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Why trade? #122986
08/27/02 09:16 AM
08/27/02 09:16 AM
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T. Ritter Offline OP
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I was just over at Game Trading Zone and found that at least 105 (!) people have The Watchmaker on their wanted lists.

I recently ordered WM from an on-line store for a very reasonable price so the reason for all the folks wanting to trade for it can hardly be that it´s hard to find or that it´s too expensive.

In these troubled times for adventure games I really think we all should be BUYING the new games we want rather than trade for them and use GTZ for getting those older, harder to get, out of print games instead. In the long run I believe that´s the only way to encourage Trecision (in this case) to continue releasing adventure games in the future.

Well, just a thought... What do YOU think?

Re: Why trade? #122987
08/27/02 09:48 AM
08/27/02 09:48 AM
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In these troubled times for adventure games I really think we all should be BUYING the new games we want rather than trade for them and use GTZ for getting those older, harder to get, out of print games instead. In the long run I believe that´s the only way to encourage Trecision (in this case) to continue releasing adventure games in the future.
I agree totally people should buy the games and only swap as a last resort for the older games you cant buy anymore.

Adventure Games Forever
Re: Why trade? #122988
08/27/02 09:49 AM
08/27/02 09:49 AM
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I agree. Not that I want to tell people how to trade and with what, ha-ha-ha-ha! But I always get a bit surprised when I notice new titles that aren't all that expensive, looked for in trades.

Re: Why trade? #122989
08/27/02 10:19 AM
08/27/02 10:19 AM
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gatorlaw Offline
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Absolutely right!!

It aggrivates me when I see people looking to get a game for trade (or worse) that is readily available.

If we don't support the new games in the market place - there won't be new games to be bought, traded or anything else. frown

I think the most bizarre example of this was where someone was offering to sell their copy of Dark Fall for more than it cost to get it new from Jonathan. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Confused]" src="confused.gif" />


Re: Why trade? #122990
08/27/02 10:37 AM
08/27/02 10:37 AM
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Do you all feel the same about selling games you have played?

Re: Why trade? #122991
08/27/02 10:52 AM
08/27/02 10:52 AM
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Hi ya', Duststorm and all! laugh laugh laugh

I don't think any of us feels exactly the same way about much of anything for that matter....LOL! wink lol

Here's where I'm coming from: I support buying new games whereever and whenever possible (unless they aren't available anymore in store fronts or online), particularly when they are now being sold for the most part at a very reasonable price! That's the only way we can collectively support and encourage the life of the adventure gaming industry. Otherwise, someday we'll only have old games to play. There won't be any new ones coming....

Love, Witchen =O) smile

Re: Why trade? #122992
08/27/02 11:07 AM
08/27/02 11:07 AM
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Witchen said it - I also doubt there are many things that we all agree on. My first post was probably just an out of the gut reaction to the number of people looking for a game that is available everywhere and was just released months ago. If a person is looking to trade or sell a game that they don't wish to keep that is one thing and varies from person to person. But when you have 100+ people seeking to buy a used game that they could easily get for the same price - that is a bit disturbing.

It can't be a positive thing for the publisher seeking to justify continued expenditures on new adventure game development.


Re: Why trade? #122993
08/27/02 11:47 AM
08/27/02 11:47 AM
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Duststorm, I believe everyone has the right to do pretty much what they want with what is theirs after they have bought it, including selling it or using it in a trade. What SURPRISES me though, is that so many gamers seem determined NOT to buy a game they want in spite of the fact that the game in question is both easily found and inexpensive.

Re: Why trade? #122994
08/27/02 12:02 PM
08/27/02 12:02 PM
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And then there is what you call inexpensive and what I call inexpensive...frankly I have not purchased either Jazz & Faust or Watchmaker yet as it is going for 29.95 online + shipping and same price in the retail stores. I will strive to purchase it new but want the price to come down. I am all for supporting the new game makers and distributors too. Witchen said it very nicely and I agree with her.
(I would not deal with GTZ no matter what nor eBay either - just don't feel comfortable with their way of doing things).
Love, Betty Lou

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Re: Why trade? #122995
08/27/02 12:28 PM
08/27/02 12:28 PM
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lonewolf32 Offline
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Would you let a friend borrow a newer game, even if you uninstalled it? Same difference...

(just playing devil's advocate)

Re: Why trade? #122996
08/27/02 12:43 PM
08/27/02 12:43 PM
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I agree that it's better to trade for those old out of print games instead of those currently available. I've even noticed games not released yet on GTZ wanted lists, and games that aren't even in production, like Tex Murphy Polarity. (planed as a the next sequel years ago, before Microsoft bought Access Software).

While GTZ is great for those hard to find games, but I must admit I now regret trading some of my older games!


Re: Why trade? #122997
08/27/02 12:48 PM
08/27/02 12:48 PM
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When I was a kid I was into comic books big time. At that time they were a nickel or a dime. Trading was something you did as a normal thing. I'm sure I traded off the original Superman, Spiderman, Batman, and several others now worth big bucks. I believe Marvel Comics is still in business bigtime and charging fine prices for their books. If trading didn't ruin them then why should I expect it to ruin the makers of PC games? Sorry, I can't agree with many of you but that's the way I see it. laugh

I didn't do it......and if I did I'm not guilty!
Re: Why trade? #122998
08/27/02 01:06 PM
08/27/02 01:06 PM
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I agree with the idea that the adventure gamers who have the means should pick up all new games at retail prices (as a post-level-7 BAAG lady, I'm certainly doing what I can to keep the sales figures up laugh ).

However, I still remember how it felt to be on a tight budget as a student, coveting that new adventure game, but buying the mandatory pathology book instead... <img border="0" alt="pacify" title="" src="graemlins/pacify.gif" />

Another reason for trying to trade for a new game (fx. the new ND) is that it's not readily available in all parts of the world. Many on-line retailers don't ship internationally, and some of those who do charge very high. For an example, Dreamcatcher charges about $60 for shipping one game! eek

IMHO, there might be a reason for at least some of the requests for new games at GTZ.


Re: Why trade? #122999
08/27/02 01:28 PM
08/27/02 01:28 PM
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I will trade for new games that are just released no matter what the price is. Why—because I don’t have unlimited funds as many as you seem to have. If it wasn’t for trading there would have been so many games I would have missed out on. Trading is completely legal. Ideally I would like to buy every game out if I could afford to. But what do I do when I am finished with them. I never replay any games. Should I just throw them away then.

When I do buy games and buy plenty I normally only buy when they go on sale for a substantial savings. This is one reason why I don’t do mail order along with the fact that some places like Dreamcatcher have unbelievably high shipping plus sales tax and places like Amazon I get hit with taxes too. The rare time I do mail order will only be when there is a great deal like at the 48 hour madness sale at gogamer.

T. Ritter—everyone’s idea of what is expensive and what isn’t is different.

Now I do agree if someone is going to buy a used game at the same cost as a new one than they should certainly buy it new especially if it is a small company.

Re: Why trade? #123000
08/27/02 07:11 PM
08/27/02 07:11 PM
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I'm going to have to agree with Billy Bob and Zanthia here. I'm all for trading.

Money isn't an issue here, as I can well afford to buy games. And I do buy most of the new ones that come out for the simple reason that I don't want to wait. But once I am done playing them, I will not replay them. I don't have an unlimited amount of room to keep them. And I absolutely refuse to throw something perfectly good away. Why not let somebody else enjoy it, while at the same time saving yourself some money by getting a game that you want in trade, even if it is readily available to buy?

I honestly do see the need to keep the developers in business. And I do feel somewhat guilty when I trade or buy a used game. But the bottom line is that I'm trying to save money and at the same time, rid myself of perfectly good items that would otherwise get thrown away or sit on a shelf forever gathering dust.

This is also how I feel about books. I buy and sell my books at Again, I feel bad because an author is not getting their cut. But again, am I supposed to toss out a perfectly good book that I'm never going to read again?

Just my take on things.


Re: Why trade? #123001
08/27/02 07:31 PM
08/27/02 07:31 PM
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Betty Lou, you can get Jazz & Faust at amazon used for $19. Not exactly cheap, but hey! Just trying to help.

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Re: Why trade? #123002
08/27/02 07:44 PM
08/27/02 07:44 PM


Why is it only computer games???Do I have to call maytag and tell them I bought a used washer and give them a cut???

Re: Why trade? #123003
08/27/02 08:29 PM
08/27/02 08:29 PM
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Personally I don't reckon it's wise to condemn people out of hand because they're for looking to trade for a new or new-ish game wave

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Re: Why trade? #123004
08/27/02 08:35 PM
08/27/02 08:35 PM
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please somebody hide this thread from TSS!!!!!

Re: Why trade? #123005
08/27/02 09:23 PM
08/27/02 09:23 PM
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I agree with Billybob, Zanthia and Dawn.
There are a whole bunch of games that arent released for months, if ever out here in Western Australia, and I refuse to pay $60-$70 for postage which is what some of the online stores charge.
My hubbie and I are always buying games, so we are doing our little bit to support game developers etc, but if there is a game I want that I know isnt going to be released out here, then an option for me is to trade. Plus if I hadnt joined gametz I wouldnt have met so many wonderful people wave

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Re: Why trade? #123006
08/27/02 10:08 PM
08/27/02 10:08 PM
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WOW! Everyone has a different point of view and what's really amazing is that everyone is right! I do a lot of buying and trading. I do believe in supporting the game companies and buy way more than I should sometimes. (Just ask that cowering C.C. next to my puter) But I also trade for a lot, usually the older games, but occassionally a new game too. Money is a big factor for most people and most of us are trying to save a buck or two when we can. If it's a game I really want I don't think twice about spending $50, but for a game that I'm on the fence about, $30 seems like an awful lot. Case in point, Jerusalem. Heard the game was less than what it should have been, (how's that for tact Laura?) but still wanted to take a look at it. Decisions, spend that $30 for a game that an established company produced or spend it on a new developer? I traded for Jerusalem and spent the money for Darkfall. And I'm quite happy with my choice.

I love buying through E-Bay and, but really have to laugh when I see a game selling used for more than a brand new copy. New games, used games, buy, trade, sell.......I do them all. I even buy several copies of new games sometimes to trade for older hard to get games. Bought 3 extra copies of Syberia and traded them for somethings I wanted within a few days.

But more than anyone else I agree with Fongo......hide this thread quick!

If you'll excuse me now, that C.C. has hidden in a drawer again and there is an auction I have to get to.

Hugs, Cheryl

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Re: Why trade? #123007
08/27/02 10:39 PM
08/27/02 10:39 PM
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Everyone has stated financial reasons in defense of trading games but no one, with the exception of Billy Bob, has mentioned the social aspect. How many traders have made friends through on-line trading? This shouldn't be left out of the equation.

Re: Why trade? #123008
08/27/02 11:02 PM
08/27/02 11:02 PM
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Hi Scout.

I Plead Guilty !!!!!

I've made a lot of nice friends through trading games laugh laugh laugh


Mad wave

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Re: Why trade? #123009
08/28/02 12:01 AM
08/28/02 12:01 AM
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Scout, you are so right! Many of my games I treasure dearly, but not as much as all the wonderful friends that I have made. And the many more I hope to make.

Hugs, Cheryl

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Re: Why trade? #123010
08/28/02 12:15 AM
08/28/02 12:15 AM
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I'd be willing to bet that there are a lot of people out there that regret paying full price for Chateau D'Or now.

There will always be people out there looking for a better deal, be it games or clothes or appliances. To each his own.

Hopefully, there are enough of us supporting the gaming industry, including the independent games, by paying full price.

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