07/18/02 10:32 AM
07/18/02 10:32 AM
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Hi. After my recent post about Zanzarah, I got to wondering what's going to happen in the future about game categories <img border="0" alt="  " title="" src="graemlins/woozy.gif" /> Some of the newer games out have really been "Adventures with RPG elements". Designed, I suppose, in the hope of attracting a wider sales market I realise that in the shops it doesn't make a scrap of difference as they invariably have all kinds of categories mixed up on their "sometimes labelled" shelves <img border="0" alt="[winky]" title="" src="graemlins/winky.gif" /> but for discussion and review purposes I was wondering whether a new "hybrid" category might come into being ?? Cheers. Mad 
Time : The Most Precious Commodity
Re: Adventure/RPG
07/18/02 10:56 AM
07/18/02 10:56 AM
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Wouldn't it be great if when loading up one of these "hybrid" games, you could have the options of having "action/shooter" elements or not having them. You know, like the way you can choose to have subtitles or not. In that way it could still reach a wider market. Is that even feasible??? Inferno 
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Re: Adventure/RPG
07/18/02 10:58 AM
07/18/02 10:58 AM
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I don't pay any attention to the labeling of games (and especially books) - invariably a game (or book) is not "pure" - i.e., it isn't just an adventure game, or just a strategy game, or just a rpg - it's a combination of 2 or more. I just read the blips, look at the screenshots/pictures, & decide yes or no.
Besides, what one person calls adventure another calls action another calls strategy etc.
Re: Adventure/RPG
07/18/02 11:54 AM
07/18/02 11:54 AM
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Most games, would take alot to have the options of action/shooter in them. ICB, says its adventure but to me it was perfect, talk to people ge this, disable that search here, very fun, wont find too many games like that any more.
The best part of playing a game is for it to never end. A long game is a good game!
Re: Adventure/RPG
07/18/02 12:07 PM
07/18/02 12:07 PM
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Quest for Glory series is adventure/RPG.
Anachronox has a lot of adventure elements in it.
Re: Adventure/RPG
07/18/02 12:12 PM
07/18/02 12:12 PM
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Mr 2 u
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I second "Anachronox" to me its as if the r.p.g parts were an after thought because nearly 80 percent of the game is Adventure.
Adventure Games Forever
Re: Adventure/RPG
07/18/02 12:15 PM
07/18/02 12:15 PM
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I get bored with just RPG, if its got some adventure elements then i tend to get into the game alot better.. Like Morrowind for example i like exploring mines and dungeons that kinda gives the sense of adventure.. but not the "pure adventure" with puzzles and stuff its weird really -Polo
Re: Adventure/RPG
07/18/02 12:26 PM
07/18/02 12:26 PM
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Thats right. RPG's are like too much fantasy and they dont offer much but killing monsters with good backround graphics. I've played diablo 2 and didnt like it so much.
The best part of playing a game is for it to never end. A long game is a good game!
Re: Adventure/RPG
07/18/02 12:30 PM
07/18/02 12:30 PM
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Hi. Thanks for responding folks nfernoj13usa's idea is one that I've always favoured but I suppose it would just be too expensive to build in an "action/no action mode ?? [Not being a "techie type" I can't be sure but finance IS usually a major decider in just about every aspect of everything  ] Probably the nearest I've been to that was Indy and the Fate of Atlantis where you could choose from three different modes. Of course, most of us would have a go at all three modes anyway, just to see if we could do 'em And I have played something else that offered "more towards adventure" or "more towards action" settings but I can't think what it was. However, I'm sure someone else out there has better recall than me and will be able to identify it immediately <img border="0" alt="[winky]" title="" src="graemlins/winky.gif" /> !! Yes, gremlinuk, Dragon Riders is just the type of game I had in mind when I posted this topic. And, although I couldn't get it to run, I think Ananchronox is another. There are quite a few knocking about and more, I'm certain, in the pipeline. I suppose a major category could be called "Hybrids" and that category itself could be subdivided according to what elements a game might contain .................... Action/Adventure. Adventure/RPG. ETC. On the other hand, apart from "picky" people like myself, maybe nobody is really that bothered anyway Cheers. Mad 
Time : The Most Precious Commodity
Re: Adventure/RPG
07/18/02 02:22 PM
07/18/02 02:22 PM
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I wouldn't mind playing an RPG if I didn't have to kill anything. Are there any RPGs out there that fit?
There is a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line. Oscar Levant
Re: Adventure/RPG
07/18/02 03:35 PM
07/18/02 03:35 PM
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Mostr of them u have to kill so thats why i dont like em.
The best part of playing a game is for it to never end. A long game is a good game!
Re: Adventure/RPG
07/18/02 03:36 PM
07/18/02 03:36 PM
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salim, Have you ever played a REAL RPG such as Baldur's gate for example. Diablo series barely qualifies as an RPG. It is very action oriented.
fildil, I have never played an RPG on the PC that has no action and I have been playing them for 10 years. In many RPG's the combat is pretty easy especially if you play one that has turn based combat where you get plenty of time to control each character. Reflexes are not needed at all for turn based RPG's.
Re: Adventure/RPG
07/18/02 03:38 PM
07/18/02 03:38 PM
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Hi fildil. I'm afraid I don't know of any  but if any exist, I'm sure someone here will certainly be able to tell you. Cheers. Mad 
Time : The Most Precious Commodity
Re: Adventure/RPG
07/18/02 04:05 PM
07/18/02 04:05 PM
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It's possible to play the RPG Might and Magic VII without killing anything. Check out this victory post at Google Groups for details. Here's an excerpt:
In Harmindale we found our castle full of rats and goblins. The butler suggested violence.
"Good gracious NO! We wouldn't *think* of harming those poor creatures!"
So the butler left for an indefinite stay at the inn. And we had another problem; we were almost out of gold. Now, unscrupulous adventurers have been known to hunt down various creatures, savagely attack and slaughter them, and steal their treasure. No wonder those creatures react so negativly when they see adventurers aproaching! It's time to break the cycle of violence. We would earn our gold only by honorable means -- like gambling.
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Re: Adventure/RPG
07/18/02 04:09 PM
07/18/02 04:09 PM
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Never played baulders gate, havent really played an rpg in a long time. I simply dont like em. Dont know why, must be the pointing and clicking or the fantasy.
The best part of playing a game is for it to never end. A long game is a good game!
Re: Adventure/RPG
07/18/02 05:54 PM
07/18/02 05:54 PM
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Jenny: The only way you could even try to do something like that post is after you already know the game inside out. Some MM nuts will do anytihng to make the game a challenge. This is one way, another way is to have a party with one person or to finish the game in one months game time. There is no way a person playing the game for the first time would be able to accomplish this. The MM series is known to be a very combat oriented series.
salim: Not all RPGs are fantasy both but it is true that most are.
Re: Adventure/RPG
07/18/02 06:11 PM
07/18/02 06:11 PM
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Zanthia, excuse my ignorance, but what is a turn based RPG?
There is a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line. Oscar Levant
Re: Adventure/RPG
07/18/02 06:36 PM
07/18/02 06:36 PM
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Hi Jenny. I thought it was an hilarious post And as Zanthia says - "specialist gamers only" need apply Cheers. Mad 
Time : The Most Precious Commodity
Re: Adventure/RPG
07/18/02 06:39 PM
07/18/02 06:39 PM
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Shy Boomer
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Yea. Rpg's can be fun but I like more suspense and exploring instead a person playing a role. but You never know I might like some of them that i've never tried.
The best part of playing a game is for it to never end. A long game is a good game!
Re: Adventure/RPG
07/19/02 04:28 PM
07/19/02 04:28 PM
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I think to distinguish between different genres is important when it comes to adventure gaming. Adventure games are unique in that the challenge is overwhelmingly one of mental exercise. When reflex sequences are added, it alienates and frustrates a lot of gamers (as we can see from the reaction to Simon 3D). Hybrid labels (action/adventure rpg/adventure) let me know what type of challenge I'm going to get from the game.
----- If you don't like the RPGs you've played, but have never tried a Baldur's Gate/Planescape Torment type RPG, then I strongly recommend you try one out. The gameplay is quite different from Diablo-style RPGs, and I'm sure they must be pretty cheap to buy by now. And if you really believe a long game is a good game, get Baldur's Gate 2!
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