Adventure Boomers?
05/27/05 08:18 PM
05/27/05 08:18 PM
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I guess maybe I'm a rare breed. I'm 44 years old ( going on 12 ), because I love adventure games , but I also love games like Halo , Splinter cell , Grand Theft Auto and Silent Hill. Most of the people who read this have probably never heard of those games unless they happened to see a TV advertisement. I can remember the first time I ever played an adventure game. I was shopping through my local Sam's Club when I saw the game Myst on sale. The title and the picture on the box drew my attention, so I picked it up and examined it more closely and bought it out of curiosity. Well, after playing it I was hooked. It wasn't long after that I found myself in a computer game store looking for more adventures. That was about 8 years ago and I was 37 at the time. But getting back to my original point. Though I love adventure game , I also love a lot of other genres too. Am I a rare breed ? Are there others of you who love a good fight occasionally ? Are all adventure gamers over the age of 35 ? 
Re: Adventure Boomers?
05/27/05 09:51 PM
05/27/05 09:51 PM
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robert, no i don't think you are a rare breed. i love adventure games too but i also love rpgs and enjoy action adventures such as silent hill, outcast, etc and enjoy FPS games ( but not very good at them due to severe arthritis- need cheats to help me out but do try to go without as long as possible) i only do single player even though the fps games have such a big multiplayer component.
oh and i am older than you.
Re: Adventure Boomers?
05/28/05 12:39 AM
05/28/05 12:39 AM
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Hi Robert, I'm 55 and like the pure adventures. A little action is okay but nothing too repetiive. If it hurts, it's not fun.  Shooters & war games hold no interest for me. I work all day and don't want to do gymnastics at the pc by the time I finally get some time for me. I may try god mode on some RPG's soon, but that's the only way I could play them without hurting. So far, I'm very content with adventure games and in between, I play pc jigsaw puzzles, mahjong, spider solitare and other puzzle games. Melanie
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Re: Adventure Boomers?
05/28/05 02:21 AM
05/28/05 02:21 AM
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Grand wizard of high mucky muck
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You do come up with some intriguing questions, Robert! I'll be 49 this year, and I do enjoy many adventure games. To be honest though, nothing grabs me like a good RPG. Perhaps that stems from some of my earliest game playing being the Quest for Glory series, when I had no clue there were different genres.  But to me, there are a few RPGs that are adventure games, only longer and more immersive (and ok, with lots of fighting) - a few recent ones to come to mind are Sacred Plus, Heretic, and the golden grail of them all, Divine Divinity. There are lots of folks who claim themselves to be adventure only who slyly have tried DD, and found themselves firmly hooked with RPGs. A huge congratulations to everyone who tries another genre without dismissing it out of hand!  If you cast your eyes upon our RPG/other forum, you will see that there are new people every day trying them out. I also like a few strategy games like Ghost Master, Tropico Pirate, and the like, but don't play the genre much because it seems they last a lot longer than my attention span.
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Re: Adventure Boomers?
05/28/05 02:44 AM
05/28/05 02:44 AM
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Hi Robert I love allsorts of genres. My favourites are 3rd person point and click,but I also really enjoy all adventures,Action/Adventures, and puzzley games, and some shooters! I absolutely love Medal of Honour (AA) and DoD online. At one time (not so much now) I used to on both of those every night! (And I have to admit I was quite good at it) Basically I am a total game addict. As well as my PC I have every console around big and small and I love them all 
Re: Adventure Boomers?
05/28/05 07:42 AM
05/28/05 07:42 AM
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Hi Robert, I am 55 and I am going on 12 like you. My favorite genre is the FPS. I also like in order: Action/Adventure, Sim/Strategy(The Sims, RCT, etc), RTS, Adventure, Arcade/Platform, and last RPG. I do not like flying or driving games, Strategy war games or text adventures.
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Re: Adventure Boomers?
05/28/05 08:13 AM
05/28/05 08:13 AM
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Robert, I am 45 and my favorites are the first person, all alone, exploration games like Myst and Alida.
currently: Playing: SecondLife and Mystonline Reading: The Mote in God's Eye Listening to: Something (Peter Greenstone)
Re: Adventure Boomers?
05/28/05 08:30 AM
05/28/05 08:30 AM
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Hi Robert I am 52 and always considered myself a purely adventure game type...I didn't mind a little action as in Blade Runner...But my daughter plays Dark age of Camelot on-line and I have watched her, and became intrigued by it. So now I must confess...I am one of those 'sly' people that Nickie was talking about...I obtained a copy of Divine Divinity, to see what everyone was raving about...I loaded it up...and WOW!!! I just can't leave it alone...4.30am every morning, I have to force myself to stop playing and go to bed...I guess this is my initiation to the 'Dark Side' Sue 
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Re: Adventure Boomers?
05/28/05 08:34 AM
05/28/05 08:34 AM
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I "was" an adventure only gamer until about two and a half years ago when I decided those folks on the RPG forum were having waaaaay too much fun with those games they were playing. I asked which one would be a good starter for an RPG novice - The Quest for Glory Series was mentioned (which I had had for years and years but never tried). I played them all and have been hooked on RPGs ever since. I'm right now playing Gothic II and while my reflexes are still a bit shall we say "rusty" my cursing has improved by two hundred percent  I haven't tried too many FPS - not sure if Outcast counts or not but I played that and loved it (god mode since not only are my relfexes rusty but I am also a whimp) Oh and I'm 51 and female.
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Re: Adventure Boomers?
05/28/05 08:52 AM
05/28/05 08:52 AM
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I grew up playing card games and dominoes--dh and I played board games and card games---watched the kids play Sega but never had time--and finally when the kids were all gone had watched my PS2 son play enough to think it might be fun--so bought a console---talked enough with my sister who is an adventure gamer and started playing an adventure game with her---then got an Xbox to play some of the Xbox games with my other son--and decided to try DD with the Dark Side folks--I even like platformers--but I am not very good at them--
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Re: Adventure Boomers?
05/28/05 11:45 AM
05/28/05 11:45 AM
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I'm 42. I started out playing Actiony games in the local arcade (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, etc) 20 years ago or so, the progressed to actiony-shooter-adventure-exploring dangerous places games like Duke Nukem, Cosmo, HOcus Pocus--don't really know what you would call those games. But anyway, my true love is the first person adventure a la MYST. Following that, puzzle heavy (rather than conversation heavy) third person. I don't like things jumping out and killing me repeatedly anymore. I also play lots of puzzle games.
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Re: Adventure Boomers?
05/28/05 12:41 PM
05/28/05 12:41 PM
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I don't really know what defines an RPG. Is it the turn-based combat ? I've played , or tried I should say , a couple of critically acclaimed RPGs like Star Wars-Knights of The Old Republic and Final Fantasy. I don't really care for the turn-based combat. I would rather do my own fighting. I played a game called Beyond Good and Evil recently , which plays like an RPG in every respect , except the combat ( i.e. fighting ) was real-time , but that game is considered to be an Action-adventure. I agree about the keyboard controls being awkward. If I had to rely on mouse and keyboard controls for the 3D action-adventure games I wouldn't like it much. I have a PS2 and Xbox for those type of games , and since there's really no replay value in them for me , I rent them instead of purchasing. I can usually beat one in a few days , return it , and move on to the next one. I just played Uru recently using mouse and keyboard , and navigating was a bit awkward , but there was no combat so it was ok. They make an adapter to connect an Xbox controller to the PC USB port. I think most of the 3D style games support a gamepad or joystick control. To date I've finished over 100 PS2 and Xbox titles , and a couple of dozen PC Adventure games , mostly games similar to Myst , the 2D slideshow presentation type. I'm leaning more toward the PC Adventures these days as I have alot of catching up to. I was glad to see " The List" posted in this forum so I make a nice long wish list of games I want to play. 
Re: Adventure Boomers?
05/28/05 01:11 PM
05/28/05 01:11 PM
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Originally posted by Robert: I don't really know what defines an RPG. Is it the turn-based combat ? No. There are plenty of real time RPG's. Usually what distinguishes an RPG is the stats management - getting experience points from winning battles and completing quests and assigning these points to various abilities to improve your character(s) fighting ability. Also, you often have a group of characters in an RPG instead of just one. I've played , or tried I should say , a couple of critically acclaimed RPGs like Star Wars-Knights of The Old Republic and Final Fantasy. Try Divine Divinity.
Re: Adventure Boomers?
05/28/05 01:28 PM
05/28/05 01:28 PM
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Excellent suggestion for DD. Another plus is that it is mouse, more or less point and click controlled, with a few keyboard commands should you want to use them, like hitting the space bar for pause. A really easy learning curve too. Another that just came out that doesn't have the humor of DD, but is a much shorter RPG and easy to learn is Heretic. One that a bunch of us are playing right now is Sacred Plus (and the expansion Sacred Underworld), and it is a bit harder than the other two, but chockfull of humor that is keeping us laughing hysterically. You don't die really, you just get resurrected, LOL. I think playing with a party is much more difficult, and I would sure recommend starting with a single character RPG like the ones I just mentioned. If you enjoyed Beyond Good and Evil, which went from easy to hard by halfway through the game, you won't have any problem whatsoever with those, I don't think.
EDIT : Oh no, I am repeating myself! I've become my mother!
"How could drops of water know themselves to be a river? Yet the river flows on." - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Re: Adventure Boomers?
05/28/05 02:21 PM
05/28/05 02:21 PM
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To Jenny100 , Thanks for clarifying the RPG thing for me. Also , I read your review of Dark Fall - Lights Out. I had read a review of this game at Gamespot and based on that review , I wasn't going to play it. That was before I found GameBoomers. After reading your review and Beckys' review of the DF1 , I changed my mind and sure enough , you guys were more on par than Gamespot. I thought Dark Fall was great and I'm about to start on Lights Out. To Nickie, Do these games you mention have real-time combat ?