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The Path... Interesting little game (Contains spoilers!) #536865
08/17/09 10:09 AM
08/17/09 10:09 AM
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Hi folks. smile

I was just wondering... did anyone play the game called "The Path"?

Well if you didn't, let me tell you a bit about it... The path is a game loosely based on a very grim version of little red riding hood. You choose 1 of 6 girls to play with, when each of them has her own adventure that fits her personality.

This is 1 of these 'art games', where it's not really a game as it is a tool to teach us a message or a moral.

Imma try and tell you about this game, and give you my point of view. It's gonna be long, and it will probably spoil the game for you. I suggest you don't read it if you still didn't play it, and you plan to.

btw, a warning: This game is very grim and it has a lot of mature content. I suggest you don't read it if these kind of things bother you, or if you're 2 young for it.

Ok here we go:
The objective of the game is simple.. The mother has sent 1 of the girls (The 1 you pick) to go visit grandmother's house. And that's your goal. You start of in a begining of a long road. In the screen it says "Go to Grandmothers House... And stay on the path".

The first time playing this it sounds simple enough... just keep going the road. The longer you walk that road, the darker it gets. Eventually you reach the house, which looks like it was taken from a horror movie. Once you go in you see a dark creepy looking interior of a house. You lead your character through the house and you see things that are different for every girl (Again, it followed their personality. The house rooms literally change for every girl). Eventually you'll reach grandma's bed (A creepy looking 1 if i might add...) and a wolf standing next to her. Her eyes open and the screen fades to black... and guess what... it says you failed. How could you have failed? You did what the game told you to... you followed the path...
Click to reveal..

Well this is the game's first and main moral. And a lot of people try to give their own interpretation about this, and about the entire game.

My interpretation for this is that the road represents your life. The path each of us takes in his life. Grandmother's place represents death. That's why it's so dark and it's at the end of the road. Why do you fail when you walk it? Well.. the game tells you to not walk off the path, and you listen to it. You don't take risks. You don't want to adventure. You want to just do what you're told. And because of that, nothing interesting happens to you. You don't get any experience from your life. If the begining of the path is your birth and the end of it is your death... then you did nothing in your life except what you were told.. And that's why it's a failure.

So what you need to do is break the only rule this game gives you, and stray the path into the woods. In there you find bunch of items that you collect (that will effect the ending) and the 'wolf'.

The 'wolf' is different for every girl. It looks different, and does different things, but you can always tell he's bad by the sound and visuals you get from the game.

Now what does the wolf represent in this game? Well, this is where more interpretation comes into play.

Here's mine: The wolf represent each girl's temptation. And they each fall into it. and it leads to their doom eventually. After you meet the wolf, and a few things happen, the game fades to black and you wake up in front of grandma's house, where it's rainy, dark and your character becomes weak and all depressed (You can tell by the way your character walks).

Imma give you an example of 1 of the girls so you'll understand this game better.

Ruby is pretty much a stereotyped goth. From all the comments she makes during the game you can tell she doesn't fit all that well with other people. She's looking for acceptance from people. She has a teddy bear with 2 heads, which probably represents how 'odd' she is. She seems to love rust and
decay and she has an odd obsession with death.

The wolf, in Ruby's case is a blond man she meets in the playground. She sits next to him on a bench and he gives her a cigarette (She said earlier in the game she wants to start smoking so it'll shorten her life).
The man in this case represents both peer pressure and temptations. Also there is a hint of a sexual act but it is again, up in the air. The game doesn't explain what happens. Game fades to black, and you wake up in grandma's place.

While you walk in grandmother's house, Ruby gets into a giant bird cage which crashes down to the floor and gets you in a gymnasium. In there, there's a smoking car smashed in the wall. After that there is a hall full of lockers and a room with a tire and some barrels leaking green stuff. The long hall
has some sort of machinery thingies.

At the end of the house, where grandmother's room was, there is a bed rotating on carousel. Then Ruby collapses and you see some pretty graphical images of Ruby's body. She has been murdered. Probably by the blond guy she was with.

Game Ending interpretation:
Well, in each game ending the girl ends up dead in a pretty harsh way. But do they really die?
Each girl falls into their temptation. After they fall for it, they wake up different, as if it changed them. Maybe it's not really them dieing, but it's just a process of growth? Maybe it's their childhood dieing due to a traumatic event that happend? Grandma's place represent the end of the child in them. It's death. It's end. It's removal due to an event that happend in their life.

In Ruby's case, her temptation was smoking and finding someone to accept her. She fell for both temptation, and it was her mistake that led to her death. So maybe the blond guy didn't kill her. Maybe she died in a car crash.

And what does the bird cage represents? Her desires? Her not being able to be set free?

The bed at the end which rotates on the carousel represents the playground. Her part of the childhood that was still alive in her. After the incident, that part is no more. It's gone.

Some say Grandmother's House represents each girl's own hell. Their fears, their results of their mistakes they made being shown to them. And the fact that the house is really freaky also gives that idea. But I think that this house is creepy only to represent the fear of letting go... Letting go of the childhood, of the innocence... and mature. That part of life is scary, and you do a lot of mistakes in that process.. But this is life. You learn from your mistakes, and you grow from them. And in my opinion, that's the message this game was trying to give.

At the end of this game there's a ranking system. It shows how many items you collected and how much you walked and your final grade. Well... they only way you'll get "Success" there is if you don't listen to the game's instructions... Does the game try to tell you that you can't get anywhere from doing what others tell you? Is it trying to say that the only way you'll have a success in your life is if you go have your own adventure? Experience things yourself?

There's also something weird in the ranking screen... it says Items collected 0/3... But there's like 7-15 items for each girl? And your final grade (Which goes from A to F) will never give you an A, no matter what you do.
What is the game trying to say here? That nothing can ever be perfect? That it's all about trial and error? Again, like everything else in this game, it's all up for interpretation.

Ok, that's it. I won't be surprised if this thread won't have replies in it, only cuz what I wrote was really really long. razz
However, if you did read it all, or if you played it and you have your own idea about the game, feel free to share it. I'm really interested to hear your opinions.

P.S: If you plan to play this game, don't play it 2 much in 1 day, and don't play it at nights, or you'll have problems sleeping at night. razz

This game is really deep, and that's 1 of the reasons it's so scary. There are no monsters here, no battles, and nothing jumps out on you... and yet it's 1 of the creepiest games I've seen.

Last edited by MaG; 08/17/09 10:32 AM.
Re: The Path... Interesting little game (Contains spoilers!) [Re: -=sinotek=-] #536874
08/17/09 10:45 AM
08/17/09 10:45 AM
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I've played it and enjoyed it a lot. I still have a couple of the girls to take through the woods to Grandma's house. I need to spend more time looking around, since the best score I got was a C.

Re: The Path... Interesting little game (Contains spoilers!) [Re: Pokey] #536875
08/17/09 10:47 AM
08/17/09 10:47 AM
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You should read what I wrote about the game ranking system. I think you'll understand why you keep getting low scores then. smile

Re: The Path... Interesting little game (Contains spoilers!) [Re: -=sinotek=-] #536882
08/17/09 10:59 AM
08/17/09 10:59 AM
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Yes, I know I need to spend more time with each girl, finding the experiences that relate to her. I plan to do better on the next girl. Have you played Alice: An Interactive Museum? The game reminds me of it.

Re: The Path... Interesting little game (Contains spoilers!) [Re: Pokey] #536887
08/17/09 11:12 AM
08/17/09 11:12 AM
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Just looking around for the game Alice:Interactive Museum. The game went for $2.034 on eBay in Nov.2007. Just thought I would mention it. Thanks

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Re: The Path... Interesting little game (Contains spoilers!) [Re: kjos] #536891
08/17/09 11:21 AM
08/17/09 11:21 AM
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Hmm I actually never heard bout that 1. I'll need to look into it.

Re: The Path... Interesting little game (Contains spoilers!) [Re: -=sinotek=-] #536894
08/17/09 11:28 AM
08/17/09 11:28 AM
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Amazon has the game for $1,750.00. I don't think I will buy it. A little to much.Maybe GOG will have it in the future.

Last edited by kjos; 08/17/09 11:30 AM. Reason: added more

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Re: The Path... Interesting little game (Contains spoilers!) [Re: kjos] #536897
08/17/09 11:37 AM
08/17/09 11:37 AM
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Shono's other works, L-Zone and Gadget are quite accessible. The prices on Amazon are often outrageous, but Alice is very hard to find.

Re: The Path... Interesting little game (Contains spoilers!) [Re: Pokey] #536926
08/17/09 01:27 PM
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Geez, that's 1 pricey game. I'll need to look into that. smile

Re: The Path... Interesting little game (Contains spoilers!) [Re: -=sinotek=-] #536990
08/17/09 03:39 PM
08/17/09 03:39 PM
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Sinotek -- from what I understand, The Path is more of an interactive art experience than an adventure game. We've moved the thread here to Boomer reviews, where games of all genres have been reviewed.

The artwork appears to be toying with the very concept of what constitutes a game, including a ranking system that doesn't always make a lot of sense -- or wouldn't make sense if this artwork were, in fact, a game.

Like Alice, An Interactive Museum, The Path has chosen the, err, path of "challenging" the player/viewer with purposely controversial themes (like -- in The Path -- forcing the player to lead each young girl to her death or, -- in Alice -- considerable nudity and images of half-animal, half-humans) to see what the response will be.

Last edited by Becky; 08/17/09 03:43 PM.
Re: The Path... Interesting little game (Contains spoilers!) [Re: Becky] #537026
08/17/09 05:06 PM
08/17/09 05:06 PM
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I downloaded The Path's prologue/demo chapter awhile back and found it an intriguing and stylized experience, if a bit sparse on, well, everything else (which, I know, is very much intentional). I love psychological/interpretative stuff like this, though, because as you said, it's usually far more disturbing than flat-out in-your-face horror, and oftentimes what disturbs most, and why, will vary by individual person. It's definitely crafted to one purpose - to tell its story, and get under your skin in doing so - and isn't going to let a pesky little thing like gameplay get in its way.

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Re: The Path... Interesting little game (Contains spoilers!) [Re: Becky] #537114
08/17/09 10:18 PM
08/17/09 10:18 PM
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Originally Posted By: Becky
Sinotek -- from what I understand, The Path is more of an interactive art experience than an adventure game. We've moved the thread here to Boomer reviews, where games of all genres have been reviewed.

The artwork appears to be toying with the very concept of what constitutes a game, including a ranking system that doesn't always make a lot of sense -- or wouldn't make sense if this artwork were, in fact, a game.

Like Alice, An Interactive Museum, The Path has chosen the, err, path of "challenging" the player/viewer with purposely controversial themes (like -- in The Path -- forcing the player to lead each young girl to her death or, -- in Alice -- considerable nudity and images of half-animal, half-humans) to see what the response will be.

Well like everything else in this game, it's up for interpretation. Some say it's a game due to it's nature of collecting items, following a guider to lead you to items, and search for your 'wolf' (Kinda like a quest).

But some say, like you, that it doesn't really think ot iftself as a game, but it's more of an interactive movie that only wants to teach you something about life, and the process of maturing. It doesn't really pay attention to it's gameplay, and it even mocks it with the ranking system at the end.

Well anyways, I understand why you moved this thread. So it's np. smile

Last edited by -=sinotek=-; 08/17/09 10:19 PM.
Re: The Path... Interesting little game (Contains spoilers!) #537820
08/19/09 07:47 PM
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Re: The Path... Interesting little game (Contains spoilers!) [Re: Donald] #537827
08/19/09 08:13 PM
08/19/09 08:13 PM
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Donald -- we're discussing this game (including sinotek's review) in the Boomer Reviews forum right now, so I'm going to merge this thread with the thread in Boomer Reviews.

Re: The Path... Interesting little game (Contains spoilers!) [Re: Becky] #537856
08/19/09 11:05 PM
08/19/09 11:05 PM
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That review reminded me of the epilogue. Imma discuss it as well. (Ending spoiler alert btw)

Click to reveal..
Ok, so during the entire game, for all 6 girls, there is 1 girl who is dressed in white. She seems friendly to all the girls. You can hold hands and she'll lead you to places. Usually she helps you get back to the path. Other times she can help you locate interesting items. But she is clearly a real friend to the player, that tries to guide him for the right way.

Well at the epilogue after you finish the game with all 6 girls you actually get to play as the girl in the white dress. When you do, you notice she runs A LOT more faster, and she has no 'wolf'. Besides a few items to collect in the wood (That have no effect on the game what so ever so it's pretty useless to go after) there's no reason for you to walk off the path. So what you do here is actually stay on the path, and run towards the house. Usually all girls run slower so it can take like 10 minutes. With this girl it takes like 1 minute to get there.

Once you go in the house, you enter and see the area which the 1st girl you played as died at. Then she walks through a door through the area that the 2nd girl died at, and then the 3rd, and the 4th, the 5th and finally the 6th area. After that, she goes through a door that leads to grandma (The same room that each girl gets to if you get 'failure' ending). In it, there's a wolf. And by that time you notice a picture hanging above grandma with the girl in white face on there. She sits besides the bed (Doesn't get on or hug her or even touch her like the other girls did in their 'failure' endings). She just sits there besides the bed.

After that, game fades to black. Then you see the selection screen (Which seems like an apartment with industrial sounds coming from outside. The entire place is in red).
The place is empty (After each ending with a girl, you go back to the character selection screen, which is the apartment, and you see that the girl you did the playthrough with is now gone).
The girl in white comes in through the door, covered with blood. Then all 6 girls enter 1 by 1 in the opposite order you chose them, from last girl to first girl. The girl in white then walks out the door, and the game basicly starts over and let's you choose 1 of 6 characters again.

Now, let's try to figure out what this ending means, shall we?
So who is this girl in white? Well my guess is that she is the real red riding hood, but this is not her first visit. She already went through all these experiences.

She runs so fast because the game wants to aim you to go straight to the house. With any other girl you'd get bored quickly going straight through the path all the game, because for one thing they run so slow. With her, you get to grandma's house with 1 minute. So obviously here, she has no need to wonder of the woods, because she already did that mistake before. She's an experienced person who went through a lot in her life, and she knows exactly what needs to be done. She goes straight to grandma's house (In a very confident walk).

Once inside, she walks through all 6 death area of the girls you played as. Again, maybe this is to show that she went through all of these 6 events. And again, this may mean that no one really died except their childhoods. These experiences may have killed the child in the girl in white and got her to mature.

After you get to grandma, she keeps her distance from her. She doesn't get close to her, or lay next to her. Why is that? Maybe she knows she's a threat? Maybe she knows that just like the red riding hood tail, she's a wolf in disguise?

The picture above the bed with her face on it also hints that this is really the red riding hood, and she's really grandmother's nephew. Also, you can tell she's been in that area a lot, because she knows how to guide the player through the woods when you played with all 6 other characters, meaning, she's been there a lot before and she knows to ways to everything in there.

At the end of the game you see the girl covered in blood. Maybe she killed the wolf who was disguised as grandma?

After she walks in the door, all 6 girls walk in as well. Does it mean their saved? Did the girl in white saved them when she killed grandma? Why does it let you play through all 6 girls again?

Well maybe it's over analyzing now, because it's just a game and when you finish a game it's suppose to let you reply it. But maybe there's more to it as well... Maybe it just means a new person is going to go through the process of growing up. Maybe it means we all have to go through hard events in life and experience life in order to learn from the experience and mature from it.

Well that's it. A very very interesting game. I wish the creator of this game would talk and explain it himself! razz

Re: The Path... Interesting little game (Contains spoilers!) [Re: -=sinotek=-] #538202
08/20/09 09:46 PM
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I am somewhat suprised by GameSpot's reaction, given its known bias against the adventure genre. I wonder if the artistic angle of the game somehow had overly influenced the reviewer's mind.

Still, this is a very interesting game from a very interesting developer.

The Path by Tale of Tales: A couple of questions. #539018
08/23/09 09:14 AM
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First off, I noticed this game on Steam back when I still used it a long time ago. I went to the website and it looked pretty neat. I know it's one of those Art Games, and yes, I am a fan of that genre (Braid is one of my favorites).

I know the storyline of it, take different little girls through a forest for different experiences each time. But I guess my questions are 1) Is the experience different enough for each little girl that I can get some decent mileage out of the game? and 2) How frightening of a game is it? I ask because I enjoy games like Silent Hill and Resident Evil.

Anyway, I saw this one mentioned over on the Dark Side the other day and thought I'd get some opinions about it before I actually set out and bought it.

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Re: The Path... Interesting little game (Contains spoilers!) [Re: H4XX0RZ] #539020
08/23/09 09:19 AM
08/23/09 09:19 AM
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I'll merge you to the member review and discussion there.
Your question might already be answered.

I don't think it was at DarkSide though - I'll check.

Re: The Path... Interesting little game (Contains spoilers!) [Re: MaG] #539087
08/23/09 12:59 PM
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It depends on your definition of "decent mileage". Yes, the girls all have different stories to tell, but you must be willing to let them do so and that requires a bit of patience and some imagination. The woods have different "attractions" or "special places" for each girl but they overlap, i.e. girl 1 has place A and B, girl 2 has place C and D, girl 3 has place B and E etc. It's not scary in the Silent Hill/Resident Evil sense. I don't know any games that compare to it, but there are no zombies or other monsters chasing you. There is a dark atmosphere and a sense of imminent danger but it will almost certainly not creep you out nor give you sleepless nights. I would recommend this game to you because you say you like Art Games, but I am not quite sure you'd enjoy it because you may expect too much of it. Why don't you try the prologue first? It's not a real demo but it does give you a taste of what the game is like.

Last edited by PolloDiablo; 08/23/09 01:04 PM.

I'll be back, one day, when I feel like it.
Re: The Path... Interesting little game (Contains spoilers!) [Re: PolloDiablo] #539183
08/23/09 07:45 PM
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Well, for a $10 game I think you will get very good "mileage" from it. I mean just wandering through the place and doing next to nothing, looking at the dreamy landscape and listening to the creepy music is worth the price of admission alone.

But beyond that there is a lot this game has to offer, albeit it delivers at a very slow pace and in a somewhat obscure manner. If you contemplate it enough and absorb its deliciously hidden sub-textures it will take you very far for such an inexpensive game.

Last edited by drachehexe; 08/23/09 07:58 PM.

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Re: The Path... Interesting little game (Contains spoilers!) [Re: drachehexe] #539227
08/23/09 09:51 PM
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hmmm nvr even heard of this... looks very cool... will check it out asap

Check out my youtube channel "AdventureReviews"
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Re: The Path... Interesting little game (Contains spoilers!) #630059
06/15/10 05:37 PM
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Just downloaded this game and started playing. This is about the weirdest game I've ever played. (not bad weird, just weird). Has anyone else played it? So far the girl is just wandering around, picking up flowers and meeting another kid and playing. It appears you have to pick 144 of a certain kind of flower. Any opinions? Thanks.

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Re: The Path... Interesting little game (Contains spoilers!) [Re: Laurette] #630064
06/15/10 05:54 PM
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Hi Laurette -- this is more of an interactive art experience than a game. It has very dark themes. I would normally send this thread to the appropriate forum, but I'm not sure we have one. burger

EDIT: Err, am I imagining things or did I just wake up in the Boomer Reviews forum?

Last edited by Becky; 06/15/10 05:56 PM.
Re: The Path... Interesting little game (Contains spoilers!) [Re: Becky] #630067
06/15/10 06:10 PM
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lol I sent it there since that is where we put the others. grin

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Re: The Path... Interesting little game (Contains spoilers!) [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #630200
06/16/10 06:24 AM
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Aha! Nice to know I'm not losing my mind. Well, any more than usual. wave

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