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Re: Mag Help!-80 days(new request) #110486
01/13/06 10:58 AM
01/13/06 10:58 AM
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Do you think turning off shadows would help with this sort of problem?

Re: Mag Help!-80 days(new request) #110487
01/13/06 11:24 AM
01/13/06 11:24 AM
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Try but the best bet is to post at Glitches - they might know all what those doodads do at Options menu. smile

Re: Mag Help!-80 days(new request) #110488
01/13/06 12:04 PM
01/13/06 12:04 PM
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Looks like I have the same bug that sinotek had.After thinking about it,I would appreciate a saved game after this point.I may as well finish it since I went this far.Are the saves the jpegs I saw in one folder or are those just the picture of the save?

Re: Mag Help!-80 days(new request) #110489
01/13/06 12:23 PM
01/13/06 12:23 PM
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I sent you the last 2 saved games. Yes, the saved games are in jpegs and found at C:\Program Files\Trisynergy\Frogwares\80 Days\game.
They are arranged by dates so these will be at the beginning of the scroll load. luck

Re: Mag Help!-80 days(new request) #110491
01/21/06 01:44 PM
01/21/06 01:44 PM
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hello Mag I managed to do the majority of this wonderful game without help, I only ask when I really cant figure things out or Im really at a dead end! Ive managed to do alot on my own and when I needed help you were always there Mag, but now Im really stuck Ive been running/walking to meet the GPAK Im in Bombay, I can find 2 near the Bollywood arches but just cant seem to find the other 2 Please help me where exactly did you find them??? I cant seem to use this mini-map actually Ive done things without it! so Please Help Me so I can keep going I just Love this incrediable game its GREAT!

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Re: Mag Help!-80 days(new request) #110495
01/25/06 10:29 PM
01/25/06 10:29 PM
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If you still need help:
1. Go left of hotel and right after the building with elephant towards Bollywood - see the GPAK member hidden in front of entrance - to the right.
2. Go back to hotel and go forward pass the hotel. Turn right at next intersection where the policeman is standing. Go forward, cross the bridge and a see the GPAK member before the arch and the station.
3. Go back, turn around and cross the bridge again. Turn left where another policeman is tanding. To the left of policeman is a door and left of that is another GPAK member.
4. Turn left and continue pass the arch and see another policeman at the corner. Go pass him and enter the entrnace to be inside the elephant square. Left of entrance is another GPAK member. He is standing left of the wooden bridge to the forest. luck

Re: Mag Help!-80 days(new request) #110498
01/28/06 07:45 PM
01/28/06 07:45 PM
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Hello Mag Im back smile yes it is a fun Game smile
if You could just give me a nudge it would be great, eighter you or a gameboomer here who is up to Yokohama, If no one is up to this part I will be Patient and wait,
Im stuck at the; Find the seven Buddha, Ive found the one buy the house, I also found the one by the Red Bridge. Ive dropped the wood attached to the rope and also climbed the railing and slid with my hands with the rope towards the stone that Im suppose to stand, behind the buddahs back My problem is, that Im standing on the stone thats now pushed in, But Buddha does not Budge!
Ive re-tried and re-tried and kept re-loading the save, thinking I did something wrong but its just that Buddha does not turn so anyone when you come up to this part, Pretty Please, let me know how you did it? Mag I read your WT to the "T" and Im at a dead end right now! if you could Please Help me if you can, Thank You all. Im forever grateful that there is a gameboomer place to turn to smile

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Re: Mag Help!-80 days(new request) #110499
01/28/06 08:37 PM
01/28/06 08:37 PM
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Hi Leeana, that is a fun puzzle. If you dropped from the rope onto the backdrop to the Buddha and then walked over to the round area and stood on it--have you tried dropping to the ground and going on--Could the Buddha have moved a little but not turned all the way around? I know some of them did not do a complete flip? luck

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Re: Mag Help!-80 days(new request) #110502
01/29/06 01:58 PM
01/29/06 01:58 PM
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l4l Hello again I hate to be a bother but, Ive tried and tried again even started from a previous save and to no avail, please send me a save if possible thank-you smile

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Re: Mag Help!-80 days(new request) #110503
01/29/06 02:38 PM
01/29/06 02:38 PM
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Let's review since the next save point will make you miss another Buddha search.

You do the hand over hand on the stretched rope.
Look down and see a circle at the topmost part of the Buddha backdrop.
Drop down to land on the top of the backdrop, higher than the Buddha.
Then go to the circle - a position tweak is needed here - turn around, move forward, back a bit and the Buddha should turn.

Try that and I also send you Yokohama 6. luck

Re: Mag Help!-80 days(new request) #110505
01/29/06 04:22 PM
01/29/06 04:22 PM
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Keep us posted. wave

Re: Mag Help!-80 days(new request) #110506
01/29/06 05:14 PM
01/29/06 05:14 PM
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Mag Thank-You for the image picture of the Buddha but it was not a saved game it was a picture Im at the red wooden bridge to the right of the train station when looking at the computer and Ive re-done the previous save again your pic img looks different from the buddha Im doing though, If possible a saved game would be great right about now cause Im at my wits end smile

'Worry looks around, sorry looks back, Faith looks up.'
Re: Mag Help!-80 days(new request) #110507
01/29/06 05:31 PM
01/29/06 05:31 PM
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That picture IS the saved game - Yokohama 6. Download it and place it in the save folder of 80 Days. Then scroll the load of the game to look for it and play. Check the walkthrough and see where Yokohama 6 save is located for you to know what was skipped.

Re: Mag Help!-80 days(new request) #110509
01/30/06 08:03 PM
01/30/06 08:03 PM
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Leeana please don't feel stupid. How would you know if you didn't ask? I couldn't find the people selling flowers in Yokohama....... duh
I'm sorry you are having so many glitches. For the most part, the game is playing well for me. I think I am the biggest problem!

Sue wave

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Re: Mag Help!-80 days(new request) #110510
01/31/06 06:27 PM
01/31/06 06:27 PM
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Thank-You Texaslady I Love this game although it took awhile for me to get used to the manuvering like the bike with the scurry on top I just couldnt get used to that so I ran/walked to the tailor I still love this game Im sorry it took this long to answer I just got out of work will try to replay on Saturday and I will double click or look for the picture that Mag sent me and look into my files then but for the most part This was the first glitch that Ive encountered all in all its worth all the effort you put into Gamebooming smile Thanks again smile

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Re: Mag Help!-80 days(new request) #110513
01/31/06 06:39 PM
01/31/06 06:39 PM
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Hi Leeana. I haven't had any glitches with this game....other than the brain[my own problems] glitches. I have walked/run to all places so far. I'm just letting him sleep in the streets. That's pathetic but he's slept halfway up a ladder. Guess Oliver doesn't mind either.

Sue wave

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Re: Mag Help!-80 days(new request) #110523
02/05/06 02:10 AM
02/05/06 02:10 AM
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I had the same problem and managed to get past it by changing the game resolution (in the game setup) to the absolute lowest (I think it was 640 x Something) resolution. This allowed me to see the whole puzzle. I also lowered all of my options (shadows, anti-aliasing, etc.) just for good measure and to speedup lag time in response. After the puzzle is finished you can go back to the higher resolution if desired. Hope this helps. If you need the specific resolution reply and I'll go get it.

If you wouldn't mind, could you also please send me the same saved games (I am dexteriy challenged and don't have enough time earned to get enough wood into the fire to see the endgame)?

Thank you,

Love well and live as if tomorrow wasn't another day.
Re: Mag Help!-80 days(new request) #110524
02/05/06 09:54 AM
02/05/06 09:54 AM
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I would love to, pd BUT there are no saved available at the endgame. You have to go through the wood-furnace puzzle.

My strategy were:
- after getting the axe - get the wood as I turned to go to the furnace.
- Place the take planks on furnace.
- turn and get the nearest planks - place in furnace.
- accumulate more seconds by clearing the wood around the furnace and then go to get the farther ones. luck

If I can do it (I'm a mess on this type of puzzle) - you can do it. Took me ~6 tries.

Re: Mag Help!-80 days(new request) #110526
02/05/06 10:42 AM
02/05/06 10:42 AM
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Ok, you all are going to think Im some kind of illiterate person which in a way Im!I wish I knew how to manuver this computer like you but I dont know how you see, I love to play games, dont get me wrong... BUt I downloaded Mags pic I download it went to files and thats where the download is BUt>>>> when I downloaded the pic I went to play the game nothing showed up PLUs its not downloading anything its just a pic I use the pic download at the bottom of your letter Mag but it does go into my files AS a PIc Only ???I dont understand it? sorry Mag its just that well I guess I just cant "Get it" cry

pd ... where do I find the resolutions? etc. could you please guide me step by step maybe thats a quicker way through this part of the game for me smile I would really appreciate that I really feel "That-Dumb" right know you see there is no one here to help me and I would really love to keep going with this game smile Please help me smile

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Re: Mag Help!-80 days(new request) #110527
02/05/06 10:51 AM
02/05/06 10:51 AM
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Leeana, don't cry.

Let's see:
Open your My Computer.
Open your C drive.
Open your Program Files folder.
Open your Trisynergy folder.
Open the Frogwares folder.
Open the 80 Days folder.
Open the game folder. You will see a lot of pictures.

Now back to the sent saved game picture. Download that to desktop.
Click-hold drop that file to the open game folder to join the other pictures.

Close all folders.
Load the game as usual.
Scroll to the beginning of the load picture using the left green dot.
The saved game might be at the very beginning since the saved games are loaded by dates.

Re: Mag Help!-80 days(new request) #110529
02/05/06 12:46 PM
02/05/06 12:46 PM
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The resolution fix will only help resolve a problem with viewing the whole puzzle (of one of the last three puzzles) for lowering the left side of the sloop. Some people can only see 6 of the 9 tiles of the right pattern where they don't know what color 3 of them are so they can't finish the puzzle. If this is what you need to do here is a step by step fix:

1. Pull up the menu and select "Options"
2. Go to resolution and select "1024 X 768" (my earlier message suggested 640 x ? which is going the wrong way...MY BAD - my dislexic brain goofed on that one. Sorry!)
3. For good measure (and because the higher resolution draws harder on your resources) I also shut down several options such as anti-aliasing, shadows, and lowered my graphics & texture to the lowest setting. This really helped some of the slow lag time problems.
4. Once the settings are set, hit the "accept" button.
5. Then hit the back button and then resume your game.

After you have completed this puzzle you can restore your prior settings and continue as before.

Hope this helps!

Thanks for the advice...I thought that each player would have earned extra time at the end based on how well and quickly they had played up to the end because my time is SO short at the end I can barely get back to the furnace with one load before I'm deemed a bad nephew (which I must say is a new one on "bad" at anything else I'll grant them, but it'll take some "work" before I'm a nephew). I'm gonna give it another shot...hmm, I wonder if I leave the settings as is after my left sloop puzzle through the end & shut down my subtitles to boot if that might speed up my response time. I'll let you know how it goes.


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Re: Mag Help!-80 days(new request) #110531
02/06/06 01:11 PM
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I played through a part from a save for someone--in order to get that save to show in my load screen, I had to create a temporary folder and move my other saves out, leaving just the one I wanted--

I don't know that will work, but it did for me-- luck

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Re: Mag Help!-80 days(new request) #110532
02/06/06 02:10 PM
02/06/06 02:10 PM
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Don't give up. It should be the very first in the load screens. Use the green button on the left of the pictures to scroll to the beginning. This Yokohama will be separated from the others if the saved game is placed in the correct folder. luck

Re: Mag Help!-80 days(new request) #110534
02/08/06 09:13 AM
02/08/06 09:13 AM
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ok Ive tried and tried and tried its useless there is no way that this game will let that big buddah by the red bridge turn around Ive even changed (1024x768)my resolutions, but to no avail there is only 2 things I could possibly do eighter
1)I can sit around to see if im the only one this game is doing this to Or...
2) just exit the game and wait for Keepsake to come out and I would preferr the first Idea so anyone out there with any Ideas please help I hate to keep annoying Mag I feel so bad that Mag has to put up with a ditz like me....
rolleyes help

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Re: Mag Help!-80 days(new request) #110535
02/08/06 09:32 AM
02/08/06 09:32 AM
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Leeana the big Buddha by the red bridge doesn't turn around. You need to climb up on the bridge railing and get on the rope and hand over hand[using the rope] go to the big stone behind him. The button you need to push for this one is at the very top of the stone.


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