GK3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned
02/18/02 02:23 PM
02/18/02 02:23 PM
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Gabriel Knight 3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned Sierra – 1999 W98 3D/Keyboard/mouse 3rd Person Adventure Story – Gabe and Grace receive an invitation to visit Prince James in Paris. Seems the Stewarts have been plagued by a malady for centuries. They wake up pale and exhausted and suffer from severe anemia – anemia induced by bite marks on the neck. Prince James wants Gabe to protect his son Charles from what the Stewarts call the “night visitors”. Well, they don’t do a very good job – the first night they are there two “visitors” break into the baby’s room and kidnap him. Gabe gives chase and winds up at a train station where he hops the train. He is promptly knocked out and wakes up at Rennes-Le-Chateau – and the search for the baby, vampires and buried treasures begins Gameplay You use both the keyboard and mouse to move around in the game. Thank goodness the escape key gets you where you need to be in a hurry or I’d still be ambling around the village – boy, do those folks walk slow. There is a map feature which is very nice – once a location appears just click on it and Gabe or Grace motorcycle to it in a flash. As with GK2 you play both Gabe and Grace separately. This game is broken up into 3 days and the days broken into time frames. You cannot proceed into the next time frame until all the necessary actions are completed. You can however continue on without all the points – I didn’t even come close to having all the points possible when I finished – which could be why I was a little confused on what was going on in the story. Puzzles The puzzles were your basic inventory type. A couple of them were pretty far fetched. I still wonder how Mosley (yep, good old Mose is back) is going to leave France with his newly doctored passport. It may have fooled the motorcycle guy but I doubt the border patrol will be so gullible. The most annoying part of the entire game (for me anyway) was all the map making, coordinate putting stuff on Sidney (the computer). I totally lost the story line while fighting this part and finally resorted to a wt in order to save my sanity. Then there was this %&*$ pendulum………and I still wonder how Gabe and Grace fit all that stuff into those tight jeans without once showing a bulge. Conclusion Overall I wound up liking the game – the story once it was finally all fleshed out, was extremely interesting and had some surprising twists to it – but it took way too long for me to understand what was happening and why. That could be because I missed a bunch of stuff that filled in the story line better. You don’t really get the entire picture of what is happening until the second to the last time frame on the last day – up until then, for me anyway, it was more of a “I don't have a clue why I'm doing this, but if you say I have to then okay guys”
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Re: GK3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned
02/19/02 08:41 PM
02/19/02 08:41 PM
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Good review. I have to agree with most of your points. I don't think this had as much universal appeal as the other GK games.
I really loved this game - but I am replaying this myself and am having a hard time enjoying it as much as the first time.
Although I must admit the Sydney PC stuff didn't annoy that much and in parts I relly liked it. I also got more and more into the game as it progressed the first time. Did I like it as much as GK2 - nahh But still on my keepers shelf.
Re: GK3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned
02/14/04 07:40 PM
02/14/04 07:40 PM
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I finished the game not too long ago after playing GABRIEL KNIGHT I and II, and then III one after the other. In many ways I preferred GK II, but I got fascinated by the plot of GK III and did a lot of digging into the background, the result of which was illuminating and which boosted my pleasure in the game so as to overcome by far some of its deficiencies. I picked up several books on the subject and will list them just in case someone else suffers from the same insatiable curiosity syndrome that plagues me. Holy Blood, Holy GrailMichael Baignet, Richard Leigh, & Henry Lincoln [Dell Publishing (1983)] This is the one that sort of started the most recent popularization of the Mary Magdalen legend. Dan Brown used it as a reference. The Da Vinci CodeDan Brown [Doubleday (2003)] The recent bestselling novel which elaborates on the legend, but which has a basis in fact. It is excellent to read in conjunction with playing GK III, as I did. Mary Magdalen -- Myth and MetaphorSusan Haskins [Berkeley Publishing Group (1993)] Haskins makes a commentary on "Holy Blood, Holy Grail" which is not too complimentary - "The authors breathlessly bend to their purpose whatever information comes their way, and the book offers no new insights into the historical figure of Mary Magdalen, but concentrates on trying to assemble proof for some of the more far-fetched of the legends which have accumulated around her over the centuries, using as their guiding principle the idea that there is no smoke without a fire." (p369) Despite that it is a very interesting and informative book.The Woman with the Alabaster Jar -- Mary Magdalen and the Holy GrailMargaret Starbird [Bear & Company (1993)] This is another book which was influenced by "Holy Blood, Holy Grail." In it Starbird probes the various legends and searches for the "lost feminine" in Christianity. It is aimed at the layman (or should I say laywoman) and is fun to read. Rather short (less than 200 pages) and a quick read.The Templar Revelation -- Secret Guardians of the True Identity of ChristLynn Picknett & Clive Prince [Touchstone (1997)] This book is replete with history/legend and refers to so many of the things that are touched on in GK III. They also refer to Margaret Starbird's book as a source. It really takes off and expands on "Holy Blood, Holy Grail" and carries one at almost a frantic pace; so, in spite of its length, it is a fast read.Mary MagdaleneLynn Picknett [Carroll & Graf (2003)] Picknett's latest book is slower paced, but shorter. Pages 107-117 deal in depth with Rennes-le-Chateau and the Francois Berenger Sauniere story as well as the Priory of Sion, all much fun to read while playing GK III.Bloodline of the Holy Grail - The Hidden Lineage of Jesus RevealedLaurence Gardner (Chevalier Labhran de Saint Germain) [Laurence Gardner is the Presidential Attache to the European Council of Princes - a constitutional advisory body established in 1946. He is formally attached to the noble household guard of the Royal House of Stewart, founded at St. Germain-en-Laye in 1692, and is the Jacobi Historiographer Royal.] (Foreword by HRH Prince Michel of Albany - Head of the Royal House of Stewart) [Barnes & Noble (2003)] Now if you've played GK III, you'll know about the House of Stewart. Well, here it is in detail, and I do mean in detail! There are 300 pages of rather interesting, if slanted, history and the next 150 pages of notes and references,index, and genealogy charts. Anyone who is interested in genealogy charts should have fun with these!"The Da Vinci Code" quotes a couple of Gnostic Gospels -- "The Gospel of Mary," which is attributed to Mary Magdalene and "The Gospel of Philip," both of which are used to suggest that Mary Magdalene was more than just an ordinary disciple of Jesus. Translations can be found in any compilation of the " Nag Hammadi Library," as for example, a book of that very name edited by James M. Robinson, a popular one " The Gnostic Gospels" by Elaine Pagels, and a more recent treatment " Lost Scriptures -- Books that Did Not Make It into the New Testament" by Bart D. Ehrman. These have a lot more in them which are of interest. Well, it was great fun playing GABRIEL KNIGHT III - Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned while reading all of this background literature. That's why I particularly like Adventure games that have a basis, however flimsy, in history. That is also why BYZANTINE is high on my list of favorites, in fact, even higher than GK III, since the acting and FMV was much better.
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Re: GK3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned
02/14/04 08:14 PM
02/14/04 08:14 PM
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Hi Syd !! You certainly have much more compassion for GK3 than I do I got absolutely bored to death with all the Sidney stuff and map co-ordinating stuff etc. etc.. I felt there was just TOO much of it. In previous GK games, Gabe and Grace both went out and about and investigated for goodness sake - they didn't sit in an hotel room computerin' half the day Also, it was one of the first 3D games I ever bought and I hated those blocky Gabe and Grace characters - not to mention the messes I got into because of camera angles !! [I much preferred the old Gabe and Grace pictures from GK1 to tell the truth !! I did keep the game for a while in case I mellowed and relented enough for a re-play - but I just couldn't bring myself round to facing one and so traded it on 
Time : The Most Precious Commodity
Re: GK3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned
02/15/04 09:27 AM
02/15/04 09:27 AM
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Poor GK3! Looks like I'll have to take up the cause.
Like colpet and Adpuzlov I was really intrigued by the backstory. I plowed through Sydney night after night, feverishly chasing links. The whole story sucked me in, the interweaving plotlines, the merry-go-round of characters, all with their own agenda, all taking place in real time, it just felt so incredibly fleshed out. This game worked on so many levels for me I turned right around and played it a second time, something I never do. I still remember finding those knee prints in that meadow after the first murder, following the vampires into the night, sneaking around that castle during the wine tasting tour, the bus finally leaving the courtyard that second day. I've played a hundred games since GK3 and none of them have stuck in my mind so vividly. I even liked the much hated cat moustach puzzle though I finally had to take a hint right at the end to get it.
Some people complain that the story tried to do too much and they're probably right but I loved Jensen's ambition with this one. She really sank her teeth in to GK3 and I think she deserves more credit for it than she got. The Serpent Rouge puzzle is one of the masterpieces of adventure gaming, IMHO.
So if anyone is on the fence about this game I heartily encourage you to give it a chance. It is a classic of the field and far and away my favorite of the three.
Hee, hee. Mikey liked it.
Re: GK3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned
02/26/04 02:04 PM
02/26/04 02:04 PM
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Advpuzlov, I had read several of those books prior to playing the game, so the game was that much more interesting to me because of it. Some other somewhat obscure books that might be of interest to you are "The treasure maps of Rennes-Le-Chateau" by Stanley James (1984), The academic work "The long-haired Kings" by J.M. Wallace-Hadrill (1982) and "Secrets of Rennes le Chateau" by Lionel and Patricia Fanthorpe (1992)- none of which are as quick and good a read as those you suggest though. I sure agree with you Scout  in applauding Jensen's ambition in undertaking such a huge story and making a great game out of it. I just wish it had been in FMV.
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Re: GK3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned
03/07/04 09:49 PM
03/07/04 09:49 PM
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Having been interested in this subject for 40+ years and having researched this subject,I found GK3 to be an extraordinary piece of analytical and honest work. This took an extraordinary amount of research. I'd say it was an equal to the Da Vinca Code, but in a different medium, to get the point across.
GN3 is on the top of my list for informative and historical fact. This is not to underrate Gabe's sex appeal and the humor.
Re: GK3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned
[Re: Teddo]
03/22/08 09:14 AM
03/22/08 09:14 AM
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jedi valius
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Hey Teddo,
I totally agree with you. I also had been interested in the subject way before GK3 was released and the game is really faithful to a lot of the real research. Jane Jensen went out of her way to make this game accurate, intriguining and complex! It just shows how much she loves to present a good story and how much passion she has for the mysteries and the paranormal. You can also tell that by reading her books. I for one can not wait for Grey Matter to be released.
Gnothi Seauton
Re: GK3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned
[Re: jedi valius]
03/22/08 10:09 AM
03/22/08 10:09 AM
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I love all of the GK games but if I had to rank them GK3 would have to be my least favourite of the three (GK2 my favourite). However, that's only if I had to rank them because I still think GK3 was fantastic with a couple of exceptions (not Jane's fault, she didn't have anything to do with a couple of the ridiculous puzzles IIRC). I thought she did a great job with the storyline and the history of the area and subjects involved. As for Le Serpent Rouge, I thought it was an excellent puzzle. It was definitely tough and I did need a few nudges along the way to finish it but it was logical based on the clues and totally realistic (treasure hunters routinely scour archives for clues and then try and map out coordinates based on those coordinates and the topography of the area). I've always had a fascination with the subject of the Templars as well. It all started with an episode of the BBC series Robin of Sherwood years ago (I watched it on PBS) where they encountered Templars. Then I bought Holy Blood, Holy Grail years ago. Fascinating subject! It is really too bad that Jane is not legally allowed to come out with another GK either in novel or game form (Vivendi owns the rights to "Gabriel Knight"). I really would have liked to have seen what happens with Gabriel and Grace because... Grace is pregnant based on some of the resource files. You can read about it here.
Last edited by misa; 03/22/08 10:44 AM.
Re: GK3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned
[Re: Volkana]
03/23/08 08:10 AM
03/23/08 08:10 AM
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Volkana, have you played all the GK games?
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Re: GK3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned
[Re: looney4labs]
03/23/08 12:21 PM
03/23/08 12:21 PM
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I have also played the Beast Within... Nice story too...
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Re: GK3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned
[Re: Volkana]
03/23/08 04:48 PM
03/23/08 04:48 PM
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Hi  Well I must have softened in my old(er) age because after not being impressed the first time, I replayed GK3 last year and thoroughly enjoyed it - so the second time around was well worthwhile  Cheers. Mad 
Time : The Most Precious Commodity
Re: GK3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned
[Re: chrissie]
04/02/08 03:14 PM
04/02/08 03:14 PM
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The only puzzle I really hated was the end one which I thought was inconsistent with the rest of the game. The ending puzzle may have been inconsistent with the rest of the game but it was consistent with GK1 & GK2. Each of the three games ended with a difficult puzzle that did not fit with game play through the game. The puzzles were not difficult in terms of figuring out the how or what. They were difficult because of quick reaction or timing required to execute them. Which was a total change in game play required to get to that point. You might come to think it is a GK or JJ tradition. Makes you wonder if this trend ( trait?) will be carried over to Gray Matter.
Re: GK3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned
[Re: oldmariner]
04/03/08 07:26 AM
04/03/08 07:26 AM
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Hi  I think of it as a "Sierra" tradition !! Several of their adventures had "drive you mad" endings  Cheers. Mad 
Time : The Most Precious Commodity
Re: GK3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned
[Re: Mad]
04/03/08 12:29 PM
04/03/08 12:29 PM
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Funny, it seems as though almost everybody in this thread agree that the SIDNEY puzzles were boring. I have to admit that when I think of comparing a puzzle to something - the Le serpent rouge puzzles are definitely some of my examples for the best puzzles out there in the adventure genre. The way they were integrated with the plot, the way they gave the player a sense of really solving something by his own, the way they were scattered throughout Gabriel's practical investigation - I just thought it was made so brilliantly! I didn't like the beginning of the game much, nor the ending, and still, I rank this game, out of all the GK's, my first. I think the research made in it, and the depth this game has reached, is far beyond the others, not to mention other games. It's amazing how much details were inserted to the game.
Anyway, Sidney is my idea of a puzzle - complex and justified, based on pure historical facts, and on the plot. Grace was always in charge of "theoretical research" (also in GK2 and 1), and the fact is, she always saved the day. So Mad, you said: "In previous GK games, Gabe and Grace both went out and about and investigated for goodness sake - they didn't sit in an hotel room computerin' half the day". That's not true! Grace was wondering in libraries and museums in GK2, and in 1, she kept making researches for Gabriel!
There's definitely definitely definitely no logic to human behaviour.
Re: GK3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned
[Re: Tomer]
04/04/08 09:33 AM
04/04/08 09:33 AM
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Hi Tomer  We all have different slants on what makes a good game and which puzzles are the best for US  GK1 was my personal favourite of the series - and still is - dated though it might be - and I must admit that Grace didn't venture out of the office in it much. In fact not until near the end of the game. But Gabriel certainly did !! And In GK2, as you say, "Grace was wondering in libraries and museums" which in my book is NOT sitting in the hotel room glued to the computer ....  And whilst you thoroughly enjoyed the SYDNEY aspect of GK3 - we will never all enjoy the same kind of puzzle. How boring would THAT be for developers ?? Cheers. Mad 
Time : The Most Precious Commodity
Re: GK3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned
[Re: Mad]
04/05/08 04:27 PM
04/05/08 04:27 PM
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And whilst you thoroughly enjoyed the SYDNEY aspect of GK3 - we will never all enjoy the same kind of puzzle. How boring would THAT be for developers ?? Cheers. Mad Why is it impossible to share an opinion without getting this feedback every time? I didn't generalize anything, I honestly respect your tastes and views, and I obviously spoke ideas that are mine. I think it's trivial and crucial that we'd all have our different opinions. I said I was surprised that so many dislike the puzzle, and I explained why. That's all. And regarding the game - I know visiting museums and libraries isn't exactly the same as sitting in an hotel, but what's really the difference? The fact is, Grace is mostly busy doing research. In GK2 she had no Sidney and no technology so she went to libraries. Moreover, I think GK3's Grace is the most adventurous of them all - all the vinyard bit? sneaking into closets and basements? driving Gabe's motorcycle around the vally? She definitelly did a lot more wondering around than in GK2, where she mostly snooped around Rittersberg. However, I personally don't care much for how much exploring she's making. May sound cheezy but for me Grace explores the realm of the mind and theory, and she represents for me the pure beauty of wisdom.
There's definitely definitely definitely no logic to human behaviour.
Re: GK3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned
[Re: Mad]
04/05/08 11:20 PM
04/05/08 11:20 PM
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Great Review Syd I love de series GK, but for me the most weakling of series it is GK3, but still a great game. Love Maria 
Last edited by Phoebe; 04/05/08 11:21 PM.
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Re: GK3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned
[Re: Tomer]
04/08/08 08:25 AM
04/08/08 08:25 AM
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Hi Tomer ..... You ask .... "Why is it impossible to share an opinion without getting this feedback every time?"I don't understand your question. We are at a "forum" : a place for open discussion .... Our Moderator Becky says : "you can post a review of any game you choose in the Boomer Reviews forum here. Others who have played the game can then comment -- it becomes part of a data base of opinion then that's been helping adventure gamers for years" Cheers. Mad
Time : The Most Precious Commodity
Re: GK3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned
[Re: Mad]
04/08/08 09:13 AM
04/08/08 09:13 AM
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Mad, I wrote this regarding the post I quoted of yours.... I don't understand your question.
There's definitely definitely definitely no logic to human behaviour.
Re: GK3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned
[Re: Tomer]
04/08/08 10:00 AM
04/08/08 10:00 AM
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Hi Tomer  I am mystified now. We are in a forum. In a forum we can offer opinions - which may generate feedback. As you don't seem to want feedback I won't give any more to your posts on this thread. OK ?? Cheers. Mad 
Time : The Most Precious Commodity