By:    Chris Van Zyl

From South Africa


TOMBRAIDER 4: The Last Revelation


Angkor Wat


Meet Verner Von Croy, your trainer during the first part of the game. Before following Von Croy after hearing your first lesson, go to the stairs to the left and get a gold skull resting on the steps. Head down then go to Von Croy after hearing your second lesson. Go around the corner where he’s examining a circular pattern in the wall. Don't go past him or you will die in the spike trap around the next corner. Wait for him to deactivate the trap, then continue. Von Croy will instruct you how to jump over the first gap. Walk to the edge, then jump over the gap. Hop back into the water below to get a gold skull, then return to the top by using the stairs. Make the jump then continue to the next room where a wild boar will attack. Since you have no weapons, you will need to keep your distance and let your mentor kill him with his knife. Move on and head out into a large open area with a stunning waterfall. Listen to Von Croy as he instructs you to get across the gaps in the path. When you are across both of these, he will turn and move ahead. Drop to the waterfall on the far right and get a gold skull lying under the walkway. Return to the upper ledge using the ramp in the far left corner, then make those two jumps again. Continue around until you catch up with Von Croy where he will teach you how to shimmy. Grab the crack and shimmy to the right, then pull up when you reach the ledge. Follow Von Croy down the passage until you arrive for your next lesson. He will teach you how to do a safety drop. Drop down, then continue along the path until you catch up to Von Croy again. He will give you some swimming tips. Walk to the front, then he will give you some more instructions. Drop in the water to the right, then swim to the bottom to retrieve a gold skull. Now head for the underwater passage, then follow it around to where you will find a large and a small medkit. Take them. Return to the main pool, then surface for more instructions. Climb out of the water, then approach the lever to the left. These levers are very picky about where you should stand, you must be directly in front of the lever or it will not activate. Push the lever to lower the bridge. Follow Von Croy as he heads around the corner and unlocks a door leading to your next lesson. Climb the wall ladder to reach another lever and push it to lower another bridge. Return to the wall ladder and climb down, then head up the stairs to the next lesson. Jump and grab the ceiling above you, then monkey swing across to the other side. When you are safely over the other ledge, you can release and drop. Continue forward and up the ramp to the outdoor area. Two wild boars run’s around this area, so stay out of the way until Von Croy has killed them both. Head around the building and keep to the right, then pick up another gold skull at the end. Follow Von Croy to the next area, then continue through the next door with the statues on either side. In the dark chamber, turn right then head around the pillar to get another gold skull lying on the floor. Go past the spikes and exit the chamber. Von Croy is waiting to give you your next assignment. Walk to him, then he will give you some more information. Crawl through the opening and down the passage. A tunnel goes off to the left where you can get another gold skull. Continue to the next room until the cut-scene takes over showing Lara entering a large room. Learn the history of the now-famous backpack she has worn in her previous adventures, then move over and flip the lever to roll the large stone slab out of the way. Crawl back outside then listen to the next lesson. Follow Von Croy into the next area, then he will teach you how to sprint and perform a diving roll. But here’s an idea to avoid the dart trap and the closing door at the end, crawl until you are through this room. Go up the ramp to the outside then get a gold skull on the walkway to the right. Now go to Von Croy to hear more from him. He will tell you about the two doors and the path to the next level. Follow him to the next room with another rolling door and an empty pool with a rope hanging from above. Listen to Von Croy, then walk to him for more info. Go left, then climb onto the raised section of floor and go left again to await more instructions. Climb and crawl into the narrow opening. Move forward until you can stand, then follow the passage to the upper walkway. Follow it around until it ends. You will here more from Von Croy. Hop back then do a running jump and grab onto the rope. Slide down to the bottom to increase your swinging arc, then use the sprint command to shift your weight and begin to swing. At the far end of your swing, release and drop to the other ledge. Push the lever to open the door below. Safely drop to the floor, then enter the passage and slide down the long dark tunnel to enter the next level.


Race for the Iris


Sprint to the left, then turn right into the passage. Race down the hall, then do a running jump at the end of the step to clear the first pit. As soon as you land, jump over the second pit and grab. Pull up. Continue running forward to the next pit, then do a running jump and grab. Climb out. Sprint into the next room to the right, then turn left as you race for the next door. It will open as you approach. Head to the left, then run across the bridge. At the other side, slide to the end of the first slope then immediately jump to land on a second slope and jump again to land in the next passage. Head toward the rubble in the next room, then jump over the pile of rocks. Just past the rocks is a door on the right wall. Enter and turn right to reach a second bridge. Sprint across the bridge, then hug the right wall as you enter the next passage. Follow the stone path to a pool of water then do a running jump at the corners to shave seconds of your time. Head through the open gate into the next passage then follow it to the left until it ends at a spike pit. Do a running jump over the spike pit, then grab the edge on the other side. Pull up, then do another running jump over the next pit. Grab the edge, then pull up. Enter the dark passage ahead, then jump in the opening to the far left and enter the next room. Another bridge is in this room, so run across and jump into the right opening on the other side. Continue to the left. Turn right, then head down the stone passage until you arrive at a giant stone head. Circle the head, then enter the mouth. Inside the mouth, go right then head left, then right and left again. Now sprint down the final passage to the Iris. Once in this area, the movie will take over. Enjoy the finale of your training mission and the very cool opening movie for the main game.


Tomb of Seth


Welcome to the Tomb of Seth where we will kick off this epic adventure. We'll be getting acquainted with Aziz, your friendly guide who starts off the level by lighting the first of many torches. After he lights his torch he will move down the passage lighting other torches along the wall. There are plenty of dark areas ahead and Aziz won't always be with you. The first thing you need to do is grab the flares to your left and some more flares behind you. Continue down the passage then get the shotgun in the first shallow pit. Another shallow pit ahead contains a large medkit and a scorpion. Kill the scorpion with your pistols, then take the medkit. Go up the ramp on your left then get shotgun shells. Go down and turn around. Take out your shotgun, then move toward the blue mist until the camera shifts and comes rushing at you. When you are back in control, a dog will be attacking. Eliminate him, then jump across a deep pit you just passed to you right then get between the two ledges along the right wall. Climb onto the left ledge to get a small medkit. Now return to the main path leading to the tomb then get the large medkit on the ramp. In the right corner, is a small medkit in blue mist. Light a flare, then go get it. Enter the tomb then follow Aziz down the hall and into the next room. Two scorpions attack when Aziz lowers a wall, kill them with your pistols. Light a flare then get two boxes of flares in the dark corners of the room. Head down the sloped passage, then follow it until you arrive at a sandpit. Climb down into the pit then get shotgun shells from the short tunnel. Kill two scorpions with your pistols. Get the small medkit on the platform as you climb out, then return to the upper room where Aziz awaits. The door near him is locked, so move to the door and activate the switch inside the hole in the wall. Get a large medkit behind you in another hole in the wall. The pit where you just came from begins to fill with sand. Head down into the room that is now filled with sand, then cross over to the pedestal with the Eyepiece. Take the Eyepiece to open the door back in the previous room and grab the medkit from the other pedestal before returning to the now-open door. Aziz will enter, then you can follow. Enter the next room then follow Aziz around the large central altar and down some stairs. Let Aziz go ahead of you to disable a deadly blade trap, after all that's what you're paying him for. Get the second Eyepiece from the pedestal, then combine the two pieces of the eye in your inventory to complete the Eye of Horus. Return to the room with the central altar, then climb up and jump to grab the rope. Spin around so you are facing the door with the blue glow. Start swinging, then launch yourself into the doorway and enter. This large circular room has a giant spike roller that circle around every few seconds. You are going to need to keep an eye on this device as you perform the next series of moves. Turn right, then pull up to the ledge. Run forward then jump to the alcove to the right. Climb up, then get the small medkit. Climb the high ledge on your left, then quickly roll and turn right. Do a running jump and grab, then pull up to the flat ledge on the other side. You are safe here, the spikes cannot reach you. Climb up to the top where you can get some flares to the left. Stay along this wall, then walk forward and drop onto the next flat ledge. Ahead of you is a lit passage. Do a running jump to land inside that passage and take out your shotgun as you are about to be attacked by three jackals. Kill them, then move down the passage over the grate and continue to the end. Do a safety drop down to the next area, then avoid the pit with the scorpions and get the uzi gun. Continue dropping and sliding down until you reach the sandpit room. Now that you know where you are, return to the altar room and go right. Insert the Eye of Horus, then the door will open and two jackals will rush into the room. Kill them with your shotgun. When they are dead, move into the area where they came from then continue until you reach the Sphinx head. Aziz continues ahead, but there are some items for you to collect. Some uzi clips is between the stairs on the right and on the left is a small medkit. Get them. Now you can go after Aziz and go through the door and into the next room. Aziz sets the water on fire and a door will open. Follow him down the steps. He will go left at the intersection but you need to turn right and head toward the green area to retrieve a small medkit at the bottom of a small pit. Continue forward into the green room then note the gate on the left preventing Aziz from joining you. Head through the open door on the right, then follow the passage until you reach a room with cool designs in the floor and a hanging chain. Give the chain a quick pull to open the gate, then Aziz will soon arrive with his useful torch. First go down a sloped path you just passed, then get a shotgun at the end. Pull the chain, then go up the other path back to the cool design room. Your next objective will be clear when you notice certain floor panels being lit by the light. Do standing jumps from each square to guarantee a save landing. You need to land on each lit tile to trigger the gate. If you mess up load the game. When you successfully cross over and the gate opens, you can get the Timeless Sands and proceed through the next gate to return to the Sphinx. Go to the left at the burning torch. Go down the ramp on the right, then go pass the doorway on your left. Climb up the ledge and remember the close gate, you’ll be coming back later. Climb the wall until you reach the lever. Push it, then turn right. Walk to the edge of the Sphinx then jump while leaning left. Walk across the head to the end, then turn left. Jump to the next ledge, then take the shotgun shells and a large medkit. Return to the other side of the head, then climb down the wall and enter the now-open gate. Pick up two shotgun shells, then go to the ground and enter the doorway you passed. Follow the passage to the end, then Aziz will open the next gate for you. He runs off in panic, leaving you to finish the mission all by yourself. Continue through the new passage then kill three scorpions with your pistols. Drop into the next room. Move to the center, then get the shotgun shells. Head toward the statue, then climb up to it and put the Timeless Sands in its hands. This causes sand to rush into the room while emptying the other room with the Sphinx. Quickly exit this room while avoiding the sand. Dodge the scorpion, then return to the room with the Sphinx. With the sand drained into the other room, you can now enter the mouth of the Sphinx. Jump to the mouth and hang, then pull up and crouch to enter. Once inside, you can move forward until you slide into the next level.


Burial Chambers


While you are sliding down the first ramp, jump to the hole in the ceiling and grab the edge. Pull up to get a large medkit. Finish sliding into the next room, then push the lever to open the gate behind you. Run through then slide into the next room. In this room is a timed spike trap, so act fast. Take the Hand of Orion then jump to the left to get shotgun shells. Getting this causes the gate to open, so run forward past the statues and into the next room. More spikes! Walk up to the spikes, then wait for them to retract then run forward before they reset. Continue down the passage to the right, then shoot the urn on the left with your pistols revealing a small medkit. Take it. Continue to the next room until you reach some more spikes. Walk to the edge then run past them when they are retracted. Slide into the next room where you will find a place on the wall to insert the Hand of Orion. Doing so will retract the spikes, but now the blades are spinning. Walk to the edge, then do a standing jump as the blade pass by. Now quickly do a sideways jump to the left as the next blade comes to you. You should now be standing on a column with a shotgun, but the blades are still spinning. Jump straight up to avoid the blade, then get the shotgun before backflipping to the floor below. Get the small medkit on your left, then climb up to the main entrance behind you. Do a running jump from the edge, then you should land almost on top of the shells. Take the ammo. You now need to make your way to the left corner where the exit is. Back of the ledge, then shimmy around to the other side. Pull up when the blade pass by, then quickly backflip into the exit. Continue up to the next passage. Climb over a block in the passage, then you will soon arrive at a room with a sarcophagus and a cut-scene. Do not approach it. Instead, turn left and light a flare. Get the small medkit from the corner and shotgun shells from the other corner behind you to the left. Exit through the new doorway. Continue down and to the left, then enter the next room with more coffins on three walls and a central statue. Get the small medkit along the left wall then drop into the lower area in front. A small medkit and shotgun shells are stashed down here. Get these items then return to the previous room with the sarcophagus that you avoided earlier. Approach the steps near coffin, then a cut-scene will take over. Follow the blood back to the previous room where the three coffins are now open. The mummies won't be interested in you as long as you keep your distance. Move toward the statue and push it, now push it two times to the left toward the circle pattern on the floor. When the statue is in the proper location, a door will open inside the sarcophagus behind you. Approach the coffin and lure the mummy out. Run around him and into the passage beyond. Continue to the next cavern, then go down to the floor below with your shotgun drawn. Kill two attacking dogs in first mode. Go around to the left, then go up the stairs. Look for a gap to the right, then drop down into the alcove to get a large medkit. Continue up the steps, then take a left at the intersection. Continue out and across the bridge, then kill two more dogs with your shotgun in first mode. When they are dead, climb up to the high ledge then safely drop to the large rotating room. Jump to the alcove on the left to get some shotgun shells. Turn around, then slide to the block in front and climb it. Continue climbing another block then jump to another block on the left and turn towards the center of the room. Jump over the spikes to land on another block then move forward until you can jump and pull up onto the block above. Climb up onto another block, then go into the room with the lever and push it to open the gate below. Carefully make your way back to the bottom and enter the gate. Push the lever inside to rotate the chamber. Turn around, then make your way into the hole in the right wall. Head left down the hall, then slide to the ground below. Head toward the hole, then safely drop to the room below where you can find the Hand of Sirius. Leave through the only exit, then follow it to the wall that you can climb taking you to a block that you must also climb to get out. Climb the next block then move to the edge and jump and hang. Climb onto the block, then crawl under some spikes as you head left to the end. Save your game because your next jump is fatal if you miss. Jump and lean to the right to fall on the ledge below. Now you can climb to the bottom and enter a room with two mummies. Pull the chain to spin the room and wake up the mummies. Dodge them, then climb the wall in front. As you reach the top, do a backflip to land safely on the floor of the main chamber. Head toward the two blocks on the left, then climb them to insert the Hand of Sirius. This lowers a rope in the room. Turn around, then walk towards the rope to the left and jump to grab it. Swing across to the other opening and enter. Get the Scarab Talisman from the pedestal, then ready your shotgun. Two dogs attack as you go down the passage and a third dog waits further down the hall. Kill them in first mode. Continue, then you will return to the cavern. Turn right, then take the stairs in front. When you reach the intersection, continue straight and climb the wall. When you reach the top, take out your pistols then blast the two urns to get a small medkit and shotgun shells. Climb into the next chamber with two mummies and a Golden Serpent. Take the serpent and the mummies will come to life. Dodge them as you make your escape to the right. Continue forward, then slide into the next area. Watch for the spikes falling from above. Turn left, then sprint to the far left corner where you can be safe. Climb out, then continue down the passage until you reach a large deep hole. Get a large medkit. You will probably take some damage even doing a safety drop, so make sure you are at full health before lowering yourself over the edge and dropping down. You are back in the large cavern again. Go to the temple, then climb the block and enter the room with the sand and the mummy. Here are two sockets which are just perfect for the two items you have in your inventory. Put the Golden Serpent in the right socket and the Scarab Talisman in the left. The room starts to fill with sand and the mummy wakes up. You are stuck down here with the mummy until the sand has filled up enough to let you climb out. Dodge the mummy until you can escape through the exit in the corner. Go through the doorway, then exit this level.


Valley of the Kings


Seems that Aziz isn't a very nice guy, but you are just in time to be attacked by his seven henchmen. Make a note of the items they drop while you kill them with your shotgun in first mode. When they are all dead, you can collect quite an assortment of medkits and ammo and also the jeep keys which you need to chase Aziz. Before hopping into the jeep, head over toward the dark corner near the left of the jeep and light a flare. Climb up, then you will find an area with a shotgun and two boxes of shotgun shells. Take them and leave. Now head over to the other corner in front, then climb some rocks to the right. Here you will find two boxes of shotgun shells, uzi clips and a small medkit. Take them. Get in the jeep, then use the keys to start it up. Aziz takes off and you must follow. While you chase him, he will start tossing grenades back at you. Ignore them through the game, it never effects you. As you near the top of the hill, two more of his henchmen will start firing at you. Kill one of them with the jeep. Continue driving until you go through the second tunnel. As you emerge in the open area again, go up the ramp on the right then kill another henchman. Leave your jeep, then go down the back ramp to the ground. You will spot a large pit. Locate the climbable surface, then climb down. You will find a crawlspace below. Drop, then grab real fast to grip the edge of the crawlspace and crawl in. Light a flare, then get super grenades and a small medkit. Leave the pit, then ride your jeep. Go down, then head up the slope and run over another gunman as you near the top. Turn sharply to the right when you reach the top, then continue across the bridge to the left. Head to the right over a second bridge, then run over another gunman. Drive down into the cavern and up the hill until the level ends.




Exit the jeep, then collect two shotgun shells and a large medkit before resuming the chase. Aziz takes off as you get back in your jeep and starts tossing grenades again. Continue past the statues and through the gap in the rocks until the sand dune creates a fork in the road. A pit is to the right and a sniper is standing on a scaffold in front. Drive through the scaffold, sending it and the sniper crashing to the ground. Add some injury by putting the jeep into reverse. Exit the jeep, then locate the nearby gap in the wall. Jump to the ledge, then crawl to get a large medkit. Return to the jeep, then drive through the gap. More scaffolding and another sniper is just waiting for the bumper of your jeep. Repeat the crash and smash routine then drive up to the gate and park. Get a large medkit in the alcove to the left of the gate and leave. Climb the other scaffold to the far left, then go left to get some shotgun shells. Go back, then go around the left corner. Take out your shotgun and shoot the gunman in first mode who tries to get the drop on you. Climb over the block, then drop into the hole to find a large and small medkit under the scaffold. Take them. Return to the top of the block, then jump to the right to reach the top of the scaffold where you will find a large medkit in an alcove along the wall. Take it. Locate the rope behind you, then line up for a running jump to grab the rope. Swing across to the other ledge. A lever is to your right on the wall and you need to jump and grab it to open the gate below. Go down, then go through the gate. Get a large medkit in the alcove on the far left. Get in your jeep, then go through the next tunnel and stay to the left. A spike ball drops down on the right. After it passed, go right to avoid the second then go left to avoid the third ball. After the third ball drops, stop the jeep and climb the ceiling where the third ball came from. Backflip from the top to obtain some grenades, then resume your drive down the hill. Continue toward the right and hug the left side of the road to avoid a pit on the right. When you reach the top, turn left then go between two large pits and park. Locate the climbable surface on the left. Climb down the wall, then you will find a crawlspace below. Hang and drop, then grab real fast to grip the edge of the crawlspace and crawl in. Get the shotgun shells and crossbow ammo. Leave the pit, then return to the jeep. Continue down the hill and stay left to avoid the pit, then head up another slope between two more pits and drive through a gap in the rocks. Go over some dunes and try to keep up with Aziz. Follow him carefully and watch out for more pits. Turn and follow him to the left. Keep driving until you find the entrance to a tunnel. Go through, then exit this level.




Start off this level by climbing the blocks to the left, then drop down on the other side. Take the small medkit near the obelisk, then kill the two scorpions with your pistols. Head through the center doorway to the left and climb over the block. Go through the doorway on the left, then drop down into the hole. Crawl through the gap, then follow the room to the end and kill four scorpions with your pistols. Shoot the urns to get shotgun shells, flares, a large medkit and uzi clips. Return to the surface then go to the block you recently climbed over. Stand on the block, then pull up to the left wall. Turn around then do a running jump to the next ledge. Collect more shotgun and uzi ammo. Turn around then jump to the other side to get a small medkit. Now return to the floor then go back outside to the obelisk. Head towards the temple on the left, then climb the small block to your left and jump up the sloped block to the right. Get some shotgun shells on the ledge above then enter the temple. Ignore the locked door to the right and go up the ramp. As you enter the next room, the camera will pan up. Use the block to make your way to the upper level. Turn around, then do a running jump to the middle. Here you will find two holes in the wall concealing switches to open each of the gates, also on the other side of this area is a stash of uzi and shotgun shells. Get them then go to the gates. One area has the Canopic Jar with a cut-scene and the other with a shotgun and a small medkit. Take them then return to the main floor. Investigate the pool of water. Dive in and get the flares below, then swim through the passage you just passed. Continue forward and down to the closed door. Open the door, then swim in heading for the small opening at the base of the rock. Turn left, then look up to find another hole leading to an area where you can get some air. Not only do you get to breath, you also get a crossbow and uzi clips. Drop back into the water, then swim to the next passage. You should be able to find a crack in the wall to your left that you can swim through. Get uzi, crossbow and shotgun ammo plus a large medkit. Return to get air, then return all the way back to the main pool. Go outside to the obelisk. Head left this time and climb over some blocks. Do a running jump to the right, then climb the blocks to the left until you reach the next ledge. Take the small medkit to your right, then go out onto the long ledge. Take some shotgun shells and uzi clips. Drop in the hole to your left, then kill a scorpion with your pistols while getting some flares on a block to the right. Now drop into the hole, then follow the path until you arrive in a room. Head over to the crawlspace on the left wall between the pillars, then crawl inside to get flares and two uzi clips. Leave, then go to the other side of the room. Climb the block, then jump to the ceiling. Monkey swing to the other side, then kill a scorpion with your pistols. Climb the next block, then press the button to open a door behind you. Turn around, then go in the left pit and kill a scorpion with your pistols. Take the small medkit. Now head to the door you just opened, then kill another scorpion with your pistols. Flip the switch at the hole in the wall to lower the bowl and reveal a hole, then do a safety drop through that hole. Get a large medkit from the block behind you, then turn around. Go behind the statue on the left, then insert the Canopic Jar into the slot to open the locked door back by the ramp with the pool. Jump up to the crawlspace in the wall behind you, then pull up into it. Crawl through to the other side then grab some flares on your way to the next crawlspace. Crawl through until you are able to stand. Go through the sandy room then go through the other crawlspace. You should now be outside the main temple area. Go right, then enter the building. Go left, then go through the hole near the left wall and climb out the left side. Continue toward the columns while shooting a scorpion with your pistols, then climb the blocks to return to the obelisk. Now go right, then return to the room with the ramp. Go through the open door then slide down to the next level.




Exit this room to the left, then you will be in an outdoor area with many blocks scattered about. Get some shotgun shells from one of the blocks in front to the left, then go left through some columns. Kill two scorpions with your pistols before getting the small medkit and flares. Go back outside, then go forward and climb over a block to enter the next room. Turn left, then follow the long passage until you turn a corner and a short movie cuts in. Continue forward and walk as you near the very deep pit ahead. Line up for a running jump and grab, then pull up and continue. Take the doorway leading to the right, then grab the uzi clips and the small medkit to your left as you enter. Go to the other side of this room then go down the sloped passage to the left and enter the next level.




Climb the ledge in front of you. Head to the left, then go outside. Walk to the ruins in front, then look for a large crocodile to the left that will attack when you get closer. Your shotgun in first mode will do the most damage. Take the small medkit from the block, then walk along the path. Turn right, then go through the gap in the rocks. Turn to the right, then jump in the water. Swim around the central structure to the left, then climb out onto shore by the ramp. Kill the two crocs with your shotgun in first mode. When they are dead, you can head to the green stone entrance to the north. Now whenever you see a bat during the game just popping out of nowhere, kill it with your pistols. Walk to the wall with your pistols drawn, then kill two bats along the way. Continue forward to the hole, then drop down to the hole in front. Turn around, then locate the white pole. Slide down the slope, then jump to grab the pole. Hang and spin around until you locate another pole. Now climb up the pole you are on, then spin so your back is to the other pole. Backflip from this pole to the ledge behind you, then jump onto the new pole. Climb this pole until you reach the top marker. Now turn so your back is to the wall, then backflip to the ledge. Locate the crawlspace above, then crawl in. Crawl through this tunnel, then drop into the next room. Follow the passage until it ends in a room with two gates and a chain hanging between them. Pull the chain to open the large gate outside and release some more crocs into the water. Retrace your steps back through the passage and the crawlspace until you reach the ledge back at the poles. Jump and grab the pole, then slide to the bottom. Jump to the next pole, then slide to the bottom where you will find a hole you can drop in and get a small medkit. Swim out, then collect some flares in this area. Exit this area by swimming to the right, then continue forward making a right turn until you reach the dead end. Swim up, then go left to the surface and exit to the ramp. Quickly kill three new crocs with your shotgun in first mode. Go in the water, then swim through the gate. In front and under the pillar is a lever that you must pull to open a trapdoor in the center of the room. Get some air, then climb onto the ledges to get a small medkit and two shotgun shells. Swim into the hole to open a door. Continue forward, then head left through a hole in the rocks. Continue down and right, then go through another hole and head up at the dead end. Go left through the tunnel, then go right to the next room. Get some air at the end. Get the large medkit, then go down to the tunnel. Immediately go up to the next tunnel, then swim toward the mirror. There is a small hole, visible only in the mirror of this room where you can surface and get some air. Swim to the edge and climb out. Now head up the ramp, then climb into the room at the end with the Second Canopic Jar resting on a pedestal. Take the jar and another gate opens, then take the two uzi clips. Return to the mirror room, then swim through the hole and into the next hole in front turning right. Follow the passage around to the left, then go through the holes in the rocks until you reach the underwater door. Swim through and surface to get some air. Swim down and into the hole on the left, then locate the gates that you opened. When you pass through the gates, the current will take control and sweep you to the next level.


Return to the Temple of Karnak


When you regain control, swim to the edge and climb out. Start climbing up until you reach the top. Turn around, then do a safety drop to the ground and jump in the water to your left. Go under the ledge. Light a flare, then get two shotgun shells. Go out, then the current will drag you to a small underwater hallway. Swim to the steps, then jump over the bowl. Head left toward the statue and put the Canopic Jar inside the back of the statue. Watch the bowl as it tips over and spills something into the water. Go right through the doorway, then drop to the water. YES, you can actually walk on water. Walk across the water, then continue past the large statue and up the stairs. Take the uzi clips then continue through the passage until you reach the end. Turn left, then jump and grab the wall and pull up. Three crocodiles are swimming in the water ahead. Drop down to the ground below, then shoot the crocs with your shotgun in first mode. When they are all floating, go into the water, then get some shotgun shells before swimming into the opening ahead. Follow the passage to the right, then exit the water in a small room with a button on the wall. Press the button to open the gate above you. Swim back outside, then go left to shore and take the shotgun shells. Climb up behind the altar, then get the Hypostyle Key and the Sun Goddess. Make your way up the blocks and back to the passage that leads to the room with the water you can still walk on. Continue past the two horn statues to the other side of the room where the crawlspace is. Jump and grab, then pull into it. Crawl through to the other side, then go all the way to the next area. When you exit, take out your uzi guns then head to the door on the right. Kill the henchman who attacks, then head left and kill another. Drop down into the hole by the wall, then leave the room. Back outside, you will be attacked by two gunmen when you approach the area with the columns. Keep moving and shooting with your uzi guns, then make your exit to the obelisk and kill the gunman to the right. Continue past his former location and into the next area. This should look familiar with the ramp and the door. Go through the door to leave this level.


Return to the Great Hypostyle Hall


Climb the wall to the left, then go outside where you will encounter a new and deadly enemy to the left. The ninja is armed with a deadly blade that he will use to attack you and block your bullets. Naturally the best strategy is to stay away of his blade. Shoot him with your shotgun in first mode. When he swings his blade, turn around and shoot him again. When he’s dead, take the uzi clips. Climb over the block and into the next room where another ninja attacks. Shoot him with your shotgun in first mode. Head to the right, then kill two scorpions with your pistols. Climb up the center block to the second level, then go a bit forward and light a flare to see better. Get shotgun shells and uzi clips in the two dark alcoves on the sides. At the far side of the area, jump and grab the ceiling. Monkey swing forward, then go to the right. Drop to the ledge, then jump over to the dark alcove ahead. Light a flare and get some flares. Jump back across the ledge, then go to the other side to get a box of shotgun shells. Return to the middle ledge. From here, jump to the long ledge on the left side of the room. Follow the path and get uzi clips and a small medkit near the end of the ledge. After getting these items, safely drop down and continue to the deep pit. Do a running jump and grab to clear the pit, then continue to the next area. Go to the blocks at the far right corner, then climb over and into the crawlspace. Follow the hall until you reach a locked door. Use your key to open the door, then enter the next area. Take out your uzi guns then go left. You are immediately attacked by two ninjas. Kill the first one on the right, then the second one on the left. Go get the uzi gun from the dead ninja and if you are lucky, you can get a small medkit on a block. Examine the ceiling, then locate the climbing surface that you can monkey swing on. Climb the block to the east, then monkey swing toward the upper opening in the left wall. Go to the other side. From the doorway, turn to the left then do an angled jump to the ledge. Walk to the edge, then do another jump and grab to reach the next ledge. Jump and hang from the ceiling, then monkey swing to the open trap door that keeps you from continuing. Drop and grab again to cling to the pillar. Pull up and you should now be standing under the open trap door. Continue forward and to the left to get some uzi clips, then go behind you to the pair of blocks. Climb both blocks, then backflip from the top to the other ledge. Face the center of the room, then jump to the ledge ahead of you. Turn and do an angled jump around the column. Walk forward past the hole and toward the large boulder. Approach the boulder and duck, then fire your pistols to knock it loose. It will crash through the floor creating a large hole. Now head back to the hole you just passed, then back off and hang. Drop down and get some shotgun shells then use a few uzi shells on the ninja who attacks. Just a bit to the right at the south side, is a small room with a large medkit. Get it, then go toward the hole in the floor created by the boulder. But first, go through the small room at the far right to the third room. Get flares to the right on a block, then go back to the hole and drop in. Enter the crawlspace and get some uzi clips, then climb some blocks. Go left to the glowing pyramid, then climb the opening in front. Go inside to get some flares and shotgun shells on two of the ledges on the sides. Return to the previous room then climb the wall ladder into the left room to get some uzi clips on a ledge from the far left corner. Exit the pyramid room then go left. Continue to the end of the passage, then and turn left. Stand under the wall ladder and grab it, then climb up to the top. In this room is a huge bowl with a handle. The handle is actually a pointer and you need to get this one and two others pointing in the right direction. This handle needs to face the left torch. Push it, then head down the hall and turn left to find the next bowl. This handle needs to face the left torch. Push it, then turn around. Head down the hall, then turn left once more to reach the final bowl. Turn this one to the north torch, then return to the wall ladder and climb down. Continue back down the passage, then return to the glass pyramid. Pull the chain to start an amazing sequence of events. When the show is over, you can jump and climb onto the pedestal and retrieve the Sun Disk. Drop to the floor, then go forward into the hole in the floor. Drop down and follow the passage until the level ends.


Return to the Sacred Lake


Continue down the passage until you reach the outside area with a pool and two pillars. First, go right and drop in a hole. Crawl through the passage to the other side, then kill a scorpion with your pistols. Take the flares, then return to the pool. Kill three scorpions with your pistols, then drop into the water and swim around picking up some shotgun shells and a small medkit from the end of a short tunnel. Exit onto the island, then examine the tiny pillar. Switch to your inventory and combine the Sun Disk with the Sun Goddess to form the Sun Talisman, then use it on the tiny pillar. Watch the cut-scene and note the doors that open as a result. Head to the left door, then safely drop to the water below. Turn around, then jump to the next ledge to get some uzi clips. Swim down the right passage below to get some shotgun shells. Return to the block, then go to the other side. Swim down the passage, then get shotgun shells and a small medkit to the right. Open the underwater door, then  swim through the short passage leading to a small room with a large medkit, shotgun and crossbow ammo resting on a pedestal. Take them, then head back outside. Surface, then use the block to get to the pole. Climb the pole until you spot some flares on the ledge. Backflip from the pole to the ledge and collect the flares. Do a running jump to the right to reach the exit. Back at the main area, go forward over a block and crawl into the crawlspace to get a small medkit. Leave and go through the door on the right, then go to the far left and climb the ledge. Get shotgun shells, uzi clips and a small medkit. Leave, then go to the middle of the room and climb up the broken blocks to the right. Turn left and grab the ceiling, then monkey swing across until you are attacked by bats. Release and kill them with your pistols, then monkey swing again till you reach the end. Now you need to drop and grab quickly to clutch the edge and pull up into the crawlspace. Follow the passage to the end, then get the uzi clips from the short crawlspace to the left. Leave, then go in the crawlspace behind you. Follow the passage to the other side, then turn around. Pull up to the ledge above, then walk to the left. Do a running jump and grab the other ledge, then pull up and safely drop to the next ledge below. Walk to the small hole and turn left, then do a running jump and grab to reach the other ledge. Pull up, then kill two bats with your pistols. Safely drop to the other side, then safely drop to the ground. Go through the right door to find a pedestal with an uzi gun and flares. Take them, then return to the previous room. Exit to the left, then continue toward the statues to end this level.




Shoot the nearby vases with your pistols then get yourself a large medkit and some uzi clips. Continue forward, then you will slide down into a room infested with beetles. These things are nasty and to be avoided at all costs. Run to the right, then jump to the ceiling where you can grab on and monkey swing across the room and over the beetles. Get on the pole at the end of your swing, then slide down to the second level and backflip to the ledge. Jump the gap to the right, then get an unlit torch. Light yours by the lit torch. Return to the hole in the middle of the room, then drop to the floor below. Beetles will swarm you and do some damage, but they won’t harm you while you are holding the torch. Drop the torch, then visit each of the three holes in the surrounding walls and press a button. Each time you stop to press a button inside the holes, the beetles will do considerable damage to you. Use small medkits as necessary to stay alive. When the two buttons are pushed and you got the small medkit, you can run for the pole and jump to it. Climb up to the middle level, then backflip off the pole. Locate the two urns with an open door between them, then jump the gap and shoot the left urn with your pistols to get a small medkit. Enter the door as it shuts behind you, then push the red square on the left wall. Climb the block, then drop into the next room. Turn around, then check out the game board. Locate the wall ladder on the left wall, then jump to get on it. Climb to the top and move to the right, then drop off to get shotgun shells and a small medkit. Make your way down, then jump the game board and to the floor in front. Head through the doorway on the other side, then start climbing another wall ladder. Climb the block, then head down the hall to the left and safely drop into the next room. Turn around, then drop to the floor while killing two dogs with your shotgun in first mode. The three holes on the other side shooting fire, are also hiding two switches and a large medkit. You need to time the flames. Wait for them to cool down, then rush up and activate the switches. It's better just to save your game before beginning this puzzle. When the two switches are pressed, a door will open on your right leading to an even worse firetrap. This room has six firetraps, making things much harder as it is. Saving your game is still the best policy. Activate all six switches. You will also get a cut-scene, some shotgun shells and a small medkit from one of the holes. Climb out of this area to the other side, then monkey swing along the ceiling until you can drop into the passage that will take you back to the main hall. The right and left side of the room have raised sections that you can climb onto. Climb onto the right one, then do a running angled jump to land on the platform to the right. Locate another firetrap in the middle of this structure, then activate the switch to turn off the flames in a room below at the bottom of the ramp. Head to the right ledge, then drop and hang. Shimmy to the right until you reach the end, then climb up into the alcove to get a large medkit and shotgun shells. Climb down the wall to the bottom, then safely drop to the floor. Head down the ramp and get the rules of Senet from the pedestal, this also triggers a quick cut-scene. Look at the rules then return to the top of the ramp and head back over the blocks and down the hall. Drop down to the floor below. Run across the Senet board as you head for the wall ladder on the other side. Climb the wall ladder, then backflip to the ledge when you reach the level above. You now get to play the game of Senet. You have the rules in your inventory so play the game yourself. The only thing you need to know is that you must lose the game to get the rest of the items in this level. After the game, climb down the wall ladder, then return to the main room. A trap door is open to the left and you must drop into it. Slide down several slopes. When you slide down the third slope, jump to the other ledge. Slide down the pole until you reach the ground. Shoot the two urns with your pistols to get shotgun shells and a small medkit. Climb back up the pole, over the block and start to slide again. Catch the second pole, then slide down to the middle. Jump off to get some uzi clips and a small medkit. Jump back to the pole, then slide to the bottom. Face west. Kill a bat with your pistols while doing a running jump to the next ledge. Go through the doorway. Head up the steps, then kill two dogs with your shotgun in first mode. Enter the glowing passage on the other side of this room. Grab the Senet piece, then pull it back to the main room until it’s resting between the hammers. When the piece is in place, push the nearby lever to send the hammers crashing into the Senet piece revealing Cartouche Piece #1 inside. Get it. Now you can leave this area and do a series of safety drops to the floor below. Locate the wall ladder, then climb it to the first level and move to the left. Drop to the ledge, then go to the crawlspace behind you. Crawl through to the next room. Climb over the wall, then you will find another Senet piece and another pair of hammers. Jump to the walkway, then pull the Senet piece far enough so that you can get behind it and push it between the hammers. Hop back, then the hammers will smash the piece. Take Cartouche Piece #2 then combine them in your inventory to create the Ba Cartouche. Safely drop down to the floor on your left, then kill two dogs with your shotgun in first mode to the right. Go in the next room then shoot two urns with your pistols. Get the shotgun shells and a small medkit for your trouble, then go to the previous room and use the block to reach the walkway above. Turn around then jump with a grab to reach the exit. Crawl back through the crawlspace to reach the wall ladder, then climb up. Kill a bat with your pistols, then climb up the pole to the second level and backflip to the ledge to get some arrows and shogun shells. Slide down the pole. Do a running jump to the rope, then slide down to the end. Turn to the left, then swing to the red square. Open it, then get arrows and a small medkit inside. Leave, then do a safety drop to the floor. Use the Ba Cartouche in the socket by the door, then it will open releasing two dogs. Kill them with your shotgun in first mode, then enter the new area. Follow the walkway to the right, then do a running jump to grab the lever witch also turns off the fire somewhere in this room. When you slide to the floor below, turn around then go to the other side of the room with two pools and two poles. Climb either pole to the room above. Backflip off the pole, then locate the Senet piece. Pull it away from the wall, then get behind it and push it down the walkway into the main room. When its under the hammers, jump back twice. The hammers will crush the piece when you move it into place, then the floor will start to burn. Get the Ra Cartouche Piece from the remains, then return to the main hall and use the Ra Cartouche in the socket on the other wall to open the remaining door. Continue up the stairs as they turn left, then continue up into the next room. When you enter, a Flame Spirit emerges from the torch. Avoid any contact with it as you make your way down into the room and head up the ramp to the right. Go down the passage with the Flame Spirit in hot pursuit. In the next room locate and push the lever to release the Water Spirit, then get out of the way. While these two Elements battle it out, you can get two small medkits from both sides of this room. Return to the main area where you entered, then turn around and do a running jump to the first rope. Continue across the room by swinging from rope to rope. When you are on the last rope, swing forward toward the ledge between the columns and get a grenade, revolver and uzi ammo. Return to the rope, then spin around so you can start swinging again and land in the room to the right. Continue across the room, then do a running jump with a twist to the block. Kill two bats with your pistols. Climb the pole, then backflip to the ledge with the lever. Kill another bat with your pistols then jump to grab the lever. This opens a trapdoor and sends you falling safely to the floor below. Jump back to the pole then kill another bat with your pistols. Climb the pole again, then backflip to land on the ledge again. Jump to the ledge on the right, then get the unlit torch from inside the hole in the wall. Walk to the edge, then toss the torch to the pole. Jump and grab the pole, then slide down to the bottom. Take the torch. Jump to the archway to the right, then drop down to the floor below. Continue to the room with the three ropes. Jump up to the flame and light your torch, then head back to the hallway you just came from where you should spot two unlit torches. Light them with your torch and a trapdoor opens behind you. Drop your torch. Climb down the trapdoor, then follow the hallway until you reach a blade trap. Get near it. When the blades open, roll through it to get past it. You are now able to get flares, shotgun and grenade ammo, plus a large medkit. It’s also guarded by those beetles which will be attacking you while you are collecting your loot. When you have everything you came for, exit through the new trapdoor in the floor with the beetles in hot pursuit. Follow the passage through, then go all the way back to the area where you first got the unlit torch. When you backflip from the pole, turn around, then head around the walkway to the right and jump over the gap to the other side. Enter the next room and the room above you, then find the lever behind you. Pull it to raise a block which you can use to climb into a room above you. Get the uzi gun and crossbow ammo, plus a large medkit. It's time to finally leave this level. Enter the passage below, then turn left and right as you follow the hall to an open doorway. Go through and drop down, then enter the next doorway to exit this level.




Move forward and drop into the hole, then you will slide into a passage with a spinning blade. Walk to the blade, then get as close as you can. Line up in the middle of the circle, then roll through the trap. Head around the corner and repeat the second trap. Slide down the next ramp, then you will drop into a map room. Go to the left then climb up into the chute where you will find a crawlspace to the right. Crawl through until you reach the big wooden wheel, this will open the door on the other side. Turn the wheel five times to open the door. Follow the path and turn right to jump a gap, then land on the next walkway. Ignore the blades behind you and just keep running. Follow the walkway to the right, then do another running jump to the final ledge by the door. Angle left toward the door, then keep running to the end of the walkway. Jump to the pedestal where you will find the Golden Vraeus. It is heavily trapped, so watch out for the blades when you take it. Drop and hang from the ledge, then drop to the floor below. Head towards the doorway on the other side behind the pillar, while jumping some pits to avoid more blade traps. Climb up the wall ladder, then go through the crawlspace to return to the wheel. Go through the other crawlspace to return to the map room. Insert the Golden Vraeus in the keyhole on the right wall, then watch the cut-scene. Get the Guardian key from the map table then go to the right wall and use the key in the keyhole to open a trapdoor. Drop in, then slide to the bottom of the ramp. Go to the right, then take the small medkit in front and continue left to the lever at the end. A giant bull comes charging in. Sprint back to where you got the medkit, then jump to the ceiling. Monkey swing to the right until you spot a crawlspace to your left at the end. Release and grab, then crawl through to the other room and drop to the floor. Watch out for the firetraps then kill those annoying bats with your pistols when you see them. Take the shotgun shells on top of the small coffins then stand in front of the firetrap. When it goes out, get some shotgun shells inside. Wait for the flame to go out again, then pull a switch inside. Go to the firetrap behind you then get some uzi clips inside. When the flames go out again, pull a switch inside. Go to the right firetrap and get a large medkit. Go back through the crawlspace to the previous room, then dodge the bull and sprint through the door he burst out from. Follow the passage to the end then kill those annoying bats with your pistols. Get another small medkit from the floor. Locate the hole in the wall then get the unlit torch inside. Sprint back to the entrance of the room with the lever then light the torch using the lit torch on the wall. Now sprint all the way back to the room where you got the unlit torch, then use your new flame to light the wall sconces. Drop the torch. This opens a door where you can get crossbow and shotgun ammo and a large medkit. The room is heavily trapped with spikes and blades, so be-careful while you collect your loot. Sprint back to the room with the lever then head forward down the hall with the bull in hot pursuit. Go right, then go to the door at the far end. Wait for the bull to charge. Jump over him to let him smash the door, then go through to the next room. Inside this next room are three targets and you need to let the bull charge in each of them. When all three are smashed, two doors will open. The left door leaves this level, but the right door takes you to some items. Head through the right door and climb the wall ladder to get to the balcony. Head for the left room, then get uzi and shotgun ammo and a small medkit. Leave this room, then go to the other side. Climb through the gap in the ceiling where you can get one item, but the other two are firetraps. You choose. Also, watch the spike ball that drops in. Leave and drop through the gap in the floor. Safely drop to the floor, then go through the left door. Follow the passage to the wall ladder, then climb up to exit this level.




Time for a little railroad action. Start by pushing the lever to open the door then jump to the next car. This is the passenger car and contains three private rooms. Check the two rooms, then shoot the boxes with your pistols to get a small medkit and shotgun shells. Continue through the car, then kill a ninja with your pistols. When he blocks, turn around and shoot again. When he’s dead, go outside then jump to the next flatbed car and watch as two ninjas climb onto the train. Kill these guys with your uzi guns before jumping to the next car. At the end of the second flatbed car, jump and grab onto the side of the boxcar, then climb to the top. Continue along the roof of the train, then watch for two ninjas as they climb out of the roof hatches. Kill them both with your uzi guns, then drop through the hatch into the boxcar. Duck and shoot the small box with your pistols, then take the two shotgun shells and a small medkit. Go to the doorway and turn right, then kill a ninja with your uzi guns. Jump to the next boxcar. Climb up to the roof, then continue to the end of the car and jump to the flatbed car with the blue cover. Drop off the side, then grab the edge of the car. Shimmy the entire length of this car to the other side, then pull up at the end. A helicopter will show up. Do a standing jump to the next car, then grab on to climb to the roof. Kill another ninja with your uzi guns then go to the far end of the car and turn around. Drop down and hang from the roof. Drop and grab quickly, then pull into the door after it opens. Inside, you can get a large medkit. Take the revolver and crossbow ammo, then return through the door and shimmy to the ladder so you can climb back to the roof. Go to the right edge of this car, then drop and hang from the roof. Shimmy to the right until you are above an opening. Drop and grab the opening, then crawl in to get a shotgun, two shotgun shells and a crowbar. Use the crowbar as a lever in the socket to open a door allowing you access to the bed car. Kill another ninja with your uzi guns then jump to the bed car. Climb over and slide to the other side, then kill a ninja with your uzi guns. Take two steps back then jump forward into the boxcar. Go to the back then open the small door with your crowbar. Duck and shoot the crates with your pistols, then light a flare. Get a grenade launcher and two types of grenades. Leave through the hole of the car, then kill two ninjas with your grenade launcher in first mode. Go to the roof of the other boxcar then go across to the other end. Take out your grenade launcher then jump to the bed car. Watch two ninjas arrive, then shoot them both in first mode. Now go across to the other flatbed car then go to the other end. Kill the ninja with your grenade launcher in second mode then jump over to the boxcar. Go through the boxcar to the other end then take two steps back. Jump to land safely inside then next car ahead, then use your crowbar to open the small door in front and retrieve a small medkit in side. Use the crowbar on the remaining socket to unhook the rest of the train, then go to the doorway to end the level.




Go to the dark area in front, then light a flare. Kill two scorpions with your pistols then pick up a small medkit on the ground. Go up the stairs to the fountain then kill a henchmen with your uzi guns running off. Open the door of the two-storage building, then go upstairs. After the movie, go out onto the balcony then head to the left. Jump to the next balcony then kill two henchmen with your shotgun in first mode. Pick up the uzi clips, then turn around. Do a running jump and grab the tiled roof on the other building. Shimmy to the right and around the corner, then release and pull the switch on the way down. Enter the reading room, then kill another henchmen with your shotgun in first mode. Enter the back of the room, then take a large medkit and two arrows. Go back outside to the fountain, then go past the two-storage building to the far right. Around the corner of this building in a short alleyway is a locked cage with a motorcycle inside. You can't open the cage yet, so take the shotgun shells. Enter the two-storage building, then go up the stairs. Pick up a few items lying on the small cabinet then go to the far right corner to get shotgun shells. Leave the building. Go left then enter the next building in front. Go to the back, then kill a henchmen on some crates and turn around. Leave, then go right. Jump on the box to the left, then kill another henchmen with your shotgun in first mode and leave the building. Return to the two-storage building, then listen to what Jean says. Leave the building. Go left past the next building, then go left again. Go right and take out your shotgun, then kill another henchmen to the left in first mode. Pick up the small medkit, then go through the alleyway and you'll enter the next level.




Light a flare, then take the small medkit on the stairwell. Continue to the street with the palm trees, then take the first right into a small courtyard. Shoot the boards with your pistols to enter the Egyptian adventure. Go through the doorway in front then proceed downstairs to a room with a small pyramid. When you approach the sarcophagus, it opens and a mechanical mummy lurches out. No danger here just a little scare. Go up the stairs behind the fake mummy, then follow the hall to another barred door. Shoot it with your pistols, then enter the room. Do not rush in, the floor is laced with concealed spikes. As you enter, you will see a mirror. Stand at the second last step and face the mirror, then side-flip to the left and walk forward to the pit. Side-flip to the left. Walk forward to the next pit, then be two steps away. Jump over the pit and take the crossbow, then carefully retrace your steps to the stairs. Go to the room with the small pyramid then slide down the ramp in the far right corner. You will land on a timed ledge. Walk forward to the edge then take out your grenade launcher in first mode. Look up and shoot, this will destroy all of the targets. When all the targets are gone, drop to the ground and pick up the token. Climb out of the room through the crawlspace, then return to the room with the small pyramid. Go up the stairs in front then follow the hallway to the next room on the right. Stand in front of the coin slot and use the token. The machine is activated, the snake charmer plays a tune and a rope rises from the basket. Climb the rope to the top, then backflip to the ledge. Pick up the broken handle on the floor. Go to the three hooks then use the crowbar on the left hook. Drop down to the floor, then exit to the right. Go up the stairs to the cage, then combine the broken handle with the hook. Stand at the cage, then use the hook and pole to snag the gate key. Pick up the key in the corner then exit to the left of the cage. Follow the passage, then out to the street with the palm trees and go back to Alexandria.


Return to Alexandria


Go back to the two-storage building then kill two scorpions with your pistols on the way. Go in the building and up the stairs, then listen to what Jean says and leave the building. Kill two more scorpions with your pistols, then go back to the Coastal Ruins.


Return to the Coastal Ruins


Go to the street, then go forward through the right archway and go down the stairs to a pool with ledges. Climb out of the water, then jump to grab the opening in the wall. Crawl through, drop into the next room, then climb the wall ladder to the sunlit hall. Go forward and down the stairs to a doorway leading outside. Go out and go left. A cut-scene shows a panoramic view of the area. Head around the outside of the first building, keeping the wall to your left. You'll come to a drop-off above the ramp leading up to the side of the building. There is also a manmade pool, which connects to the tide pools. Drop down to the base of the ramp, then climb onto the block on your left. Turn so the ramp is on your right then do a running jump to grab the ledge ahead. Pull up and get some arrows, then do a running jump back to the block. A skeleton appears on the hillside in front. Get on the hill, then destroy it by using the crossbow in third mode. Save your game, then jump in the pool behind you. There are some grenades in a narrow crevice on your right below. The current here is very strong, making it easy to get stuck. After getting the grenades, swim toward the tide to surface. If you get stuck in a tight spot or the current prevents you from moving, try rolling to get unstuck. Return to the ramp behind you then climb the hill to enter the building in front on the far right. Head for the entrance, then ready the grenade launcher in first mode. A cut-scene follows with two skeletons hopping across the ledges and heading down the stairs towards you. When they come near you, shoot them with one shot. Climb up the stairs where the skeletons came from, then do a running jump to grab the U platform on your right. Pull up and cross the ledge, then do a standing jump to the ledge on your right. Pick up shotgun shells and a small medkit. Hop down to the U ledge, then do a running jump to the ledge in front. Use the key to open the gate.


The Upper Catacombs


Enter the next room. The hall on the right leads to a room with an unstable floor, it sinks several inches when you step on it making it impossible to move the big carved pillar. Push the tile on the wall. A cut-scene follows, showing a brown block rises to the floor level in the room below. Return outside.


Return to the Coastal Ruins


Safely drop to the block below then drop into the pit with the dangling boulder. Stand under the pulley against the left wall. Now side-flip to the right, then immediately to the left again and the rock will fall. Go through the crawlspace that was concealed by the boulder, then use the crowbar to open the gate and follow the hallway into the next level.


The lower Catacombs


Go through the hallway then pull the pillar onto the brown block. This will support the floor above. Go back the way you came.


Return to the Coastal Ruins


Climb the stairs. Jump across the ledges, then go through the gate again.


Second visit to the Upper Catacombs


Go back to the room with the now-stable floor, then pull/push the big carved pillar all the way to the other side to the tile with the face on it. This releases a ghost and opens the small door to the right. Run through the door into the next room, jumping over the hole in the floor with the climbing pole. Run up the stairs in front to a room with many ceramic jars. Once inside the room, head to the owl statue in front and the ghost will extinguish itself. Return to the previous room, then slide down the pole. Continue to the end of the hall near the lever, then the door closes automatically and the room moves like an elevator. Push the lever to raise the walls. Approach the dangling rope, then a cut-scene follows to show the room. Do a running jump to grab the rope, then swing and jump to grab the second rope. Swing from the second rope to grab the small opening high on the left wall. Crawl in then drop down to get a shotgun, flares and a large medkit. Safely drop to the hall below. Go right up the stairs to a gap in the floor, then do a standing jump over the hole. Duck and shoot the jars with your pistols to get shotgun shells. Drop through the hole, then you will slide down the ramp into a large pool. Climb out of the water at the base of the stairs. When you reach the ledge at the top, a skeleton emerges from the center platform. Use your crossbow and laser-sight in first mode to blow his head off. Look towards the right corner of the room, there's a lever on a ledge. Below, is an underwater passage that contains one of those owl statues. Do a running jump to grab the small ledge, then do another running jump to the lever. Push it, then a cut-scene follows showing block ledges extend along the wall of the room. Do two running jumps to the new block ledges, then a standing jump to the next ledge. Duck and shoot the jar with your pistols to get shotgun shells. Walk to the other side of the ledge, then a skeleton appears on the platform in the middle of the room. Take care of it with your crossbow and laser-sight in first mode, then jump up to grab the grates on the ceiling. Monkey swing towards the alcove with the second lever. When you're nearly there, a ghost emerges from the alcove. Drop in the water, then swim towards that underwater opening. Wait near the owl statue for the ghost to put itself out, then swim back to the big room and climb the stairs at the far left again. Go back to the lever then push it to witness a cut-scene showing block ledges extend along the left side of the room. Drop in the water, then climb the stairs again to reach the ledge. Do a running jump to the center platform, then another running jump to the small platform. Do a running jump to the ledge at the wall, then turn right and do a running jump to grab the next block. Do another running jump to the ledge ahead, then step off the ledge to the left. Drop back and grab the edge. Shimmy to the right, around the corner and continue to the end. Drop to the ledge below, then follow the hallway to the end. Drop to the ledge and turn right, then duck and shoot the jar with your pistols to get shotgun shells. Shoot two skeletons with your crossbow in third mode and another one on the left. Carefully line up a running jump to grab the rope, then swing towards the ledge in front. Turn around, then do a running jump to the pedestal. Take the trident, then do a running jump to the ledge behind you. Go in the right corner room, then climb down the wall ladder. At the bottom, you can get arrows and shotgun shells. More shotgun shells are inside a jar in an alcove to the far left of the next room after you shoot it with your pistols. Climb back up the wall ladder, then go right. Jump over to the ledge, then pull up onto the small ledge above to get a large medkit. When you do, three skeletons appear on the ledges below. Kill two of them with your crossbow and laser-sight in third mode, then drop to the ledge behind you and kill the third one. Go forward to the far ledge in front, then take the shotgun shells and small medkit. Turn around, then go in the far right corner room and jump the gap to land on the next ledge. Climb the wall ladder to the room above, then shoot the skeleton with your crossbow in third mode. Take the trident from the pedestal, then climb the pole to the next level. Backflip onto the ledge, then shoot the jars with your pistols to get some arrows. Continue climbing the pole to the top. Backflip into the small hallway, then follow it to the end. The door at the end opens and leads you back to the room with the pole. A skeleton comes up from the floor ahead. Shoot it with your crossbow in third mode then slide down the pole to emerge on the high ledge of the huge room. Watch out for the skeleton that comes up from the floor near the jar, then shoot it in third mode with your crossbow. There are two skeletons sneaking around the floor way down below. Take them out from above with the laser sight-equipped crossbow, then kill them in third mode. Do a running jump from the ledge to grab the wall ladder on the right, then climb down to the ground. Cross the room to the small pool, then climb the short ladder on your right and follow the stairs down to a hall with doorways on each side. Enter the room to the far right then go below. Inside, you will find a skeleton. Shoot him with your crossbow in third mode, then take the uzi clips. Go outside. Now go left and enter the right room, then shoot another skeleton with your crossbow in third mode. Go forward and turn right, then enter a small alcove containing some empty jars and another skeleton. Dispose of him with your crossbow in third mode, then climb the wall and take the shotgun shells at the top. Go forward to the edge, then a skeleton will come out of the next ledge. Let it jump towards you, then shoot it off the ledge with your shotgun in first mode. Do a running jump to the next ledge, then go to the right end and do a running jump to the alcove with the large medkit. Take it. Jump back to the previous ledge then turn right. Do a running jump to the next ledge on the right, then two skeletons appear from the next ledge ahead. Shoot them with your crossbow in third mode. Notice the alcove with the object inside, that is where you're heading. Do a running jump to grab the ledge in the far left corner, then pull up and take the two shotgun shells. Return to the previous ledge, then turn right. Do a running jump to grab the ledge on the far right corner, then pull up. Climb the wall ladder to the ledge above, then backflip and pick up some shotgun shells. Continue through the passageway, then take the trident from the pedestal. Leave and go to the next ledge on the left, then do a running jump to the ledge in front and go left. Do a running jump to the next small ledge, then take the small medkit and shotgun shells inside. Leave, then return to the previous ledge. Now make your way across the top ledges to the rope on the far side of the room. Along the way a skeleton will appear, ignore it for now and grab the rope. Swing to the other ledge, then another skeleton will come towards you from the left. Shoot the two skeletons in third mode with your crossbow. Do a running jump to the small alcove, then grab while in mid-air. Climb the pole to the second ledge, then backflip to land on it. The jars are empty and the skeleton is sleeping. Destroy it with your crossbow in third mode then climb the wall ladder to the room above. Jump the gap then follow the short hallway to the pedestal with the trident. There are three skeletons on the floor. Take out your grenade launcher, then kill them in second mode. Take the trident, then shoot the small bones on the floor with your laser sight-equipped crossbow in first mode. When you destroy all four, a trapdoor opens in the corner near the pedestal. Drop in and a cut-scene follows, showing a brown door opens down in the huge room. Take the arrows. Climb back up, then climb down the wall ladder and down the pole. At the bottom of the pole, do a running jump to the ledge. Turn left, then make your way across the ledges. Here you'll find the door that you opened. Take the arrows, shotgun shells and a large medkit. Exit the alcove, then turn left and do a running jump to the small ledge. Safely drop to the pink tiled area below. Walk to the east corner of the walkway, then safely drop to the ground. Go through the doorway, then turn left and go to the end of the hallway. When you enter the small room, the door closes and the elevator will go up. Follow the passage, then duck and shoot the urn to find a large medkit, shotgun shells and some arrows. Take them. Go up the short ramp to the opening, then safely drop to the ledge below. Go to the right edge, then safely drop to the floor. Go to the left end of the hall, then follow the stairs back to the huge room. Go through the doorway on the right, then go up the stairs to the next level.




Follow the stairs to the opening in the floor. Notice the owl statue in front then do a standing jump to grab the wall ladder behind you and climb down to the floor. Turn around, then enter the hallway on the right. Follow the hallway to the next room, then two skeletons emerge when you enter. Use your crossbow in third mode to kill them. Drop down to the lower level then find the crawlspace in the left corner behind you. Take the arrows and a small medkit. Exit the crawlspace, then climb back up to the ledge and go through the other doorway. Crawl through the opening below the huge carved face. Climb out of the crawlspace, then continue towards the room with a pool and statue. Duck and shoot the jars with your pistols to get some uzi clips, then jump over the pool to the statue and insert the first trident. Water begins to flow. Jump back across the pool to the hallway, then go towards the room on the left. Enter carefully, because each black circle is a burner which will ignite you when you step on that square. Walk to the jars and turn around, then shoot with your grenade launcher in second mode. Take the arrows and shotgun shells, then carefully exit the room. Go left to the crawlspace which is now flooded, then swim through to the room with the huge carved face. Continue to the next room then go on through the hallway back to the first room. Enter the left room. Here you'll find a huge face carved from stone along with two tall blocks decorated with images of standing women. Go to the face and go to the left, then turn to the right. Climb the wall to the room above then dismount on the left. A skeleton is in the next room and you need to kill it with your shotgun in first mode. Destroy the jars with your pistols, then take the shotgun shells. Jump over the pool to the statue and insert the second trident. Water begins to flow. Return down to the room with the big carved face, then a ghost will emerge and begins to chase you. Run out of the room, make a sharp right turn to find the climbable wall in the corner. Climb up then backflip into the alcove. Stand near the owl statue, then climb back down. Enter the room behind you. Here you'll find a huge stone face along with two tall blocks decorated with images of snakes. There's a raised crawlspace in the corner to the left of the big face, approach it carefully. The black circle is a burner that ignites when you step on it. Stand behind it, then take two hops back. Do a running jump and grab, then pull up and crawl in. Shoot two skeletons with your crossbow in third mode. Duck and shoot the jar with your pistols to get a small medkit, then jump over to the statue and insert the third trident. Water begins to flow. Exit the way you came, then kill another skeleton with your crossbow in third mode. Crawl and safely drop out of the crawlspace on the left side to avoid the burner, then return to middle of the room. Enter the room to the right, then continue to a room with another huge stone face and a pole. Climb the pole, then backflip into the hallway above. Shoot the skeleton in the alcove on the left with your crossbow in third mode, then duck and shoot the brown jar on the right with your pistols to get some shotgun shells and arrows. When you enter the room with the statue, the skeleton awakens. Shoot it into the pool with your shotgun in first mode, then jump over to the statue and insert the last trident. Water begins to flow. Slide back down the pole then go back to the middle of the room. Dive into the pit and swim down through the passage, then through a narrow opening at the bottom of the passage to a room where you can surface. Continue up the left side passage, then go left past the skeleton witch comes to live and drop down into the next room. When you hit the floor, two ghosts fly out. Shoot the large jar on the left with your pistols to reveal an owl statue, then push the face tile on the wall to open a trapdoor behind you. Go into that hole and light a flare, then follow the passage to the next level.


Back at the Coastal Ruins


Climb the wall ladder and open the gate with your crowbar, then go outside. Do a running jump to the surface in front. Make your way to the left, then go all the way back to Alexandria.


Return to Alexandria


Go to the two-storage building, then Jean will sit on the small table and give you some more information. Go all the way back to the Coastal Ruins, then go through the small building witch you came from. Go through the gate and light a flare, then follow the passage back to the Temple of Poseidon.


Return to the Temple of Poseidon


Go to the next room on the right then push the box with the bump on top to retrieve the left gauntlet which is part of the armor of Horus. Doors open to the left and right. Go through either one to the hallway behind, then climb through the raised crawlspace to the next level.




Continue through the narrow passage leading to the library. Enter the room at the end, then head towards the left wall with the blue doors. Go through the middle door then slide down the pole while avoiding the wheels. At the bottom, take the passage leading to the next pole then climb the ledge while avoiding the deadly wheel. Continue to the next room. This room has a guy with an axe that you should kill when he’s close. He’s very hard to kill and you must hit him directly in the heart using your shotgun in first mode. Now you can approach the gold star and pry it out with the crowbar. Head over to the right wheel, then climb down the wall ladder to the bottom. Safely drop below to find a small medkit, uzi and revolver ammo. Take them, then leave the area. Turn around, then go along the left side and climb the wall ladder at the side of the column. Enter the next small room, then slide down the pole. Go left and take note of the locked gate as you head off to the next room. Kill another axe-wielding guard with your shotgun in first mode, then locate the hole in the floor. Drop off and hang, then climb down the wall ladder. At the bottom you can go through the passage and into the next room with an axe-wielding horseman. Target the heart, then blast away with your shotgun in first mode. The first few shots will dismount him and the second few will blow his heart clean out of his body. Take the gem, then examine the heart to find that it’s a perfect fit for that keyhole back by the locked gate. Before you leave this room, go to the next room and shoot the counterweight with your laser-equipped crossbow in first mode to open a passage in the wall which leads to a large medkit, shotgun shells and uzi clips. Take them. Make your way back to the top, then kill another axe-wielding guard with your shotgun in first mode. Go to the gate, then use the gem in the socket to open it. Enter the room, then pull the chain to open an underwater door somewhere else in the level. Return to the room where you pried the gold star from, then drop to the floor and turn around. Go through the column and through the right doorway to enter a room with swinging chains. Wait for the chains to swing out of your way then run past and repeat for the remaining chains. When you reach the room, open the trapdoor. Drop into the water below, then swim left and down the passage to the big area. Go right through the gate, then continue until you reach a room with two gold stars. Whip out the crowbar, then pry them off the wall to increase your inventory. Swim back to the trapdoor, then climb out and retrace your steps all they way back to the second pole with the wheel. Slide down, then go to the other pole. Climb up and backflip to the ledge. Shoot the two pots then get shotgun shells and a large medkit. Climb to the second level, then backflip to the ledge. Shoot the pot with your pistols, then take the small medkit. Go up the pole then go to the room with the blue doors. Go to the middle door on the other side then open it. Follow the passage to the next room, then two fire demons will attack. Go through the far left doorway and go right. Sprint to the water, then wait for the two fire demons to extinguish them selves. Leave the pool, then walk to the big pot. When the camera pan up, use your binoculars in light mode then look at the picture above. Go back to the hallway then shoot the pot with your pistols to get a small medkit. Leave the room then go back to the main area. Go to the right door and open it, then go down the stairs and shoot a big pot on the way with your pistols. Take the small medkit, then go down to the planetarium. You should have no trouble locating the three sockets for your three gold stars. As each star is inserted, gates will open allowing you access of the planets. These models need to be positioned out on the floor to complete the next puzzle. Let’s start with the Earth since it’s already out in the room. Move it until it’s in the center of the room. Now head to the gate on the right of the East wall, then move the Moon next to the Earth. Venus is located next to the Moon behind the left gate and it goes in the next closest orbit. Mars is behind the gate to the North and you need to pull it to the South circle. Jupiter is on the South wall and you need to position it to the N\W circle. When all the planets are aligned, a bolt of blue energy will shoot from the door. Head down the corridor, then shoot the big pot with your pistols on the way. Take the large medkit and go left, then shoot another pot with your pistols. Take the shotgun shells, then go past the blue door and into a room with snake statues. Go back to the door you just passed and open it, then go to the corner door on the right and open it. Go through the passage then shoot the pot with your pistols on the way. Take the small medkit and uzi clips. Continue to the next room then be ready for two-axe wielding guards. Kill them with your shotgun in first mode. Take the scroll on the pedestal and examine it, then go back to the room with the snake statues. This is your next puzzle so get ready. Each statue has a lever that shoots flames, the goal is to light all seven statues and the pattern is as follows. Start with the closest statue and work your way around the room clockwise. When all seven statues are lit, two platforms will appear in the center of the room. Use the platforms and the stairs to reach the top of the room, then enter the next room. Climb up the ladder, then go around the balcony to the other side and shoot the two pots wit your pistols to get a small medkit. Climb back to the floor, then shoot the next pot with your pistols in the next room. Take the uzi clips, then continue through the next room until you reach the corridor with the blue door. Go inside, then you should appear on the second floor of the main room with more blue doors. Go through the far left corner door, then enter it. A fire demon attacks when you enter and your only escape is the fountain you passed earlier. Race back to the fountain to get rid of the pest, then return to that room and get the Pharos Pillar from the pedestal. Exit this room, then enter the last door on the left. You will start sliding down a slope, quickly locate and jump to the climbable wall surface then climb up. Do a running jump with a grab to the ledge on the right, then take the large medkit and arrows. Safely drop to the ground, then turn around. Walk to the ramp and jump to the lever, then pull it to raise a platform in the center of the room. Climb the platform then do a running jump to grab the ledge in front. Pull up into the alcove. Go to the end of the passage then do a running jump to the top of the lion's head. Continue to the top, then pull the chain which will open his mouth so you can enter. Drop and hang from his mouth, then pull up and crawl to the back where you will find a pole that you can climb. Backflip from the top, then head down the passage to the next room. Take the unlit torch at the entrance, then step onto one of the grates inside the room to light the pedestal. Light your torch and exit the room, then continue down the passage until you reach a gate that opens as you approach. Go through the gate and into the next room with the wooden floor in the middle, then throw your torch onto the wood and watch it burn. Drop into the room below when the wood crumbles, then take the music scroll on the ground. Shoot the pot with your pistols, then take the shotgun shells. Exit this area through the opening, then return to the main room with the blue doors again. Go through the right door at the wall. Go all the way to the planetarium, through the snake statues, up the platforms and stairs to reach the balcony level of the main room. Enter the left door that leads to another hallway. Shoot the pot with your pistols and take the uzi clips, then go to the end where you will find a harp and a pedestal that you can use the music scroll on. The music will open a secret passage. Follow it to the balcony, then pull the chain to open the large blue doors below. Vault the railing to reach the floor below, then head through the doors to enter the next level.


Hall of Demetrius


Continue down the hall until you reach a large room, then head up the ramp to the right. The room at the top has the Pharos Knot resting quietly on a pedestal, take it before returning to the bottom of the ramp. Now go forward to the opening on the other side then go up the ramp. When you reach the top, a cut-scene will play. Later, wait for the three henchmen then kill them with your grenade launcher in first mode. Return up the ramp and locate the lantern, then push it toward the doorway to open a secret door. Go through and down the hole to the next level.


Back to the Coastal Ruins


Exit the water then collect some crossbow ammo, a large medkit and broken glasses. Look up to find the wall ladder that you can jump and grab onto, then climb up and exit to the beach. Swim around the island to the left and you should be back at a familiar place. Go to shore, then go all the way back to Alexandria.


Return to Alexandria


Go back to the two-storage building then go up the stairs. Jean will be standing at his desk. Listen to what he says, then go all the way back to the beach and jump in the water. Swim around the building and past the cliffs, then start looking for an underwater tunnel to the left. When you find it, swim inside until you spot some seaweed to the left. Swim past the seaweed, through the tunnel and the current will take you to the next level.




A large shark comes after you when you enter the underwater cave. Dodge the pursuing shark as you make your way to the temple. Two openings are on either side of a wooden door ahead. Swim into the right one, then you will be able to climb out of the water and locate a socket for the Pharos Pillar. Go back in the water then swim out past the wooden door and into the next opening. When you exit the water, you will find a matching socket that you can insert the Pharos Knot into. The wooden door will now be open. Swim out and down through the opening, then enter the temple. When you exit to dry land, a skeleton will attack. Shoot it in first mode with your shotgun. Drop in the hole, then swim into the next room. Swim to the door on the right wall and open it. Enter and swim to the next area. When you exit the water, a golden bird will attack on the left. Kill the bird with your shotgun in first mode, but watch its fire attack. Duck and shoot the four benches with your pistols to get medkits and shotgun shells. Head up the stairs the bird came from. As you enter the next room, the door slams shut behind you. Approach the statue of Isis then move towards the left corner where you can find a column that you can climb. Get out your trusty crowbar, then pry the black beetle off the wall. A stream of black beetles will pour into the room, backflip with a twist then go to the other column in the far left corner. Climb it, then pry off the second black beetle with your crowbar. Doing so, releases more beetles into the room. Hop off the column to the right, then run over to the left wall where you will find a block that you can climb. Climb into the upper area, then push the button in the alcove. Drop to the floor, then run to the other ledge in front. Climb up into the alcove to push a second button, then an opening will appear at the base of the statue. Return to the floor, then drop into the hole and hang from the wall ladder. To get the beetles off the ledge quickly, move to the left and right. When all the beetles are down on the floor below, you can drop to the ledge. Climb down the near end of the wall ladder, then backflip with a twist. Go forward to the far right and climb the stone with the slope, then immediately backflip to the ledge behind you and take the winding key from the pedestal. Push the button on the wall to open the door back in the Isis room. Return to the wall ladder, then climb up to the statue room and go out the door you just opened. Back in the main chamber, kill the skeleton with your shotgun in first mode then head up the stairs to the left. Go to the next room, then duck and shoot the benches with your pistols containing a large medkit, uzi clips and two shotgun shells. Take them. Go through to the next room then kill the skeleton with your crossbow in third mode. In the room with the black pyramid, are three holes leading to three rooms. Go down the left one then jump as you near the end to land in the water. Quickly go to the platform before the water turns to flame, then pry the black beetle off the wall with your crowbar and turn around. Get the second one from the pillar, then go around the water to the ramp witch has turned to stairs. Jump to the ledge, then climb the stairs to the pyramid room. Go for the third one to the left, then when you reach the pyramid room again, go down the left ramp for the fourth one. Beetles start to fall from the pillar, circle around the water to the ledge, then quickly make your way to the pyramid room. Leave the rooms and go up the stairs to the left, then enter the next level.




Go right to the next room. After the cut-scene, cross the room and go a bit to the right then go to the hallway in front. Duck and shoot the bench with your pistols on the right, then get a large medkit. Turn around and go right, then go left and shoot two benches with your pistols. Take the arrows and revolver ammo. Go back to the pool area then go up the ramp to the room above. Duck and shoot the bench with your pistols to get shotgun shells, then turn around. Go to the alcove in front then use the crowbar to open the small door. Follow the dimly lit hallway to another carved door, then use the crowbar to open it and continue to a room with an opening in the floor. Save your game, then slide down the ramp into a pool of oil. Quickly wade over to the left, then climb the ledge on the right before the oil ignites. Use the crowbar to pry the black beetle from the wall, then backflip to the ledge. From here, jump to the small opening where the ramp used to be then climb the steps to the hallway and drop from the window to the floor. Go to the left, then return through the doorway to the previous level.


Return to the Pharos’ Temple of Isis


Head back to the main room, then take the stairs to the right. Kill the golden bird with your shotgun in first mode then go to the room leading to the black pyramid. Insert each of the black beetles into the pyramid to trigger some cool events. When it’s done, you can obtain the mechanical beetle from the pyramid. Open your inventory, then combine the mechanical scarab with the winding key. Now that you have this item you can return to the previous level.


Return to Cleopatra's Palaces


Drop into the pool with the fountain then swim through the small underwater passage to a room where you can climb out. Reach into the hole in the wall to lower an L-shaped section of floor somewhere else. Swim back to the previous room then climb out of the pool to the right. Go through the small doorway then go to the picture at the far wall. Go left and right, then go to the bird picture on the wall. The floor is concealed with spikes. Take out your scarab, then use it on the tile with the beetle symbol. The scarab will cross the spikes, activating them so you can cross safely after it. Be sure to pick up the scarab on the other side, then go to the room on the left. Open the box and retrieve the right Gauntlet. A skeleton rises out of the floor, take out your crossbow and kill it in third mode. To get past the blade in the doorway, run through them when they close. Return down the ramp, then go left to the next hallway. The hallway ends with closed double doors in front and another skeleton is lurking on the right. Shoot it in third mode with your crossbow. Use the scarab again to deactivate the spikes, then cross over them and retrieve the scarab. Go left then enter the small room on your right. Open the box to get some goodies, then kill another skeleton with your crossbow in third mode. Exit carefully past the blades. Go to the right then go up the stairs and down to the other side. Go forward then open another box to get a small medkit. Go through the hallway on the left. This leads to a small room with two spike-trapped hallways leading left and right, there's also a staircase leading up to a closed door and a golden receptacle. Pick up the shotgun shells on the landing near the receptacle, then use the scarab to deactivate the spikes on the right. Follow the scarab then pick it up at the end. Open the box to get some more goodies. Return to the previous room with the empty box, then go right and drop into the pit. Roll and wait for the golden bird. When you see it, kill it with your grenade launcher in second mode. Climb the ledge on your right, then take the arrows. Backflip from the alcove to the ledge, then turn around. Go left to the closed door, then turn around. Kill a skeleton with your crossbow in third mode. Approach the raised lever, then pull it to open the door and raise a block to the right. Climb onto the block, then do a standing jump to grab the crevice in the wall. Shimmy all the way around to the other wall where you can pull up into a hallway. Duck and shoot the bench with your pistols to get arrows, then go up the ramp to another small room with a scissor-blade trap. Open the box to get the right Greave then kill another skeleton with your crossbow in third mode. Exit carefully past the blades, then return down the ramp. Go back to the L-shaped pit then go left. Now the small door on your left should be open. Enter, then get the Pharos Knot from the box. Exit the room and go left, then go to the wall and go left. Follow the hall to the stairs with the receptacle, then place the artifact to open the door. Enter, then take the small medkit from the low pedestal. A cut-scene is playing and helixes of light swirls around you and the empty pedestal nearby. Magically a golden statue of you is created on the other pedestal. Climb the block to the far left. Jump to grab the ceiling overhead, then monkey swing to the other side of the room. At the back of the alcove, is an opening where you can climb to the level above. When you come out to the walkway, a golden bird flies in from the left. Shoot it down with your crossbow in third mode, then cross the walkway to the middle and do a running jump to the walkway on the left. Go to the right. Climb into the raised hallway above, then follow the room to the top where you will see a bench and a skeleton on the floor. Do a running jump to the center platform, then another gold bird will fly in. Kill the bird and the skeleton with your crossbow in third mode, then turn around. Here are three small doors on each of the nearby ledges. You'll also notice two black switches mounted on blocks to the left and right. When you pull the switch on the right, the door on that side opens. Go back through the raised hallway and back to the center platform. When you pull the switch on the left, the door on that side opens and another gold bird flies down to attack the statue. Roll and do a running jump with a twist to land on the other ledge. Kill the bird quickly with your crossbow in third mode. Climb back up to the center platform. Now that the two side doors are open, jump from the side of each overhanging blocks or you will bump your head and fall to your death. Enter the alcove on the left side, then reach into the hole in the wall to get the Hathor effigy. The alcove on the other side contains a skeleton, which awakens when you enter. Take care of it with your crossbow in third mode then reach into the hole in the wall for the ornate handle. Shoot the bench with your pistols to get a large medkit, then jump to the center platform and to the remaining closed door. Combine the stick and mask to make a portal guardian, then place this on the stick to open the door. Enter the hallway then kill the skeleton with your crossbow in third mode that rises from the floor. Go through the hallway to the next area, then duck and shoot the bench with your pistols to get uzi clips. Save your game before entering the throne room. A cut-scene is showing that Lara decides to play queen for a day, not a good idea. The two side doors open and two throne guardians emerge. Sprint to the ramp and roll at the top, then take out your crossbow and shoot the right one in third mode. When it explodes, shoot the left one until it dies. When both guardians are dead, go into the side rooms then retrieve the left Greave and Breast Plate from the boxes. Taking the items opens a trapdoor near the throne, drop in and go downstairs to end the level.




You start the level already being attacked. Sprint towards the block on the left, then take out your shotgun. Kill the henchman in first mode while jumping up and down. When he’s dead, take his revolver then do a backflip with a twist. Use your revolver in laser sight mode, then shoot the can on the machine gun. Go back to your bike then shoot the guy on the roof with your laser sight-equipped revolver. Get on the motorcycle, then head into town. Turn right, then ram a henchman. Go right and left, then ram two guys to the right. In the ally, turn around. Get off your bike, then take the shotgun shells on the ground. Go north, then run to the street. You will be under fire at this point, so quickly sprint a bit to the left and into the small building. Take the grenade launcher and small medkit. Leave and sprint to the left, then jump over the small ledge to the right and enter the next building. Drag the body off the floor grate, then return to your bike and locate the block in the corner. Climb up then crawl to the other side. Continue through the passage until you reach a lever, then push it to open the floor grate. Take the small medkit and climb the ledge, then turn around and climb the next ledge. Crawl through the short space then go up the ramp to a lever. Push it, then go down the hole. Return to the bike, then ride it up the small pile of sand to crash through the signs. The bike will fall through the floor and you must proceed on foot. Take the small medkit on the way then climb into the opening and drop to the pool below. The next room has two items you can collect and a few bats you can shoot with your pistols. When you are done, you can slide out of this room. Take the laser sight then go left to the wall. Jump to the crevice, then shimmy around until you can pull up to the ledge. Roll and face the swinging blue ball, then aim with your laser sight-equipped revolver. Shoot, making sure not to hit the object in front of the ball. Shooting the ball will release a ghost. Quickly drop to the floor, then head up the stairs to the right. You will come to a pool of water that you can jump into, this will also kill the ghost. Don't fight the currents, just ride it out to the end where you can swim through an underwater tunnel and climb onto a ledge on the other side. Safely drop off to the other side, then head up the stairs to the left and go to the pool. Now it's frozen. Push the lever in front, then a door will open. Return outside, then go through the open door to the right. Get a small medkit to the far right then go in the passage you just passed. Open the blue door with your crowbar, then get a large medkit and uzi clips. Now climb two blocks to exit this room. You will exit to an area that overlooks the beginning of the level. Drop and hang off the ledge then shimmy to the right where you can pull up. Turn around, then jump to the lever and grab to pull it. The gate will open, releasing another henchman. Kill him with your shotgun in first mode, then take his small medkit. Make your way back to the underground area to retrieve your bike. Drive it right through the wall to exit the underground area, then drive back through the gate you just opened. Continue riding, then you will drop into a narrow ravine. Get off your bike, then go downstairs to the ground and kill another henchman with your shotgun in first mode. Go through the crawlspace in the corner then get some arrows. Go back to your bike, then ride it up the stairs that leads to a ramp. Get in position, then jump the gap to the next ledge. When you land on the other side, get off the bike and head to the lever located in the far corner ahead with the burning torch. Kill two bats with your pistols, then push the lever to raise a platform. Get back on your bike, then slowly ride up the next ramp to the other side. Stop and get off the bike, then go to the far ledge in front and go to the passage above. At the end of the passage, do a running jump to grab the next ledge. Pull up and get the revolver ammo next to the broken machine gun. Head through the doorway. At the end of the next passage, you will come face to face with the machine guns. Equip the revolver in laser sight mode, then target the gas and shoot it to blow the guns to tiny bits. Now that it's safe to continue, do a running jump from the outcropping off the ledge in front to grab the other side. Jump to the roof, then head to the lever that you can push to open a gate just below you. Pick up a small medkit on your right, then return to the broken machine gun and stand at the edge. Take one step back then dive into the entrance below. Return to the motorcycle, then head up the stairs to the top. Go down to the road, then go left to the small hill. Go right then head out of the city through the gate on the right.




Ride into the next area, go right then ram the henchman on your way. Make a sharp left turn, then drive over the ravine. Follow the road to a stone step on the left then wait for the bug fly until it dies. Get off the bike and climb up the step, then turn to the right. Jump to grab the ledge, then continue through the passage. Crawl through the tunnel until you reach a secret room with a large stash of items you can add to your pack. Return to your bike, then enter the building. Get a small medkit on your left and a grenade launcher in the far right corner. Return to your bike, then ride over the ravine. Go right to a small opening and turn around. Park the bike near the small opening and get off. Use your revolver in laser sight mode, then shoot the henchman at the far end. Enter the building, then exit on the other side. Head to the left until you spot a large metal minotaur bull. This guy is tough and you must avoid him at all costs, for he can send out shock waves that can do terrible damage if they hit you. Sprint into the building with the minotaur in hot pursuit. Head to the other side of the room, then climb up the left block and roll. Do a running jump to the ledge above the doorway. Continue out onto the ledge, then do a running jump to the crack on the left wall. Shimmy to the right until you can stand, then turn to the right. Jump and grab the climbable surface on the wall, then move to the right until you reach the next ledge. Continue across the ledge and into the next passage. When you reach the end, pull up to the ledge then go out to the roof. Turn right then do a running jump to the ledge on the far right. Jump onto the new section of roof, then locate the rope. Jump and grab onto it. Swing over and land on the surface in front, then kill two bug fly’s with your revolver and get a large medkit and shotgun shells. Do a running jump to the lower ledge, then return all the way to the roof. Locate the lever you can push to close the doors below, then the minotaur will be trapped in side. These doors are on a timer so you need to get moving. Go back to the rope and swing to the large opening on the right. When you land, kill the henchman with your revolver then get his ammo and a large medkit. Go towards the hole and as you drop in, you should land right next to your bike. Get on and quickly head back over the ravine, then go to the large step you parked earlier. Get off the bike then sprint to the large wooden wheel where you first saw the minotaur. Turn the wheel three times to open the nearby gate. Jump over the wheel and go through the opening, then climb up the wall ladder and go through the passage to end the level.




Drop down and listen to the man to get some info on the creature you are about to meet. Take the revolver ammo. Move ahead until you actually see the beast, then crawl to the left and get some grenade ammo and a small medkit. Sprint past the dragon to the next area, then turn to the right wall. Go up the crawlspace with the lotus eating you, then crawl through and drop to the other side. Light a flare and get some flares. Go down the ramp, then get some arrows and a large medkit. Go forward then leave the crawlspace. Sprint past the dragon again to the next area, then go to the left. Continue to the right until you reach an area with some banners. Go to the right ledge and climb over it, then go forward and kill two crocodiles and two bats with your shotgun in first mode. Go in the crawlspace, then get revolver ammo and arrows. Leave and climb over the block to the left, then look at the wall far above. See the symbols, they match the symbols on the two coffins. Use your laser sight-equipped crossbow in third mode to knock of the wood that covers the next symbols. Look at it, then drop into the area below. There are three levers along the wall in front and numbers above the levers. Start with the middle lever, then turn around. Then head to the right corner and jump to the ledge above. Pull the lever before returning to the wall with the three levers. This time, pull the left lever to reveal a hole under the coffin. Finally, pull the right lever to move the other coffin and reveal a second hole under it. Roll and head towards the other hole, then drop into the tunnel below. Use the crowbar in the socket to open a door inside the other hole. Exit the passage and drop into the other hole, then go through the open door into the next room. Pull the lever to open a door above you. Locust will also attack, so you need to climb out of this room and go through the open door. Follow the passage to the top then kill some bats with your pistols after the cut-scene. Do a running jump and grab the rope, then spin around and face the bell to the right. Swing and jump to the edge. Drop and grab the ledge below, then crawl in and get a large medkit and some arrows. Return to the rope and swing to the wall in front, then do a running jump to the small section of roof to the left. Jump to the next section of roof then kill a bug fly with your revolver. Do a running jump to reach the next piece of roof, then turn to the right and jump to the climbable surface on the wall. Move to the left. When you turn the corner, you can drop to the ledge. Turn around, then jump to the ledge in front. Roll and kill a bug fly with your revolver. Jump to the ceiling, then monkey swing to the crack in the wall. Drop and grab. Shimmy to the left, then drop to the ledge. Kill that pesky bug fly with your revolver then go in the small crawlspace to get a small medkit. Jump to the small roof on the far right then do a running jump to the alcove. Pull up and continue down the passage. Do a running jump to the right, then you will land near a burned truck. Kill a bug fly with your revolver and go past the truck, then kill another bug fly and a bat. Look behind the truck and you will find the Nitrous Oxide for your motorcycle. Take it. Go to the edge then do a running jump over the ravine. Sprint down the street past the monster then return to the man at the beginning of the level. Listen to him, then climb into the opening above and return to the previous level.


Return to the Chambers of Tulun


Climb down the wall ladder and head to the left, then climb out of the passage and return to the street. Sprint to your bike, then drive it up the ramp to leave this area and enter the next level.




Exit your ride at the top of the ramp, then go to the platform with the pillars. Take the uzi clips, then climb the step by the tree and continue through the doorway. Go down to the streets, then kill a henchman on the way with your shotgun in first mode. Go on until you come to a room with a stack of boxes on the right. Use the boxes to protect yourself from the machine gun that is firing at you. Crawl behind the boxes until you reach an area where you can go no further, then peek over the boxes. Target the gas can with your revolver in laser sight, then blow up the machine gun. Go outside, then get a large medkit and uzi clips in front. Go climb the ledge above the boxes, then get some grenades. Jump to grab the edge of the opening in the wall, then pull up. Drop down into the passage below then continue until you reach a crawlspace to the left. Crawl through and try to avoid the steam jets. Crawl out of the tunnel, then kill the pesky gunman with your revolver. Shoot the box with your pistols, then take the shotgun shells and a small medkit. Climb into the next alcove on the left wall then turn around, target the gas can with your revolver in laser sight to take out another machine gun. Kill the henchman also. Drop down and go through the crawlspace by the steam to return to the street. Outside, go left to the intersection then turn right until the road turns and you can spot another crawlspace to the right. Crawl through to get the weapon key code then return outside. Continue across to the ledge. Jump and grab, then shimmy past the steam to the other side. Drop to the ledge, then kill the henchman with your revolver. Go to the jeep and turn around then shoot another henchmen with your revolver. Pry off the valve pipe from the engine with your crowbar, then combine the pipe and Nitro to create the Nitrous Oxide Feeder which you can use on your motorcycle. Search this area for a box, then shoot it with your pistols to get a large medkit. Go back to the machine gun then get a large medkit behind it. Make your way back to the motorcycle, then install the Nitrous Oxide Feeder. Make the final trip back to the Chambers of Tulun.


Return to the Chambers of Tulun


Head to the left, then turn around to face the steps. Using the sprint key, head up the stairs and ride into the building. Dismount and climb onto the ledge, then go through the door. Kill the henchman with your revolver, then slide down the ramp and kill another henchman in the room in front. Take the unlit torch, then return to the previous room and go down another walkway. Drop the torch, then kill another henchman with your revolver. Pick up the torch, then continue to the next room. Go left, then drop the torch. Open the door, then kill another henchman inside with your revolver. Pick up the torch, then light it with the lit torch on the wall. Return to the main room, then go to the ramp in front. When you reach the top of the ramp, you can use your torch to trigger the sprinkler system and open the emergency fire exit. Drop the torch and go in the room. Inside, you will find a lever to the left that turns off the sprinklers and also moves a large box. Return to the room where you took the unlit torch, then locate the box on the right. Climb the box then do a running jump to reach the next area. Drop into the room on the other side, then turn around. Shoot the boxes with your grenade launcher in second mode, then light a flare. Get shotgun shells, a small medkit and some arrows. Find the hole in the wall, then get the roof key. Once you have it, you can return to the main room and head up the ramp where you set off the sprinklers. Head through the door and follow the passage back to your motorcycle. Hop on and ride forward, then over the big gap and go back to the city of the dead.


Return to the City of the Dead


Go right. Follow the road to the end then go left until you meet a sniper around the next corner on a low ledge and another soldier down the hill to the right. Ride him over and get off your bike. Kill the sniper on the ledge with your revolver, then get on your bike. Beyond the next hill is a very deep pit. Position the bike for a long run-up, then use the sprint key for extra power and jump the pit. Run over a soldier on the other side then get off your bike. Climb up on the ledge with the short wooden columns then drop down to the other side. Jump and grab the angled block to the left, then hang from the left side. Pull up, then immediately press and hold jump to backflip and land on several angled blocks. At the end, you will jump to a gap in the wall. Grab on and pull up. Drop down into the area below, then pick up some grenades, a large medkit and some arrows. Climb out the way you came, then do a running jump over the angled block in front. Get on your motorcycle, then jump over the pit. Be sure to get a nice long run-up, then use the sprint key. Return to the iron gate, then drive up the hill to the next level and go all the way back to the Trenches.


Return to the Trenches


Drive up the ramp again, then get off the bike. Go to the stairs on the right. Go up the ledge on the left, then get a large medkit. Leave and go forward to the next ledge. Turn to the right, then jump to the handle and pull it to lower a ceiling gate. Jump and crawl into the tunnel above, then crawl through. Take the arrows, then enter the next crawlspace. When you reach the end of the tunnel, look for a rock to the right that is stuck in the ledge. Destroy it with your pistols. When the rock is gone, you can turn around and crawl out of the tunnel and hang. Shimmy to the left, then drop to the ledge next to the street light. Do a running jump and grab the ceiling, then monkey swing to the other end. Drop to the ledge, then enter the next area. Kill the henchman with your revolver, then take his small medkit. Go to the door and unlock it. Outside on the next ledge, do a running jump to reach the crawlspace in front. Grab on and shimmy to the left until you can pull up, then continue down the hall until you can climb a block and find a hole in the wall. Your crossbow in third mode equipped with laser sight should prove most effective in shooting the button and the henchman. Safely drop to the ground below then make your way back to the motorcycle. Take off to the left, but stick to the right stairwell. Hit your sprint key as you ride up the stairs, then go through the narrow passage to the next area. Get off the bike, then go to the wall ladder. Climb to the top, then follow the passage to end this level.




Climb down the wall ladder to reach the garage, then approach the man to start a cut-scene. When its over, pick up the mine detonator body he leaves behind. Go get the handle from the table then approach the car and get the car-jack body from behind. Open the door by pressing the red button next to it, then enter the passage. Inside, you will find a wall ladder and a crawlspace with a large medkit. When you get it, climb the wall ladder to the top then jump to the ceiling. Monkey swing to the right, then drop to the next ledge. Jump, grab and go into the crawlspace. Follow it to the next room, then climb the block. Go to the wall. Combine the handle with the car-jack body to make a functional car jack, then use it to open the gate in the ceiling. Climb up to the roof. Things are a little bit dangerous here, you must dodge lightning bolts and locust as you complete your next series of tasks. Go down the passage to the left, then go right. Move the right box out of the way. Now pull and push the machine with the basket on top, then move it over to the lift where the lightning keeps striking. A cut-scene will take over, showing the lightning destroying part of the bridge. Go left to the bridge, then do a running jump to the wall ladder on the other side. Move to the left and around some corners to reach the roof. When you drop on the ledge, turn around then jump to the ledge on the right. Follow the passage to the next area where locust attacks. Take the large medkit, arrows and grenades, then head over to the ledge next to the wall ladder. Safely drop down some ramps that take’s you down to the bottom, then follow the passage to the next room and turn right. Follow the wooden ramp down then go right. You should be able to see a headless man and beside him the mine position data. Go to your inventory, then combine this item with the mine detonator body to create a functioning mine detonator. Return to the top of the ramp then get ready for another chase. This time a bull is loose in the area and you need to stay out of his way. Move towards the three crates, then the bull will charge. Jump out of his way, then he will smash into the boxes. Take the three goodies, then jump to the wooden crates in the corner. Jump out of his way, then he will smash into the boxes and reveal a hidden passage. Go through the passage and into the next area, then go left and kill another henchman with your revolver. Continue toward the rays of light, then leave this area to the left.


Return to the Trenches


Head through the passage past the palm tree, then go up the first set of stairs on the right. Follow the streets as it winds to the left, left again, then right once more and you should now be at a new set of stairs. Go up these stairs then kill two henchman with your shotgun in first mode. Climb up the step with the pile of sand then climb onto the sand-covered block in front. Do an angled jump to reach the upper ledge, then climb the wall ladder to return to the previous level.


Return to the Street bazaar


Climb down the wall ladder and turn around, then go through the door in front and follow the passage until you come to another door. Enter, then kill the henchman outside with your shotgun in first mode. Get some uzi clips under the ledge, then kill another henchman with your shotgun in first mode. Go to the next level.


Return to the Trenches


The warning signs in front of you indicate a mine field ahead. Use the mine detonator to clear a path through this area, then cross over to the red button and push it to open a door in front. Go through the door to be reunited with your motorcycle. Drive through the door and head left, then run over another henchman and ride up the ramp leading to the next level.


Return to the Citadel Gate


Ride your bike towards the next sign then use the sprint key to clear the hole. Head around to the right and go left, then use the sprint key again to race past the beast. Return to the man you talked to earlier then watch the cut-scene.




Go forward and watch the events in the cut-scene unfold. When you are in control, you can head towards the room to the left and go up the stairs in front. Locate and push the lever to open a door downstairs. Take the unlit torch from the alcove to the left. Light your torch using the lit torch on the wall, then return downstairs. Locate the rope above the fountain then jump to set it on fire. Drop the torch and go forward. Head to the doorway and get uzi clips inside, then drop into the hole you just passed. Continue through the passage then get shotgun shells on your left. Turn around and go forward until you are interrupted by a short cut-scene. Jump to the ledge on your left, then jump to the next ledge. Do a running jump to the stairs in front, then go left. Grab the ceiling above, then monkey swing to the left. At the end, turn right then drop and grab the crawlspace. Pull up and crawl through, then take the large medkit and grenades. Leave and drop in the water below, then swim through the passage and go to the far right. Take the grenades on the ledge, then go up for air. Get on the ledge and roll. Do a running jump to the block then jump to the ledge by the stairs. Grab the back of this ledge, then shimmy to the left. Drop and grab the ledge below, then shimmy right until you can go no further. Drop and grab again, then continue to the right until you reach a crawlspace. Pull up into it. Go through and drop to the other side, then go through the water and take the uzi clips at the end. Jump and crawl to the other side. When you drop from the other edge, immediately backflip from the sloped surface. When you land, do an immediate forward jump and grab the ledge on the front wall. Now you can shimmy to the left until you can stand. Take the small medkit and turn around, then do a running jump to the next ledge in front and grab the edge. Pull up and take out your uzi guns. Go up the stairs to the left, then kill three bad guy’s on the way. Push the lever at the end, then do a safely drop to the left. Take the large medkit then continue down some stairs to the end. A cut-scene will show the next room. Get some goodies in the corners of the room, then examine the tables. Each table has a letter indicating N, S, E, W and you must use your compass to move the tables into their proper places. When the tables are in place, three doors will open. Go through the west doorway until you reach a step. Climb up, then drop to the left. Take the flares, then drop into the hole. Swim through the underwater opening behind you then continue until you reach a dead end. Locate the switch in the ceiling, then pull it to close a hatch elsewhere. Light a flare and take the small medkit. Return to the previous room, then get some air. Head through the passage in front until you reach a room where you can exit the water, take the revolver ammo near the doorway. Go through the doorway then go back to the room with the table puzzle. Go through the passage on the left, then go down the ramp until you reach a room with a lever and two men guarding it. Kill them with your uzi guns then push the lever to open a hatch back in the underwater area. Return to the main puzzle room, then go right and back to the underwater area. Climb into the passage to the right, then follow the tunnel until you reach another lever. Push it to open another hatch, then return to the water room. Take the uzi clips in the left corner, then go through the opening and go back to the room with the chain. Pull the chain to open the door in this room, then climb out and kill another henchman with your uzi guns. Take his small medkit, then go through the new doorway. Continue to the end of the passage, then jump to climb through the opening and into the next room. You will immediately be attacked by two crusader skeletons that cannot be killed. Run past them to the left, then go up the ramp until your escape is blocked. Face the wood that is blocking your path, then wait for the skeletons to approach. When they get close to you, you can backflip over them and they will continue forward smashing through the wood. Climb up into the next area then go forward to the right. Get uzi clips and more flares to the left. Go left to the floor below then go forward to the bottomless pit. Hang from the left-side edge, then drop and grab the next edge and pull up into the crawlspace. Follow the tunnel until you reach the next hole. Drop to the floor then go up the ramp to the next area above. Ignore the skeletons and take the goodies, then go down the slope in the corner and go a bit forward. Go left between the rows of torches to start the next cut-scene and exit this level.




Two guy’s attack as you head down the trail. Kill them with your uzi guns, then take the silver key. Unlock the door, then enter the next area. The path continues between a pair of short walls and two baddies are to the right. Kill them with your uzi guns then climb up the left wall. Do a running jump across the pit, then push the lever. Turn left, then do a running jump to the other side. Push the lever, then the door will open. Head towards the doorway, then kill a ninja to the left with your revolver. Search the alcove on the right to find some shotgun shells. Take them, then enter the next area. Head for the hole on the right. Locate the ramp to the right then slide to the small ledge below. Now do an angled jump to the left, then do another angled running jump to the far right and grab the next ledge. Now go to the next pit in front, then do a standing jump to the ledge below which should trigger some music and the arrival of another henchman. Kill him with your revolver and take the large medkit. From this area, you can proceed by doing an angled running jump to the next ledge to the right. Climb up to the door, then enter the storage room. Shoot the box with your pistols on the right, then get some uzi clips. Head towards the shelf along the wall, then push it to the side to find a grate in the wall. Duck and shoot the grate with your pistols, then crawl through until you reach the other end. Shoot the next grate with your pistols, then enter the next room. You will immediately be under attack. Kill the gunman with your uzi guns, then take his shotgun shells. Push the switch he was guarding to open the door, then kill two gunmen with your uzi guns. Destroy the boxes near the shelf with your pistols then pick up the metal blade. Now pull the first shelf and pull the second one to reveal a shotgun. Take it, then go outside. Jump the two large pits then go forward. Go right past the Sphinx, then go forward until you find another pit. Slide down to the ledge at the right then do a running jump to the ledge in front. Do a running jump to the ledge on the right then kill two ninjas with your revolver. Climb out and smash the crates with your pistols along the wall, then take the wooden handle. Combine it with the metal blade in your inventory to create a shovel. Head to the platform near the pit, then jump to it and jump onto the leg. Get some shotgun shells to the right then drop down on the other side near the Sphinx. After the cut-scene, start digging. Drop into the dark passage below, then enter the new area beneath the Sphinx.


Underneath the Sphinx


Go through the gate. After the cut-scene, run towards the goat on the right. When it comes to life, roll and sprint for the nearest gate. Once inside, do another roll and wait for the goat to come. When he gets close, jump over him, then run out of the room and pull the lever next to the gate to trap the goat. Now do it again with the other goat. Take a trip down the left passage then locate the remains of a previous explorer. Take the paper near the torch then examine the signs on it. Take the flares near the skeleton then go to the tablets on the wall. These are actually buttons you can push. Push Right-Left-Middle to open the gate on the left side, then enter while keeping a lookout for a hidden pit on the ground. Stay to the right of the passage. When you reach the pit, jump across and continue along the other side until you reach the next pit. Kill two bats with your pistols then walk forward against the left wall. Jump across the pit then kill two more bats with your pistols. Locate the glowing holes in the walls, then use your binoculars in light mode to look inside and find more glyphs. These are four combinations that you need to use on the tablets to access other areas containing special keys. Return through the hall of pits then go back to the main room. Press Right-Middle-Left to open the right gate on the left side. Kill two bats with your pistols, then jump to the ledge on the right wall and do a running jump to the next ledge. Jump out of the pit and kill two more bats with your pistols, then head to the dead end where you will find three crawlspaces. These passages have numerous collapsing floor panels with fatal spikes below, so be careful. Light flares to see better, then go in the right crawlspace. Turn left and right, then go up the ramp. Turn left at the top, then crawl into the room with the lever that opens the gate. Head back through the tunnel and this time, go to the passage directly across from this one. Head left at the first intersection, then make another left. Take the stone of Maat. Return to the previous room, then take the remaining crawlspace to the left. Make a right, then fall through the floor panel to land in a secret room with a grenade launcher. Take it. Return to the central room, then get ready to locate the next key. Press Middle-Left-Right, then go through the left gate on the left side. Kill two bats with your pistols, then jump the pit. Walk to the pool with the alligators, then kill them with your shotgun in first mode. When they are dead, go to the middle of the room where the next key is. It’s locked behind a grate, which can be opened by two holes in the wall on the left and right. When you’re done, get the stone of Khepri then pull the lever on the last wall to open the gate. Return to the pit then kill two bats on the way with your pistols. Make a tricky running jump and grab to clear the pit, then press Left-Middle-Right to open the middle gate on the right side. Follow the path across the pit then go to the end with some holes in the wall. Kill some bats with your pistols, then save the game. Go to the hole in the wall on the left then pull the third switch on the right to open the gate. Now go to the right wall, then pull the third switch from the hole in the wall where you will get the stone of Re. Return the way you came, then get ready for the toughest part. Press Middle-Right-Left to open the right gate on the right side. Make your way across the pit by doing a standing jump along the right wall with the torch. Now back off the ledge and shimmy around to the next ledge. Pull up then enter the room with the hole in the floor. Kill two bats with your pistols then get ready for some serious underwater action. Drop in then go down. Go right until you reach the next branch, then go left. Go right at the next fork, then continue on. When you reach the next branch, keep swimming down until you go up past the hieroglyphs and reach the first room. Pull the lever and drop back in, then make your way back to the start of the underwater area. You do remember the way don't you? Get a deep breath before going down for the next room. Go right at the first junction, then head right at the second until you reach the next junction where you can swim up into the second room. Pull the lever and drop back in, then make the short trip back to the start. This time, go forward then right at the next. Go down until you arrive at the third, then continue right. Turn right at the next branch, then swim up at the hieroglyphs to reach the third room. Pull the lever, then return to the start. With fresh air in your lungs, dive down to go for the next room. This time, go left and right which leads to the forth room. Pull the lever and dive back in then go for the fifth and final room. Swim to the ledge in front then take the small medkit on the ledge. Go back to the first junction where you came from, then go left once more. When you reach the next junction, head up and you will spot the hieroglyphs indicating the final room. Enter the room, then pull the lever to open the gate. Get the stone of Atum, then make one final swim to the beginning. Return across the pit and back to the central room with the tablets, then go through the middle gate in front. Cross the two pits, then use the keys in the available holes. Go through the open gate then turn the corner to find the floor is missing. Jump and grab the ceiling, then monkey swing across to the other side. Kill two bats with your pistols. The next room is very dangerous, so be careful. There are four Holy Scriptures protected by deadly blades in the ceiling. You must be quick and precise to get these items. The other gate will open and you can exit this area. The final room has many blades hidden in the floor. Make sure to walk through this area so you don't take any damage. When you reach the next pit, jump to the ceiling then monkey swing across to the other side. Kill two bats with your pistols as you make your way to the end of this level.




Continue down the trail and get some uzi clips to the right, then go to the left where you will find a series of small ledges you can climb. Get more uzi clips in the corner, then start climbing. When you find a trapdoor in the ceiling, jump to grab the handle then open the door to climb out. A giant scorpion is waiting for you outside. Kill it quickly with your crossbow in third mode, then go forward and get a large medkit to the right. Go to the ravine, then do an angled running jump to the ledge on the left. Go right then kill another scorpion along the way with your crossbow in third mode. Go left to the ravine, then do another running jump to get across. When you come into view of the pyramid, another scorpion comes from the left. Kill it with your crossbow in third mode then go right. Kill a bug fly with your shotgun in first mode, then go to the ravine in front. Do a running jump to the right and grab the ledge, then pull up and jump to the next sandy ledge. Turn left, then jump once more to the other side and kill another bug fly with your shotgun in first mode. Enter the nearby building to the right, then kill another scorpion with your shotgun in first mode and watch a cut-scene where you will receive the guard’s keys and the armory keys. Clear out the two small medkits and two shotgun shells from this room, then exit the building. Return to the ravine and jump to the right wall. Shimmy to the left and around the corner until you come to a stop. Drop down and you should now be back at the pyramid where you can spot a block sticking out of the sand. Walk onto the block, then go NW and climb the small block. Kill another bug fly with your shotgun in first mode, then jump to the long ledge and continue West until you reach the end. Do a running jump to the next area, where you will slide down to a flat ledge above the sand. Another bug fly comes in for the attack, so kill him quickly with your shotgun in first mode then continue West until you can go no further. Turn to the North and face the pyramid, then continue climbing four ledges. Do a running jump to the right, then you will reach the entrance of the pyramid. Kill a bug fly with your shotgun in first mode, then walk away from the Pyramid and walk to the East edge of the ledge. Do a running jump to the next ledge, then climb two ledges to the left. Kill the bug fly with your shotgun in first mode. Jump to the West ledge and take the small medkit, then do a running jump to the ledge in front and take the revolver. Quickly slide to the ground and go to the pit, then hang from the edge until all the beetles are below. Move left and right, to make the beetles fall down. Climb the pyramid and return to the door, then use the guard’s keys to unlock the door and head inside the Pyramid.


Inside Menkaure’s Pyramid


Go forward and kill a bat with your pistols. Watch the swinging blades ahead, then go past them when it’s safe. Continue deeper into the pyramid until you reach a room with the stairs leading down. Kill those two annoying bats with your pistols then locate the star on the ceiling by the stairs. Use your crossbow in laser sight mode, then shoot the star in first mode to open an unseen trapdoor ahead. Go downstairs then kill two mummies and a bat with your crossbow in third mode. Run past the large container then get some revolver ammo. Jump into the large container, then go down the trapdoor. You are overlooking a large pit with a rope hanging in the middle. Use the rope to swing to the other side. The nearby mummies are very slow, so ignore them and run to the room to the right where you’ll come to another large pit filled with spikes. Swing across the two ropes to get across. On the other side, go up the passage and pull the lever at the top to open a trapdoor somewhere else. Use the ropes to get back across the pit, then kill the two mummies and a bat with your crossbow in third mode. Go to the next pit with two ropes and another sloped passage leading to the trapdoor. Climb up through the trapdoor, then immediately arm yourself with the crossbow in third mode and start dodging the attacks of the Ancient Egyptian Guard. When he’s dead, head over to the star carved on the wall then pry the western shaft key with your crowbar. A new passage is now available and you need to make your way back to the stairs. Locate the new passage and light a flare, then carefully walk through the next passage until you hear a clanking noise. Duck to avoid the blade trap. When it’s gone, you can stand and continue to the end of the passage. Jump to open the door above. Climb out and kill two giant scorpions with your revolver, then go to the left between the two pyramids. In an alcove, there’s a button that you need to push. A roof will collapse on one of the pyramids. Return to the large ravine, then turn left. Head towards the pyramid and go up the side, then climb up the next block and do a running jump to the right. Now start climbing the various blocks until you reach the top of the pyramid. From the top, turn around and back off the ledge. Climb down the wall to the bottom then go up the passage that leads to a pit. Do a running jump over the pit, then continue until you come to a second pit. Jump to the ceiling and monkey swing across, then continue to the next pit with swinging blades. Stay to the left, then do a running jump and grab as the blade swings away from you. Continue around the corner past two swinging blade pits, then continue forward until you reach a dead end with a chain. Pull the chain to open a gate, then return across the pit and turn right. Monkey swing across the ceiling until you reach the gate, then go through and slide down the slope leading towards a bed of spikes. Just as you reach the pit, jump to clear the spikes and angle towards the surface to the right. Take the uzi gun and leave the pit, then continue sliding down the other side. You should now be back under the Sphinx, go forward to exit the level.


Return to the Sphinx Complex


Pull up out of the hole and go right, then jump to the left of the ravine. Continue forward to the metal door, then use the guard’s keys to unlock the door and continue to the next level.




Go left to the truck, then kill two wild dogs with your shogun in first mode. Pick up the jerrycan near the gas pumps. Return to the boarded-up door then shoot it with your pistols. Enter the building then kill two bats with your pistols. There's a cleverly concealed trapdoor in the middle of the floor. Light a flare, then open the trapdoor. Climb down the wall ladder to the bottom, then get a large medkit. Climb back out of the pit, then exit the building and go right. Go right between the two buildings, then open the door and enter the next building. Get some revolver ammo, then open the trapdoor. Drop into the tunnel then kill a wild dog with your shotgun in first mode. Follow the tunnel, then go left. Continue to a room with two more dogs, then kill them with your shotgun in first mode. Get arrows and a small medkit from the floor, then draw your pistols. Stand in front of a jackal head, then jump up and down and destroy the gem. Do the same with the others, then the door will open. There are two mummies lurking in the alcove, ignore them for they are too slow to attack. Go into the alcove and pick up the small waterskin, then follow the tunnel back to the split. This time, go left. You will meet two more dogs as you go, kill them with your shotgun in first mode. At the end of the passage, climb through the opening to another ruined building. Kill two bats and a black scorpion with your pistols, then exit and go right. Kill another wild dog around the corner with your shotgun in first mode then do a running jump across the pit to the building with the danger sign. Shoot the boards with your pistols, then open the door and kill two bats and a dog with your shotgun in first mode. Open the trapdoor, then drop down into the pit. Follow the tunnel and go right, then kill two wild dogs and a bat with your shotgun in first mode. Repeat the business of shooting the gems in the jackal’s mouths with your pistols. When you shatter all the gems, the door will open and two mummies will appear. Only this time, there are bats with them which makes targeting a bit more difficult. Use the grenade launcher in second mode, which should take care of the mummies and the bats. Get the bag of sand, then return to the intersection. This time, go right. You will soon come to two left turns. Go the first left, then kill another dog just around the corner with your shotgun in first mode. Continue to a dead end where you'll find a large medkit and revolver ammo, take them. Return to the intersection and go left, then left again and kill another dog with your shotgun in first mode. Continue to an opening where you can climb up. Shoot some bats inside the ruined building with your pistols then open the door. Shoot the boards with your pistols, then exit the building. Go left then go to the far right corner. Do a standing jump across the pit, then lean to the right. Do a standing jump to the right, then enter the building and kill two scorpions with your pistols. Open the trapdoor, then drop down into the tunnel. Follow the tunnel, turning right at the T intersection. Kill the wild dog with your shotgun in first mode then pick up the wooden torch at the end. Return through the passage and go straight. When you come to the stairs leading down to the next room, drop the torch and draw your shotgun. Kill three dogs and two bats in first mode, then repeat the process of shooting the gems in the jackals mouths with your pistols to open the door. Enter the next room then kill two more bats with your pistols. Here is a puzzle involving three scales. They are also labeled with symbols of water, fire and earth. Go around the scales to the small pool then get some water with the small waterskin. Return to the front of the scales then step up onto the low platform and stand in front of the scale with the water symbol. Use the filled waterskin to pour water into the scale, then stand in front of the scale with the sun symbol. Pour gasoline from the jerrycan into the scale then go back through the previous room to get the wooden torch. Light it on one of the lit torches then use it to ignite the gasoline in the scale. Drop the torch. Finally, stand in front of the scale with the pyramid symbol. Use the bag of sand to pour sand into the scale, then the left door will open. Enter the room and ignore the two mummies, then use the crowbar to pry the northern shaft key off the wall. When you do, the other door in the scale room will open. Go through the scale room and into the other room then take the arrows and revolver ammo near the ramp. Go to the stairway then kill two dogs with your shotgun in first mode. Follow the passage and take the first left, then continue to a dead end. Take the large medkit, then kill two wild dogs with your shotgun in first mode. Backtrack to the intersection then go left to where you can climb out. Kill a black scorpion with your pistols, then kill another scorpion outside. Do a running jump to the left side of the pit while leaning to the left. Turn around, then do a running jump across the pit. Grab the ledge and pull up. Open the door of the next building to the right, then enter and kill two bats with your pistols. Open the trapdoor, then drop down into the tunnel. You might want to walk along this tunnel with your pistols drawn. Kill a scorpion on the way, then turn left at the first intersection. Continue to another scorpion, then kill it also. Get some revolver ammo at the end of the passage, then follow the tunnel back to the intersection and go left. Kill another scorpion with your pistols, then continue to the end. Climb out of the tunnel and go outside, then kill a wild dog with your shotgun in first mode. Destroy another board up door with your pistols, then open the door and enter the building. Kill two bats with your pistols, then open the trapdoor. Follow the tunnel to a T intersection, then go right and pick up a small medkit. Turn around, then kill another dog with your shotgun in first mode. Continue down the passage to another room, then kill two dogs and two bats with your shotgun in first mode. Shoot the gems with your pistols in the jackal heads then go to the open door. Here is something a little different, three statues of monkey’s are in their classic poses. "Hear no evil" "See no evil" and "Speak no evil." Each statue has a lever mechanism in front of it. Use the crowbar as a handle to operate the right lever, then a friendly monkey will climb up onto the high ledge and pull the switch above to open the door to the right. Enter and ignore the two mummies. Pry the southern shaft key off the wall with your crowbar, then the other door in the monkey room will open. Go through the monkey room and into the other room, then follow the passage and slide down the ramp. Climb two blocks to end the level.




The passage you are on will eventually stop at a dead end. Pull up through the hole, then take the small medkit and shotgun shells. Shoot the boards with your pistols, then kill the henchman with your shotgun in first mode. Approach the ravine and take out your laser sight-equipped crossbow, then kill the next henchmen in third mode. Do a running jump to the left, then go to the door. Take out your laser sight-equipped crossbow, then kill the henchmen to the right in third mode. Open the door, then shoot the guard with your shotgun in first mode. A giant bug fly is also nearby so keep your revolver ready. Light a flare, then locate the hidden trapdoor in the middle of the room. Open it, then drop and hang from the wall with the climbable surface. Climb down to find the grenade launcher, take it. Climb out of the pit, then go left. Open the next door, then kill another gunman with your shotgun in first mode. Ignore the trapdoor, then continue out the other door. Go to the left, then shoot the boards with your pistols on the next building and go inside. Kill two bug fly’s with your shotgun in first mode, then take the uzi clips and grenades. Open the trapdoor, then take the large medkit inside. Leave the pit and the building then go towards the large pyramid. Watch the cut-scene then get ready for some serious jumping and climbing action. Continue out to the ledge leaning over the ravine then do a running jump across. Head to the left and slide down the slope, then do a running jump and grab the other ledge. Pull up and walk up the sloped ledge, then climb the block to the right. Kill the bug fly with your revolver then walk forward to the next block and climb up the next block. Now start walking to the right until you stop, then backup and do a running jump to the next flat surface. Continue forward by making another running jump and one standing jump. After the boulder rolled by, continue up the next block to the left, then turn right again and make two more standing jumps and one running jump. When you land after the third jump, you will start to slide down towards the ravine. When you stop sliding, back off the ledge to land on the block below. Turn around, then do a running jump and grab the other side of the ravine. Pull up and turn left, then kill a bug fly on the other ledge with your crossbow in third mode. Do a running jump to that ledge. Turn to the left, then do a running jump to grab the other side. Climb up to the next block. Head up the ramp, then climb the ledge on your left. Turn to the right, then immediately jump to the ledge with the large medkit. Take it, then turn around and return to the flat ledge. Jump on the next ledge to the NW. Jump to the next ledge, then face left. From here, do a standing jump to the next ledge and kill another bug fly with your crossbow in third mode. Go right and climb up one block, then do two standing jumps to the right. When you land on the second flat surface, backflip from the falling boulder. After the boulder rolled by, jump back to the ledge in front then climb two blocks on the left. Turn left, then kill two bug fly’s with your crossbow in third mode. Jump to the long block, then continue to the end. Do a running jump then you will start sliding down to a lower ledge. From this ledge, you need to go W and do a running jump over the next block and kill another bug fly with your crossbow in third mode. Make another standing jump to the W, then angle SW and do a standing jump to the ledge below. Turn and angle NW then do another standing jump. Keep doing standing jumps to the SW and NW until you reach the last ledge. Turn to the North and walk to the ledge then kill a bug fly with your crossbow in third mode. Climb up three levels and turn NW, then make another standing jump. Dodge the boulder as you make two standing jumps to the left. From this ledge, make one last running jump and you will start sliding all the way to the exit of this level.




You start off as a witness to a fight. Ignore it, then go into the first room below. Open the crates with your pistols then collect everything. Go outside and go left, then proceed down the hall to the left and open the door. Unlock the gate and enter the armory room, then destroy the boxes with your pistols and take everything. Go outside, then another scorpion will attack. Ignore it then go forward to the ravine and head to the left until you see a platform. Do a standing jump to the ledge then do a running jump to the next ledge. Another scorpion is to your left. Kill it with your crossbow in third mode, then turn around. Do a running jump and grab the other side of the chasm, then pull up. A standing jump to the right will put you within combat range of a bug fly, kill it with your crossbow in third mode. Climb up to the next block and turn left, then do a running jump to the next ledge. Do a standing jump to land on the next block, then do a running jump back across the chasm and grab the block sticking out of the wall. Pull up. A running jump to the right lands you on the next ledge where you can kill another bug fly with your crossbow in third mode. Go forward then kill another scorpion with your revolver. Push a broken block down the path to the end, then a secret passage opens in the pyramid just to the left. Take the small medkit on the ground, then go inside and open the trapdoor. Hang and climb down the hole to enter a maze of passages, then light a flares to see better. Go right then get a small medkit from the hole in the wall. Turn right, then go left and right. Go left and left again, then go left once more. Kill a scorpion with your crossbow in third mode then get some uzi clips from the hole in the wall. Turn right and go forward, then go left and right. You will come to a room with an Ancient Egyptian Guard. Kill him with your grenade launcher in first mode, then use your crowbar to pry off the eastern shaft key from the wall. The gate will open when you do this. Exit the room, then go right. Get a large medkit from the hole in the wall, then turn right and go left. Go forward past the intersection then kill two scorpions with your crossbow in third mode. Get shotgun shells from the hole in the wall, then turn right and go left. Go right and right again, then get uzi clips from the second hole in the wall. Go back to the exit you just passed, then leave the maze and return to the chasm. A running jump will put you on the ledge in front, then you can do a running jump to the first block to the left followed by a standing jump to the next block where you must kill another bug fly with your crossbow in third mode. Begin the climb by starting with the block to the E. Climb the next block, then angle NE to make two running jumps. Stop after the second jump, then wait for the boulders to come rolling by. Two more jumps to the NE will put you near the entrance of the pyramid. Kill two bug fly’s with your crossbow in third mode, then use the guard 's keys to open the door. Enter the pyramid.


Inside the Great Pyramid


Follow the tunnel down to the first deep pit, then do a running jump over it. Kill the henchman with your uzi guns and his comrade who comes in from the right. Enter the right tunnel where the ninja came from, then kill another henchman with your uzi guns. Continue up the ramp to the gate. Kill another assassin and some bats with your uzi guns, then move cautiously along the lower hall between the ramps. You will activate a sliding block trap. To get through, stand on either side of the sliding block, then run the moment it’s in the middle moving away from you. Repeat this for the second block. Enter the room then kill three wild dogs with your shotgun in first mode. Go around to the back of the basin, then get inside it. Take the small medkit and a wooden torch, then use the torch to light each of the four unlit torches on the wall. This opens the alcove on the west side of the room. Drop the torch, then pick up shotgun shells in the alcove and pull a lever to open a block at the top of the ramps. Leave, then kill three more dogs with your shotgun in first mode. Leave the room and go up the ramps, then enter the blue room. Place each of the four shaft keys in its proper receptacle, activating four beams of blue light. When you insert the last key, the beam of light blows a hole in the floor. Pull the lever on the wall to open the gate down in the passage below, then two villains will come to you. Kill both with a single grenade in first mode as they enter the room. One drops a box of shotgun shells, witch you can take. Go down the ramp to the hallway between the ramps then go past the sliding blocks to the now open alcove on the right. Get a large medkit from inside, then pull the lever to open another gate. Exit past the sliding blocks then go through the gate and down to the main tunnel. Here you'll encounter two more baddies, one is on each side of the doorway as you enter the main tunnel. Kill them with your grenade launcher in first mode, then take the small medkit. Continue downhill, then shoot a bat with your pistols and take the uzi clips just before the next pit. Do a standing jump across the gap, then kill another bat with your pistols. Do a running jump across the next pit. From here, you can kill another bad guy with your grenade launcher in first mode. Before you jump across the next pit, turn around and use the light in your binoculars to see a small alcove inside the dark pit. Do a standing jump to the alcove and light a flare, then take the crossbow. Do a standing jump from the edge of the ledge, then grab the other edge of the pit. Pull up. Do a running jump over the next pit to another narrow ledge then pick up the large medkit. Do a running jump across the last pit towards the gate then kill three bats with your pistols. Climb down the hole with the shaft of blue light, then climb through the opening and follow the passage to the next level.




This is it, it all boils down to the final level of the game. Now you only have to survive this temple and the final encounter. Enter the room, then look at the creature behind the gate on the left. Go to the right, then take the large waterskin nearby. Check out the wall to the left for part of the solution to the next puzzle. You need to pour exactly 2 liters of water into the vase on the scale to open the grate in the floor. If you pour too much or too little water into the scale, you get to fight that monster. Go to the fountain and fill the large waterskin with 5 liters of water, then combine the large and small waterskins. You will pour exactly 3 liters into the smaller waterskin, leaving you with 2 liters in the large waterskin. Pour this on the scale to complete the puzzle. Drop through the opening in the floor, then enter the next room. Slide down the pole and through the blade trap below then kill those annoying bats with your pistols when you reach the bottom. Examine the next room. Your goal is to get precisely 4 liters of water. Empty the small waterskin, then begin. Fill up the large waterskin giving you 5 liters then pour 3 liters into the smaller one. Dump the small waterskin, then pour 2 liters from the large waterskin into the smaller one. Fill the large waterskin, giving you 2 liters in the small and 5 in the large. Finally, pour 1 liter from the large into the small giving you the required 4 liters of water in the large waterskin. Pour the water on the scale then go through the next hole. Another pole, more bats and more slicing blades below. Kill the bats with your pistols when you reach the bottom, then go to the next room. Get ready for the next puzzle. Pour the 3 liters from the small one into the large one, then fill up the small one. You should now have two waterskins with 3 liters each. Now pour 2 liters into the large waterskin. When it’s full, you will have 1 liter left in the small waterskin. Pour this into the vase on the scale, then drop into the hole. Head to the shaft of light, then jump and grab the wall. Climb down to the bottom, then shimmy over and land on the ledge to the right. Get your back against the light, then do a running dive and fall to the water below. Climb the platform in the middle of the room then you will see four pedestals with an Egyptian God. Place the holy scriptures on the pedestals, then walk to the front of the light. After the movie and the initial attack of Seth, sprint to the water on your right. Swim down to get the Amulet of Horus, which sank to the bottom in the recent movie. Climb back to the platform, then quickly make your way to the far right corner ledge. Follow the ramp along the wall. Enter the open door, then pull the lever to open another door across the room. Get uzi clips behind the gate, then go outside and do a running jump to the middle of the room. Dodge the attacks of Seth as you head over to the area at the far right corner, then go up the ramp and enter the room. Pull the lever which activates a strange device, then take the small medkit behind the gate. Return to the previous ledge and run up the ramp, then continue forward doing a running jump to land on the ground below. Go to the left corner of this ledge, then do a running jump and grab the ledge sticking out of the wall. Pull up and do a running jump and grab the next ledge, then do a standing jump to the next. Climb two blocks to get a small medkit and turn around, then go to the next ledge where you can do another running jump and grab. Pull up onto the ledge. Continue forward until you spot a hanging rock ahead, then do a running jump and lean a bit to the left to land on the next ledge. Continue around this ledge and locate the crawlspace up on the wall, then do a running jump and grab. Pull up into it. Crawl through until you can back out at the other end, then follow the ledge around until you are forced to do another running jump. Grab the ledge, then pull up and dodge Seth by doing a running jump to the next ledge on the left. Grab onto the climbable wall then move over to the beam and start climbing until a cut-scene takes over. The gate behind you will be open. Continue through the gate, then go past three sliding pillars. When you enter the next room, head directly to the left and go to the front of the ledge. Do a running jump and grab over the spike pit. Pull up and move forward to dodge another crashing column, then do a running jump and grab onto the next ledge. Pull up to continue. Do a running jump over the next pit, then grab onto the ledge. While you are hanging, shimmy to the middle then pull up at the brown block. Sprint forward to leave the pyramid and begin the final movie.


The end

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