I Just finished playing "Planet of The Apes"
and enjoyed every minute of it.
The things that stand out in the game are the variety of puzzles you need to solve they are all way above average for an Action/Adventure game I do hope this is the shape of things to come in Action/Adventure games ... More thought provoking puzzles.
The puzzles are all Logical I never had any trouble in seeing what I had to be doing next.
The Story is well done and truly sucks you in, it could well have been a movie script in my opinion.
You and your crew are shipwrecked on earth 2000 years in to the future and the Apes have taken over, only a few rag-tag human survivors are left and hide out in secluded buildings around the planet,
You get kidnapped by the apes and are held in some sort of Giant laboratory facilty where the Apes have been doing experiments on your crew mates,With the aid of a fellow Human you are able to escape your cell and now have to find a way out.
The plot unfolds as you find a small group of humans who explain everything about what happened with the Apes and the humans in the great war and how it has been written that a new hero from the skies would come down and save the humans from extinction and thusly put an end to the Apes reign.
During the game you will find yourself in many sticky situations with the big Apes ,Monkeys,Baboons they etc are scary as hell you will find your self jumping out your seat when you are spotted,as the Music changes and starts getting dramatic and the crazy apes come running after you.
It is nearly always better to sneek past them (stealthy) as they are very Strong and hard to kill ... Throughout the game you will be able to pick up many weopons though so Killing them will be made a lot easier but watch out those bullets wont last forever

Among the apes a few familiar faces pop up like Cornelius and Dr.Zaius as with a whole bunch of new Characters.
Theres also a bit of climbing and jumping in the game.
All be it a TINY portion is jumping but it is REALLY easy so dont worry and it doesn't ruin the game at all.
The cut scenes are well done as well they are opened at key area's in the game and usually are done when you finish and begin a new level.
You can only save a game at the end of each level. not during one. But the levels are bite size and really it is not a chore to replay a level if you are killed as the levels are well designed and enjoyable.
All in all I would definently reccomend this to any Adventure gamer who doesn't mind some action in a game ... reccomended.