Check this out guys!
... or... well... actually... you
can't check it out... because I just did...
SO... Check out what I just checked out!
Ain't the public library great? I was looking for
Five Boys by Mike Jackson...
but I came across
Jane Jensen's Millenium Rising!
It's a massive book... and... it seems a little heavy on the religiousity for my tastes... but... I'm gonna try it (why not... it's free!).
It says in the author bio-blurb that Jane Jensen is struggling to deal with her childhood as the daughter of a fundamentalist minister.
I can see that...
Anyhow... at least there's no game to worry about. I'm still figuring out about the book, tape, game thing for The Dig... and watching the thread on that topic. I'm waiting to see what my friend thought of The Dig novel. I think she's done it by now.
IN anycase... I'm off to search for GB threads on Jane Jensen novels that
don't have games.
HEY! Know any other novels by game developers, which [i]aren't[i] related to games!