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What kind of mice do you find comfortable? #123391
09/25/02 09:48 AM
09/25/02 09:48 AM
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If I play for any length of time I find my mouse hand complaining about the moving and clicking.

Have any of you found one mouse better than another for hand strain? Or found other pointing devices better?

Do you prefer large or small mice? The Apple optical mouse I have is artistic but the click action a little odd.

Regards, Peter.

Used to answer to "Peter Smith", now answers to "Peter Rootham-Smith"
Re: What kind of mice do you find comfortable? #123392
09/25/02 10:02 AM
09/25/02 10:02 AM
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I love my Logitech Wheel-Mouse. No good for lefties though.

Re: What kind of mice do you find comfortable? #123393
09/25/02 10:11 AM
09/25/02 10:11 AM
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Why don't you try little white mice!

Sorry couldn't help it wink wink


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Re: What kind of mice do you find comfortable? #123394
09/25/02 10:13 AM
09/25/02 10:13 AM
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Hi there, Peter.....Yuppers! I agree with Tally Ho here. I love my LogiTech electronic mouse. It fits the hand much better (bigger, thicker and formed to the curve of the hand) and I never have a problem with hand cramps.

Love, Witchen =O) smile

Re: What kind of mice do you find comfortable? #123395
09/25/02 10:15 AM
09/25/02 10:15 AM
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A friend gave hubby a Logitech MarbleMouse Trackball as a thank you for some computer help. We installed it on hubbys computer and both tried it and LOVE it. When I purchased my own computer 2 1/2 years ago I immediately got myself the trackball too. It is about 7" long and the ball is in the middle top of the unit with long oval shaped buttons on each side. I find it very comfortable and it is for rightys and leftys. Funny thing is that one usually uses a mouse or trackball with the right hand if one is righthanded. I am righthanded and learned from the start to use my left hand on the mouse thus freeing my right hand up for writing and taking notes. Now I have trouble using someone elses computer and mouse cause they have it set up for use on the right side of the system, not the left. I find that very awkward now.
You might try going to someplace like BEST BUY and try 'hands on' to see what you feel most comfortable may be that the size of your 'computer hand' will factor in too.
Good Luck
Love, Betty Lou

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Re: What kind of mice do you find comfortable? #123396
09/25/02 10:22 AM
09/25/02 10:22 AM
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I use Microsofts IntelliMouse Explorer 3.0. Expensive but very precise and comfortable to use. I work a lot at home in front of the PC but have never had any problems with this mouse.

Re: What kind of mice do you find comfortable? #123397
09/25/02 11:06 AM
09/25/02 11:06 AM
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Someone gave me a Microsoft wireless wheel mouse but I could never get used to the feeling that I couldn't get a good grip on it. It felt like it was slipping out of my hand--couldn't lift it. My husband felt the same way. I went back to my Intellimouse with a wire and it feels so much better. Never tried a Logitech wireless. Maybe it feels better.

Re: What kind of mice do you find comfortable? #123398
09/25/02 11:48 AM
09/25/02 11:48 AM
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Tally Ho, what is it about the Logitech wheel mouse that you think makes it bad for lefties? I have one (wireless version) and I use it with my left hand with no trouble. I'm not using the same fingers to click with that a right-handed person would, but it's no problem, because that's what I'm used to.....

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Re: What kind of mice do you find comfortable? #123399
09/25/02 11:56 AM
09/25/02 11:56 AM
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I have the Logitech Wieless Wheel-Mouse also and I really love it. I especially love that it's so easy to move from one side of the computer to the other or down onto the lower shelf when necessary. Fits everyones needs. And side scrolling is really great.

Hugs, Cheryl

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Re: What kind of mice do you find comfortable? #123400
09/25/02 12:23 PM
09/25/02 12:23 PM
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That's ok Christina I was thinking along the same lines laugh

I like my infared - no more cleaning off the roller ball. I don't like too many buttons though - to easy to accidently click.


Re: What kind of mice do you find comfortable? #123401
09/25/02 12:33 PM
09/25/02 12:33 PM
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Second the vote for trackball devices. Switched from regular mouse to Logitech Trackman-Marble-Wheel and my arm and wrist have thanked me since. Takes a little getting used to but seems to work well in most games.

Re: What kind of mice do you find comfortable? #123402
09/25/02 01:34 PM
09/25/02 01:34 PM
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After several years of the regular old mouse I bought a Logitech Cordless MouseMan: Optical. I use my thumb and little finger to shove it around and the thumb and two fingers to click with. Never tried a trackball except in the stores and just felt too awkward for me. Since it ain't broke I ain't fixin' it. laugh

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Re: What kind of mice do you find comfortable? #123403
09/25/02 01:42 PM
09/25/02 01:42 PM
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I like trackballs, especially the kind that have larger sized balls. Sometimes a wrist rest is helpful if the trackball is higher than normal.

Re: What kind of mice do you find comfortable? #123404
09/25/02 04:20 PM
09/25/02 04:20 PM
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I use the RadioShack cordless mouse with two little wheels for scrolling up and down. I hated those mouse that you plug on the back of your computer. I always had to be pulling on the cord. I love this mouse not to small or not to big. laugh

The price is just affordable for me. I have a trade for the mouse that hangs from the side of the screen that I could put my mouse on when I am finished with it. Perfect little mouse for me.

Liz. laugh

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Re: What kind of mice do you find comfortable? #123405
09/25/02 04:27 PM
09/25/02 04:27 PM
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I have a Logitech wireless mouse and love it.
I am left-handed and had the Logitech wireless thats kind of slanted for a right hander I used it but its ok but I prefer the one thats kind of flat with the wheel in the top middle..I love the wheel would never be without one, I also like the wireless keyboard just as a side comment. wave

Re: What kind of mice do you find comfortable? #123406
09/25/02 06:12 PM
09/25/02 06:12 PM
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I have a Logitech Corded Optical Wheel Mouse and I just love it.... no little mouse ball to worry about..... smile

Re: What kind of mice do you find comfortable? #123407
09/25/02 07:45 PM
09/25/02 07:45 PM
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Logitech seems to be the favorite so far. I also have a Logitech Trackman Marble Wheel and I love it. I chose it mainly because I liked the way it fit my hand. I'm left handed but I use my right hand for the mouse. Don't know why but it just seemed natural. laugh I do have to clean the ball occasionally to get the cat hair out since one of my cats likes to lay on my arm when I use the computer. Love those cats. wink

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Re: What kind of mice do you find comfortable? #123408
09/25/02 09:26 PM
09/25/02 09:26 PM
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Logitec scroll mouse and I won't give it up for anything -

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Re: What kind of mice do you find comfortable? #123409
09/25/02 11:19 PM
09/25/02 11:19 PM
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I like a Microsoft roller mouse, but it is too slow for me if I have to move the cursor fast. In such a case I use a Logitech optical wireless mouse which has a central wheel and is symmetric, so I can use it either L hand or R hand. I often use it L hand so I can write notes with my R hand. The Microsoft roller mouse is set up strictly for the R hand. I'm waiting expectantly for the new generation of "mice" in which you just move your fingers around on a horizontal surface and press slightly for a "click". laugh laugh

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Re: What kind of mice do you find comfortable? #123410
09/26/02 12:50 AM
09/26/02 12:50 AM
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I have a Logitech trackball mouse. Had to switch to it a few months ago because my wrist and arm hurt so much from using a regular mouse. Now I only have problems if I have been playing games for a long period at one sitting. Another added benefit is when you have company and they want to use the computer, they don't usually use it for very long as they are used to the traditional mouse. A trackball does take a bit of getting used to and I still have trouble when playing a game which requires quick movement. Can't seem to spin the ball quite fast enough sometimes.

Re: What kind of mice do you find comfortable? #123411
09/26/02 01:59 AM
09/26/02 01:59 AM
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I love my Microsoft Explorer 3.0 - exceptionally easy on the hand. I've tried several different kinds and have taken them back, until I got this one.

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Re: What kind of mice do you find comfortable? #123412
09/26/02 03:01 AM
09/26/02 03:01 AM
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Thanks for the comments all! One summary might be we're all different so different things suit us.

I'll check out trackballs and wrist rests. Currently I like mice which glow in the dark over their cousins who need to be on a mat.

Used to answer to "Peter Smith", now answers to "Peter Rootham-Smith"
Re: What kind of mice do you find comfortable? #123413
09/26/02 07:54 AM
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Big fat ones. They are so much more comfortable on long trips. lol lol

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Re: What kind of mice do you find comfortable? #123414
09/26/02 10:32 AM
09/26/02 10:32 AM
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At the moment I am using the plain old mouse that came with my computer and I hate cleaning it which is why I bought a microsoft wireless optical blue mouse on 8-31 it seemed to work great and then I went on vacation for a week and when I got home I started playing syberia and discovered that the game would not reconize the clicking unless I moved the mouse slightly at the same time checked it with other games and the same thing so I contacted microsoft support and they have been trying to help me fix it but this morning turned on computer and started doing a few things and it just up and quit altogether mad on the brighter side of things I have a great excuse to go to the computer store and you know I won't come home with just a new mouse. laugh

Give me a minute I'll think of one wink
Re: What kind of mice do you find comfortable? #123415
09/27/02 03:54 AM
09/27/02 03:54 AM
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I have a four year old Logitech MouseMan Wheel - it gets daily constant usage (at work, where I'm a developer), it is still smooth and accurate.

It has a slightly odd shape that is definitely not for lefties. It has a high left hand edge arch and a low right hand edge, but my favourite feature is the thumb button low on the left side, that I have set up as a double click!

The Gremlin.

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