Rabbi who lost Faith + Noir Mystery + AdventureRabbi Stone got 10,000$, from R.I.P. Jack Lauder, who left his community 8 years ago due to some accident. Stone felt some sorry & bittersweet feeling, and he enter the middle of mystery itself. ...
I'd like to tell you BAD THING first, because this game is excellent. Running time is too short, and game is small. This is made for sale, so this could be bad thing. But price is just 4.99$, very low, and game system & puzzle is very unique. We could 4.99$ is not very high due to such good things, even if short running time & small game size. Puzzle is too unique to get the idea. Player must login e-mail account with guessing password, player must choose dialogue very carefully, ... etc. But these things mean this game is very unique & unlike to other games, so we could call it as good thing.
This game has some GOOD THINGs. First of all, FULL VOICE & WELL MADE SOUNDTRACK. Violin-based score is very well done, and even they are selling it with 3.99$ seperately. Well, they are really proud of the score work, and I agree. But speech has some flaws on recording, even if their actings are good.
And RABBI & JEWISH CULTURE & RABBI TALK. Jewish could be very important community, but their culture is not very popular for everyone, especially for Korean people. Title [Shivah] means 7 days of Jewish funeral, and almost every dialougue has 'Rabbi Style Talk'. It makes player very unique play. And that 'Rabbi Talk' is very important at the end of this game.
One more. This game has Audio Supplements. Player must play twice, to listen to the supplement. Almost every Adventure game doesn't have good things to play twice, but [Shivah] might have.
Well. Game itself is Rabbi mixed with Hard Boiled Noir. They are not very likely combined, but it fits well. And that 'Rabbi Talk' is very interesting. Some puzzles are... not very good, as 'Computer-Fool-does-Email-Hacking', but that's not very big flaws as Adventure Genre.
Recommendable for whom likes Adventure Game, whom wants to enjoy Different taste, whom might be interested in very unfamiliar culture 'Rabbi', ... etc etc. You need to pay 4.99$, but that's not so big.
Where to buy : Wadjet Eye Games