These rants and frustrations are all
consumer related.
We (some of the Staff) at GameBoomers see and know both sides of the picture.
We are aware of what the gamers want, how they want it and when they want it. We understand and you do tell us of your frustrations in definite, palpable and emphatic rants. Fine - we understand - as long as there are no mud slinging.
We are also privy to what happens in the background.
Some of those at the other side - the developers and publishers are our friends - not merely an address or name stuck on a game or a PR mail. They are also gamers and know the consumers point of view. Personally and ethically - we do not announce what we are told in confidence. We understand that they have lives of their own. They have problems like all of us in their daily life or business life. They also have their frustrations.
We do not announce it because like you the gamers - we uphold their personal rights.
Yes - they do have personal rights - they are people like you and me. They have rights to privacy. Just because their names are now famous - we do not think they are public property.
Most of these Indie developers are creative geniuses. They want to share with us their creations. It is our privilege if they do. It is a gift. That doesn't
entitle us to demand that we be given those gifts when we want them and how we want them.
We who see the consumer and business side also see the ethical practices that happens during those business dealings that comes with trying to share the creations made by these developers - big or one man small companies. Of course - we cannot inform how some of these companies take advantage of the naiveness of some of the developers and take their hard work so that they get their profits. They are forced to release - sign their rights even if they are being taken advantage of - because the consumers demand, they need money to live, they need to pay debts. Eventually they also get frustrated and stop producing. The "Why should I" comes in.
I can understand this very well. I have a forum that is free for the gamers to enjoy and news to be given out; a Staff that help by giving their time and expertise. What do I - we get out of it: before some positive feedback and a source of having help others be a family and enjoy each others company; get the latest news and express what they think about games and generally how they feel. To share life's and gaming's ups and down.
Now - most (not a selected few I can count in one hand) take it for granted that it is their right to be given the forum and some even express their dislike for
me on what I do or say.
I have poured my time, my work and personal finances on this site for nearly 11 years. The volunteer Staff are great and have been my source of support. I love them and thank them. There is no forum without them. But some get burned out and have to rest. I can't yet.
I write walkthroughs to help and share. I try (like the developers that want to share their creations. In the last several years, most (8 out of 10 comments) of the feedback publicly and privately, are the errors, what I missed in the walkthroughs. I check and most of the time realize, it is the readers or gamers missed something that was already stated. Maybe I didn't express it in simple words so that they can understand.
Should I continue writing them, staying up several nights to play, to release them so that the gamers can have it on time when the game is released. Sweat and get headaches on difficult puzzles and write step by step to merely get a feedback -
I don't want to follow the step by step - it's too long - send me a saved game.
If these are what I get - the "Why should I" comes in.
I digress - these are why I understand the developers. We try to give the gamers what they want but what do we get in return... Right now - heartaches and like Jonathan's games - rants.
The making of a game takes monies and time. They also need monetary remuneration - maybe to live or maybe just to cover the expenses during the making of the game. That is why those that know the industry already try to get their games to publishers and distributors that will
NOT take advantage of them. They are few and far between. NO - it is NOT a monopoly if those ethical companies get most of the trade - it is good business practice.
I am a member of those companies and I am not a member of those that I deem are not fair. But you the consumers
idolize and gush over them and hate those that try to protect both sides of the coin.
Please understand that there are several sides to everything. Look at it from those sides. Do not just rant - What do I get, when will I get it, how will I get it!
I hope Jonathan does
not avoid GameBoomers.