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Re: Why trade? #123011
08/28/02 01:45 AM
08/28/02 01:45 AM
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Zanthia and Betty Lou, I´m not exactly rich myself. What I was trying to say was that WM is reasonably low in price compared to a lot of other games and that the price hardly can explain all the WM:s on the GTZ wanted lists. I didn´t mean "inexpensive" as in "anyone should be able afford it anytime". Really sorry if I have offended anyone.

My main point stands though, and it´s not about what you legally are entitled to do or not or what you do with your bought and used games. It´s about having the developers/publishers in mind when you´re putting one of their recently published or soon to be published games on your wanted lists at GTZ. If you still feel that for some good reason you should be trading for it, then fine. What bothers me is that some people seem to as a matter of routine put yet to be or recently published games on those lists.

Not to mention the pain in the a** it is when you get a match for, say, Broken sword 3 when you´re doing a "my matches" search... smile

Re: Why trade? #123012
08/28/02 02:16 AM
08/28/02 02:16 AM
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Most of the times I trade games because I didn't like it or didn't work on my computer. And I do support the game developers. There are a whole lot of games new coming out and I want to buy them all. But can't afford some of them. Like some boomers here said, I will wait until the price has gone down. And if someone wants to trade their new game for an old game I have even if it is available, that is the traders choice.

I think we all here have done their share of supporting the game developers, and will continue to do so no matter what. Or we won't have anymore games to buy or trade. But they should be afforable.

If we continue to buy games and trade games in my opinion the adventure game keeps growing and the developers will keep making great games, and maybe, maybe the prices will go down, and will be able to afford most of them But, you have to support them. I love adventure games and I would do my best to keep or help in anyway to keep it strong.

That's my opinion.

Liz laugh

Playing now: Still Life 2..Last Half of Darkness: Tomb of Zojir:
Re: Why trade? #123013
08/28/02 02:38 AM
08/28/02 02:38 AM
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Originally posted by T. Ritter:
What bothers me is that some people seem to as a matter of routine put yet to be or recently published games on those lists.
I have done this for years now, and I will keep on doing it..... There are SO many games out there that I want to get that I couldn't possibly keep up with all of their titles, their websites, their release dates, and I am sure that if I didn't list them there I would forget some of the games that I really wanted to get down the road.... Just my two cents....

As for trading games, I think it is a great idea! It may introduce traders to a new style of game that they may not have known about previously, and may stimulate their interest in purchasing future games from those publishers...

It seems you are saying that I should just purchase all of my games "new" and directly from the publisher's and let them sit here on my shelves gathering dust for years after I have played them until they become "rare" so that I can go trade them... Not gonna happen... (Although I would be happy to do this if someone else is gonna flip the bill....everyone isn't born with a silver spoon, ya know....)

So I can say that it is very nice for those who have "money" to keep buying the games retail, but everyone can't do that....... And I don't think we should have to be "punished" by not being allowed to play the games that we would like to play just because we aren't rich..... You may say $20-$30 isn't that much money, but multiply that times a couple of dozen (estimate of newly released adventure games this year) and we are talking big bucks!

Again, just my two cents..... smile

Re: Why trade? #123014
08/28/02 07:04 PM
08/28/02 07:04 PM
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Am I the only person that just enjoys so much that feeling you get with a brand new game, taking off the shrink rap, reading through the manual (that isn't covered in coffee stains and creased)... its not the same with 2nd hand stuff!

Re: Why trade? #123015
08/28/02 07:14 PM
08/28/02 07:14 PM
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Deano, I know exactly what you are talking about. I have games I bought in the last 2 years that are still in the shrinkwrap, just so I can get that "rush" with the new shrinkwrap and clean manual every so often, whenever the mood hits me. smile

Re: Why trade? #123016
08/28/02 07:29 PM
08/28/02 07:29 PM
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I sure like what Mad said. Why should we judge what others do( as long as it isn't illegal, immoral, ah you get the drift). I put new games on my wanted list when there is no way I will buy them new, such as brand new RPGs that I may or may not enjoy, would like to take a look at, but won't pay sixty dollars for the privilege. I have the new Nancy Drew on my available - I bought it as a gift for someone, and it turns out they already had it. So exactly what should I do with it, if I don't trade it?
And I do very well remember the days when I was a very poor college student, and would have loved to have been able to trade for games. Unfortunately there wasn't anything like gametz or gameboomers back then! So I wasn't helping the industry much on my meager purchases of a few games, and not trading.
I tend to buy all the adventure games I see, but I sure don't feel guilty about trading ones that aren't keepers.

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- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Re: Why trade? #123017
08/28/02 07:48 PM
08/28/02 07:48 PM
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Nickie brings up a good point! I recently traded a game with someone from Australia and was very surprised to have it arrive still in the shrinkwrap. When I asked about it, he said that he bought 2 new ones to begin with... one to keep and one to trade because all games were not readily available in his country and he 'had' to trade to be able to play some of the ones that he couldn't buy!

We in the US are so lucky to have so many resources available to us may not realize what other people have to do.

Re: Why trade? #123018
08/28/02 07:53 PM
08/28/02 07:53 PM
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Originally posted by Mad:

Personally I don't reckon it's wise to condemn people out of hand because they're for looking to trade for a new or new-ish game
It is useful for me if I can buy a new game for someone in order to trade for an old one that isn't available any more. In the past I've even bought 2 new games to trade for a rare older one. Also, if a person is overseas, it may be cheaper to mail them a game in trade than to get currency converted so that they can use it.

Re: Why trade? #123019
09/01/02 02:14 AM
09/01/02 02:14 AM
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In my woolly headed way I agree with everyone as points have been made "for both sides" so well. If I had not been on gametz I would never have been pointed towards Gameboomers by Marcie.

Some people(like me) put new games on their wanted list because I know I will forget about them if not. I am still playing games 5-6 yrs old and never have to look forward to adventures in production as I have such a huge pile to play.

I do feel that I should buy new as well which is why my local Game shop knows me very well, my excuse for buying a shrink wrapped game is that I am supporting the industry.

Re: Why trade? #123020
09/01/02 07:18 AM
09/01/02 07:18 AM
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Well, I do a lot of trading (under "DaveF" on Gametz) and agree with Zanthia about not finding it objectionable in any way. Some games are finished quickly and/or not liked and part of my permanent 300+ game collection. I'd rather get rid of them, preferably for another I'm not sure I want to drop $30 to $50 on. BTW, my rule of thumb is $15. If, as is the case with Harry Potter this week for example, I can get a game new for $15 or less, I'll go that route. With the $4 cost of priority mail with delivery confirmation, that means the new title is only $10 to $11 net. BTW, also, don't you just hate it when you don't get any reply on gametz? I've had two occasions in the last couple of weeks where, in spite of a reminder mail, I've not had the courtesy of a response at all to reasonable offers (Jazz & Faust for something in both cases) - and this discourtesy with adventure gamers, no less! O.R.

Re: Why trade? #123021
09/01/02 09:24 AM
09/01/02 09:24 AM
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Kansas City, Missouri, USA here's MY ten cents! LOL

I don't think that ANYone on THIS board needs to feel ANY amount of guilt in the "supporting the game developers" issue! I, as well as most of you, do my fair share of buying full price new, eBay, Game Trading Zone, and Boomers trades and purchases. I have done EVERY combination of financial and trade haggling to get another game that I haven't played, believe me!

I am a student AND a single mother, and money does not grow on trees outside of MY house, to be sure! I actually had to quit buying lattes and cappuccinos at Starbucks to support my gaming habits. (And THIS month, my son and I, who BOTH play games, although different genres....are not going to be able to go to McDonald's or anywhere ELSE for that matter, because of our game expenditures!) You DO what you ENJOY the most.

So far this month, I have purchased, from the game stores 2 brand new games. WHEN there are new adventures to buy, for instance the upcoming Post Mortem and Black Mirror...I *usually* buy them brand new. I bought Dark Fall immediately, as well. However....I have no problem in trading for them with someone who had already played them if I can't afford them any other way!

We really JOKE about it alot around here, you know...BAAGS, BUT...I believe that this can TRULY be an addiction...the playing and just the OBTAINING of games. And like any other addiction...I, personally, will do about ANYthing to get ahold of an adventure that I haven't played yet! AND....I don't always *necessarily* stop to think how my addiction is going to affect everyone around me, including the developers, fellow addicts, my family, friends, etc. In all seriousness...this really CAN be a disease. I'm not in denial...I KNOW that I have it.

PLAYING ON PC: World of Warcraft...nothing else...there is no need for ANY other game when you have THIS one to play!! LOL
Re: Why trade? #123022
09/01/02 09:33 AM
09/01/02 09:33 AM
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I believe it is also important to support the connective companies which provide the integral links to certain games.I am referring to,of course,Dreamcatcher Games.I have a strong memory of the mid-1990's.In particular how very difficult it was for me to locate and purchase Cryo computer games.There was no North American Telephone number. There was no North American customer-order number at that time either....Back then I was living in Manhattan and of all places,if Cryo HAD been available I would have had access in such a grande city as this.I just simply got lucky once in a blue moon and found Cryo games in a computer boutique or a computer gaming store.I would feel greatly distressed if Cryo's Canadian Link (Dreamcatcher) were to ever be disbanded or go out of business. This is why I spend an extra amount of money sending my purchases directly to the Canadian branch in Toronto rather than utilise a more expedited and cheaper method such as E.B.Games,for instance,in Las Vegas happydance <img border="0" alt="woozy" title="" src="graemlins/woozy.gif" />

Re: Why trade? #123023
09/01/02 10:12 AM
09/01/02 10:12 AM
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No offense taken here. And I am happy (again) to see that all us GBers can agree to disagree without there being hurt feelings.....
Love, Betty Lou

I am 'the HAT lady"! and "who loves ya BABY?!"
Re: Why trade? #123024
09/01/02 11:28 AM
09/01/02 11:28 AM
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I buy new, I buy used, I trade if I have anything to do it with, borrow if I cannot get it any other way and I do not feel guilty for doing it. The very fist game I have ever played was a loan from a friend (Myst). I got hooked on the spot, soon after I got the BAAGs.
I think we all should be able to do what we can according to our circumstances with our property without having to worry about the displeasure of others.
Buying new, used or trading all generate interest one way or another, these actions and the discussions about them are the best FREE advertisement any game designer/developer/distributor can have or ask for.

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Re: Why trade? #123025
09/01/02 12:42 PM
09/01/02 12:42 PM
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Wow, how this one has lived on!

Once again, I have NOT intended to "condemn" or "judge" anyone and, as I stated above, it´s of course everyones right to do whatever they want with a game they own, including using it in a trade. And as I also stated above I´m aware of that there can be good reasons to obtain a newly released game by trading too.

But finding 100+ of a game that´s easily obtainible (DVD Box Office doesn´t charge anyhing for shipping internationally BTW) and, dare I say it, reasonably priced on the GameTZ wanted lists simply got me thinking. And with Cryo and Presto being only the latest of the adventure games developers/publishers to take their signs down I really think there are good reasons for reacting the way I did. I´m not telling anyone what to do, only to think before doing it.

Re: Why trade? #123026
09/01/02 01:15 PM
09/01/02 01:15 PM
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I think someone else already mentioned it, and I forgot to...

I use my GameTZ wanted list, as "notes to myself." I won't remember the names of the new games coming out that I want, if I don't keep a permanent list somewhere! For example, I just added Black Mirror to it, because....I will forget that it's coming by the time it is released! I then, usually, purchase the game and delete it from my wanted list. I BET that myself and this other person are not the only people who do that! GTZ is a convienient place to keep a list of wants!

PLAYING ON PC: World of Warcraft...nothing else...there is no need for ANY other game when you have THIS one to play!! LOL
Re: Why trade? #123027
09/01/02 02:48 PM
09/01/02 02:48 PM
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Companies/developers come and go, it is like this in all business. It is presumptuous to say that they went out of business because some of their product was resold or traded. If that was true no business could survive.
Ever since I joined the board I have been reading about how the genre is dying out, this in a year when we had a bumper crop of adventure games, new and innovative people joined the ranks of developers and a couple of companies closed their doors for reasons of their own. This is a normal cycle of business and not the decline of anything.

"I am not young enough to know everything."

Oscar Wilde
Re: Why trade? #123028
09/01/02 03:16 PM
09/01/02 03:16 PM
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what do you think of the following:
I buy my games if they are available in my country. but so many games never have been released here:
the nancy drew games, watchmaker, jazz and faust, eye of the kracken. so if I can do a trade I am very happy with it. I do not own a creditcard. Years ago I had one, so I ordered some games I couldn't buy in my country and saw that I had to pay 3 times the original price, shipping and custum so for me it is not worth to buy with a creditcard at amazon, cd-access or other internetshops.
so when someone wants to trade with me I am very happy with it as I wrote above.

Re: Why trade? #123029
09/01/02 06:58 PM
09/01/02 06:58 PM
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Margaret, I have exactly the same problem. A long time ago when I didn't know about the possiblity of trading, I used to buy some games through Amazon and Chips&Bytes but it was very, very expensive with the shipping and customs. Her in Brazil we don't get the huge amount of titles available... I believe that 0,5 in 10 is released here. The lastest super adventure game we got was Myst 3... and only that since Gabriel Knight 3! I don't know about the other game styles but this is our situation for adventures.

So, if it weren't for Gameboomers and GTZ I would have starved of gaming.

Ah, I also use my GTZ wanted list as a reminder of the games I want, just as Girlgeek said.

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