Adventure to RPG
12/15/04 06:44 PM
12/15/04 06:44 PM
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I love all Adventure Games, cause I'm not too good at a lot of action and take, move, shoot, etc. So what I was wondering, is there any games that I could get; that are sort of easy for me to work my way into. Where I can take a moment to think out my moves or prepare myself for a quick action scene etc. This can also mean RPG or Adventure/Action Thanks
Re: Adventure to RPG
12/15/04 07:19 PM
12/15/04 07:19 PM
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Hi SKIPPIDY I would go with Baldurs' Gate. Some would say it is hard to get into, but I disagree. It has a nice learning tutorial (the beginning of the game). You can pause the action at any time to plan your next move. It has an okay manual and there are less enemies. It is slower paced than many others. The fighting is tactical and once you've mastered some favourite spells or moves, you can use them in most combat. You can play it at lower difficulty and the game ramps up to lots of fun and side quests in the main city. The story is setup nicely and the quests come slowly. Then, if you like it, you have all the gaming goodness of BG2 While Divine Divinity is a good game, there are a lot of enemies and basic clicking which can become tiresome. Perhaps you could also try Planescape Torment - apparently it has less combat than most other rpg's. I haven't played it myself. Good luck, whichever game you choose!
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Re: Adventure to RPG
12/15/04 07:59 PM
12/15/04 07:59 PM
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Might want to start with a turn base game. In these games, you make a move and then the opponent makes a move. Betrayal in Krondor is a game that you can download and play. In Divine Divinity, you need to react quickly so would start as a fighter (much easier to learn)hough can pause the game to think things through before acting but fighting is continuous. Also for most of the game there are a lot of side quests and all kinds of things to snoop er check to see what is inside. Takes awhile to learn how to do things and use keys. Does have a nice journal to keep track of what you've down and where you need to go to get the experience points. Zanzarah no pausing but fighting is fairly easy--just need to learn how to use left and right mouse keys and how to swap out fairies. Inbetween fighting how to change spells, catch pixies, and exchange fairies. Neverwinter Nights is also continuous fighting but can pause and can hire a henchman to help you. Lots of quests and things to do so don't get stuck just trying to do one thing. This one can play just using a mouse mostly. Check out the threads on the games to see which you would like better. Since a few adventure gamers have been playing these games, been different type of game discussions.
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Re: Adventure to RPG
12/15/04 09:46 PM
12/15/04 09:46 PM
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SKIPPIDY , I would recommend Zanzarah! It has the awesome graphics of an adventure game and a great story line! You go thru some plot lines and some training before you go out into the rest of the land and get jumped at by wild fairies! By then you know how to fight! This was my second attempt at RPG/fighter games, my first one was Divine Divinity and it over/underwhelmed me! Too much too soon! Really, try Zanzarah! There are lots of GBers to help you thru the questions and really, it is soooo great that you will want to play it many times over! It also will set you up to kinda "get" RPG/fighter games!
Just my 2 cents! <img border="0" alt="[santa]" title="" src="graemlins/santa.gif" />
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Re: Adventure to RPG
12/16/04 03:03 AM
12/16/04 03:03 AM
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Thank you all very much. You all have helped me out a lot. I will be investicating all your suggestions. Thanks again
Re: Adventure to RPG
12/16/04 03:47 AM
12/16/04 03:47 AM
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lots of boomers started rpgs with divine divinty and found it to be a great starting rpg. another great choice is anachronox. lots of adventure elements and turn based fighting.
disagree with choice of baldurs gate. lowering difficulty is not a viable option in this game. some pretty difficult combat encounters early on that could frustrate a newcomer. planescape however is a good choice. great story and much less combat than most rpg's.
Re: Adventure to RPG
12/16/04 06:19 AM
12/16/04 06:19 AM
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Skippidy - I started with D.D. Got into it after a few days and really enjoyed it. Great Game and I think it was my first RPG.
Looney - is Zanzarah a point and click game? Prefer to move character with point and click with just a few keyboard bits.
Have a good day.
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Re: Adventure to RPG
12/16/04 07:57 AM
12/16/04 07:57 AM
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Alice, Zanzarah is not a point and click..not really a true RPG either. It is a lot of fun though. I agree with Zanthia and the others. I think DD is the best game to start with. It was for me. And once played I was hooked. It is very gamer friendly and the mistakes you make are worthy of note. I would start with it. BG is fun, but not sure moving into both RPG world and "party" at the same time would have worked for much to learn. Let us know which game you've chosen Ingie
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Re: Adventure to RPG
12/16/04 11:08 AM
12/16/04 11:08 AM
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Good advice here, and as usual, Zanthia hit it on the button. Jen's suggestion of Dragonriders is good too - both it and Anachronox seem a lot like adventure games, with not much fighting. Anachronox does have some kind of tough arcade-like scenes to it though, and Dragonriders has some bugs. Both great games though. DD can be taken very slowly, and would be my suggestion as well. I adore Zanzarah, but it's a hybrid - it's also keyboard, and you might want to stick with what is more familiar to you to begin.
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Re: Adventure to RPG
12/16/04 06:26 PM
12/16/04 06:26 PM
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Hi SKIPPIDY! I have to add my two cents worth. I'm a Adventure gamer who didn't know what RPG stood for let alone playing one. I'm a point and click person with special "needs". Bad hands. "Divine Divinity" is the first and only completed RPG I have played. Fell in love with it! Played twice in a row and will do it again as a different char. then before. Being able to save after you've made a successful move, or saving before you make a stupid one, along with the pause function, allowed me to move at my own pace. Doesn't mean you can sleep through it (you can go do dishes ). Anyway, I'm a number one fan. I'm trying to get through "Beyond Divinity" right now. That one doesn't play well for me. The other games mentioned--I don't know. I did just check on "Anachronox" & "Planescape: Torment Fallout" on, and the only thing that bothers me is the fact that they aren't made for XP. I've had problems with older games and I'm not a good "tweeker". I'm running a Dell Dimension XPS Gen 2 Series w/Pentium 4. That's my two cents kids !! **Milee10**
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Re: Adventure to RPG
12/18/04 02:50 PM
12/18/04 02:50 PM
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I don't think anyone mentioned Morrowind. You can get the Game of the Year edition (which has two expansions) for around $20/$30. It is a excellent game. I know my way around action/rpg games, so I can't say with exact certainty that it would be good for a first rpg for an adventure gamer, but I find the combat is very easy (and there is a difficulty slider in the options to make it even easier). Basically I just click the mouse until enemies are dead, healing if necessary. The game pauses when you pull up your inventory, so you can take your time finding your potions. Morrowind is also a huge game. I've been playing it for about 6 months... still so much to explore! And I haven't gotten sick of it, which is really saying something for great game design, as there have been some RPGs I just got tired of playing, and quit. Have fun, whichever rpg you choose!
Audrey Currently playing: Morrowind, Syberia 2, Half-Life 2, Counter-Strike: Source Aggie\'s GameTZ Page
Re: Adventure to RPG
12/18/04 05:07 PM
12/18/04 05:07 PM
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Hi Aggie! I did send for a couple of other games to try. Morrowind Game Of The Year Edition was one of them. Payed $25.49 w/free shipping at Very good deal! I'm going to try it after I finish with Beyond Divinity. Sounds from everyones report that I could handle this one. Thank you for the extra info.on this. I bought Diablo 2 also, and that one will never be playable for me. My mistake (I make a lot of those ) Have a good one! **Milee10**
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Re: Adventure to RPG
12/19/04 03:19 AM
12/19/04 03:19 AM
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aggie, reason why i didn't mention morrowind even though i loved it is that i feel it may just be too open ended for a newbie to the genre. the game of the year edition is a great gaming bargain. it is also way too long for the first game.
milee, now that you have both DD and BD played you should be able to handle morrowind. it is not a hard game at all. as far as difficulty goes, it may just be one of the easier rpg's around.
Re: Adventure to RPG
12/19/04 03:54 AM
12/19/04 03:54 AM
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Originally posted by SKIPPIDY: I love all Adventure Games, cause I'm not too good at a lot of action and take, move, shoot, etc. So what I was wondering, is there any games that I could get; that are sort of easy for me to work my way into. Where I can take a moment to think out my moves or prepare myself for a quick action scene etc. This can also mean RPG or Adventure/Action Thanks I would suggest Knights of the Old Republic. This is last year
Re: Adventure to RPG
12/20/04 10:37 PM
12/20/04 10:37 PM
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Aggie, Just saw your post. How's should be studing, not game playing. Although holidays are great excuses. Ingie
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Re: Adventure to RPG
12/23/04 05:11 PM
12/23/04 05:11 PM
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Milee, you are not alone, many people here have tried RPG's and notice a distinct change in their enthusiasm when it comes to going back to adventure games.
I like to call it "Stepping to the Dark Side" (which is also a song from the broadway musical, Dreamgirls), after which one of 2 things will happen: either you stay here and play more RPG's or even action games exclusively, or you balance your game time between adventures and RPG's/Action games. Either way, choose whatever games keep your interest, there's room for everyone here.
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Re: Adventure to RPG
12/23/04 06:32 PM
12/23/04 06:32 PM
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Hi Popcorn! I got through my first semester as a grad student. It was rough but well worth it. I play games whenever I have the chance. Sometimes I can get away with playing, sometimes I can't play games for a couple weeks cause I'm so busy! But that's life. My fellow students and I like to tell ourselves that playing games is "research" since we're going into computer graphics. I have definitely crossed over to the "Dark Side" because I play RPGs and Action games almost exclusively. I'll still play an adventure or two, but I definitely have much less enthusiasm to play them than I used to have. Especially when it comes to "Myst clones" - I avoid them, because they bore me now. I used to love them! Weird, huh... If I play an adventure game, it's probably of the 3rd person variety.
Audrey Currently playing: Morrowind, Syberia 2, Half-Life 2, Counter-Strike: Source Aggie\'s GameTZ Page
Re: Adventure to RPG
12/23/04 07:22 PM
12/23/04 07:22 PM
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Hi Schwab35! "Myst" was what got me into computers and games to begin with. Started one because of the other (VERY late bloomer). Didn't think I could surprise myself with anything anymore ----think I'll sit a spell **Milee10**
Everyone has a photographic memory...some just don't have any film. Mine was over exposed.
Re: Adventure to RPG
12/24/04 01:20 AM
12/24/04 01:20 AM
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Originally posted by SKIPPIDY: I love all Adventure Games, cause I'm not too good at a lot of action and take, move, shoot, etc. So what I was wondering, is there any games that I could get; that are sort of easy for me to work my way into. Where I can take a moment to think out my moves or prepare myself for a quick action scene etc. This can also mean RPG or Adventure/Action You could look for action/adventures that have a god mode. It keeps you from getting killed while you pore over the manual figuring out which button you use to pull your gun out. The Fifth Disciple is good - almost an adventure game with a type of turn-based combat that is more like a strategy minigame than combat. Unfortunately the place that used to sell it overseas is out of it, so you'd probably have to buy it used.