Eeek - Hi Bill,
I remember this review well and loved it. I was in a hurry though to make sure it was added to the review list and thought I HAD posted a response.
Ooooh - I am sorry. Well hows about I do that now. I agree with you that DR definitely has strong adult overtones and is not for children. But this was one of the best things about this game as well as some other recent additions to the genre. It is written and crafted for adult gamers. Yayyyy. As one of that group, I enjoy a game that is challenging on another level and plays up to the gamer.
You also hit on one of the other grand things about DR. The atmosphere and ambiance as created by the sound effects was perfect. I remember I would turn off the lights, play a bit and then quickly turn them back on. LOL This game had that suspenseful quality that IMHO really creates that creepy feeling traveling up your back. It isn't the body count and gore - but that sense of foreboding over what's up ahead, behind that door or around the bend.
I loved the style of your review and your descriptions. Great expression and yes - it was easy to tell you really enjoyed this game. Good for you!! I get tired of reviews written about games that are really just a hate fest. I want to hear from someone who loved a game!! From what they loved - I get a better sense of whether it really is a game for me or not. People tend to be more specific about something they liked than something they didn't. And you certainly nailed the best features of DR with detail and affection.
[This message has been edited by gatorlaw (edited 08-16-2001).]