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Who Is Jonathan Boakes? #122522
07/23/02 02:34 PM
07/23/02 02:34 PM
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Jonathan Boakes
--XXv Productions
I just received my copy of Dark Fall today, so it only took 5 days (ordered on the 18th). Pretty good, but.................. that's just what appears to be what I got.... a copy..... no booklet/ pamphlet only a little 3/5 note with instructions on installing

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Re: Who Is Jonathan Boakes? #122523
07/23/02 02:46 PM
07/23/02 02:46 PM
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If you hold the CD up to the light, you may notice that one side has a sort of ring along the outer edge. That is the reading side and the side that should face down. The CD is not completely full of data and the ring along the outer edge is the part without data written to it.
If you can't see it, just stick the CD in and if your drive can't read it, flip it over and see if the other side will read. Once you figure out which side faces up, you can write on it with a magic marker to make it easier to tell.

Jonathan Boakes produced this game himself and is not part of a big company. So the packaging is low tech.

Re: Who Is Jonathan Boakes? #122524
07/23/02 02:48 PM
07/23/02 02:48 PM
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And the game manual is on the disk, along with some hints.

I usually don't bother taking extensive notes when playing. Boy, do I regret it this time. I need to start over, and map the whole place, and take detailed notes for each room. I don't see how to coordinate all the information otherwise.

Re: Who Is Jonathan Boakes? #122525
07/23/02 02:48 PM
07/23/02 02:48 PM
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I just got my copy yesterday., and it's packaged the same as yours! I know it looks like a bootleg copy, but it's a small company (or maybe just one person), so I guess that accounts for the lack of a printed manual. I do admit at least some kind of label on the CD would be nice! After all, if you ever decide to trade it away, you don't want the person you send it to thinking you made an illegal copy!

That actualy happend to me when I traded my copy of Hopkins FBI. It was shipped with no box in a padded envelope, and the name of the game was just written with a felt tip marker! I ordered directly from the company that made the game, but when I traded it, the person I sent it to accussed me of trading bootleg copies & she asked for her game back!

Re: Who Is Jonathan Boakes? #122526
07/23/02 02:51 PM
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Case was tricky? just push the black button in the middle <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="tongue.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="tongue.gif" /> wink



Re: Who Is Jonathan Boakes? #122527
07/23/02 02:56 PM
07/23/02 02:56 PM
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I found it easier to just look at the CD and find the side that is gold-toned. THAT is the side that goes down in your CDROM. The silver side goes up. The gold side has the data on it.

AND....the answer to "who is Jonathan Boakes?" A GENIUS!!!! DARK FALL is one of the best games that I've ever played. And being a one-man-company sure didn't detract from the quality of this FINE game! Label or no label! (Incidentally.....none of the CDs have a label. He made them himself. He can DO that.....he created the game!)

PLAYING ON PC: World of Warcraft...nothing else...there is no need for ANY other game when you have THIS one to play!! LOL
Re: Who Is Jonathan Boakes? #122528
07/23/02 03:34 PM
07/23/02 03:34 PM
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Thanks everyone! lol
As soon as I finish the two I'm currently playing, I'll load this.... I can hardly wait, I've heard so many good things from all the Boomers! Jenny and GirlG thanks for letting me know which side is up lol Thanks! Polo, once I put my glasses on I was able to read those little "push here" buttons before I snapped the danged thing in half eek
nolalou, I can REALLY see that happening!!!! Guess this game won't be going any where except in my own PC wink

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Re: Who Is Jonathan Boakes? #122529
07/23/02 04:04 PM
07/23/02 04:04 PM
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Yes, Jonathan is a genius, And he is a really nice chap!

Did you realise he gave up his dayjob just so he could finish Dark Fall early??? Planned release was next Christmas. (there is a bit in the game where a date shows 2003 so I asked him!!)

I hope XXV productions can do loads more, if so I'm sure they will be in business for years!!

Tally, I hate taking notes, but found myself just scribbling things down as I was going along... all over about 4 different scraps of paper!!! I have now got a very messy desk smile


Tig wave

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Re: Who Is Jonathan Boakes? #122530
07/23/02 05:20 PM
07/23/02 05:20 PM
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If you put it in wrong side up, it doesn't matter, you just eject it an flip it over! wink Oh and don't forget to take notes!

Re: Who Is Jonathan Boakes? #122531
07/23/02 05:45 PM
07/23/02 05:45 PM
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I just looked at my Dark Fall notes- 21 pages! OK, it's a small notebook - about 4" x 6". lol

Re: Who Is Jonathan Boakes? #122532
07/23/02 05:51 PM
07/23/02 05:51 PM
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I made TONS of notes during this game! More than I EVER have on a game! I think that was partially due to the fact that I really "became" the ghosthunter and wanted my "data" all in order! I sure love this game. I haven't completed it yet, but am very close. I have referred back to my notes QUITE a few times, so I think note-taking is a good idea here.

PLAYING ON PC: World of Warcraft...nothing else...there is no need for ANY other game when you have THIS one to play!! LOL
Re: Who Is Jonathan Boakes? #122533
07/23/02 05:57 PM
07/23/02 05:57 PM
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I ordered mine the same time as Marcie, so I should get it tomorrow or the next day, Im really looking forward to it, but am going to try to wait
awhile before I play,Im glad this topic came up otherwise I probably would have been a little freaked out when I got the game, thinking it was a bootleg. wave

Re: Who Is Jonathan Boakes? #122534
07/23/02 07:11 PM
07/23/02 07:11 PM
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Hi there,

All very surreal, popping on to GB's and reading "Who is Jonathan Boakes". Ummm, I am. I think. <img border="0" alt="woozy" title="" src="graemlins/woozy.gif" />

Blank CD's were part of the concept, and were meant to add mystery. Which they seem to be doing. As well as a conceptual puzzle element. (To get text printed on Cd's is actually quite cheap, by the way).

Small outfit, is definitely true, it is just me, so you can rest assured knowing that I burnt each CD, packed each case, and licked those 3 stamps on the package! Urgh. They taste horrible!

As for printed material, I actually decided to "go green" and not get a booklet printed. As soon as anything goes to print it is "out of date". Having said that, with all the notes your having to make I've obviously felled a few pines anyway! If you run into any trouble, you can contact me via the site address.

Tally Ho, GirlGeek, Tigger, SuMac,
You do realise that I'm going to have to plant several trees tomorrow! laugh

--XXv Productions

The ghosts are waiting, in the dark places, the forgotten places. Waiting for you: Darkling Room Games
Re: Who Is Jonathan Boakes? #122535
07/23/02 07:19 PM
07/23/02 07:19 PM
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Arent you suppose to hire a sexy sectary to lick the stamps Jonathan? rolleyes rolleyes rolleyes lol



Re: Who Is Jonathan Boakes? #122536
07/23/02 07:22 PM
07/23/02 07:22 PM
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Polo, I tried, but couldn't find anyone suitable. Does Bruno want a job?

The ghosts are waiting, in the dark places, the forgotten places. Waiting for you: Darkling Room Games
Re: Who Is Jonathan Boakes? #122537
07/23/02 07:27 PM
07/23/02 07:27 PM
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Lol. well if you have enough cash to keep him going then sure.. but you have to walk him often! hehe lol



Re: Who Is Jonathan Boakes? #122538
07/23/02 09:08 PM
07/23/02 09:08 PM
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I want the game. I don't have paypal. Any chance we can work something out?


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Re: Who Is Jonathan Boakes? #122539
07/23/02 10:18 PM
07/23/02 10:18 PM
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I love this,

We should start a mass graffitti campaign - scrawling "Who is Jonathan Baokes" all over buildings and over passes. Soon there will be a cult following - next a economic think tank. wink

Laura *who adores Dark Fall and knows who Jonathan Baokes is - he's brilliant*

Re: Who Is Jonathan Boakes? #122540
07/23/02 11:35 PM
07/23/02 11:35 PM
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Johnathon's right...The mystery starts when he game physically comes to your door. The first few puzzles have been discussed at length
puzzles #2,#3, and #4. LOL for a walkthrough just ask mac_attack! He started it all!!!
Inferno eek

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Re: Who Is Jonathan Boakes? #122541
07/24/02 05:37 AM
07/24/02 05:37 AM
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Hi Bredon, Yes, something is always possible, drop me an email so that we can talk about the alternatives.


"a cult following" Eeek! That's scary, I'd never leave the house! Oh, silly me, I never leave it anyway....


The ghosts are waiting, in the dark places, the forgotten places. Waiting for you: Darkling Room Games
Re: Who Is Jonathan Boakes? #122542
07/24/02 06:36 AM
07/24/02 06:36 AM
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Why me????? <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="tongue.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="tongue.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="tongue.gif" /> Why do I always end up getting stuck with the teasing???? blush blush It happened one time and that was it!

Jonathan: Ever thought of labelling the front cover of the case saying "Remember To Press The Black Button In The Middle?" Let me know if you like this idea!!!!! laugh laugh

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Re: Who Is Jonathan Boakes? #122543
07/24/02 07:06 AM
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Jonathan - Darkfall T Shirts?

Re: Who Is Jonathan Boakes? #122544
07/24/02 07:12 AM
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Darkfall Posters!!!!!! laugh laugh laugh smile

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Re: Who Is Jonathan Boakes? #122545
07/24/02 08:22 AM
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A DarkFall Haloween festival. I see it all now-
the game being played on an IMAX screen with surround sound, Joanathan giving blow by blow commentary of the action, paramedics taking care
of the swooners. Oh, what potential laugh

Re: Who Is Jonathan Boakes? #122546
07/24/02 08:33 AM
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Dark Fall mug please!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="tongue.gif" />


PS /chuckles at Mac lol lol


Re: Who Is Jonathan Boakes? #122547
07/24/02 09:33 AM
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How about a t-shirt saying "I'm with Jonathan Boakes"? laugh laugh laugh

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Re: Who Is Jonathan Boakes? #122548
07/24/02 09:40 AM
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no no "Jonathan Boakes killed JFK"




Re: Who Is Jonathan Boakes? #122549
07/24/02 09:42 AM
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Just catching up...

Don't worry about my tree Jonathan, my notes are always on the back of old flyers from school or used envelopes, so I am already recycling!!!

I love the idea of a t-shirt or mug...

OH, BTW I keep meaning to ask.. if we tune into the cameras during working hours, could we actually get a glimpse of you????


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Re: Who Is Jonathan Boakes? #122550
07/24/02 03:49 PM
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We appreciate your sacrifice, stamp glue taste horrible.
We also hope that while your tounge is engaged licking stamps your brain is cooking up another game. You are a natural, keep going, please. Kathy

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Oscar Wilde
Re: Who Is Jonathan Boakes? #122551
07/24/02 04:18 PM
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Oh Jonathan,

why don't you ask for the pre-glued stamps from the post office???


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Re: Who Is Jonathan Boakes? #122552
07/24/02 04:36 PM
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Originally posted by gatorlaw:
We should start a mass graffitti campaign - scrawling "Who is Jonathan Baokes" all over buildings and over passes. Soon there will be a cult following - next a economic think tank.
This is beginning to sound like Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged--"Who is John Galt?" eek

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Re: Who Is Jonathan Boakes? #122553
07/24/02 04:45 PM
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Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged
That is what I was referencing laugh


Re: Who Is Jonathan Boakes? #122554
07/24/02 04:53 PM
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New Question: Where is Jonathan? He has a ton of unanswered questions from us that he needs to answer. laugh laugh laugh wave

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Re: Who Is Jonathan Boakes? #122555
07/24/02 05:09 PM
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Licking stamps and making Dark Fall 2: Mac_Attack



Re: Who Is Jonathan Boakes? #122556
07/24/02 07:09 PM
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Jonathan, dear Jonathan....

We need t-shirts and coffee mugs! Have them done through and it won't be any work for you,'ll make more moolah! AND...I know that I, for one, will buy! Ideas anyone...for sayings on the shirts? (Of course there would also have to be a game graphic.)

Maybe "I Survived Dark Fall"..."Who is Jonathan Boakes?" (on the front) and "Play Dark Fall" (on the back). Nah....just kidding!

But maybe some spooky quotes from within the game itself!!!! YEAH!!!!! "Get out of my room!!!!!" Bwahahahahahaha!!!!!!!

PLAYING ON PC: World of Warcraft...nothing else...there is no need for ANY other game when you have THIS one to play!! LOL
Re: Who Is Jonathan Boakes? #122557
07/24/02 09:59 PM
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Originally posted by girlgeek:
Jonathan, dear Jonathan....

We need t-shirts and coffee mugs! Have them done through and it won't be any work for you,'ll make more moolah! AND...I know that I, for one, will buy! Ideas anyone...for sayings on the shirts? (Of course there would also have to be a game graphic.)

Maybe "I Survived Dark Fall"..."Who is Jonathan Boakes?" (on the front) and "Play Dark Fall" (on the back). Nah....just kidding!

But maybe some spooky quotes from within the game itself!!!! YEAH!!!!! "Get out of my room!!!!!" Bwahahahahahaha!!!!!!!
...or Who is Johnathan Boakes? on the front ...... I Survived Puzzle #2
on the back......

oh no... rolleyes ..wait a minute . rolleyes ..that's no good then our dear mac_attack couldn't wear one!!!
MUAHAHAHAAHAAHAAAHAA! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="tongue.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="tongue.gif" />

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Re: Who Is Jonathan Boakes? #122558
07/24/02 11:52 PM
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Not that I've played the game yet, but I gotta cast my vote for "It knows my name! It knows my name!" on the shirts...


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Re: Who Is Jonathan Boakes? #122559
07/25/02 06:30 AM
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To gameboomers, he has become a household name. laugh

Re: Who Is Jonathan Boakes? #122560
07/25/02 07:04 AM
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Ahhh Jonathan..... so many fans.... so little time.... lol
Bumper Sticker:
"Jonathan Boakes - if you don't know, don't ask"
lol lol
Always mystery - keeping everyone on their toes from delivery lol lol to play time! Thank you for sharing your "gift"..............
or, bumper sticker
"I Jonathan Boakes"
wave wave

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Re: Who Is Jonathan Boakes? #122561
07/25/02 08:19 AM
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I know who Johnathan Boakes is!!! Only the most popular person on this site!!! Beyond that, I don't know anything about him.


Re: Who Is Jonathan Boakes? #122562
07/25/02 08:21 AM
07/25/02 08:21 AM
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Oh, Jonathan! Looks like you definitely have to make another game for us now!!!!! laugh laugh wave

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