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Re: A Nosy question for the Boomers..... #123533
06/16/02 09:49 AM
06/16/02 09:49 AM
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Betty Lou Offline
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66 here (birthday in Feb.) - glad to be a member of this wonderful group - I do believe we have more in the 20-30 group but I could be wrong. It's funny how one gets an impression of a players age and gender from their 'handle' and their posts.....doesn't mean you get it right but a mental picture forms in ones head and its a surprise if/when you find out you were way off base...
Love, Betty Lou laugh

I am 'the HAT lady"! and "who loves ya BABY?!"
Re: A Nosy question for the Boomers..... #123534
06/16/02 10:10 AM
06/16/02 10:10 AM
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Washington, USA
Andy Offline
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Hey everyone,

54 here, and in good company. Someone earlier on mentioned how gaming bridges the generation gap, and I find that to be true usually whenever I go to my local EB or GameStop store. Recently I was in there, heard a man looking for a game "like Myst" and so showed him all the cool adventure games on the shelves. He ended up walking out with three of them, and the young male clerk thanked me for my help. BTW, he was very knowledgeable about adventure games, and we had a fun discussion about them. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="tongue.gif" />

I, too, think that a poll would be interesting, although we may not have the numbers here to impress a publisher. Worth a try, though, TSS! And you bring up a good question about how many of us would be willing (or able) to shell out $50 to spend on a game. Well, I just heard that the average yearly income of a college graduate in this country is $75,000!! eek I think I need to move to Mexico, in that case lol My limit on a game price is way under $50...

wave Andy

Re: A Nosy question for the Boomers..... #123535
06/16/02 10:12 AM
06/16/02 10:12 AM
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Trenton,New Jersey,U.S.A.
Michael Offline
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Lets put it this way You don't ever want to be my age tehehehe wave

Re: A Nosy question for the Boomers..... #123536
06/16/02 10:20 AM
06/16/02 10:20 AM
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"Do you think one of the reasons that gameboomers works so well is the heavy influence of older people?"

Yuppers! Especially at the 64 mark and happily gamin', hummin' and countin'!!!!!!.....LOL laugh laugh laugh

I sure do think so, Nickie! smile

Love, Witchen =O) smile

Re: A Nosy question for the Boomers..... #123537
06/16/02 11:28 AM
06/16/02 11:28 AM
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Pokey Offline
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Hey, Betty Lou, I'm 66 too....and branching out. I get my first console next month--a Playstation 2. It's not like I don't have enough PC games to play! Keep on gaming! happydance happydance

Re: A Nosy question for the Boomers..... #123538
06/16/02 11:57 AM
06/16/02 11:57 AM
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Claudette Offline
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Mornin' Everyone. Just like a couple of folks above I will be 66 next month. Even though the old bod doesn't respond as well anymore the mind sure does. That's probably why I enjoy adventure games so much. I'll be damned if I'm going to just lie back and let old age be an excuse for not having some fun out of life. You all are wonderful. Happy Gaming, Claudette

PS Am I the only one without an Avatar?

Re: A Nosy question for the Boomers..... #123539
06/16/02 12:39 PM
06/16/02 12:39 PM
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Mr 2 u Offline
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Wow your all oldies *snicker* just kiddin.
I'm 25 but wish I was retired so I could sit at home all day and play Adventure games smile that would be great!

Adventure Games Forever
Re: A Nosy question for the Boomers..... #123540
06/16/02 01:10 PM
06/16/02 01:10 PM
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Lost in the Arizona Desert
oldman Offline
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Lost in the Arizona Desert
65 and single, planning on staying that way. (After 4 failed marriages I figure I must not be the marrying kind).

Got hooked on Sierra games in the early 80s and been gaming ever since.

Plan on playing music and gaming as long as I can lift a sax and move a mouse.

You laugh because I'm different
I laugh because you're all the same

Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most.

Re: A Nosy question for the Boomers..... #123541
06/16/02 01:31 PM
06/16/02 01:31 PM
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PATSY Offline
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Hi all,
I'm 70 & stillwork 40 hrs or so a week. Guess I figure adv gaming & work keep your mind active.

Re: A Nosy question for the Boomers..... #123542
06/16/02 01:35 PM
06/16/02 01:35 PM
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Roz Offline
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49 years old. Started playing infocom text adventures and I've been hooked ever since.


Re: A Nosy question for the Boomers..... #123543
06/16/02 01:44 PM
06/16/02 01:44 PM
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puppytoes Offline
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I am 52 and I have become addicted to adventure games. I love this website.

Puppytoes happydance

Re: A Nosy question for the Boomers..... #123544
06/16/02 01:47 PM
06/16/02 01:47 PM
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Naples, FL, USA
o1alien Offline
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I am 50 and when I grow up I want to be a "hair braider" at Disneyworld!!!!! ET wink wink

Somethings have to be believed to be seen. Ralph Hodgson
Re: A Nosy question for the Boomers..... #123545
06/16/02 02:14 PM
06/16/02 02:14 PM
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acornia Offline
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TSS 'bite your tongue'. smile Have been a sci-fi reader since I was ten. Liked playing The Dig and The Ward. Embarassed to admit used the walkthru so could find out what happened next quicker on Ward. Also like seeing what other places look like and 'visiting' historical settings and times. Particularly liked Beyond Atlantis and The Messenger. Don't leave out mysteries like Laura Bow and Amerzone and book related games. Can leave out all the spooky scary ones though, revenge themes, and time sequences. blush wink <img border="0" alt="[winky]" title="" src="graemlins/winky.gif" /> <img border="0" alt="pacify" title="" src="graemlins/pacify.gif" />

Never resist a generous impulse.
Re: A Nosy question for the Boomers..... #123546
06/16/02 02:33 PM
06/16/02 02:33 PM


48 years old but only 3 as a gamer but who's counting!

Re: A Nosy question for the Boomers..... #123547
06/16/02 02:58 PM
06/16/02 02:58 PM
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b42241 Offline
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61 years young and proud of it!

Re: A Nosy question for the Boomers..... #123548
06/16/02 04:27 PM
06/16/02 04:27 PM
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ron.etti Offline
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I also can't beleive that there are so many boomers over 50...Where are all the young WHIPPER SNAPPERS at? What is a wipper snapper ANYWAY? thanks...ron.etti.......P.s. im 52 thank you. <img border="0" alt="[winky]" title="" src="graemlins/winky.gif" />

Re: A Nosy question for the Boomers..... #123549
06/16/02 04:29 PM
06/16/02 04:29 PM
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burpee Offline
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Hey Dee, thanks for posting this question. So many people who I've never seen post before have added their postings to this one. It's nice to see new faces smile

Re: A Nosy question for the Boomers..... #123550
06/16/02 04:49 PM
06/16/02 04:49 PM
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SuMac Offline
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Boy, I go off line for a couple of days, and when I come back, you have this really fun thread going. So I have to join in too - I'm 61, and my only regret is that I didn't start computering and gaming long ago.

P.S. The reason I was off line is I was moving into my new condo where I have a real "computer room", with lots of space for games, WT's, manuals, etc. Of course, these things are strewn all over the floor right now, cause I was so anxious to get my computer up and running again. Glad to be back! happydance

Re: A Nosy question for the Boomers..... #123551
06/16/02 05:00 PM
06/16/02 05:00 PM
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Hello everyone,
Mousepolice here from the UK
I'm the big 50 on July 13th
Can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: A Nosy question for the Boomers..... #123552
06/16/02 05:21 PM
06/16/02 05:21 PM
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lasanidine Offline
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I have been away working and look what I find when I come back. True confession time.
I have been 39 for such a long time that I cannot remember any other number (65 sound familiar). <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="tongue.gif" />
I have been tinkering with computers since the first main frames got on line long before the web was ever thought of. I have read every SF that was ever published. I would not give up my computer for anything. I will never get old and want to live for ever just to see what new thing are coming around the corner. And let me say this, I have never meat a GameBoomer who was old what ever his/her age was. wink

"I am not young enough to know everything."

Oscar Wilde
Re: A Nosy question for the Boomers..... #123553
06/16/02 06:03 PM
06/16/02 06:03 PM
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Albert Offline
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I'm just a little over 45.


Re: A Nosy question for the Boomers..... #123554
06/16/02 06:45 PM
06/16/02 06:45 PM
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45 till August 19th!

Re: A Nosy question for the Boomers..... #123555
06/16/02 06:55 PM
06/16/02 06:55 PM
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Snowshoe Offline
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Hi All!
I agree with Laura... Good Merlot does wonders for longevity! 1954 was a GREAT year! wave

Re: A Nosy question for the Boomers..... #123556
06/16/02 07:36 PM
06/16/02 07:36 PM
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sugnessie Offline
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Hi All! What a great topic! I have just turned 60, (yikes), some days feel and look like I am 40, and some days feel and look like 70!
This IS a great site, very friendly and helpful.
My husband and I spent the afternoon going to EB, Best Buy, and Circuit City. NO adventure games at all. What gives?

Re: A Nosy question for the Boomers..... #123557
06/16/02 07:57 PM
06/16/02 07:57 PM
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I'll be 54 on July 7th. But when I'm playing games, I am whatever age the main character is! wink

Row wave

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