Ultima 6 - Cheats
- To get into a secret menu where you can get
any item or change attributes of any character, talk to Iolo and say: SPAM SPAM SPAM
HUMBUG (or BAH HUMBUG) (Talk to Iolo and type Spam Spam Spam Humbug to receive cheat
- To get a good overhead bird eye's view,
(just as if you used a gem) hold ALT and press 2-1-3 This will also give you a number: XX
YYYY ZZZZZZZ Where XX is the amount of Karma you have. (Which you lose if you steal) YYYY
is the current time of the day in military time. ZZZZZZZ is the current location of your
- Tired of holding down the spacebar to make
time go by? Press ALT + 2-1-5 to wait an hour. It's much faster if you're waiting for
Game Boomers - Game Cheats, and
Walkthroughs for Boomers and the rest of you guys!