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Holding on to Win98...bad idea? #118709
06/05/05 08:25 AM
06/05/05 08:25 AM
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I only have one computer so I have kept Win98 so I could finish playing some of my older games and replay them.....but when I learned I couldn't play the new Delaware game it made me wonder...what is the trend in gaming...should I move on to a newer Windows?? Or do most developers still include Win98? So far I have had no problems playing any new games except a few of the indie games from Internet. And IF I were to drop Win98 what is the best way to go? Thanks for any help

Re: Holding on to Win98...bad idea? #118710
06/05/05 08:38 AM
06/05/05 08:38 AM
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Personally I would upgrade to 98SE. Its supported more so than 98. I have not had one problem running the newer games on SE.

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Re: Holding on to Win98...bad idea? #118711
06/05/05 09:02 AM
06/05/05 09:02 AM
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Windows Me. Might be better as its a good balance between wind 98se and win xp.

Re: Holding on to Win98...bad idea? #118712
06/05/05 09:17 AM
06/05/05 09:17 AM
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My suggestion? Keep WIN98 on your present computer and BUY a NEW computer which comes with WIN XP. You can, if you have enough memory or two hard drives, then partition it to use both XP and 98. Many of the older games for 98 do not want to run in XP - but Inferno does have a list of the games that she was successful in using XP on, you might want to check it out. The problem is if you wish to replay some of your old favorites and if they don't run in XP then what do you do?
Love, Betty Lou laugh :kiss:

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Re: Holding on to Win98...bad idea? #118713
06/05/05 09:21 AM
06/05/05 09:21 AM
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All I can say is that I wish I still had 98. All the games I want to play are such a hassle now due to XP. I'm considering buying an older computer from eBay which I can use to run them hassle free.

Re: Holding on to Win98...bad idea? #118714
06/05/05 09:50 AM
06/05/05 09:50 AM
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Yep i have my old puter right beside my new one.Never know when i might get the mood to play Amber....

Re: Holding on to Win98...bad idea? #118715
06/05/05 10:35 AM
06/05/05 10:35 AM
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You could have a dual boot system. I had my old harddrive with win98 installed in my new computer. Now when I boot up I can go to win98 or xp, xp is my default drive.

Re: Holding on to Win98...bad idea? #118716
06/05/05 10:48 AM
06/05/05 10:48 AM
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lol I just dragged out my 486 to add to my stack of operational hardware. Yeah, I had to ask one of my kids to leave home so I could have the space but can never have too many operating systems.

happy trails,

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Re: Holding on to Win98...bad idea? #118717
06/05/05 11:25 AM
06/05/05 11:25 AM
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I agree with Betty Lou. If you can manage it, buy a new but keep the old. You can then use a KVM switch to simplify with one monitor, mouse, keyboard and speakers.

I got rid of my old computer running Win ME and had to go to eBay and buy an old compaq as so many games won't run on the faster newer computers. I tried to do a dual boot with 2 HD in the new, but my video card won't run in Win 98se... and I had to lie about the memory and HD size; so I learned the hard way.

Good luck to you!

So many games, so little time.
Re: Holding on to Win98...bad idea? #118718
06/05/05 01:39 PM
06/05/05 01:39 PM
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IMO Stay clear of Win ME. I thought it was the worst operating system ever. Its the only one I ever had tons of problems with.

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Re: Holding on to Win98...bad idea? #118719
06/05/05 02:17 PM
06/05/05 02:17 PM
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I have Win 95,98 and XP. It sure make playing all games, old and new, so much easier.

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Re: Holding on to Win98...bad idea? #118720
06/05/05 02:31 PM
06/05/05 02:31 PM
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I have Win ME on one computer and XP on the other. My ME computer plays the old games with no problems and has not been a bad os for me. Just my 2 cents. smile


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Re: Holding on to Win98...bad idea? #118721
06/05/05 02:43 PM
06/05/05 02:43 PM
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What Johnboy said.
Also what Ron and Betty Lou said.
I've never regretted having more than one computer.

Re: Holding on to Win98...bad idea? #118722
06/05/05 02:56 PM
06/05/05 02:56 PM
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I agree Melanie
I've been using Win Me for over 3 years and have no problems with it either. Just my 2 cents. wave

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Re: Holding on to Win98...bad idea? #118723
06/05/05 03:39 PM
06/05/05 03:39 PM
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I agree with those who suggested keeping the Win98 computer and getting another win WinXP and using a KVM switch to share the Keyboard, Monitor & Mouse. I've used this system for years.

Dual boot overall is a hassle; there are problems with it that I won't go into, but which can interfere with the use of both systems.

Do not under any circumstances install the most bug-ridden, unreliable OS known to man: WinME!

Re: Holding on to Win98...bad idea? #118724
06/05/05 03:57 PM
06/05/05 03:57 PM
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I also agree, I never had problems running games on WINme on my old computer, but my brother-in-law is giving me his old computer running win98 and he going to hook it up with my XP using a KVM switch..He also says, that WinMe is the worst os there is...

I would keep Win98,Some old games can run on WINXP with compability mode..Maybe is time to buy a new computer with WINXP, try to get one on sale, especially on holidays..

Playing now: Still Life 2..Last Half of Darkness: Tomb of Zojir:
Re: Holding on to Win98...bad idea? #118725
06/05/05 04:47 PM
06/05/05 04:47 PM
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I have win 98 pc and win xp pc sitting side by side in the same room, and I use a KVM switch. works perfect. I wouldn't be without win 98. Some win 95 plays on the 98 pc and DOS games.
Richard thumbsup

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Re: Holding on to Win98...bad idea? #118726
06/05/05 04:54 PM
06/05/05 04:54 PM
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Actually my computer that has WIN98 on it has just been upgraded quite a bit...I just told the tech to not touch my maybe I could get a computer with XP and you guys say they can share the keyboard,etc....I think that might be the answer...thanks for all the thoughts...I just love the older games and refuse to give that option up....and I can play lots of WIN95 stuff too...frankly there haven't been that many games out lately so what would we do without the older games...

Re: Holding on to Win98...bad idea? #118727
06/05/05 06:03 PM
06/05/05 06:03 PM
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I agree keep the 98, dont ever get rid of it, there are tooooo many wonderful games you can play on it and not on xp. all the new puters are xp, you dont have a choice unless you have one built at your specs. I wish I still had my 98. I am seriously thinking of having one built just so I can play the old games. sigh. Eileen

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Re: Holding on to Win98...bad idea? #118728
06/05/05 06:41 PM
06/05/05 06:41 PM
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ron.etti Offline
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I want a KVM switch......Now...where can i get one?

Re: Holding on to Win98...bad idea? #118729
06/05/05 07:02 PM
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I got mine at radio shack for under $50.

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Re: Holding on to Win98...bad idea? #118730
06/05/05 07:07 PM
06/05/05 07:07 PM
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It's real easy to use just press the scroll lock buton twice on the keyboard and push the up arrow once on the keyboard and you go to the other compter.

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Re: Holding on to Win98...bad idea? #118731
06/05/05 07:14 PM
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Thyanks kjos,
i also found some on e-bay

Re: Holding on to Win98...bad idea? #118732
06/06/05 07:08 AM
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I was not sure what a KVM switch was so I searched and found this.

"KVM switch
Short for keyboard, video, mouse switch, a hardware device that enables a single keyboard, video monitor and mouse to control more than one computer one at a time.

KVM switches are popular among users who have upgraded their home PC systems and want to still use their old computers but do not want to invest in a second keyboard, monitor and mouse. KVM switches are also used by business to save money when one person uses more than one computer and in server farms where it is only necessary to periodically access each separate server in the farm one at a time."

The above however does not make sense price wise. The 2 port kvm switchs run around $249. I could definitely buy a monitor, keyboard and mouse for way under that!

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Re: Holding on to Win98...bad idea? #118733
06/06/05 08:51 AM
06/06/05 08:51 AM
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OMG...that's a lot of money for a switch but my problem would be space...where to keep two in a way the switch idea is appealing....but for now I don't see any games that are exclusive to WinXP except the new Delaware game...but I guess that day will come...does anyone know if all these new games supposedly coming out this year are NOT going to work on WIN98...?

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