Some of us are playing an online game called Faradise. I am so glad that Unicorn brought this game to our attention. The game setup is simple enough, no sophisticated game engine here, no 3D 360 degree world. It is true that the photographic pictures are very beautiful, sometimes the hot spots are hard to find, which is of course part of the challenge. The puzzles are logical and well thought out, they are not super hard but they are not pushovers either. There is a story and an interesting one which drives you on to the next level. When you accomplish a feat you feel satisfaction and enjoy seeing the talisman coming to life with its shiny jewels. I have played this game through as far as I could and hardly can wait for the next installment. I guess they never thought that it will get this popular or that we catch up this fast. This game is a perfect example of what the GameBoomers always maintained, that graphics alone do not make a good game, you have to have a good story to grab the player's interest. Do not misunderstand I would not want all my games to be as unsophisticated as this is but I think for a free game this is definitely a winner. is a commercial site, but they have the good taste not to mix ads with the game. There are several places to visit beside the game and the actual merchandise ads, these are also pleasantly full of all kind of information and recopies. I do not want to let the cat out of the bag more than necessary so let just say: "See you in Faradise".
P.S. I am working on a walkthrough and I will post it temporarily on my web site soon as Dee suggested. [This message has been edited by lasanidine (edited 08-23-2001).]