Originally posted by granny:
And those two hulking flat buttons would what? be pulled towards you with your WHAT? while your fingers are on the 6 other buttons,
Oh no Granny. You're supposed to operate all the buttons on the top of the gamepad with your thumbs. You operate the two buttons on the front with your index fingers. The rest of your fingers hold the gamepad aloft.
Of course when I use a gamepad, I have to put it on the table or in my lap and operate those thumb buttons with my fingers because my thumbs are too clumsy.
It goes without saying that I have difficulties when a game uses the buttons on the front. So I just avoid those games.
I have an old Playstation and a Dreamcast, which came with gamepads. I'd like to get a mouse and keyboard for them.
plus the two joy pads(or whatever)
while also hanging onto the gadget (upside down??) for dear life
You're supposed to manage those with your thumbs too. Your thumbs have a lot of responsibility.