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Re: What game took you the longest to finish? #114372
09/15/03 08:59 PM
09/15/03 08:59 PM
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You guys are horrible! Having helped write Olga's WT for Dahlia, and her and Janet Blackburn's WT for Lighthouse, I think playing a game over and over again to make sure you get the solutions right is the most tedious thing there is.

The longest game I ever played solo was Rhea.

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Re: What game took you the longest to finish? #114373
09/15/03 10:07 PM
09/15/03 10:07 PM
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Re: What game took you the longest to finish? #114374
09/15/03 10:47 PM
09/15/03 10:47 PM
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I worked on Shivers on and off for over 3 months. Of course 2 1/2 months were spent trying to crack the Chinese Checker Puzzle. (Which I never did. Finally gave up and checked a WT.)

Re: What game took you the longest to finish? #114375
09/16/03 10:48 AM
09/16/03 10:48 AM
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Diablo II took me months as I got to higher and higher levels. Especially after I added the expansion set.

Lone Wolf

Re: What game took you the longest to finish? #114376
09/16/03 05:06 PM
09/16/03 05:06 PM
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I come to think of three games,
Black Dahlia
Pandoras Directive (this one not for tough puzzles but for a really long game)

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Re: What game took you the longest to finish? #114377
09/16/03 09:28 PM
09/16/03 09:28 PM
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Toss up between TLJ & GK2, but two of my favorite games because of it. thumbsup I hate those short games! You just start getting into it and then it's over!

Reading "The Deed Of Paksenarrion" by Elizabeth Moon.
Re: What game took you the longest to finish? #114378
09/16/03 11:59 PM
09/16/03 11:59 PM
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I use Walkthroughs ..... sorry, but even then you have to use your intelligence plus I have no patience. Black Dahlia was my (so far) most difficult ....... second was TOS I think ...... Omega stone was EASY and I was quite disappointed because if that :

Anyway I still feel the excitement and anticipation about a new game but I give up easily (MOTM) Ihave some Nancy Drews still here ........ maybe I should actually INVESTIGATE? You don't die in those ....

Re: What game took you the longest to finish? #114379
09/17/03 12:38 AM
09/17/03 12:38 AM
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Yes you do. But you have the "second chance" option to restore you to life.
Sometimes it turns out to be more of a "15th chance" option.

Re: What game took you the longest to finish? #114380
09/17/03 08:26 AM
09/17/03 08:26 AM
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I vote for The Omega Stone as well. I kept getting bored with it and playing other games , so it took me about 2 months to actually trudge to the end of it.

Re: What game took you the longest to finish? #114381
09/17/03 09:14 AM
09/17/03 09:14 AM
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In a number 9,
It was the second game i ever played.The first was Myst.9 last resort was so different i was lost on the masks puzzle in the second room.
I don't know how long it took but my son was in kinder garden when i started and i remember finishing the horrible organ puzzle around his High school graduation. ron.etti....ha ha

Re: What game took you the longest to finish? #114382
09/17/03 10:39 AM
09/17/03 10:39 AM
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LOL! I'm still trying to play Jekyll & Hyde. I hate action games....I have absolutely no coordination!

and haven't finished The Time Machine either.

so I gues there are the longest...been about 4 or 5 months for each of them.

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Re: What game took you the longest to finish? #114383
09/17/03 05:25 PM
09/17/03 05:25 PM
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My game that took the longest time to finsh was the second game I bought Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.I first started it in Nov 89 and finally finshed it in Feb 92,about 3 years and 3 months.I had a lot of problems getting thru the airport and airblimp scenes

Re: What game took you the longest to finish? #114384
09/17/03 07:50 PM
09/17/03 07:50 PM
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i started KQ7 when it first came out (1994?) it was very slow on my mac and i was annoyed by the gameplay. bought a PC copy last winter and finished it in april of this year!


Re: What game took you the longest to finish? #114385
09/18/03 04:11 AM
09/18/03 04:11 AM
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It is a little hard to say since I have, except for some of the earliest games, a day started and the day finished recorded, but I do not know how many hours actual playing time that involved. I have a "rule of thumb" that it will take an average of a bit less than a month/game. This works out fairly well. I have been playing 5 years and have played 56 games, so that is closer to 11/yr. However, with experience I am speeding up a bit. Of course, that is an average. I recently played ROAD TO INDIA in a single day. That's the fastest that I have ever played a game. I have taken as long as 3 months to finish a game. SANITARIUM took me 4 months, but a good bit of the delay was that I couldn't get through the "cabbage patch" because of a bug in the game. When I got a patch to cover that, it began to move along.

I am sure that the game that took me the longest in actual hours of play is BLACK DAHLIA. It also happens to be #1 on my list of favorites. Part of the reason I spend more time getting through games than most players (aside from the fact that I am not as sharp as many of our "hot shots"), is that it is my practice to forego walkthroughs and to write extensive notes in a game journal devoted to the game. I also will, when I think it worthwhile, type up my notes. BLACK DAHLIA has the record - 189 pages of typewritten journal notes, not counting the numerous HyperSnap pics that I took. Ah, but I can "replay" a game simply reading its game journal. But on the rare occasion that I actually do replay a game for real, I leave that game journal in its binder in the file cabinet and play "afresh." However, I only take the minimum notes in that case. If I find, after finishing the game, that I have approached it differently enough or find interesting things that I missed when I first played it, I will then augment my earlier notes.

I have so many games "on the shelf" yet to be played and, despite dire announcements about the "death" of Adventure games, there seems to be a good many still coming out, I figure I am set for many years to come. laugh thumbsup

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Re: What game took you the longest to finish? #114386
09/20/03 11:51 PM
09/20/03 11:51 PM
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Riven, before I knew about walkthroughs or hint boards. I struggled with that game for almost two months before I finally finished.

Re: What game took you the longest to finish? #114387
09/21/03 03:45 PM
09/21/03 03:45 PM
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Black Dahlia

It's nice to be important but it is much more important to be nice.
Re: What game took you the longest to finish? #114388
09/22/03 11:03 PM
09/22/03 11:03 PM
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Arthurs Knights 1. Took me an entire summer. About as long as it took the main character to ride his horse from one location to another!! Good game though.

Re: What game took you the longest to finish? #114389
09/23/03 05:32 PM
09/23/03 05:32 PM
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OK, I know I did say Reah. Not only because of the total number of puzzles, but also because of their difficulty. The three endgame puzzles probably could not be solved by mere mortals without a WT.

That said, Black Dahlia does rank up there. While our process was to save a game, solve a puzzle, restore the game, see if the solution could be duplicated, write the sequence for a WT, and move on to the next puzzle.....which takes a lot of time....a straight play of the game would still have taken a loooong time. So it would rank up there with Reah, although I never had a chance to time it from start to finish.

There are a few others that probably deserve honorable mention.

Dark Side of the Moon

I never finished TLJ because of technical difficulties, but I imagine that it would have taken some time based on how long it took me to get to the point where the game became unplayable.


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Re: What game took you the longest to finish? #114390
09/24/03 09:08 AM
09/24/03 09:08 AM
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Quiet Week-End in Capri took me a month to play (playing nothing else at the time) and Black Dahlia took me about a year and a half to get through eek (while playing other games too).


"Halfway through life's journey I came to myself in a dark wood, where the straight way was lost."--Dante's Divine Comedy
Re: What game took you the longest to finish? #114391
09/27/03 09:27 PM
09/27/03 09:27 PM
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I think it had to be Titanic. I had only started doing cd rom games and because I enjoy doing anything with the Titanic (movies, National Geographic, etc.), I just enjoyed looking at the graphics and wandering around the ship. I wish there was another one similar to it, like a Part II.


Re: What game took you the longest to finish? #114392
09/27/03 11:18 PM
09/27/03 11:18 PM
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Definitely Outcast...I installed it about a year ago, and just finished it last month.

There was a 2 month gap between my first and second playing sessions, and again between my second and third playing sessions. After that I started playing more frequently, but progress was slow as I refused to use God mode.

Around April I started getting into it, but as I only played it after my wife went to bed, I wasn't playing more than once or twice a week. Got close to finishing it at the end of June, but was gone for most of July and August, so I didn't get to finishing it until the end of August.

Great game though.

Re: What game took you the longest to finish? #114393
09/27/03 11:39 PM
09/27/03 11:39 PM
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Ahhh Outcast what a great game. Took quite a while for us too. We played half way - ran into some weird glitch. Stopped - then started it up with the right fix. Played without cheats also.

Had one of the best endings. Sigh.

Re: What game took you the longest to finish? #114394
09/27/03 11:55 PM
09/27/03 11:55 PM
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Definitely Riven. I stopped in the middle, walked away for 6 months, came back and finished it over the course of about 3 weeks. Or thereabouts.

TLJ also comes in pretty high here. I actually played through straight to the end, but it still took me a couple of weeks of playing it a few hours a day. Every time I expected it would end, it just kept going happydance

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