What kind of mice do you find comfortable?
09/25/02 09:48 AM
09/25/02 09:48 AM
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If I play for any length of time I find my mouse hand complaining about the moving and clicking.
Have any of you found one mouse better than another for hand strain? Or found other pointing devices better?
Do you prefer large or small mice? The Apple optical mouse I have is artistic but the click action a little odd.
Regards, Peter.
Used to answer to "Peter Smith", now answers to "Peter Rootham-Smith"
Re: What kind of mice do you find comfortable?
09/25/02 10:11 AM
09/25/02 10:11 AM
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Why don't you try little white mice! Sorry couldn't help it Christina
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Re: What kind of mice do you find comfortable?
09/25/02 10:15 AM
09/25/02 10:15 AM
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Betty Lou
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A friend gave hubby a Logitech MarbleMouse Trackball as a thank you for some computer help. We installed it on hubbys computer and both tried it and LOVE it. When I purchased my own computer 2 1/2 years ago I immediately got myself the trackball too. It is about 7" long and the ball is in the middle top of the unit with long oval shaped buttons on each side. I find it very comfortable and it is for rightys and leftys. Funny thing is that one usually uses a mouse or trackball with the right hand if one is righthanded. I am righthanded and learned from the start to use my left hand on the mouse thus freeing my right hand up for writing and taking notes. Now I have trouble using someone elses computer and mouse cause they have it set up for use on the right side of the system, not the left. I find that very awkward now. You might try going to someplace like BEST BUY and try 'hands on' to see what you feel most comfortable with...it may be that the size of your 'computer hand' will factor in too. Good Luck Love, Betty Lou
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Re: What kind of mice do you find comfortable?
09/25/02 11:48 AM
09/25/02 11:48 AM
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Tally Ho, what is it about the Logitech wheel mouse that you think makes it bad for lefties? I have one (wireless version) and I use it with my left hand with no trouble. I'm not using the same fingers to click with that a right-handed person would, but it's no problem, because that's what I'm used to.....
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Re: What kind of mice do you find comfortable?
09/25/02 11:56 AM
09/25/02 11:56 AM
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I have the Logitech Wieless Wheel-Mouse also and I really love it. I especially love that it's so easy to move from one side of the computer to the other or down onto the lower shelf when necessary. Fits everyones needs. And side scrolling is really great.
Hugs, Cheryl
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Re: What kind of mice do you find comfortable?
09/25/02 12:23 PM
09/25/02 12:23 PM
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That's ok Christina I was thinking along the same lines I like my infared - no more cleaning off the roller ball. I don't like too many buttons though - to easy to accidently click. Laura
Re: What kind of mice do you find comfortable?
09/25/02 04:20 PM
09/25/02 04:20 PM
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I use the RadioShack cordless mouse with two little wheels for scrolling up and down. I hated those mouse that you plug on the back of your computer. I always had to be pulling on the cord. I love this mouse not to small or not to big. The price is just affordable for me. I have a trade for the mouse that hangs from the side of the screen that I could put my mouse on when I am finished with it. Perfect little mouse for me. Liz. 
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Re: What kind of mice do you find comfortable?
09/25/02 09:26 PM
09/25/02 09:26 PM
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Logitec scroll mouse and I won't give it up for anything -
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Re: What kind of mice do you find comfortable?
09/26/02 01:59 AM
09/26/02 01:59 AM
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I love my Microsoft Explorer 3.0 - exceptionally easy on the hand. I've tried several different kinds and have taken them back, until I got this one.
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Re: What kind of mice do you find comfortable?
09/26/02 03:01 AM
09/26/02 03:01 AM
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Thanks for the comments all! One summary might be we're all different so different things suit us.
I'll check out trackballs and wrist rests. Currently I like mice which glow in the dark over their cousins who need to be on a mat.
Used to answer to "Peter Smith", now answers to "Peter Rootham-Smith"