OK - lyrics or titles involving trains and boats and planes, Some easy-peasy, some a bit tougher.

-1. Hear the mighty rush of the engine, hear those lonesome hoboes call
-2. I hear the train a comin', It's rollin' 'round the bend
-3. L.A. proved too much for the man, (Too much for the man he couldn't make it)
-4. Read a magazine and then you're in Baltimore
-5. Cleaned a lot of plates in Memphis
-6. So I'd like to know, where you got the notion
-7. The constable had to come and take him away
-8. Yeah, along came Mr. Goodtrips, looking for a new ship
-9. All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go
-10. Out on runway number 9, big 707 set to go
-11. "Welcome to Havana", said the pilot, "We must have made a wrong turn on the way."
-12. Workin' on a T-bone steak a la carte, flying over to the Golden State