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Re: Enderal on Steam [Re: Pokey] #1199010
10/10/19 12:29 PM
10/10/19 12:29 PM
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There are low-level quests available on the notice boards in each town, plus the locals have quests. I spent a lot of time in the area, going back and forth taking my revenge for the punishing defeats I received while I was struggling to get to Riverville.

There is a nice temple you can raid in the middle of the peninsula you passed on the way in.

Jespar hangs around until it's time for him to join you in a quest. You can basically do what you want for as long as you want, and then meet up with him again, at which point the main quest continues.

Companions do have personal quests, and romance is possible, so be nice HINT:
Jespar is a bit of a prima donna who needs you to agree with him all the time, even if you really don't.
It's better to gain "Appreciation" rather the "Likes" but I didn't get any Appreciates from Jespar until just now, farther along in the main quest.

Last edited by hagatha; 10/10/19 12:32 PM.

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Re: Enderal on Steam [Re: Pokey] #1199040
10/10/19 07:42 PM
10/10/19 07:42 PM
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Hagatha, where is the temple you mentioned? I couldn't find it on a map.

I am currently on a quest posted on the bulletin board...Redrick Borecat.

Re: Enderal on Steam [Re: Pokey] #1199087
10/11/19 11:59 AM
10/11/19 11:59 AM
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If you've made it to Riverville, look directly west back the way you came. If you look behind the quest marker for where Jaspar is waiting for you, it's that large peninsula across the river. The temple is called Ald'Sherath, round and has a lake around it. I was able to get through it at a fairly low level, though I had to sneak my way a lot of the time.

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Re: Enderal on Steam [Re: Pokey] #1199088
10/11/19 12:17 PM
10/11/19 12:17 PM
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Thanks. Are the items you take from the temple marked as stolen? What do you do with stolen items since you can't sell them?

Re: Enderal on Steam [Re: Pokey] #1199118
10/11/19 07:55 PM
10/11/19 07:55 PM
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I don't remember if the goods are marked stolen to be honest.

Another spot to gain points and stuff is the pirate cave on the island you can swim to at the river mouth. There are quite a few banditos in there, but if you can take them out one at a time there's some stuff for the taking. That cave is also included in a quest from Riverville, too.

There are some merchants who will take stolen goods. I think I found a couple in Ark a bit later on. In the meantime, store them in your secure chest.

Also, the Infiltrator memory branch will give you the ability to sell stolen goods to all merchants if you feel like investing in a few useful sneaking points and perks.

Money seems really tight at the start of the game, but once I hit around level 10 I usually had enough money to buy the Crafting and Learning books I wanted. I found that most of the really good stuff was in dungeons and on bosses, including really good armour sets. Other than the books and spells l and optional houses in Ark, there wasn't a lot to spend on.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that you have a secure chest in all of the towns (it's the gold glowy chest) and in Ark you have a chest in every different part of the city. Also, once you start to travel using the Myrad towers, you'll find a chest outside each tower. You can always access all of your inventory that way, and so far I haven't hit a limit on how much you can store. It's a pretty good system. The chest is also in the houses you buy. I just throw everything in there except for what I need and then do all my crafting and alchemy back at my house.

Last edited by hagatha; 10/12/19 12:06 PM.

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Re: Enderal on Steam [Re: Pokey] #1199764
10/18/19 02:39 PM
10/18/19 02:39 PM
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I have done all the available quests in Riverville and explored all the area around, so I guess I am ready to move on to Ark with Jespar. I did find Aetera bow, nice shield and a good greatsword way up north. I really needed to replace my puny bow.

Re: Enderal on Steam [Re: Pokey] #1199791
10/18/19 07:35 PM
10/18/19 07:35 PM
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The Aeterna bow is very good, especially if you upgrade it. And I find that decent arrows are common, either on Undead or even just quivers of them lying around.

I'm now at almost 100 in Sneak and Marksman, and decided to go with Handicraft instead of my usual Alchemy/Enchanting. In this game I find that potions really aren't all that important since food is the best way to heal. I have a few potions with me at all times. but for the most part being a sneak-thief means nobody sees me in time to do much damage. I 'll get myself up to 50 in Enchanting to see if it's worth it other than to recharge my items. At higher levels, the Handicrafting blueprints become very powerful. I have my eye on a bow, but I need some Massive crafting items (I'm thinking Troll or wild Myrad). So far I've managed to upgrade my equipment to Exquisite, but I'm waiting until my Handicraft is 100 ore more before I use any more of my scarce crafting metals like Glowing Thorium.

Once you get to Ark the game really starts to open up. Make sure you buy lots of the transportation scrolls and of course Mark and Recall as soon as you can find them.

Rhetorics is useful for extra conversation options, but one of the Memories (it might even be in the Infiltrator tree) gives you automatic access to Rhetorics conversation options., which I only realized after I'd spent a lot of Crafting points. Too bad there's no way to respec Skills.

Last edited by hagatha; 10/18/19 07:42 PM.

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Re: Enderal on Steam [Re: Pokey] #1200347
10/26/19 06:24 PM
10/26/19 06:24 PM
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Thanks for the tips, especially the rhetorics one. I've been in Ark for a short while, just enough to know my way around, at least most of the time. I've done some quests, bought a house and acquired a donkey. That brother and sister quarrel quest was really involved and I kept getting lost in the undercity. The enemies in this area are quite a bit more difficult. Since I have a donkey, I can ride around and see what turns up in either combat or loot.

Re: Enderal on Steam [Re: Pokey] #1200455
10/27/19 09:08 PM
10/27/19 09:08 PM
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I bought the very useful little shack in the Market, and much later the house in the Noble district. The Noble House is a total waste of money, since the furniture crafting system is pretty much broken and the house is virtually empty. There's no furniture package for it like there is for the Market Shack. I always loved buying the houses in Oblivion; I always bought all of them and fully furnished them just because I could. The Enderal houses are a bit disappointing.

I still haven't figured out the Undercity. There is a merchant in the Market part of the Undercity that buys stolen goods, and I think another one in Duneville, which is perfectly easy and safe to get to via Myrad.

I haven't found any new locations for a while so I think I'll get back to the Main Quest.

I got my Aeterna bow up to 97 damage with 100 in Handicraft plus the Smith ring and a Starling (a.k.a. Dwemer) Smithing helmet I found somewhere, which brought my Handicraft way up over 100.

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Re: Enderal on Steam [Re: Pokey] #1200535
10/28/19 08:52 PM
10/28/19 08:52 PM
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Yes, I like the house in the market area. Just a bed, chair, chest and fire and I'm happy. Doubt I'll make any improvements. I don't like the Undercity. I got so lost on the first quest that went there. I think I can find the fence again but it will be nice to have another option in Duneville.

I thought my aeterna flame bow lost its flame and didn't seem to be doing any damage from any distance. It didn't touch the bandits that destroyed the shipment for the merchant. I tried for at least 20 times before I got them. Used a replenishing food, armor spell and summoned ancestor and my silver steel battleaxe and finally got them. They were very tough. They died and I'm not sure they were supposed to do so.

I did later kill a bear with the bow from close distance and the flame was working. Still only 24 damage. Does the damage number include the fire damage?

Re: Enderal on Steam [Re: Pokey] #1200544
10/29/19 12:11 AM
10/29/19 12:11 AM
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You have to recharge the bows if they have a magical damage. As in Skyrim, you need filled soul gems. If you have filled soul gems in your inventory, select your bow in inventory and hit "P" and that should bring up a list of soul gems to use,.

As I understand things, your skill in Elemental damage determines the number of charges on your bow if it has elemental damage, and Psionics if it has Psi damage, and so on. But that's not really relevant if you have a ton of soul gems, and you'll find filled gems everywhere. I've never trapped a soul in this game.

There is a Memory that allows you to sell stolen goods to all merchants. I'm pretty sure it's in the Infiltrator tree.

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Re: Enderal on Steam [Re: Pokey] #1200574
10/29/19 11:30 AM
10/29/19 11:30 AM
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The bow was showing 90% charged at the time it appeared to lose the flame and not do any damage. This was from a distance and maybe that was a factor, that is, my ability with the bow wasn't high enough. I'll try from different distances and see what happens. I did try enchanting it, even though it was at 90% and that made no difference. I tried posting on steam to see if anyone knew what was happening, but my post was moved somewhere else and I no longer see it.

Is there only one trader that sells spells in Ark, the one near your house?

Last edited by Pokey; 10/29/19 03:44 PM.
Re: Enderal on Steam [Re: Pokey] #1200614
10/29/19 07:06 PM
10/29/19 07:06 PM
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Once you get to the Sun Temple you'll have access to a much wider selection of spells.

I think the vendor immediately outside your Market house sells spells in addition to the woman in the central market area. I seem to remember a magic vendor in the Noble part of town, too.

Also, there's a spell vendor in Duneville, in the pub; he sells Psi and Entropy spells and I do like having relatively high-level summonses during combat since I'm an weakling archer. And of course there's the magic vendor in Riverville, though her spells are pretty low-level.

I've bought very few spells in this game. I found most of them lying around everywhere. I learn them all regardless of whether I have any real skill because they're free.

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Re: Enderal on Steam [Re: Pokey] #1200640
10/30/19 01:11 AM
10/30/19 01:11 AM
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Thanks, I found the woman who sells spells and talks in rhymes. The shop is near the secure chest. She had a long list of spells including the lightning spells I've been looking for. Next quest is kill Pak Pak.

Edit....Well, that was interesting. I decided I was in above my level. I did get into the cave but was getting killed by several marauders. I kept trying and was battling the first one and backed out of the cave. He did too and surprisingly, so did Pak Pak. I managed to kill the single guy and then Pak Pak was easy and I got credit for the quest without moving past the entrance to the cave. Not sure I want to go back in and look for loot.

Last edited by Pokey; 10/31/19 01:31 AM.
Re: Enderal on Steam [Re: Pokey] #1200978
11/02/19 03:10 PM
11/02/19 03:10 PM
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It's easy to get mobbed in tight places. I've learned that a well-placed Summons will distract most enemies, allowing for a hasty retreat. I've even taken out the odd high-level mob by hiding behind something and casting a Fire Elemental around the corner. I don't actually see what's happening, but after maybe 30 or so mana potions and a lot of shouting and commotion I've whittled down the herd enough to emerge. It's a marvelously cowardly strategy, very effective.

And of course, there's my favourite strategy of all; Invisibility potions and a hasty retreat.

In my wanderings I found the last area of the map. It's very tough and I think It's time to get back to the main quest again.

Last edited by hagatha; 11/02/19 03:11 PM.

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Re: Enderal on Steam [Re: hagatha] #1200989
11/02/19 06:36 PM
11/02/19 06:36 PM
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I've used summons, usually the ancestor, but they are pretty weak at my level (14). I went back into the cave and was able to handle the marauders since they had moved to another section. I got some good loot.

Do you know where I can buy medium backpack or a silver ingot? I've looked all over. I have everything to craft one except the ingot. Maybe a place to mine silver ore and smelt to an ingot. I don't know if I need a skill for that.

I do have an invisibility potion. I'm waiting for a good place to use it.

Re: Enderal on Steam [Re: Pokey] #1201036
11/03/19 02:24 PM
11/03/19 02:24 PM
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A lot of the merchants sell ore in the crafting section of their inventories, which is the icon at the very far right. Maybe try the Blacksmith in Ark's Market? Or maybe the blacksmith in Dunesville? I have a mega-pack now that gives me an extra 75 pounds! In real life it would be a U-Haul trailing along behind me.

Having a high crafting level in this game is worth it, I think, more than Enchant or Alchemy. At the highest levels you can craft unique armour sets. And even at low levels you can craft stuff to sell. I'm looking for Crafting diagrams for pieces of one Light Armour set now.

Most potions are really plentiful, but Invisibility potions are a bit more difficult to find. By accident I found an alchemy formula early on that gives me both Ambrosia and Invisibility that lasts just long enough to sneak past someone to find a better place from which to attack.

It's getting more difficult to gain levels now. I think I'm at 45 or 46, maybe? And I still have to find higher ground to avoid mobs, even with my 100 points in Marksman, my Flawless bow and whatever bonus my armour gives me. I usually look for a rock high up so I can back away from the edge far enough that I can't be targeted.

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Re: Enderal on Steam [Re: hagatha] #1201125
11/05/19 12:14 AM
11/05/19 12:14 AM
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I found the silver ore and smelted it to an ingot. I have all the materials needed, skill of 25 handicraft and blueprint. What am I doing wrong? At the tanning rack I only see leather strips as an option.

Edit....I have found that others have the same problem. I believe that the medium backpack is bugged and never been fixed. Did you ever try to craft one? Since the blueprint is in my inventory, it should be showing as an option.

Did you get the blueprint collection book at the bank? It is handy to keep all your blueprints in. Also, I discovered that the bank has a bunch of crafting and learning books.

Last edited by Pokey; 11/05/19 03:02 PM.
Re: Enderal on Steam [Re: Pokey] #1201182
11/05/19 04:36 PM
11/05/19 04:36 PM
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I think I bought medium pack, or even found one. But I think you have to craft the backpack like clothing, at the worktable.

I'm limping along, with more and more bugs and other issues. Yesterday I had a horrible bug with a quest repeatedly launching me into that weird inner space that resides under the surface of every sandbox game.

Right now the game refuses to launch. I've done all the usual minor stuff like verifying the files and running as admin, so I'm looking for a solution.

Last edited by hagatha; 11/05/19 04:36 PM.

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Re: Enderal on Steam [Re: hagatha] #1201188
11/05/19 05:37 PM
11/05/19 05:37 PM
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You have a much bigger problem that I do. If you haven't already done so, post on Steam. They have been very responsive to my problem. Are you using the Enderal icon on destop? You might try the launcher in the game files.

Re: Enderal on Steam [Re: Pokey] #1201220
11/05/19 10:38 PM
11/05/19 10:38 PM
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I can see if I can find the other launcher. The game doesn't launch on my second laptop either, so it isn't my computer.

I've actually spent a little part of this afternoon showing my sick partner how to download a game on Steam. He's a complete noob, having not played a game since we were in our Zork phase many years ago, back in the Dark Ages when an interactive DOS game was a big deal ("Sailor, Hello").

Since he would hate being thrown into an action game like Half Life 2, or a complicated RPG like Baldur's Gate, I thought Oblivion would be a good place to start. It's an easy game, there's a tutorial at the start, and it isn't too taxing, especially once I show him the Archery/Sneak one-two.

EDIT: For the life of me I cannot locate my game files In Win 10. So launching it from the folder is out. I have looked anywhere that sounds even remotely useful, but in the Games folder, all I can see is the game icons. No files.

Last edited by hagatha; 11/05/19 10:51 PM.

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Re: Enderal on Steam [Re: Pokey] #1201230
11/05/19 11:36 PM
11/05/19 11:36 PM
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It should be in program files (86), Steam,Steam apps, common, Enderal. You usually look for an exe file to start the game (Enderal.exe) but I don't see one. There is a game launcher you could try.

There is a TESV.exe . Not sure what that is.

Have you tried making yourself administrator?

Last edited by Pokey; 11/05/19 11:49 PM.
Re: Enderal on Steam [Re: Pokey] #1201231
11/05/19 11:52 PM
11/05/19 11:52 PM
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I have to run as admin. Lately Steam won't work at all if I don't.

I'll see if I can locate that file.

I actually installed Enderal on my other laptop to see if it had anything to do with the computer, but still no luck.

Of course, I had to see if any other Steam games worked properly just in case the problem was Steam itself, and ended up giving my partner a lengthy demonstration of the awesomeness that is Half Life 2. Just reached the first Head Lice bombs.

Anyway, I've reached level 57 in Enderal, so my character doesn't have too much left to do, methinks.

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Re: Enderal on Steam [Re: Pokey] #1201232
11/05/19 11:53 PM
11/05/19 11:53 PM
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Re: Enderal on Steam [Re: Pokey] #1201291
11/06/19 12:10 PM
11/06/19 12:10 PM
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Thanks! I was able to locate the Enderal Launcher in the Steamapps common folder and the game is working. Yay!

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