter the back door, she got tripped by a land mine. How many mines total in the backyard?
· There are 3 mines in total. One you can see directly. The other 2 are hidden in the ground. You need your metal detector to discover them
· Look closely at the one obvious mine and uncover it from the soil
· Get the metal detector from Victoria cell
· Set it to 1 to detect small non-ferrous objects. Use it above and below the obvious one. You will discover the other 2 mines
· Uncover those mines (No 1, 2 and 3) with your hand
· Note: If Victoria has stepped on one of the mine then the objective ‘Neutralize the mines’ will never be completed
How can I neutralize these 3 mines?
· You will need big objects that heavy enough on the top of it
· There are 3 objects that can be used to neutralize the mines: the archery target, the grate inside the nuclear bunker and the vent grate at the other side of the backyard (near the entry way)
How can I neutralize the entry way trap?
· There is a locked circuit box (No 5 on the image above) on the gate. You need to find a pick lock that good enough to unlock it
· Set the metal detector to 4. Use it on the ground near the vent grate you pick up earlier on this ground
· Uncover the bike part (No 4 on the image above). Pick it up to make an improvised pick lock
· Use it to unlock the box
· Use the fork to unscrew the part that hold the numeric pad
· Get the numeric pad
· That will neutralize the entry way trap
How can I reach the door to the basement? Seems that it is trapped by something?
· Look at the four holes on the left wall and the dead rat on the floor. Victoria will suspect that there is booby trap in this room
· Note: In some cases if you trip the wire first or neutralize the one that protect the living room, you will not be able to see the four holes up close
· Use the colored disinfectant spray on both wire
· A string will appear along the entry way to the living room and along the front side of the stair
· You need to cut it with something. Go to the front yard and pick up a pocket knife from one of the dead officer
· Use the pocket knife to cut both strings (the one in front of basement door and the living room entrance)
How can I neutralize the trap in the Secret Control Room?
· There are strange poles scattered around the room. They might transmit a laser beam that protects the whole room. Look closely at the tube on the ceiling also. Hmmm… poisonous gas
· You need something to make that laser beam appear
· Go to the front yard and open the trunk to Halloway car. Get the multispectral light
· Go back to the Secret Control Room. Look at a spot on the left wall above the wall outlet. You can put the spectral light there (look at the left image below). This will reveal the laser beams
· Now you need a transmitter and a reflector to deflect the yellow and the green beam so that you can reach the computer at the far end. Get the transmitter and the reflector in the living room
· Go back to the Secret Control Room
· Use the transmitter on the wall outlet
· Use the reflector on the green beam on the bottom left area
· Look closely at transmitter no 1 and 2 then move them to form an access to the transmitter key no 3 and 4 (look at the right picture below)
· Turn off the transmitter key no 3 and 4
· Now you will be able to reach the computer
What is the password to the computer in the basement?
· Darn, the killer has changed the password. There is no time now to use the computer. The killer come
Where can I hide?
· Open the morgue tray and hide inside it
Where is James Hawker?
· He is hanged by a tree behind the fence at the back yard
· Poor guy …
I think this ‘Gary Anderson’ in the bunker is a fake. Where can I find evidence to proof it?
· There are 2 red envelopes in the compound that can proof it:
o Inside the fridge in the kitchen: It said that Gary Anderson is a former baseball captain. Confront him with this information and he will answer wrongly. He is not ‘Gary Anderson’
o Under the burnt doll in the charred room: It said that the killer has a snake phobia. Strangely the killer use snake to try to kill Victoria. Confront him with this information. I think the killer is more than 1 person and this ‘Gary Anderson’ is one of them
What is the new password for the computer in the basement?
· The killer should have it
· It is time to get even with the killer
How can I trap the killer?
· Use the entry way electric trap to kill him
· Get the uninitialized remote on the roof. It lies on the floor. I guess the killer drops it unintentionally
· Go back to the circuit box on the fence at the back yard
· Open it. Put the key pad and then hook up the remote. Pay attention at the writing on the bottom: SSP. Hmmm… where did I see that word before? Yes, it is on the wooden pole on the side of the house. Initialize the remote using the code you found earlier at the wooden post. It is 8541.
· Pick up the initialized remote
· Call the killer. Watch the killer got fried
Where can I find more medicine kit? (optional)
· There is one medicine kit inside the medicine cabinet in the bathroom on the second floor
The End of The Nightmare?
Play as Victoria Mc Pherson
Victoria needs to release Paloma Hernandez. Too bad the east hatch is locked by now. Strange, I thought I have killed the killer. Could it be more than one killer?
How can unlock the east hatch?
· You need to use the computer in the basement
· Search the killer pocket for a piece of paper. It has ‘Namlekco’ word on it. That is the new password to access the computer
· Go to the Secret Control Room
· Use the computer and enter the password
· Go to Access Control section
· Unlock the east hatch. Enter this code: H103123D55
· Now you will be able to enter the hatch
· Read ‘David Karson’ file. Shit, ‘Gary Anderson’ is actually David Karson. Paloma is in real danger right now. Got to go there ASAP before Karson kill her
Play as Victoria Mc Pherson
Victoria got tricked by David Karson. When she reaches the nuclear bunker, Paloma has disappeared. David Karson has taken her.
How can unlock the door at the far end (near your cell)?
· The killer should have the key.
· Go back to the back yard and pick up the green electronic key near his foot on the ground
· Use the key to unlock the door
· Inside you will find several interesting items:
o On the floor under the blue print there is a testing kit
o A police report inside the drawer: Terence Curtis and a pack of gum labeled Brain Jack 1884
o Tension wrench and notes on decrypted code (on how to crack the cell door lock – remember Paloma: Martin and Victoria Stanton?) on the top of the table
o A picture of a killer in a hand of another killer on the table
o On the working table: adhesive tape, nylon thread and another pocket knife
o Toolbox on the floor that contains pressure-released mines, medicine kit and loaded gun
o Blue print of trap on the wall
o Picture of Paloma on the wall
o Several magazines on the floor
o Crossbow on the wall
Who is actually the killer that I killed before?
· Check out the scout sniper flag on the wall. It is from a military unit. It is the same as the carving on the wooden post on the yard of the house. The killer is from military personnel
· Check out the blue print of the traps on the table. This person is an expert in building high-tech traps
· Check out the crossbow on the wall. This is the weapon that were used to shoot Victoria earlier
· Read the police report inside the drawer. It has an interesting name on it: Terence Curtis. A former military men that has problems with his mind
· Use the fingerprint powder on the magazine. Collect the fingerprint with 3D scanner. Perform database analysis on it. It is Terence Curtis’
How can open the grate above Karson’s bed?
· If nothing works, you need to force it open. Use explosive if you can find it
· Go to Terence Curtis room
· Open the tool box and get the pressure-released mines
· Get the adhesive tape and nylon thread from the working table
· Combine the mine and the tape
· Use the improvised mine on the grate
· Attach the nylon thread on the mine. Kabooooooommmmmm…. You have succeed to force open the grate
· Enter the grate and step out on the other side of the shelter
Where is Karson?
· Look closely at the blood on the floor near the door to your right
· Use the swab to collect the blood sample. Perform chemical and database analysis on it. It’s Karson. He must be injured
· Enter the door. There is another blood on the floor
· Use the swab to collect the blood sample. Perform chemical and database analysis on it. It’s Karson. Follow the trail until you reach a locked door. Upon close examination of the door you will notice that behind this door is the cellar (from the sound you hear from behind the door)
· Too bad the door in the house that goes to the cellar is locked. We need to find another route to go the cellar
How can I unlock the door in front of the grates where Victoria came out?
· Go to Terence Curtis room through the door next to the one that has blood on the floor in front of it
· Pick up the pick gun (without battery and tension wrench) on the floor near the table
· Pick up the tension wrench on the table
· Pick up the pocket knife from the top of the working table
· Pick up the watch from one of the dead bodies at the front yard
· Use either the pocket knife or the fork with the watch to get the battery out
· Put the battery inside the pick gun
· Install the tension wrench to the pick gun to make a tension wrench pick gun
· Use the pick gun to unlock that door
· You will arrive in another control room. We call this room Second Control Room
Who is the other killer? Hawker is dead, Curtis is dead and Karson is holding Paloma now. Could it be Garris?
· Go to the Second Control Room
· Pick up the wrench and the keyboard on the table for later use
· Push the green button to open the hatch on the top of the ladder
· Climb the ladder. Check out the plate number on the ground: H061914
· You will see the hanged person outside
· Cut the rope using pocket knife
· My God, it is Garris. So who is the other killer?
· Look closely at Garris. Pick up the memory card. Perform computer analysis on it. It is broken
How can I turn on the computer?
· This computer is controlled by a biometric device. That means it requires thumb print from its operator (either Karson’s, Curtis’ or the other person’s)
· Since Karson is found nowhere and we do not know who the other person yet, the only thumb that is available to you belongs to Curtis. Go to the back yard and cut his thumb with the pocket knife. He will not need it after all since he is dead already
· Use Curtis thumb on the input device on the top of the table beside the computer table
· Darn, it requires a password. Username: Brainjack. Where did I see that name before?
What is the password of this computer?
· Since Curtis is the one that we know operates this computer (Karson act as a prisoner and the other person I believe is not shown up at the beginning), he should keep the note inside his room
· Check out the content of his table drawer. It contains a pack of gum labeled BrainJack 1884. That his favorite gum
· Go back to the control room. Use the computer and enter 1884 for the password
Camera 4 is encrypted. What can I do to decrypt it?
· Use your computer key on the input device on the table
· That will decrypt the camera access
· Look at the camera 4 again
· You will see Paloma and Karson in the cellar
What can I do to prolog the talk?
· You can’t. Does not matter which option you take, after 2 options you will get hushed by Karson
Play as Paloma Hernandez and Victoria Mc Pherson
Paloma is captured by Karson. Help her to release herself.
Play as Paloma Hernandez
How can I release Paloma?
· There is a key on the table and grinder on the working bench. Use them both to release Paloma
· First, move Paloma (by clicking rapidly and avoiding the glass shard) to the table where the grinder is
· Cut the rope on her wrist and then move quickly to the table with the key on it
· Pick up the key
Play as Victoria Mc Pherson
How can I help Paloma?
· Use the computer to open another way out for her
· Use camera 4. You will see the code reflected in the mirror: D090746. Unfortunately you could not see the last digits
· Go to Access Control section
· Unlock the ‘Upper Door’. Enter the password: D090746B2
· Run Paloma run ….
Play as Paloma Hernandez
How can I block the door?
· Run quickly to the cabinet at the other end of the door
· Open it and pick up the metallic plate
· Use it to block the door. You will see the phone is active now
· Pick up the phone and talk to Victoria
Play as Victoria Mc Pherson
Hawker is still alive and Karson is dead. What is going on here?
What clues can explain the whole situation?
· First go find Karson’s body near the entrance to the Secret Control Room
· Look closely at the body. Karson got shot on the head
· Use the tweezer to pick up the bullet on the wall. Perform a chemical and database analysis. It is full of Karson’s blood
· Check out the gun on the floor. Strange, the gun belongs to Hawker but it does not have any bullet at all. How can Hawker shoot Karson without bullets? Is it staged already?
Go to the front yard. Look closely at the left pole outside the
main entrance to the house. Use the tweezer to collect the bullets. It has
blood on it. Perform chemical and database analysis on it. It’s from Special
Agent Garris. The killer has shot him. Call Hawker and ask him about it. He
will explain the whole situation to you. Hawker is the real killer! (Thanks Ace Fire Fist!)
Where is Hawker?
· Go to Secret Control Room
· Look at the note on the printer. The Killer left this note. As soon as you read the note, Hawker will call you
· Another call from Hawker a few minutes later if you look around for clues. He will explain to you that he is the one behind all these East Killer matter
· It is time for you to find Hawker. Hawker will tell you to open the computer in the Secret Room. Use it and watch Paloma is captured by Hawker
Play as Victoria Mc Pherson
Victoria must outrun Hawker or Paloma will be dead.
What is the meaning of the note on the printer: ‘The truth is behind the mask’?
· Open the cabinet at the corner. Look closely at the mask. It has word written behind it: ‘Betrayal’
· That is the password to access the computer in this Secret Control Room
· User: Truth. Password: Betrayal
Where can I find Hawker?
· Go to the cellar. Confront Hawker. He will explain everything. Too bad now Victoria is trapped behind fire
Confrontation with the Past (2005)
Play as Victoria Mc Pherson
The memory of the fire came back to Victoria. She needs to overcome her fear of fire to defeat Richard
How can I escape this fire?
· You need something wet to protect you. Look closely at the sink. Wet the cape
· Look up and notice that beam and the window high above. That is the escape route for you. Look closely on both of them
· Turn around and see that long pole behind the burning barrel
· Pick up the chain and the hook on the ground. Combine them in your inventory to make a grappling hook
· Use the wet cap on the burning barrel
· Get the long pole
· Move back to under the beam. Step forward a little bit until you see the closed small window above
· Use the long pole to open the window
· Use the grappling hook on the beam and watch Victoria jump to her escape
The Confrontation
Play as Victoria Mc Pherson
How can I neutralize the cellar trap?
· Open all the windows to get some fresh air (there are 2 wall controllers to open the windows: one controller is near the furnace and the other is near the gas tank)
· Remove the numeric pad from the gas tank to stop the gas leakage
How can I unlock the door near the gas tank?
· Look closely at the panel beside the locked door
· Use the numeric pad on it
· Look the tag behind the gas tank. The number is: D090746B2
· Use that number on the numeric pad. That will unlock the door. Enter the room and you will face the formidable fire breathing trap that block your way to the nuclear bunker
How can I disable the fire trap at the passage to the nuclear bunker?
· If you have not picked up the wrench from the Second Control Room earlier, it is time to do so now. The problem is you have to go through the east hatch at the back yard to go to that room. Then you have to go all the way back again to the cellar through the back door
· Anyway, the story needs you to go through the kitchen to catch Hawker installing the C4 bomb
· Use the wrench on the wheel on the furnace at the cellar
· Pick up the wheel
· Enter the door beside the tank
· Look closely at the wall panel to your right. Install the wheel and turn it. That will neutralize the fire trap
Where is Paloma?
· Remember that one door you could not open inside the second section of the nuclear bunker?
· Blow it up. That is the only way
· Go back to the kitchen where you caught Hawker installing the C4 bomb earlier. If you haven’t been there it is time to do so
· Pick up the detonator on the kitchen counter and C4 vest on the floor
· Combine them to make the C4 bomb
· Use the C4 on the door
· Go back to the cellar and pick up the welder on the working table
· Go to Curtis Room and pick up the extension cord on the floor
· Combine the extension cord and the welder
· Use it on the C4 bomb at the locked door. Kaboooommm… enter the room. Meet Paloma behind the glass wall
How can I beat Hawker? He knows all my moves
· He must have installed a tracking device on you
· There is a computer nearby that required an input to operate it
· Get the keyboard on the table in the Second Control Room (if you haven’t done so)
· Use it on the computer on the table. Check out camera E. Victoria realizes that all this time Hawker has planted a tracking device in her smart phone. She take it out and put it on the table
· Pick up the tracking device. Enter the door
How can I kill Hawker?
· Distract him first before you can ambush him
· Go to the big fan at the far end. Turn it up to make a loud noise. Move back one screen
· Install the tracking device to the right tank
· Move back to where you came from and go forward along the wall
· At the end, you will be able to ambush Hawker and kill him
How can I go to the cell where Paloma is kept?
· Get his broken PDA and gun. Look closely at Hawker. Get his blue electronic key
· Use the key on the panel next to the door where Paloma is kept
· Enter the room
How can I release Paloma?
· Go to the small storage room within then room where you killed Hawker earlier (it is on the left section of that room)
· Pick up the metal cutter in the desk drawer. Notice Victoria’s photo also in that drawer
· Go back to Paloma’s cell
· Look closely at the small device on the floor
· Back out and shot it open
· Look at the dimmer then look at the cover
· Use the metal cutter to cut part of the insulator
· Use the insulator to block the dimmer
· Look closely at Paloma
· Use the pick gun with tension wrench to unlock all shackles (there are 4 of them: 2 hands and 2 feets)
· Darn, Hawker install the bomb as well
How can I defuse the bomb?
· Open the wall panel in Paloma’s cell. Pick up the numeric pad
· Go back to the storage room
· This time pick up the connecting cable from the table. Look at the poster on the wall. It has the details of Hawker moves. It is called project Nemesis. This is the password for his PDA files
· Open the toolbox under the bed. Pick up isolated cutting pliers, copper strip, a set of alligators clips and electric wire coils
· Go to Second Control Room and look at the input device on the table beside the computer table
· Insert the connecting cable to the PDA. Hook up the PDA to the input device
· Use the computer and open PDA files
· Enter the password: Nemesis
· Pay attention to the number on the top of the screen: A64571. That is the access code to the cabinet where he kept the bomb
· Go back to the room where you killed Hawker
· Insert the numeric pad on the cabinet panel (the one that is separated from the other 3 – just outside Paloma’s cell)
· Enter A64571 then push OK button. This will unlock the cabinet
· Open the cabinet. Look closely at the panel at the middle
· Victoria will make a comment about 24 ampere level
· You need to cut 3 wire that add up to 24: those are 16, 7 and 1
· Watch the ending
Special Note:
In case you could not make it on time, you will be given the other ending with Paloma died at the end. There are 2 ways that I know of to make you able to see the other ending:
· Watch the credit title and then select ‘Back’ to main menu. Click on that big question mark. The access code for it is: VERONICALAKE
· Go to folder X:\Program Files\Microids\StillLife2\EXTDataSave (wherever you install this game on your PC) and delete files name SL2.cfg. Load game a few minutes earlier before you killed Hawker and then you can do all the moves again to watch the second ending. But I did not recommend this option because it is too complicated
Special thanks to my lovely wife Ita Nalurita that help me a lot in building this walkthrough. She is a great adventure game player and help me goes through some difficult puzzles. Wait for another walkthrough from Crash in the future. Peace.
Copyright 2009 @ Crash Production
Any question and comment can be send to the email address above. Please contact me if you want to put this walkthrough on your website