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Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106830
10/04/04 10:12 AM
10/04/04 10:12 AM
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Some SPOLIERS here...

OK, you are at the Spire spider chair, about to play the frequencies to vibrate the crystal-rocks. This is tricky, because it's timed... Some of the crystals vibrate for longer times, so they should be tuned first. You have to get all four vibrating (tuned) at once to move on.

So, once one rock is tuned, IMMEDIATELY move the same slider that your hand is grabbing to the next position... that is, there is no button to push between each tuning. Just get it vibrating, then move on quickly. You don't have to move the sliders starting from left to right..any order will work.

Hope this makes sense... good luck.


Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106831
10/04/04 10:21 AM
10/04/04 10:21 AM
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Geez - I must be dumb! duh I got the crystals in the correct positions and got a picture on the viewer. But nothing is happening here? What is my problem here? Also see you are talking about a spider chair - where is that? Thx once again smile help woozy

Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106832
10/04/04 10:29 AM
10/04/04 10:29 AM
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No, you're not dumb.. on the contrary, you got the crystal symbols right! You'll just see a static picture of Spire and Haven on the viewer (and also of Serenia, if you load the crystal symbols from Yeesha's journal). There is nothing else to do with these images. There is value in entering the symbols from Atrus' journal (if you haven't done it yet), because that will connect you to the age (Rime) where Atrus' is now, and he will speak to you.

Yes, I noted in my opening sentence above that Liz was in the age of Spire. You can worry about that later when you get there. There are folks at all different places in the game following this Quest, so it can be confusing...


Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106833
10/04/04 10:32 AM
10/04/04 10:32 AM
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Thanks so much Dadguy - will review Atrus' journal for clue about symbols to connect to Rime. Really appreciate your kindness and help. happydance happydance

Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106834
10/04/04 10:45 AM
10/04/04 10:45 AM
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Is there a way to reset the gate puzzle? I have tried closing it, but it doesn't seem to work.

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Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106835
10/04/04 10:48 AM
10/04/04 10:48 AM
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DADGUY,thanks for the hint.

I did not look at the answer : I'll try those 7 clicks first.

I was sure we had to click so that all spots had to be illuminated, but I did not see it like you did.

A good day


Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106836
10/04/04 11:04 AM
10/04/04 11:04 AM
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Thanks again for all the help regarding the power.

In reading the thread I saw some blurbs on lining up the antenna. I turned on the antenna and have been trying to line up to stars I saw outside the opening of the dome. Am I on the right track or do I have to do anything at all?

As far as the crystals I am having a heck of a time matching the last three due to similarity. Are there clearer pictures other than the journal? I plugged away until the early morning hours.

This is such a beautiful game. I don't think I've ever played a game that is so detailed. Wonder how much code went into writing this.

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Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106837
10/04/04 11:06 AM
10/04/04 11:06 AM
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You are talking about the gate puzzle in Haven, right? With the wooden gate and puzzle on the left of it?

I could not find a way to reset this. I read in another forum that there was no way to reset it. If this is so, then you'll have to figure out the puzzle like I did (by thinking it out). So, start by understanding how the lock works:

- You must get the sliders (top and bottom ones) completely off of the little silver buttons. Then, once this is done and the sliders are no longer blocking the silver buttons, you flip the latches onto the buttons, gate opens!

You can manuever left and right by flipping the latch up and down. Experiment and you'll get there.


Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106838
10/04/04 11:09 AM
10/04/04 11:09 AM
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Rock, as near as I can tell, all you have to do is sit in the chair, click the button to turn it toward the roof viewer gadget, then click the button on the upper right to turn on the antenna. I never did any actual "aiming" and it seems to work just fine.

But, the sky viewer is kind of cool to play with...


Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106840
10/04/04 11:52 AM
10/04/04 11:52 AM
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Once again Dadguy you came to my rescue smile Okay, I got Atrus to speak to me - but since I don't hear well, I'm not sure what he said. Think he told me to go to his bedroom? and check out the books there? via fireplace? Anyhow, am going to try that out next. Thanks again for all your help! happydance

Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106841
10/04/04 12:23 PM
10/04/04 12:23 PM
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Still can't fly the rock ship. I'm consider starting over back at the linking books to Spire and Haven and turning around and going back to explore Yeesha's bedroom and all, which I failed to do before I left Tomahna. Can I DO that?

I'll just go back to the save I have at the linking books, I guess. is so beautiful here, I don't even mind return to a save that far back from where I am! LOL

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Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106842
10/04/04 01:24 PM
10/04/04 01:24 PM
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I presume you read and understood what I was saying in my spoiler on page three of this Quest, right? So, I will assume that the problem you are having is figuring out HOW to get the power levels to "2-lights" on the upper control panel and "7-lights" on the lower control panel, correct?

I can tell you that I started on the upper control panel and just kept sliding the slider to the right, then back to the middle, then right again, then back to the middle, then right again. I believe that each time I did this back and forth procedure, it added another light to the 4 power lights at the top. When I had two lights lit, I then went down and did a similar procedure on the lower control panel until I got all seven of those lit. Then the rock ship will fly. I think that by moving the slider right then back to middle ADDS power. I think that moving the slider left then middle reduces power... but I am not sure about this.

Good luck!


Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106843
10/04/04 01:34 PM
10/04/04 01:34 PM
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GeeGee, what Atrus said was to go to his bedroom and on his desk, open the panel at the top and then press the symbol right below it. This will access two journals--be sure to take pictures of the crystal arrangements in them...

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Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106844
10/04/04 01:35 PM
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stuck in haven

I cannot find the fifth totem symbol, the fruittree, achenars country home and the lakehouse

Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106845
10/04/04 01:36 PM
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help help help

My eyesight is very poor and I can't make out the titles on the chart and on those books well enough to distinguish quite a few of them, so I don't know which ones to push when.

Could someone please give me a flat-out spoiler on those books... thanks

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Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106848
10/04/04 01:55 PM
10/04/04 01:55 PM
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You are referring to the Bookcase puzzle in Yeesha's bedroom, I presume?

If, you go:

solution: number the books 1 - 8 on top row and 9 - 16 on bottom row.

Click books in this order: 12, 6, 8, 3, 14.

The bookcase will slide open and the dock is accessible.


Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106849
10/04/04 02:02 PM
10/04/04 02:02 PM
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Your description is too vague for us to help. I know it's easy to get turned around and walk in circles in the jungle (everything looks the same, right?), but you just have to keep exploring. You will need to find your way thru a wooden gate with a puzzle to find one of the totems. Plus, there is a hard to find path for another (you need to grab and pull some bushes left and right to open the path), so look for a "grab" icon on some bushes along the side of a path. If I remember correctly, the bushes were yellow.

Tot ziens,


Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106851
10/04/04 02:59 PM
10/04/04 02:59 PM
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Apologies Jenny - it's you I should have thanked for "hearing" what Atrus said. Does one need to go back to the crystal viewer for anything else after hearing Atrus? thumbsup

Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106852
10/04/04 03:08 PM
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That's ok, GeeGee--with a thread this long it's a wonder that anyone can keep straight who's helping who! lol

As for the viewer, since I've found pictures of three sets of crystals, there might be more use for it, but I haven't gotten that far yet. I'm not very far ahead of you...

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Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106853
10/04/04 03:44 PM
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Book SPOILER in Yeesha's room:
Going Left to Right
Books: 12, 6, 8, 3, 14

Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106854
10/04/04 03:53 PM
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Thanks dadguy, I was getting a bit confused with the tunning, I have the right sequences but didn't know if I had to bring down the sliders, for the next set of tunes..

okay, I going to give it a try..I think I understand what you saying, lets hope I do...


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Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106855
10/04/04 04:09 PM
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I am further behind than most of you but I have solved all the puzzles and have the journals and the crystal codes for Spire and Haven. I put in Haven's in the viewer but how do I get there? I am at a complete loss...also how do I get to Serenia? Where are the linking books? do I have to physically have to have them? if so where do I find them......thanks for any help to a slow poke....but I am enjoying the exploration of the graphics....

Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106856
10/04/04 04:22 PM
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In haven - I have all the symbols i need but to lower the bridge i have to put them in certain order and to get to know that order you have to go to a house near a lake but I cannot find a house near the lake

Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106857
10/04/04 04:26 PM
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Msblue-- Did you solve the fireplace puzzle? If so, you should have gone down in the fireplace elevator and seen the underwater car holding the 2 linking books to Spire and Haven. Once you open the car and get inside you throw a switch and the car rotates and opens up the linking books. I'm messing around in Spire (left book) and would love to have company.

Let me know if this helps or if you need more specific info.


Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106858
10/04/04 04:40 PM
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Don't worry about the pace. If some of us are ahead of you, we can still remember the other ages and hopefully can help.

Jayne has it right.. solve the fireplace puzzle to get access to the downstairs linking room. There you'll find a round capsule with books for Spire (left) and Haven (right). Notice when you get into this linking book capsule that you have a nice view of Yeesha's dock across the water... remember this view when you return from one of these ages. There is an interesting video clue when you return.


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