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Delaware St. John Series Postponed Indefinitely #302843
03/31/08 08:09 AM
03/31/08 08:09 AM
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I received a letter yesterday from Bryan Wiegele, Indie developer and creator of the Delaware St. John series. Many of us have played the first three games in the series and have enjoyed them very much. Bryan is also the designer of the original Inherent Evil adventure game.

Unfortunately, Bryan is putting the Delaware St. John games and the upcoming Inherent Evil 2: Dark Whispers on hold for the foreseeable future.

It’s been a long three and a half years but the fact is working on these games part time and with no budgets, they never got the love they deserved. So rather than continue, I’m going to put them on the shelf and hope in the future I get the opportunity to pick them up and give them the full attention they need to shine.

I appreciate you and all of GameBoomers for being so supportive of the games and I hope one day I get the opportunity to do both of the series’ sequels justice.

I hope Bryan knows that we appreciate how he provided us with hours of entertainment, challenge, and intriguing moments of terror. We wish him all the best, and hope that the future will mean a return to adventure game development sooner than he currently expects.

Re: Delaware St. John Series Postponed Indefinitely [Re: Becky] #302845
03/31/08 08:20 AM
03/31/08 08:20 AM
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sad It is always heartbreaking to hear of production stopping on an anticipated game but especially disheartening when it is one of our own.

Bryan, I hope that you will be able to follow your dreams and make a living at it.

Ana wave

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Re: Delaware St. John Series Postponed Indefinitely [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #302854
03/31/08 08:40 AM
03/31/08 08:40 AM
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That's a shame. It really is.

Re: Delaware St. John Series Postponed Indefinitely [Re: Whimsical] #302885
03/31/08 09:31 AM
03/31/08 09:31 AM
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So sad.....Good luck Bryan in the future.

Re: Delaware St. John Series Postponed Indefinitely [Re: GBC] #302889
03/31/08 09:38 AM
03/31/08 09:38 AM
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Bryan, thanks for letting us know. Life sometimes gets in the way of our dreams, but hopefully, sooner than you expect, you'll be back on track with yours luck

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Re: Delaware St. John Series Postponed Indefinitely [Re: looney4labs] #302897
03/31/08 09:54 AM
03/31/08 09:54 AM
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Very sorry to read this: sad

luck Bryan in the future..Thank You again for the games you did develop..Hope later on maybe you will change your mind..

Luv Dar

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Re: Delaware St. John Series Postponed Indefinitely [Re: Darleen03] #302937
03/31/08 10:45 AM
03/31/08 10:45 AM
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Bryan, I'm so sad to hear this news. I hope the problems get resolved and that we see many more of your games in the future.

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Re: Delaware St. John Series Postponed Indefinitely [Re: hatshepsut] #302944
03/31/08 10:53 AM
03/31/08 10:53 AM
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Thank you Bryan, for the exciting and entertaining games you have made. You have made many of us very happy, and eager to continue playing adventure games.

Best wishes, and I hope to see some games of yours again in the future.

Re: Delaware St. John Series Postponed Indefinitely [Re: orchgamer] #302957
03/31/08 11:12 AM
03/31/08 11:12 AM
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Bryan, you have tremendous talent and I hope it is not a long time before we see more of your work. You've always been so responsive to your fans, and such a nice guy that it is especially hard to hear this news. Thanks for all the work you have done in bringing us lots of happy hours playing. You'll be missed.

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Re: Delaware St. John Series Postponed Indefinitely [Re: nickie] #302963
03/31/08 11:24 AM
03/31/08 11:24 AM
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Know that you have brought great games, and joy, to many adventurers. You are appreciated and you will be missed.


Re: Delaware St. John Series Postponed Indefinitely [Re: Dyl'smom] #302987
03/31/08 11:58 AM
03/31/08 11:58 AM
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Is very sad, i love the Delaware St. John Series... wink

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Re: Delaware St. John Series Postponed Indefinitely [Re: Phoebe] #302997
03/31/08 12:11 PM
03/31/08 12:11 PM
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That's a great shame. I loved Inherent Evil, and particularly the Delaware games, and was looking forward to the 4th instalment of DSJ. Best wishes for the future, Bryan, I hope things work out the way you would like them to.

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Re: Delaware St. John Series Postponed Indefinitely [Re: Dyl'smom] #303031
03/31/08 12:50 PM
03/31/08 12:50 PM
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Thank you for the hours of enjoyment you have given us in playing your games. We all hope to see you soon Bryan. Judy

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Re: Delaware St. John Series Postponed Indefinitely [Re: judith] #303086
03/31/08 02:21 PM
03/31/08 02:21 PM
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Bryan, we're all sad that there won't be more of your games any time soon--best of luck with your future plans...wave

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Re: Delaware St. John Series Postponed Indefinitely [Re: Jenny] #303115
03/31/08 02:56 PM
03/31/08 02:56 PM
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dmtomchick Offline
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This is such sad news. cry I was really, really, really looking forward to Inherent Evil 2. Lots of luck, Bryan!! Your contributions to the gaming world will be sorely missed!

Dawn grin

Re: Delaware St. John Series Postponed Indefinitely [Re: dmtomchick] #303148
03/31/08 03:46 PM
03/31/08 03:46 PM
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We will miss your games, but good luck on whatever you do. I have all of your games and hope you will be able to create some others in the future. luck wave

Re: Delaware St. John Series Postponed Indefinitely [Re: connie] #303185
03/31/08 04:57 PM
03/31/08 04:57 PM
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Good on you for trying Bryan! For doing it part-time you achieved quite a bit.

I hope other indie developers will benefit from your experience.

Used to answer to "Peter Smith", now answers to "Peter Rootham-Smith"
Re: Delaware St. John Series Postponed Indefinitely [Re: connie] #303187
03/31/08 04:59 PM
03/31/08 04:59 PM
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That's the thing I don't like about game series, they're never finished. Just recently got the third game too.

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Re: Delaware St. John Series Postponed Indefinitely [Re: Becky] #303289
03/31/08 08:12 PM
03/31/08 08:12 PM
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Shucks! I'd just gotten into the DSJ games, too. I still have to play the third one after I finish Lost Crown so I at least have that to look forward to.

Bryan - sending positive energy to help create the opportunities you need to continue these projects that are obviously dear to you.

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain.

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Re: Delaware St. John Series Postponed Indefinitely [Re: Celtic Lark] #303305
03/31/08 08:45 PM
03/31/08 08:45 PM
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Good luck to you Bryan, I've really enjoyed your games and was really anticipating Inherent Evil 2.

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Re: Delaware St. John Series Postponed Indefinitely [Re: Jenny] #303315
03/31/08 08:58 PM
03/31/08 08:58 PM
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Originally Posted By: Jenny
Bryan, we're all sad that there won't be more of your games any time soon--best of luck with your future plans...wave

Hi .... That goes for me, too !!


Mad luck

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Re: Delaware St. John Series Postponed Indefinitely [Re: Mad] #303379
03/31/08 11:22 PM
03/31/08 11:22 PM
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I second everything everyone else said.
Good Luck,

Re: Delaware St. John Series Postponed Indefinitely [Re: dmtomchick] #303540
04/01/08 11:09 AM
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Our hearts and thoughts are with you, dearest Bryan. I hope and wish the best for you in all your endeavors.


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Re: Delaware St. John Series Postponed Indefinitely [Re: infernoj13usa] #303668
04/01/08 01:59 PM
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Good Luck to you Bryan. I know that any endeavors you do in the future will be a success. You are very talented. Hopefully you will be able to return creating games sometime in the future.


Re: Delaware St. John Series Postponed Indefinitely [Re: Dyl'smom] #303714
04/01/08 02:49 PM
04/01/08 02:49 PM
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Please can you pass it on to Bryan that we appreciate & love Delaware & Inherent Evil. Hope he has a good rest & then cannot resist returning to programming ..

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