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"Throw it out the WIndow" games #115726
10/05/03 11:48 PM
10/05/03 11:48 PM
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Jenny100 Offline OP
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Which games made you want to throw them out the window?

How many of these "throw it out the window" games were worth playing anyway, despite moments of extreme frustration?
Here's my list of games that aggravated me, but which I still thought were worth playing:

Reah - when I saw that awful "Tower of Hanoi" puzzle and knew what I was in for.

Schizm - especially after losing the bridge puzzle a few times. But it was a beautiful game.

Watchmaker - Interesting because of the attempt to combine 3D with mouse. Unfortunately mouse control didn't work well for movement in most areas. And that awful Pendulum sequence certainly qualified it for a good heave over the back fence.

Broken Sword - whenever George did his smartmouthing and cut off a line of conversation I wanted to pursue... There was also a certain timed sequence I had particular trouble with...
Great story and locations though.

Atlantis Lost Tales - The inn sequence... the boar...
But it had wonderful graphics, especially for a game its age.

GK1 - mummy sequence... ARrrrggghhh!!!
And here's my list of "throw it out the window" games that weren't good for anything else:

Heart of Darkness - On my best try, I got about 4 screens into it before being returned to the beginning. What a clickfest! And you can't save your progress without exiting the game to back up your save.

Adventure at Chateau D'Or - Picky quiz questions involving regurgitation of exact phrases and rote memorization rather than observation, thought, or comprehension... about 2 seconds in a timed sequence allotted to read the notes that explained what little story there was...

Re: "Throw it out the WIndow" games #115727
10/06/03 12:01 AM
10/06/03 12:01 AM
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Contains spoilers!!

Worth it but I never did get past it even with a walkthrough:
GK1--The mummy at the end. And it's still one of my favorite games even though I've never been able to get past the mummy.

Inherent Evil -- The maze. I've read the walkthrough and I still can't get past it. It's frustrating that you can't save in the middle of each chapter. But the atmosphere is so wonderful, it's worth playing and keeping.

Not worth it though I got past the hurdle:
Thorgal's Quest--I was killed over and over on that walkway that is electrified that leads to a door. The lights would light in sequence and to the beat of the music, and I figured out the sequence, but somehow I would make him step too far. Right at the doorway was the most dangerous part and I figured out that he would get a life of his own even when he was safe and start walking toward the electrified portion, so I had to keep clicking the door to get him to walk toward it.

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Re: "Throw it out the WIndow" games #115728
10/06/03 12:37 AM
10/06/03 12:37 AM
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Definitely Schizm!!

Re: "Throw it out the WIndow" games #115729
10/06/03 08:16 AM
10/06/03 08:16 AM
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Having just finished Thief I, I must say that the most frustrating and confusing challenge in the whole difficult and huge game was at the very end-the upside-down waterfall and rivers that you had to get thru before your air ran out. there was a place where you could get some air, but it was SO hard to find-tried over and over before I finally got it.
Would have thrown it out the window if at beginning of game, but I was so close to the end I refused to give up
Consulted 2 different WTs and even they were confusing.
But in spite of this, it's one of the best games I've played so far.

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Re: "Throw it out the WIndow" games #115730
10/06/03 08:26 AM
10/06/03 08:26 AM
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For me it was Shivers II. I loved Shivers (I) but the puzzles in II did me in (anything that even resembles a slider... mad ). I liked the look and idea of the game, but couldn't (I guess I should say haven't yet) finished it.

Dawn B.
Re: "Throw it out the WIndow" games #115731
10/06/03 09:10 AM
10/06/03 09:10 AM
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Adventure at Chateau D'Or - Picky quiz questions involving regurgitation of exact phrases and rote memorization rather than observation, thought, or comprehension... about 2 seconds in a timed sequence allotted to read the notes that explained what little story there was...
I couldn't have said it better Jenny. wink

The end puzzles in Reah were toughies but I really enjoyed the game.


Re: "Throw it out the WIndow" games #115732
10/06/03 12:01 PM
10/06/03 12:01 PM
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Thrown out the window into the deep deep abyss....

I'm sorry to say Return to Monkey Island, while it was fun and entertaining, the progess and triggers didn't make much sense, I found I never understood how to use some of the odd items in the inventory. The bizarre imaginitive plot was great, but I couldn't reveal it myself and had to consult a walkthrough to understand.

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Re: "Throw it out the WIndow" games #115734
10/06/03 04:14 PM
10/06/03 04:14 PM
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For me it was Schizm. Perhaps I missed the intelligence for this game. It is lying on my shelf now, until I get enough courage to finish it, allthough I had gone really far.

Re: "Throw it out the WIndow" games #115735
10/06/03 05:03 PM
10/06/03 05:03 PM
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For me it was Shivers 2.

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Re: "Throw it out the WIndow" games #115736
10/06/03 05:55 PM
10/06/03 05:55 PM
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I have to agree about Shivers 2. I forgot about that one. I loved the atmosphere, but I never did finish the game because most of the puzzles are the kind I really dislike. Then there is that cave that you have to learn to navigate to get the sticks and everything before you are killed. Every time I thought I had that cave figured out, I would get lost in it and die. It's a real shame, too, because I would have loved an adventure game with those characters and that location that didn't only have the puzzles. I even enjoyed the music videos!

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Re: "Throw it out the WIndow" games #115737
10/06/03 06:38 PM
10/06/03 06:38 PM
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I agree Shivers II was a pain in the *** and I was so looking forward to it because Shivers was my first Adventure game and I was expecting a similar game and it was a real disappointment. Its still laying out there on the ground outside my window.


Re: "Throw it out the WIndow" games #115738
10/06/03 09:56 PM
10/06/03 09:56 PM
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Jenny100 Offline OP
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Category 1 (games worth playing anyway):

I forgot to mention Loch Ness earlier. I enjoyed most of the game, but that timed underwater maze part stunk big time.

Category 2 (games that totally weren't worth the aggravation):

I also got mad at Shivers 2 - not because of the puzzles, but when I realized I'd wasted a whole day roaming around aimlessly and listening to those godawful videos thinking one of them was the trigger for the ghost appearing, when in fact she didn't appear due to a game bug.

Re: "Throw it out the WIndow" games #115739
10/07/03 06:12 PM
10/07/03 06:12 PM
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I happened to really like Shivers2, although I will admit that the final puzzle was one of the worst designed I've ever run across.

Some of the other puzzles were quite complex. Enough so that Sierra gave you a password out of them. Of course you got no points, nor learned how the puzzle was solved.

The cave was simply a case of advance planning. First, waste a few saved games mapping the interior. Second, in case you mapped wrong, save before entering cave. If time runs out, restore and go back.

I also love Rhea. The variety of the puzzles was truly exciting. Although, again, the final three endgame puzzles were a nightmare. One I would never have solved with out a walkthrough.

I'm not really sure what the subject of the thread means. Does it mean that you ran up against a puzzle that was soooooo difficult that you wanted to chuck the game? Or does it mean you you ran up against a game that was so incredibly awful that you wanted to chuck it as catharsis?

In the former, there is a 3D maze in SQ6 that one of the developers, Josh Mandel, told me was impossible to solve other than by endless trial and error. Without a WT, I would have tossed the game at that point in a heartbeat.

My flying frisbie award goes to Qin. A history lesson masquerading as a game coming up short on both. An honorable mention goes to Frankenstein, starring Tim Curry.


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Re: "Throw it out the WIndow" games #115740
10/07/03 06:17 PM
10/07/03 06:17 PM
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Let me add one more to the Frisbie list. Dark Side of the Moon.

Great game, but CD swapping was soooo anoying, I was ready to toss it at regular intervals.


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Re: "Throw it out the WIndow" games #115741
10/07/03 09:59 PM
10/07/03 09:59 PM
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I agree with rtrooney that the puzzle at the end of Shivers II was horrible!
Another game I had been enjoying until the end, where an urge to throw it someplace very hard came over me was RAMA.
After having read the novels I liked exploring the world of RAMA until I reached the end and had to disarm the bomb. It drove me nuts and I finally quit without finishing it.


Re: "Throw it out the WIndow" games #115742
10/07/03 10:34 PM
10/07/03 10:34 PM
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Jenny100 Offline OP
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Originally posted by rtrooney:

I'm not really sure what the subject of the thread means. Does it mean that you ran up against a puzzle that was soooooo difficult that you wanted to chuck the game? Or does it mean you you ran up against a game that was so incredibly awful that you wanted to chuck it as catharsis?
It's both. Some games are mostly fun, but for some ridiculous reason have puzzles or "challenges" that are so stupid and aggravating you want to heave them out the window.

And other games are just plain aggravating without having anything much to recommend them. The only reason you'd continue with them is that you think they might get better... only sometimes they get worse instead.

But they all made you want to chuck them out the window at least once.

Re: "Throw it out the WIndow" games #115743
10/08/03 12:20 AM
10/08/03 12:20 AM
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I still remember getting frustrated with Monkey Kombat in Escape from Monkey Island. But because I loved the previous games so much I stuck with it but if the Kombat part had been near the start of the game I'm quite sure I would have chucked it.

All most all of the puzzles in 9 would make one want to toss this game.

When I first started playing Blue Ice I wanted to throw it out window but I persevered and now it is one of my all time favourites. But I'm betting there are more than a few people that think it was a waste of time.

Re: "Throw it out the WIndow" games #115744
10/08/03 03:03 PM
10/08/03 03:03 PM
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The Middle of the Sonoran Dese...
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Crystal Key! It kept crashing, the graphics were terrible in some spots and I hated the ending.

Followed closely by Jerusalem. I spent a good deal of time whining here about it.

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Re: "Throw it out the WIndow" games #115745
10/08/03 04:16 PM
10/08/03 04:16 PM
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Well, I touched on this issue in another thread, but even so:

King's Quest 7. Probably the only adventure game I ever anxiously awaited. Then it finally gets released, I plop it into my cd drive, start it up....

Oh man, so many bugs. And every single one crashed the computer in ways that were NOT pretty. Then there was the stuttering audio, and who knows what else by now, since I've certainly forgotten half of what happened.

And on top of all that, it just wasn't all that great a game. I loved the animated cutscenes, but the story was actually worse than most KQ games (not that storylines were ever KQ's strong point), the environments flat, the puzzles pretty boring....and there just wasn't enough character interaction.

Though maybe I was being unfair in my appraisal, just because King's Quest 6 was so much better. Even with all the problems, the game had its interesting, even rewarding moments, and I did eventually finish it....after uninstalling OS/2, installing Windows 95, installing some patches and actually getting the game to stop crashing more than once every few hours.... whistle

Re: "Throw it out the WIndow" games #115746
10/09/03 06:16 PM
10/09/03 06:16 PM
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Once I managed to get past the initial history puzzle in the ADVENTURE AT THE CHATEAU D’OR, there were a couple of puzzles that were fun, but I do believe it is at the bottom of my list for overall poor quality. The acting was so bad that I really felt like leaving her in that bubble prison at the end.

I loved OBSIDIAN, except for that rabafratzen slider puzzle at the end. (I can still hear those clicks and beeps in my head!) Luckily, I knew enough to save it BEFORE I hit the red switch, so I was able to view both endings. I also think that OBSIDIAN was one of the most unique games I've ever played. As I was walking around on what moments before was the ceiling, Paul Simon's song "One Man's Ceiling Is Another Man's Floor" kept going through my head, smile

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Re: "Throw it out the WIndow" games #115747
10/09/03 06:32 PM
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I hated Drascula.

Re: "Throw it out the WIndow" games #115748
10/09/03 09:17 PM
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For me it was Tony Tough. The more I played, the more I wanted to strangle the little guy. I hated his voice so much and I thought his comments on everything were so assinine and a lot of drivel.

The other game I disliked was The Adventure at the Chateau d'Or. Felt like exam time to me.

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