Re: Adventure Boomers?
05/30/05 04:28 AM
05/30/05 04:28 AM
Joined: Sep 2004
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Robert here is a small review and pic of my gamepad its a bit like xbox's but i think with more buttons. here Also if those that liked psx controllers then have some adapters for about 9.99 i think.
Re: Adventure Boomers?
05/30/05 03:12 PM
05/30/05 03:12 PM
Joined: Apr 2002
Posts: 848 florida
Settled Boomer
Settled Boomer
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Posts: 848
 To Glynn, Plilipp,Ditlihi, Teresa, and anyone else out there(besides me) who's 60 and over: Wow, I didn't realise there are so many of you and even more over 50 playing computer games! I don't know anyone personally who plays. The people my age all think computer games are "all violence" , "a waste of time", "crazy", or "why do they play them anyway" or any other negative remark they can come up with. Needless to say, when I'm around that talk, I keep my mouth shut and think how boring life would be without this great entertainment. I also am a reader and a traveller, maybe that has something to do with it-many do not do these things either.
People do not remember how much you know,only how you make them feel finished Gray Matter, playing Alice Madness returns and Deponia
Re: Adventure Boomers?
06/01/05 08:33 AM
06/01/05 08:33 AM
Joined: Jun 2000
Posts: 3,171 an Illinois cornfield
Jen in Chgo
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an Illinois cornfield
I'm 35 & was strictly adventure until this past year. I, too, was one of the Boomers enchanted by Divine Divinity & now I can't get enough of RPG's. I generally play one RPG & one adventure at the same time, so if combat gets too hairy I can relax & twitch my brain instead of my fingers. RPG's last sooooo much longer so I usually go through 3 adventures in the course of one RPG. I don't usually like shooters or action/adventures unless there's a god mode. But I have been enjoying Beyond Good & Evil, which is a very odd, but fun, game. Loved Outcast. Can't seem to get the hang of surviving in NOLF, but I've got death down pat!  I don't play anything that requires jumping. I'm a total klutz & spaz out every time.  Love, Jen 
It's a hard-knock life. Wear wooden underwear.
Re: Adventure Boomers?
06/01/05 11:41 AM
06/01/05 11:41 AM
Joined: Dec 1999
Posts: 31,224 Northwestern New Mexico, USA
Grande Olde Dame
Grande Olde Dame
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Northwestern New Mexico, USA
I'll be 74 this month, and the only non-adventure game that I care for is Diablo/Hellfire. My son got me started on that even before I discovered adventure games, and I still enjoy popping in the CD and play one of the characters I've created. But I don't play on-line (got tired of those foul mouthed little twerps propositioning me  ) and I didn't really care for Diablo 2, because of the saving system...
"Once you give up integrity, the rest is easy." Anonymous
Re: Adventure Boomers?
06/01/05 05:06 PM
06/01/05 05:06 PM
Joined: Jul 2004
Posts: 805 S.F./Bay Area CA
Settled Boomer
Settled Boomer
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S.F./Bay Area CA
Hi Sandy Yes come try DD, we'd love it and you'd be a riot--I can just imagine all the trouble you could get into--and AND there are BIG hairy spiders and some pinchy bugs too. Oh and bees and wasps. Yicks I didn't realize when I started to tease you, that there were ALL your scary bugs in the game. They are a tiny part of it though. I'm 51 and when I joined Gameboomers (not long ago) I was a strict adventure game player and then came the fall...and now I keep a very open mind about all kinds of games. (Now my favorite game would be Real Myst with Loot!  )
scavenging the wasteland in Fallout 3
Re: Adventure Boomers?
06/01/05 05:20 PM
06/01/05 05:20 PM
Joined: Jun 2004
Posts: 27,907 Texas
The Mischievous Moderator
The Mischievous Moderator
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Hi Sandy.........DD is totally addictive and Ana should be ashamed of herself for getting someone else hooked on it. I'll admit it, it's totally immersive and I'm loving it. I reek at it but it's fun. I'm warning you though, save your games and save often! Also, set a timer so that you will leave the game in a reasonable period of time to take care of other child care, meal preparation. bill paying, just the little things that must be done. It looks like it could take a looooong time to play this one. Oh, warning....don't let your child be in the room while you're playing if he's squeamish. Ana strikes again!
Yesterday is but today's memory, tomorrow is today's dream. Kahlil Gibran
Re: Adventure Boomers?
06/01/05 05:37 PM
06/01/05 05:37 PM
Joined: Jan 2004
Posts: 84,165 In the Naughty Corner
The Sassy Admin and PR Liaison
The Sassy Admin and PR Liaison
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In the Naughty Corner
 Sue...I believe in sharing the fun And the real thanx go to reading all fun between Nipomo, Looney4Labs and DoreenS in the darkside. I just had to try it! Ana 
Don't feed the Trolls
Re: Adventure Boomers?
06/01/05 05:43 PM
06/01/05 05:43 PM
Joined: Jun 2004
Posts: 27,907 Texas
The Mischievous Moderator
The Mischievous Moderator
Sonic Boomer
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Posts: 27,907
So you are passing the blame to Nipomo, Doreen and L4L?
Yesterday is but today's memory, tomorrow is today's dream. Kahlil Gibran
Re: Adventure Boomers?
06/01/05 09:16 PM
06/01/05 09:16 PM
Joined: May 2005
Posts: 4,838 Pinson, Al USA
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Pinson, Al USA
Hi dithika and welcome to the forums dithika writes , quote: "I am female and just turned 30. I used to play computer games as a kid but stopped for years. It was Myst that got me back into playing games and now I play adventure games the most." I'm glad to see younger people like yourself playing adventure games and you can always count on other members of Gameboomers to help if you get stuck or need tech-support with a game. To jen in chgo : I've seen alot of posts about Divine Divinity and have decided I'm gonna have to get it  I played Baulders Gate a while back and had a lot of fun with it. DD looks like a similar type game , but with more depth . I thought Beyond Good and Evil was a wonderful game . The last boss fight is pretty hard , but very rewarding when you beat him . 