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Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106890
10/05/04 03:35 PM
10/05/04 03:35 PM
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Thanks viz, solved the puzzle to cross the bridge, now I am at mangree puzzle..trying to figure out how many times to turn these wheel, found the sketches or the mangree, don't understand what are they for..

Anyone been here, a little push would be nice..

How much is 1.5 seconds? Looking at the hint in the game?

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Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106891
10/05/04 04:14 PM
10/05/04 04:14 PM
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Haven Mangree/Camoudile puzzle:

Spoilers here !!

There are four Mangrees, each with their own "call" which consists of two tones. There are pictures of each one with it's call code indicated. The top row is the first tone, and the second row is the second tone. A short dash in column one would mean you turn the left wheel for .5 seconds. A long dash in column two would mean you turn the center wheel for 1.5 seconds.

Another timed one... you have to be really quick with the final three tone signal which causes the Mangree on the far left to toss the poison berries before the Camoudile gets free from the pit! Took me about four tries!

Good luck!


Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106892
10/05/04 04:59 PM
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Originally posted by rain2:
Just go back up the stairs and you'll see the linking book in that blown-up prison. If you just got there, I don't think there's a way till you get the elevator up and running, if I'm not mistaken. If you do enough snooping after completing a few of the puzzles, you'll find a way to get back up those stairs. I just can't remember the exact directions at this point. =)
Of course...if you've enabled the "zip mode" can zip there in a flash..!!

Done by Dunn
Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106894
10/05/04 06:15 PM
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Finally I get to understand this puzzle..but what I don't understand is when I got the camoudile in the pit and I press the 3 final tones, the mangee doesn't come out...Is the elderly(white one) suppose to be in the leftmost nest, or does any mangree can be there..I been trying this for about 1hr now and when the camoudile is in the pit, and turn the wheels to 3 tones no one comes out to throw the berries at him..

For example if I have the(white one) in the leftmost nest ready to throw him the berries, and turn the 3 wheels to the tones, he doesn't come out, and I do it again, and he comes out, by that time the comoudile gets out..and I have to start again with the set up...I hate this one:(

I got a map of the 5 nest, and who is in each of them, and get a set up, so he can chase the mangree to the point when he falls in the pit and have one of the mangree in the leftmost nest to be ready to throw him the berries ,but they just don't come out, maybe I have the last 3 tones wrong...This is the tones I am using...

wheel 3 long tone,w1 short tone,w2 short tone...


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Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106895
10/05/04 06:29 PM
10/05/04 06:29 PM
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Liz, those are the correct tones. I made the mistake several times of going from wheel 3, then wheel 2 and 1 instead of 3 to 1 to 2, but you have it right.

Here's what I finally did, I chased him around till the white mangree was in the left nest, then used only the other three tones to chase him until he is pitted. That way, the white mangree was ready to toss the berries.

Hope you get it. The only reason I saw for the mangree not to react was that I made a long-tone too short or slipped with my hand. The short tones seem to work with just a little beep, even less than a half second,


Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106896
10/05/04 08:07 PM
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Durn crystal spire puzzle.....nuttin shakes, nuttin does nuttin for me....move the 1st one up 6 notches, 2nd one all the way up to 12 then the 3rd one to 4....(left to right)..nuttin happens at all....when going on to the next series 3 - 1 - 7 do I move the knob all the way down then up to 3 etc?....I am an old **** and my hearing aint that good...even with my hearing aides long as all the light are on, I have not missed anything have I?

Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106897
10/05/04 08:48 PM
10/05/04 08:48 PM
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Oh Oh I've missed a clue somewhere and I dont know where. I'm in a jungle hut/blind looking at monkey-critters playing on a totum-pole. In front of me are three siren-horns. I suspect that I must play the horns in some sequence to rid the 'critters from the totem. If this is the case, where would I find this clue.
So far I've been able to open the wooden gate (puzzle) and have seen four other totems (and the 4 symbols) in my travel. I believe I need to know the 5 symbols to open the draw-bridge.

Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106898
10/05/04 11:24 PM
10/05/04 11:24 PM
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Pere, here's a small hint:

If you've read Achenar's journals, you should have read some interesting things about how the monkeys communicate--you could try pretending you're a monkey, but you'll need to listen to their language a bit first...

On a similar note, I seem to have "finished" all of Haven having only found four totems total....I still don't know where the fifth one is. I found one by the monkeys, one in the grassland, one in the swamp, and one behind the wooden gate, but the fifth one seems to have gone on a vacation... duh

Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106899
10/06/04 12:23 AM
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Spire Crystal Tuning puzzle:

Have you read my posts on page 11 and 14 of this Quest topic which covered this puzzle? They should help you.

But if you are setting the sliders to 6-12-4 and are getting no vibration, then you must be setting it incorrectly. It's hard to see, but you should have the 6th green bead visible in the slider hole. That is, 5 green beads beneath the slider, and the sixth is on the slider. Try sliding it up one more to see if there is any vibration. It's easy to see the crystal vibrating even without the magnifier. This is a hard puzzle.

Hope this helps.


Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106900
10/06/04 12:28 AM
10/06/04 12:28 AM
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Pere, I can't remember where I found the clue. I thought it was there in the hut on a piece of paper. Try the in-game hints. You have to play three tones I think.. some short, some longer, then they'll scatter.

Yes, you need the 5 totem symbols and their order must be correct for the drawbridge. There are solutions for it in this Quest topic. The totem that most seem to be missing is the one on the beach near the shipwreck.


Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106902
10/06/04 12:54 AM
10/06/04 12:54 AM
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Hi again,
Slight spoilers ahead if you haven't got to Serenia
I have opened the first door to the workshop and am playing with the marbles. I suspect there are some other things I need to do.
I was told the protectors would see me after they had finished praying. They have been sitting there doing nothing for what seems ages now. I can't interact with them in any way.
I have been inside the big white flower and there are 4 totems. Touching them gives me a memory. There seem to be 4, repeating randomly.
Upstairs, I can lie down on a stone slab, but do nothing. Inside the flower itself, I get a closeup and thats all.
Other than those two places (the flower and the prayer room), there seems to be nothing else to do (at least that I know of)
Can someone give me a nudge please (my hint system is bugged and you can't read most of the text). I assume I must be able to speak with the Protectors somehow.

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Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106903
10/06/04 12:59 AM
10/06/04 12:59 AM
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Finally got him in the trap and was able to get the white manpree to throw him with berries, and down he went..after 20 or so tries, got the white manpree to throw him with berries but he didn't go down, so kept on trying until he went down..

Moving on..I am at serenia, been to the memory chamber, placed my hands on the faces...What to do next, have to explore some more..

Thanks rain2, for the push..


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Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106905
10/06/04 05:59 AM
10/06/04 05:59 AM
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Well I have dreamed about as much as I can take.
Is there a strategy for the dream puzzle?

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Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106906
10/06/04 10:21 AM
10/06/04 10:21 AM
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Serenia is a very cool age. I found that various prtectors would speak to me in different places as I left and came back numerous times. For me, the protectors in the chamber didn't awaken until after I closed the last water gate down by the workshop.

Dreamworld strategy: SPOILERS!!!

If you click on the colored floating dots you will notice a pattern to the color changes. All colors change in the same order! I can't remember what the order is, but for fun let's say its Red, Purple, Blue, Cyan, Green, Yellow, White (I KNOW that the last two colors are Green and Yellow). So any time you see a yellow dot, ONE click will turn it white every time! Green dot; TWO clicks turn it white. You have to get all of the colors White "to achieve unity". The only problem is you cannot go back and forth between only two colors... must use three in a triangle as a mimimun, or it will not change the colors. It is hard because you cannot see beyond a limited field of view so you can't see where any remaining colored dots are!! But, rest assured... when you get the LAST dot to turn white, the dream speaker will immediately tell you that you've succeeded. If he doesn't speak to you, it means that there is AT LEAST one colored dot remaining that needs to change to white. This means that you'll have to make your way left and right and up and down turning dots that are already white back to colored so you can travel around. Know what I mean?

Good luck,


Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106907
10/06/04 12:03 PM
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Demos: Thanks for the help. I'll study the monkeys/Mangree calls a little closer. Interestingly though is that I came across a mangree lying on the pathway in some sort of pain. Another mangree flipped what looked to be an apple onto the path. I was able to roll this fruit closer to the animal. But it just laid there whithering in pain. I left but when I came back the animal was gone and a bite had been taken from the fruit. I'm not sure what this was all about or if indeed it has anything do with anything at all. Its just that this was so unexpected. I could never get that close to any of the other denizens. They simple would turn tail.

Your 5th totem is in the ship area.

Regarding the journal, I guess I should have read it a little more closer. But I used the amulet to have the actor read it. And although I followed the text I was really absorbed in his dramatic oration. It was really quite something.

Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106908
10/06/04 12:49 PM
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Demos and Dadguy:

Thanks again. I finally got rid of the monkeys from the totem:

Its 1) wheel 3 for 1.5 seconds (I think about 1/2 a turn); 2) wheel 1 for 0.5 seconds ( about an 1/8th); and finally wheel 3 again for 1.5 seconds.

Now I'm off to try the draw bridge.

Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106910
10/06/04 06:12 PM
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TY dadguy, but I found out that I did not have the cables tuned correctly....I wasn't counting the 1st notch as one...once that was done then I could see the crystals vibrating...I was really beginning to pull my hair out!.....anyway, I am off across the stepping stones...stand by, I will need ya again I am sure....
tks again

Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106911
10/06/04 06:44 PM
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Hi all, have been following your posts on Myst IV and have (I think) completed the first phase of the game. I would very much appreciate it if someone could tell me if I have done everything before I go down the fireplace, etc.

Did the crystals and talked to "THE MAN". Got full power, did the fireplace, saw the two books, did the bookcase puzzle, set in the telescope seat (am I supposed to do something there?) I might have goofed because I freed the fireflys. Would be nice if could get a list of all things to do in this area. Thanks

Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106912
10/06/04 08:28 PM
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I am at Haven and explored the little I could. Went to area to left of cell place and can't go any further. Can't get out to shipwreck. Help! Thanks in advance. duh

Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106913
10/06/04 10:00 PM
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Jeepers, I couldn't even begin to give you a list of things in this section of the game, but one thing you didn't mention--did you find Yeesha's diary? It's in her room.

Did you also find her necklace, and are you clicking on it every time it lights up?

Don't worry about going down the fireplace though--you can always go back to these areas at any time...

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Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106914
10/06/04 10:57 PM
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Hi Jenny - yes I did find Yeesha's diary and also the necklace and have clicked on it every time it lights up. But on Haven just outside the wrecked jail cell is all I'm able to go. Clicked on crab and moved stone and used necklace on shiny object there. That's all I can do here. What else should I be able to do here? Appreciate any help. duh woozy

Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106915
10/06/04 11:02 PM
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The one side is a dead end (until the very end of the age...this is where you end up). I can't explain why you are having trouble going the other way. There IS a path. I started at the shipwreck.

Hope you find the path.


Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106916
10/06/04 11:15 PM
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GeeGee, I'm doing this from memory, but:

Assume the entrance to Haven is to the South.

Directly to the North by about 2 screens is a dead end with some rocks and a crab-like thing. There's also a crystal here.

In between those two areas (South of the dead end by one screen) is a short path heading East, dead-ending in some water. Finally, to the Northeast of this same spot, there's a tunnel lodged in the cliff face. You need to head through the tunnel.

Well, that's more or less how it works. luck

Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106918
10/07/04 07:47 AM
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Those darned monkeys. I can't get the hang of the monkey & mean beast & pit puzzle... I think I must be missing a sound pattern or two.

I've got one for the front right monkey - but all he wants to do is sleep.

The middle monkey looks out, then goes away again, and any other monkeys are silent.

Whilst the beast stays fixed at the foot of the front right nest.



Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106919
10/07/04 08:39 AM
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gremlin, this is a tough one...It took me about 20 tries to get this one right..

each monkey has a sound pattern, which actually is their names...

There are clues around the hut for each monkey calling, some are well hidden, so make sure you look at everything, and touch everything..

One of these monkeys have to be in the proper nest, and when you do find the sound patterns for each monkey you have to be fast...

I give a hint, the proper monkey has to be in the leftmost nest, that is where the berries are at so he can throw it to the camoudile when he falls in the pit..

Once you got the pattern for each monkey, you have to call out the monkeys, so they could leave their nest to the nest next to them(they will run across the rope to the next empty nest and the camoudile could chase it back and forth until he falls in the pit, once he is in the pit, you have call the monkey(his pattern) to come out and throw him with the berries while his is in the pit..The pit has that plant that paralizes the camoudile not for long, so you have to be quick in calling the monkey in the leftmost nest to throw him with the berries..

If you want to know which monkey is needed to be the leftmost nest..Let me know..

Hopes this helps a bit..

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