Tomb Raider 5: Chronicles Walkthrough

by Stella

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A-Cut Scenes & Introduction
Tomb Raider 5 Walkthrough


Tomb Raider: Chronicles Movies and Cut Scenes

Several players have requested that I put the movie transcripts on separate pages from the walkthroughs to save paper. Sounds good to me. (I'll go back and do this for the other games eventually.)

If you want to view the FMV (full-motion video) movies outside the game, download Bink Video (TM) from The movies are on the TR: Chronicles CD-ROM in a folder called 'movie'. These.bik files are named FMV1, FMV2, etc. The cut scenes are rendered by the game engine, so they can only be seen while playing.

I've done my best to figure out what everyone is saying, but if you notice anything I've missed or misheard, please let me know (

On this page:

(FMV0 shows the Eidos and Core logos)
Introduction (FMV1)
Movie Before Streets of Rome Level (FMV2)
Streets of Rome - First Cut Scene
Streets of Rome - Second Cut Scene
Trajan's Markets - Cut Scenes
Colosseum - Cut Scene Mid-level
Movie following Colosseum Level (FMV3)
Movie before Base Level (FMV4)
The Base - Cut Scene
Submarine - First Cut Scene
Submarine - Second Cut Scene
Deepsea Dive - Cut Scene
Sinking Submarine - Cut Scene Mid-level
Sinking Submarine - Cut Scene End of Level
Movie following Sinking Submarine Level (FMV5)
Movie before Gallows Tree Level (FMV6)
Gallows Tree - First Cut Scene
Gallows Tree - Second Cut Scene
Labyrinth Cut Scene
Old Mill - First Cut Scene
Old Mill - Cut Scene Mid-Level
Old Mill - Cut Scene End of Level
Movie Following Old Mill Level (FMV7)
13th Floor - First Cut Scene
13th Floor - Cut Scene Mid-Level
Escape with the Iris - First Cut Scene
Escape with the Iris - Second Cut Scene
Escape with the Iris - Cut Scene after Elevator Accident
Escape with the Iris - Cut Scene End of Level
Final Movie (FMV8)


Rain pours down on a larger-than-life-size statue of Lara. Winston, her faithful manservant, places a wreath at the base of the statue, while a man and woman (Lara's parents?) huddled together under an umbrella look on. The camera zooms in on the plaque below the statue. It reads: "Lara Croft: Once and Future Adventurer. For Her." The man and woman walk off, and Winston turns toward a limousine coming up the drive.

Inside the limo, where Winston and Father Patrick Dunstan, the Croft family priest, are seated, we see a televised newscast.

Newscaster: In world news, a private memorial service was today held for renowned archaeologist Lara Croft.

Father Patrick: 'Tis a sad day, Winston.

Winston: She will live on forever in our hearts.

Father Patrick: Surely, Winston, and for this is but a memorial service. There may yet be news from Von Croy in Egypt.

Winston: Indeed. We can only hope and pray that she may yet return to us. But I fear Von Croy, digging in the hopes of discovering her alive may only be met with black reality.

Father Patrick: Indeed. . . indeed.


Winston leads Father Patrick and Jean-Yves, Lara's colleague and dear friend, through the main hall of Lara's mansion.

Winston: To the study, gentlemen, where we may pontificate over the day's disheartening events.

Jean-Yves: Indeed, my friend, even the heavens cry out.

Cut to Jean-Yves and Father Patrick seated by the fire. Winston brings a tea tray. Jean-Yves holds up a large stone, which glows in the firelight.

Winston: Ah, the Philosopher's Stone. One of Lara's early conquests. . . and one of her most challenging pursuits, if my memory serves me.

Father Patrick: And Rome still bears the scars of that little episode.

Jean-Yves: Ah, she was never one for diplomacy, Lara. But she certainly knew how to paint the town red.

Cut to a flashback of Rome. A zaftig soprano onstage. As the camera pulls out, we see she is reflected in Lara's opera glasses. Larson (remember him from Tomb Raider 1?) comes up behind her.

Larson: Well, gol' darn, ain't she just a picture?

Lara: Ah, the charming Mr. Larson. Has Pierre let you off the leash? Talking of which, where is our learned friend?

Larson: Aw, he's around. You got the cash?

Lara: I've got the cash, but I don't deal with the monkey.

Larson: Well now, that ain't polite for a lady. . . even if the monkey has the Mercury Stone?

He pulls out a large, glowing yellow gem. Lara picks up an attaché case.

Lara: Lucky I'm in a generous mood. [We hear a gun being cocked and the hand holding it enters the frame next to Lara's head.] Ah, crawled out from under your rock, I see.

Pierre: No need for unpleasantries, Miss Croft. I'm afraid I must once again relieve you of your burden.

Lara: Easy come, easy go.

She relinquishes the briefcase, then holds out a gloved hand. Pierre, gentleman to the last, bends to kiss it. She whacks him. Larson, still holding the stone, steps forward to deal with Lara. She decks him with a roundhouse kick and the stone goes flying. Lara leaps onto the balcony railing, catches the stone and tucks it into her garter. Then she leaps out over the orchestra, grabs the curtain and rides it down to the stage to thunderous applause. She takes a bow then dashes offstage as Pierre opens fire.

Pierre and Larson run downstairs in pursuit.

Larson: It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings.

Lara exits the building by the stage door and hops onto a flower deliveryman's scooter. Larson and Pierre commandeer a taxi and follow. They bump Lara from behind.

Larson: Buckin' bronco, baby!

At the end of a narrow alley, Lara ditches the bike and rolls under a low metal gate.

Larson: We ain't gonna make that gap, boss.

Pierre: We'll make it.

Larson: Ain't gonna. [They crash.] What did I tell you?

Pierre: Mon dieu!

Lara blows each man a kiss, turns and walks into the night.


Lara places the Mercury Stone in its proper receptacle. She hears a noise and turns, drawing her guns.

Lara: Rodents, I shouldn't wonder. Big rodents.

On a nearby rooftop we see Pierre helping Larson regain his footing. Larson aims at Lara and fires, but Pierre jostles his arm so he misses.

Pierre: Idiot! Idiot! What does the cowboy hope to achieve with this mindless firing?

Larson: Ain't mindless. Or ain't we trying to kill her anymore then?

Pierre: You were kicked in the head by a horse, oui? So the brain doesn't work correctly.

Larson: How'd you know about that?

Pierre: Never mind! Never mind! We wait until she collects the other pieces. In this fashion we have the full prize at no extra effort.

Larson: You are one clever cookie, boss.

Pierre: Comparatively, yes. Come, let's get off this roof and I will buy you a milkshake.


Lara emerges from the temple only to be ambushed by Pierre and Larson.

Pierre: Come, come, Lara. We are all friends here.

Larson (holding a gun to Lara's head): Begging your pardon, ma'am, but if you'd like to put them peashooters away. . . .

Pierre: Now, the second stone if you please, Miss Croft.

Lara: Come and get it.

Pierre: Hmmm.... It's a little late in the evening for these games. Larson, search her if you please.

Larson: Well, gosh darn if I don't get all the best jobs.

Lara (as Larson gropes her): You want to try the back pockets.

As he reaches behind her, she knees him hard in the privates.

Pierre: Larson! Enough! My patience is exhausted with this childish nonsense. The stone, Miss Croft.

Lara: If you put this into that gate, Pierre, you're going to get a lot more than you bargained for, trust me.

Larson: I'll put it in then.

Lara: That would be one of the stupidest moves you've made, and that's saying something I think you'll appreciate.

Larson grunts as he places the Saturn Stone in its receptacle.

Pierre: A nice try as always, Miss Croft.

Lara: Wait for it. . . . (An electric bolt zaps Larson.) Don't say I didn't warn you.

Pierre: What is it? What have we done?

Lara: In your usual flamboyant style, you have set in motion the next gate phase.

Pierre: Next gate phase?

Lara: If my memory serves me, the gate has realigned itself and if it does not receive two stones in the next few moments... pow! If I was [sic] you, I'd grab your Cro-Magnon cowboy over there and run as fast as your little legs will carry you. Au revoir, mon chèr.


Lara re-enters the garden with the gargoyles. Larson is waiting.

Lara: Come out, come out wherever you are.

Larson: Heck, this ambushin' ain't what it used to be.

Lara: Not when you're involved, no.

Larson: Practice makes perfect, I'm reckonin'.

Lara: Whatever. We seem to be missing someone.

Larson: If you's talking 'bout Frenchy, he's kind of. . . indisposed.

Lara: And you thought you might just help yourself to his share of what's behind that gate? Unless of course this is just a social visit.

Larson: Well, you know I's always pleased to see a little belle like you, Lara. Be more pleased to see that last stone, though, if you'll be wantin' to hand it over. (Lara opens fire and he dives behind the building.) That ain't supposed to happen.

Then, after Lara shoots Larson:

The gargoyles extend around Larson menacingly.

Lara: Larson! Behind you!

Larson: I may be a dumb ass but I ain't fallin' for that again.

Lara: No, really... behind you.

Larson (mocking): Behind you! Behind you! (Then he screams as one of the gargoyles grabs him and flings him across the garden.)


Lara slides through the chute and ends up dangling from a ledge above a deep pit. Pierre appears above her.

Pierre: Um. . . an unfortunate situation, no?

Lara: I've had worse.

Pierre: Indeed. Indeed. This is a very deep pit and in this, such an historic venue, I feel sure there may be valuable artifacts lurking in its depths.

Lara: I can't tempt you to jump down and take a look?

Pierre: Well, this is my point: I feel you may be better qualified to examine its secrets. Unless you-perish the thought-expired in the fall. Perhaps if you lighten your load a little it may lessen the impact. . . . The stone you carry?

Lara: Wondered when you'd get to that. Pull me up and the stone is yours.

Pierre: And we all live happily ever after? I think not. Give me your word that once you leave the pit you will not lay a finger on me.

Lara: You have my word.

He pulls her up. Then she backs him toward the edge.

Pierre: Er, the stone. . . . Now, now, Miss Croft, you gave me your word. Come now Lara. Lara, you promised.

Lara: Boo!

Startled, Pierre loses his footing and just manages to grab the edge.

Pierre: Could you find it in your heart to help me up? I appear to be slipping.

Lara: Pierre, you know nothing would please me more, but we have an agreement.

Pierre: Agreement?

Lara: Not to lay a finger on you. Remember, silly? Anyway, busy girl, got to go.

She walks away, leaving him dangling.

Pierre: But. . . I. . . aaaahhh!

Lara: Don't let me hold you up.


Lara holds up the Philosopher's Stone to admire it. Cut to the three old friends in the study.

Winston: And so ended the first of many. I'm sure Miss Croft would be the first to apologize for her not entirely courteous behavior regarding some of the more delicate religious artifacts. Father Patrick?

Father Patrick: No need, my friend, all for a good cause. At least we knew they were in secure hands. And fortunately the Church was above sending a bulletproof envoy to retrieve them.

Jean-Yves: Ah, but she recognized her place in the great scheme. Some things, as history has illustrated, are best left to their slumber. . . . I speak in riddles. I talk of the stricken wolf ship.

He indicates a framed picture of a submarine.

Winston: Ah yes, the U-boat episode. Miss Croft would never enlighten me as to the details. For my own protection, she would often stress.

Jean-Yves: Indeed, Winston, and for this you should be grateful. [His dialogue continues as voice-over to a scene inside the German sub.] Deep in the bowels of their vessel lay one of the most powerful artifacts in all Christendom, an artifact which, when wielded at the vanguard of an army would make that army invincible.

Father Patrick: The Spear of Destiny.

The crate holding the artifact rattles in the hold of the ship.

Jean-Yves: But the boat never reached the Fatherland with its precious cargo. It disappeared from radar three weeks into its journey.

The German sailors are overcome by a mysterious force. Their sub breaks apart and sinks to the sea floor.

Jean-Yves: And so this was the resting place of the 52 seamen. . . and also something much more sinister.


An aerial view of a naval base. Jean-Yves and Lara stand on a hillside nearby.

Jean-Yves: The Zapadnaya Litsa port. Once the pride of the Russian fleet.*

Through her binoculars, Lara observes two black cars entering the base. She zooms in on the men inside one of the cars.

Jean-Yves: Ex-KGB the majority of them. Trained killers.

Lara: Dealt with Mafioso before. Unpleasant memories. Prefer to avoid them whenever possible.

Jean-Yves: Yes, I would prefer this also.

Lara scans the area through her binoculars and notices a few small boats.

Lara: Hardly a major search party, is it? There's something you're not telling me.

Jean-Yves: Ah, yes.

Lara: I'm a big girl now. Hit me with the bad news.

Jean-Yves: It is bad news. The admiral's allegiance has been bought and under his command a nuclear submarine. It's housed in one of the dockyards.

Lara: Well done. Nuclear submarine. . . sounds nice. . . perfect holiday.

Jean-Yves: Lara, wait. Take this tracking device.

Lara: What's this? You're not worried about me.

Jean-Yves: Yes. Someone has to.

Lara (taking the device): Touching. . . but don't wait up.

She runs down the hill and Jean-Yves rides away on a snowmobile.


From her hiding place on a ledge above the dock, Lara overhears Mikhailov, the Mafioso, in conversation with Yarofev, the Russian admiral.

Mikhailov: Move your men along. I do not pay such extortional prices for incompetence.

Yarofev: You forget, Mikhailov, I am still an admiral of the Russian navy and as such demand respect.

Mikhailov: While you accept my bribes for use of the submarine, you are under my employ and will follow my instructions without complaint.

Yarofev: If I deal with the like of you to keep my men in bread, it does not make me one of you.

Mikhailov: Relax, my friend. We are two sides of the same coin.

Yarofev (under his breath): Mafioso filth. (Then, louder to one of his men.) Kruschev, hurry on with that box. Our new commander demands efficiency. Enough! Enough! Board and seal hatches.

The two men climb to the top hatch.

Mikhailov: As you have promoted me to commander, is it not fitting to board before the admiral?


Admiral Yarofev and a pair of Russian sailors discover Lara in the cargo hold.

Yarofev: An unwelcome addition to our little assignment. Leonid, if you would escort this lady to the brig.

Lara: Your little assignment? You have no idea what your Mafia-financed assignment is, do you?

Yarofev: Young lady, who you are and what you know is of very little concern to me. If I was captain of my ship I might listen to you, but unfortunately the situation I find myself in doesn't allow me that privilege. So if you'd be quiet and hurry along like a good little girl.

They reach the bunkroom that is to be Lara's cell.

Yarofev: Inside please.

Lara: You're making a grave mistake. You know that?

Yarofev (to the two sailors): Under no circumstances open this door. You understand?

They salute.


As she crawls through the ductwork, Lara again overhears Mikhailov and the Admiral talking.

Mikhailov (peering through the periscope): Then it is true? We are before the stricken U-boat? Now we find if its cargo is still intact.

Yarofev: And are we to be told what we search for?

Mikhailov: Enough to locate it, da. But beyond that I fear it may be too much for your limited intellect to grasp.

Yarofev: Perhaps too much for mine, trusted comrade, but perhaps not for the spy we have located on board.

Mikhailov: A spy? I trust you disposed of him.

Yarofev: Not him. . . her. Yes, we are forced to run with wolves but we do not kill indiscriminately like they.

Mikhailov: Fool! I shall dispose of her when I return. Move the sub into position quickly, comrade.

Yarofev (into microphone): Take her five degrees astern, quarter power. Then bring her to a full stop. Attention all dive crews. Report to your stations immediately.


Lara re-enters the sub and takes off the diving suit. She stops to examine the spearhead and is interrupted by Mikhailov and his goons.

Mikhailov: Ah. . . our unannounced visitor. I fear you have an item in your possession that I require.

Lara: To be used in your continuing quest for world peace, I presume.

Mikhailov: World peace. . . not entirely my purpose in pursuing this artifact.

Lara: This artifact contains untold power-power which the likes of you will never harness. If you wish it, you may have it, but you will regret it.

Mikhailov: The world may regret it. Hand it over to me and I may spare you.

Lara: On your head be it.

Mikhailov (to the goons): Take her to the torpedo room and eject her into the ocean.

Lara: Sergei, listen to me! You don't know what you're dealing with.

The goons escort Lara away. Mikhailov, examining the spear, is suddenly lifted into the air by an electrical current. He screams and writhes in agony. There's a mighty blast, the sub shudders and the lights go out. Then we hear Lara subduing the two sailors. When the lights come on, the sailors are lying on the floor.


Lara enters the room where the admiral is sitting.

Yarofev: I knew that old Sergei would be the end of it all. He infects my ship with his greed and now we're all doomed.

Lara: We have a chance. . . the escape pod. . . come on. I'll help you.

Yarofev: I do this only to help my men. He babbles of the Biblical spear and I feed his madness for money to feed our families. And now. . . to this. . . corpses left for the fishes.

Lara: Yarofev, I can help you but you must help me. The ship is about to impact into the ocean bed and then our time is up. We must hurry.

Yarofev: The escape pods have no internal air supply. You will find oxygen tanks in my stateroom. I hear my ship dying. The internal seals are splintering.


After placing the canisters in the escape pod, Lara climbs down to help the admiral.

Yarofev: Nyet! No time. The hull is breached and we will drown soon. With the oxygen you escape. Now!

Lara: Not without you.

Yarofev: I am admiral of the Russian Imperial Navy. I have served my great country for many years. But the country I know withers. The bear lies down to sleep for its final time. And I wish also this fate on the ship I have grown to love.

Lara: No deal.

Yarofev: Yes, deal! For the outer airlock can only be opened from inside the ship. This is my gift to you, child. I release you to a future beyond this dying vessel.

Lara (crouching beside him): And my gift to you?

Yarofev: Tell my story. Tell how the proud men of the Russian navy fought against the enemy from inside and sacrificed their lives so their dear country might once again stand proud.

Lara: You have my word.

Yarofev: I salute you. Quickly! Into the airlock and I will release you.

Lara (climbing the ladder): Goodbye, Admiral.

She climbs into the pod and the hatch closes behind her.


Lara speeds toward the surface in the escape pod, while Admiral Yarofev prepares to go down with his ship. As he lies on the control room floor, a strange silver glow creeps across the floor toward him. He stares in horror. Then the screen goes white.

Meanwhile, on a boat above, Jean-Yves spots a blip on the radar screen. He grabs a rifle and goes up on deck. He trains his gun on the pod as it breaches the surface. Then, through the scope, he sees Lara is inside.

Cut to the three old friends back in the study at the Croft mansion.

Jean-Yves: Lara saw enough of the power of this artifact to recognize its rightful place was where man could never again misuse it.

Father Patrick: But not enough for it to destroy her. Some powers are beyond the wit of man.

There is a flash of lightning and the lights go out.

Winston: Oh dear, gentlemen. I do apologize. It seems someone up above has a sense of humor. If you will excuse me a moment I shall fetch candles.

Jean-Yves: It's a night spurred by Hell.

Father Patrick: And as the horsemen drover ever onward across the world, the heavens boiled in their wake. Ah, benefits of a religious education.


Still cozied up before the fire in Lara's study, the three friends continue their chat.

Father Patrick: This night reminds me of the time out at Connussie.

Jean-Yves: Winston's Home?

Father Patrick: Indeed, yes. The staff had taken leave due to flooding. Lara, back when she was a slip of a girl, was staying with Winston and his wife. It was her that contacted me, as a matter of fact. Some trouble out at one of the islands. Weird lights. Manifestations. That sort of thing. . . . .

Outside a bolt of lightning strikes and the scene changes to a flashback. The setting is Winston's home in an Irish village.

Father Patrick (voiceover): Thought I might be able to help. It was on a hellish night like this when I arrived.

Now we see young Lara in a bedroom of Winston's cottage. She's getting ready to change for bed but is interrupted by a noise. The front door opens, revealing a dark figure in a hat, who turns out to be Father Dunstan.

Father Patrick: Evenin' Winston, and how would I be able to help?

The two men take seats at a table.

Father Patrick: So people have seen these apparitions out a the island?

Winston: There's talk of little else in the village, Bram.** I'm doing all I can to keep this gossip from Lara.

Lara opens her door a crack to eavesdrop on their conversation.

Father Patrick: Aye, yet would be a wise man. It would be unwise for her curiosity to draw her to that place.

Winston: And you have some idea of what it could be?

Father Patrick: To be frank with you, no. But as the devil finds work for idle hands, I've spoken with Father Finnegan, and I have a boat chartered for the crossing late on this very evening.

Winston: Good Lord, Bram! You have not chosen the evening for it.

Father Patrick: I have my faith to protect me, Winston.

Winston: Be careful, I fear that on that island it is what you cannot see that will hurt you, Bram.

Father Patrick: Time to get to the bottom of this, old friend.

As Father Dunstan rises to go, Lara climbs out her window and drops to the ground outside. Then we see the Priest steering a boat across the water. He turns to wave to Winston. As the boat crosses the ocean, we see Lara peer out from under a tarp to see what's going on. The boat docks at a rocky approaches a rocky island and after letting Father Dunstan disembark, the boat returns the way it came. The priest opens a concealed door in the rock face and enters a passageway. Lara is hiding nearby and sees all this.


As Lara enters the Gallows Tree area she is startled by the ring of a church bell from the tower behind her. As she approaches the tree, there is a flash of light and a rotting corpse appears hanging from one of the branches.

Hanged Man: Come child. Come closer for I have gifts for thee.

Lara: I'll stay where I am.

Hanged Man: (Laughs.) Fear not this visage. It is but a vessel for my troubled spirit. . . . Come closer for you are safe while I am hung like so much butchered meat.

Lara: Who are you?

Hanged Man: Who? Hmmm. . . For it is more like what. Condemned to wander between the kingdoms of man and that of the elementals. Hmmm . . . But I must be swift in my request. Hissss. . . For they watch and wait to once more draw me back into the darkness.

Lara: Request?

Hanged Man: My heart, girl. They have hidden my petrified heart in this, the World (Woad?) Tree. Down under the watchful gaze of the dragon, Neadhog (?). Hmm. . . Find this, my child, and return it to its rightful resting place. Hiss. . . and you shall be rewarded!

Lara: And why on earth should I trust you?

Hanged Man: Not on earth, girl. In between. My soul is gone and how it fares nobody knows and nobody cares.

With a choking laugh and another flash of light, the corpse disappears.


After picking up the heart Lara turns and goes through the door that just opened. She slides down and peeks into the next room. Here we see Father Patrick standing over an open pit, from which unearthly hissing and groaning can be heard.

Father Patrick: Go back to your slumberings. This is but a child, and she shall not cross your path4 as you shall not cross hers.

Voice from the pit: Come closer for often it is easier to be brave from a distance.

Father Patrick: I am here now, and I have a gift for you, you cantankerous worm.

He throws something into the pit.

Voice: Arrgh! Curse you, priest! If you live till doomsday you shall burn a week longer than the world! I swear!

Father Patrick: Iron. Never found a demon yet that doesn't burn at its touch.

Lara: What was in the hole?

Father Patrick: In the. . . never mind that. What on earth are you doing here? No, don't bother. We'll get on to that later. Right now we need to get you out to somewhere safe until the morning. That's assuming you'll stay in once place, young lady.

Lara: Nothing with demons, right?

Father Patrick: Well, I can't promise anything in this God-forsaken place. I'll light the way and go on ahead to clear out any unwelcome guests. Now once you're out, head to the chapel over the bridge. I'll meet you there. I'm forgetting me manners. Don't speak to strange things, and if there's anything around-and trusting me skills in this area there shouldn't be-iron, girl. Use iron to repel 'em. See you on top. Keep your wits about you.

After giving Lara this advice, Father Dunstan leaves the area.


Lara examines the open coffin and cautiously steps through. She slips and stumbles down the ramp. After struggling to her feet she turns to see Father Patrick standing nearby holding a flaming torch.

Father Patrick: Good Lord, girl. It's me. I've enough on me plate without you making me jump out of me skin, Lara.

Lara: Your hair. . . . .

Father Patrick: What about me hair?

Lara: It's. . . white!

Father Patrick: Hmm. . . Aye. That'd be right. I was detained by some unpleasant fellows from down below. Gave me quite a fright. (He laughs.) That's why I wasn't at the chapel, but I can see you've kept yourself busy. Anyways, let's get you out of here, and back to safety.

He motions for Lara to go ahead of him and they exit together.


Lara and Father Patrick emerge from the Labyrinth onto a rainy hillside.

Father Patrick: Right, young lady, I'm going to have a quick look around now for a safe place to put you. Now you stay put, or you'll be banging into something that'll make your hair turn white. And we wouldn't be wanting that now, would we?

Lara: Father, I found a book in the labyrinth.

Father Patrick: You've been sight-seeing in there as well? Good Lord almighty, girl! I'll be needin' to chain ye to something.

Lara: It has protective symbols. Maybe you can use them.

Father Patrick: Bless you for the thought, but I've enough protection from Him above. And for that diagram to be any good you'd have to draw it out and be sittin' in the middle of it. And you know something, I've left all me coloring pens at home tonight. Now, you'll be doing me a big favor if you were to stay put before you bang into something bigger than you.

Lara: Stay put. Right!

Yeah, right. . . . ;-)


When Lara approaches, the demon knight bursts out of the barn on horseback, still carrying Father Patrick.

Demon Knight: Who is this that stands before me? The first to visit me in my prison seven hundred years past.

Father Patrick: Seven hundred years? All alone in a barn? Huh, those winter nights must have just flown by.

Demon Knight: Silence, ignorant heretic, or I behead you!

The horseman then shoves the priest off the horse. He lands on the ground in a heap.

Lara: Leave him be!

Demon Knight: For the child has spirit, but what is that? When this island is littered with the bones of holy men. My gift to them for their spirit in obstructing me from claiming my rightful inheritance.

Father Patrick: And this inheritance, I would wonder, would be some way to explain why your walking and breathing when you should be gone long past?

Demon Knight: The inheritance is the gift of eternal life. Contained within an ancient scroll. Concealed by the dullard Abbot and his cohorts. The scroll, which draws forth pale demon blood through my veins. I am no longer man. I am one for the earth and one for above the gaping abyss of Hades.

Father Patrick: So why stay on the island? Came for a holiday and fell in love with the scenery?

Demon Knight: Hold your yapping tongue for want I clip it! Boils and plagues plaster over this island and its treacherous inhabitants! For it was they, and their ox little abbot, who plotted to incarcerate me in this dungeon hall for an eternity. I, Vladimir Kaleta, who worshipped in the first Kremlin, who butchered the Swede and the Lefsky on the banks of the River Neva. Incarcerated within this prison of flowing water!

Lara: Running water. . . You're trapped here by running water!

Father Patrick: Demons cannot cross running water.

Demon Knight: Indeed. The abbot's final trick before I was transformed. (Then, to Lara:) And you shall find a way to shore up this stream or your holy man shall be opened up and gutted like live fruk.

The demon then hauls Father Patrick back onto the horse, mounts and rides back into the barn. The doors slam shut behind them.


After de-activating the water wheel, Lara emerges from the small mill. The demon horseman again bursts out of the barn. He raises his arms and shouts out his triumph. As he speaks, he lifts Father Patrick from the horse.

Demon Knight: Your child has done her job well, and I taste freedom for the first time in an eon. You will now fear me? For you have served your purpose well holy man, and for this should I exercise mercy as a god might?

Father Patrick: Now that'd be nice, but I'm not holdin' me breath.

Demon Knight: Yes, I shall spare and secure for you a fate worse than death! For when you pass beyond this world, Heaven shall no longer welcome you, for you have released a demon.

Father Patrick: My faith will protect me from feckless lesser demons as yourself.

Enraged, the horseman head-butts Father Patrick and then flings him to the ground.

Lara: Father!

Demon Knight: Ah! The child. I shall snuff out her life as a candle.

Father Patrick: The book from the library. . . .

Lara backs away as the demon advances toward her.

Father Patrick: The names. . . read out the names.

Lara takes the Bestiary from her backpack, opens it and begins to read. The horseman continues to advance.

Lara: Askeroth. Aqueil. Arrancula. Belial. Bucom. Boliath. . . . Help me!

Father Patrick: Keep reading, girl, you're almost there.

Lara: Camos. . . Masteflou. . . .

The horseman raises his sword to take a swing at Lara, but Father Patrick lunges at the horseman from behind. He tries to tackle the horseman, but the demon breaks away and flings him aside. Just as the horseman is about to strike Lara down, she hits on the correct name.

Lara: Verdilet!

The horseman is paralyzed.

Demon Knight: How is this? I move to strike and yet cannot!

Father Patrick: You've done well, girl, and before you ask, I'll tell ye. The book you've got, I myself was looking fer it, but as I couldn't find it, assumed you had it, and lucky ye did!

Lara: But how. . . ?

Father Patrick: If you name a demon, you have power over it, and you named him! It's your shout, Lara.

Demon Knight: For this you shall burn for eternity! I shall drown you in a mire of your own entrails before I squeeze. . . .

Lara: Be quiet!

Father Patrick: What ye reckon we get out of this God-forsaken place and go and get a nice cup of tea with Winston? Almost forgot, would you be wantin' to wave goodbye to our little friend?

Lara: Back to where you belong!

The demon vanishes. Father Patrick puts an arm around Lara and they leave together.


Lara and Father Patrick are riding in the bow of a boat headed back from the island.

Father Patrick: And you'll have learned a few valuable lesions from that, I be thinkin'.

Lara: You'd be thinking right, Father.

The scene shifts to the present day and Father Patrick, Winston and Jean-Yves in the study.

Father Patrick: Her curiosity was eventually her failing.

Jean-Yves: The path she chose was the path she loved, and for this we should celebrate, not grieve. Although I fear for Von Croy. Pursuing his inner demons. Driven half to madness in his quest for her final resting place. He will not find peace in himself until this is complete.

As Jean-Yves speaks the scene shifts again, and we see Werner Von Croy in the Egyptian desert, apparently still searching for Lara. Once again the scene changes and we're back at Lara's estate. The night is still stormy, and the three friends are walking through the entrance hall. They stop in front of a gilt-framed mirror.

Jean-Yves: Ah! The infamous trophy room, and you will be doing the acrobatics to enter, Winston? Yes?

Winston reaches up and takes hold of a light fixture and cranks it down to open the concealed door behind the mirror. Winston leads the way inside.

Winston: Miss Croft did enjoy her little games. . . . . And here it is, gentlemen. The artifact which lead to the animosity between Miss Croft and Von Croy. Ending ultimately in this terrible business.

Winston unveils the case containing the Iris artifact. The camera zooms in on the artifact and the scene shifts to another of Lara's previous capers. We see the Iris displayed on a computer monitor. The monitor is part of a surveillance set-up inside a van parked near a high-rise office building. Zip sits at the controls.

Zip: Okay Miss Croft, I'm presuming, by the lack of communication that you're at Industries' building, right? Containing our little prize? The Iris?

Lara (voice over headset): Affirmative.

Zip: Right! Now this is what you're good at, yeah? Time to switch roofs.

The camera pans up the building and we see Lara on the rooftop, dressed in a black cat suit with a headset. She's holding onto a hang glider.

Lara: Switch roofs? Easy to say from the ground floor. Wouldn't you agree?

Zip: C'mon now! Stiff upper lip. Top pole, and all that. Time to get hip with Zip.

Lara: (looking down at her watch) Gone.

She takes off and glides across to the roof of the next building. A sudden updraft causes a bit of a hitch at the other side and Lara nearly loses her footing, but she manages to roll safely onto the rooftop. Zip hears a loud squawk of feedback as she lands.

Zip: Yow! Jimi Hendrix is back! Lara? You there, Lara? Croft? Are you gettin' this?

Lara: Fly me.

Lara quickly recovers and begins to rappel down the face of the building.

Zip: Geez, now that was a blast! What the hell happened?

Lara: Never mind, Yankee, I'm going in.

She shoots out a vent cover and swings into the opening.


Lara: I'm in.

Zip: OK, now lets see what you can do. Follow the vent to the main corridor. You've come in at the thirteenth floor. Unlucky for some.

Lara: Unlucky for them. Any welcome party?

Zip: That's your job, girl. I ain't no X-ray vision super-hero.

Lara: I'd noticed the last bit.

Zip: Ooh, you are so sharp you're gonna cut yourself. Just remember, the less attention the better. You dig?

Lara: Thanks, but that thought had crossed my mind.

Zip: Just makin' sure you're on the ball, lady.

Lara: Enough talk. Contact me if you see anything.

Zip: Whew! That girl has got one bad attitude.


Zip alerts Lara to the presence of another guy in a VCI cyber suit as she enters the BIG ROOM WITH CATWALKS. It's a short exchange, but I have included this for those who experience a system lock-up at this point.

Zip: Uh oh! You're going to have to play some fancy moves to get past this quarterback.

Lara: You got any suggestions? Anything to distract him?

Zip: I got a suggestion right here: Go find a different way out! 'Cause you don't want to know what happens when you make the Hulk mad.

Lara: Indispensable information as always.

Zip: That face ain't got armor on it, right? Well, that's how you're gonna have to do it. You're one hard-boiled lady. Now, you'll think of somethin'.

Lara: What exactly am I hiring you for?

Zip: My extraordinary knowledge of security systems and my unsurpassed skill in crackin' them. Not to mention my ineffably addictive personality.

Lara: You're right. I won't mention it.


At the start of the level, Zip contacts Lara over the headset.

Zip: OK, you've been a bad girl, and before I tell you what your punishment is, I just want to say that there's no point in arguing cuz I ain't gonna be listnin'. Take all your metal items-yes guns is metal-and put 'em in the tray. Now!

Lara: So you're telling me to disarm myself in a building crawling with armed guards?

Zip: Now if I was listening, which I ain't, like I told ya before, I would counteract this argument by alerting the person asking me this to the fact her guns ain't good against ten foot tall walking tanks anyway! But I ain't listening, so I ain't sayin nothin'.

Lara: I'm doing it. But if you mess this up. . .

Zip: Alright, I'm listening again. And trust me, I ain't going to mess this up, okay?

Lara: Do I have a choice?

Zip: Nope.


Zip (again over headset): I don't like to be the bearer of bad tidings, but the stairs are out, unless you're bullet-proof. You ain't bullet-proof, are ya?

Lara: What about the lifts?

Zip: Well, the lifts is going down, and normally, when trying to escape somewhere, ain't it clever to head in the direction of the exit? Like the roof?

Lara: Right. That would be clever. Like making me ditch my guns?

Zip: Ouch! Yeah, maybe you'd better start looking for some weapons. Hey, don't sweat it girl, the man will save you.

Lara: Hasn't happened yet.


Zip: Lara are you there? Lara! Lara! You broke? You ain't dead, is ya? C'mon girl, answer me!

Lara: Gonna be sore in the morning.

Zip: I knew you was too tough for a fall like that.

Lara: Uh, I'm on the ground floor, aren't I?

Zip: Bing! Ground floor. Depart here for gun-toting refrigerator men and long walk back upstairs. Sorry girl, you got it, but hell, you in one piece, ain't ya?

Lara: Never felt better.


A VCI guard approaches a door and presses an intercom button.

Guard: Permission to enter, Sir! I have important news on the situation regarding the intruder.

The doors slide open and the guard steps through. Inside the spacious office two older white executive types are stationed behind a large desk. The younger man is seated in a wheelchair. A fire is cracking in the fireplace.

Older man: And?***

Guard: It, uh, it seems that she's managed to evade my men and remove the Iris, Sir.

Von Croy: Incompetence! Where is this intruder now or have you mislaid her once more?

Guard: Last visual contact in the lobby, Sir!

Von Croy: Last visual contact? So you have lost her again. Find her! Find her now!

A large display screen descends from the ceiling and unfolds before the two men behind the desk.

Older man: All exits are blocked. There is no need for these histrionics. Do we have identification yet?

Guard: Only visual, Sir!

On the screen a video loop shows Lara running through one of the hallways.

Von Croy: No need. I know who the intruder is: Lara Croft.

Older man: Ah, your past once more comes back to haunt you, Werner, foolish boy. No matter, she will not escape. Place the building under full alert.


A steel door is riddled with bullets. Lara kicks the door open and bursts through onto the roof followed by three VCI goons. She sprints across the rooftop toward the hang glider she left there earlier. Amid a hail of bullets, she flips over the hang glider, grabbing the handles and pulling the glider with her over the edge of the roof. The goons race after her, but she makes a clean getaway to a lower rooftop nearby.

The scene shifts to the Croft Manor. Father Patrick, Winston and Jean-Yves drink a toast to Lara.

Jean-Yves: To absent friends.

Winston: Indeed.

Father Patrick: God rest her soul.

Cut to Von Croy, still in the desert in Egypt. A boy wearing a turban approaches.

Boy: Mister Von Croy! Mister Von Croy! Come quickly!

The boy leads Von Croy through clouds of blowing sand to an entrance in the ruins. The boy picks up a lantern and they proceed down the steps into the darkened interior of the temple. They approach two men digging in the rubble.

Von Croy: What is it, man? What have you found? Pass it to me. Pass it to me!

One of the men hands something to Von Croy. He holds it up to the light and we see that it is Lara's backpack.

Von Croy: We've found her!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

*FYI: Zapadnaya Litsa is a real Russian submarine base. It's located on the Kola Peninsula, near the border of Finland, above the Arctic Circle on the Barents Sea. This, Russia's largest sub base, has been in the news recently-first, because of environmental concerns about safely dismantling nuclear-powered subs in the Northern Fleet, then this past August when the Russian nuclear sub Kursk sunk off the coast. The Kursk had been stationed at Zapadnaya Litsa.

For more info, visit these sites:

· The Bellona Foundation - (Russian, Norwegian and English versions. Search for Zapadnaya Litsa or other keywords.)

· News stories about the Kursk incident:

· Map of the Kola Peninsula at (Search for Zapadnaya Litsa, Kola Peninsula or Murmansk, the nearest city.)

**NOTE: According to Richard Morton, one of the level designers for TR Chronicles, Father Patrick's full name is Bram Patrick Dunstan. Special thanks to Brian C. from the Tomb Raiders Traveler's Guide ( for this info.

***NOTE: I'm not sure who the older man in the brown suit with Von Croy is. I will try to check into it. In the mean time, if anyone has info, please let me know.

INTRODUCTION: To save space here, I've included transcripts of the introductory FMV (full-motion video) sequences in a separate document (TR5FMV.rtf).

BUG NOTE: Using Windows' CD auto-run feature may result in a bug where you are unable to save your game or load your saved games. If this happens, instead of running the game from the setup screen that appears when you insert the CD-ROM, close that window (or disable auto-run completely) and try running the game from the Start Menu. Or, create a desktop shortcut to the TR5 icon in the 'Tomb Raider Chronicles' folder and use that to start the game. Unless a patch is released to fix this problem, this work-around should help.




Kills: 5 (6)* Items: 23, plus the Revolver, Laser Sight (twice), 3 keys, Saturn Stone, and 3 Golden Rose Secrets**

Starting Inventory: Pistols (unlimited ammunition), binoculars, 3 flares, 3 small med-packs, 1 large med-pack, Mercury Stone.

(NOTE: Lara gets new equipment at the beginning of each episode, so there's no need to conserve ammunition for any huge final boss. Feel free to use the more powerful weapons when you find them.)

BACKSTAGE STOREROOMS/TRAINING AREA: Enter the doorway on the left marked "Opera Backstage." This is a training area of sorts, in that Lara explains some of her basic moves as you go. Nothing here advances the plot; however, there are items to be found, including a secret. So even seasoned raiders should explore this building.

Follow Lara's instructions and vault onto the wooden crate. From there, climb to the cement ledge above. Go to the end of the ledge. Here Lara explains how to do a standing jump from the metal-grated tile to the metal tile on the next ledge. Go through the doorway ahead to a room with a wooden floor. Follow Lara's direction and take a running jump across the gap in the floor. Before going on, go around the back of the metal cage. Face it, jump straight up and grab the edge. Pull up and pick up the small med-pack on top. Take a standing jump over to the metal scaffolding and pick up flares and a large med-pack. (You'll need to crawl into the alcove to get the med-pack.) Jump back to the metal cage, drop to the wooden floor and continue through the doorway to the next area.

This room contains widely spaced ledges and a crate dangling from a winch. Here Lara tells you how to do a running jump and grab to get from one ledge to the next. Do the jump then follow the elevated walkway around to the end. Side flip to the left (or just jump) onto the next ledge. Continue forward through the doorway back to the dangling-crate room. Jump straight up to grab the overhead bars and monkey swing across the room. Climb the ladder on the wall almost to the top, then climb around the corner to the right and let go. Crawl through the low opening. At the end, turn right and back up to the edge. Press Action and reverse to make Lara lower herself to the floor. Or, a new TR5 move: crawl forward to the edge of the opening then press Jump to somersault out of the opening.

Use Action to pull the switch in the alcove and open the door. Go down the stairs to a room with a forklift in a storage cage. Go to the far end of the room, climb the crates and jump to the cement ledge. Here you'll find a pool to practice swimming.

Swim through the underwater tunnel to another pool where you can surface. There are two exits: a door at water level and a square opening on the bottom. Swim down through the square opening and follow the tunnel to a small room where you can climb out of the water (Action + forward). Here you'll find some goodies-revolver bullets, shotgun shells and a large med-pack. Follow the tunnel back to the previous pool. Climb out of the water into the doorway. Continue to emerge on a ledge above the room with the first pool.

Go through the doorway on the left and practice tightrope walking across the room. Be sure to let Lara fall at least once (or climb down the crates) to explore the room below. Beyond the crates is a room containing metal shelves. Search the shelves (Action) on the left to find some flares. Push (Action + forward) the black shelves in the back right corner to uncover revolver bullets. Push the black shelves in the right corner as far as they'll go to reveal a secret passage. Follow this to a small room with more shelves. Pick up Uzi clips on the floor and a golden rose (secret #1, 1/36) on one of the shelves. Return to the tightrope room and climb the crates to the upper level.

You'll pass a few more shelves on the way out. The one on the right has a small med-pack. Keep going to a dead end and pull the switch to open the door and emerge back where you started (in the first room with the forklift). Drop down and exit to the right.

BACK ON THE STREET: Go to the left along the street where you began the level. Ahead is what appears to be a dead end. Above on the right is an ARCHED BALCONY, orange with white columns. You can't reach it yet. Notice the dark square on the ground and the barred alcove with the hanging greenery. You'll return soon.

Leave this area and turn left (right if you're coming from the start of the level) through the narrow alley with the lamps up above. Continue to an OPEN COURTYARD WITH A FOUNTAIN. A Doberman attacks. (I have to wonder at this point-especially having played TR2 as well-whether someone on the design team had a bad dog bite experience while vacationing in Italy.)

Make a mental note of the locked gate and keyhole on the left side of the courtyard. Follow the narrow alley on the right (near the red-and-white striped awning), which leads past a barred opening to a panel with a carved face. Reach into the niche carved into the face (Action) to operate a mechanism that opens a gate elsewhere.

Return to the FOUNTAIN, turn left into the alley with the lamps, and follow it back to the street. Turn right into the area with the up above. Beyond the hanging greenery is the gate you just opened. Go through and use another niche mechanism. When you do, a flock of bats flies out and tries to mess up Lara's hairdo. You can't kill them, so either flee or run Lara into a corner and crouch. She'll take little or no damage that way. When you leave this alcove, you'll see that you've raised a block that will enable you to climb to the ARCHED BALCONY.

Climb up but before going on, turn around (to face out over the raised block) and take a diagonal standing jump from the left archway to the cement ledge with the small med-pack. Jump back through the archway and continue up the ramp to a SMALL ROOM WITH RED FURNITURE. Go through onto a balcony above the FOUNTAIN. Continue straight across and drop into a hallway with peach walls and white molding. Shoot the window and pick up the revolver bullets on the sill. You're now above another COURTYARD WITH A CLOTHESLINE. If you want to, turn around and dangle Lara from the sill (press and hold Action, then press reverse to drop and grab the edge) to attract the attention of another Doberman in the courtyard below. Then pull up onto the sill and shoot it from above.

Follow the peach-colored hallway around to some stairs leading down. On the way, shoot out two more windows. There's a small med-pack on one windowsill. The other opens the way to the building next door, but wait to go there. First, go down the stairs (kill that dog now if you didn't before) and push open the blue double doors (Action). Another dog rushes out. Kill it then go in and retrieve a large med-pack on the floor and wide-shot shells on the crate.

Go through the doorway on the other side of the courtyard (where the first dog came from). Follow the hallway to a switch, which you can use to open a gate leading back to the courtyard with the FOUNTAIN. (NOTE: You don't have to do this, but it could save you some backtracking if you fall later on while jumping from ledge to ledge.)

Return back along the hallway to the COURTYARD WITH THE CLOTHESLINE. Go to the right and up the stairs to the windows you shot out. Jump across the alley to the neighboring house. Enter and take the first left. At the top of the ramp you'll find a GOLDEN KEY. Backtrack to the end of this hallway and continue up to the left.

Cut Scene: A panoramic view of the fountain courtyard, which now contains a barking Doberman. The camera comes to rest on the locked door.

Jump over the railing onto the red-and-white awning. Pick up some flares. Then shoot the dog before dropping to the ground. Use the GOLDEN KEY to open the gate on the other side of the fountain.

COURTYARD WITH PALM TREES AND TIGHTROPE: Enter cautiously, Larson waits in the next room, up on a balcony to the left. Let him have it with your pistols and he'll run off shortly. Pick up a small med-pack in the alcove on the right. Then go through the doorway below where Larson was standing. First go left down the ramp to a room with boxes. Here you'll find a GARDEN KEY (shaped like a star) on one crate.

Return to the hallway and continue left to the top. Larson will shoot at Lara again from the other side of the gap. Again, plug him a few times to scare him off. Then tightrope walk across to the opposite balcony. Drop down and, if you like, use the switch to open a gate leading back to the FOUNTAIN COURTYARD. (NOTE: As before, you don't have to do this, but it could save you some backtracking.)

Head away from the gate toward a WIDER STREET WITH A GATED GARDEN off to the right. This is where you'll use the GARDEN KEY, but you need another one first. Go to the left end of the street and through the small, square doorway. Follow the hallway, picking up some revolver bullets in a small room on the left. Make a mental note of the LOCKED WOODEN GATE with the small room behind it. This is the location of the second secret. You'll come back for it later.

Continue upstairs. Be sure to pick up the REVOLVER on the landing. (You probably won't miss it because the camera focuses on it so you're unable to look at anything else.) At the top of the ramp, push open the blue double doors. Inside this SMALL ROOM WITH WINE BARRELS you'll find the LASER SIGHT on the floor to the left and a padlocked gate on the right. Shoot the padlock: either use the revolver equipped with the laser sight to target it (check your instruction booklet or see my gameplay tips page at for how to combine items), or face the lock squarely and shoot continuously with pistols while crouching. Lara should hit the lock on the way down. Behind the gate is the second GARDEN KEY. A colony of rats swarms out. Some of these will try to bite Lara, so if you've gotten everything, run away downstairs. Or, run out, jump the railing and wait for the bats to disperse before returning to collect the key.

Go to the far end of the WIDER STREET and through the doorway on the left. Use the 2 GARDEN KEYS here to unlock the gate. Return around the corner to the WIDE STREET and enter the garden.

Cut Scenes: When Lara places the second key, you see a view of the garden interior, including a small building with three gargoyles. When she enters the garden and approaches the gargoyle building, there's a longer movie, in which Pierre and Larson spy on Lara from the rooftops. A transcript appears in the document TR5FMV.rtf.

Go through the doorway in the back right corner, behind the façade with the gargoyles. Follow the hallway to the top. You may or may not encounter another Doberman in the hallway.*

Cut Scene: A panoramic view of a temple with a bell hanging at the top.

TEMPLE WITH BELL: In case you missed the subtle hint in the cut scene, the camera shifts to the bell and won't budge until you move Lara out of range. There are three doors here: one on to the left, one top center and one bottom center of the temple. If you didn't find it earlier (in the SMALL ROOM WITH THE WINE BARRELS), you can pick up the LASER SIGHT at the top of the steps under the bell. There's also a box of revolver bullets behind the columns to the right of the upper door.

Combine the revolver and laser sight and target the bell. When you hit it squarely, the door on the left side of the temple opens.

Backtrack for secret #2: Go down the ramp the way you came, exit the garden and turn right. Go to the end of the street and through the doorway to the area where you found the revolver earlier. In the little side room (you picked up some bullets here) the LOCKED WOODEN GATE is now open. Another Doberman charges out. Kill it. Then enter and take a large med-pack and a golden rose (secret #2, 2/36) from the shelves. Return through the garden to the TEMPLE WITH BELL.

Climb the stairs and go through the door on the left, which opened when you shot the bell. Take a running jump across the gap to the next building, pressing Action to shorten the jump so Lara doesn't bang her head and fall. (Or use a standing jump from the edge, and press Action to grab the opposite edge. Then pull up.) Endure the swarm of bats as you use the mechanism in the niche to open the upper door of the TEMPLE (or crouch in the corner until the bats disperse). Jump back across the gap toward the temple.

One more side trip before entering the temple: Climb onto the high stone wall to the left of the temple (on the right if Lara's back is toward the temple). Follow the wall around the perimeter of the garden to the far end. Take a running jump to the orange-tiled roof ahead. Cross the tiled roof and take another running jump into the alcove ahead. Here you'll find revolver bullets and a large med-pack. See the series of screenshots at if you need visuals.

Enter the temple through the upper middle door, which you opened earlier. Here you'll find two ravens on pedestals. Go through the doorway in the back left corner. Use the switch to shatter the raven statue, revealing a dove. Stand near the dove pedestal and press Action to rotate it. This opens a door elsewhere and sets the battering ram above swinging. Go through the other corner doorway and follow the passage to a ledge near the battering ram. Turn so the battering ram is on Lara's right and drop back to grab the edge of the ledge. Traverse around to the right until you can pull up onto another ledge (as shown in the screenshot Use the switch in the alcove to turn the second raven into a dove. Safety drop to the floor. Turn the second dove pedestal to open the door outside at the base of the temple.

Exit the temple, but before going through that third door, retrieve another secret. Turn right and go through the door you opened earlier by shooting the bell. Jump across the alley to the room with the carved face niche. Turning the second dove also opened two small alcoves in this room. Pick up a small med-pack and a golden rose (secret #3, 3/36). Jump back across the gap to the TEMPLE.

Go through the door at the base of the temple and get the SATURN STONE. Walk back outside to end the level.

Cut Scene: Lara emerges from the temple only to be ambushed by Pierre and Larson. A transcript of their exchange appears in the document TR5FMV.rtf.




Kills: 5 Items: 26, plus Laser Sight, Crowbar, Shotgun, Gold Coin, Valve Wheel, Mars Stone, Venus Stone and 3 Golden Rose Secrets**

COBBLED STREET: Enter the first two rooms on either side of the street. Each contains some tools, a wheelbarrow, etc., and a small box. Shatter the boxes with your pistols (crouch if necessary) and pick up the LASER SIGHT (it's only added to your inventory if you don't have it already) and CROWBAR. Both rooms have enticing ledges above. You can't reach them yet, though.

Continue down the street. The boarded-up door marked "Pericolo" (Danger) doesn't open. You'll get the goodies inside from the other side in a moment. Farther along the street, where it comes to a T, there are several barred gates. These, too, won't open yet, but you'll be back. For now, use the CROWBAR to pry open the metal door opposite the boarded-up door.

ABANDONED BUILDINGS: Enter and shoot the little box to get the small med-pack inside. Climb the scaffolding. Turn toward the barred window (behind on the right if Lara is facing the tightrope). Take a standing jump from the corner of the ledge to grab the sill and pull up. Take the small med-pack and jump back to the ledge. Walk the tightrope to the other side of the room. (You'll get the shotgun shells on the middle windowsill later.) Jump to the ledge below the windowsill. Climb onto the sill then cross the metal walkway. Turn right and take a standing jump to the angled ledge. From there, jump to the metal ledge ahead. Turn right and take a running jump to grab the sill with the shotgun shells. Repeat the running jump-grab to get back to the metal ledge.

Safety drop into the next room (i.e., hang from the doorway and drop onto the ledge below). Pick up flares and revolver bullets. Jump from the top of the coal heap to grab the square ledge in the corner. (Walk to the edge of the heap before jumping.) Pull up and enter the next room.

Cut Scene: An array of gears.

GEAR ROOMS: Safety drop from the ledge into an open area with several doorways, some barred. Take note of the three high ledges supported by square pillars. Scale the ladder on the back of the square pillar to the right of the center doorway. (See the screenshot at if you have trouble finding it.) At the top, climb around the corner to the left, let go and slide onto the flat part of the ledge.

Turn right (the ladder is now on Lara's left) and take a running jump to the next ledge. Jump around the column to the small, square ledge and enter the FIRST ROPE ROOM. Pull the vertical rope (stand facing it and press Action) to operate the gear mechanism. Do this three times.

Cut scenes: Each time you pull, you see a brief cut scene of one of the gears being raised.

Exit and jump back to the middle ledge (near the ladder). Position Lara facing the windowsill between the two carved gryphons and take a running jump into the opening. (NOTE: To set up this jump, walk Lara to the corner of the ledge nearest the opening where you want her to land. Angle Lara toward the opening then take one hop plus one walking step back. This will give Lara enough of a run-up. If she takes the running jump with only a hop back, she'll pause at the crack between the flat and sloping parts of the ledge and end up doing a standing jump instead. This will cause her to miss the opening and fall. The extra step backward will also make it so you don't need to press Action while jumping in order to land in the opening.) Pick up the Uzi clips. Turn back toward the open area and take a diagonal running jump to the right to land on the third ledge. Jump around the column to the small, square ledge and enter the SECOND ROPE ROOM. Pull the rope once. If you've pulled the rope in the FIRST ROPE ROOM (above) three times, the gears will move.

Cut Scene: The mechanism is activated and the huge, circular door in the room below rolls open revealing a golden-armored centurion statue.

Pulling the second rope also opens a trapdoor below. This leads to secret #1. If, after pulling the rope once, you pull it again, this trapdoor will close. Pull the rope again to re-open it. The screenshot at shows the location of the trapdoor. It's just below where you entered this area from the ABANDONED BUILDINGS.

Safety drop to the floor. (Lara loses a tiny bit of health.) Turn and go straight across the open area (over or around the low railing) and drop down through the trapdoor you just opened. Pick up a golden rose (secret #1, 4/36), plus regular and wide-shot shells. Climb back out.

BEHIND THE BIG GEAR: Cross the open area and go through the middle door. At the top of the small ramp you'll see where the huge gear rolled aside. To the left, opposite the edge of the gear, is an opening. Climb up and drop into a small room with lit torches. Use the CROWBAR to pry out the GOLD COIN. When you do, rats swarm out from behind the grate. Climb back out and run around until the rats disperse. (Or, run around to the left and climb onto the ladder where the rats can't reach Lara.) Then approach the big statue. Pick up a small med-pack and revolver bullets. Then use the GOLD COIN in the receptacle in the base of the statue.

Cut Scene: A gate opens elsewhere.

Leave this room and go directly across the courtyard through the gate that just opened. This leads back out to the COBBLED STREET. Now the small gate in the white wall on the left is open. Go through and follow the alley around the corner. On the left is a room with a pool of water. Before entering, continue to the end of the street to get some revolver bullets.

ROOM WITH POOL AND FALLING WATER: Take a swim. Pick up a small med-pack on the bottom of the pool on the left side. Notice the VENUS STONE gleaming enticingly on the other side of the gate. Surface behind the falling water and climb onto the purple ledge. Go through the doorway and approach the revolver bullets.

Cut Scene: A machine clanks to life, setting a mechanical head hovering above a claw-like base.

FLOATING MECHANICAL HEAD: The mechanical head shoots deadly rays from its eyes. If Lara is hit, it means instant death. There is an easy way to avoid being hit. Do not enter the room with the head. Instead, position Lara on the seam between the floor textures just outside the doorway so the room with the mechanical head is off to the left. Sidestep to the right away from the doorway. Then pivot to the left to face into the room. As long as Lara is on the seam in the floor, the mechanical head won't target her. (See the series of screenshots at if necessary to get oriented.) Equip the revolver with laser sight and target the robotic head's eyes. When you shatter both eyes, the head is destroyed, leaving the MARS STONE behind. Drop down and pick it up.

Alternately, enter the room with the head and turn left or right. Run forward and off the edge of the catwalk. Keep running around the metal armature surrounding the head and through the opposite door into the ROOM WITH RED MACHINE AND PIPES. Lara is safe here as long as she doesn't stand in the doorway. Use either of the blocks flanking the door for cover (as shown in the screenshot at and shoot out the mechanical head's eyes with the revolver equipped with the laser sight.

ROOM WITH RED MACHINE AND PIPES: Enter the small side room with the machine. (You will already be here if you used the alternate method for destroying the head, above.) Climb onto either of the blocks flanking the doorway and turn around to face the red machine. Stand at the edge of the block and jump straight up to grab the metal structure overhead. Pull up and jump to the top of the red machine. Here you'll find a golden rose (secret #2, 5/36). Drop down and return to the room where the head was.

Pick up the MARS STONE if you haven't already. On the far side of the room (under the entrance) you'll find revolver bullets and a trapdoor with a circular pattern on it. Position Lara at the edge of the trapdoor facing the orange wedge and press Action to open the door (as shown in screenshot at

SEWERS: Drop through the trapdoor and follow the short passage to a T-shaped pool. One of the semi-circular grates (the one in the far right corner from the entrance) releases a swarm of rats when Lara walks past, but you can avoid it easily. At the junction of the various spokes of the pool, is an underwater fan. Beyond it, on the bottom of the pool is a small med-pack. There are two openings on the side walls of the shaft that leads down to the fan. The current prevents you from reaching the lower opening. (This area is shown in the screenshot screenshot at

Make sure Lara's air meter is full. Then swim through the upper opening. Follow the twisting passage to a SMALL ROOM WITH A PIPE AND LIT TORCH. Pick up the shotgun shells and use your CROWBAR to pry the VALVE WHEEL off the pipe. Swim back to the T-shaped pool and return the way you came to the ROOM WITH THE RED MACHINE AND PIPES. (There's a ladder on the wall below the trapdoor so you can climb up.)

Press Action to place the VALVE WHEEL on the valve stem sticking out of the red machine. Press Action again to turn the wheel. There's no cut scene, but this turns off the fan back in the SEWERS. Return through the trapdoor to the SEWERS.

UNDERWATER TUNNELS: You may want to save your game before this next bit of complicated swimming. Swim down toward the now-inactive fan. Swim through the passage just above the fan grating. Continue down and forward. At the bottom, the passage widens. Head forward and veer left through the small, square opening. Continue to a small room where you can get air and a large med-pack.

Jump back into the water and when you reach the wider, hexagon-shaped tunnel, go to the left. Follow the wider tunnel as it turns right. Ahead are two large fans. There's a small, square opening to the right of these fans. The current prevents you from reaching it. Let the current carry you. At the wall opposite the fans, swim upward until you can surface.

Climb out of the water and turn the wheel to deactivate the two fans. Swim back down toward the fans, then through the small, square opening to the right of them. Follow this passage through a series of twists and turns to another pool where you can surface. Climb out of the water and pick up the SHOTGUN and some shells. Start forward.

Cut Scene: A statue of a Roman centurion comes to life.

ANIMATED STATUE: The gate closes, leaving Lara trapped with the soldier statue. He's big and nasty. His sword not only slices but also shoots energy bolts. You can climb onto the windowsill (where the statue was). He can't reach Lara with his sword there, but he can still zap her. I found it easier to just keep moving around the open area while blasting him with the shotgun. Shoot him until he falls.

Cut Scene: The window shatters and the gate in the ROOM WITH THE POOL AND FALLING WATER opens, so the VENUS STONE is accessible.

Climb onto the windowsill and pick up the small med-pack and Uzi clips. Climb through the shattered window and get another small med-pack at the left end of the ledge. Safety drop to the street.

The ROOM WITH THE POOL AND FALLING WATER is just across the street. But before going back there, return to the start of the level. To get there, begin with Lara's back to the ROOM WITH THE POOL AND FALLING WATER. Head to the right, around the building, past the palm tree and through the raised gate. Turn left and continue with the white wall on Lara's left, past the barred alcove. (The ABANDONED BUILDINGS you explored at the beginning of the level are on the right). The gate at the far end of the white wall is now open. Inside you'll find a golden rose (secret #3, 6/36).

Return to the ROOM WITH THE POOL AND FALLING WATER. Swim down and forward, then to the left. Pick up the VENUS STONE and swim straight on to the next room. Pull up into the doorway.

Cut Scene: You're back in the GARDEN WITH THREE GARGOYLE HEADS from the first level, and Larson is waiting. A transcript of the dialogue, both before and after Lara guns down Larson, appears in the document TR5FMV.rtf.

GARDEN WITH GARGOYLE HEADS: After the cut scene, Larson moves to the front of the building and starts shooting. Return fire until he falls. When he struggles to his feet another cut scene ensues.

(NOTE: You may want to save the game as soon as the second cut scene ends. That way you won't have to fight Larson again if Lara is killed by the gargoyles. And, if she catches fire, you can reload and not have to replay much.)

After the cut scene, immediately re-draw weapons and blast away at the 3 gargoyle heads. Be sure to keep moving. If the gargoyles' fire breath hits Lara, she'll ignite. You can jump into the pool where you entered to put out the fire, but Lara will lose a lot of health. So you're better off avoiding this altogether. Positioning Lara just forward of the palm trees and jumping from side to side while shooting worked pretty well for me playing on the PC (i.e., hold the Action and Jump keys and press left, left, right, right, etc.). Use med-packs as you go (9 and 0 are the PC hotkeys) and run behind the building if you need to catch your breath. (There's also a large med-pack back there if you need it.)

Alternately, run forward and duck behind either side of the gargoyle building. Lara is safe here from the fire breath. Position Lara facing the wall of the building and sidestep toward the front until she's a few steps away from the corner. Now side flip out from behind the building while firing. After a few shots, side flip back behind the building. Keep this up and eventually you'll hear mechanical clanking as one of the gargoyles explodes. Repeat until all three are destroyed. You may want to save periodically in case Lara gets toasted.

When you've destroyed all three gargoyles, pick up the various goodies around the area. (Don't forget to look behind the building.) In addition to the med-pack, you'll find 2 boxes of regular and 2 boxes of wide-shot shells.

Place the VENUS and MARS STONES in their receptacles to open the door. Enter and take a running jump over the spike pit to grab the ledge in the middle of the cave. Pull up and take another running jump to the ledge near the golden sun. The ledge collapses and Lara slides into the next level.




Kills: 9 Items: 3, plus Uzis, 2 Gemstone Pieces, 2 keys, Philosopher's Stone and 3 Golden Rose Secrets**

UNDERGROUND CELLS WITH SKELETONS: Start forward. Just beyond the grate letting light in from above, look on the right for a movable block with a metal ring on it. (The block is outlined in screenshot at Push it to reveal a secret room containing a golden rose (secret #1, 7/36). Return to the main passage and continue to the right. Start through the narrow space between the high stone walls.

Cut Scene: The floor crumbles beneath Lara's feet revealing a lava pit below.

As soon as the cut scene ends, run forward, jumping at the edge of the solid floor to clear the gap.

ROOMS WITH GRATING FLOORS/LION CAGES: The exit is closed. Hang from the doorsill above the lava pit. Traverse to the left and around the corner. Then pull up into the crawlspace (as shown in this screenshot at At the edge, press Jump to somersault into the small room below. Push the square button to open the exit from the room above the lion pit. Climb back into the opening and crawl backwards toward the opening, holding Action to drop and hang from the ledge above the lava pit. Traverse back around the corner and pull up. Go through the room with the grating floor and slide down the ramp.

(NOTE: Apparently on the PlayStation version, there is no crawlspace here. Instead you have to traverse all the way to the left around the corner to an alcove where you'll find the button.)

Shoot the lion inside on the right. Press the button on the wall to open the door. Immediately roll, drawing weapons, and shoot another charging lion. Go through the second room and climb the ladder. Take the GEMSTONE PIECE from the pedestal.

ROCK-WALLED ROOMS WITH RAMPS AND STONE PILLARS: When you enter the next room, a gladiator rushes Lara from the left. When you've killed him, go into the alcove from which he came and pick up a small med-pack. Go up the ramp to another similar area. Again a gladiator attacks from the left. The alcove where he came from contains Uzi clips and a button. Push it to open a door on the upper level. Go up the next ramp and the next. At the top level, you'll meet another gladiator and a lion. Kill both and go into the alcove to claim the UZIS and a large med-pack. Return down the ramp to the wide doorway.

HUGE CAVE WITH ROPE AND LEDGES: Safety drop off the right side of the walkway between the entrance and the center platform. (If you drop here, Lara will land on the ledge below and not lose health, as she would from a longer drop.)

Here comes your first timed puzzle. Climb the stairs to the platform with the rope. (It's probably a good idea to save your game before starting so you can reload if you flub it.) Pulling the rope three times raises a pedestal in the middle of the center platform. You have about 30 seconds to get up there before the pedestal recedes. Some suggestions follow. See the series of screenshot at if you need visuals.

Position Lara facing the center platform as she pulls the rope. After pulling it three times, run forward off the platform onto the ledge below. Run to the right and jump to the thin stone ledge. Run along the thin stone ledge and jump at the end to land on the paler stone block with the bi-level top.

If you've done everything up to this point without hesitation, you can take a moment to set up the next jump: Turn left and walk to the top edge of the bi-level block. Hop back once, and then take a running jump to grab the edge of the ledge that juts out toward the center platform. Pull up.

Turn left to face the center platform. Take another running jump to grab the edge of the center platfrom. Pull up and grab the second GEMSTONE PIECE from the pedestal.


Alternate Path from Rope to Bi-Level Block: Pull the rope, hop back once, angle Lara to the right and take a running jump off the corner of the platform to land on the thin stone ledge. Be sure not to press Action during this jump or Lara won't get enough distance. Run along the thin stone ledge and jump at the end to land on the paler stone block with the bi-level top.

Another Alternate Path from Rope to Bi-Level Block: Pull the rope, side-flip to the right and slide down onto the steps. Turn right to face the thin stone ledge, then run underneath it. You'll run into the tall block with the bi-level top. Jump straight up to grab the edge and pull up onto it.

Yet Another Alternate Path from Rope to Bi-Level Block: Start with Lara's back to the center platform. Pull the rope, back flip, then roll. Lara will wind up in the spot shown above. Run forward and veer right, jumping to land on the thin stone ledge. Run along the thin stone ledge and jump at the end to land on the paler stone block with the bi-level top.

Alternate from Bi-level Block: Instead of making the diagonal jump to grab the jutting part of the ledge, run straight forward along the bi-level block and jump at the very edge. Grab the high ledge ahead and pull up. Either turn left and run along the ledge (pressing the Look button if you need to get oriented) onto the part that juts out toward the center platform or, after pulling up, side flip to the left then roll. Lara will now be facing the center platform. Take a running jump, grab the edge and pull up.

(NOTE: If you just can't do it and you're playing on the PC, feel free to download my saved game with Lara at the pedestal from For help with savegame files,

After taking the GEMSTONE PIECE, follow the walkway to the right. The door opens when you approach it. As you enter, the gate ahead closes. Step forward and fall through the floor.

Cut Scene: Lara and Pierre exchange banter on the edge of a deep pit. A transcript appears in the document TR5FMV.rtf.

WALKWAY ABOVE DEEP PIT: Before going on, backtrack for a secret. Turn around and take a running jump over the slope to the flat area beyond. (Or, jump to the flat area above the slope and walk along above it. Or, hang from the ledge and traverse past the slope, then pull up.) Climb through the opening back into the HUGE CAVE WITH THE ROPE AND LEDGES.

Climb back up to the pedestal where you got the second gemstone piece. Go through the doorway where Lara just fell through the floor. This time the gate opens as you approach. Take a running jump across the gap. In the next room you'll find another golden rose (secret #2, 8/36). Safety drop into the chute and slide back down to the WALKWAY ABOVE THE DEEP PIT.

Go up the ramp into the room with the circular receptacle. Combine the two GEMSTONE PIECES (check your instruction booklet or see if you need help doing this) and place the GEMSTONE in the receptacle.

Cut Scene: The mechanism turns and the floor begins to collapse.

As soon as you regain control, hop back once then backflip to land on a small, solid ledge on the opposite side of the lava pit. (Or, roll and then take a running jump to ledge.) Take a running jump from the small ledge to the opening below the receptacle where you placed the stone. Drop back and grab the edge of the opening. Traverse to the left and around the corner. Continue traversing along the horizontal crevice to the ledge on the other side of the pit.

Enter the small room beyond and climb onto the low block. Jump up to grab the edge of the opening overhead and pull up.

ROOM OVERLOOKING THE ARENA: Another lion and his gladiator buddy attack. If you like, you can drop back into the hole and shoot these two by jumping in place on the block while firing pistols. You may need to climb up once or twice to get their attention.

When the gladiator dies, he drops the first COLOSSEUM KEY. It's difficult to see on the patterned floor, so search carefully where he fell. Use this key in the lock to the left of the double doors.

Cut Scene: Another statue-this one with a hammer-comes to life in the next room.

Try to keep your distance from the animated statue. Each time he bangs his hammer, a shock wave emanates from it and Lara takes damage if she's too close. If you don't want to go head-to-head with him, run back to the hole and drop through. If he doesn't come to the edge of the opening, climb out to get his attention then drop in again. Once he's standing above the opening, position Lara with her back against the wall and keep firing with pistols until the statue is destroyed.

Go into the next room and climb through the small, square opening. Take the second COLOSSEUM KEY from the pedestal. Use this to unlock the second set of double doors. Slide down the ramp.

LEDGE WITH GOLDEN SUN AND PHILOSOPHER'S STONE: Before taking your prize, go after the third secret. Take a running jump over the spike pit to the T-shaped ledge. From there, take a running jump over more spikes to grab the small ledge on the far side of the cave. Pull up. Crawl through the opening and continue to a small room where you'll find a golden rose (secret #3, 9/36). Return to the golden-sun ledge.

Use the CROWBAR to pry the PHILOSOPHER'S STONE from the wall and end the level.

FMV Sequence: To save space here, I've included a transcripts of the FMV (full-motion video) sequences between this level and the next in a separate document (TR5FMV.rtf).

*Notes on Kills: In the Streets of Rome level, there is one doberman that apparently may or may not appear in the hallway leading up to the temple with the bell. My esteemed colleagues at the Tomb Raiders Traveler's Guide ( swear they've seen it, so I believe it.

In Trajan's Markets Larson is designated as an enemy, but since Lara doesn't kill him, he is not part of the count at the beginning of the walkthrough.

**Note on Secrets: There are 36 golden roses in the game. If you find them all, after the credits you'll be able to access "Special Features" from the options menu. This is a collection of storyboards, etc., created during the game design.



E-Level 4 THE BASE

Kills: 10 Items: 8 plus Uzis, Desert Eagle Pistol, Laser Sight, 2 keys, 1 keycard, a fuse and 3 Golden Rose Secrets**

Starting Inventory: Pistols (unlimited ammunition), binoculars, 3 flares, 3 small med-packs, 1 large med-pack.

(NOTE: Lara gets new equipment at the beginning of each episode, so there's no need to conserve ammunition for any huge final boss. Feel free to use the more powerful weapons when you find them.)

Slide down the chute to land in a dimly lit hallway. Go to the right down a series of ramps to an open door. Enter a HUGE ROOM WITH STORAGE CRATES AND MECHANICAL CLAW.

Cut Scene: The camera pans the room showing the claw moving overhead and the claw operator in a control room overlooking the room.

While exploring this room, you can keep Lara safe from the mechanical claw by running across the open areas and taking cover in the doorways and under the overhanging ceilings at the outer edges of the room. Also, the claw casts a circular shadow on the floor before it descends. If you keep an eye on this shadow, you can usually jump out of the way in time.

The diagram above (also online at shows the layout of this area. Run straight across the room to the doorway with the swipe-card lock (marked 'S' in the diagram) below the balcony. Turn left and walk along, hugging the wall, to the metal locker against the wall below the control room (marked 'L' in the diagram). Search inside to find a SILVER KEY.

Turn around (to face away from the locker) and run to the far right corner of the room. Behind the tall stack of crates is a locked door. Use the key you just found to open it.

Enter and go up the stairs to a control room. Shoot the 2 soldiers inside through the window. (The window ledge makes good cover.) One soldier drops a SWIPE CARD when he dies. Pick this up and search the lockers to find the UZIS. Return downstairs to the CRATE-AND-CLAW ROOM.

Run around the crates and across the room to the door under the balcony to the left of the control room. (This is one of the doors marked 'S' in the diagram.) Use your borrowed card in the receptacle to the left of the door to open it. Enter and shoot the German shepherd. Collapsed ductwork blocks the hallway. Draw pistols and jump up to shoot the grate that's hanging crookedly. (It's outlined in screenshot at Climb into the duct and pick up a golden rose (secret #1, 10/36).

Return out to the CRATE-AND-CLAW ROOM. Turn left and follow the wall to the other swipe-card door. Use the card to open it and go up the stairs to one of the balconies overlooking the big room.

Now you're going to jump across the boxes to the balcony on the other side of the control room, while avoiding the mechanical claw. Save your game. The red arrows in the diagram show the path you'll take, and the series of screenshots at give more detail if you need it.

Take a running jump from the balcony to the stacked boxes below the control room on the right. (NOTE: Set it up so Lara takes off close to the end of the broken railing. If you're new to Tomb Raider, see my Tips & Strategy page at for info on setting up jumps.)

From there, take a running jump to the big stack of boxes in the middle of the room. Jump onto the single wooden crate on top of the stack. (NOTE: If Lara is about one box width away from the crate, a forward standing jump will land her on top more quickly than climbing would.)

Now take a running jump to the stack of boxes under the other balcony. Do not press Action during this jump or Lara won't make it. (Or, instead of jumping from the higher wooden crate in the middle stack, start from the wooden crate below it-the one that juts out from the stack toward the CONTROL ROOM. From there, take a running jump to grab the edge of the stack of boxes under the other balcony. Pull up.) Jump onto the wooden crate on top of the stack below the balcony. From there, take a running jump to grab the edge of the balcony. Pull up.

Follow the balcony around to the door of the CONTROL ROOM. Use the button to open the door. Enter.

Cut Scene: Lara overpowers the claw operator and uses the claw to rip out a section of wall in the room below.

Search the cabinets in the control room to find Uzi clips and a small med-pack. Use the button in the doorway to open the other exit from the control room. This leads back to the balcony where you started your jumping.

Now, if you want to, you can go after a couple of goodies on top of the crates. (Otherwise, just go downstairs and follow the TRACKS.) Jump from the balcony to the boxes below the control room window, as you did before. From there, jump to the middle stack of boxes. Cross to the other side of the stack and take a running jump to the stacked boxes to the right of the section of wall Lara ripped out (as shown in the screenshot at On top you'll find a small med-pack (also marked on the diagram).

Drop to the floor and return to the corner of the room where you first entered. Climb on the single wooden crate in the stack to the right of the door (left if Lara's back is to the entrance). Take a running jump to grab the edge of the big, metal box on the other side of the entrance. Climb to the top to get some Uzi clips. (This sequence is shown in the screenshot at, and the clips are marked on the diagram.)

THE TRACKS: Exit the claw room along the tracks revealed when Lara ripped out the wall. Two soldiers emerge at the far end. Take them out and continue to end where a roll-down door blocks the way. Go through the doorway on the left and follow the hallway outdoors.

SUBMARINE DOCK - LEFT SIDE: A tall stack of crates separates this side of the dock from the RIGHT SIDE. Climb onto the box on the train car and from there onto the crate hanging from the crane. Take a running jump to the stack of boxes against the building. Do not press Action during this jump or Lara won't make it. (See the screenshot at to get oriented.) Climb to the top of the stack to get a golden rose (secret #2, 11/36). Climb down. Then use the SWIPE CARD to open the door behind the crane.

MACHINE ROOM: There's a soldier lurking inside. Kill him and take the SILVER KEY he drops. Take note of the machine with the yellow fuses on the back. You'll see it's missing a fuse. Go back outside and re-enter the main building. Follow the hallway, cross the TRACKS and go through the door on the opposite side. Go up the stairs to a locked door. Use the SILVER KEY to unlock it. Step outside.

Cut Scene: Lara overhears two men talking on the dock below. Their dialogue appears in a separate document with movie transcripts (TR5FMV.rtf).

SUBMARINE DOCK - RIGHT SIDE: Go to the right end of the ledge. Take a running jump to grab the corner ledge; pull up. Go to the left end of the corner ledge and take a running jump to grab the edge of the ledge nearest the submarine. Pull up and take the LASER SIGHT and some Desert Eagle clips. Safety drop to the ground. Use the swipe card to open the door below the ledge where you entered this area.

LOCKER ROOM: Enter and shoot the German shepherd. Search the lockers to find the DESERT EAGLE PISTOL, Desert Eagle clips, a small med-pack, a FUSE and Uzi clips. Find the grate on the floor in the far right corner of the flooded showers. Stand Lara at the edge of the grate (as shown in the screenshot at and press Action to open it.

Swim down through the flooded passage. Turn right at the T intersection. Follow the long tunnel through various twists and turns. Eventually you'll surface in a small room where you'll find another golden rose (secret #3, 12/36). From here you can see the submarine through the bars. Swim back through the tunnel to the LOCKER ROOM.

Go through the short hallway on the left and press the button to open the door. Go through to emerge back at the hallway near the TRACKS.

Cross the TRACKS and go out the other door to the RIGHT SIDE of the SUBMARINE DOCK. Before going outside take a moment to prepare; now there are snipers in two of the high windows (their locations are shown in the series of screenshots at Combine the DESERT EAGLE and LASER SIGHT. Run out to the train car with the box on it. If you position Lara behind it (on the right side, away from the crane), she can target the sniper in the window above the tracks without being hit by the other sniper. One well-aimed head shot will kill the sniper. After you've taken out the first sniper, you can target the second from on top of the train car using the dangling crate for cover.

Return to the MACHINE ROOM behind the crane. Place the FUSE in the machine on the left side where the fuse is missing. (Use the Action key for this, just like unlocking a door.) A door opens nearby and the fans turn on.

Go back around the machine. Kill the dog that comes in from outside. Then go into the alcove on the left, behind the door that just opened, and press the button.

Cut Scene: The crane rotates, moving the dangling box.

Go back outside. Climb onto the box on the train car. From there take a running jump to grab the crate hanging from the crane. Pull up. Then take a running jump to hull of the submarine.

Cut Scene: Lara lands on top of the sub and hides behind a crate. A stevedore emerges from the hold, and Lara makes a noise to attract his attention. When he comes to investigate, she subdues him and sneaks on board. After taking stock of her surroundings she mutters, "Hmph. Economy class."




Kills: 13 Items: 5, plus Crowbar, Pistols, Shotgun, 2 Batteries, 2 Keys, Aqualung, Suit Console and 3 Golden Rose Secrets*

Starting Inventory: 3 flares, 2 small med-packs, TMX watch, binoculars.

(NOTE: Lara gets new equipment at the beginning of each episode, so there's no need to conserve ammunition for any huge final boss. Feel free to use the more powerful weapons when you find them.)

Cut scene: Admiral Yarofev and two of his crewmen discover Lara in the cargo hold. A transcript of their conversation appears in the document TR5FMV.rtf.

BUNKS: Find the broken handrail (one of four) between the bunks (see the screenshot at if you need direction). Press Action to pull it off for use as a CROWBAR. Use your new tool to pry off the grate in front of the vent in the far corner of the room (i.e., the vent that doesn't have fire extinguishers in front of it, shown in the screenshot at

VENTILATION DUCTS: Enter the ducts and turn right. Crawl through the low opening to a ladder. Climb to the top. Crouch and crawl backwards toward the edge of the open shaft with the broken fan down below. Climb down into the shaft. About halfway down there's an opening on the left. (The screenshot at shows it.) When Lara is level with the opening, climb to the left as far as you can and let go to land just inside the opening. Inside is a golden rose (secret #1, 13/36). Take it then walk to the edge of the opening. Take a standing jump to grab the opposite wall of the shaft. Climb to the top. The small opening ahead is empty so traverse around to the right and crawl through toward another ladder.

Climb the ladder to another deep shaft with live wires dangling above it. Crawl backwards to hang from the edge of the shaft. Traverse around to the left to the middle opening. Pull up and crawl through to a trapdoor. Stand at the edge of the trapdoor and press Action to open it. Drop down onto a crate.

STOREROOM: Search the shelves and drawers to find a small med-pack and BATTERY (-). The door is locked so climb back through the trapdoor into the ducts.

Again crawl backwards to hang from the edge of the shaft. Traverse around to the left and climb out. Climb the nearby ladder. Ahead you can glimpse the control room through the slats. Crawl through the low passageway.

Cut Scene: Lara once again overhears Mikhailov speaking with the admiral. A transcript of their conversation appears in the document TR5FMV.rtf.

(NOTE: The rest of the level is shown in the handy map below. This was done by Theresa from and is used with permission. I have modified it a little from her original.)

Continue through the duct (the slats are on Lara's right) to a ladder leading down. Climb down and crawl on to another trapdoor. Open the trapdoor and drop down into the KITCHEN.

Watch out for the stove burners. If Lara stands on them, she'll catch fire. And be sure to move quietly. If the cook notices Lara he'll attack with his knife. Hop down behind the stove and walk quietly around behind the cook. Stay close to the stove so Lara is out of the cook's line of sight. (Follow the path marked in the screenshot at When Lara is right behind the cook, but not touching him, press Action twice to use the CROWBAR as a weapon.

Cut Scene: Lara whacks the cook with her h handrail.

(NOTE: If you accidentally attract the cook's attention and he attacks, either reload a saved game or climb back up into the duct. Crawl through to the next spot where Lara can stand up. Then crawl back to the open trapdoor and re-enter the kitchen. The cook should be back at work and you can try again.)

When the cook fades away, he drops a BRONZE KEY. Use this to open one of the doors leading out of the kitchen. (The other doesn't open yet.) Behind the door is another STOREROOM. Search the shelves and drawers to find a SILVER KEY and a pair of PISTOLS. Use this key to unlock the other door leading out of the KITCHEN.

Draw those borrowed pistols because there are 2 of Mikhailov's goons waiting in the MESS HALL. A sailor comes in from the HEAD through the door in the far corner. He drops a box of shotgun shells when he dies.

(NOTE: There's nothing in the head. When you go in to explore, you're unable to use the Look button-or the facilities for that matter.)

Go through the other open doorway at the far end of the room. (Save the hatch with the wheel for later.) The passage comes to a T. To the right is a swipe-card door. You have no card, so go to the left. Kill another bad guy in the hallway then continue to another T. This door only opens from the other side, so use the wheel to open the hatch on the right and climb the ladder. Continue to the CARGO HOLD where 2 goons ambush Lara. Climb around on top of the crates to find the SHOTGUN, an AQUALUNG and a large med-pack. Before leaving, use your crowbar to pry open the wooden crate to the left of the doorway. Inside you'll find a golden rose (secret #2, 14/36). Return down the ladder to the corridor below and follow it back to the MESS HALL.

Cross the MESS HALL to the hatch in the far right corner. Turn the wheel (Action) to open the hatch. Follow the hall to a STOREROOM on the right. Kill the armed Mafioso inside. Climb onto the crate to reach the trapdoor above. To open it position Lara at the edge of the crate facing the doorway (as shown in the screenshot at Jump straight up and grab the handle (Action). Climb into the duct above.

MORE DUCTS AND A SECRET: Crawl through the ducts to the third square grate in the floor. Here Lara can stand. Light a flare (or use your binoculars with Action for a light) and look for a small opening above (marked X on Theresa's map). Climb into it and retrieve another golden rose (secret #3, 15/36).

Drop back down and continue along the duct to another trapdoor. Open it and drop down into a DARK STOREROOM WITH BLUE LIGHT. (This is shaded gray in the diagram.) When Lara hits the floor, the door opens and a sailor comes to investigate. Kill him and search the drawers to find a BATTERY (+).

Go through the door that just opened to emerge in the hallway behind the MESS HALL. You don't have a swipe card for the door ahead, so follow the hallway around the corner. Pass the corridor leading back to MESS HALL (on your left). Continue straight to a ladder leading down.

Climb down and follow the hallway around the corner. After your gunfight with another Mafia goon, pick up the wide-shot shells he drops. Continue past the hatch with the wheel to the SLEEPING QUARTERS at the end of the hall. Pick up a small med-pack on the floor behind the row of bunks. Then backtrack along the hallway and use the wheel to open the hatch. Take out the sailor standing guard in the TORPEDO ROOM. Go through the doorway at the opposite end of this room and climb the ladder.

DIVING SUIT AREA: To the left is an open hatch. There's a diving suit behind glass but no goodies inside. Turn the wheel to open the hatch to the right. Shoot the sailor inside and take his SUIT CONSOLE. Continue along the passageway. Again, two hatches. Kill the Mafioso in the room behind the open hatch. Use the wheel to open the other hatch and go inside.

The diving suit on the left is accessible. Position Lara facing the top half of the suit, close to it. Combine the SUIT CONSOLE and AQUALUNG and attach it to the suit (Action). Combine the (+) and (-) BATTERIES and insert into the CONSOLE. Now you've got a working suit.

Cut Scene: Lara remarks, "Time to turn the tables." She puts on the suit and rides the elevator down to the water.




Kills: 0 Items: Spear of Destiny and 1 Golden Rose Secret*

OUTSIDE THE SUB: You begin the level outside the sub. Lara is wearing the Extreme Depth Suit (EDS). The controls for swimming in the EDS are similar to those for normal swimming; however Lara can't roll. Also, the EDS is equipped with 10 chaff flares, which can be used as decoys to draw enemy torpedoes away from her. To use a decoy flare, press the Sprint key. (Regular flares, for seeing in dark places, can still be used with the normal Flare key.)

Swim down out of the hatch and forward toward the seaweed. Ahead is an outcropping of rocks forcing you to turn left or right. First, go right (as shown in the screenshot at Swim between the rocks to an open area with a mini-sub. The sub will start shooting torpedoes at Lara. Either dodge them or drop a chaff flare as a decoy. Swim down behind the yellowish mound of wrecked U-boat to find a small, square opening. (See the screenshot at if you need help locating it.)

Inside is a golden rose (secret #1, 16/36), the only secret in this level. Pick it up and swim back outside. Hurry past the mini-sub (drop another chaff flare if you want to) and return toward the big sub the way you came.

When you reach the seaweed (the big sub is off to Lara's left) continue forward then to the right, along the other path between the rocks. (The series of screenshots at shows the way to the wreckage.) After turning right beyond the seaweed, you'll notice a channel between the rocks on the left. The strong current prevents you from swimming through, though. Continue forward to another open area with a hostile mini-sub. Swim past the sub and into a narrow channel between some blocky green rocks on the far left. Follow this channel to emerge in an open area above the wreckage of the German U-boat.

U-BOAT WRECKAGE: When you enter this area, another mini-sub approaches from the far left. To avoid it, immediately swim down through the opening in the yellowish heap of wreckage (shown in the last screenshot on the page

Once inside the wreckage, look for a small, square opening near the bottom. Swim through into a small, hollow area. Now look for another square opening in the top of the opposite wall and swim through it. There's a third opening leading out of the next chamber, also near the top. Finally, swim through one more square opening around the middle of the wall in the next chamber.

Cut Scene: Lara discovers a wooden crate. She pries it open and pulls out the SPEAR OF DESTINY. "Ah, who could believe it," she remarks. But her elation is short-lived. The ceiling begins to collapse, damaging her suit. "Puncture. Time to leave."

When the cut scene ends, Lara's aqualung no longer works. You'll need to head for the big sub in a hurry.

(NOTE: If you like, you can save your game immediately after the cut scene. That way you won't need to watch it again if Lara drowns. Just be sure to save in a new slot in case anything goes wrong.)

Lara is facing the exit after the movie, so just swim straight through. The next opening is up to the left. The one after that is on the opposite side of the chamber near the top; the last is near the bottom. Once inside the larger hollow in the wreckage, head straight up to the opening.

BACK TO THE BIG SUB: (See the series of screenshots at for visual aids.) The nasty mini-sub is waiting outside. As you exit the hole, if you haven't gotten turned around, the sub will be off to the left. Swim toward it, dropping a chaff flare or two as you go. Behind the sub is a break in the rocks that leads back toward the sub. Look for a group of rocks with rounded, greenish tops. Swim toward them, then to the right.

Follow the seaweed growing on the bottom, making a U-turn to the left around the rock outcropping. After the U-turn continue straight on. Here the current will carry Lara the way she needs to go. Swim with it. (This is the channel you couldn't enter earlier because of the current.) You'll see the first mini-sub off in the distance to the left. Don't swim toward it. Instead, turn right between the rock outcroppings and head back toward the big sub. Swim beneath it and up through the open hatch.

Cut Scene: Lara re-enters the sub and takes off the diving suit. She stops to examine the spearhead and is interrupted by Mikhailov and his goons. (A transcript is included in the document TR5FMV.rtf.)




Kills: 5 Items: 6 plus Uzis, Desert Eagle, Swipe Card, 2 Keys, Nitrogen Canister, Oxygen Canister and 2 Golden Rose Secrets**

You're back inside the nuclear sub, only things have changed a bit after the blast. The map above (also online at includes some areas where you've already been. Blocked passages are indicated by jagged lines. The X near the top left marks the spot where you begin.

(NOTE: Again, the map comes from and is used with permission. I have modified it from Theresa's original to follow my text.)

DIVING SUIT AREA: You can explore the diving-suit rooms ahead if you want to, but they don't contain anything you need. If you want to skip them, just turn around and climb down the ladder (or safety drop) to the deck below.

Enter the TORPEDO ROOM and shoot the bad guy on the other side. He drops some Uzi clips. Continue to a T intersection, killing another goon in the hall to the right. He drops Desert Eagle clips. Continue to the right and climb the ladder to the MIDDLE DECK (where the KITCHEN and MESS HALL are located).

Just down the corridor on the right is a partly flooded hall with fires blocking the way. At the end of the hall (around the corner to the left) is a swipe card door, for which you still don't have a card, and an empty STOREROOM. The vent above the storeroom has collapsed, so this is a dead end until you get a swipe card. You'll have to go through the BURNING HALLWAY.

Approach the first flame but don't get too close. Position Lara a full floor tile from the flame and as close to either wall as possible (as shown in the screenshot at Take a standing jump over the flame. If you set it up correctly, Lara won't take any heat damage. Enter the STOREROOM on the left (between the two flames). Search the shelves near the crate to find the UZIS. Again, the duct overhead is blocked. So go back into the corridor and jump over the second flame (on the left) the same way you did the first. Continue toward the MESS HALL.

Cut Scene: Live wires dangle into the water pooled on the floor. Not a safe place to play.

If Lara steps into the water on the floor, the electric shock will quickly drain her health. So use the tabletops to get across. Take a standing jump from the edge of the doorway (taking care not to step off) onto the tabletop ahead. Take another standing jump to the next table, making sure to stay to the left side so Lara doesn't hit her head on the overhanging duct and fall into the water.

The KITCHEN is on the left, but wait to go there. More dangling wires there prevent you from getting anything done. Instead, jump to the third table on this side of the room. Walk to the corner of the table nearest the doorway at the end of the room. Take a hop back then do a running jump, pressing Action to lower Lara's arc, so she lands just inside the doorway. (See the screenshot at to get oriented.)

It's safe to walk through the water in the next hallway. Turn right at the T and kill the goon hiding in the STOREROOM. This room (shaded gray in the diagram) was inaccessible in the SUBMARINE level, but the goon has opened the door for you. He won't be needing his SWIPE CARD anymore, so feel free to take it. Also grab a small med-pack from the shelf opposite the door. Return to the doorway to the MESS HALL.

Take a standing jump from the doorway to the table straight ahead, then another standing jump to the next table. Be sure to jump on the left side so Lara doesn't hit the duct above. Jump again to the third table. There's still nothing doing in the HEAD, so you can skip that area. Take a standing jump from the last table on the left to the table across the aisle, pressing Action so Lara doesn't hit her head. Repeat that move to get into the doorway of the BURNING HALLWAY.

Go back through the BURNING HALLWAY, jumping the flames as you did before. At the T, go to the right. (Left leads to the ladder down to the TORPEDO ROOM.) Now that you have a SWIPE CARD you can open the door at the end of the hall. (NOTE: There may be buggy dramatic music here. Don't worry, there's no danger.)

BEHIND SWIPE CARD DOOR/TO UPPER DECK: Follow the hallway past a CORRIDOR WITH DANGLING WIRES. Note the locked STATEROOM door beyond the live wires. You'll be back. Continue to a ladder and climb to the UPPER DECK.


(NOTE: It's possible to cross this room by jumping from console to console, but it's much easier to come back later when the power is off.)

At the end of the hall is a SECOND CONTROL ROOM WITH PERISCOPES. Cross the room and open the hatch with the wheel. Enter.

Cut Scene: Lara meets the injured admiral. He gives her a key. Their conversation is transcribed in the document TR5FMV.rtf.

After the cut scene, you'll have a SILVER KEY in your inventory. Make a mental note of the ladder on the wall next to the admiral. This leads to the ESCAPE POD. If you check it out, you'll notice there are two empty receptacles on the wall up there. You'll need to collect a few items to make the pod work.

BACK INTO THE AIR DUCTS: Go back into the SECOND CONTROL ROOM WITH PERISCOPES. Look for the vents on the duct running along near the ceiling on the left side of the room. The second vent cover is loose. (See the screenshot at if you have trouble spotting it.) Stand on the small, square table beneath the vent and jump straight up while firing pistols to shatter the slats. Take a standing forward jump from the edge of the little table to grab the opening in the duct. Pull up. (Now you're inside the duct opposite the one where Lara overheard the admiral and Mikhailov arguing in the first submarine level.)

Crawl to the right and around the corner to a trapdoor. Open it and drop into the STOREROOM WITH ELECTRICAL SWITCH. The switch is high on the wall between the two yellow signs. Position Lara directly under the switch. Then jump straight up and press Action to grab it (as shown in the screenshot at This turns off the power in strategic areas of the sub, deactivating the dangerous live wires. The admiral's key doesn't open this locked door. So, for now, return through the duct to the CONTROL ROOM.

Go out into the hallway and on to the CONTROL ROOM WITH DANGLING WIRES. Now that you've turned off the power, it's safe. Enter and pick up a large med-pack, Desert Eagle clips and the DESERT EAGLE PISTOL, which are lying on the floor. Also take the yellow NITROGEN CANISTER on top of one of the rear consoles.

Exit and go to the right. Climb down the ladder to the deck below. The first passageway on the left, previously blocked by live wires, is now safe. But before going in, take a little detour to get a secret.

Continue straight on through the open swipe-card door, then to the right back to the BURNING HALLWAY. Jump the flames as you did before. Go through the MESS HALL, which is safe now that the power is shut off, to the kitchen on the left. Pick up the golden rose from the floor. This is secret #1 (17/36). Return through the MESS HALL and the BURNING HALLWAY. Go right at the T and through the open swipe-card door at the end of the hall. On the right, before the ladder leading to the UPPER DECK, is the CORRIDOR WITH DANGLING WIRES. The power is off and you've got the SILVER KEY, so go through and unlock the door to the STATEROOM.

Enter and search the lockers. You'll find a small med-pack and the OXYGEN CANISTER. Two bad guys ambush Lara in the hallway as she leaves. Take care of them and pick up the BRONZE KEY one of them drops. Now you can get the second secret.

Climb the ladder on the right to the UPPER DECK. Follow the hall back to the SECOND CONTROL ROOM WITH PERISCOPES. Jump from the table to grab the open duct and crawl in. Follow the duct to the right back to the STOREROOM WITH THE ELECTRICAL SWITCH. Use the BRONZE KEY to open the locked door. Secret #2 (18/36), another golden rose, is in the drawer. Return through the ducts to the CONTROL ROOM.

Go through the wheeled hatch at the back to where the injured admiral is. Climb the ladder to the ESCAPE POD. Use the NITROGEN CANISTER in the receptacle on the left. This opens the other receptacle. Use the OXYGEN CANISTER there.

Cut Scene: Lara offers to aid the admiral in escaping but he refuses. (See the document TR5FMV.rtf for a transcript of their conversation.)

Two back-to-back FMV sequences: In the first movie, Lara rides the escape pod to the surface where she is spotted by Jean-Yves, and the admiral bravely goes down with his ship. Then we return to the present day, with Lara's old friends discussing the weather.

The second movie introduces the third episode, which involves young Lara's adventures on a mysterious island. Transcripts of these movies also appear in the document TR5FMV.rtf.

**Note on Secrets: There are 36 golden roses in the game. If you find them all, after the credits you'll be able to access "Special Features" from the options menu. This is a collection of storyboards, etc., created during the game design.




Kills: 0* Items: 9 plus Rubber Tube, Pitchfork, Clapper, Wooden Torch and 3 Golden Rose Secrets**

Starting Inventory: TMX watch, 3 small med-packs, 1 large med-pack.

FMV: Lara stows away on a boat in order to accompany Father Patrick to an Irish isle where strange goings-on have been reported. (A transcript is included in the document TR5FMV.rtf.)

THE CHASM: The hole on the right leads down to the valley you'll be visiting shortly. Leave it for now as you'll be taking another route and making some pick-ups on the way down. Instead, follow the path up to the left to the rim of the CHASM. Take a running jump from the rim of the pit to the sloping whitewashed ledge on the other side. (See the screenshot at if necessary to get oriented.)

Once on this ledge, stand against the cliff wall and grab the horizontal crevice. Traverse along this crevice to the left and around the corner. Let go to slide onto the flat part of the whitewashed ledge beneath. Turn to face the rock outcropping and the wooden bridge beyond. (There's a lovely sunset in the distance.) Find the whitewashed slope ahead (shown in the screenshot at Then look down along the wall of the chasm to spot a small, greenish misty cave (shown in the screenshot at This is where you're headed first.

Take a standing jump to the whitewashed slope ahead (as shown in the screenshot of the slope). Slide backward and press Action to grab the edge. Let go to drop onto a ledge jutting out of the rock outcropping. Turn right to face the MISTY CAVE. Walk carefully along the ledge to the middle of the angled texture nearest the cave. (the screenshot at shows the spot.) From there, take a standing jump toward the cave, pressing Action to lower Lara's arc so she lands squarely in the cave. A flock of bats fly out. Don't jump around too much trying to avoid them or you may slip out of the cave and have to come all the way back. Instead try running Lara into a corner and crouching. She'll take little or no damage. At the back of the cave you'll find a large med-pack and a golden rose (secret #1, 19/36).

Drop down to the floor of the CHASM. Go around the back of the rock outcropping (to the right if Lara's back is to the MISTY CAVE.) There's a small med-pack on the ground. Now make your way to the other side of the chasm, where there's a square ledge below an opening in the wall.

Climb onto the ledge and turn left to face the hollowed-out flat spot in the corner. Stand Lara at the outer corner of the ledge nearest the hollow. Take one walking step back from the edge. Then take a standing jump to a flat area on the rocks. Take another standing jump to the hollow. Pick up a small med-pack. (the screenshot at shows the right starting point and where to jump.)

Return to the ledge and climb into the opening. Climb up several ledges to emerge back where you started the level. Follow the path back to the rim of the CHASM.

Repeat the jump to the whitewashed ledge and the traverse along the crevice to the next ledge. Turn to face the whitewashed slope (again, it's in the screenshot at Jump to the slope, slide back and grab the edge as you did before. Only this time don't drop. Instead traverse to the right and around the corner until Lara is hanging above a small, rectangular opening. (The series of screenshots at show how.) Let go then immediately press Action to grab the edge of the small opening. Pull up and crawl through.

Walk around the rock outcropping to the right. Climb onto the small, square block underneath the wooden bridge (shown in the screenshot at Jump straight up to grab the vines on the underside of the bridge. Traverse across the chasm to the dark room on the other side. Pick up the large med-pack in the depression on the left. Then slide down the chute. Enter the area with the gnarled old tree.

Cut scene: Lara enters the area and is startled by the sudden appearance of a rotting corpse swinging from the tree by a noose. It speaks to her, asking her to find its heart. (A transcript is included in the document TR5FMV.rtf.)

THE GALLOWS TREE: First, be careful not to step too close to the campfire. Also, if Lara goes toward the covered well, she'll trigger the appearance of a demon baby (I'm not sure exactly what this is) from inside the barrel. It will follow and attack her, making exploring the area quite a bit more difficult than it has to be. To avoid triggering it, stay on the stone steps or the first row of gray-and-white ground tiles below the steps. (The safe spots are shaded orange in the screenshot at If you do end up with the thing on your trail, just keep moving and seek higher ground (as described below).

Just to the left of the chute where Lara slid in (left when facing the chute), is a wall with a sloped top. Set out a bit from this wall is tall, square pillar. (See the screenshot at for details.) Position Lara between the sloped wall and the pillar facing the wall. Jump up and grab the top of the sloping wall. Pull up and before Lara can slide down, press Jump to back flip onto the pillar. Up there you'll find a golden rose (secret #2, 20/36). It's also a good vantage point for scoping out the area.

Drop down, face the tree, then head into the shallow cave off to the right (also shown in the secret #2 screenshot at (Remember, you can avoid triggering the demon baby by staying on the stone steps and the row ground tiles adjacent.) Inside you'll see a crawlspace near the bottom and slats running along the ceiling. Skip the crawlspace for now and jump straight up to grab the slats. Traverse into the high opening. You can let go when the dramatic music plays and a flock of bats appear. Run into the cave and crouch in the corner until the bats disperse. Then climb onto the ledge on the left.

THE WELL/UNDERWATER PASSAGES: Walk to the edge of the high opening. Take a standing jump into the well below. Swim down the tunnel. When you come to a T, go to the right. Continue to another T intersection. Go right again. Keep going along the uneven tunnel. At the next intersection, turn left. (The passage leading upward is a dead end.) Continue until the tunnel turns upward and emerges in a MILL POND. (The small opening on the side of the underwater shaft near the top leads into the nearby shack. However, the water level there is too low to climb out.)

MILL POND AND SHACKS: When you surface in the pond, face the building with the wooden walkway jutting out and swim to the left. (If you swim to the right, a swarm of rats appears.) Climb out on either of the flat rock ledges and jump/walk over to the wooden walkway.

Position Lara at the end of the walkway with the building on her left (as shown in the screenshot at Take a running jump from the end of the walkway to the sloped ledge on the far side of the pond. Hold the Jump button to leap from the slope onto a ledge next to the shack. Crawl through the hole in the foundation into the shack. Pick up the large med-pack on the floor and search the drawers for a RUBBER TUBE. Return to the MILL POND either through the crawlspace or the water-filled tunnel.

Climb back up to the wooden walkway. From there take a running jump across the angled wooden wall dividing the pond. More rats emerge when you reach the other section of the pond. Climb out of the water and run through the door at the top of the wooden steps. This leads through a small cave back to the GALLOWS TREE.

Cross to the far left corner. (Again, if you don't want to attract the demon baby, stay close to the stone steps on the left.) In the bottom corner of the wall, there's another crawlspace. Go through.

OPEN AREA WITH BOARDED-UP BELL TOWER: Find the misty opening below and to the left of the boarded-up building. Go into this hollow and pick up a broken PITCHFORK. (the screenshot at shows where it is.) Climb onto the ledge near the boarded-up openings. Combine the PITCHFORK and RUBBER TUBE to make a CATAPULT (more like a slingshot really, but maybe that's a dialect thing). Use this near the boarded-up openings.

Cut scene: Lara assembles her slingshot and uses it to shoot the block anchoring the chain attached to the bells. The bells begin to ring, then crash to the ground. Lara jumps aside to avoid the falling debris.

Enter the bell room and pick up the iron CLAPPER. Go down through the hole behind the bells. Follow the tunnel to emerge on a HILLSIDE PATH WITH OPEN CRYPTS.

Enter the first crypt, just above the tunnel entrance, and pick up a WOODEN TORCH from the floor. Follow the path up the hill. The first crypt on the right is empty. The next crypt, on the left, contains a small med-pack. You'll need to drop the torch (use the draw/holster weapons key) to pick up the med-pack. Be sure to pick up the torch again afterwards. Continue up the path. The rest of the crypts are empty.

(NOTE: If you want to, you can enter the crypt that has a lit torch and light your wooden torch on it. Stand close and press Action. You can wait until later to do this, but if your game runs dark, you may want the extra illumination.)

At the top of the hill is a closed door and a niche in the stone wall next to it. You'll return here later.

Find the deep hole next to the crypt at the top of the path. Throw your torch down the hole. Then climb down the ladder after it. (Either pick up the torch or make a mental note of where you left it.)

UNDERGROUND TUNNELS: Walk along the corridor to a fork. Ahead are some brownish break-away tiles above a spike pit. Either run across quickly or detour around the spikes by going up the ramp to the right. On the other side of the spike pit is a lit torch. Again, you can light your wooden torch here if you want to (Action), or if it's not too dark for you, drop the torch here. Go down the ramp to the right of the lit torch. A flock of bats flies out. (Again do the crouch-in-the-corner trick if you want to.) Continue to where the passage opens into the spike pit. Walk through the spikes so Lara won't be injured. Drop the torch if you have it. Then crawl into the small opening to find a large med-pack and a golden rose (secret #3, 21/36). Crawl back out, walk through the spikes, and return up the ramp to the lit torch.

If you haven't done so already, light the WOODEN TORCH using the lit torch on the wall (Action). Follow the passage back toward the spike pit. Go to the right and up the ramp to the ROOT ROOM. Stand directly underneath the root ball and press Action to use the lit torch to burn the roots. The hanged man's HEART drops out onto the floor. Step away from the center of the room to throw the torch (otherwise it lands right next to the heart). Then pick up the HEART.

Cut scene: A nearby door opens and Lara enters to find Father Patrick performing exorcism rites above the rim of a deep pit. (A transcript of the conversation is included in the document TR5FMV.rtf.) The important information is the Father telling Lara to meet him on the other side of the bridge, and to use iron to ward off any evil creatures she may run into.

Be careful not to fall in the deep pit. Start out the way Father Patrick went, picking up the small med-pack on the floor near the chute. This chute leads back down to the GALLOWS TREE. It's quicker to exit the tunnels the way you came. Go back into the ROOT ROOM. Then exit through the other door. Follow the hallway back to the spike pit. Skirt the pit by going up the ramp to the left then down the other side. Continue to the ladder. (You must drop the torch here because Lara can't climb with it.) Climb the ladder to the HILLSIDE PATH WITH OPEN CRYPTS.

(NOTE: If you do exit the ROOT ROOM by sliding down the chute, cross the GALLOWS TREE area to the far left corner. Go through the crawlspace to the BELL TOWER. Climb up to the bells, drop through the hole behind them, then follow the tunnel to the HILLSIDE PATH WITH OPEN CRYPTS.)

At the top of the path, place the HEART in the niche to the right of the door.

Cut scene: Eerie laughter echoes through the area as the door slides open. Demon babies emerge from the crypts along the hillside and come up the path toward Lara.

Go through the door you just opened. Depending on whether or not you picked up the CLAPPER in the BELL TOWER, you'll see one of two possible cut scenes here.

Cut scene - If Lara doesn't have the clapper: Lara tries to slide back the stone blocking the exit, but the demon babies overpower her. They disappear (maybe dispelled by her metal belt buckle?) but she's ends up outside the room again. (This cut scene repeats every time you enter the room until you get the iron CLAPPER.)

To get the CLAPPER, run down the hill (jumping over the demon babies) to the opening at the bottom. Crawl through to the BELL TOWER. The CLAPPER is on the floor behind the bells. Return to the exit with the clapper.

Cut scene - If Lara has the clapper: Lara enters the room and tries to slide back the stone blocking the exit. The demon babies enter the room and she uses the iron CLAPPER to repel them. Then she throws it on the floor near the entrance. Now she is able to move the stone and open the exit.

Go through the tunnel you just opened. Follow the tunnel climbing several ledges to reach the WOODEN BRIDGE. After meeting another flock of bats on the bridge, pick up the large med-pack and continue across. Climb a few more ledges. Then go up the ramp to the next level.




Kills: 0* Items: 6 plus Bone Dust, Bestiary and 3 Golden Rose Secrets**

CHAPEL: Turn around and approach the wrought iron gate behind the pew.

Cut scene: A skeleton in dark robes appears. It passes Lara and goes through the wrought iron gate, turns the jeweled newel on the back of the pew in the side chapel, then disappears through the wall.

Find the three carved square tiles at the front of the chapel. Press these in the order: middle, left, right.

Cut scene: The pews move aside and the wrought iron gate to the side chapel opens, revealing a skeleton with a sword lying in a niche in the wall.

Now make your way carefully back to the side chapel, avoiding the 5 phantom skeletons. These appear when Lara moves close to them and they try to hack her with their swords. If you follow the path shown in the diagram above (also online at, she won't get hurt. Enter the side chapel. Pick up the small med-pack on the floor near the skeleton with the sword. Then approach the jeweled newel on the back pew. Press Action to examine it.

Cut scene: Lara twists off the newel and removes something from inside.

You now have a small sack of BONE DUST in your inventory. Return through the chapel, again avoiding the phantom skeletons, to the front where the carved tiles are. Approach the font on the left and use the BONE DUST there. A flame flares up in the container.

Cut scene: The phantom skeletons are destroyed.

Now the wrought iron gate at the back of the chapel stands open. Go through this gate, but before sliding down the ramp, climb onto the ledge ahead. (It's just above if the ramp is on Lara's left.) Pull the switch to open the wrought iron gate in the side chapel near the skeleton with the sword. Behind the gate you'll find a large med-pack and a golden rose (secret #1, 22/36). Return to the top of the ramp and slide down.

SMALL ROOM WITH HOLE AND WOODEN BEAMS: Enter and dodge the bats. Through the wooden beams on one side of the room, you can see another SMALL room with coffins beyond. Safety drop through the hole in the floor into a small pool of stagnant water far below. (NOTE: Don't just step off the edge or Lara will take damage when she falls to one of the ledges below.) Climb out of the pool.

Cut scene: Lara looks up into the tower overhead and gasps. The hooded skeleton moves through the area above. It is showing Lara the way out. Notice he's coming through a doorway flanked by carved faces wearing ram helmets, crossing a platform with a book on it, and walking out through a doorway flanked by a triple-face symbol. (This all comes into play in the following sections.)

THREE-STORY PUZZLE WITH ROTATING BRIDGES: In this next area there are three rooms, one on top of the other. From bottom to top they are: LAVA POOL ROOM, GAS JET ROOM and SPIKED FLOOR ROOM. Each of these rooms has a rotating central structure with one or more bridges jutting out from it like spokes. Each has four doorways leading to each of four towers. The four doorways, and the towers they lead to, are marked with carvings: A face with a ram helmet, two figures fighting, a lone figure carrying a spear or a face with three noses (I refer to this as the "triple face"). The object of the puzzle is to use the switches to rotate the bridges so they meet the correct doors, enabling Lara to exit.

(NOTE: At first I experienced a bit of confusion with this puzzle since the cut scenes don't seem to match what actually happens. I'll try to explain step by step. It's easier than it seems, as long as you only pull the first switch, as I direct. If you use a switch by mistake, just use it again to return the bridge(s) to their original position. If you're stuck here and don't have the patience to sort it all out, feel free to download my savegames from For help with savegame files,

RAM-HELMET TOWER: The pool of stagnant water, where Lara begins, is at the bottom of the RAM-HELMET TOWER. Go up the spiraling wooden ramps to the first landing that has an open doorway. Enter here and follow the passage to a LARGE ROOM WITH A LAVA POOL below. Pick up a small med-pack on the landing just before the LAVA ROOM.

Before crossing the bridge to the central structure, go after a secret. (This sequence is shown in the series of screenshots at Turn left to face the break in the railing just inside the entrance. From here, take a running jump across the lava pool to grab the ledge in the corner. Don't pull up into the alcove. Instead traverse around the corner to the right and pull up into the next alcove. Turn around to face the ledge extending from the triple-face doorway. Position Lara at the right side of the alcove, where the ceiling is higher, and take a running jump, pressing Action to lower Lara's arc a bit so she lands on the ledge. Go through the door and follow the passage to the golden rose (secret #2, 23/36).

Return to the ledge above the lava pool. Turn right take a running jump to grab the edge of the alcove, traverse back around the corner to the left and pull up into the other alcove. Turn around and take a running jump back to the bridge. Now follow the bridge to the central structure. Pull the switch once.

Cut scene: The central structure in the LAVA ROOM rotates one quarter turn counter-clockwise. Next, we see the central structure in another room rotate one quarter turn counter-clockwise. The pictures on the doorways shown in the cut scene don't match the state of things after the switch is used, but ignore that for now. (See the note at the bottom of the page for more info on this.)

Follow the bridge, now to the right of the switch, through the door into the TWO-FIGURES TOWER. Go up the spiraling wooden ramps to the first landing that has an open doorway. Enter here and follow the passage to a LARGE ROOM WITH GAS JETS below. (If Lara falls off the walkway, she'll slide onto the gas jets, which will then ignite.)

Cross the bridge to the central structure but don't pull the switch. Instead turn right, cross the other bridge and enter the SPEAR-CARRIER TOWER. Go up the spiraling wooden ramps to the very top. Here you'll find a crawlspace with a small med-pack. Walk back down to the topmost landing with an open doorway.

Go through to a LARGE ROOM WITH A SPIKED FLOOR. (The spikes are retracted. All you see are star-shaped holes. But if Lara slides down, the spikes will come up and kill her.) The bridge should be in position so Lara can cross from the spear-carrier door to the central structure. Pick up the BESTIARY.

Take a running jump from the opening where you picked up the book to the ledge in front of the TRIPLE-FACE TOWER. Enter the tower. There's a large med-pack on the floor at the bottom.

You can follow the dancing lights up to the top of the tower, but be sure to stop along the way for a secret. Climb or jump from the wooden step to the uneven corner ledge. Position Lara at the top edge of this ledge and angle her a bit to the left. Take a standing jump to grab the middle of the ceiling with slats. (See the screenshot at if necessary to get oriented.) Traverse forward until Lara is hanging right against the wall facing the crawlspace. Let go and immediately press Action again to grab the edge of the opening. Pull up and crawl in. Crawl backwards into the spike pit, taking care not to let go and drop. Traverse around the rim of the pit and pull up into the crawlspace on the other side. Crawl on to get another golden rose (secret #3, 24/36). Crawl back out to the tower the way you came.

Climb back up to the top end of the wooden corner ledge. This time, instead of traversing to the crawlspace, take a standing jump to grab the flat wooden ledge to the left of the crawlspace (also shown, though not labeled, in the screenshot mentioned previously ( Pull up. Turn around and jump to the next higher ledge. Follow the ramps to the top of the tower. Slide down the next ramp and follow the dancing lights to the surface.

THE MAZE: The next area is a labyrinth with various holes in the floor. When you enter a monster comes out of the passage on the left. The easiest way to get through this is to just follow the dancing lights, jumping over the holes as you go. If you fall into a hole by mistake, just follow the passage, always keeping the wall on either Lara's right or her left, and you'll eventually come to an opening low enough to grab. Climb out here to begin again at the beginning of the maze. The lights will be there again to guide you.

On the other side of the MAZE, slide down the ramp into the SMALL ROOM WITH COFFINS. (This is the room you saw through the beams from the top of the RAM-HELMET TOWER.) Pick up the large med-pack in the depression on the floor. Approach the open coffin.

Cut scene: Lara goes through the coffin and tumbles down a ramp. She meets Father Patrick, whose hair has gone white. They converse briefly. She offers him the bestiary, but he declines and he tells her to stay where she is for now. She agrees. (A transcript of the conversation is included in the document TR5FMV.rtf.)

NOTE ON ROTATING-WALKWAY ROOM PUZZLE AND CUT SCENES: The cut scene after pulling the first switch (to the down position) shows the bridge rotating one quarter turn counter-clockwise, from the door with the two figures to the door with the spear carrier. In Lara's reality, the bridge does move a quarter turn counter-clockwise, but it goes from the door with the ram (where you entered) to the door with the two figures.

The second part of this same cut scene shows a single bridge rotating a quarter turn counter-clockwise in a room with gas jets on the floor. It is shown moving from a spear-carrier door to a triple-face door. In Lara's reality, the room with gas jets has two perpendicular bridges. These apparently don't move at all when you pull the first switch. They are pointing to the spear-carrier and two-figure doorways before and after the cut scene.

The third room, which has a spiked floor, can be accessed by going to the third floor of the ram-helmet tower (where you begin). At this point, you find the bridge in the spike room pointing toward the spear-carrier door, and you are unable to reach the switch in the center. After pulling the first switch, this walkway is still pointing toward the spear-carrier door. So, apparently this walkway also doesn't move when the first switch is pulled.

You don't need to pull the second switch (in the gas-jet room) to solve the puzzle, but if you do, the cut scene seems to reflect what actually happens.

So, the bottom line is that, regardless of what is shown in the cut scenes, each switch rotates only the tower to which it is attached. In order to solve the puzzle, you need only pull the first switch (in the lava room).



J-Level 10 OLD MILL

Kills: 0* Items: 4 plus Wooden Torch, Crowbar, Chalk, Silver Coin and 3 Golden Rose Secrets**

Cut scene: Lara and Father Patrick emerge from the Labyrinth onto a rainy hillside. He tells her to stay out of trouble. (A transcript of their dialogue is included in the document TR5FMV.rtf.)

PATH BETWEEN CHASM AND MILL: If Lara crosses the dark brown square on the path, a cut scene ensues.

Cut scene: A demon horseman appears on the hillside. He tries to cut Lara down, then dismounts, grabs her and throws her back to the other end of the path.

So you can't pass this way yet. For now, go through the tunnel on the left. At the first T intersection, turn right to emerge outdoors. (NOTE: If you're very low on health, you can instead go right at the first T in the passage. Continue to another T, where you'll encounter a flock of bats. The left passage leads to a dead-end where you can find a small med-pack and a lit torch. After getting the med-pack, backtrack up the tunnel to emerge outdoors.)

Cut scene: The camera pans the area: a deep chasm with a rope dangling above and demon babies frolicking on a ledge. Notice the dark object on the ledge next to the tunnel entrance. This is a wooden torch.

CHASM WITH DANGLING ROPE: As soon as they notice Lara, the demon babies start throwing rocks at her. Walk to the edge of the chasm and line Lara up so she's facing the dangling rope squarely. (Use the Look button to make sure.) Take a standing jump to grab the rope. Climb to the bottom and rotate Lara so she's facing the ledge with the torch (above and to the left of the tunnel entrance, shown in the screenshot at Use the Sprint key to swing in that direction. Then jump from the rope onto the ledge. Pick up the TORCH.

(NOTE: Refer to the ROPE SWINGING TIPS at the bottom of the page if you need them. And don't forget, if you're playing on the PC you can use a med-pack with the 9 or 0 key even while hanging from the rope.)

As soon as you've got the torch, slide down from the ledge and run into the tunnel. Follow the passage forward, then right. You'll meet some bats on the way if this is your first time in exploring the passage. At the T, go left to the lit torch. Pick up the small med-pack on the floor nearby if you didn't get it earlier. Light your torch here (Action) and return outside.

You might want to save your game in case you accidentally toss the torch into the chasm. Walk to the edge of the chasm and throw the lit torch down toward the demon babies to distract them. Now you can explore in peace.

Back to the rope. Take a standing jump from the edge of the chasm to grab the rope. Climb to the bottom and rotate Lara so she's facing the right corner of the ledge with the metal fence. Swing as high as Lara will go. You'll probably need to use the sprint key twice, more if you lose momentum between swings. Then jump to land on the ledge. (This sequence is shown in this series of screenshots at Again, refer to the ROPE SWINGING TIPS below if you need them.) Once Lara makes it to the ledge, pry the darker metal bar out of the fence (Action) to use as a CROWBAR.

Safety drop from the left side of the ledge onto the L-shaped corner ledge below. Go to the right end and jump down near the babies. Crawl into the small tunnel underneath the corner ledge. Follow the tunnel to the golden rose (secret #1, 25/36). Get it and crawl back out.

Navigating around the ledge with the frantic demon babies is a little difficult due to the uneven surface and the Look key being disabled. Hold the Walk button and Lara won't slide off. Walk to the edge closest to the ledge below the tunnel entrance (as shown in the screenshot at Jump across. Then climb onto the ledge.

Now once more for the rope swing. You can explore the next several areas in a few different ways. Read ahead if you're not sure which to try.

Again, jump to grab the rope. Shimmy to the bottom and this time rotate Lara so she's facing the left end of the horizontal crevice that runs along the wall above the demon-baby ledge. Notice the sandy-colored rocks protruding above the crevice. See how they form a V shape just above the crawlspace at the left end of the crevice. Use the Look button to line it up so Lara swings toward the point of the V. Swing as high as Lara will go. Then jump and press Action to grab the crevice. Pull up into the crawlspace. (See the screenshot at to get oriented. Again, refer to the ROPE SWINGING TIPS below if you need them.)

SMALL ROOM WITH CHALK BOULDER: Crawl forward to a small room. Pick up a large med-pack and use the CROWBAR to pry a piece of CHALK out of chalk boulder in the wall. Crawl back out. Turn around and crawl backwards to hang from the crevice. Now, decide if you want all the pick-ups or not.

If you don't need an extra large med-pack, you can skip the far side of the chasm. Drop onto the demon-baby ledge. Jump back over to the ledge below the tunnel entrance. Climb onto the ledge, and return through the tunnel to the PATH. [Pick up the walkthrough below at the section titled PATH BETWEEN CHASM AND MILL (AGAIN).]

To fully explore the level, take this path: Traverse to the right along the crevice to a higher spot where Lara can pull up. (She can't traverse around the corner here.) Crawl around the corner to the end of the crevice. Safety drop into a whitewashed stone passageway, or somersault down then turn around. Follow the passage around to the right and pick up the large med-pack. Continue forward to a low area with a group of whitewashed STONE PILLARS WITH ANGLED TOPS.

Getting out of here requires some tricky jumping. (This series of screenshots at may help.) There are two pillars short enough for Lara to grab. Go for the higher of these two. It is on Lara's right when she's facing the passage where you got the med-pack. Stand facing the pillar at the right side where the ground slopes up. Jump to grab the edge. Traverse to the left edge of the pillar. Then tap the right arrow to traverse just a little to the right. This will ensure Lara is positioned correctly to make the next jump.

Pull up onto the slope. Press and hold Jump before Lara can slide off. If you hold Jump, Lara will back flip off the first pillar, land on the sloping top of the second pillar (behind her) then jump forward toward the third pillar. Press Action while Lara is in the air to make her grab the edge of the third pillar.

Now she should be dangling from the right side of the third pillar. Pull up, let Lara slide a little, then press and hold Jump again. She'll jump from the third pillar to the fourth, then from the fourth toward the crawlspace on the right. Press Action while Lara is in the air so she'll grab the opening. Crawl in. Whew!

Crawl along the ledge around the corner until the ceiling is too low to go on. Jump down to the ledge with the demon babies. Jump back across the chasm to the ledge below the tunnel entrance. Climb up to the tunnel, and return through it to the PATH. [Pick up the walkthrough below at the section titled PATH BETWEEN CHASM AND MILL (AGAIN).]

ALTERNATE METHOD FOR ROPE-SWING AREA: If you prefer, after getting the CROWBAR, you can use the rope to swing over to the STONE PILLARS WITH ANGLED TOPS. Aim for the gap between the pillars (as shown in the screenshot at Lara will lose a little health when she lands. Walk around behind the pillars to get the large med-pack. Then do the pillar jumping, as described above, to get to the crevice above the demon-baby ledge. Crawl along the ledge around the corner until the ceiling is too low to go on. Turn around and hang from the edge, but don't let go. Instead traverse along to the left and pull up into the crawlspace. Crawl through to the SMALL ROOM WITH THE CHALK BOULDER. Get the med-pack and CHALK. Then crawl back out. Jump across the chasm to the ledge below the tunnel entrance. Climb up to the tunnel, and return through it to the PATH.

PATH BETWEEN CHASM AND MILL (AGAIN): Stand on the dark brown square in the middle of the path and use the CHALK to do some sketching.

Cut scene: Lara draws arcane symbols upon the tile. The demon horseman charges out of the woods and down the path, but the symbols appear to stop him. Again he tries to slice Lara with his sword, but Father Patrick comes to the rescue, shoving her aside just in time. The demon knight grabs the good Father and bonks him in the head with his pommel of his sword, flings him over the horse's back and rides away.

At this point, if you turn and head back toward the start of the path, you'll encounter a flock of bats. But there's no need to do this. Just go on through the hole and down the chute. When you enter the next area, there's another cut scene.

Cut scene: The demon knight bursts out of the barn on horseback, still carrying Father Patrick. The knight says he's been imprisoned here for 700 years and that Lara must help free him or he'll kill the Father. From what he says, Lara deduces that she'll need to stop the water flowing in the streams surrounding the mill. (A transcript of the conversation is included in the document TR5FMV.rtf.)

BARN AND SMALL MILL WITH WATERWHEEL: The barn door doesn't open, and the streams surrounding the barn are running so fast you're unable to access the side tunnels yet. For now, go the barn and the small mill with the pointed roof. Cross the reddish stream that runs behind the small mill (there's a water wheel on the right) and follow the whitewashed stone passageway to the next area.

There are two openings in the hillside on the left. These lead to secret #2, but you'll have a much easier time getting it if you wait until after exploring inside the WINDMILL. Before then, a flame trap stands between you and the golden rose. You can get it with some maneuvering, but after using the switch inside the mill, the trap will be inactive.

WINDMILL: Head for the pond surrounding the WINDMILL. Make a mental note of the winch with the cage dangling in the water. There are also two underwater tunnels on the right side. One leads back toward the BARN, but it is blocked by wooden slats halfway along. The other leads into the WINDMILL, but it is blocked by a wooden door.

Under the water behind the WINDMILL is the SEA HAG'S LAIR (more like a pond hag, but let's leave her some dignity). The tunnel leading down to it on the right side is impassable due to the strong current. You want to approach from the back left corner. Look for a rectangular opening with a golden glow in the bottom of the pond. Swim down through this opening and follow the golden light to the hag's treasure heap. Approach the treasure and notice the dark object on top of it.

Cut scene: The hag attacks Lara. They struggle and Lara gets away. This cut scene repeats until you are able to grab the SILVER COIN.

Surface for air. After the cut scene you end up on the right side of the mill, so swim back to the corner above the other entrance to the lair (either all the way around the mill or through the passage above the hag's lair).

You'll need to approach carefully this time to outwit the sea hag. Swim down toward the treasure pile again, but wait near the rocks just outside the lair until the hag swims away toward the tunnel on the right (as shown in the screenshot at Now hurry to the treasure pile and pick up the SILVER COIN. The hag will not like this, so get away quickly. If you head forward and up toward the small, square opening, the current will sweep Lara out of the lair. Swim around to the front of the WINDMILL and right up to the cage dangling from the winch. Use the SILVER COIN here.

Cut scene: Lara opens the cage and places the coin inside. The sea hag goes after her treasure and Lara slams the cage door, trapping the hag inside. A group of demon babies winch the cage up to the surface then swarm over the hag.

Surface to breathe. Then swim back around to the SEA HAG'S LAIR. Look to the right of the treasure pile for an underwater tunnel, which leads into the WINDMILL. Follow the tunnel until you can surface. Climb out of the water.

GEAR ROOM INSIDE THE MILL: Go up the ramps on the left to a landing near the gears. This next bit of business involves a timed run, so you may want to save your game. You'll need to use the wheel to crank open a door on the next landing then get to it before it closes. It's hard to see the door from the wheel, though. (Use the screenshot at if necessary to get oriented.)

Stand Lara facing the wheel edge-on. Press Action to turn the wheel four times. (More than four turns won't help.) Jump to the left. Then run along the landing, jumping at the edge and pressing Action to grab the red-and-white pole sticking out of the wall above the water. When Lara grabs this pole she'll swing around it gymnast-style as long as you hold Action. When you release Action, she'll let go and land on the opposite ledge. Since you're in a hurry, hold Action only long enough to grab the pole and then release it. Once on the opposite ledge, turn about 120 degrees to the right and jump to the ledge near the door. Run to the door and crawl through before it closes.

Your reward for all this: a flock of bats. Be sure not to slide down the chute in your panic or you'll have to do the timed sequence. Stand at the edge of the slope and jump straight up to grab the ledge above. Pull up and turn around. Take a standing jump from the edge to grab the high switch.

Cut scene: The wooden door in the underwater passage leading to the pond opens. The flow of water in the nearby streams slows a bit.

Slide down the chute, jump in the water and swim through the tunnel to the pond outside the WINDMILL. Climb out of the water at the front right corner (front right if Lara's back is toward the mill).

Ahead is an opening in the hillside that narrows to a crawlspace. Crawl in. If you used the switch to deactivate the windmill, the flame trap should be also be deactivated. Take the large med-pack and continue to the golden rose (secret #2, 26/36). Return outside through either opening.

Go through the whitewashed passageway on the right of the open area to get back to the BARN.

BACK AT THE BARN: Before rescuing the good Father, you can find a secret. Go to the reddish stream to the left side of the BARN (shown in the screenshot at Swim along this stream. You'll pass a doorway on the left. Swim underwater through the tunnel. The tunnel slopes downward, then up. After the upward slope, look for a small opening on the left. Swim through to a tiny room with a golden rose (secret #3, 27/36). Swim back out the way you came. As soon as you can surface, look for that blue-lit doorway on the right. Climb out of the water there.

Follow the passageway to an opening in the hillside overlooking the BARN. (The following series of jumps is shown in the screenshot at Take a running jump to the whitewashed block on the left. From there, take another running jump to the flat, white square on the barn roof. Walk to the front left corner of this flat spot and take a standing jump to the jutting roof above the barn door. Walk to the other side and take a running jump to the next flat square on the barn roof. Walk to the front left corner of this flat spot and carefully line up a running jump to the corner of the flat roof on the small mill. Do not press Action during this jump or Lara won't make it.

Once on the mill roof, you lose control of the Look button. So hold the Walk key as you maneuver around. Crawl head-first toward the small opening below the pointed roof. While holding the crawl key, press Forward and Jump to somersault through the opening into the room below.

Once inside the small mill, find the gear on the wall and turn it (Action).

Cut scene: The waterwheel stops. The demon knight bursts out of the barn, happy to be free at last. Unfortunately, he's not very grateful and soon turns on his rescuer. Father Patrick tells Lara to find the list of names in the Bestiary and read it aloud. She begins but the knight tries to stop her. Father attacks the demon, distracting him long enough for Lara to speak the correct name. This, according to Father Patrick, gives her power over the demon. She banishes him back to hell or wherever, and good once again triumphs over evil.

FMV: Lara and Father Patrick leave the island on a boat. She agrees that she's learned a valuable lesson during her adventure. (I notice she doesn't say exactly what that lesson is.) Then we see the old friends in the study again, followed by Werner Von Croy still searching for Lara in the desert. Finally it's back to the old friends, as they pay a visit to Lara's trophy room. This introduces the next episode, involving the artifact called the Iris.

I will add more details, including transcripts of the dialogue for the movie and cut scenes, after completing the walkthrough.

ROPE SWINGING TIPS: Once Lara has grabbed the rope, wait for her to pull her legs up around it. Use the down arrow to climb to the end of the rope in order to get the longest possible swing. Use left/right arrows to rotate Lara so she's squarely facing where she wants to land. You can do this by pressing the Look key and/or taking a few practice swings without letting go, then adjusting Lara's angle with the left/right keys. Press the Sprint key once (don't hold it) to start the rope swinging. Then, when Lara's legs come back up around the rope, wait for the back swing (when she appears closest to you). As she starts to swing forward, press Sprint once more to make her go even higher. At the highest point of the arc, press Jump and she'll leap from the rope and (with any luck) land where you want her to be. As with regular jumping, don't press Action unless Lara needs to grab something. That way she'll jump farther. If you absolutely can't handle this rope-swinging business, you can download my savegames for this level from The readme file included tells which save comes after the ropes. For help with savegame files,

*Note on Kills: The demon babies (or wombats or whatever they are), Labyrinth Monster and Sea Hag are not technically kills, since without weapons Lara can't actually kill anything. I marked them in orange to distinguish them from the usual hazards, such as spikes, bats and rats, which are still in pink.

**Note on Secrets: There are 36 golden roses in the game. If you find them all, after the credits you'll be able to access "Special Features" from the options menu. This is a collection of storyboards, etc., created during the game design.



K-Level 11 THE 13th FLOOR

Kills: 14 Items: 16 plus 1 keycard, 2 access disks, a cloth, 2 vials of chloroform, the Iris artifact and 3 Golden Rose Secrets**

Starting Inventory: Heckler & Koch assault rifle, 30 HK rounds, headset, Timex TMX watch, 3 small med-packs, 1 large med-pack.***

(NOTE: Info on the headset and HK rifle appears under 'Equipment Notes' at the end of this document.)

IMPORTANT: The VCI Headquarters levels can be difficult, especially the final level, Red Alert! Unlike in previous levels and previous Tomb Raider games, you have neither your unlimited-ammo pistols nor the luxury of accumulating equipment for a dozen or so levels beforehand. So be sure to conserve ammo and med-packs, or you may not finish. Whenever possible, I have described ways of handling things that are least damaging to Lara.

Cut scene: After sliding through the chute into the level, Lara makes radio contact with her assistant Zip. He tells her to go through the ducts and try not to attract too much attention. During their conversation we see a nearby vent with a med-pack behind it as well as a 360-degree view of Lara in her rubber catsuit. (A transcript appears in the document TR5FMV.rtf.)

VENTILATION DUCTS: Start by going to the left toward the large med-pack you saw in the cut scene. Set the HK on sniper mode, use the scope to target the vent and shoot it. Crawl into the duct, pick up the med-pack and continue forward past the light blue bars.

Cut scene: A view of the SUIT ROOM below. Note the golden rose on the floor. A man wearing an armored suit enters. Zip tells Lara about the suits and the weaponry-lasers with a limited range but a lot of power.

Continue to a T intersection with a laser trap. Hold the crawl button and go to the right underneath the laser. Pick up the large med-pack. Crawl back in the other direction, past the passage where you came in to a vent in the floor crisscrossed with more deadly lasers. When the moving laser array goes toward the other end of the duct, stand up and take a forward jump over the laser-trapped vent. Run on to the next T intersection.

Shoot the vent on the left. The duct below contains another laser trap. Wait for the laser to move off to the left. Then jump down and immediately crouch. Turn to face the ramp. When the laser passes behind Lara, stand and run to the wall. Crouch and crawl through the opening before the laser returns. Alternately, once Lara is crouching under the laser array, crawl about halfway up the ramp, wait for the lasers to pass behind her, then continue crawling up the ramp and into the opening.

Continue to a vent, which opens when you approach. You lose control of the Look button here, but fortunately the SUIT ROOM below is safe. Jump down and pick up the golden rose you saw in the previous cut scene. (This is secret #1, 28/36.)

Climb back into the duct and face the laser array. When it approaches Lara then moves away, crawl out, stand, and run forward a few steps, then duck. Crawl on to an opening above on the right. When the laser moves away, pull up into the duct. Or, crawl to the opening and wait for the lasers to move away. Crawl out after them, and continue crawling down the slope. Continue crawling forward and to the right so Lara is directly under the opening to the duct. When the lasers pass away, stand and quickly pull up into the opening.

Once back inside the duct, crawl through to another T intersection. Continue straight ahead to an opening on the left. Jump down into the DIMLY LIT STOREROOM. Search the shelves for a small med-pack, HK clips and a HAMMER.

The door won't open, so climb back into the duct and head back to the start of the level. To get there, start by going to the right. Turn left at the T, walk to the edge of the square depression with the laser-protected vent. When the moving laser array passes the vent moving away from Lara, take a standing jump across the vent. Duck immediately. Then crawl forward and through the opening on the right. Go straight on past the opening with the light blue bars overlooking the SUIT ROOM to the next overhead fan.

The duct around the corner (where you started the level) now contains 2 moving laser arrays, one above the other. Getting through without taking damage is very difficult, so be sure to save your game first.

Notice how the lasers are staggered slightly: The lower one comes a little closer than the upper, and doesn't go quite as far in the other direction as the upper one. Position Lara facing the lasers but not too close. Use the Look button to see what's happening. When the lower laser approaches then moves away, run forward just a few steps-not far enough for the upper laser to reach Lara. Wait for the top array to approach then move off. The lower array comes toward Lara just after this. Take a standing jump over it. Then run forward several steps and duck just before the upper laser array reaches Lara. Quickly crawl forward as the upper laser passes overhead. Don't hesitate, or the lower laser will catch up. Still crouching, turn to face the ladder. Wait for the upper laser to return and move away. Then stand, grab the ladder and climb up. Follow the duct to a vent above the IRIS ROOM.

Cut scene: Lara asks Zip to find a way to deactivate the force field protecting the IRIS. He says he's on it.

After the movie, continue forward and pick up the HK clips under the fan. Keep going.

Cut scene: A brief view of another guy in an armored suit standing in the room below. The duct along the ceiling is the one Lara is in now.

PADLOCKED GATE: The duct ends at a locked gate. You can choose between two methods of opening it. If you shoot the padlock, the duct collapses, dumping Lara into the room with the guy in the armored suit. If you use the HAMMER to open the lock, the duct remains intact. You avoid the armored-suit guy but miss one pick up: a small med-pack. (After using the HAMMER, continue with the section titled ROOM WITH FISH-BONE LADDER, below.)

If you choose to take on the armored guy, set the HK on sniper or burst mode and use the scope (Look button) to shoot the lock. When Lara slides down the chute, turn and immediately use the scope to aim for the armored guy's face (his one vulnerable spot). Or, avoid him by immediately climbing back into the duct. To do this quickly, roll, run forward to the wall, back flip onto the top of the broken duct, hop back once, then take a standing jump forward into the opening where the duct separated. In any case, this is the way you'll need to leave this room whether or not you kill the suit guy. After climbing up into the broken duct, look for an opening in the floor just ahead.

(NOTE: If you missed secret #1 in the SUIT ROOM, you can still go back for it as long as you don't drop into this opening. Instead, jump over it to grab the other side. Pull up and follow the vent back past the IRIS ROOM to the ladder. Climb down to the duct where you started the level. You'll need to make your way back through the laser traps, following the walkthrough above in reverse.)

If you already got secret #1 (or don't want it) and are ready to go on, drop through the opening in the floor into the duct below. Go through the duct with the slats and loud explosions. Pick up the small med-pack on the floor and climb the ladder.

ROOM WITH FISH-BONE LADDER: Before climbing this ladder, pull up into the alcove behind it to get some HK clips. Drop down and go around to the front of the fish-bone ladder. Climb to just below the moving laser array. Climb to the right side of the ladder. (This will buy you a little more time to get past the lasers.) Then, when the lasers move off to the left, climb up past them. At the top, shoot the hole-riddled panel on the left. Climb into the duct and pick up the HK clips on the left.

13th FLOOR - HALLWAY WITH SODA MACHINE AND GUARD: Getting into the hall at the end of the duct requires a bit of finesse. If the guard on patrol sees Lara, he'll run to the left end of the hall and activate a machine gun turret on the ceiling. To prevent this, walk cautiously toward the small opening. When you hear the dramatic music, stop, draw your weapon and make sure it's set on sniper mode. The guard won't notice Lara if she doesn't go any farther forward. Use the scope (Look button) to line up a head shot as the guard passes back and forth. If you're careful, one round will take him down.

Jump down from the duct. There are deadly lasers crossing the hall just beyond the Fizwiz Cola machine. (Easter egg alert!) To get past them, shoot the vent near the floor opposite the duct where you came in. Crawl through to the higher spot just before the vent at the other end. Shoot this vent and crawl out.

There's an ELEVATOR down the hall to the left and a sleeping guard in the glassed-in office to the right.

Cut scene: Zip warns Lara that she'll need to avoid waking up the guard in order to steal his access card.

If you run or make noise near the sleeping guard, he'll awaken, call another guard and activate a machine gun turret over the desk, making it next to impossible to get the card. It is possible to sneak into the office and get the card. But if you don't kill the sleeping guard, you'll meet two more guards later on. At that point you'll use up more ammo than you'd save by letting sleeping beauty live.

Walk quietly into the glassed-in office and take out the sleeping guard with a single shot to the head. As long as you kill him stealthily, the second guard doesn't appear. Pick up the HIGH-LEVEL ACCESS CARD on the desk and use it in the receptacle on the wall nearby. This open the STOREROOM and deactivates the lasers out in the hall.

Search the shelves in the STOREROOM to find a small med-pack and 2 sets of HK clips. Exit the office and continue down the hall to the ELEVATOR. Press the button on the wall to call the elevator. Enter and press the button inside to ride up.

Cut scene: Two guards in conversation at the right end of the hallway.

THE 16th FLOOR: If you run out of the elevator as soon as it opens, the 2 guards will be alerted and start shooting. This will alert a third guard, who comes up the ramp at the end of the hall behind the first two. To get past this spot with no health loss and only three rounds spent, set the HK on sniper mode and walk slowly toward the open elevator doors. If you position Lara at the left side of the opening (as shown in the screenshot at, you can use the scope (Look button) to target the head of each guard from behind the large gray box. Shoot the one on the left first, and the one on the right won't move right away, leaving you plenty of time to set up your next shot. Run out from behind the boxes toward where the guards fell, then walk to the end of the hall. If you were able to take out the first two with quick head shots, the third guard at the bottom of the ramp will not be alerted. You can then kill him from behind with another head shot.

Go to the end of the hallway behind the crates (farthest from the guards). Use the HIGH-LEVEL ACCESS CARD in the computer console to open the triangular door. The 2 orange-suited workers in the COMPUTER ROOM ignore Lara as long as she doesn't draw her weapon. (If she does, they'll cower and activate a machine gun turret.) Press the button on the square console to activate a hologram of the IRIS. Doing this also opens a door at the far end of the hall.

Exit, and follow the hall past the ELEVATOR to the end. Turn right and go down the ramp. If you pressed the button in the COMPUTER ROOM, the next door opens as you approach. Go through the room with the metal dome above the IRIS and enter the SUIT LOCKER ROOM. Press the button to the right of the orange-suited worker to open the locker. The suit emerges and an ACCESS CODE DISK falls on the floor. Pick it up and go back to the ELEVATOR the way you came. Press the button to ride back down to the 13th FLOOR.

BACK ON THE 13th FLOOR: If you killed the sleeping guard in the glassed-in office earlier, this hall will now be clear. If you didn't kill him, get ready for an ambush. Draw your weapon and kill the 2 guards on the right. Then follow the corridor past the Fizwiz Cola machine. Use the ACCESS CODE DISK in the console at the end of the hall to open the grate above. Climb into the duct.

Cut scene: A series of explosions begins in a vertical shaft with a pole. Notice the opening about halfway down the shaft.

Walk forward and turn right to face the climbing pole, but don't get too close or the explosions will cause Lara to catch fire. Use the Look button to position Lara facing the pole squarely. Now observe the pattern: four strong blasts followed by several less powerful ones. On the last of the four strong blasts run forward and press Action to grab the pole. Slide down about halfway. When Lara is between the two sets of slats, press Jump to back flip into the opening behind her. (See the series of screenshots at if necessary to get oriented.)

At the end of this duct is a golden rose (secret #2, 29/36). Get it then drop to the bottom of the shaft with the pole. Go through the crawlspace to a BIG ROOM WITH CATWALKS. Start across the catwalk.

Cut scene: Zip chimes in over the headset, advising Lara to be especially wary of the "hulk" in the armored suit below. He suggests she again take advantage of the suit's open faceplate. (I have included a transcript of this short exchange in the document TR5FMV.rtf, in case you miss it because of the bug.)

(BUG NOTE: Some players have reported that their game freezes as Lara steps out onto the catwalk. If you're stuck here, you can download a savegame made after the cut scene at For help with savegame files see

Cross the catwalk and enter a hall with overhead pipes. Go into the DARK STOREROOM on the right and take a small med-pack and a CLOTH from the shelves. Continue along the hall with overhead pipes to a second catwalk parallel to the first. Cross this catwalk and go down the stairs.

Skirt the perimeter of the room, keeping the wall on Lara's left. Be sure to walk to avoid attracting the attention of the guy in the armored suit. Use the HIGH-LEVEL ACCESS CARD to open the door on the far side of the room. Still walking, enter the ROOM WITH THE INSECT CAGES and stay close to the right wall. Search the first cabinet in the near right corner to get a large med-pack and a VIAL OF CHLOROFORM. If you move to the second cabinet, one of the cages shatters and a swarm of bugs emerges. You can avoid this, by skipping the second cabinet for now. Instead walk out of the room. When you do the glass case shatters, but the bugs will have dispersed by the time you finish this next bit of business.

Walk back out to the big room and approach the armored-suit guy from behind. Don't get too close-a few steps away is enough. Combine the CLOTH and CHLOROFORM, and use it on the guy.

Cut scene: Lara subdues the man by holding the chloroform-soaked cloth over his open faceplate.

Once the suit guy is taken care of, you can return to the INSECT CAGE ROOM and look in the second cabinet. Inside you'll find a small med-pack and another VIAL OF CHLOROFORM.

(NOTE: I have heard from several players that it's possible to kill the armored guy by aiming for his open faceplate. However, once you attract his attention, another guy in an armored suit enters through the door in the far corner. You'll need to use the crates for cover to avoid having these two gang up on you. I found the chloroform method much easier.)

Use the ACCESS CARD to open the door he was guarding. On the floor just after the hallway narrows are some HK clips. (I missed them at first since they're hard to spot on the textured floor.) When you move forward, the door closes behind and another guy in an armored suit emerges. Hop back if you want to, then use sniper mode to aim for his open faceplate. When you've killed him, pick up the IRIS LAB ACCESS disk he drops. (It is also a bit difficult to see on the textured metal floor.) Use the disk in the computer console to open the door at the end of the hall.

LASER-TESTING ROOM: Advance just to the first window. Inside the glassed-in laser room, an orange-suited worker is testing a laser. A guard patrols the hallway outside. If he sees Lara he'll run to the far end of the hallway, activate the gun turret on the ceiling then attack. You may want to save your game before attempting to get past him.

Stand near the first glass panel and watch the guard to learn his routine. He comes toward Lara but turns around just before reaching the corner. When he does, run out behind him and into the first alcove on the left. Stand Lara at the back left corner (right corner if she's facing out into the hall). If she is positioned correctly the guard won't notice her when he passes. Use the Look button to watch the guard. He'll pass going to the right, then turn and go back to the left. When he does, follow him and duck into the next alcove. This time, position Lara at the back right corner (left corner if facing out). Wait for the guard to pass to the right. Then run to the left end of the hall into the SMALL CONTROL ROOM.

Cut scene: Zip tells Lara that the next door requires two access cards used simultaneously. He advises her not to kill the worker since she'll need his help to open the door.

After the cut scene, turn around and shoot the guard, who is now alert to Lara's presence.

Now you have a choice of two paths: If you take Zip's advice and don't kill the orange suited worker, you'll miss a secret. So ignore Zip this time and shoot the worker. I found it impossible to aim for his head and had to use burst mode or about eight single rounds to kill him.

(NOTE: If you choose not to kill the orange-suited worker, you'll need to threaten him to make him open the door. Draw your weapon and approach him. A cut scene ensues in which Lara forces the worker to open the door then knocks him out. Go through the door you just opened. Pick up the walkthrough below at the section titled STAIRWELL NEAR THE IRIS ROOM. You enter the stairwell at the middle landing.)

Cut scene: Zip criticizes Lara as two guards enter the hallway beyond the LASER-TESTING ROOM.

Go back into the hallway but don't turn the corner, since the gun turret on the ceiling is now functional. Wait for the 2 guards to come to you. Then kill them. Sprint past the gun turret, taking a little damage in the process. Continue to the end of the hall. When the guards came in, they opened a panel on the left. Follow this hallway, killing 2 more guards on the way down.

Continue to a T intersection with a laser trap. Crawl in under the laser array and turn left. When the laser passes behind Lara, stand and run up to the end of the duct. Pick up another golden rose (secret #3, 30/36). Turn around to face the laser array. When it moves away, run after it and duck at the low point in the floor. Wait for the laser to pass in the other direction. Then stand and run up the ramp and through the door, which closes behind you.

STAIRWELL NEAR THE IRIS ROOM: Straight ahead is a door that opens automatically. Behind it is the hallway leading to the IRIS ROOM. For now, the IRIS is protected by a force field. Climb the metal stairs to a control room. The switch inside next to the door shuts off the force field for about 20 seconds. You'll need to run down the stairs to the IRIS ROOM and grab the artifact before the force field comes back on. This task is made even more difficult by the loss of the Look button in the stairwell.

You can probably figure out your own method, but here's what worked for me. If you find the Mission Impossible-style music distracting, run the gauntlet once then save your game at the switch. Next time the music won't play. If you use Sprint at all, wait until you're inside the IRIS ROOM, since it's impossible to make tight turns while sprinting.

Now the run: Pull the switch, turn right and run through the doorway and down the stairs. Circle to the left as you come down the first set of stairs. Then run across the landing, veering to the left a little to go down the opposite set of stairs. Circle to the right as you come down the second set of stairs. Then cut to the right into the hallway leading to the IRIS ROOM. If you make it this far without running into anything, you should be home free. Now you can see where you're going, so just run up to the IRIS and grab it.

Alternately, to shave a few seconds off the run, pull the switch, side flip to the right, take a running jump to clear the railing and land on the next landing below. Roll then run down the stairs and around to the left (i.e., Lara's left, which is the right side of the screen, since at this point you're seeing Lara from the front). Continue around to the left into the hallway leading to the IRIS ROOM. Run or sprint up the ramp and across the room to get the IRIS.

(NOTE: If you absolutely can't handle this timed business, you can download my savegames from For help with savegame files, see

Exit the IRIS ROOM through the hallway on the other side.




Kills: 2* Items: 8 plus a cloth, 4 vials of chloroform, Restroom Access Card, Teleporter Disk, HK rifle (left at beginning and picked up again at end of level) and 3 Golden Rose Secrets**

IMPORTANT: The VCI Headquarters levels can be difficult, especially the final level, Red Alert! Unlike in previous levels and previous Tomb Raider games, you have neither your unlimited-ammo pistols nor the luxury of accumulating equipment for a dozen or so levels beforehand. So be sure to conserve med-packs as much as you can, or you may not finish. Whenever possible, I have described ways of handling things that are least damaging to Lara.

STILL ON THE 13th: Follow the hall around to the left.

Cut scene: You can still control Lara, but don't run forward until you hear what Zip has to say over the headset. He advises Lara to place her weapon in the tray before going through the scanners ahead. (A transcript appears in the document TR5FMV.rtf.)

This time take Zip's advice. If Lara goes through the scanners with her gun (beyond the overhead restroom and danger signs), alarms will go off and the gun turrets at each end of the hall will be activated. So approach the Lucite shelf on the left (circled in the screenshot at and press Action.

Cut scene: Lara places her gun on the tray.

Now you can continue through the scanner. There are two suitcases lying on the floor. Don't mess with the first one; it contains a bomb. The second case holds a small med-pack. Continue through the small lounge with the water cooler to a T intersection.

Cut scene: You still have movement as you listen to Zip's advice. He tells Lara to avoid the stairs and elevators, and instead head for the roof. (A transcript appears in the document TR5FMV.rtf.)

Pick up the HK clips on the floor to the right. You can see the ELEVATORS at the end of the hall, but don't go any farther than this because there are invisible lasers blocking the way. (NOTE: Zip will tell you about this later, but if you equip the headset then press Action for infrared, you'll be able to see the laser beams.)

Head in the other direction to the next corner. (NOTE: If you stop to use the security monitor, you'll get a view of an armor-clad guy on an outside staircase. There's no need to worry about him yet.)

Continue to another T intersection. The RESTROOM on the right has a locked door with a keypad. Since you don't have the combination yet, go on. The office door ahead opens automatically. Go in and search the cabinet to find a vial of CHLOROFORM. (For whatever reason, the second bottle you had in the last level does not carry over.) Continue along the hallway to the right.

Cut scene: A guard stands just around the corner.

Go into the next office on the right and look in the filing cabinet for a CLOTH. Walk up behind the guard, combine the CLOTH and CHLOROFORM and use them.

Cut scene: Lara subdues the guard. Unfortunately his gun fades away along with him.

Before going on, enter the office at the corner (nearest where the guard was standing) and get a small med-pack from the drawer. Then follow the windowed hall to the end, stopping in the second and third offices to get another vial of CHLOROFORM (what do these VCI executives do on their breaks?) and a RESTROOM ACCESS CARD.

Return all the way down the hall to the locked RESTROOM. Now go back into your inventory and take a closer look at that card. The access code is 8526. Position Lara at the keypad and press Action. Now use direction keys to move through the numbers and Action or Enter to select the ones you want. After entering the code, press Enter/Action again to select the star key, which is automatically highlighted.

Go inside and turn left into the ladies' room. You lose control of the camera, but the only item of interest is in the middle stall. Kick open the stall door (Action) to find a large med-pack. Exit and go left to the men's room. Again, the Look button is non-functional. Kick open the first stall. Then position Lara in the stall doorway and jump straight up to pull open a trapdoor in the ceiling. Climb into the duct above.

Crawl through to a vertical shaft. Turn around and drop backwards, catching the edge. Let go and immediately press Action again to grab a small niche a little way down the shaft. Then let go and drop from here. (This prevents Lara from losing about half her health.) Crawl through the duct to the ELEVATOR SHAFT.

To avoid a huge fall, crawl backwards and hang from the opening. Climb down the wall to an alcove far below. When you can't climb any farther down, traverse all the way to the right. You should see Lara slip underneath the overhang a little (you'll see her shadow on the floor of the alcove). Let go and Lara should land inside the alcove. On the floor is a golden rose (secret #1, 31/36).

(NOTE: I had initially recommended a more complicated method of getting this secret. A number of helpful raiders sent me this alternative. It seems to defy the laws of "Tomb Raider physics" but it works. If it doesn't work for you, see the bottom of this document for the alternate method.)

Grab the chain and climb nearly to the top. When you glimpse a metal ledge behind Lara (as shown in the screenshot at, press Jump to back flip onto it. Turn right (so the open shaft is on Lara's left) and take a running jump to grab the horizontal pole sticking out of the wall ahead. Release Action to land in the small alcove on the other side of the shaft.

You may want to save your game before attempting to jump from the alcove to grab the top of the elevator car. The camera is in front of Lara when she's standing in the alcove, so be sure to use the Look button. Position her at the left side of the opening (left when facing out) close to the edge. Pivot her nearly 90 degrees to the right, so she faces the spot where the ledge meets the wall (as shown in the screenshot at Take a standing jump to grab the edge and pull up.

Walk across the tops of the elevators to the far left to get some HK ammo. Then stand Lara on the VCI box between the two elevators facing the first elevator. Press Action to open a well-camouflaged trapdoor. Drop into the elevator car. Press the button, approach the doors and wait for them to open.

There's a guard in the hall outside. Chloroform doesn't seem to work on him, and you can't run past him because the invisible lasers are still armed. So walk out of the elevator and to the left. Press the button between the two elevators to call the second one. Enter and press the buttons inside to ride up to another floor.

UPPER FLOOR: The reception here is quite hostile. There are 2 large med-packs down at the end of the hall beyond the 2 guards and the armored guy, but you'll probably use up at least that much health trying to get them. I found it easier not to exit the car at all and instead to immediately turn left, run forward and press the elevator buttons again.

A BUMPY RIDE: After pressing the button, the elevator cable snaps and the car plummets to the ground floor. If you don't press the buttons again to activate the emergency brake, Lara is killed in the fall. If you do use the brake, Lara survives.

Cut scene: You can still control Lara as she consults with Zip. He tells her she's on the ground floor and needs to work her way upward again. (A transcript appears in the document TR5FMV.rtf.)

BOTTOM OF SHAFT AND NEARBY DUCTS: Climb through the hole in the ceiling onto the top of the elevator. Walk to the edge facing the cables for the second elevator. Note the ledge beyond. Take a standing jump to grab the horizontal pole. Let go then press Action again to grab the ledge. Pull up. Climb the textured wall on the right to the second horizontal silver pipe. (You'll also see a red flashing light mounted on the wall just to the right.) Press Jump to back flip onto the ledge behind.

Take a running jump from the right side of the ledge (where there are no cables in the way) to grab the horizontal pole. Let go to land on the opposite ledge. (You'll get the chloroform in the alcove above the pole shortly.) Climb into the crawlspace above and a little to the left of where you landed. Follow the duct to a steep chute.

This next bit is quite difficult; so save your game before attempting it. (The sequence of jumps is shown in the series of screenshots at First pivot so Lara is facing downhill before stepping off. Slide down the first slope and onto a second, perpendicular slope. When Lara reaches the middle of the grate on the second slope, jump and grab the horizontal pole above. The pole is difficult to see until Lara is actually hanging from it. If you miss, Lara will slide into some kind of fire pit at the bottom of the chute. After grabbing the first pole, release then press Action again to grab a second pole. Wait for the flame on the ledge ahead to go out before letting go and landing on that ledge. Then quickly step back so Lara doesn't catch fire when the flame comes back on.

Walk to the outside corner of the ledge and take a standing jump to grab the edge of the opening with the multicolored wires. Pull up. Now tightrope walk across the pole to the other side. Pick up the vial of CHLOROFORM. Slide down the chute to a small dark room with a crawlspace leading out.

GROUND FLOOR - HALLWAY WITH AQUARIUM: There's a guard patrolling the hallway. Wait for him to pass to the left before crawling out. Run down the hall to the right, toward an aquarium and Fizwiz machine (shown in the screenshot at Draw the guard's fire so he shatters the aquarium. The shallow depression at the back of tank contains a golden rose (secret #2, 32/36). Grab it and run around the corner away from the guard. Fortunately he loses interest as soon as Lara is out of sight.

(BUG NOTE: I'm not sure what caused it, but the last time I played this level, the guard near the aquarium started his rounds then got stuck walking in place in the glass wall of the fish tank. In order to go on, I had to make Lara crawl out, run toward him, then pass him and draw his fire toward the aquarium. This resulted in greater health loss, but at least it didn't stop the game.)

THREE-TIERED ATRIUM WITH SHALLOW POOL: Follow the ramp to the middle level of the atrium. When you do, the view shifts to show Lara is being targeted by a sniper. Avoid the laser-trapped door and run around the perimeter to the door on the opposite side. Climb the bars to the left of the door and dismount on the ledge above (shown in the screenshot at

Run around to the other side of the upper ledge and press the button to deactivate the lasers and open the door below. But before dropping down, have the sniper help you get the third secret. (The series of screenshots at show details.) Position Lara in front of the fire extinguisher and jump from side to side to minimize the health loss. The sniper will shoot the fire extinguisher, blowing away a section of wall. (NOTE: If Lara is very low on health, she may catch fire when the extinguisher explodes.)

Enter and pick up the golden rose (secret #3, 33/36). Safety drop from the ledge and go through the door you just opened.

Another guard emerges from the door on the left after Lara passes. There's another aquarium at the end of the hall. Run toward it, jumping over the lower area of floor, which is electrified. Draw the guard's fire to break the aquarium. The flood shorts out the floor so you can run to the door on the right and press the button to open it. Go through and it closes behind.

Cut scene: Lara tells Zip that the VCI people are cutting through the door with welding equipment. He informs her that the room she's in is rigged with motion sensors and advises her to move slowly so she doesn't activate the gun turrets.

Walk forward and press each of the 2 buttons flanking the exit. Walk through the door that opens. Then start running. At the end of the hall turn right into the TELEPORT ROOM. The armored guy will not follow Lara this far.

Go through the TELEPORT ROOM to the left and into a small, well-lit ROOM WITH SEVEN SUITCASES. Six of these contain bombs. I can tell you which one is safe (it's the middle one of the three farthest from the entrance), but you'll miss a cool bit of business. Look for a cracked tile on the ceiling just inside the doorway. Stand Lara under it, facing the entrance and jump up to grab a concealed trapdoor. Climb into the crawlspace above and crawl through to a small, dark room. Press the button to activate the X-ray machine. Now you can see which cases contain bombs and which contains the TELEPORTER DISK. Crawl back out, open the correct case and take the disk. (The trapdoor and the case with the disk are shown in the series of screenshots at

Return to the TELEPORT ROOM. To the left of the door leading out to the hall is a computer console. Use the TELEPORTER DISK here to activate the device. Place the IRIS ARTIFACT in the metal armature near the center of the teleporter. This activates the device and Lara is teleported to another room. Here there's a hole in the floor behind Lara. Drop in and follow the red-lit passage to a vent overlooking another hallway.

Cut scene: Zip tells Lara to watch the guard to learn the keypad combination.

HALLWAY WITH KEYPAD: Equip the headset and zoom in on the keypad. Soon the guard will come by and enter the combination: 1672. (See the 'Equipment Notes' at the bottom of this document if you need help.) When you've got the code, continue to a crawlspace. Wait for the guard to come by again. When he goes through the locked door, crawl out, run toward the door and pick up the vial of CHLOROFORM on the floor opposite the door. Run back to the crawlspace and hide until the guard comes around again. Wait for the guard to come around again and when he goes through the door, crawl out, run to the keypad and enter the combination. Walk up the ramp, combine the CLOTH and CHLOROFORM and use it to subdue the guard.

NOTES: (1) If you have leftover chloroform from before, you can skip the first excursion into the hall to get the bottle. (2) You can run about a third of the way up the ramp to save some time, but then you need to walk to avoid attracting the guard's attention. (3) Pressing Action while standing behind the guard won't make Lara do the deed. You have to press Escape to go to inventory, combine the cloth and chloroform, then select "Use". (4) If you tried the technique above and it still didn't work, instead try this: Open the door with the keypad as described above. Then run about a third of the way up the ramp. Slow to a walk and continue to the crate with the white circles at the top of the ramp on the right. Climb over this crate and hide behind it until the guard leaves again. Then continue with the walkthrough.)

Get the large med-pack behind the crate with the white circles at the top of the ramp. Then press the button just inside the room. (It's on the left pillar if you're facing down the ramp.) This deactivates the X-ray machine and opens the door barring the way to the next area.

BACK TO THE BEGINNING: Crawl through the small, red-lit opening on the right side of the room (when facing the ramp). Climb onto the ledge. A trapdoor opens and you can jump down into the hall where you started the level. Take your HK RIFLE from the shelf and continue through the now-deactivated scanner.

(BUG NOTE: If you're using the PlayStation version, DO NOT SAVE YOUR GAME immediately after retrieving the gun. This can cause the game to freeze requiring you to restart. Instead, take the gun, continue along the hall and then save.)

At the T intersection beyond the small lounge with the water cooler, go to the left. (The invisible lasers on the right are still armed.) Continue to the corner. Use the HK's sniper mode to shoot the fire extinguisher in the doorway, blowing open the nearby door. (NOTE: Be sure not to stand too close or Lara may catch fire when the extinguisher explodes.) Exit to the fire escape to end the level.



M-Level 13 RED ALERT!

Kills: 18 Items: 16 plus Grappling Gun, 2 Key Bits and 3 Golden Rose Secrets**

IMPORTANT: Like all good final levels, this one is difficult. And, unlike previous Tomb Raider games, you have neither your unlimited-ammo pistols nor the luxury of accumulating equipment for a dozen or so levels beforehand. So be sure to conserve ammo and med-packs, or you may not finish. Whenever possible, I have described ways of handling things that are least damaging to Lara.

Also, there are a few serious potential bugs (at least in the PC version). These appear to be activated by saving your game in certain spots and can make it impossible to finish the game. I have made notes about all the bugs I have found under the relevant sections, but I may not have discovered everything. I recommend saving frequently and in different slots as you go along. That way, if a bug occurs, you'll be able to reload an earlier save and not have to replay too much. I apologize for including a few spoilers in the bug notes, but I'd rather leak a few surprises if it means helping people finish the game.

If you get stuck with any of these bugs, feel free to download my savegames. See the note at the end of the walkthrough about this.

Cut scenes: Between the previous level and this one, we see Von Croy and an associate talking to a guard. After watching their intruder on a security monitor, Von Croy is able to identify Lara. (Transcripts appear the document TR5FMV.rtf.) Then there is a second brief cut scene of a helicopter hovering alongside the building shooting rockets.

OUTSIDE STAIRCASE: You begin the level on the outside stairs. Before taking a step, equip the HK rifle in sniper mode, pivot to the right and shoot the guy in the armored suit on the landing above. Remember, aim for the open faceplate. As long as you don't go up the stairs first, he won't notice Lara. When he falls, he takes out a section of staircase.

Don't go downstairs. When you approach, the stairs collapse. Go up the broken stairs to the landing where the armored-suit guy was standing. Turn right, take a running jump to grab the next landing and pull up. Go up to the next landing amid blasts from the hovering helicopter.

Start up the next set of stairs, which then collapse. Quickly press Action to grab the broken stairs. If you fall, jump straight up to grab the end of the broken stairs and climb them like a ladder. Climb to the left into the opening with the twisted metal bars (shown in the screenshot at Here you'll find a golden rose (secret #1, 34/36). On the PC, at least, the fire is harmless. To exit, take a standing jump from the right side of the opening to grab the broken-stair ladder. Climb to the landing above. (Alternately, safety drop from the opening, jump up to grab the end of the broken stairs and climb up.)

When you reach the landing above the ladder, another blast from the helicopter destroys more of the stairs. Jump from the short section of broken stairs up to the next landing. From there, take a running jump to grab the next higher landing.

The next bit is a little tricky. (Details are shown in the series of screenshots at Run onto the stairs, making sure Lara is angled a little to the left. That way when the stairs collapse Lara is facing up the slope. Slide back, grab the edge of the broken stairs and traverse to the right. Pull up and press Jump to back flip to the stairs below. Repeat the last two jumps to get back to the landing before the collapsed stairs. Then take another running jump to grab the landing with the flame and the jagged crack. Pull up. (Again, this fire is apparently harmless.)

ROOM BELOW GRATE: Press Action to kick open the cracked wall. Crawl through to a small room with a grate in the ceiling. The badly placed fixed camera complicates things, so stay in the crawlspace for a minute and use your ears. You'll hear a soldier patrolling above. When he moves off, go to the right side of the room so Lara isn't directly under the grate. Notice the one section of grate with a handle. This is a trapdoor. Watch until the soldier moves away again. Then stand under the trapdoor, jump up and grab the handle. (See the screenshot at if you're not sure where to grab.) Move back to the side again and wait for the soldier to return. Unless Lara is standing right under the grate, he won't notice her. You'll still need to use the HK's burst mode to shoot him, since the fixed camera prevents you from using the scope. (Use auto-aim and wait until Lara raises the rifle before shooting.)

Climb out through the trapdoor and go toward the crates.

Voiceover: Zip warns Lara of danger ahead and advises her to use the infrared setting on her shades.

HALLWAY WITH LASERS: If you take Zip's advice and equip the headset then press Action for infrared, you'll notice the hallway to the right is crisscrossed with 5 sets of invisible lasers. (The scope on the HK also reveals them.) Before attempting to get through, pick up some HK and grappling gun ammo on top of the crates. To make passing the lasers easier, equip the HK in sniper mode and shoot the red valve on the pipe at the end of the hall beyond the lasers (shown in the screenshot at Steam escapes, making the lasers visible on one side.

Approach the lasers carefully. The lasers are not in synch, but each has a distinct pattern: on, off, on, longer off. If you watch the pattern you can run past each one in turn on the long-off phase. You can also use the white lines on the floor as a guide. After you pass each laser, don't approach the next white line, because that's where the next laser is. For the last line of lasers, be sure to move to the right to run through the doorway when the laser goes off.

FIRST ELEVATOR: In the hall beyond the lasers there are some crates to the left. You'll find a large med-pack on top. When you go toward the other end of the hall, the ELEVATOR doors open and a soldier comes out. Kill him, go into the elevator, and press the buttons to take a ride. Ready your weapon and turn around, since the doors on the other side of the car open and there's another soldier waiting. (NOTE: To conserve ammo, use sniper mode on both of these guys-or burst mode as long as you don't have a heavy trigger finger. Don't use the scope, which makes Lara an easy target. Just auto-aim and hop away from each soldier while firing.)

SHOOTING RANGE: Across from the elevator are two glass doors. These lead to the shooting ranges. The one on the right doesn't open yet, so go through the door on the left. Pick up the HK clips on the shelf and get ready for some target practice.

(NOTE: Save your game before beginning each of the shooting ranges. You have only one try to complete each perfectly. You may want to save in a separate slot before you start the second range, in case you change your mind.)

You must complete the first range in order to open the ARMORY and proceed in the level. As long as you destroy all the targets, this will happen. Completing the first range under the time limit will also open the door to the second shooting range. Completing the second range is optional but will enable you to get secret #2.

For the first range, press the button to activate the targets. Ready the HK (use sniper mode to conserve ammo) and use the scope to aim. In order to open the second shooting range, you need to destroy each target before it crosses the line on the floor nearest the window. So shoot them in this order: center, left, right, far left, far right.

(NOTE: Some players have informed me that the order for the first target range is center, left, far left, right, far right. I don't know if this is different on some versions of the game or if they just found it easier to shoot the targets in this order. Try both and see which works for you. Also, if you have extra ammo, you can use burst or rapid mode. It burns ammo more quickly but gives you a greater chance to hit each target. Just be sure not to waste bullets, since you'll need them badly later in the level.)

Once you enter the second range, you can pick up more HK ammo on the shelf, but you'll be unable to exit until you complete the range flawlessly. Also, poison gas begins to leak in as soon as you activate the targets. So if Lara doesn't destroy all targets before they cross the middle line (marked in the screenshot at, she dies. The first seven targets pop up one at a time in this order: center, left, far right, right, left, far left, far right. If you shoot all of them, the last three targets pop up together. Shoot them in the order: center, left, right. If you don't see the last three targets, it means you made a mistake and need to reload your saved game.

(NOTE: Yes, this is extremely hard. It took me about 40 tries. If you just can't do it, feel free to download my savegame. See the note at the end of the document.)

ARMORY: After completing the shooting ranges, exit into the hall, turn right and go to the far end of the hall. The secret room is on the left. If you were able to open it, enter and pick up some HK clips and a golden rose (secret #2, 35/36). Avoid the weapon racks with the deadly red lasers. In the room across the hall there are more HK clips on the floor and a GRAPPLING GUN on the rack with the green lights. When you take the weapon, a soldier comes in. Kill him quickly. Again, avoid the racks with the red lasers. At the back left corner of the room is a shelf with some grappling gun ammo.

Once you take the grappling gun and the soldier comes in, the door through which you entered is sealed. You'll need to exit through the other door, which leads into a storeroom.

WELL-LIT STORAGE ROOM: Enter with your weapon drawn. Advance just until you hear dramatic music. A soldier emerges from behind the crates. He's wearing a helmet with a faceplate; so going for a headshot won't work. Shoot him in the chest about four times.

Climb up to the tallest crate to get some HK clips. Equip the GRAPPLING GUN and use the scope (Look) to aim for the grate where the vents converge on the ceiling. (The light in the center of the scope turns green when you're aiming at a viable target. See the series of screenshots at if necessary to get oriented.) Shoot a grappling hook into the vent.

Hop down to the lower crate and take a standing jump to grab the rope. Swing toward the crumbing blue-black section of wall. Jump from the rope to grab the faint horizontal crack in the wall. Traverse to the metal duct on the right. (NOTE: See the screenshot and the rope swinging tips in the Old Mill walkthrough if you need help.)

Before sliding down the chute, ready the HK in sniper mode, since 2 guys in armored suits are coming up the hall from the ELEVATOR. Shoot them through their open faceplates. Return to the elevator and press the button inside to return to the previous floor.

BACK AT THE HALLWAY NEAR THE LASERS: There's another soldier waiting near the crates at the end of the hall. If you set the HK set on sniper mode and walk carefully along the left wall, checking your scope every few steps, you can kill him with a well-aimed headshot before he notices Lara.

Return past the 5 laser traps as you did before. Continue to the grate with the trapdoor, drop through, and go back through the crawlspace to the OUTSIDE STAIRCASE.

Use the GRAPPLING GUN to target the lowest portion of the twisted, dangling stairs. (The light in the scope will turn green when you sight the correct spot. See the series of screenshots at if you need help with this section.) Shoot a hook into the metal. Position Lara on the broken stairs so she's facing the dangling rope squarely. Take a standing jump from the edge of the broken stairs to grab the rope. Swing toward the opening with the twisted metal bars on the other side of the stairwell. Jump from the rope into the opening, slide down the slope and jump and grab the ledge above the fire. Pull up. (If Lara slides into the fire, she'll die.)

STOREROOM WITH SOLDIER: Crawl through the duct to an opening overlooking a small storage room. If you press the draw-weapons key, Lara will kneel, giving you a better view of the room below. If the soldier standing below notices Lara, he'll press a button on the wall activating a gun turret. If this happens, Lara will take a lot of damage before she can pull the switch that opens the exit and escape. To avoid that, crawl to the right edge of the opening and angle Lara to the right, facing the crate in the corner below. Press Jump to somersault out of the opening onto the crate. (See the screenshot at if necessary to get oriented.) Equip the HK in sniper mode and take out the soldier with a single headshot. Drop down, pick up the large med-pack in the alcove and use the switch to open the door.

(BUG NOTE: Avoid saving your game between finishing the STOREROOM and exiting the LOBBY. If you save here, you may find that after riding the elevator down, the doors won't open, preventing you from entering the LOBBY, or that the metal doors at the top of the LOBBY don't open, preventing you from going on from there. If you do choose to save, use a new slot in case you activate the bug and need to reload.)

Go to the right and press the button to call the SECOND ELEVATOR. Enter and press the button inside to descend to the LOBBY.

When you exit the elevator, 2 swat-team guys descend from the ceiling on ropes. Hop back into the elevator while shooting. You can use sniper mode, but the guy on the right has a protective faceplate, so shoot him four times in the chest. Shoot the guy on the left once in the head.

Notice the DOOR TO THE HELIPAD with the white key receptacle at the top of the stairs. You'll need to find a key for this. To exit the LOBBY, walk to the top step, turn so Lara's back is to the helipad door and line her up facing the rope on the right (as shown in the screenshot at Take a running jump from the top step to grab the rope. Swing to the top of the stacked pink crates. Stand at the middle of the crate and jump straight up to grab the handles of the angled metal doors to open them. When the doors open, 2 more soldiers appear, one in the duct above and one down below near the door. You may want to take out the one up above, climb into the duct, then shoot the one below from relative safety.

(BUG NOTE: I found that these doors wouldn't open, but I was able to climb through them by grabbing the lower edge of the opening and pulling up. In this case, the second pair of soldiers does not appear. If you aren't able to do either, try reloading an earlier save and not saving between finishing the STOREROOM and exiting through the angled metal doors.)

Go through the ducts toward a button. The floor drops out from under Lara before she can press the button. Slide down the chute and turn around. Before hopping down from the duct into the hallway, take note of the ladder on the shaft ahead. You'll be exiting here later.

(BUG NOTE: This next section also has a potentially serious bug. Do not save your game between sliding down the chute and destroying the first cyborg. And be sure to destroy the cyborg using the method that involves shooting the valve, described below. Otherwise, you may be unable to complete the level. If you do choose to save, use a new slot in case you activate the bug and need to reload.)

Continue to a FOUR-WAY INTERSECTION. Lasers bar two of the doorways. Go through the door on the right. Inside this doorway there's another laser-trapped doorway to the left and a crawlspace to the right. Go through the crawlspace and climb the slats into a metal duct. When you approach the end of the duct, the vent swings open.

CYBORG ROOM: Walk to the end of the duct and allow the camera to shift to face Lara. You should see a cyborg lurking below. This room should be dry. If there is water on the floor when you first enter, the savegame bug has been activated and you'll need to go back to a previous save and try again.

Run off the right corner of the duct onto the pink crate below. If you're low on ammo, pick up the HK clips. Otherwise, save them for later to minimize the damage Lara takes from the cyborg. (NOTE: More ammo will appear here if you run out.)

While standing on the crate, turn around and use sniper mode to target the red valve on the back wall (below and a little to the right of the duct). Shoot the valve to burst the pipe and flood the room. You should see water gush out of the pipe, and the floor will now be covered with water. Shooting the valve should also open the vent high up on the opposite side of the room from the duct. Take a standing jump back into the duct and move away from the opening.

(NOTE: If you don't see a valve or if the vent doesn't open, the savegame bug has been activated and you'll need to reload an earlier save to finish. See the bug note above for more info. Once you shoot the valve, you can try saving your game. Just be sure to save in a new slot in case you activate the bug and need to reload.)

Now you can stay inside the duct and shoot at the cyborg from relative safety. Position Lara near the edge of the duct and use sniper mode-or burst mode as long as you don't lean on the trigger. If the cyborg looks up at Lara, hop away from the opening so he can't shoot at her. Then walk forward and keep plugging away at him each time he walks past. This requires a great deal of patience, but it helps conserve health for the difficult tasks ahead.

As the cyborg takes damage, his robotic skeleton will start to show. When his metal arm and leg are showing and he starts to crackle with blue electricity, he's nearing death. A few more shots and he'll short out and collapse.

(NOTE: Alternately, you can draw out the cyborg by dangling Lara from the edge of the duct then pulling up. Shoot the cyborg until he starts to spark, then hop down to the crate and shoot the valve. If after flooding the room the cyborg doesn't short out and die immediately, hop back into the duct and shoot him until he does.)

Once the cyborg is destroyed, you can save your game. (Again I recommend saving in a new slot in case anything else goes wrong.)

Do not hop down into the water near the dead cyborg or Lara will be electrocuted. Instead, carefully line up a running jump from the top of the crate to the black metal grate just to the right of the duct where you hid earlier. Start by walking Lara to the edge of the crate facing the sloped silver ducts. Position her in the middle of this edge. Then pivot her a little to the left to face the black metal ledge. Use the Look button to check the angle. Hop back once, check the angle again and adjust with left/right keys. Now take the running jump. Do not press Action or Lara will fall short and be killed. Instead, tap the left direction button in the air to pivot her toward the grate.

(NOTE: Some walkthroughs suggest doing a complicated series of jumps involving the angled silver ducts in the corner of the room. This is not necessary. See the screenshot at if you're not sure how to set up the jump to the black grate.)

Pick up the grappling gun ammo at the back of the black grate. Equip the GRAPPLING GUN and shoot a hook into the grate at the top of the room. (Again, the light in the scope will turn green when you sight the right spot.) Climb on top of the duct, walk to the edge, then take one hop back. Take a standing jump to grab the rope. Swing into the open grate at the top of the room. Go to the back of the alcove and use the switch to drain the room below.

(BUG NOTE: Do not save your game again after using the switch. If you reload, the room will be flooded and you won't be able to get the key. If you have already done this, try swinging to the switch and using it again. If that doesn't drain the room, you'll need to reload an earlier save.)

Take a running jump from the opening past the dangling rope to the top of the duct. Pick up another grappling hook, which has mysteriously appeared on the black grate. Then drop to the floor. Pick up the large med-pack and the KEY BIT the cyborg dropped.

Pulling the switch to drain the room also closed the vent over the duct, so you'll need to climb and swing back up to the alcove and pull the switch again to re-flood the room and re-open the duct. (Remember to avoid the electrified floor now as well.) Again, take a running jump from the opening to the top of the duct. Now hop down onto the crate and jump from there into the duct. Or, hang from the top edge of the duct, let go and press Action again to grab the bottom edge, then pull up.

Follow the duct and crawlspace back to the FOUR-WAY INTERSECTION. The lasers that were blocking the doorway straight ahead are deactivated now.

(BUG NOTE: There is another potential bug in the next section. Avoid saving your game between beginning the first run past the helicopter and when you trap the second cyborg. I was able to save at the button behind the bar and still complete the level, but others have reported not being able to do this. When this particular bug is activated, the second cyborg falls into one of the pits and is trapped there. You can't kill him, so you can't get the second KEY BIT and finish the level. If you do choose to save at any point during this tough section, use a new slot in case you activate the bug and need to reload. If you ran into the bug and don't want to revert to a much earlier save, you can download my savegame. See the note at the end of this document.)

GLASS-WALLED HALLWAY AND LOUNGES: As soon as you enter this hallway, the hovering helicopter lets loose a storm of machine gun fire. In addition to damaging Lara, this makes the yellow tanks explode, blowing away large sections of floor and hurting Lara if she is nearby.

(NOTE: You can use the HK set on sniper mode to destroy the yellow tanks before starting out. This will make the run a bit less hazardous. Don't worry if there aren't any yellow tanks. Missing tanks may be a by-product of the cyborg-room savegame bug, described above. The landscape will be different, but the goal is the same.)

Before starting, notice the open doorway ahead on the left. You'll be returning here on the way back.

To get to the other side of the building, you'll need to run past the helicopter, jumping the pits as you go. Stay toward the middle of the ledges, to avoid the overhanging beams on the right and the exploding yellow tanks (if there are any) on the left. There are several large med-packs concealed in the pits; however, I found that Lara loses more health getting them than they're worth. If possible, get to the end of the hall in one smooth run. Lara will lose a lot of health if you hesistate for any reason.

To clear the first pit, use a running jump, taking off a step or so before the edge, in order to give Lara enough room to run a few steps along the second ledge before jumping. When she jumps from the second ledge, grab the opposite ledge and pull up. Then take another running jump across the next pit and a standing jump across the last one. Run into the little corner lounge to catch your breath.

(NOTE: If you save here, be sure to do it in a new slot in case you activate the bug.)

The helicopter turns the corner and will continue to shoot at Lara when she enters the next room, a GLASS-WALLED BAR. Things are further complicated by the loss of the Look button here. (Yes, it's fun to watch a helicopter destroy the glasses on shelves behind a bar, but not after your fifth or sixth death.) Run into the room, cutting to the left. Run behind the bar and immediately duck. Crawl to the end where you can stand and press a button.

Voiceover: Zip says something over the headset, which is largely unintelligible over the noise of the helicopter.

Pressing the button opens your way out. It also lets in a second cyborg. He'll be waiting for you in the small corner lounge on the other side of the bar. Crawl to the gap in the bar, stand up and run into the corner lounge.

(NOTE: If you're doing well health-wise, you can try saving your game before making the second run across the pits. But be sure to save in a new slot in case you activate the bug and need to reload.)

Now make another run across the pits under heavy fire with the cyborg hot on Lara's heels. In reverse, the sequence of jumps is: standing jump, running jump, running jump (no need to grab and pull up if you aim for the right side of the ledge), running jump.

TRAPPING THE CYBORG: Because you pressed the button in the bar, the doorway ahead (leading to the FOUR-WAY INTERSECTION) is blocked by lasers. So run through the doorway on the right, up the ramp and down the other side. Sprint along this straightaway if you want to. You'll pass over a grate with a small room below containing a switch. Continue through a room with a window on the right and out the door on the left. Turn left at the next corner, then left a third time down a ramp to the small room with the switch. If you've done everything right, you should be able to look up through the grate and see the cyborg entering the room above. Use the switch to trap him there.

(NOTE: If you were unable to trap the cyborg, reload and try again. If you succeed and want to save now, I'd recommend saving in a new slot just in case.)

GAS CHAMBERS: The diagram above (also online at shows the path you'll take to kill the cyborg. First go up the ramp from the switch to the hallway. Turn left and follow the hallway to the FOUR-WAY INTERSECTION. Go through the door on the left, which is the only other one not blocked by lasers. This passage leads into a room with poison gas jets. Lara will hold her breath as long as she can. (You'll see the blue oxygen bar, just as you do when swimming.) She'll die soon after she runs out of air, and she'll also take a little damage just from being in a room with the gas. If necessary, you can crouch and crawl along the floor to replenish Lara's oxygen.

From the entrance to the first switch, follow the path marked in blue in the diagram. Run straight the first poison-gas room and out the other side. Run through the second room and out the door on the left. Inside the third room, look to the right near the floor for a crawlspace containing the final golden rose (secret #3, 36/36). Crawl in to get it, and take some deep breaths while you're at it. Crawl back out, jump onto the low platform and pull the switch.

From the first switch to the second switch, you're following the path marked in orange in the diagram. Roll and run straight across the room and through the door where you entered. Run through the next room to the door on the right. Two soldiers will try to stop you.* Take them out, or just run past them. In the next room, go through the door on the right, which will now open. Jump up on the platform and pull another switch. This clears the poison gas from this room and lets gas into the next room, killing the cyborg.

When the cyborg is dead, flip the switch again to clear the gas from that room. It will start to fill up the room you're in, so run out following the path marked in pink in the diagram. That is, run through the door opposite the switch, into the next room, then out the door on the right. Back at the FOUR-WAY INTERSECTION, go through the door on the right and continue down to the ramp on the right to the switch under the grate. Use this switch again to re-open the doors above.

Go up the ramp and to the right to the room where the cyborg died. Pick up the KEY BIT he dropped. You should now have two halves.

Exit through the hallway that passes over the grate above the switch (following the path marked in green in the diagram). Run up the ramp and down the other side. Then quickly run to the right to avoid the helicopter. Now you're back at the FOUR-WAY INTERSECTION. Go into the passageway on the left (with the reddish light and the slight ramp down). Continue to the low ledge, climb up, turn around and jump to grab the ladder leading up the shaft. Climb into the duct above (the trapdoor should be open). Follow the duct back to the LOBBY. (If the angled metal doors are closed, try dropping through them.)

Voiceover: When Lara drops down from the duct into the lobby, Zip congratulates her on a job well done and advises her to get out.

Climb down. Combine the two KEY BITS to make the HELIPAD KEY and use this to open the big door. Go up the ramp to end the level and the game.

Final FMV: Lara makes a daring escape. Back at Croft Manor, her friends toast her memory. And, in Egypt Von Croy finds a clue. A transcript of this movie appears in the document TR5FMV.rtf.

*Note on Kills: In The 13th Floor level the number of kills varies depending on how you play certain areas. The number 14 is based on following this walkthrough. I have noted all enemies in orange type, as usual, and included notes on all possible kills.

In the level Escape with the Iris the total number of enemies is 8 (all noted in orange type), but Lara only kills 2 of them-the guards she subdues with chloroform.

In the Red Alert! level, you may encounter one or two guards in the gas chamber area. I'm not sure what causes the appearance (or not) of the second guard.

**Note on Secrets: There are 36 golden roses in the game. If you find them all, after the credits you'll be able to access "Special Features" from the options menu. This is a collection of storyboards, etc., created during the game design.

***Note on Starting Inventory: If you are playing on the PC and a novice raider and/or have trouble getting through the VCI Headquarters levels with the limited health and ammo provided, feel free to download my regular or hacked VCI HQ savegames from The hacked files include initial saves for each of the last three levels with extra med-packs and HK clips. For help with savegame files, see

EQUIPMENT NOTES: The headset works just like binoculars: use Flare and Sprint keys to zoom in and out, Action for light, draw/holster key to return to normal view. The HK rifle has three modes: sniper, burst and rapid. Change mode by going into inventory and selecting the HK. Then select "choose weapon mode." (For more info see my Strategy page at Sniper mode shoots one round at a time. Burst mode shoots rapid bursts of five rounds, and rapid mode constant automatic fire. All three modes have a scope similar to the laser sight. Activate with the Look button, use Duck and Sprint keys to zoom in and out.

Escape with the Iris - Alternate Method for Getting Secret #1: Crawl backwards to the exact center of the opening. (It's easier to tweak Lara's position while crawling than climbing.) Hang from the climbable wall and press Jump + Roll + Action at the same time to make Lara spring from the wall, twist in midair and grab the chain behind her. Slide down the chain to the bottom. Turn around to face the alcove with the golden rose and step to the back right corner of the ledge (farthest from the alcove opening and out of the way of the chain). Then take a standing forward jump. Jumping from the edge nearest the alcove doesn't work. Lara either grabs the climbable wall (if you press Action) or bangs her head and slides down the shaft (without Action). After getting the rose, take a standing jump back to the bottom of the chain.

DOWNLOAD SAVEGAMES: If you get snagged by any of the savegame bugs, or if you find some sections too difficult to complete, feel free to download my PC savegames. There are regular saves plus saves for each of the VCI HQ levels with extra HK ammo and med-packs. See For help with savegame and zip files, see Macintosh saves will be along soon.



GameBoomers Walkthroughs and Solutions